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r | ,l-H..a Donated bythe Covc.nm€nt of

Hangulcnnr' the Republic ot Koreo(KOICA)

ol ZI9 rlld.('l

ol i4:6.|+q I elglbqg+ol71 9611 7lqEl9tl. 'EJ6l7l'= oJ$4olJ {=+

kqC zlgge 6lq Eqltr ++ ^}n4€€ d4le 6Jq
rKorean speakingi
rle+ ^lzl4E
qE'J=g TIad i^lq4 g+zJ-=
dgd sF: *7.1 9+g TlrJ F.J bJ=oli+ €*q^l
E^j, 7l+9 6J=q "5"171 i^ll7l ed;J clnl' bqg aEl +'Zlq:'14 E;lE+: +419'l

I Tlzlr -d.4l 4gql +"161S.4.

1]+zlalg EJotTl i49 ql++ EEolq qq= 7le ilTl 9l6J+trgs^l r+€ 4
dlfla, 47lqlq7l 7)++ +,Irl^l E ollllqol *7lq zlglel+ol+ €all'€g 7l^l7l c59
4. "5"lzl i4lql s6JElq 9l: EE €€ E6J Eq +B +dq €Eql +q EBol
e Hgqtl a6}q ,J6lol t46J golql^l 6J+q slal +qg 7l+71 9lq! aolEa 6t7l
rl. olrldJ 6J+q EJ6t7l i.4l ce i+9 +rilag *rl e+qE olq4^l dc6J slcl +d
Ee+ +F ^Js4l+ +qg +a6tzl *5J ill 91719 ol6ll bq, qflelEH4 449 +
a4: aql 7l?6lrlLl qlallFl: g6Jalcg sol-L 94.
El6J7l= E}= aol qgil
H],+€"]tr 1+ oJql{es Bo}7}^l Ell+ ^Jqlz}= "J9 + 9la'
'EJ6l7l':r q€ tq
*oE dzl5'4l 7l+9 0l+6ll^1 75 el^|+f,€tri 9l: ol ^l'llql
olul 4d
7l+BrlE +-o617 g+4oltl. ;J+q ;-l+9 E+"J6J +4C ++6t71 +l5J a4:=
* z1z1o1 4e1- lgqr oiB;l i2g9 €zl,,LZIg 7lq6li. zlEJ6J ag, =44olj1 zl€^zJ
.g,bJ+q +^lqql El6Jql+49 9.+7I ,J+;t+a+El6lfl7l 'ql+qE-r.
rKorean Speaking
rKorean Speaking Beginner - Easy for Foreignersr 3+ trrll9 7E9Y

tntermediate - Theme - based.i ?; Jrllg qlE4'J ?E+. a4l' 546J +41

qld€4ee ^l+q: +q +E 6}+rl raol E*9 4l'rlolol +ll= *+614 s
'+41'€ +doe ;lol +c4e'+ q+6ll
€.J + 9]= 6J+q clcl +q9 7l= + 9ltl. Erl,
ol6J+q +83€B6lr€Eu4 €8, +8, qoJ, qr# aB97l ql+ql aq6laEZI€

:B4 +qe' 6le- bqg 7lg+ 9lEl. .jl4l, 3ts i^l= tsll3lblq e jil314 414l6J+

++ +Eg ol€ol 7lq qTlil ^J+q^l ++6J + llE i+ zlgg s6J4EI. ,-Jl

d .g + 9lE+ plE ke s€ +€+ El6lq iil^ldlr qlzl, Bl+l lrJ-ol7l F9 €+ +

iI €g

4l^l6l9El. E+dr||, E}+z}g oldll= tolTl 96ll +e.6J +H €gr+ ed s€g tE6}
9r €+ 344 ++5E Hl+4ol7l ql+ql alTl q+ol 7R'614
etr+ €=: i4lE *41 + s+€, ol7lg, +alg, .lzlg d^89 rrJ 6-Eqj1+ daq^l

zl49€ E4lE4g +4le+61:r EIF] 4ds€ tolzl 9+ i+ 'll€€ +oJ6l7l 94 q q il
4 El99-t tr€, dg, +d, trg # t!,E}. I €€-e rKorean Speaking Beginner - Easy for
I Foreigners l-aql olq rKorean Speaking Intermediate - Theme - based
I 6;.-i4l€.,^Jql 4+ril qfl+. +Ll € +dq "J6lzl e9= +.!6tjr., zl=9 E
B^lq!: €a zlg ; s= +q EBE €gqg,i+71 961l ^ls 4ilE+ trEdl.r +c,
I trS6l94El qd6l +C+6laqEl# 4+ol "*g 4 oe dzl+El +q ol zlg
I ^l€:61=
;J+q i le+ €+xle=g "tg a4rl Elst+ol 9l7l= 714fl+. +E= a? 6J+q "5lrl

{I zl *9.t t-Ev]=9 gng Eld+Hrl g#

aB6le4 :1^J6l4l
d7l4l BBzl54 a
EIll l .JAqE E+6}rll +q EBg 7l+g ++dl +t 44+ i+H4lE,J^t6l
.' ^1Eil4.
4. ol Tlqq 4rlee,al+q +q €+q +.Hg zlar qlrl6ln *: eEqzl 'evl7l *rn

d"Jrt= r.flE6|q

ol 49 ^l+
rKorean Speakingr:- -Er'- l2tloe ol-=-qAgq -i;', +i.. n+ z+4 4g-oe -7dgEl
i++ *+rl 7l:-3 +des-, ++-3 +zll .ll, i1;3 61-=, ql TltiJ+ -Ern i+4d.1 "l+
EIS.E+. 4 .3,_q eots +ge_ 7lg-" e EUoJ 2it.^19 +gS 4+,tlql eB + "Jr.+. €
4199.+. ,ri4^J dJ+q ^lE€€ .Jjr "J+nl: rlql :+6J xEg =H ql+^l7l qnl 5q
3 +l+4qe +A;lr dqtr, 'll"J' dJ Rql 6J 341 ^l+6lJ^l' ++6Jog4l 1'Jql 124-=o -E
+ "t3 + 9lEl
rKorean Speaking Intermediate - Theme - basedr # 5-8e +q 9^14:i€ 9.J !ll+

zll€- 204e dd}jl r dl9l +zI= 1104-? rllesFlil ;J tlg 35711 +g o E +d619+. ttl4^l

EF l40zlel qlszl oJ "5"l71 +illq +q +B 6J+ 2804= $zll ltd o e rl.rla|$Q. 5?4 6
flg 7u.J€ oe'.+€ ++t-oe "JqL+: g{4t +11= +e 4+fla, 73+ 8fl3'^}q€'
_"e .J^Jzj t +47t olLJ /.Inl3 +4 +ql^l gq+-: +413 #d4e+ ea3;194.
'+zll + + E oltlq qln+ Aq^lzl 9.(145-. 3 6J dl +d.l El: +,ll= gElalq, qlille 9
41,7.17J. 1lB, €.ll Fg zll+oe'Jg"l +t-.qEf.i1l3#$oeaJ;J+q nlel 'D4: rloJ

6J ql}i-F6lr dH= j1+6}!-, E54oln 4'.}4.J ++3 rl+g a"l+.

^lnl +rj+lnl
B -r;U= 6* *U ":Eq q+^lql4 +e6J 1l€4olIE ?l!Iz:t 9^li5 +7ll=,ql+
dlqq. 4 EJSS "lusd ^JrJg +d €+ g
^l+ Eel^JS +olrzl
n+;lol xll^ldloJ
5'g ql l-Jzle +^Jgq.. 7ll^lEJ +^l!Ie 4 r-J?l=- €HdlE q+r+ e+

33E +rltqL qaf 3JE7l=3 s:d= 7|]4l .s€6lq 6ln

trB-.JLt s^l Ed3 =
^13 Ll^lrll -dE|1= al6frlHLl: ^ll^ *E
^ ^l8€ql
3 F-z^l tlise= A6|] rll^ olflI q^lFlg trloll: 449 0 CEll=
n+ s.J6H rl 4 qlC s-.le :rle+ a+^f7 | "J^f4L= +nBJ
LHafe ^l6tgllf
Tfrlsl E+^f7l + 9l: +qrll 833
= rll3.J+
7[{] = 0lcl^l 0 6_4a Ed=^f8g
^fP:r1l 90t, eE|l, 715, if34oe 5

Edl:tll, qoJolLl GII/I= 9r ql ZP oL=q Ll1=.J

€BE FEE[+. 0l= =
5olj EA^l: =Ed|= =99
+^l E^14= 3E +q
01= LloJ.J EcE d-J + 91zl qq =€:fl E^145 dfEf0ll^l -.J+01^l
7f q=7ll qqt-g + ?Ll
^f8q:r =
.J+ol +a^Eol EolTl +13 4 +^l E r]lE 3+0^l t 0l= E
:dg Lfl8ql r++ ^l++Edlq g
ql^lle 1fl3= + 7f^le
*ts a:go| flq!+:st4l ^11^l-dq.
+qEoe4 6[8 EgE +Illql "]= ttgrd
oJ6l7l 7ftsdfE+ d|l q--Jr+. ArgE E:dp 7lg drllAoln
fl^alS gi+7f 5lE= ,Js^f, 2JF^1, U+ +q! s:d3^l
4lttl6J ga1 tl=01 ,149 =Et,EeEoll Eqq=E CA q"JE
o|q E+:d ^11^lprLl.
E0l9 016ll= EI gel5-lg tolE= "Jt+. ^ll3

+olTl Eq+ Ea3 SE ?q Egol E6JE E30e q^lldfllf H

*6lq geldl= E+3 :dll. 0l= 5611 4 Atgo EgE Eq _9d=
"Jg qlE4 E+^t7l= 40t 7t56|1flq. g+ Erltg 9E
3 *0ll Lf3.jd E:do +r1lE SEE 7-10:|l9 B,,.lol(cue word)E
+q +Ee At3 ?q EE3 E6dlq+:.J9e4 +gal ?ll x1551
E elel 5+E +36H ,J + ?lE= roJElflrt. r+oJ-d q9e+ oleql
EA3 56 "jd E:.J= q86lE= E=r+.

olAtq qcl SqrE Elle 6lq oHB 7l5nl

-+fl01 E=ddg "!

sE +q EEe +E0ldtn :xll4oJ += 9^1453 :^lt
e +="JoH + 9lE+ ^lE6lq
+5Elqq. q--J= "J "JE. Eq+ 5 r-+oJ=.J "J
6t7t 9E3 ll^ldtq ,_lrtE id s30lt "Jxt EEa + 9I= q^t= +
flgq l^l7l 013=g ?llr gol gal q+-E lll36fqq. 0l= rlB
+=g 86fl -J9 ^le
-d l7lE=dlq TIEE oJ-.J Lt1EolLlg3g oJd
i+ goJS ^l
dq4qe gE--J + 9lE+ H|1a16fqq. +, i^f7l ir|]g
t^l q1e +93 6lr+7t qE H+7t g8F]fl3 ql aa--J + 9l: rt"J
i+ goJol s-JElol "Jtf. C53 idql lll-.J5]^l grl .5ll
o_4qql^l 43d1 5 + 9,1==g ?i3 {^log 5nE+.
I ^lE ^13.53


iHol rL.gBi

6Iol 79
?J4 @ Tlgr+ €+ 7 @
ffi HLoIzLZ '11
s 83

& t3 s 87

@ 19

#) .J44=g
ffi 23 -+E

SE @ r+^l
7!.E) 27 95
& ,l.ll]L JI
@ ^le 99

€ c4

ela @ ol$ rllzl 35

s& olcl
tol4 107

@ t9 39
w 111

& 43
@ +j1 "3-/.i 1 15

& q4l 47

@ +arI
-+sl cl
@ =e++a ^l+j 11e
@ ,i.Jr+ +a
@ +E

s "l€€ 123

@ +Cd 127

@ gsl+ 131

rllE & ^lr+ 63

s s..!S 135

@ a&
+al 67

@ 4eulr.4ilEl 139

@ HBtl B4l 71

& €tl 75 s "++ Bgr+ 143

llofl zrdrl
Htold O I





-(?t/fl/H)q(9)! oio r 6r;

c!+q5al,{l-dql --J4.jolgl I passed the Korean tanguage

A : IJ testl
B:€ +6f6l|9l Reay? Congratutationsl
A : ffol? ?4 E0l 3j2e 0lAol! Did you see? Our team won the garne three to twol
B : c LloJ d=6f:=9! At teast, we are going to the finalsl
A: Eqq llE0l eltoll At last the test is overl
A: tq 8+= EJit0lgr I got the fu schotarshipl
A: Hrl t!+71 '8aq9l I sot a boyrriendl

1. '-(9ti fl/g)q(e)!'= .Jq\] gC r+4Lll: s€ol+. s+, l, ,'e e\+ F

EllBq r+rlql
'1, ,'o1o19 s+oe €\] t^le+ 6d+^lql:,-gq(e)t,=
^l+ eso ^Hl='-9iq(s)t'=,
'dl+' ^f+
+E+. 9ql:'-flq(9)l'71 eil6lq -flq(s)!'e 4oJEl. '-(9,t/fl/r)q(e)t s an expresson
used to descrlbe what happened before the t rne of speech. when the sterf of a verb or an adjective has
, r'it is comb ned with -?,t0l(g)l', and when the stem has one of the other vowels, it ls combined
'-?q(9)1 . n sentence of ending in oft+', '--iq(9)r' is used with the combination of -Rq(9)1 .

2. oi SCg "J6J Ell9

q4: ,.r6lq, E
€+4tr Eg €Eg E+ 6lrJaolr|. rhis expression is
sard In a strong tone, and in a slighfly falling intonation

rllrl 7Jg!i _7
3. TPle '-(9I/$./$q!_e "J6lq q4+ q.J q^l 9le+ El+614.
^lolql.q: 4'+'-s'71 $."1
Between c ose friends, this express on s used without the marker '-9' such as -(?I/q/fl)q l'. Ihe tone
and intonation are simiLar to the above case.

-(o)E 7l= O[Ll0[ 'm not in the mood to- (0o2)

?4 9]4l6f 3l qerl? Shall we go out to eat?

+ Il= "J q= 7lE olLl0l. l'm not in the mood to eat now
Etl{ill ++ oJoJtll? ol{ El. What on earth is it? Tell me.
rl=3 0H7l5J
= tf8ojl
7l= otLlol. ol|. l'm not in the mood to talk. Let's talk later.

4 86l Hal ,J 7lE olLlol. I'm not in the mood to go to a movie.

tl+ Ug 7lE olLl0l. 1'm not in the mood to meet friends.
LJI 0H7l 7lE ofLlof. I'm not in the rnood to isten to you.
=q =

1, '7le'dl4: *gzl €rllg ,J4 /.JEll= +Elqlqe ol $€3 '-_1 Aal *+'9 g'lel "ll+ +^t
alQ. -(e)e 7l+ol olqot's 4q €zl9 ac
^JEll= t46l7lE +q. "Jaol 9l:t.^l 9ql
:' 7l+g olqot'=. Edol 9E 5,<l 5lllb'-= 7l+ oll-loI'= ^|!-o 6JQ. Q, plol 'e'o.] 2
+'a'9 Bq^la $'-e zl$ ofLlo|'e +El. tql zl+ E 7l+ oll-lol. As the word T E: ndicates
the speaker's emotional conditlon, this expression js very slmllar to the mean ng of --tr dIl gltt . Used in
thelormof -(o)- 7lE0l 0lq0['tcanemphaszethecurrentemotionalcondition lt is comb ned with a 1. '-t
verb, and -=715:otq0f'susedafteraverbwithafinalconsonant,while'-a TlEi otLlol is used after
averbendswth a', t is directlv attached wth -=
a verb without a final consonant. When the stem of
7 5: olllof after removing the a

2. EI Zl A++ oi+ 7l-43 r.Flql ^f*4q 7H.+ 6J q^lH 6Jql

^f+6171 "J.t"I6f,4. rhis s mostly
used between friends. lt's not to be used when ta k ng with an older person than the speaker.

"JOl €AE fill cood news (o$)

. +l4l6l+Ll EoJ aolg. lt's like a dream that I got a job
. Llqlzl 01fl g0l .gTlLll-l eE+7lSqg. lcan't believe that this thrng happened to me.
.Il g= *qe. IjlTl -Jqgzlg. lgotpaid. l'lltreat you.
'qE Lf -J?:-l+ E|. oh,mycod tthink tpassed thetest.
=0f, ^l:doll
. 6"J0l0l? i+7f 3+doe E-J 7l0F? Really? Am I selected as a scholarship student?
. €Dl EP 0f qdll? N,4aybe it's not a dream, right?
Lfg "J0l 8a= Eil Bad news (ru)

. fl oJ g 9l0l9? ls there any bad news?

. oJ.!401 g=3Sl ++ oJol01l9? You have a long face. What's the matter?
. 0l+aE 6l-A {rl oJof9. I don't want to do an}'thing.
.gn#qg. lwant to cry 1
. 41 3offolg. ltotally lost rny appetite.
' -l'J tlq a1 fl. Jusl eave me alonA. !

. dn dxl gl0l. I don't want to lrve .il
. 0|.301 olqq. I'm sick at heart. / Something is breaking my heart.
. 6l] I'm awtully distressed r+
. 0lqle ,\lz0l B4 qalgE I hope time will stop at this mornent.
=flq. .lI
. -e-: ll + +|eol I'n tired ol eveMhing.


1. '-(?,t/S./fi)q(e)l'= "J6H E^lle.


+q oppr
' =oL

^l-d0l ...'-.)
4) A--f=9 ELI +
t' LiTtil-trL
c/ r.H t lFl


414 7 gnl

2. '-(o)= TlEi otLl0f= "J6H H^119..


3) gq Hal Tfll 'r


4) ^tf
DH tFf -(o)= 7lE 0f qoF
6) Il6tE fr I

> .l=0ll 9lfltrJ g4 Llg g01l tll6ll -+€^frlzl ?.lEl+= ='J+. golt-+ +=
"Jol CeE rll
=e =e
7lE0l qH:rl. +E€ tl=rl Eg "J6tr f T|EE ol-Jll Efl6lE €=E^l 345fl Etl.

> q34'Je 8gql ?,tqr 7|'8-d + EJdtTl gEE +="J:dtl. EIE dg=3 ?ddll E= 'ZiE @
.=r I ^lq

qlqa+'-lEf. 7l.Eol oJol
t ++LlEl. il+7f g+E sq Tfzfn aJLlEt.

6J+ojEaj^ EJql |
l nj+Ll cf .

5++g gqHlal+LlEf.

++ 7d7lql^1 +el EJol ola+LlEf.

6J EJ *.oJ oltnl gx eBl€ Ell sJxE E


1. I) "J+q5al^t-eqt -J=itq(e)l 2. 1)g qE 7lE otllol.

2) +4 EJol ol2iq(e)l 2) 0H7 -J 7lE 0lq0l.
3) eHq(e)t 3) g4Ea1 e 7E 0tL-101.
^te0i 1.
4) AE;S "Jtq(e)
5) LJ^fnl+7f €aq(e)l
6) EE ?01(e)L
7) eruE dq(e)l
EIelul= N

+t6J ztrF qrlrc{l

l.[ I'AAl' rrl
Er-lrEfzioF EJrr:, - l
I Ef,tEtrtrtr
ojor Fr_9.? 4+oj '? rElzi +A{9.



E| -(./E)tl=1l g0 lflr9 ? : -. -.-::::-se? loo5)

A : 0lgd|1.9. 30EE *3 I A::9 - :.": i. ce 30 minutes late.

B:7 Z q fl=ql 3f=: --==1= 4i "Jol q9?
^f =BJ ^
Does tmakesensethar j:,,. ::i: -^-::: a:€ ',.,ben it's almost time for the traln to leave?
A : 4l+.JLlLf. E ElslL.llr x;1 ; _-] =.r.9.
Sorry. Please wat a mc-a-: -:-:::::-: aa:<ag.
B:+=-d^l)f fldtJI.L1 i --=,: 7i c=10 E|g?
Does make sense tf'rar s-:-: =--=
,.:: :-::--:.,t srdered t ong ago.
A : 0ll1l gf,\l Pa4lcl= ll "Jo =' c l::: : -a<: scnse that you don't know about it now?
A:-olllial --J -J uoll t+= 3^'= zl "Jol 5ll?
Does it make sense
i-;: :-i -:-":: a'a-'a' -?. one month after breaking up with her ast
A : g.t1l= r LJSqlE
Sf,qI^- = ,1i g0l 5t1?
Does it rnake sense tf ;'.'= .. a -'a ': ::: :^: -a-:nly rent again after ra sing it last month?

