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Third term test

Written Test Group B Class: ___ Name & Surname: ___________________


Ex. 1Look, read and complete. (10 marks)

s __ m __ __ __. a __ __ __ m __ __ __ nt __ r __ pr __ __ __

GRAMMAR Ex. 2 Underline. (12 marks)

0 I go/goes to school every day

1 We doesn’t/don’t drink orange juice at night.

2 He get/gets up at seven o’clock.

3 Does/Do you like onions?

4 We listen/listens to music in the afternoon.

5 They don’t/doesn’t have lunch at one o’clock.

6 Does she brushes/brush her teeth every day?

Ex.3 Circle. (10 marks)

0 I’ve got some / any popcorn.

1 We haven’t got some / any sausages

2 There isn’t some / any chicken.

3 There’s some / any pasta in my lunchbox.

4 Can I have some / any pizza, please?

5 Is there a / some carrot in the fridge?


Ex.4 Ask and answer. (8 marks)

    

A: Do you like biscuits? B:_____0) Yes, I do!

A: Do you like popcorn? B: ______________ 1) !

A: Do you like chips? B: ________________ 2) !

A: Do you like chicken? B: ______________ 3) !

A: Do you like hot dogs? B: ____________ 4) !


Ex.5 Read and complete. (10 marks)

Saturday, ride, get, afternoon, breakfast, play

My favourite day is 0) Saturday. I 1) ____________ up at nine o’clock

in the morning and I have a big 2) ___________ with my mum and
dad. Then I go to the park with my friend, Cory. We
3) ____________ football and we 4) ____________ our bikes. In the
5) ______________, we have lunch together. I love Saturdays!

Mark 1 2 3 4 5
Points 0-11 12-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Good luck!

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