'-(./LJ4y ll a t - :-.-, .: _-r' l or +rJ: .J q: "Jol .Jq+!

rSol 9lr
1. "ll+ Erll;Jg +
4q: *d9E, olB.l-..:. --:.-:.:,, ::- "Jn dal gg'J+54=t+ql +e
€+^tL+ 9l+ e-.= - = =.+"l'i4
.,.: :: -
€{ q:
+ d 9q:
7I "j.l 9l(s)?=
^l.sgrl. -j L'+6l=.J]. *a"l 9.1= 5^l 9ql: -:El:21^}+
=; =': - : :
6JEl. 5^19 ?* -. "J
rll24 Ehel uf= 11
.l ql(s)?-=, tsJ?01 s5 5;rl 51o11: . El:7ll Eo1 5ll(g)?^}.*;JEi.
-(L/:)Lt: xl DJlrlEll(
9)? inclicates the speaker is very annoyed at somethinllthat should not happen in speakeas oplnion, and
is mainLy Llsed n a stualion '/ihen speaker is surprised so much as to wanl to deny a certaln stLlation or
state -Lf:4! "JOIEU(91?'susedafteradjectves, !,Llf/f,Lf and pre-lina endngssuchas -fl/?l/q
afcl ' Verbs are conblned wtfr' L/:Li rll "JOl EH(g)? and when lhe stem has a linal aonsonant
' 7l E=fO Etl(g)? is used and when the stcm of a verb has rlo flna consonant - L Lf: lll "J0 Ell >i
(9)? s useci

2. e5;gz1e] 9€ tsJ+ee q4:7J-6l7,ll *+:1 sl

-rq] 'll6J +d"l'+ 5++9
=ls usua y lsed as a response ol den a or surpr se at someone's words and is sa d
* o q g€+l:l Thrs
na strollg ns fg lone

- fJOt(9)! You see-/l to o yor I


A: E4 gfr Come qu cklyl

B : rl= 7fI 9l#otgl You s€e I'ni conr ng

A : dil 6 EJol .?1. Get the phone

B : Ll Il= EJal H E E€oll You see 'm watching TVI
A : -E qqq*q9? LHTf qal fl "J="j#ol-g'l YoLr forgot it aga n? | to d you many t rnesl

A : TV 4al Lf Il= le+"JS0ll Lower the vo ume on the ry. You see I'm gettlng the phonel
= =q.
9ll#0ll I to d you not to ta k io meL

1. -g.l(s) -: lzlul o13q1 oll]l gloJ 6I,! 9r ?l++ d4ltr olEl +9 t}+g 9:t il;q1 e1 u]'
;JEll rfl s1g;lL+? dl: €rlli+ E:4-e^rl$ +4: s€6t= Ell
^l+++. +^l+ €+^l
9l q +r+ e.J-"J.}. -#01(9.) s used when expresslng the speaker's unpleasant fee ing or annoyance
( nrply ng Why do you ask n-re although you kno\,t/ faty s tuation? ) on the prern se ihat lhe I stener a ready

knows somelhing lt is combrned wilh the stem of a verb or an adject ve

2. qlrl r1-7+ ol+ Tlzl+.(lolql 7l:.+.J .?l^lg-plEll tsolot "J+. rhis is rncsfly
^l+;lLfwhen ta k ng ^l+61^l
used bet[/een fr cnds lt's not to be lsed ',!ith an older person than the speaker

oJ0l 0|BEHE ElIl LJ ltfl when you

.9j0t trt=01 set annoyed
because sotneth ng does.'t go lve (oo7)

' Lf ZEalll ot. alone

. Lf +l#o Llrf lllg lH Fl. m tlred ol everyth ng, so JUst eave me alone
.! =
[f. Lf 7lE geoi. Don't get me to ta/k I'm feeling down
. Il= Lf +7llL]l t's tota ly annoy ng
. Lf Xl= 3+6fn 1: Z'J.Eq?= 436 6|]i Don'tyousee'mstudvng?Bequetl
' 01fl Z UlTf 6tE oJ Ell? can't vou handle this kind of thins?
._Etllill =
E fl= "J6fLl? How many did ltellyou?

||E||oJOl trl== LJ
Ql when another person is annoyed ftoi
. Ul= +4Il 0[. Don't show your annoyance.
. d3trg 9l| Lll? Why do you show your annoyance?
. EgE olHEll 9ll [f=0101? Why are you annoyed when its no big deal? r!
. Efol. Have patience, please. ,, !
.g=9ll f4=ql? rl=01+ Lfl-Z. what's the matter with you lately? You easily get annoyed
. 0lC+q 9ll
nl=o101? Why do you show your annoyance from first thing in the morning?

. &5 Ur+r H7l 34^lll? !ll0

Whal difference dose it make though you're annoyance?

EtTl LJ 'SEllHJ= Ejzj llll wnen you catm an ansry person down (omD

. db ll 0l7l= Zqlg. Patience wins.

. 4=EJ C'elll.g. Have a little more patience.
. T!86tn q Hlllg. Calm down and lislen to me.
= =ol
' old+n 34€ d flo19. This ooesn't change anything.
. LllTf 80f. You tolerate it.

1. '-(r/!)cf! 4l "Jol 5ll(9)?'= "JdH H419.

1) + fl=rll 30E0tLt
="J ^l,J =r+
Ll 7l+al0l ElrI

3) 0lrll el^l Eaa+

4) -ollqd rl -d -J Uql e=6t+

6) u 6f+ .Joil n80l Lf+

ot4lrl^l + -dlt
rlt24 Erq &= 13
2. '-B0t(9)!'= "J.-H E.,\19.

2) SallHlt ELt

3) qq fl "Ji.t+

a'| + l
oJaft =dLt -i11-
6) L[ oJ6l+


ql raJ=
> flr1l EtTl Ll=rl, +7f 'J rfloil: q*J4l 6l=rl al=oll += S 401 ?lttE
Il 0l0F7l6H llE lE ==trt.

> qg4 ee E Ttrl dgql ?!Lfl 7f8-.J + "J6t7l gEE +=d-ettrf. 4'=
d=|== +3611 EL B
= =Ll.
LfloJ SsnJ ^lEJol
olol^l n+nflot 6fi.Ell €.4lol E 7h + t+ EllE ELltrl.

LJzf 1l+ E= qzf il+e+ Af+l^l 7l+ol oJ +g 1j E t'J+LlEf.

"J+ ^ltol
alLJ:.EllE fl+7t e1l PJ+LIEt. l+qlzl tclE

rlle t +cfl+g il+7|. EJqE4^l -?.:J'ol

LJ+LlEf. a{6tztl gflzloJ E7l $eJ+qEl.

I saJoJo LJah 1+e+ EllolE nfTlE *+LlEl. -l alEll LJal1+7f z+El 4loJg 6Eal oJ+
1^l'JolLf :t+LlEf.


1. 1) t+ fl=tll 30E0lLl 1l "J0l ql(g)? 2. l) xla 7lr ?do(.g)l

=g ^l,J
2) Ll 7lq4of Erl:4 "Jol
q(e)? D ?4lEtd sd0(e)l
3) o ril qaaq=
e+^1 1l "Jol q1(9)? 3) qat fl "J'itao(e)l
4) rl =zt
c uoll nl "Jol Ell(e)? 4) rle dE+gdo(e)l
"olT! =E'Jq=
g^]lE E Eflrf: 1l "Jol 5) "J "J+n eldo(e)l
6) tr 6t+ "J0 neol ur+= ll "J0l ql(e)? 6) L-t
oJ6t€o(e)! z
7) ofrlrf^l rl * rlt+:41
.Jol ql(g)? 7)^lncdol(9)l


iBr ?jor tle Lrtf
+3 rjtr ?19 rrc4r.g.
rjToi of)_itg.

-D! 'rl
J-rddo{ S Eorrro: ]
o{rHlt.9-? ..\



El%| -(9)E 0IIlIl(9)?,,,rai' : ao1 of

A : .JE 9471 0H71-sf Olllxlg? Vr/hal f he heard our conversat on?

= =floE
B : Bclofg. z47l ?lo1^l R 4qi9.
=?=cecaise c: Ihe distance
It's okay. He may not have hearo

!E csq^l
A: E Olnillg? V'/.a: ii I ia i rne test again?
B: gr0 :dsLlrl 913 Zq I 4€ !f^119.
You prepared
a lot, so
you w ldc " 3 Jcr t Y/orry'

A : g7f flo E Oltrlxlg? Whai i the:? s nc iicket?

A: .sE0l [f3011 E oln]rlg? \rhar Li he/she doesn t lke the present?

A : E d+6lE
q4rl9? What if ln ake ancther mistake?

1. (e)E q4lzl(lI)?= 4ddlE^l ts6j ql

^i+;1: *€olE.l.
tsJaol 9l:5^l'l €+^l 9ql: -
s ts q4l4(s)?5
*aol $.44 = 'Ja.l '^l: +^1.+ €+^t gql: ts q4lll(s)?
(q)E qllll 9 ? s ,se : .'r.en lhe speaker talks whje being worrled about sor.eth ng
= ^l+6J4.
or someone -oE q]I]r(91? s !s.! a:er a veitl or an adlect ve w th a f nal consonant whi e -E 0l]IJIL
(9)?' is used after those wiihout a ina as.soraot or \,\'ith the a asthefnal consonant

2. ,-(9)H qxlzl(s)? tql*ol olu 7,l'/il6JE| gg 6J otl. 49 tql%l"l *qF_ *q*g B9 ,l

461^l gri ezf "J_g 6J dlls.,t13'r3 + 9.1=ql ol ,e +qlE 9^l 416lq "J6f= Tlbg AE+,

rl l+ 4'J 15
can also be used when the speaker ta ks to oneself and doesn't expect the listener s
(o )E ol nlll(9)?
answet The express on lrnplles the sarle worries or doubvsuspicion n tl'lis case' too
-(o)=t(9.)? questions given wth worres or doubVsuspiclon |fi1)

g=rfll 4lll + E'J + 9t=rlS? Can I f nlsh mv assignment todav?

B Ll g + 9tS 40[. tl gq You can do it Cheer up

++ .J 9,t= z ofHrt? eI ta|= E g^l?
ls sornethlng wrong? Why isn't she answering my call?
t+,l.l -d E Eqoll H+. Call her once more
d0ll g Did she arrive home safe?
01 I\101\ 8+6$E gll? Can \ ca\\ her at this ime oi the

goJoll E 7lE Sd=tlS? lsn'titokavif ldon't attend the meeting?

47= 9:5^1.+€e.^i+lq:' a7t?=

^l+{l4 +' Eaol '= oJ
^tso6l-r., 'Ja.l (o)-t(9)?'indicates the speaker's worries or doubvsuspjcron'
gBq^la+' =4?=g'J4.
ll ' 3zl? is used after a veril wtn a linal consonant or an adlectve ard - e f? is used after a verb or an
a word ends with e it is aombined wlth - a
ad]ectlve without a final consonant When the stem of 'l?
after remov ng the a

qlqlE 6J + gt4 tqll ilLi tJ+Bzls?

2. '-(e) =4(s)?': ^Jqlo}g 96Jg E4Ll 4l+5J ^ie"
'-(9)=rt(9)? can lre usecj wnen asking for the Listenels opinion or making a suggestlon

ttll When feellng anxious (014

' "J ?! 6tlE Erlg? ls it okay if I don't iell the truth?
. 0f+ g S.=rlg? Do vou think we will have oo problem?
. d0l += .Jol 9t= Z 0f L]7J{Ilg? lt's not that something bad happened to hirn'/her/them' right?

. ql "J= 96ll=9l3rt 4E0l0ll9. I'm worried that he/she might have misunderstood me'

. Eg S.fl6? EveMhing must be okav, right?

. olE6frl? What can I do?
. olE What can I do?
. f.H ga= S#3'l? Will ii be okay if I just pretend not to know about il?
. . I'm desperately worried.
=oJ6H =4lLf
. rCZl 9!€+E=6lLl? Whv are vou so nervous?
. LIP gol dZ e 0lLlntxl? lt's not that something bad happened' right?

I 16 a€
g Z17l =J IIll when you are worried lot{

. E Eat*.7JlIl? lguess he/she/they anwed there safe' right?

. gg 5 84 q L'l? Do You eat well?
. 3g E If? Do You sleep well? !
. olLl Ol= tll= gtl? Do vou have anv health problem? t:
. 9ll 0l=11 E+Ol oJ 5ll? lt's so hard to contact hirn/her!

. d01l: Did vou anive home safe? =

= =Ol7ll]?
. dd6l !l-g+. Eat slowly, oryou will have an upset stomach ,.11
' Il4+ 4alE Elql. Ithat goe's on she/he willfalldown'



6Jdll E^119. i.I

1. '-(o)E q4^l(9)?'=
tl r 9al7f
' '
0H7lp=f 4 5?tl

2) ^lCql


4) El=oll "J
+ -t'lt*^6 ,

5) d+6llt
qlllTl gf
^\ =Ll

7) 7lif7f

rlt34 4E 17
2. -(o-)=i7f(9)? ,\fE6ll^1 "JdH Flll9.
1) g=rf^l nfrl Lf E'J +911f

,) =! oJ 9,1: Z oil Lf
3) Eoll a =cl?.tlf
+ (o)Er(e)?
4) 0l
ditd|]E ElLt

5) oJ 7tE rJdlf
.\ rLr otq O:U6Hrt

7) ^l=
7f E ?ilf

> qg4 ee I 7f^l deJql ?LfI 7f€--J + "J6l7l g53 +A:dq. 4t= dg== 7€6rI E I
= =Ll. E
q4l Taf 1l+al rll /rf?: rll oJ+ol oJ ELltrf.

o16t€. 7f7lE il+Erl .++3 n|l+Lltf. q+ E+

eJiEll nJ l+7f ofll e1 c;;L Ef'

30+3 TLrfalgEllE oal oJI llifE BJ7. ocf+LlEf.

LtioJzizl .rfail€ lll+nl]oF 6JLlci. lalEll olzl Ef +fl+Llcf. e: rlqfll llnJ l+e ':1 rlElTf
o Llrf. +1ll tr|l€.ql rfElql + S:ql 1l+59 zf+ ?ol Tfzft 6JLltrf.

,"!ql^l fl+s+ aJ4l rl+ ilql S: Efe 1l+el LfE tql Eilntl oloFTl;ia oJ::iL !i?l I il+
7|' itql
eaJtql il+= tLJ: 11 {tol oJ
+;LlEf. ++ .Jol ",,l: 1 eof l+qlzj
e--9 : L trf

:.J qri^l(ei? 2. g=. .., -- a=rl(g)?

-- ='=:
1 . I) 9a 7f 0[7 Z 1,

2) .r
=.:01 q -JolrlE=tgE
olqr (9)? 2, i! '= :.
-=. 91'?
r - -'= = .: : ]
3) E7t gleB olr!r (9)?
4) ol3ol oJ qrlr (st? A.\ ).---: - =: Ql,
5) d+6fE olB^L(al?
6) gu rl E qrlr 1.")? - |:-= -:-=_-
7) r /f =98 0llllr (9)? '= == -= |
^f ="JilqE

18 a€
.b. al

ot?H lHs. r+oEHzrLr-9.? I'il
4OEH +HJoto g. -r 4l-r'rl

oJ llot^it-g.
,. r!


- (01)atLl(9)? What do you mean by)-? (014)

A : ,jeeJ -Il
E LJ= sltrqg? How many years have you been married?
B : eC0l+LJg? HIf t!?-E fi=qlg. Married? | don't even have a bo!'friend.

A : 014 gll-E 40tl SuchasIam, I'minmy40s.

B : 40tllElLlg? -l=41 E H0l4l-9. 40s? You don't look your ase.

A: d+alLlg? i13 ,{fBololl-g. A friend? | saw him for the first time today.
A : +IllelLlg? +IJl7t 9lqolg? Assignrnent? Was there an assignment?
A : EgolzlLl?,8oJ rl-+ IlTt fldql. bly birthday? lt's long since my birthday.

1.'-(.])e+q (g)?': q "J "Jq + 44C E,r *E+9 g.l + E*€€ +4!il= q 4ol: s€oJEll +
e 5e E+ + +s +q= dq6lq r Eq +E+. EJa"l 9lb H^l 5l9l=' ol+q(g)?=,
Ee.l S.= B^l 9q= -4r](9)? 71 E=4. (ol)alrl(9)? is used when indcating the speaker js
surprised at sorne news or words Usually.ake)^,/ordisseectedandcombinedwththsexpression.'01
4Ll(9)? is used after a noun with a f nal consonant and -+L (9)? is used after a noun with no fina

2. d]V7l 7t6l:1, ^"1+4 q oj o g g€6JQ. This express on is said n a strong, ris ng intonation.

11144 tseJ 19

A:=If,\l trIl aE=+q=tlIg? Dd vou sav that vou eat a whole p zza vourse f?
B : Lll, r1l7f g0l = glxl9? R ght. eat a lot, don't l?

A : oJ+ /Jl Oftrl,|l 9= e!*q9. Min su is absent because he is sck

B : Lll? oJ+ olEqlg? ReaLly? lvln-su s sick?

A : 47ll +Ol= -Jllig.? D d yo|r say that you speak four d fferent anguages?
A : ] Ee gul Ll -dlf].? Did you say that you already comp eted so mrrch work?
A : Pl?
= blLljl?
lfnTf What? Did you say an accident occurred?

1. '-(u/y)4-7(-e)?'= EJ+ E9 E4+ E= 94q aJ4l ^llqeg 96ll El^l E=s

ololTlql El6ll
€olE+. €+^l+ gtrl/$El, r4r' 9t/9./9 nl -41-' 5lq='-+jl(o?= 4. 5^lE
a+ -'l=E}jl(e)?9 ^l-S6l=ql, Eaq *: F^l 9q='-:q.a(-a)?€, EJa s: +^I I
ql-- '-u4I(-g)?5 (./:)qn(g)? s an expression used in order to reconfinn what
the speaker just heard, beng surprlsed or doubtful about tnat -ql(g)?' s used after adlectves"?l
LVflLf , ' q/91/t1- and -r^1-'. L/:Lfl(g)?' is used for verbs. When the stern of a verb has a fjna
li; consonant it is combned wth ' and when the stem has no fnal consonant t s corrlb ned
with -L +n(9)?

2, dt47l +6ljl. t+4 q"JgE. g€{r}. This expresson is said n a strong, risng ntonatlon

ql$ H+91 g 0l "JOIHE [lfl Facing someth ns unexpected 1016)

. Aq 5il9019 oJ714=L|Jl].9. lwassurprsed Let someone know you're there

' of, AAtoloFl oh, mY GodL

. ?10F, What s itl

. o-t! !!Zgll oopsL lt's hotL
. 7171, ++0F?1 Who's there?
. g0l0F Whoopsl

rflE4l+E7l= "JdflS qil r"
.?9l,0lal ?tE --J= oJ0t9? Wow! How do you know how to do this?

' f4I? Whatr

. qol, 0lzl +?0[? oh, who is it?
.Il7l 11 ,^l#EqlE 0f+? Lookl lsn't that person an entertainer?
. q? Illl ?Il? oh? whats that?


1.'-(ol)alLl(e)?'= H^119.
^fEdl^l ,-
1\ 216
'_-. c,]l

r\ 40LH

-! !-r

4) +^1 + -(ot)4r_l(e)?




rll4rl EaJ 21
2. '-(tlE)cta(g)?'= "J611 H^il9..
nlTl *l II}-9 rL Elrl

lt 47H
4) g/{ Ll ilrl + -/, /!\rt;-rla\t

5) ,'.llTf LJLI



> =.Jqql^1 d=6tE^.1 n-d?+ trt= E rilEql E*ttrJ 3e0l ?,lrtE "J6ll ELf. I:dtf -dEe +qol +
=el4 34rl EllE= 0ltrl-drl 0l0f7l6ll Ett.
=^1, ^f-JEe.l
> +89 q-gol 4-d 7lE==HlEJLf. -++rE3 g0ll Llet^l 7lE= 6tt-l4l E3+,rfdol gg q-g
4 olE4= q:-J 7lE= TlTl a0l7f '5aJ'= +r1le zE-d a-i]== u=c Ll|8 +€
^l-JE =trf.
ol SEqE "Joil Lte+ arll 8g=E 61-1 713 Hf+= LJol Eg'J0llll 3E
I 6llH ,r.l^HLl -dLI 4lsJ ttol e ola

1. r) afL (9)? 2, r)=^f^1 trt^t -.J E€ q q=qn(e)?

2) 40qalLl(9)? 2) 0flrqn(g)?
3) nt+4Lt(e)? 3) r +qE =dqn(e)?
4) +r14r,l(9)? 4) gul E+ =rl+r(e)?
5) -goJ0t4Lt(e)? 5) Htll(e)?
6) cEo +Ll(e)? 0 rl,J0l g.qaqr(e)?
7) +L (9)? 7) i1^t= rEJEqn(e)? 2

22 t:\
+el ft!

4ojotarrr oj?I
oltrErr oirk I
orai :' o oJ

cdroHujrj r ilorg.
'r- 7-


D -(9)='J f z^Iol(9) sh (018) ,.,'

A:+oJo al,|l gqg7f ?lt|]g. They don't have afy rnov e t ckets left because t s the weekend
B : 0 aJ ofotoE qll|]:g= ltlqg rirsh we had booked the tckets beforehand.
A: q ElTf Llol 9Ll I ohl rs pourng
B:++l 7frn32J -]ilol9. r.r sh had taken an umbreLa

A : Ad|] lll0l. wjsh had been bette. wth h m,iher.

A *3
: ttl=6lrll "J=a f ilOl. | \,,,/ish had riorn warm clothes.
A: r=rj Ef='J oJ9lgE "J6f^l "J= r*qg
= ^l€qe
I wish had not to d her if had known that he/she wou d get so angry

1. '-(e)-3 :.*.1(s) :- ;'lf qid 16!:l+ of+l+g +ElLll: +'€.1E+. 5^le+'J €c'6J
E-3 6J ql
El. Eaol *: F^i gq: :.,J :1gllqs-= ^l+6f i. Edol $: F^f ilql: -aA r*ol
9=^l-*dq. +. gaol = g qJ: -g EJq^]1+ =A r',lqrr'= }lolE+. (o)EZ ril
t'|li9) s an expressron to r.l cale the speaker's regrel about what they d dn't do Trts s ccrrbined wih
verbs onl!' f qlf
s used after a verb wiLh l q9 s Ltsed after a
a fna consoirant and
== ==
verb \\i thouiarna consonant Wher the stem of a verb that has the I na consonanl a t s cotni]ned
v,/th = li{}]9' after rcrnov ng the -'
2. 'rfl..lg gl"l -(o).€trEtgglrlqE !14. ol a+;Jz-3e +dbJol+E+, r spossbero

rl5rl +il _23

comprete a sentence with -{q)= om tting _f al0l9,. ln this case, it needs to be said in a fal ing tone.
3. 'r*qsrl flL -(o)ee'oj 4"J +*g +q7l 3"Jeg a+ slzlE ++g *€6JEl.
.Jg 'e''Jg +zl, 'e .E*eo "l4l q
"J ^J+rtr 'J;p 94-os E€+ trll: I +q14. ol'llql:
E+^l gqlE €g = + 9l+. tqll 12.11 LJ 9. q q4 zl++ Zln 9lg€?, a + Blga?
When the subiect of a sentence that ends with
-(9)==,(removing .]i!019') is a third person, the
sentence expresses the speaker's assumption. ln this aase, ,=,
is sad in a rsng tone and the queston
mark s added to the sentence. Thls can be attached to adiectives.
too .>-
E"-l -(?t/fl/g)Ol(g)! u,o somernrns pointesstv/for nothinql (ort

A : EJIE il:lE Ee++n. 341 z=ol.

= =ul-E
Hetp me put up the tent and also ass =
st n preparlng food.
B: flol, !.!61 trlaf eJ91 cee. lcame here
with you for nothingl

A : If, olEgl LHTf oJ= qIJE Eq El. Now, trythe dessert I made.
B : gg I!61 Llol qloll Ll^lE= q€ H|l: g4=2.
I had too much food for nothingJ I should have constdered dessert

A: l Hrf -5= uo=l sJ9roll t6f7l el^] fldof 4,Jlq.

I Ai

++ E6l doil +s
received the man's present poinflesslyl I feel annoyed

7lE 'J qrj^l?

a th s frequent cal s.

I bought shoes potnt =

essy What sha I I do about the creclt card bill next month,t
A: 0l+ oJ
fl?=tll S61 48ilolg.l Nothtng happened and twas worreo ror nothingl

1. '$61 -(9i/fl/9)q(e)!': elzl 4dol + g,ql ql6J +qE LI4LU: s€ol+. g..(le+"J
6l:ql, Eg ' t, ,'-E E+ F^lql: 'Sdl -9lq(e)t,S, . l, ,, olEel a.J
'{61 -9q(e)t'€.^}+++. '.}E}'9 gql:
s+ee e\] F^iql:
-gq(e)r 7} e6J.}q ,gdl _*q(e)t,=
'rJ6l -(?I/91/n)q(9)l is
an expression to indcate the speakets regret aboul wnat speaker ^l-g6J+.
did rhis is
comb ned with verbs on y nJ6l _?,tol(g)l is used after the verb , ,l!61 _flg(9)i,
that ends with | , 1,, is
used after the verb that ends w*h other vowels, but , ,, ,nJ6l
, , r,. When a verb ends wrth
Lf - *q (9) ,

is used wth the combinaton of _f;q(9)1,

+Al7t ltfl When you regret sorr]ernrng lT)

' 0f, lllTf q
ral "JS ilErl9? Ah, why dicl tsay tharl
' Il=0lalE E=*Lfn -JrlQ? Shalt I say sorry even now?
' t6l "JqIq9. Jsaid it poinlessty.
. 0l= I didn't expect things woutd go thrs way.
= =aJqg.
' H 911 0l ESolI'l? Why am I such a mess?
. Ll "J4Il .-l*Ol. Why didn't you stop me?
. ql = "JE I wish I had listened to you.
. t ==e.
l 9ll1 Why did I do such a thrng?

+El6t= AtaJ= oJCIle llfl when you assure someone who feets resret (@r)

. t!3 .^ Il [ll1l9l Dont worry abod it! i?

' +ql6llE 43g.9qrl rB qolEl4Alg. ft is useless lo feel regret, so just forget about it.
. 4d6f^l [ll Don't worry.
. f +E ?lll. These things l1appen. i-.1

. ,^.f =
aJolq rl d+g +E 9l= 401. E,/erybody makes mistakes.
. gC qqqa1. Just forget about it.
. 0lDl +flq. ltb already late.
.0llll 9I += 48010F. What's the use of it now?

1. '-(o)=4 rajq(p)'= "J"-fl H^{9.


9+!3 7f^ln glf


_(o)eE rilol(9)


2. 'fl 6l -(9t/9./f; )q(e)!'= "J6H Hlllg.

trf4 9+



+ 19t/fl/fi)ol(e)!

5) 4E6fli

6) I
7) 0l= E6lLf

> -+A&tlel 'gE^l +El=d 4ol ?l=^1, +1E 713 fll +el6l+^1, rqlE Eofe +
'Je+ ?ltrtE
ol.:ll --J ?toJ.Il' Soll ttl6l| I t-.J +, 4^l eaf= tgs-dLf.
> tfEel E Ttrl dg01l 9lqillE='J + "J6t7l gEE +6J='Jtrt. E= Ilol Sg=C ?d6fl !e= a
LHoJol -ao +€- olloF tfi-Ell z+q L
4l"Jol Ll+ lllEIoJq^l 7]loJg 6f al
!6 +€ +fl+LlEf-
^laJoJLlEf. EJg
EoJt cil se4l+Lltrf.

s+ cFlqE 6oJLlEf. raJql

q1"J * i1+7h il r.t rlTf€' qafn dl^l -roJ oF{g qq4++LlEt'

+E if+Llct. 7fE'Jg Lllot 6Hcll +ol gl+LlEf'

n"Jg "Jol !j+qEl. T|EJE
^t-a 1.lHJs-

BJalEJehn 4^1 101.1 fl€ HJelfl+LlEt. rflql q! EJol zlLhE

+ol EJ+qE no +nl+ fl+71+€

,+^t EJafn 6tLl E€ Ltiq E€ HJaJ 4ol fl+r nJLltrf.

"Jot^1 E€.
-aofd O

rj+r] oraalor? aa {+-lr orrt


q t+
IL il'rl



q[lLt - cllll low-tAvnat a-Llsuch a-t lo22)

A : E=01 LtLlf,+E^lg? | heard you went to their housewarming party.

B: 94 +']rl7f q4q ".t9lEJrll she was a good cook. How deliclous the dishes wereL
A: 3=4 qHOl? How was the wedding?
B: d3 u+7f ol4Lt E q34EJrl!
Good. | 1e b'ide ard b ioegroom we'e such a g€at coLple:

A : OltrlLf L4l= g +eEJIl! How we I he/she sang a songl

A : E-4elE0li ,(tH0l q[lLl "Jgrll what a big crowd there was in the department storel
A : ,,\.laJol qtrl4 tlS6fEJIll How kind the person wasl

1. 'q4+ H{'E"J6}:^}e.ol BjlEjle?i agq*6}tr^l "legH-71q geoll

rl4 I q E *Eu+ q € .l I qtlol'ql+ q q i!€-'9 ge.l q "J5J tru ++. t:^1.
"l +. €+^le+

€ll6|=ql ej.o ^le+ ae6}= Ejql: ol+ 4lEol 9l+, t'^le+ e+6J'u:'e, Bal, aa6l, +
6t7ll' + +^l *'€q 'q4l+ 9ql El-? olq4ol 5J+. qrlLf trJ^l' s an expression used when the
speaker deLivers an impresson, recaiing what they saw, heard, fet. Usua ly, it is used when saylng a certa n

situation or one's behavior was 'very ... . lt s comb ned with a verb or an adiective There S no restr atlon
in combining this expression with adjectives, but when using lt together wlth verbs, OlUlLl' needs to be
fo lowed by adverbial expressions such as '5, Eal, dldl . and 'E6lrjl .

4t64 'JA
t.-F E"J-(u/i)c|l ^" " (orj) Gi

A : -.J 'L= Q f.r,ll9. One rrrore bow (of iood) please

B : Lj €"J :| q=Etl You eat rca v wellL

€"J S +=Lfl
A : .!. all You s ng realY we ll

R at +e7 Notatal
A ; LJltlTf €EJ E4'Jrl? The 'rr/eather ls realv lnel Shalwe go out?
=Lfl del aiousl HowdldVoumake t?
A:Ol r\lTll 3.J.,t9]Lfl q=Zl 'J=*.Cl? Th s ste\'l,' s real v
A : I ? €"J A qEaJLlL That dress suts
you realy weLrL

1. 4 * - /-!)41 : ol zlTl !-4 Ll 59. - a ^f dql qI ;l 54++ */4l'zJFl+ s€e q ^F$t4


g+^l+ lt'll.$'+. -9t/?t/* rl d- ilql: e'J -Efl =^l+.Jq F^lel ?e' 4'J -'/
EJe ol R: F^l ilql: Lr+!
:+l ^m u|:q. Fr +l'l il: *rl +lql: :+l =, = ^t+6J
= at what thev saw' fearo'
+. E",j (./:f Ll is Lrsed \'!flei tlie speaker sflo\'/s surprlse
and aclt'iration
\'\'o!-'ls \\/th fllf/flL|" and pre'flna endlnqs -oJ/91/f- and
of fell E$ - LiL ls used allei a.lleolrves
't'.Verbsarelsedlortheexpresson tloJ L/:Ll When tlle sterr ofaverbhasaTnal consonanl
\ /ilh L Lll
It is combrned '"\,ith af ai \,\/nen rile stenr las nc f na ccnsonant t is combined

g6tjl. F-*gg€ei qoJ!E'E€EJEI
2. +a +ql 9l: x"J.lq 3r+?+5^l€,Ji.1dl
\'rith ar emphasis a"ld the end oi the sentence s
Adverbs such as 1l? u n tf e scllte.]ce are sa d
said fr a flat lone

3. ol +-€qlf 4gol4:'+^f ql{"11 'z}'rel *ol il:11i4+'q+*,\}+g+*:q'I'/I? Ll+= rhe

il49l 'll+.1'l q+l "Jql^l: 1i4f =' +44"J 4+"1'+ +'l "Jq^l: ^l+6JLl
has an emphass ['4ostv l]]If is fo lowed by
adverb {l?f can be rep aced \'/ th llilf or Ll+" whch
pos t,/e coitent \",/h Lc L1+ ls fol o ''i ed by ncgatl'ie corrient

e Ol=gZLt C7l-'J AE ejp tlfl et someth nll beaumL l or nrawe o rs lo24)

. 91, ola Elllg. Wow, ook at trrs

. 01il
= qq Tfris is the first tir'e I've seen such a thing
. f aJ 2J0].9. t's picturesqle.
. €oJ 0l=-Jlllgl Realy beautlf!
. Illsql O aJ *01 Lf "J?9 've neveT seen a place I ke thLS

. 991, +l7l6fllr Vvo'r\' anrazfgL

7JEJ-'J fH
SEllgl 5+= Admrng anotrer persons ab tity (025)

. OIE 0lCZl 9al +.r.tl7f How ca| you be such a good cook?
. OIE C5= f=Zl E6H.Q? How can you be so good at spods?
. €"J g +,\lqlg. You are so good at dancing.
l4l= ,:-:
' €ollll eqt I was surpr sed that you sing so wel
. ++dEll 0le-J ,J 8l?qg? From whom did you learn this from?

1. 'qrlLt -trJ^l!'= "J6ll trL^11.9..
o ro
1) 'a, :-
ar olgalLl I
..-. irl


+ il

5) a r= otLJ


2. '€"J -('/E)cl!'E "J6H H^119.


2) lafl= c+e+

a -- -l

5) ?0t qE4+
+ i l'
6) uTl6flf


'JEJ 29
> i^t: ol=rl3 5,3,.!7lEJ +lq3 0|.01, 1?l= H|l?, TloJ 59
i^l7t 593= + !Z= =7J,
"J6ll ELl.
=Hl-.J ^lColLt =
> LtBel Tlrl Sgoll glLfr 7ld-d + "J6l7l dJEE +-'J=dLt. EE 8g+E +d6H E= I
= ^lol

zzalql^l +oJaJ u|l+€. oJLJ+Llcf. 7lE I n qoJ+Lltrf. .Je ^f.JEol u1199 _aeln eqE=X

+LlEf. Ht|+7f r!€6|.41 ?q+fl+Llcf.

1l+et Eafof€ ELlEf. qsH+7f adEJ ql$r oJTlE 1€JLlEl. LlltE of+ trllol9l+LIEl.

il+e+ ,J+LlEf. .ltrJol /,ll*Etr, 4EEE il:Jn'rLlEf. EJE +-z 7l2Jq alEl€JLltrl.
gottql EtLl*+LlEl. HAE +oJn 3:lE olBEffl+LlEf. ElaloJ iBg +n ra€-ol
€+nJ iql 9Ii+LlEl.
i!+7[ rllB ol^f6J lql ,J+LlEl. dol .J-z +t +,oiE +a-Lltrf. 1+rl'JEq + g!ol 0H+

r_a:,lol oJq i.l+qlzl €qELlcl. ol rl+t sa:- aol fl+LlEl. oJzllLl rf^ll;l €B"ll +LlEf.

E o ol_c7l ^flB t +ql+3 sJt LlEl. ijl]eolal^l +lfal $r 7ft+Lltrl. trlatoJE ++Llcf.


1. l) qrlLf t?F^ll 2. 1)€"J € q:Lf
D olr q :t qE4F^ll ) !"-l -cl; r H.-q /rr -= 5= '-r ?=q.
3) qnlll !.1= e += E^ liEaf E olrlLf :t 3) €"J HulTf 8dJ
=+l/.Jr!71 =Lf
4) €dJ rlTllTf oi?lqr/n rH7f €oJ
4) olr Lt LrtrJrll/r.tH0 qrlll grEr I t d"J *0t € qEallty?o| €"J € qEaJLtL
5) qrlLf rlEottrJ^ | 6) 6oJ UT l6llf
6) qrlLt +lgE^Ll 7) EoJ Btleql
7) qrlL+ 0l=gtrJ^l

"J n\

3 ujBet?

B l026)

A:g;0 B4oJ gBtol U ElLfLlgl How could the sa ary be just 1 r| | ion won?
B : 0t.(.P i3 )u)al )n. _J4-1, EE 9= /lqlo.
That s why you're st I n a probat onary period, and it wi I increase gradualy.

A : 4E
*:q 0l=21 r]]o flLlLlr
I heard tfrat th s mov e s good, but how could tftis be so uninterest ngl
B: -l-lzl o fl 86l= 8"J t.JErll?
Right. t is real y d sappointing thjs t me

A: lal d-d EJ= 6llf Llr How cou d you say such harsh wordsl
Lf sf EJl

A:Lf6fr a0l 5t6f7le 6|] oJ gLlLll

How cou d he not appear after prom slng to go hik ng wth rne
A:gd6l 3+=*:tl ,\l=d0i !| -JoiIlLfLl! studedsohard but how courd I larted the test agarnl

1. ' qq(s)l : F"+9 gq 54rl+ rJeg sd-J Ell .(i+6J4. r4r q€ €4ql .llull qg4 r
e + gl=^lq cl6J Hl+g s€6F: 11 IolzlE -J4. +e E-J+ ?+, €"JF9 ,JCg e€6171
qEql sjt'J6fFol E*ol .J9 EUqIF_ BJ+olLl qlB9 7lEI6l^l: ?*E4. Fo^l
^}+6liq :lqloJ.l
e+ e+^Hl Ble e7l+ 1t/9/9-. -41- +lql €ag+. LlLl(e) ' s used to ndcate surprse or
admifal on at sorreth ng unexpected A so, this express on is sometimes used to ask back how someth ng
can resu t In a cedain way Because this usuay expresses surprse admiration, or d sappointment it is

rl 7r1 !oJ _31

often said in a way of talking to oneself. Even when there ls a istener, the speaker does not expect a

I response or answer. lt s d rect y attached to the stem of a verb or an adjective; otheM se, it is used after
the prejina enclings -t/3/3-, -1-.
2. E6J qag+;lrlie -s'€+q. t s sa d in a weak, ra I ns tone.

-(9) = E "J9t=Ell I thousht someth ns wou d (027)

A : TV01|E LtP g9,ttsEll.

^.1.J01+ =
I thought the food would be delicious as the restaurant was on TV.

B : lil? EeXl? Right. lt's not that good, is it?

A:B€01. ,\leg +8qlE E 9tq. ['s okay. You can take the next test'
B : 01flfl1 -J,r:-J
oJgt=tll. E!61 ilTt=.
I thought I
would pass the test this time. I studied hard

A : Bl$ !Eq0l4 n3 ?J H
= "J9t=c11.
thought this notebook wouldn't llreak down because it ls expensive
A: ggl=ctl dEol rlg0ll E Hl.
ilrl =0fg = glad
but maybe helshe didn't like it
I thought he/she would be

A : el^f7f Eq.t1 9a + E 'Jgt=cjl,

Because the chair looked strong I thought I could use it for a long time

1. '-1o;==.J9i=q':q"l^ldql .lldl Tlqlflzl'J 7l'll6J rlltr 9zl *9lg ull ol4+4eEJ,7l

gq ,*d€€ Ed6J ql +'^leell 5J4g .J*:ql.'+= s€g ge,ll '^leql il46J
rell^l =
aqqr 7l.U j!,=ql oldtlE €6J49 Tl$ol "J +q.' 4Eq E€9 -E€6J
El+711e ol geq'l '-(e)./bdl'9 €il€q ++9 =q^l
+?61= q
aol+. +, EI= qle+ a+E
;Jg 6JEl. -(o ) =
oJgt=tll is used when the speaker expresses sorry discontent' or unpleasantness
turns out to be different from their expectation. In other words, Ef4-'J 'J9,t=
when something
q is a shortenecl form of the sentence 'J4-'J ?i0l4l
71tfl6tr:tll 0ft7l E E6J4= il+= rallll
7 EO | ?J As n other slm lar examples, the connective ending -(9) L /=tll' concludes a sentence

8E0lLt lHl40ll EllEt €tJ Disappo ntment with products or services (048)

. Ol 7lollaf, slrilTloJ 6ln EeLll. This camera is iust expensive but not that good

. Ol go+ OfAq. I feel sorry that I spent money on this movie

. ""t9lqn 6H^1 gal^l g=tll ,rlz.J tsBI=dL1l,
I came a long way because people say food at this place is arnazlng but I wasted my time
. 34Eq Eelll. lts not as good as thought.
. A=LJ {lilql q= a fl+LlLl. Great boast and small roast.

' ?471 TlLH= Ll+ =-tLf? Did we expect too rnuch?

Et?]0ll El|-d |!trj Disappointed with another person (orr)

. r=zl gf ef,=rll €oJ dEJolLjlg.

I really d dn't th nk they were I ke that lt's real y disappointing t:
. ol-:Zl Lf-JEll 0=+9]q9? How couLd you do th s to me? .:;

. 40lE oJ^f= 6ln ,J oJgtolg.

he/she would leave at least after say ng good-bye
. IloJ6f+n ,/.fal= oHoF 6E 4 0f40ll9? Shouldn't you at least apologlze to me? .r.i
, E= "J-Ll
/'.f#E "J9,ttl
q. thought he/she s trustwodhy.
= a:
' )lLlql 1 The more you expect, the more you get disappointed
. 0 3 ,\t-JoJ don't know such peop e.
= =aJq9. a;l

1. '-LfLl(9)!'= oJ6ll H^llg

1) B=01 ",4.J
g'+q oJ Elr+

0l=zl E lglLl

3) ral d-J "== 6lt-l

ot4;u + I ot QTf T| _rt t10\l

5) r:doll !r .scl^lt+

6) Llol ,lloJ dJ= oJ 6H +Ll

9- uLf Eu oje=f el0llll IlLl

rt 74 :.J 33
2. '-(o)= g9t=rll'= oJ6|l H^119.
= ^fE6ll^l

2) 0lHfl:sf46fll

,) _ 'll_
-=il1=arjl_ ,
4) +



> q3e.l H Tlrl 8gql 91LfI 7lE--J + "J6l7l g5= +g=.Jrl. 4t= Ilq 3*=E +ddll EL= rt
q^|ql +zloj+LlEl. oJol oJalt E^Jnl .J*+LlEl. .trlq g;9. E+3'Jell +1€. cJll 4lqg,!l E
fl+LlEf_ alEll g+ol .\84trtr1 4+LlEl.

LJzl il+(Et olu | 1l+)ef oJt,l 1+LJoJLlEf. +HiEJ LJolal^l sH zlal 7lEl1€ *ALl
trf. 6fu loJ LJzl 1l+(E: q?f il+):. sEol ++ goJrl sELltrf.=Zg
of+ +tnlEf_a.|l^1 EJ
+zfzlEE4l 4ofeJ+Llcf. nJ^ltg TlEfal Etrlq €4]9 Eflt E1l

r-E+g ^tt dq^l g trJ Eo oJ oleHtolE€. fl+LlEf. qr 4e 4E q1l .Jn 5el 7lr d€',iE +
a|] Eg sot^j + E+g 1l+Llcl. raJEll t rl gEl qu I gfof acol LJ+LlEl.

+"3nJ u +E
.Jg qlEr_ 54E +e +l+€. arH;i +El-z ofl^i TlcllBn'ft oJLfEl ,J+Lltrf.
6fzloJ tLfsLl 7lElle+: EfE

1. 1) 3A0t '4U g+oll .J ElrlLl(g)! 2. l) Tvoll Lf8

€ "J?,t:Ll.
D0 cill llolftqq(e) 2) o|flfl zr4-J g?,t:tll
ral =
3) El$ r-tr=ola[ net u H
3) d-.J "JE 6tllLl(e)l "J9I:t]l
oJ glf L (9)l =
4) eJ46[ 4) dEE -J
t EE6[ eq^] =9.ll € = g!,t=Lll
E Eqr qq(e)l
^tcolt .J= .J 6[ +qL(e)l
6) r,+04t.J 0 EEg gr0l gE E "J9,t:t11.
7) 94Eq et] Ed EJol
z rlltLt(e)l 7) eoJol E E "J9t=r]t.

olel rilTl
reJ.H 91 ortc[?
5Je iroF5 dlf )-feJoLt
olo2ii? Tt
OIO>lgL Hl Oaa- l.jr?.
B-_ tt


ffi| -(g)at= E ?t0l(9)? s rhere a rLre I'rat ?,That rs compeley unncarc or lmo)

A:laJill 5r3^!l=oJoall? Are you going to v'i ear such a short skirt?
B : ?l olql? gU-J "Jeal= H 9,lq?
What about that? ls there a rule only s rr peop e can wear t?

A : LJ,IlTf ZAlf= 6frjllli? A man s go ng to be a f urse?

B: ClIlaJ dlat= H ?q9? lstherea ruethat onyar/onan can bea nurse?
A: 0ll TJ3 AlaJoJ Tlai= E ?lol9? s there a rLr e thar onty young peop e can go to ctubs?
A : HII= EoJg 6l^' dJal= H 91qg? s there a ru e that men can not do house chores?
A : 'J SS q=q oJ q Hr 9l0l? s there a ru e that yo! can eat co d nood es only in summer?

1. :
(e,)+= B fl q(e)? al: sd *q _e E*ql: q 4!} il El-= oJ=q e+ aol +e,ll;Jzl oJ 9
ul= +Ellll: Fdol +_-- gEt old 4+4rl sdol g4 ?++n EJtr6+4 "J6f: g"l= LlElLu
"Jg g/l g!1 tszl:;
-: r:ll ol sdol q^lEJ ilEt= Eq+ 6J+]- oJg oJ4l Hl i
^l-S€+. =
*dlBl EJ6J qll
+a"l 9l= 5^l 5lql5 -eai5 B 9lol(c)? rl+6li +aq giz+
'- EJdol 91.: ^fS-"J+
+^l ylql:_ -rI:B ilq(g)? E ^t_o.}4. _1o)-fEE =?lcl(et? ismanyusedafier
themeanngof nritaton ike qlfu^!l=?:Lf lsed n orderto sayihat such mtaton s
The expresson ls
unfa I rcact ng aga nst it n other v.,ords f ore nsists ony women,,"",ear sk rts it lr]eans t s unfa r and thai men
ca|]ascwearthem gat: H ?q(gj? s used after averb wth a fjnalconsonant {except a')and al: g
?ql9)? is used afrer a ve|b \^,,ithcLrt a ffa consoiant cr the f fa consonant a

rll8jrf 0e lrl 35
|]5| -(t/ts)CtL (6fl,|l) lusi by ctoins /jirst because ($r)

A: q=ttn ]'J6l!Dl9? Do yoLr th nk you wil be healthy iust by eatjng vegetables?

B : i|l^U qoal: Z 0iL1l9. 35E g't6l d|lofa^?
don't mean yoLr shou d eat vegetab es on y. You need to exerc se hard, okay?

A: Hl^lqo 01. ,rlxl 0f. A cheap product s a ow-quaity product Don't buy t
tt Z
B : l4Efa 6|l^l Ll LIP Z olLlof. Cheap th ng doesn't always me an bad

A: eolU E3EII -d+"J= Eg + 9l=rf9? Can we speak Korean welLlust bv me.norzing words?
A: ELjLII Lf ts="J7f? Are they happy just because they have a lot of money?

A : ,l.laJ--Jtll6ll^l qF
Z OfLLIl. Not allpeopLe get marred just because thev love each other'

1. (u/Y)41 (.ll^l)-: (L/=)+-r''E: -(L/:)41;lJ,i s+ Ttbalal+ +q n'€ql^i

^l€- .J"iql+ q€
:6ll^l=d4dJ /i)E+n+: +€ol
(. tl zt+ /'{oJr}. 4= ^}*Jol ^}{ql
6ll r EJol+ LllEq 9qPl. +*9 ofq+l Eiaf:tll ol x
^l€ 'I+ol e+e +El+: a-3
€g ,{l+6J4. e+^l'l "J+/S+, r4r'
9i/91/9-r+ 4- 9q:
4I=.(l+.J+. +^f
oJe"l s: F^t
g ?9 .41/y+i=
^l+;'l:Ell. ua.l '^l: F^19 Flq: :Ell=,
el gql-: Lttl=.^l-+.Jtl. Both (r/ts)Ql and lLl:)Lln 6H'u can be lsed ror the same
meanng blrt (L/=)Lfl wilhout at],\l ls Inore often usedco oqLlialy lt s used when tlle speaker says
that someirt ng does not sirnp y resu t In tne content of the next sentence Lfl s used after adlect ves

wordswth ?llt/f,Lf, ancl pref nal encl ngs -9l/fl/? and til Verbs are used rr'/ th LLfn/:Lf
i' \l/hen the stem of a verb j-ras a fnal consonant t is coralbined v,/ th and when the stem lras
no f na consonant rt js combirred ',liith L LfI'

G SE|lgrt 8401 tt= trfl ,t . o.o, . d .d-a'. ooi io, lo32)

. ll d43 4= t+=LlLl. have a cllfferent idea

. 0lgZ 846ll E +E 9lIL ?i3rf9? can t we think this wav?

. rlE -fgrfg? ls that so lndeed?
. LJ r-:Zl d4 gf 6l:tll. I don't th nk so
, -rlA2tot 3j0r__1. ' "t r> oLr opno.

. U Li-J 8401 have a ditferent opnon.

. rZ 0f Ll+n d4oll. I don't think that is true
'r "JE oJ47f ?,lxl"J . . Although t makes sense
. ?1, rgzl 34-J+E 9,L7JL^|'J . Well, you may lhink that way trut
SEllHJgl "J= irtl ,lq= q .,-:^ -::-,e-n0 oiher peope's speeah ($3)

' "J# tlA:dtll9 . l .n s!--. :3 lie'.upt bLrt . .

' 0f Llof, Ll1 "J E+. No. s:e. :: -e.
. .....=ol
Il, laJqlg = Well. by:he .,.a......

'll, 8TloJ.9 . well. wa:... tq

. Lll? f 4n 6lfq9? \\-s:? '.',-:: r c J'cJ sa_v just now?
. LIE "J Let me so€e<
. ++ "J3EI|= gilqg. 6fIIcJ..-. . <^3,.. ,.,ia: you mean, but ....

1. '-(o)af= E ?lq(g)?'= "Jo-ll trL,qlg.

1) -JU:* ll=r"J .J Ll

2) q^lu aflf

3) a;= TlLf

4) H^l= E?JoJ 6f^ "Jr+ -(e)+: E ilq(e)?

5l BE= q=0il.J q+

6) -J+ ElltsF5 z1a1 q

7) H^loJ rl 0 E Bl33 L+lr+

'-(L/=)Lt? (.-||l1)'= "J.ll E^119.

l) ^H^.J

2) .ul+/.1 q!s Ll
rl Lto.t tr | otoaL/-t=.ofq xt=!rt

4) LrLl/Lf -"J=6lr+
5) aJ6lLf/EF e=61+
6) 717l ?Lfl5?= 516lr+

7) #Lfl€O1 8dl^lLf
o 9 ll7l 37
7l^ll 9l: EZolLf r€ELJo1l Et{6ll 0l0F7l-.J +, raql q6H qE 34C Ttrll 91=rl
rf+Ezl otot7t-dtr|.. rlBel +rltE g3-g +E 9trf.

.Jafsl 1]9, qzfsl zl?ol EfE2f7

..f5 tg++qt E|l6fl q-J4l s'_ldt:?l?

td ,Jql: ,l+rJ + fl:7f?

Elt €.tol +1E +e7f?

qiJ+c qzl"J 2loJzl?

L_f7.f! ilEfE- glg- 4 9JLf7

?+dlE ofolB r :lofoF ult TF


1. 1) HU-d goaf: g 9lq(e)? 2. 1) q=qr (6ll^l) Z36|rt+(e)?/ilt40J q=qn (6t1^1) za

a q&"J ^tgDJ
6t+: E 9!q(e)? 6|lEr(9)?/i|l^U q:+? (6ll^l) Za"= rl: Z 0tqql9/0tr-10t.
3) a;3 7f +: g ?lq(g)? 2) rfltr (6ll^1) r+ Llg7(g)?/rllf? (6u^l) rl Llg7(9)?/4qn
4) H^l= dgrg df^ EJat: g 9lq(e)? rl qe z olqqlg/otllof
t 'JEE q=qt"J qe+:.g 9lot(e)? s) 3qu q8+n (6f^1) E+"Jg E-g + 9l+(e)?/aq.J eteqn

0 =srE EllSE= 7fe^ E+= E (6|1^1) =d+"JE €--J + ?l3r(e)?/g0lDJ Eei+n (6[^1) -d+oJ=
9,Lq(e)? E6E Z otL 01le/0lq0I
7) H^toJ rllolE B 3E 1fl4: g 91Gi 4) E0l grqn (6|I^1) q "Jq.J7(e)?/E0l zrLln (6tl^l) E+ "Je-Jrf
(9)?/E0t grq? (6t1^1) q a+-d z ofL0 e/E0l "Jr+? (611^l) Lf
ts=-.J Z otLl0t.
t ^tts.Jt+I (6l]^1) sF ee6fL+(e)?/^l-4tqr (6t]^l) eF e=C
77l(9)?/,\le-dllr (du^1) EF u z 0tLl0t9/0tLl0l.
7 7f rq? (6ll^l).+= =6f=
:|o-tL(g)?/' l7l r+n (6
6) E:-'
Dl(g)? 11 )l aqjt \611^l) ts+E :|61= z 0tLl01l9/0fL0l
7) d=q? (ou^1) d0 8uf^lLl(g)?/E=qn (6[^1) €01 trl1Dl(g)?l
fr:qn (6[^1) €01 srtrl= z OtLl0]19/0lLl0t.
G) -l

$ eri Ljrn i 2{1r9?

rrer -9jor9?



9l| oJ -ilol(9)? why not-? (mi

8 rl Enl 1LJglrll r:-Jofi 5017|.J.4^t gofe?
It's akeady one year since you came to Korea. Don't you want to go home?
B 9ll E 7l! #Aqg? Why not (want to go)?

E0ll0lE7f n:Bro]l g-o^ile?

Don't you feel sorry=0tZ+=ql
that your roommate is going home?
gfl g!
B dd6lilol-e? Why not (feel sorry)?

q*ot B€ ql e!
Why not uncomfortable when several people use the same room?
g4"A=tll 9fl 9l 7llqilOlg'? v\.hy not pleased when passing the test?
qE EoJ e€ + fibrll efl oJ 4E6filol?
Why not tired when he/she didn't sleep for a few days?

1.'eU + -4q (e)?'= t4"Jq +4EE+etr €=,e.u.U+q .I6tl'ql+ r++/'J€61 r+El'i+:,J

39 gEle 4 q e€olq. r4^l oJ 5l+4aq-e?'=,Eu+ 5136}+/*96l q
^F3_61: .Jq:
3ol+'9 E"le+ a+. '-aq(s)' F^tL+ €+^t qa, '-9t/9/9-'q + + 914. ',q .J -1
ol(9)?' is used wnen answering the other person's oegative question with an emphasis on the meaning
such as !ll? ra-lLli gE6l -l=tf'. Therefore, '911 9.t trl=6l1ol9? s the same as '!Hg rlE6ft+/Elg
dl trl=dlt+'. The part -llq(g)' can be used after the stem of a verb or an adjective as well as pre-final
endings -*/fl/n-
rll9rl E9 _39
2. '9]] tr ,l.l+Fl!-- ++el 9oJol zllg +jt €il *olzl:- ;J+a_q EdEJLI lre fnin! parr !!tr
'9l]' s sa d n the h ghest on afci a gradLra fa Ing tone s 3ppleaj

3. 'ell -^l .e;!dq(s)? e Ed.J +E 9J.+. t.ill ell .tl 4-*;l?lq s? = eI :nli1;}.(l ?.!ilqe?
9ll I ?i'^lLql9)? s aso useo for ihe sanre meaN ng

f " ,F -Il ?J0l(9)? Docsn t rt ?,i Don't yoLl? (035)

A ?l += g1l1 LlIl ?j0f9? Doesn t t sme I like sornethrng is burf ing?

B laJ7f9? LJ 3 qel=q I. Does ii? r. not sure

A:E|]ngll Pjol?+l=qtrf Don'l vou fee hungry? Lei's eat sonreth ng
B : la|J. oi9l= 7l qll. Yes Lets have someihing tasly.

A := gl0i9? EJSrlg? sn't it a bit cod? shallc ose tlre dooal

A : trl=6frl ?jol?
= + ?Ll 6l^f Aren t you t red? Lel's Lake a break
A : L=|,\rlE
5al 7!I +rl ?i0f? The we?ther ls fine Don t vou \rrant to g.r oul?

1. 4 ?+"1(9)?: *ql*el -5.1= +.f trll ,(l+-l: lr.{LolEf. ql=i 5q. Ell-r1,Ezl ?.!of? rt] ^}tH
!,1+4 E: s-dg +: Bln.+r]l qE tslliezlt +4 Y: + rll le+ tol ;J4oJ + {rf. ^

0llp,l? Lrsed \(hen tlle speakor asks for.l. agreerleni io.. the sterler For exarTrDr? Fl
:l]]ll ?jof? ca|l be nterpreted as Li: ljl],LILll qE Bll il4^l? +rl !r !'r Iir

G 591= f -$ ttfl wnen ast<ng for agrcenreni l036)

' L|] dJol Am wrong?

. 9J lallg? lsn't t?
. 0l=71 346119? What do you think'
. LH /9401 :|*E[Ol? Oo I have the \\,ror]g dea?

. LlE l=Z 846fI ? You aso think so. rght?

G Egl-* ttfl . ,eo o -' o^ ^ (o37)

. o^019. ."11 -LJal d-rdro Ro^ l o ao

. LIF ag d40l0ll9. lhave the same ldea
. IIE r 84ql Eqlol]g. have the same idca

' 57J010119. I agree

4A 9"1
. ql "J01 "*01 You re rg^i
. Lll o=rqe 6l^f. Lets cc as ,.- satr
. rzl 71 aol gi,ess:^a:,.,.- I ce. ce
. t1 ==
E4L1)l That's greatl
. 340lLl Thats a g:rr r:?

1. 'ell oJ -4lol(9)?'= "Jdll trl^119.

'71- --
t) ^



4) el] ?.1 -nlall/ o It




2. '-^l g0f(9)?'= "J.H ELrJlg.

r) Ef: g^]] Llrl



4) + -^l gJo(9)?

s) EJ] 7L-] A FL

6) E0l 7f0 f 6lll

/) td+
^l ^fal
> -*Grl= E 7fl9 reLl=+. 4 4ql4l: a^lEol 4-d )fEli, lTl -.J rjlE4 9,lrf. -"lG
ge 7fE= 341 =.J ,l=Ll. 4 4= =Hl)7|.
++ E4E qE aoJll 396ll^1 3E-.J
rl. qt+^Ee g3=zlrtE0ll 4d 84E^lqrf=^l^lB
4g0l dEj6lE= €=6|]01 -.JLf. rfrll
r1l^l-g +E 91trf. r!?e.l 8"J dE= q=d 34 50ll rll6H^lE g3 ^Ee
EJH99 =J
= =4
Ei zlrll= r{^l-g + ?Itr|.

> )l= 7:2le) 1lg. 4= +=, erll 3g 59 €H7f 4-"1 9,1= 7f+ 7fE(i^l7t E "JLf.
4= Lf+I 40llf )l+ vlE= -d,qltr{l LfH 4=L1.4 4= 7f+ 7lEoll 4 =.J=Hl)7f ^1lE
LilA= Et46lq 0l
slrlTl |-Jz gt(d, ql=, q-Jll EBI|6J ?toJrl= gzE Lltsrf.
^f5il5)E =r
gEl{ss^jl) x.LJ(3s^1t) :fLJ(33^11)

.19++ . rlzfTr4l +oJ 'gBgJ

. ,tE ol.9- . olL|l ol€.1, trJl . ol+
. Hl: 3000oJ eJ . 3B q|+ smo'J fl
'gg+^+ l5ooJ fl ^+
, I fl€,, o cJ eJ^ll 40EJ
.d s3 ? at+.. ..

> '==3 4 6ll0F 6l=71?', 'tfl-stoll 4 )t)l i;lE7l?'el 2Je +rlle TIHJEES --J +E 9lt+.

1. 1) ell oJ rln d7jlq(e)?/el] 7t? drl gzlq(e)? 2. r) +: ts^ll Llrl grol(9)?
2) elt E td6f,iLq(e dd6t^t
)?/elt E71L0l(e)? 2) E[?qrl g0(9)?
3) ell E E.J6Pnol(9)?/el] EE6l^l oJ"iLol(9)? 3) oJot(e)?
4) ell E 7luu7lLq(e)?/ell 7 Hsxl g1tL01(e)?
=^t go(9)?
4) trl=61^l
5) eu oJ trl36f4Lq(9)?/e! trl=61^l gr,,jLol(9)? 5) Eal 7la d^l gr0l(9)?
6) elt oJ c=^t g7lLq(e)?
cE7lLq(e)?/elt 6) dOll 7t0t o=trl odol(e)?
7) ell oJ En dlq(e)?/q] En .l^l grlq(e)? 7) i!d^t grof(e)?
^1 ^fB

42 9121
- --I ry

t a 9H gnl?




-(9)= ,l ,JPc1l tj-=> :--..(G)

A:*1,^-71 911 0lgll E 96? cl,\] Elg? wt'y hasr'l the bus come? Shallwe take ataxi?
B := 9loE g 4 eeq aeu 7lE+al lgu€ss it wll come soon, so let s wait a little longer'
?j eer{ 7lq4rl "Ji flrl 4^}61{9.
= =3
I think I \,vill be a bit late. sc clc.: rr"|: -' 'rE -d fEVe dtnner frst.

"J4lol9. dd6l 9+9. l s€e Ta€ "rt:ne.

A : r tl"J EJ:S egq olqqA dol9? TfE $rn look comfortable where did vou buv ihem?
A : rl== EAf=dE A 'Jgq E4d
I guess he/she/they ari!€d tfse B rw. Std I call hirnher/them?

A : ?"Jq4E E qEB a ees e+E 4 EI| r4e?

I think you will look good with bded ti- t@. Wtry don't you try it?

1. '-1o;= aag.l:+ael el:17--.-: - or= l,J4algl4l EEg 7l+€6I=' (9)./bcll'

7l Ail+ €qle. qE ^J+"r t {:!"f -Jdl +C;}= qlE-e 4d/-Ha A+-iZl il4lE EoJ 6l+
Eiq s€o]4. oJeo. cJ: €€:^}9 "lrJqL} 'gr}/SE}' 9ql:' g a 'JeEll'=,
^l+9= ={-.
Eaol S:*.^l+ €+rlE eal='-= a egqE^l-o.+4. '-(o)a 7i Aetll' s the combinat on
of -(9)= zie+ (rnd ca: - j r---:::- =-: q'L/:ql (ndicatng the introduction of atopic), and is
used when the speaker -:-:,:-::: ::::: ..- : :ssuming a situation or a fact ln a moderate and careful
manner. '-3 1 a3ql s -=r . :. a .:'. :- 3- :a-ective with a final consonant as wel as
'9lLf/fitt . ' a
7i a3Lll is used afte' ? .?= a')-: :::::,: '1-:-4,-,1 a fnal aonsonant.
rlt104 += 43
-Ll EKg) tt seems (oeef
A : EJ+ *q? Did you see l\ilin su?
B : ++ g g,l|-l El. ;61 +1q. lt seems he has someth ng to handle. He went out in a hurry.
A : oJ+71 Lf= Et. lEgqt0l. lt seems Min-su lkes me. | got a present (from him).
B : LfE t{9i=tll? I got one, ioo

A: Ifn Elg. EEI E BJ019. lt seems she is sleeping. She isn't answering the phone.
A : HII d+al =ollqtq q. Zl+ 37lDJ o-ll. lt seems she broke up with his bo',frjend. She keeps crying.
A : gEoll,\l | EJELI El. Et9,lE EIll Ut+. lt seems they are rnaking bulgogi next door lt smds good.

Bq+ ^i€, zlC.l zld a€+ ^laq+ ^lgql qldll^l= ^l+e + $.+. F^l+'914/S4.
' 9l/fl/ 9- I q ,{ oJt}. ' Ll 9f(9)' is used when the speaker indicates assumptions or guesses about
a certa n fact or situation Therefore, th s cannot be used regarding clear facts or direct experiences lt is
used after a verb, ?llf/gllf,or' ?119111. .

2. '-: a a+'E +aol+ el'l= +E+.I: El 6lr.ll'J'-Ll trEl'7t zl4lol zld ae6J
ql Eu 6ll^j= 5 + $.: ql H]6u, :: a g+= ^l€
4d aE+ ^l€ql qldl^lE +c sol olol
7l6J ql r.l-+6J + 9+. tqll ol sg g= a ,Jols. (4d 'Blc Eq *^l+ *.1 ?l=^lq
,J614 q416J + fltr}=gele 5i!901
"tol 4llol 4d ae6J^laqzl+^l€-g+ "JE+.) -=,i,J
Lt s also used to indicate assumpt ons or guesses However, it can be used when the speaker ta ks about
therdirect experiences wthout fu knowedge, whle -Ll ELLI'is not used about direct experences. [ex]
0l '-43 ""t01 ?l: ?i 'J019 ffh s s nterpreted that the speaker has had the bread but ls not sure whether
it's tasty. This s usable regarding the speaker's direct experience ln this way.)

EloJol 7l=0lLl |}E[|0ll Ell-d f;{ Assumptions about others'feetnss or condition l04O

. g= !f*7l Efg. lt seems you're busy these days

. ++ .J ?lLf Hfg. I guess there js some good news.
. 7l=01 tsl. lt seerns you feel great.
. oJOl gl0l -d= 9oJ0l0l. lguessyourwork is very dernanding.
. dJol trl=-J7f Hl. I guess you're very tired.
. o+ S a aof. lt seems he/she is angry
. lllg 3^]g qE Z0l. I think I cannot eat spicy food.
. 951 ot s =7i eol. I t-rirk he won t core roday, either.
. xl=E rln ?l=e. lguess he/she is sleeping until now
. Il ,l.l-J g]EoJE 4 ?0f. I think he/she is a foreigner.

@. :iEJ fr1fi c,"c..-;. l:. )

. a'- q'Gl +r | ..- .: ._ :b. too..

. +oJ0lal lfaJOl Ll= , ,:: ---'- := . :: ''::3pe because rhis is rhe weekend.
.Ht I7l 7-J9 lto
. 0l /''lrJ?l Z0l C : .' -- --: : . ---: 2-- :i :. s tinie of the clay
. ,I EAf1t= 7i0i. ,,-.' - .-- -- .".:r:-:-: bv now
.Il gAl IHo ")= 1':- r--:r:-: -- : : -::-:s:^E:
. tl-.JEll 3qg= ?i - :'--.... - r:-,.::::':..c,r Buyone.

1. '-(o)= a ,Jetll'= ,\f$--.r. :::- =.,.- Q.

n oto G oat +=9f TlLfal HLf

2) E^J
3) r lgo E6f Lf 0l Llql'1 ltt'f

4) Tlr4 Eit6Hrl
+ Eqfo|] ELI

EfElmJ 7t xt allgri - .Jfl 6H ELI

6) !t7f aLl orltq ILT :- TLrt

1) 0 gafTf rH!l9,LLl H el TfLt

ri r0rf += 45
2. '-Lf c(9)'= "JdH H^ilg..
ll ^tt6H^1

| !-e
-t= i

4) 9H

e:7 _7le D tgrl


> -++rf= rls6tq r

EAl rH6ll Lf= ++&71 qE 84= 6|1 91=^l golEtl. Hrl rl+
(!E= q^l r!+)71 9l=^l/fi=rl, ++ ++ B4E d4g olEJrl,
^438 -:40|.6|.=rl, =0f6t=rl,
+l0l7l +1oJ^1, t-Brol^jts ++ g= =",1=^l 50il El|6l] +=o-l|^l oJ6H
Etrl. +=01 "J?,tE q= ItrD -(
olLt Eel tsld€ 6tI gEol EF ELJ +ql +7|. 7|.8 oJol Tlrll ?l=Il EfoJ-dt-t.
^ElZ ^lBg
I > -E+rf=e.j 6f| -se+. 4rlEE Eq ++el aoJ^|, +"Je olE B
^rl5E ^^lEel ^lg'J^l
+61= =dtl.


1. )+ 9.oE ,1 Jer-l 4E1EJ Tlqa I, q 2. 1)+= oJO ?lLt !+(e).

2) 2i =eeql E^1 9. = 2) Lt= Et(e)

= == ^l^tot,q =40f6fLf
3) r +l'Jo trJ-J ?i eSql qqql^l d0l9? 3) xtr 9lLl H+(g) 1
4) BE E^l6jE a e3ql lEl6ll E4 E lL?l^leE 4) dlql.L+ E+(9).
9I3 ?i 'Jeql difou E,\te. 5) EnTlE uqq q(9). 4
5J .gqcl,]l : q3# 4 43t11 elF 6ll E^
-1+o;l br tr -d-J Fllgl.
A"Jq47l E qE-J a aeql -dE e^lle 611 7) EolL ,JLl Hl(s). ^l
6) btTf 3 7i ,JeqL gdB Tfxln ,t^119.
7) a aeql Eal arf9?/01 gqt7l
0l gi+7t r|lolflE r|| ol
!11= a aSql Eal a^tq I

*tsJ r-tlt -l
rr EHgl-rl
lEH617 | Ol-,-ll9. J

9H o.l' 9rr?
9!s i$ rr

-(o)= 1l HJd||(9.) :. : ,__.(o"f

A: '^lz tl fl:tll 9tl E 9.i -,. -. ::::- : -: :-. come even though it's alrnost t me to depart?
B : Tltll6f^l Ellllg g=tr -= 4 tic
Don't expect him.lher !e: : : :: . : -_: :-:: -: :-: ,'. oe are today again

A : 4ts01 ,t.l:EIl LIE -. :-= ::-=r-?.:s<hrn/her f the rumor strue?

B : -^f:01 ofLefl g4l t+. : -. :. :,_ :-::-: :^:,..rr1,sayitsnottrue.

A: l Ai7 f7 f :: 4€ 01+E
^-: i3
71 :+9..:::.::!sthattheauthor,snovetwon,tbeinteresting

A : "JU gE i1\!014r' = ;-1=='-,1 :+.

As he/she keeps te .J :: ::::.:,::-::-::-:,..r eagan_
oJ g /i
Aj 8+n E=r3 6frlEJ li.
Although he/she sais -= :-:,,, ::-: : _: : : :., 3JS that he/she won't come.

1. ' (g)= B.ll(s): ===-=: -:j= t-!'

Zl +.S6+_t gg trll EelolEl. !
ge g i= =++.^JEI= ^l.S6t=
+4219 9ol c
= :,:j= =. zld ezl g"19 g + glEl: elElqEl, llJ
dol 9l= :l^f+ esr'_ .:_.:_ .i_ ::r: =B610l 9 d U.ll(g).= ^l+61r, +dol S: Fi}+ €+
9ql: p ?l t-- i .:=:_: -.. 5{,Ll e+^ig EJaol _ "J a+, ,r g B+^lz +
^l =
' = 7ll U6l](g)E g=-1::. -: 1 ::-: s lsed when the soear<er rs convnceci ot fl-re resutt
orstuaton olac.-:----: --:-::-::-:-::::a.stuatontshowthatmighthappen.,,sZl
9) is used afLer a .=':.' 2-- ..- - - ' .'- = .-onart as wetas glltfiLf, and e Zl !go|](g),

ll11rl3'1U 47
s used after a verb or an adjective w thout a f nal consonant When the stem of a verb or an adject ve ends
with 'a it is combined with p ,lJ BI6H(9) after removing the '= in the stem
2. trF .J +g .J, +X 4.J "Jq aol q Ell 1l q= ^l*ql +6J g, 96l-= ^}fl-q 4 d 4.J +{.1 s: G
.Iql "JdJ rll ,rl-$f,Q. Usuat y, this is used regard ng bad/negatve things and mostly
^laol+ ^l€ql
about other e or th ngs that are not directly related to the speaker

3. -(o )+El+'71 '_84, gEl, F^le+ EI4l 4.J tr+Ell-l, gle4ol+, 5 o +ol+, 7l
+"1+'5ol 6flll '/ ol7lEe4. tqll rzl7t7l+l:€"1+E (tr+"1+/9194"14) rx'ls34l H
qle. / E"J gE 7l1gqq4(594"14) E2ll"J"JZl Uil. somet mes th s expression is used
together with phrases such as'tsLLiltLf, 919LfIiLf, TfLfstLl - which are the combinations
glt, ELf , and '7flf'
of -(g)LfqLt' and verbs such as tsLq,

-(o)= alTl fiOl(9) cannot oe-,/tt ls hardty possibte- (ols)

A : 4=oJ Ll 7lqa1 tsLrl. gd-Il. Let's wait a bit longer. Helshe wil come soon.
B : ofLf. qlg *= o.ltll =
g4l E alTl gl0l. No. He./she wil be late every da\4 so he/she cannot come eaiy.
A: LH oJol )lE +W=rl? Did my words hurt h s/her fee ings?
B :-]fl "J= 7lE alTl gtol. lt ishardy possibe for anyone to feelgood with such words.
=n =E
A : += F-I 1= alTl gol. lt is hardly posslble that he/she eft behind me
A:01aJll B14{ -5- dqg alTl golg ft ls hardly possible that one hates an expensive present likethis
A: EB6l E6|l Elrll alTl Sols.
=flg =-J3
l'm sure he/she got the news, and it is hardly possible that he/she didn't know about it

1.'-1e1= qrl$.q(g)= ^l+q *qls:=+ol +El.u:^laq+^l+Fol g^8+ol++

7fb^J ol d-d 9€€ q+l.J a+ _E€ol+. 'l ra€ 4qe 471 sq.':'r ^l
^|g.6f= ^l+ol
+e +B6l rag +ol6J4: a9 !+: qd6.l+. r"J+ Ll= q4l6Jq. 4EE 9q= +qB
.9j,.1/s'l' .
gql: c 47t $q(s)'=
+. *aol g= F^l+ €+^1, ^l_€_61a,
EJaol $.:5

^t+ e+^l 9915' - alTl $.q(s)'= ^1.+++. B, 5^l+ €+^tq Edol e eLl:4+, '=
'='98+^lrJ 9'-= 4zlSq(9)'e €€€4. -(e)- -l7l gtol(9)'is used when rhespeakeris
convinced that there is no reason or possibiity of a preced ng ncident or situation. 'f ,\t#0 fTig dqgl
alTf flol. means -.] Egol :la= 1= LfE ofUdll. loJ= Lf: qd-Jq " 3 471
^t-JP =olzrlf=
Sq (9)' ls used after a verb or an adjective with a inal consonant as well as 'oJLf/SLt', and -p alTl flq

(.9) is used after a verb or an adjectve without a f na consonant. When the stem of a verb or an adlectlve
ends wjth ' = ' it is combined with '- a I7lgq(g) after removing the -'inthestem

?.' (s) = rl S+'4= E€q^l'S+

E .Iil6}n 9E+ q tr _E Bg a+ F.J6J 9 El= q
4E + 9lq. 4, '_(e)= elTl 9Iq?€ ^l+olE qlq4se qB oJol oJqg Tlbdol S+g s
dg + 9l+. The same rf eaning can be expressed by replac ng flLl for '?lll' in (q)a alTf fiLl anci
rnaking it an nterrogatve sentence. That s, -(9)= al7f 9lq? ron cally indcates there s no possibillty
that somethlng will happen.

48 9PJ

r E!. Eg llt0ll E||:'J 9lt! Conr'lctjon aboul \r'/hat one saw and heard (oaa)

. Ef:ollg! LllTl *qqt'c :s :::-' :a ::

-=2--' ' t9
' LIU I EB6l -it
=Xo19 "''
. 'J= U-d u!^l5oli 9. -: :-. : : ---: ::- s'-'ce
. rl faJ Ef0f9. I1l7i=:-- -:::-::-: :s*..^:ri'
' q7lqal U*Eel x ):== -'--: -'- :-=:::-:-an!trnesandhersnottneperson
. t0ll LHTf g0l*=; a- -=:- 1 '- . ::' :r - - -:' oefoie and he/she saLd no
. lql-l|q ^- = l;:- ::-'" --= lorecasl said ltwoud rarn
==JfiCl.9u ": "':a:'e'
Looking at hls,'her'a:: -::-:'- -: : I: -::::-:: - s!€
.Irl B0' :, :-.'

El! Dlstrust (oa5)

. *_ ]l"_roJ 1ql9 - - .: r: : :". :

. U HfE 8JoJJ. E *3 -:' :: -: :-: ':- ''' ??z'
. )JLloJ ol. Don t le
. L1l "J d61 9J 'J:rlL 1- .:- ' - : r -' , :-rs :: al

._nl 456C??olF i-. :! '-: :'

1. '-(o)= xl ,J6l](9)'= l "JdH H^119.

1) :5- ;6-1

2) ofLlaln 6llt

3) ^llo

4) E 711l"J6fll I _(o )a ll Es6H(9)

oJ lzlf

6) ^l-1

7) of qg|+Lt
4l11rf +c 49
2. (ele ar1Hl!e'=.rt--aa "J.-H Elll9.

3)- =^f___.__i
'JLf l

4)i-- I



lilt l1
> ELlTl 1tr190il^j rE+gtr rfrllEe 6frl7l €^l
E+3A011 rlLl3 bEqol gqdq. ++rl=
:d^f7l qq bEq= ^lol,
e EqE 4ollll5 gEE 6ll Ecf. d+E laJE En, 6Heql
t0f47l E aE(E€|qi =r!
g3 39rfe +dEt= glE 5)C^tz
HfEJoe ^lz
+7t E?lErt +olLJEl.


I rl

1. l) eEE 4l E6l|(e). 2. t) E alTl ftol(q).

2) ofLl+n==
g lt BJd|1(e).
2) )tE 47t flq(e).
3) r|lElgt3 ,11 uI6 (9) 3)
e^t ,Jg atTt g{ci(e).
4) E Zl"Jg 1l U6l](e). 4) -!83 dqg alTt sq(e).
5) ?1 g 4t E6||(e). 5) 47t fiq(e).
6) flg 7ll fl611(9). =*3
6) +r1tE oJ =d= 47f aot(e).
^ln ul6tl(9)
7) oJ EelE 7) ?CqatE 47t Aq(e). l
EU !:

=BTI cl

-LT LF^r
ol #cttE
9. t ?ll.r| qinl ot
5.lrd I EJ rrljol?



A : 7l+01 Ljol,{j €AOl9. r eo-c - .r : .ra,e a hrge famity.

B : 7f+01 LjoE g 49? +7t gs- fAds t€ LEe of a rarge famly? we cannot see one another.
A: g;
tl0l += el40l t+t_.lrl : |'rc(E to work for a higb paying
B:CEUgjol +t! g 619? f: =aot€-
g:q. MrHs the use of earning a tot? we have no days otf
="ol .

B 6? qqTl gg- rt'as:E

A : 8+EJ EtdtE .Ee of beirE a b.est student? He/she is not porite at a[.
A: g=oJ 387IE g il.e.? c40t t
=eq. bd personajity.
What's the use of tEirg rEGcr-re? Fb.Es a
A : +rHE 7|.401 rts! E {g? 4+ €71=E{.
What's the use of =rpt
a uE{Es\€ c€t dqE? tt constanty has problems

1. '-(9)E g 6fl (e)?': q=- €=-, :4o1 ESBJ gElTl g+g, E: i+ol g.
€€ illE4 ee s€-r a r=-_:;. +. 94E}. +^J7l+, /++'5l qB tlei+^J+ol ra'Js
-qE'€!+6lzi f*4. l*--;. E=i-; --el gDlolE+. gaol g: F^l+ B l gq=,_98
€ 6I(s)?E ^184i. e=,ai. *'z.-;.= "Ja"l 9l: F^l+ e+^l gql: ._H g nll(s)?,E
"JT. -l:U lE = - : _ : _-: ;,-=--:-: :.aa<,-- _oxpresses a certain behavior, situation, or condiuon
ls meanlngless use:;s . ' a:-
"at-- -:-::^9 condrtion described with verbs or adjectives, e.g. 3
oft+, AdTltt ,!.i:- :-: -;_'_-:. -._< : -:::.rc.rgh./usefut. , oE E oll(g)?,is used after a verb
an adjectve with a'-a r:-s:^a-: :.: 5- gr? is used after a verb or an acliective without a fnal
consonant or a:_a ::_s:_:_: = ==
rllr 2n+ Eg!+ EoJ 51
EIl6l + -flEf! tlust can't fhere is no way of, aoaD

EtflOl^l Er16l E HdE[] | just can't eat this because it isn't tasty at alll
B d,Jzt q= zt zaql rts qq.
They say having =q.
less sali is good for your health. Eat the food as it is.

A: n3 Lf,(l 0 +rfl= Elio=l F .^ ltEll

ljust can't use thls cel phone because t frequently doesn't work
r4 tl Il gDf gt E ZGof? lt's not long s nce you bought it, right?
0l 86+ Il10lflq,,.1 E116l + HAIEI! | just can't see this movie because its no fun at all. 1.
OlE qlll q E-lZl rf. U EIl6l 4 lldcfr How can we sleep in this kind of place? ljust can't sleep!
0l d, +g^l EIl6l EAlq! This house is so cold that l just can't live herel

1. 'E461 * -4,E+l': dl;l: dFol q'J {r-Ell,-} t}C} 'llcq ++4 6tqi qlE 6J
+ s€€, 6la 4zl 9+€€ Llr[L]]5 r11 ;ro15 g€g.e ^Jql*ol"J6f= ailH "J+
rl. S^lE q rJJl 9t+ 9+ ?tlt4. grlal -dqL' is used when the speaker indicates that speaker
cannovdon't want to do something because of a certain condltion or situat on. This is usua ly sald in a way
il of ta kng to oneself even when there is a listener. The expression js comb ned with the stem of a verb or

,l !$ Comptaints aoout life ln Korea (0480 z

. 71+ll= BJ30l oJ Sllll EE6ll9. The dormitory is uncomfodable because it is not soundproof.
. q=fl 'Jf 713?l +?1-9. The place ls hot in summer and cold in winter.
. filn 0ll? 3.^{01 gf0f9. There are many salty and spicy dlshes.
. golTf oJ
5611,\l HEJoH9. I feel burdened because I cannot communicate with others in English
. 347f Ll+ Llg,\l 41lq9. lt's lrustrating that the weather is so hot.
. "J0l Ll+ Eaf^1 6lLl_E oJOf=7jtolg.
= | cannot Unders€nd h rrlier at all.
Ha/eha c.6rk< <.^ ,,qt h:-

E80ll Ell:d HJ! ,a.ssrr ng people wth aomp a nts (oat

. +.:tllIl Ef. Stop grLmolng.

. rgzl doE loJfl. you hate it so much, quit it.

. ElflgE qrl 0f. li it's not tasty don't eat it

. ,tll80ll E =d= ,l.f=Jol Olq flq? Who doesn't have any problems?
. gd +4Il [t. Don: c'i c:'c-i -ro! re l't
.lal rlrTl 6H +l. lne- :'- '.' :- 1r' ir\

' Ll +n fl +Ed.ol? \\^a: s I =e'3^:: r case vou?



1. '-(o)E C 6tl(9)?'= ^fEoH^l oJ6H .E.^119.

1) 7t+01 grlf

g== .Piol +Lf
3) 3+= 56flf ?
o)B B 6t1(9)?
g=01 g37lLl T

5) 7f401 ritli

6) grlTf
1) otg 0tTt

2. '-E^l6l * -7Jl.tfl'=
'i'1 Ea^llg




4) lE.^]0 |



EdJ 53
^lt12n+ =84

'd4, -*i, rl3, r!+, E0il0lE'el ee :++rf7l Ttrlr ?l= E'J=

> el-s, G+, +r1l0ll El16H "J6l1

> -af+&=rlal cJ+oll^l dg6lE^l a, 0f30ll 5Il gJ= A, oldllTt EiIl gJ= 101 91=^1, 9l
+E ?iol +loJ^l 4^le! +, 4^t =E:d gE-d+. 5= Lf+r rnlLl 4^tal +41(54q ql=.J
EEJ, e]soll rH--J EoJ 5)=
dBdlE -:=trl.



1. l)7t401 oroE 3 6l](e)? 2. 1).E^l6l + q7lLq!

2) BAE Ddol
+E E 6l](9)? 2) Erl6l * l4Tjltll
3) E+= d6lE E oll(e)? 3) E^1d F EAql
4) gEol g37lE 6ll(e)? 4) -E^161 F
5) 7f40 rlE E dll(g)? t ^fillfl
Erldl E gzlllr
6) g{7f E 6|](e)? 6) E^161 + E"lltl
7) eJ= qoE E 6ll(9)?
=oE 7) Er16l tfLl"lLttl
H?J4 +E
+4. 14oto 9?
I '*t
trul 91or Hr-rr_9.

Tl I

D -dE -of/qiG - t,:)

A:+=.40q9? :'
B:4€oJrl 0[=i- : - ,= -::-
_:'. le I . i:n'e

A:tr+01 )-,.-:. :' '= : :: :.:,,i'1 ,'oLISk.i Peasetrylhis

A:nJdSlfaJl: .t -= - . - :::- Peasemeethmonce
A:!+=IEJg,:=:- . -.='_
Peasetrytra - . - . .-..'r-:'orihedsh

+U+ ^l+r =.. = , '-._.J+;l 3+ol:.dE-ql -o,lrrl= s€-lrzl .f
trll:-+i'J:_ . :' : -,=-.1 E-^lql:_ _o| trr]lg €, 1., olrlel -E*

!_E €"J:',r,= - - . -.- . '_-.1 'J+ql: q7l a;il;lq .J !,rll9=, ^l

*nJ4. : ' : :.t:a(,.r ieaornn.ends The lstener try a carta n ail oir
The -rca" -
- : : -: - --: --il .Ji oi someL n'es ?f t-l s onr tted n cioet

: --: :::^r Ji a \'erb has F , , , 0l E,ll ?' s rscd aNd

lll?rl +l 55
when the stem has one of the other vowels -q El,rl I is used n sentefce of 6llf, dll ts|ll f is used
wth the comb naton -q .

Fds| -(o)E -Il IZ||? whydontyou iyou ? lo51)

A : tr 36f E rln 6fll .f.ttl? Why don't you get some s eep and cont nue later rf you re tired?
B : oJ Ell.
= 0f^l0l 6f-!
g=rfxl $Ol0f No way. t shou d be compteted today
.r|gE Ll= e
A : oJoll oJ qll :1a|l? Why don',t you eat something else if you don't tike the taste?
B : Sd0f9. q= .J6]]9 No probtem tt's edib e

A: tl+E ?€ HII f ell? Why don't you take some c othing off if it's too hot?
A: doE #+i1= "J6lIl .]al? lf you hate lt, why don t you say you hate it?
A : 0t30ll gf !f+Xl leH? tf you don'r ike it, why don't you change r?

1. . (o)E _^l r4?,: sJ;l: L}ol qH q€ *+ol+ 3dql ql;ll z}41

^l*ol {++ ^JEIEJq]4
el 449 d+6J r.t+6]+ s'dolEl
tr]' '-eE E e+ *aol 9l:5^tq e+^l ilq:
BJdol 9zl4
= *+l.l ..,I: F^lLl €+^l 9q: -E g ^l+6J+. -zl re]]?': tl
q++ €'6J'*El. -(9)E r laf ?' s used when the speaker recom.nends something to a Jriend or
ayoungerperson regard ng astuaton orcondton -qE s used after a verb or an adject ve w ih a f na
consonant and E s used after a lerb or an ad ect ve r4r thout a l nat consonant or the fina consonant '

- -ll la|]?' is comb ned v/ th a vefb

2. -Zl reu?at: s€qliJ zl r4? q{q : ,ll qq?e+ E}+l r! rl (_o)E : 4l q

ql?tr g€g + o.a.lEl. --^ l4?' n the expression can be repaced 1or : rl q[tl?' and -(9)E :
Zl 0l[fl?' ts a so used

3. 9l^l%lqr4: (_o_)^lE r44le? el ,Jg Ed€ E6J ol s.dqll.l

^l-*i14. 9l
ql: F^t, €+^1. '91+/sE+, -olE+ +ol sF 49 + glzl+. r4^Jl9?',4: sE *ql
: 5^t+ g + 9l+. E+'-^l- 71 / ol7l ql+ql .J+ 5^t+ e+^1, 9.I Eg 914.. 41^lEl.
of'+ 9alEl. ++^l+. qEl E^]E+/11+^1.I 5:+ a.l 4'J6J +"J qge tsI+l / l"l
"Jti. (q),l.E -,l.Il lal{19? is used v/hen 1a k ng to an older person than the speaker Inthscase,
'-(9),tlE is preceded b.vaverb, an adject ve, '9,Llf/fl Lf', or'-0lLl but ,|lI ]zj-rjig? isprecededbya
verb on y. A so because of -l , appropr ate honorfic forms should be app ed to verbs adlectives, and
'9llf as n ?tf -l|^llt, Ofq+ trlajll, qLi q^ q/It+^llf

IlloJ-g ttll tvtak ns suggesr ons (052)

. 0lrf BAI Ha1 3a[l9? Let's go to the nrovies ater

'9al dEJ Tf^fr Let's go shoppingL

. a+dlal /l,'.lr Le:: J. . : :, :...:
.'J oloal 2JDl) sr, ..._ )..- . _;-.
. EllSE= Hl|q,E: Z q-:? -..'....-- :a'ning Taegwondo?

'HlE.9=tll d5= +301i ,iI. ::sgoonapcnc ater as it's raning now.

. Ll]Tf € EIlLlrl Ef Dro4 7iIl. :'eai !cu. so lets go out to eat.
|} Ill?J= ZE:-J ltll Be::: -r :-ii=:: r. : (os3|

'959 olaJfl=q 9. I
c:3:c!li todav

' dojol ?l0l,].l9. have a c'e. c-s e.gagement

. Ll d4d|I I l il"'.< ac.-: :
.84--J =Zl9
,\1Z= +.\19. G.i-e s.-e : .r,e io thlnk about it =
qulIl9. 9=9
. qr+o1 9lq^i9 C' scrry lhavean appo ntment today.

:E ' aJe0f9. riiTl oJOf^ 3219. : s :<a! n.'l I take care of it

. ElE, Lf3oll l.lz ?.LS q{ A0l Tf'^l S3rr/ Let s go together later when I have t me


1. ',-dfl -0tlutly, _Hllle'= /.lEdll^l oJdfl Hl1l9.


2) )tq


4) 'JS EJqq
+ 0f/q/q q,qe

5) q^q



Illl3Ii il tj4 +Tl 57

2. '-(o)E -^l tafl?'= "J6fl E^119.

1) trl-!6fLl

*c {r+
-) =
+ -^f r4l?


6) olErl qg0ll 7f rr f]

> _"^l= q6^l=el zBr0l 4=.J 7tE= F -E+&: + 4e +Hol 14= rrug n-d
0l=01 4=.J 7lE= tr=tr, 24= l4 -++rtE ^llE =Hla+.
-Zg 0lE0l 4El 7lE= nEq. 2r,++^l= rtdol
gg 7tE0I ^ q ?1= gAE qag 2J rtoltrf. &caf 2Je vF= 7l^la ?l= 14 -.J+^toil ll *ol E
7l^l oltrloll ?fE +9E qr, +t= 6lE 5 qil dEl= Er -J6f: gEE =drl. g
Eol E+E 01fl0il= =Erl,
EJqlE =g^l
1r -E6rf7f 24 -.fartqllt qg dE= EE= -dtrt.

1. l) -JE "Jol .Hrl e 2. 1) trt=6lE 6l^l -]zll?

2) =elfl 7t E^119 2) g0ll E "f=o ^lr
E i+= e q^ r41?
I 3) -"JE 4 E^119. 0 r19E ?E E {^t r4?



ll HrBl8l-
or zJg H rBJBJltcl
Ol-9.r 9 rjH tEJot Lrolg.





-(9)r 4 7j0[(9)

I l!} -21q11:1 r: see,ns for to l05a)

A: di+6 Eo].,=rlg? St|all lca! ard ask?

B : dE+6171fl! Ll+ I ,JOIA. 4"J 61,q9. I think il's too late to call. Do it tomorrow, please.
A : 0l .4 qqe? el+oJ tl+014 dE"-tEr 6t=ql.
How about this book? I'm givirE tire b@k to my foreign friend.
B:qqoJ0l "J7l0ll= olEe 4
'Jol-R. lthink it's a bit dlfficult for a foreigner.
A:+301 llTl0ll= BlSa'Jol9. tt s€erns abit expensive for a student to buy.
A : 0t0l7f q7lOll
=0fl9 A'Jot9. tt tastes a bit spicy for a child to eat.
A : P4 Eol €7lS 53 1 'Jolg. ft seems a oit spacious iust for the two of us.
1. '-7lql(:) (o). a aol(el+: E€e q'J,*+.lLl raql Ell,bJ zl4l9 s7l.+ $49 +.
Hj1 ?+6141 "J6J q ^l-s"eEl. '-7lql(=I .Jql s: q€+ fltrt=: ++ol.+ 9a. .^J49 rlt
ol+ 7l# +484. = ololTl q7l8l +'Ig a Aol9'= += oJ trIg +E 9lalsJ
o;.12| !b4b 4l*g
^344 trg
ololqlZl= Ellg adlEl.'+= *o e.
zl+"lLl ofolTl 471 + -ql(:Iol+= +€oE LlElLlljl, +Elg A4='-(o)L ^i*ol ++6|=
a eot
(e)'= =4: 4+6I_1 +EB 7ll s€6JEi. Tlql(.LJ (e)' a A"l(e)'q^l '-7lql(:)'g}ql
E F^fel'914 +.1 3 + 9la. - (e). 4 eol(s) 9 A++ €s" C + 9l=ql'Jaq S
oE'-L x. a"tg 'Je"l *98 -g a 'Jotg'= 6J4. ^l+q
_rto(=) _(o)L ?t eot(e) s
=. ^|!o
used when the speaker delivers thelr own opinion or ihought about a sjtuation/condit on in a humble way.
The preceding content of -7101(:) reveals the standard of the ludgment, opinion, or thought that comes

rlt144 rJcJ 59
after ii For example, Of 0 L7t q7l?l 5 0l]e ?i a0f9' shows the speaker's judgment that it may be hot for a

chi d although it may not be lor others, and the basis of the speaker's
judgment is given wlth the expression
'ofo 7l q7l'+'-ql(=) . The resuting judg.nent s gven in a humble wav usns ' (S)' 't a0t(9)
n this

expTess on ,7101 (=)' is prececled only by a verb or 'g,LLf whi e - (9) L )^

'J0l(9) ls preceded only by
t s combined with - L 71 ,J019" and
an adjective. tn th s case, when an adjective has no final consonant
when an acljeative has a final consonant it is aomb ned
wth -3 e0l9 '

2. Tlql:'g ql4 7lqlgtr "5J+. /Joll: ls usualv shortened to / El'in conversation

-ElEt -0l/7t (tr1) LtOt(9 ) A is better than B (ort

A :I qga 9. 'd ljke bibimbap.

at this restaurant
B : 0l dg BlggHq AHl3ol Ltolg.. Galbitang ls better than blblmbap

A : 5d d=e Tfql+ qErl? G

How about a oamera for rny younger brotheas graduation gift?
B : til=qtd0l^l? ral TfqlalllLf lE+01 cj Ltot.
He s a university student, right? Then a notebook is beiter than a camera'

A: A7l0ll= 7]trlEEt 33^frt Llolg Ginger tee is better than coffee when vou have a cold
A:f 356+-E Et +=71 ti Llot. Shoes are better than sneakers to fit that sklrt'
^luloll= Ei,].lHq
A: ,|.lzgl rl6ie0l Llol. The subway s better than a taxl during rush hour'

1. '-s4 qol(.g): -tr+ gql -s: a9 ^JEll+ ql€€ 7l+9tr nll^l tsljril€ trll
ol/71 (rl)
. ol/71
*ql 9: ag ^Jel'} ,1,1+q s4 *ql s= aB+,'Jql4ee tl +4lll= E
oJaol ",1= B+ 5l{:
' "l
€o14. rl'+= +^l-= ^l-€ 61tr tslig gEl= rJae + 9ltl.
Llot(e) 5. oJaol $,: q^l 9q= -71 +ol(9)'= Hq -av)l (Ll) Llol(e) is an
express on to lndicate that one thing s better than the other based on a certa n cond tlon or content in
the preceding pad lt rneans one th ng in front of -01/7t is relatvely better than the atter The meaninq
comoarson can be emphasized by using the adverb'tl While -ol LlOl(?)'is used after a noLrn
wth a

final consonant, -7f Lf0(9) s used after a noun without a fjna consonant

2. tslig 7l=9,JidJ a+ql B+ 94'-:'9 €q /l^l 'HEIY'^le + + 9lr' ol A+

. .-J
'-ol/7} r+oKs) 441 '-ol/71 +oXe) +E 9l+.
-s+ o tr "Jg + 94. = ^l-s"
When emphasizing the standarclof comparison" +Lt= is used by attach ng : to -ELt" lnthiscase
theword can be shorteneclto -ELJ in conversat on Aso,' 01/7t=of(g) canbeused nstead of 0l/71


3. tslr qltol $.rlz| olrj 5^Hl 9+ F+olLl ol+ F'J a+ lr4 ol/71 (tl) +ol(e)'ql^l
' ol/71 (rl) Llol(s) qlC4 '-: 7ll +ol(s)E +F "^l+. olull -H+' *q= +^l qAql
: a'9 €q B^le otr EJEq ^l+dlot 6lq, -= '/ll ++(s)'q:5^I qaol Ele €aEJE+'

tql ,J7lq e*9 d E g: atrE+ +l= 21 +ol'll. whenthe comparison targets are not nouns out

be used lor noun fonn wh le '-E 1 is attached to slem of verb And -:Zl is directly attachec
to the stem ol a veril

60 9e
- ts
G EEgl "J--J [t|l -.-:: . .::: r' -..!rn-e.' 1056)
lno =Z=
.EJf 2 Htl4:=a: ',: ; -t': :-.:::i!u.e marned seengyourring l9
. 'le, A dl- ,/1 +,lt - r . -, rii
lguess she/he s se.c -: ::: -l -: -: s^: s't ansvterng the phone

'1401 -Jg-J a aof,t .:..-i:- .':-:'i some bread, trrnkngthatyou need asnack
. Ell50 SLln 6lLlri :=:''^l Le.s gohklngasastormiscor.rng.
.*^leoeEld 4d3 a'- - =:= :a:.r.l- his/her cothing, glessthe person snotastudent

e EJE= EJtoj ufl r:: - , ,. lor)

,JCf e '- -- -:=: :. :€ t'ne.

, llrJoL "J9-J rl
. ,ror4l ,.1 r: a :.,- _

' tl 346J] ElofTjlolg :^:-::'- - ..:- . a i:e cnget

. dzl Ali t; -:a-. r-- -r-,( tsaneasydecsion
=Eg =I1: tr -i:- 3 r - .r-: . .',fat io do
. 01=Zl 6l]0f --JIl
. 0l=Zl 6l= 7l +:I 3 = =-^-.i - -:. :-.: frhether t s right to do tlrls.
. Ll d4-lI .q:,lc --i 3 a beiter tfrink abolrt t a ttle longer' l

= ==-=,-

-l cl

1. '-7lo1l(=)
lwll\L/ -(o
-/ o lr
\ -/_)L
71 2LO
.\ E- Q
f.lg;ll11 "J"l| Elll9.
t) !nf6f Lvq+
2) o f o nl olTl /4 all =1- -

3) +d0l ./,fLV= I rtfLf

4) 010 7l q L7= EJLI

J r..l

iql 5)
=v =!t/E

::Jl 6) 9= ETULV=. LrLf

7) 2:q) ILJE

rlltltl iJEf 61
2. '-ELl -01/71 (Ll Ll0(9)'= "Jo-H !|^J19.
1) 0l dg Hlg EJ/'JBIEJ

2) r|l+ d=e= 7f 0ilef/rE=

3) ,J)lql= ,1nl/ts2J^f

4) I ^l0f0ll= 3E6f/+F
5) Eq^l/rl6|tr
=tr|= ^lrJoil=
6) Ll= z q all5re olal

7) z,J6|j^la1E q/35

> qtGlf= I
7|lg 4e LttsLf. 44ol 4= dlLlel olflE 6l^17l E/q olqgol
EZ gE +il6Hol:d

g3 g3 Ealg^ ArdolLf. elelfl3 4-E^r9] EelE^= E50lQ

trl. 01flofl
elE g7l g:dtl. elqoJ4 fsl qrf 'iE(5g- a{1; ^
r!?(E= .Jrf rl+)0il rliEl €E= HfEJoe -d EgE Eals
4= lrjzl €o^l7l71 9l:d Zl_ErE 'EalE^= grll g lurl, qqoil^l _g ?toJ^l, olE 7t
50ll rll6ll olotTl-dll.
= =Hl6tE rEt

Llol: 34 ^]g:
Lfol: =erratrrt+
28lt *atl ia Egl
+l!l: 5d, ++ i0i: q="J, _ttJ 74)l
^li4c] €4: qd!
7f+-+zl: +qH, 7l+_+Zl: 98dll, qE81
Z+^l: 9tr1-\E
q53,=^lnoJol 2ol4
54oJ: =d
oJH H: 7f= 34:
5.24 Tlqe
OJLJ ^13
i]3^faJol ^f+
I: SSHS =d =i]
+Ofxl! 9,l.l. orr.l
=016E ^l:

1. 1) ti+6t7t0u(=) Ll+ a ao(e). 2. r)01 E3 Hlggqq aElB0l (Ll) Ll0(9).

2) sl+?l0l o;7lollts E=e
0tal3,t ao(9). 2) q+ dEe: Tf qlalErl eEqol (r1) Lt0(9)
3) -qrdol a Hlt ,i a0(9) =e
3) a7i0ll: ZtrlEtt.34^17l (rl) Lt0(9).
4) 0t0 7l ^t7lolt(:)
q7l0 (-!) rti3 z ,J0(9) r
^l0lql: e5ilEq
-E 4) ++71 (rJ)
s) Eol s7t0lt(:) H. 'i eo(s) 5) El^lH+ (r1) Ltot(9).
6) ee eL|]/loJl(_!)= Lr3 7i aot(e) =El= ^lzql: ^ldfEot
6) Lr- I clcl" + lJe olcrTr Ll) Llol
7) Zq7f7t01l(-!) a = E,t a0(9). 7) aad oJHq
e5o (rl) L,fo(e)

62 4>l
iors Irto19.
lrAdrr rrl
Ii orr-r lor9r.{9..


Ji gr 'rt zra, F.-'

:l --^l

tl!} -(0 f/ollq )

E I ?j--J Ll tll41 f, -gt Ll tf m sorny loss)
A : +Ollj 4l+gf LlLl. . s."- ':' ce -i aie
B: B€0f9. q^i 9. :: 3< on in
A:st+= €oJ n l?JEtL]+. -'eai,, sorrythat ddn'tkeepmyword
B : 016|J6H9. 6f^loJ +,\l-q 0l= g o'=igE I understand but hope this won't happen again
A: )lLlJPl oll,ll !+:srLlt+. -s.-, ikepryouwating
A:[lal E+=Ea{rl oloJ:dL]t+. n sony I drdn't contact you n advance.
A: HJ=ZI dofdli,(i tl*grL]c+. :" sc,,'- caled you ate at nght

1. 3i+tlJLlE+: g6fb al4l9 g+.1+ ql"ll 4+6lZl

6|: 411 Ed"lE+. ^l* rJ ,J46ln €+ Fql ^l
+6J Ell /.1€
^t+61: dEE + 4^l 9lAl -Ed6lrzl 6J qlql=
'"l.Ji+,_lql4+Elqq ?l.ll Cg ol+.r.I+61 e+,Jg +^f= gTlE +El. E+ 1. , e e+ F
B+^tg qtql: -ol^l "l"J6Jq4/4+;Jq+= ^l+61n, ,l , , .1E9 _E+etr e\:l
F^l+ e+^lE qaqly -"ll.j 'l.JElLl4/4+dJq4,= ^}+6J+. .6l-+ g a+ql= ._q 7l ?
+6lol '-dll^J EloJ6Jq 4/3J+6JLlEl € -(0flq/q)^J 0 oJs'LlLf/4AstL Ll s a tormal
expresslon that s usei .1'l-e. :fe speaker pol teiy apo og zes for their faults or mlstakes When one wants
to emphasize the r apo og\ aic n'ale tfcrma thev put adverbs su.h as E"J'or'LllLJ6l nlrontol IoJ
gLlLV4+-JL Lf Whe. t.e sten" of a verb or an adjeclve has f , r', -0l-{l 0loJsrLlLf/IlAsrl Lf s
used and wfien the stenr nes cirs of theothervowels -q,^l E oJ-JLlLi/rAetL Lf isused nsentenceof
end ng in 6flf , 6f .! ! oJsf L
+ / 46"JLlq' js used with the comb nation of -cf
1t154 _63
trf=+Ei= -1o;=41(g)
llt twit/l won,t (rireralry, ,,from nexi time on,) l05e)

A : ctg+EJ I wilt be more carelut next time.

A: Elg+EJ!^d:gZlg.
g4:r IJell. iwilt keep rny promise next time.
A: Efg+EJ ?J qqqBll. twonlforget next rirne

-7 0l
hat they would not repeat the same mistake
again. The
combrnatton of q3+Eits,, meanlng ,,next time,,
or ,,after this mistake,,, an. _(9)e lJ(9),, expressing
promjse or deterrnination, Thls expression a
apology. ,-gzl(
of promise/determination usually replaces an
ili 9) is used after a verb or an adjective with
a finar consonant ancr ' - a 1r(g) is used
t'l after a verb without
ends with ,_, it is cornbined wth _
a final consonant_ When the stem of a verb
after removing
the =

2. '+++El: e ql4 +++H.o-r €oJ^J "J6J+. ,LfS+El:'ts usua|y shodened to,Lf3+=1,in

1. '-(



l.lJl--J tq When apologizing fmol

. DloJ6fll fl+Llrf. I,m sorry.

. S=-*Ol-9.
S-tlolJ +419. I made a mistake. Forgive me
. €g l,m really sorry 6)
' tldqe '{irl=g7ll9. I sincerety apologize to you.
. 7lE Ll!!,f tf T]A6f|-9.
E I'm sorry if I hurr your feetings.
. OlLlll El 71fiq19. Against my wi I caused you troubte.
. =9
tl3+EJ I wilt be more careful next time.
. rll7f ^A6l4l*4q+.
.4g^lzli.Llrf. I wit assume responsibi/iry for it.
. oJoe= 01fl g
Srfl flS Zol. This will never happen again
. ?lal E=
"J#01 fi+Llrf. I nave nornrng to say to you.

64 r[E:i4i
G ltr.[$ ujp ttfl rvnen accep: ng an apoogy 1061)

. ]-J +E ?lI, '.:

?. lt happens. 'tt
,rJd019 No prob en,
.ofL0l9. IIEg"J71 Aqg No d dn't do the right thing, either.
.9oCl r1l7l 4Adtri #.19. drrl-eore'^1o51 oLd dpologi/F
. E"JS= Ll 6fC q q. Not ar a .

' tlS+EJ raltroE oJ I hope vou won't do lt again.

. !E olal,{ E
tsabgproblem f youdothisagain.
.faJ"J=Id^l gl0fg. I don t want to hear such words .Y

lol '0lZ E oJol0ll9? Do you th nk just an apology ls enough for this?

. Llg+Ej lalll Ef Don i do that next time.
,seo . +,l. lalIl 0f.{19. Don t do that aga n

1 .'-(0 yq /q )^l E | ?J--JL| tf /rla BlLl tf '= oJdH H^119.



2) of+
= ^l7lLf

af g E-lrl
4) ntr cq
+ -(0vq/q)^1 DloJ--JqLv4+-d LlLf


6) +l#71 6llt

1) 4E=r^.1

r l5n+
' lr+ 65

2. 'trffi+El= -(o)=ll(9)'= oJ6ll H^119..

ll ^lt6fl^1

2) r t-] E+-"frt I


4) +3+qts +


1) "J= 3

Ete= .J3 g8E^t= 111416l= g5=:drl. + :d

> ol?J-d E= rlq EJ= 6t
z:d^laJe r?iE +qlEoB €B-dq. !r1l rl4-g Lll8ol ^tg4?lrlE I ^tg3 ^trlet
ql8oE 6lq g8E
rllArdlq ELJq. 'Jq rll30l fi+E Tldel dg(zll"JE ^faJ=
q+= rlTlrl gJ?tLl, rl
+9l EZg "Jolqall.+
^fal6J gelsl tHdg :g
€dlq +E 9,ltl. =arl,
I =)al

1. r)+q^l !t?t--Jq q/4]+--Jqq. 2. 1) qa+q:/B+E 9l tscnt(e).

a E+ F r z^l 0 E-Jqq/416-Jq+ 2) +8+EI:/B+E ol4 E-+:grll(e).
3) / qa 41 6t1.\ 0loJ6JLlrl/^l+gLlrt. rllrfggE1!/+EEi 4.U+7lli9)
4) 011 gqr e Eal^l rlu-Jll rtl4ja-JLFt. 4) E+E+E]:/B+E q+ q (e)
5) rt8+El:/B+E oJ qqq-Jnt(s).
t'J=11 del6ll^1 0 loJULl q/IlA6Jq Lf .

6) ot?tgqq/4agqq
7|a)lt 5lt^l 6) rlB+El:/.J+A EgT (e).
7) ):EZ D \^1! EAq+/4A-Jqq. 7) qa+q=/B+EJ "J€ e

66_ r ?]lt4l

,9a I A$t'rf

-J n.
gz ti4oll Lf e tHe
t +orrL{g! 6Frro.r Hd_9.

it I
rl f: f -Lll(9)l lrea: lrl

A: gal Al -' -- . : ) -'-.- - .'

Tf Ar
B:c9 94rlG =q..
L-=l-=. - -'.. JSilc owed the rec pe ln the cookbook
A::lZEAtS ,rL-o -.-:'
D l, rlgo
o I[ - !'=. -.: _ . ..O. i ea... ir..of "ad^Ort'lO:
A: OLa-llll O
f ll!4 =-:-' .. -
all:., =:
^ ^l
A:LllEfolTf S trlE=:9 . .'-

1. Lll(s)l :- g-l: :
: : = =i'= '=-:
- EJ
EJ5J Ell

€+^t, iLEl,'$r'; .:' =. .-==--- ']1 : Lrsed when the speaker adm res what they came to
knolt/byilo-:i:l:,: - - :: :: :: -:r': -. s:en_ oiavorb, an adlectve. or'!iLl/$LLf'

11164 Xrf 67
-7l=(9) Not at ar (oel)

A: -d4"JS 8oJ 36l,].lLllg. You are really good at speaking Korean

B : E6[7]=.9. 014]E EJol ++6119. Not at all. lshould learn a lot more G
A: Lf LIE^l 6|l? d "=, tlltrJdflfl
^16t011 =+rl^l
You even study whiie working for a company? That's realy greatl
B : tfltrJdf7l=- rg96lJ,{l 6l= Ztll. Not at all. I do it because I need to.

A:qlu!7lEg. ,l.tgEJ 6ln Ll?=tllg. Notatall. I just took a shower before comrng out.

A : E +=71=s. r.4l Ei6|.= gofq gJeqlg.

^lEq ^lg0l
There are so many people who sjng betler than I do
Not at all.
A : E' o=i7l=-R. 6;"J qgol+E 0l 8E= Ll g 7lql9.
Not at al Any intermediate level student would know at least this much

'-71:(s)': q4 7lH7I +d614'l ol9= 4l7le ql ^Jql%19 a+

^Jql*g 9aq qrJq ^l+5J+.'-71=(e)
ql ql6J'llBql
^l+6itr a+6.!
s€q gEl. t'^tLl €+^t9 ai]6Jtl. is used

when the speaker s igh y denies another or ra ses objections. when used as an answer
to the other person,s comp iment it beconles a humb e expression. Thls is combined with the stern of a
verb or an adiective.

2. qB dJ gqLl .ll.ll Hl+ot7l+ S+g a3 zSgolls € i 9l:ql q'll='-9'= € +

^l+.1 ^J+q
$.4. tqll +5J aE $sts.^l *71=. tql2l fd
.,J-e g7l=. rhis can be used when the speaker

crit cizes or sco ds others about their words or a s tuat on, but in that case' 9' s not used at the end

I 3. '-71='ol '-a'oe '-a'E='-a-e.'-g "J6J + 9l+. /l: can be shoriened to -2, so

just -Z'or'-Z9 is aso sad

I d tl-'J tttl complrnent ns others (064)

.Cll,";ee + 6fr+Ll 5"J tllE6l1g. You are amazing that vou do allthose things aLone
. qE rgzl E fl9? How do vou dance so well?
. =3
6f E Z"J+Ilg! lf you mention dancing, you shouldn't miss Kim lvlin-su

. 6l+= TleilE gE
t, "J+Llrlg. lf you teach him/her one thing, he/she knows ien things
. olfilL[ oJSE6f=Il, UEE*qg! | was surprised how he/she speaks so well!

: . olll tll 7|.9? 9= qlBHLll.g. Are vou going to a n ce place? You look prettv
=3 q.
.€"J E Great jolr.
.Il=rlrl qq E rt dnHql lt was the best I have ever eaten so farl
a =0ll
68 r|loJ+ll

. .J+ r(l! olEoll
+^ \'---.,. ;- = lo see a dit{ere1t aspeLt of
yoJ lhis lrre.
=:-9. -': :i's:'
'gf^lll E +e-j=--!-
. 7f+ sd'rg d song eve'l bene' hd'l a professionaL singe'.


.Of'Jl-lll. Ee -"J > gl:-.. ',: : :- : r. :ruch about it.
' r 8E 6f: llB t?=c . --z=- r=- -a-j ceople who are at such a level.
. f=Zl "J€dfl +,t.r-.r Z--\'=' :'=:=--'. ::Y appreciate it asyou say so.
. s Uf= Eel+il1- ).. - "-,-. ,.,-:€ :c put mysetf.
.,lt!0llll9. nEJgLr--. -'E--- == -.'^..J.
. 89. Not at all
. bld,/l Ello.Il Bl. l.:.---. ': --? -: 'il
. 0l EE Tlrln g. :: -::::,: >-:
-seo .?

1. '-Lll(9)!'= rf$ol|.! oj- =r :.

1) 94 ArrlTf -:=rj


3) +^leJ6ft-l

qlEHZ| ,a-' + -qI19)'

rtlElol7l E: c=-
5) -
6) 'itiolS 5o=i-'

7\ Or )t)t6 C'-

rl r 6r+ EI] 69
2. '-7lE@)'= "JdH H^119.

2) rHE6lLf


4) -7l=(e)



7) l9lLl

> =4+rErl4 Eg-.J 7ll+E LfH 2*=rl. tl+e.l 3E0ll tl|6l| arzS
^El4 E)E =Hl6lq
4=.J +, -+6rf= +ol7l^l dI!6ll -starl= eTlg --J qlEltl 4El7l E)=
=* 7ll4l erlE=
^lg0llzl =rt.
^ld =rl.
g50l ELIE +71 718 LJe
Tlrln ^iEJ(E=
fl=rl -49]:dtl. tr


1. 1)9a €ul7f
; 2)
raJE g ral(^l)L1l(s)l
3) +^ aJ6(^ )L]l(e)l
4) ql$rll .u(^l)L1l(9) 1\ 4.r gaTtEl9\
I =rl=
5) Lrl+o 7f e qEa (^l)LlL(e)l
0 .J+q= E6(^ )L1t(e)! 6) g30l
7) 3q e40 9l(or.l)Lll(e)l
70_ qE+11
H!54 trJ1l

Z{6r a -qE16f
ruolrAi a6F-fi1
tz l-rFrJ I L O Lt!:r nEUf6H.,r +r
o r^A- O
r[r tt 9Jor_9?
o{4r7 t,q?

.-:.,tt ,l!H

tEF -L-a(jl) as.':: -::-. rr t:6.1

A: E4e +El-J EIf lt r-^ -.

Did you brng the e::a'a'a =i
a a'a'',',:-:: 3s<ed for by phone?

B:!0ll,|.lE6lZl L+9L+n=|_i:-..l-iillQ? fsrg61 65 | hurr ed y out What sha l l do?

A:E+01 oJ Sllll 2:3-9i=:-9 ..:: .,.:-:r:f-ai couldn't contact you

B:qoJ6ll9, IlLal.2 Ii-= Sorry | didn't hear the phone be as wasseeping.
^== ==lqq
A : g6f L+ A= * ::- : -:: s:ec as I had to lvork
A : tl+=.rf lLaln t;
^ = ==;io 9 o aying wth my frends
A : Lrol Tlqalq9? j j-^i 9Lal] sqqo.
=:; =
Didyouwatlornie:-: ,,:- a.:::: l.c,e my younger brother/s ster to the hosptal

1. --4(j1): --i' ii:-.- et4.J €rl7l qgg'I r €41+ ol+= EJdf= s€ol
q6J oJ€
El, zlE+. 54 :.I g 1 .7-clrb}eSol 1l+9:5^lel a.J6J+.99 rN+ql:+44.J
€r+= €B6f: 5^f'; €:r= ++ -+(r) .iq: -9t/9/q oll+ -d-g^l+6J+ s_l
6J'J Eill' --L =-- : ?. excresson used to mention the reason oT excuse when the
alluJ ' f+-L
speaker cou d.a: J: ::-:__ _: :' '.::: :. _:.atve resut because ofa certain acton. Ths ls cornb ned
with verbs thai k€:r : ::-: - .. '-' --' ., c€dain perod of trrne suah as IfLf. ELt. ELt The pad s
folowed by a\'e.a a'a-....' ::-:':xca rsa negat,.,e resut -t/fl/fi or' 11 cannotbeusedin

ril7r+ E84 E4 71
tront of !-f(n) butthe present tense salways used

2. -!4(r) g qlql: *g +q7l aolol 6J+. EBE!+ 4f+ql:

= ^t++ + fl+. when usns
'!af(n) the subject of the two parts before and after'-!af (tr) shoudbethesame Ths expressron s
not Lrsed in the mperatve or when mak ng requests

-1o)= 771 .H.[ because twas worred thar- (067) G=:

A : 9ll "J oJ t{q? Why didn't you tel me?
B:AlLJrl 9l 0H7l ""IOl. I dicln't because I was worr ecl that you m ght get angry
A i 9l] Ee= 4oll? Why dld you pretend not to know me?
B: ?4 gd|]:grf rl.
^faJ=01 ^fol=
Because I was worried that people m ght misunclerstand our re ationship

A: rfn 9lEr[
E+ E -X{Ol. tdidn'tcatyou, thnkingyou n]ight bein bed.
A:g0l7iEHrtEf 0f4l "J=i(q. I coutdn't tett my mom, be ng worned that she might be surpr sed.
A : qlTf A0l:grl 9f gl 1I . I didn't go there as I was worried that you rnight nare It.

1. ' (-o)E4 tsi- "J6l:.(le-ol ++6J gol €rltr "Jq+: ag 4xdla 9l+_3 sdsJEl, rrll
ol Ed :l9l: r
gg dledlTl gdl qB eFg *l+'.J"1+'+q,Jg +C+^f=
dl^l qts gg 6lzl ,e+9tz+ *il€€ gEl6l: sdol olqdEi. BJaol 9t: +^l+ ql+rl Slql

: -gzl H+E EJaol S.: +^lLl E+^l gql: E4 tsl= +, 'Jdol =

^l+b-}_l, ^l-*+EL
t ?*, 9 E4rlA + ezi c} (o)E rf !+ nd cates rhat rhe speaker s worred
= Therefore. this expression is fot owecl by the part that they
that the r assumption might actua ly happen
d d not/could not do something rn order to re ieve such worries In the latter pad a negat ve adverb such

as $ or F' is used. ' Erf !+ s used after a verb or an adjeatjve

wth a fna consonant and - =77f Hf
s used alter a verb oT an adjective w thout a f na consonant Whenthestemof averbendswth
=, t s
combifed wth erl gl'after removing the e' n the steaal

'-(9)=zl EE +,*g erITlE +4. ol A+ -9'= gq

^Jq ""l€ +.J ] !lr|.
sometimes a
sentence s conc uded sirnply with -(q) - rf q ln that case the honor fic forrn can be macle by attaching
' 9 to the end

H B --J ttll rvakrng excuses l068)

. "J t!flO19 There were untotd crcurnstances behind ir

=g ^f€01
' xl30lal,\l9. 4lA6119. (l wasn't good at t) Because t was rny first time. m sorry
'E la1{o19. didn't know much about it

72 r]/tat$4)
. +501 Ll+ Cdll,\i TfrJLq. 0loJ6l] can't go there because of my severe heaclache 'm sorry
. =
Z0 L1+ Eflq. trlU;[]l There was heavy traffic. Sorryl
. $1.\= 3= +: Hf aJql was ate because got on the wrong bus.
G E E0ll E[| =.J HJB Response oT excLrse (oos)

"JZl tfl^l !l1ll9. Don't make excuses.
. tl BZl"J S0l0ll9. lts alljust an excuse.
. Ee 4I gr0f9. Idon t want to isten to you it
.lEJ6ll19. Stop t
. EBdi^l q. Don't make excuses
. fi: +E flLf LlLl. A pretexr is never wantng.
' -]zl "J0l E+-1 84otl? Do you think it rnakes sense now?
.E r=rll 'J6fLl+. You always te ike that.

1. ,_La(r)'= "J6H .?^119.

1) E^f^ll3 A3+6lLt

2) IlLt Infg
^al= = =Ll
3) g6fLi a=
= ^fll
4) +
s) 5-g= qlal rf +n gll -rl

6) Eq Lt
= =qrf
7) g4= alf 9e[
^ll0 =alll

r117nl f;84 nJ4 73

2. '-(o)=nlEl= llt6ll^1 "JdH E^ilg.

7l o:llt
9dH6lLt Ee= €6lll


+) g0f7l=+rl 0l^l "J *6fr+




> LfEn+ ee qgol 4nl E E= d^71 4-'J 7f E7f ?ltl. -++rl=3 7f E= 6lLl4l ge +, rlu
ol g3 q-g E: ge 34q olEe.l= qg 7lE= Ttrl e0l7f 'EE4 "J4l'= +^ll
^ltlol ^fg=
e zE-"J a*== Etrl. LllS +dol geElE g0ll Ltef dlll sa+E 6l!. 7|.8 H-J+= gr
0l EP EJollzl d=
zl? Lt!{


i 1. l)E6lrll LtgL4(n) Erl^td3 eB+dqe. 2. l) i+LJrf Hl oHTl E rlol(9)

t.| 2) &s4(n) dqg 4a R Eaqe 2J F=F 4a.Ic(91.
= ^lElEol
3) g6E4(n) dE F tole. 3) flErf Et E+ E *q(e).
t 7f: ^ln
4) gotTt Egrl Et ot^l
.J *"Jq(e)
4) rl+Er+ rL4(n)
I =Hqe.
5) 5dg qtalq +r eL+(n) =tsflqe.
^lz t L1l7f dq-grt e+ oJ ,Jq.
6) .J61.4(.l) Eoll
Eq7,tqe. 6) 4dgrf Et bl?e "Jq(e).
= 7) cHrl !+ z4loJflq(e)
7) E^l= +!+(r)^laol eal za;o19.

74 rltoJBAl

FElar9. L:.
Arr =. oj?Ior, SoJr'r.
SorerLrTrl g


l}Zl -(o)atLlZ[! tcrc _rc-:: asro

A : ,l.lnal9l. 44 is:!c rro|s_v ltoldyouto ower the volumel

B : oJ q,
A : I+^lilLl Et. 4F+41 q0loBloi- -€-t iave overeaten. I need to take some d gestive medicine
B: :lalzl 4Bdl qg4llrll i::'o -.cJ to eat in moderation
A:.Jo_l HJo E +f
=qE =.ElLlrlli3J mme to another person's roomr
I told you to knock on ille doo.
A : 0f E E 6t^l "Jn Egol )t P+L)rrf. I roll you to go to the hospital and not just stay slckl
A: .Jb}{ Weil. l'io*5 }ou to stop smokingl
=J{1, = =o4tltll

1. :(o)+qzl!: ol"l qzl t ol€41 4+i1 9&rl+ ill ag gafl€.qE ll.ql7l ElE4 9fol E
,J9 rl+4 +Zl ,J€. q4e "sE^l =
EJaol 9i: F^l gql: -94Ll4l'5
Baq Szl"l = 'Jeol fl.: 5^l ilql: +q4!= ^l+6J+, , (o)zfLtrl] is used in a strons

tone wth a little niia:3- ..^:-:^: !:::1:- ras akeddy to d/asked the listener to do someth ng but the
istener did not fo lov, t's ql:L.,;:. is used after a verb wth a final consonant and -qLlrll is
used after a verb wia a i-a ::-s:-:-: :- :.e !'.,/ith the iina consonant e

2. ol{^}+olL} a6J q '-(e)4q4! ee

^Flq ^l ^f*q!4. + a46ll,i "JB 4lE'.'9 B716ll^l
"JC +E ?14. Ths s -s3: ,,.^:-:a.{-g ro a younger peTson or one n a frendy relationship. When
efrpl-as./ rg 1. t.a..1-: : -,-i. . C\ adorg l

rl184 llt _75

E -Il (f a^IOl) wr \ d d-l | ,oL- . wl , we'e'r'r 'o I ao71)

A : +1L17[ EqX],].1 +tLq. Igot hurt a Little as llellwhile running

B: Id6tll lilq.= Why weren't you a bit more careful?
A: q^f tl+6fn !E utgGl. lhad an argument with mv glrlfrjend agan

B : flloJ6lE ef Il. Why didn't you have more patience if possible?

A:=ugEl oJqLfIl f ol. why d dn't you get up a ittle earlier?
A : EE E EOl-HIl. Why clidn't you ask questjons f you didn't know?
A : 014 E+6fn 9Il f*Iol. Whv didn't vou calme before coming here?

1 . '+ eB.qI: F^lq ai+"1.1 qB 54q.+ 1r-+ol olEl 'Jq*zl"J r H]',lel *:4r'l+ *+g
7lqlfl7l ulEq ?rlsil +4ts E" lolLl',tl+ol "i+q 54 *ol *Elr5l6Jg +El{+.
=, ^}'ll'} gaE -(s
ol .<l (r*g) oJql e:5^l7l gqdt: Bl5-3 6lzl ?+e agTlBrll Ell
'6 -Il (f*q)' ind cates that someihing a ready happened but the speaker expected the opposte action or

sltuat on, whjch made the speaker fee dlspleased Th s is comb ned w th a verb t can be used to tckoflslightly
when jstener doesn't aat ike meaning ofverb n tront of -I (ae^{ol).

2. .l .E€e€q6l4l €El rel+rBq'=^Jqi"f a+, -zl 9q"Jg€^l+g"JBq

El + lqEalE^l ++. This expression is sad in a pLajn, faling tone Howeve( when the speaker omits

3. olq^l*ol+ 1l6J tJzlq,q l+++. rhis s used when talking to a younger person or one Ln a fr endlv

relat onsh p.

rl|If9 i ttfl wnen sco ding someone lo72)

. ,J)l 4C6t+n tl^l. I to d you to be careful about getting acold :.=

. 4361 6lali. Please be quiet.
. roJ qq. Stop eatlng.
. 7loJ6l 9,1G1. Just ca m down
. rB "J3 Pl 6f al dll? Why did you say that?

. gEl golltE Lf? ls t such a blg dealto get up earv?

. E 0 AE You can't do as much as this?
. +€Zl 6l^l dJflIl. I to d you not to bother me

Et0ll E[j:'J HJe o^^6qp,'^ /v'1e1 "ocl'o (oru)

. .Jfiq9. roJ6f11l9. oK. Stop it, please.

. ralzl "J0l0ll9. Ill7lell :r That is true Whv did ldo this?
76 r[oJrJ4
. Lt=+ Ll oJ 6fE qgof . ":-'{-:.. i .,'c! d be okay if L won't do that again
. Il= =dll, 6ll I m cc .9 : - l-: ':..
'LfE oJ71=. laso k..,. : .,:
. l= +E 9,l.rl. Thai .a3.:-s
. lEil 6H. Make si3a -::-:
Lt ^: "s:,.'erse s enough.")

. flOi Stop t / Tfra: s :^.-_:-

I '-(o)alLlrfl'= o=f
ol1 H^119.
9'1. ^t$o|,\l
:t:on or
:-slghty 1) ula
= =Ollf
2) l'J6l qlf
7Omfts 3) Er = 6llt
4) Bgq TlELf T (o)+Llrl!

5) gHl] ell
6) rrf=6fzl glf

7) oJ4l oJq+Lf

2. '= -rl (raJq)= "J"|l .?^119.





4) = + _^t (rilq)




\18* !! 77
> Lf34 e3 43el qE 019 t+.Joe +dEJ 6l+ gal= En -qf;^f=01 4lE 0l0F7l= +d6l{
HE= --JLl. 0l0F7l7l +€01 EIE -qf*^Ee qE olel 6f+ ga|= lrE,! r 13 3^|., {l
?Lf 7l+01 qq r t+Lf €=ql 46ll "JatE += g5= -dLf. H THol^tgel
4e Ll+q 0l0t7l
7d6l1l a e q-c= E'J6g 8EJ+= -g +E 9lLl.

oJ+el rl+
. ql]'J of^l-l d0ll 9rl. .^lag a^fqi +r sq.
. qr+e +5
glgllf .+tg *
.=dg ItLt. .Bl= "Jn ^trt.
dql f,Lf.
. q^f r1?0llZl^l dEfTf flLf.
' al^Ioil .

^l4illfoJ .q4 fl?elg qf+= qqslHtf.

.e96J 7f^la f,+.
^l+= qrl rj+7f
.+3HZt 0fE"+?tq. . ElTf illl.
. El=zoil rl6E0il^l A|01
. q& l+qlzT =*rloJ HJol +^l gr=Lf.
=n+. ^lal=
. g0l Lfr ofs+.
. L|]= *3 ^lr,ldLl.
. a^l7l Hl7 | 8rl. ."J+P E3 B?tl dollE a7lqol flLl.
.+d3 gr Tfrln 9q.

1. 1) A alqrll 2. 1) A 4d6t^ (r.^[q) /4d 6t^t (raJq)

2) ^al =0
lLJd qgalL rf D a'^ (ralq). =
3) rl 6f +L rll 3)
6 g4t BqLf^t (r.lq) /gAt 6 oJq+^t (.]*ot).
4) ESql rt HqL rf 4) Eqqrl (rajot).
5) .JEl] E egafLlrtL t == E-t6frl (rz,lq) /saf = 6t^l (re^Iq)
6) trf^E6lrll oJgaf L rl 6) E E6f +^t (rflq).
7) oJE g0lLtr+LlrlL 7) A (rz^{q)
: d^f, fl -|
1l 0l0F7 |

+ |
?lc For ? r{r 9.ll
-_! Eti
+6ldH. dLrErl Lj-]{
-9. .

l I

I@ -rl(9)? ts '!-.loTaf

A : 94 qr+ -{ 101 ,!l :-'::.r,lin'ent s at three, right?

B : Lll, 3,{1 dJ0l9. Yes : s=Il9'
A:4=;3119? Dc. . =- =-^.:
B: ++ ul8019? r','3::,.-.-'--:'ic'.,cumean?
Ll ?

A : EJ+ dAf fl 9 oJIl? ri= :.. 1. ::- <-:!.r t\4 n su's phone nurnbe( r ght? Let me know
llrfll: 3 + ?.rjgl '- :r- :rnehereatleastby 1 0'cock, rght?
A : I1l7 | Eg01l tll6H o=rf = =*Il9 -^ :: I - :-, accn the rneet ng, rigfrt?

1. -zl(g)?= iJrllElol 4E i-!' r.ll .jr .J4J gi -F9= r-t6l:gElE E4Li'J6l:

*ol qB ^lg€.J/ L- ija-cf! EJ-6J trll A"JE+. zlq: Eq "J.J trll:'-6e'J+!l7l
E 6J+. F.(lL+ e+rl. ."1+ $.-;;. ol4e+ eq + + 9Leq, -91/9./9.-. '-41- 4oJ
' -:-
+. rl(9)? s Js?r . :-: ::::r.:- :s<s icr an agreement or checks f the stener realJy knows a
cedain fact, be e\r.. :-:.: -: -i:-:'.-a..s i \'!hen speakng quckly -Il9' s pronou|ced as f'
Th s ls used logetire . .. .- . .'. .' :r
=:: : llf /Aq . or 0 Lt Somet mes it is used with -?l/fl/fl-'
and -7Jl-

2. tr6J ztll .\.eq7l +.J;l-F ltBtr €+ 4lE -^l? 7f 4oJ4. _14J "J6l=
Ell6ll q{;}4 -4Bg ,lql6}4 ^l+"1
Ll7} ell r*.
t+ql EZl"- EllE
?}eq E}fl61-F "J5J +E}. lqlll

rlil9rl "f,g _79

zl? [q]21 Ll ola E*zl? In additon ' Il? is used when the speaker asks themseves a quesron, as

if they are checking someth ng on their own t s also used when the speaker s convlnced in the istener's
situation and does not expect any answer.

l[} -(./E)Qq? | hearcrthat l075)

A: I:-Jql I heard that you're going back to your hometown.
B : qlTl? oruql. +?:-JEll Me? No, I'm not. who did you hearthat from?
A: +l4li{+q? +6lolJ. I heard that you got a job. Congratulations.
B : Hl, g= 'JqE ='JE:8119. Yes, I wi I treat vou when I get paid.

HJ=E+q? n€-d H-+01 9,lLl.

A: 3-+=
I heard that you received a scholarship. lt's great that your hard work paid ofi
A: o.l^fe Szrlq? -JTl6llof^l?
I heard that you're mov ng to a n ce corfpany. Let's have a drink to celebrate

A : Hrl fl+ .8alfq? I heard that you got a bo\,'friend. Good for you

1. (./E)44?'i 'J6l= olTl +C olql2l^l 5g ^l€.3 q.JB ql

9q: qq?8, seol 9l:5^l9ql= :Elq?'E, *aq 9:5^lYlqY'-.44?'Erl*
6JEl. -(L/:)Lfq? ls used when the speaker confirrns what they heard from another person ' Llq?
is usecl after an adlective or' 91/1/fl-" :Lfq?'isused after a verb wrth a finalconsonant and -Lf-f
q? 1-
is used after a verb without a llnal consonant

2. ' (./544?'Y (L/:)48^l?e+ Bl+l € + "JEl. -(./=)+S? can be replaaed ror (!/:)t+

3. -(-/:)44',b 6lr}3e EJd^l ^Jqlof,q ,5J e++9 zlTlal e+*c q "14 Ear+;J961= *-q
e ^l+6J +E 9lEl. tqll ElEll #5c14. sact in a falins tone, -(./:)qq' can be used to mean a
cornpla nt or demand when the listener does not keep their promise

3. dl{Ai*ol+ a6J +4lql,l.J dJE}. Th s is used when talking to a younger person or one in a fr endLl

ll=J= +oJ--J IIll Conf rming a person's identity (076|

. +,(l Z?trl 4 0lLllllg? Are you N/s yu-mi Kim?

. .J+q aOl ,l.l-= E 'f+qrl? Do you ljve ln the same house with min-su?

. q L 0il,(l sJ . Ithink Irecognize you frorn somewhere.

80 cllEs4
. +4 "JU 4 ?lI? l, . - - :.:- r:-:- '."n somewhere?
.l.laJg=E|tl 4'J=o--' I ::: :-. - s:tc( nre for another person.


. +l^l9lllg? :,.:'.::: ::-!'atuatons

. Lrol otflLf E,\lg? ::i: :. --:': :-:: -:- vrere t,ery sick Are you okay now?
, Lt8.Jq ,j=-Jt+=-'. €=: --:- -:?.r:.atyou lget maried next month. ls t true? 19
. rl ].f-J, IfSt+= t- .,.2, ',' ?-: = ::--3 i'rai the two are datlng?
. ndfOll LfLltlE r?: -..'. -. -' -:.. been to your hometown .:

. ti E,5Jol? r_ -_ _-_.
./J= '0f q0 Ll 1;1.2.. . .: o>-:-.r d, l0Liograr..
. dlqfi+= Z ].l:c::- > ',:'.-?'.::-:':<3.rp (lvith h.n/her)?

1. '-^l(9)?'= oJcl
=i- 9.
1) E+^Zo ^ll ^
2) :lE =ALf
E 4ll

I rrrrlT ?^o-:
s) goJ 0l rH.l] "J:-=_
orL EtLt c -

1) s Lf

rllqrf +E _81
2. '-(r/i)cffi?'= "J.H H^119.
1) -A:roi 7ttf

2) +l^16^jrlf

j) Atqf=g uJ+

== a {t+ ;r/ tL+ + -( r /F)rlG? i

Ltrt 7L ,\N7rrt i
5) ^tf

6) +gA'+Lt ;

qrl ar+7t qtlqrf

> tr131f z3 4== +rl. -++^171. dlle Ee aE=.ulE

71E0il rlqLl|E r^l= -E+
4lc 4E 7lE= zol^1 41e + q^l Llil
4E =r
7lE= =q.
Ee ++xf= 4=ol eJ^frl
^f=01 r gEg :drl. =rl.
a0l7f 4E0l +?]6f=
= ^faoJ^l



1. l) of+ z0 !L olr (9)? 2. 1) r-.Jot Eotzqq?

2) 4E
^ ^ a +t4t"Jqq?
3) DJ+
nl IlE+flE= oJ^l(g)? 3) e+83 'J:qq?
4) l^ ,f^t 3 + ?^l(9)? 4) El^le Ezqq?
5) soJ0ll r|]6tl "J€qat^l(g)? 5) H^t rl+7f d,i+q?
6) ea oJLJ :l0t ?,1^l(e)? 6) 3
7) A Ll]^ (9)? == =qq?
7) q^t tl+7f q !qqq?
-_. r- q^rlL r
rrlrd o ? ?tEJc' rl
-1 o fll llL{H.

I@ -ilHl(e) :-::: {:-t

A : qa: olllt+ti-'-: -:- -=- ,-=l-'9 r:..ddyouhudyourleg?Iguessithudsalot

a rr A all I L-fFi,--:

A:0Egl tlaf t-: = -: :'<:c realy hard but llaied again.

B : Llol +Afdflllll j: =,--:
.. - -
-r-= ' =--.
guessyouie:::. __ : _ .'-- aa=.,:a.lJraveanotherchance.
A oto s-tzlrtllQ r'::.:l
A : l1 .Fjol d=.; . . :-::r , -: : -:r: 3: c:troubes receftly.
A : 0t301 B;0 Ci=A-- ,,=-- -:.- :.:- -J cadly

1. -4l.ll(s): :--:! :-:-- :::= ===:--:

': : - d+6ttr^l 5{6}14 9q6J ql 4: -sdol+.'
5-Al+e+/.}. .---- .,'- ,- = :._:-. +7lel :lilql ct++=g+ql:*"I -9I/9/9
I '+q ge.:: j - , .- -- --- ::::<e' sl,/l.npaih zes for or comfods the istene. wh le

guess ng lne ::_: - :

and \,!hen:--::- .: - ': :' .' i :. sadded r] front ol thls express on
'- rl EJ6J+. In _"1lll (9)" , LJ part s said n a
-i =t 3 the

l20rf?e 83
It -(9)E trl J.tfl(Q) everyone does when iozs)

Ll9 Eal,tl qlg= S I was so nervous that I coutdn,t answer the questions

B =ilqg.
Z35lE Et fefl. qqqal. Everyone does when nervous. Forget it.

olq6lll? d+?l a eol. what can tdo? tthink it's mv mistake.


B EeE E+:1?llg. lt's your first time. Everyone does that when they dQn,t know
q4E It^l? d3 R Et f4
= ^fE
You couldn't sleep ast night? Everyone does when they don,t sleep.
e= oJ0t gr9taofs. 8ug0t +t!sE q f.rile.
You had a lot of work to do. Everyone does when crazy
A: dJot olHLfE^l? z30t il Et 14.
You were very sick? Everyone gets sick when they are not heaithv

1. '-(e)E 4 rei1e1'g gq'Jq q€

€+L+ g*g tlg ql
ql '++=zl d++ +*€ g + 9l+': EEI€ s€g ql +pl6lil,Ja"l 9e;121 91
9l= 5^lLl e+^l g
ql='-eH El r4(g),= *aq ^f+6J4.
$.214,='EJaol 9l: t|^l Flqlb,_E + rq(s),
-(o)E q r4(9) is used when the speaker means anyone can rnake mistakes in order
= cornlort someone who is regrett ng an error or mistake
-oE q fe,l(g),is used after a verb or an
adleat ve with a final consonant. '- E + fal (9)' is used after a verb w thout a inat consonant or one w th
the final consonant '='.
1. ',-:.

2. '-(g)E re + giq (_e)'e+ tsl+l 3 + glq. rhis can be reptaced with (_e)E -t= + ?ot(s),. ,')



(} +lB--J [lfl When comrorting someone (omi


. gDl+ CEdqe? How dfricutt was it? 5)

' 5Ll HE 0laJ gE 9,1I, Ilfl oJE gl= Eololle. A sorts orthings happen in tife.
.f 6)
-q -A5.{ln ?3 4afn 846t1JlS. Just think of it as something tike a traffrc accrdent.
. o-4EJ-*Lf .346|.,^i1.9. Consider yoursetf tucky.
tt coutd have been a tot worse.
lt :gll t)
' ++ 'JS dli0f .EerJtHl9. I don't know what to say.
. tJ &aJ oJg Zql.g. you wi meet a betrer person.
. Hl 3 f{0ll 301 E=tfd0f9. Atter a storm comes
a catm.
. tf Eilqrl 4€dlrl 01,^119. EveMhing witi be fine tater, so don,t worry
. =0tE
oJg= g'J ?tS Z0l. Onty good things wi happen in the future.
. r--J =g
9lg++. Now I see such a thing happened.

84_ cllE-411
' g= qqslallllg. Forget t as soon as possible.
' 9J 'Je g= qqqal119. Forget bad thins quickv
. gLll. uneer up

|} 9Eql Ell-'J UB Respondngro someone's comfofts losr )

,J f=.JLlLf . Thank you for cornforting me.

. fle6l] +,\l,(l
. de 4 +l,^l i0f?.9. Thank you for your kindness
. qEq trt301 -.JZ 7fqgfiqg. lfeel much betterthanks to you
. LH 0H7l +l,(1 J0fil. Thank you lor listen ng to rfe
. Lllil 9lq +"c!0 01. I'm g ad that you're there for me.
. L1l 0H7 7t e0 ELl. Yourtak helps.
. lal ggE ?le7i ?J ql. lt is not comfort that vou say so
-71 +l
:cr an
_: w[n

1. '-rdLll(9)'= EJdl] E^ll9

rl Llol olE Ll

2) 'Jo +at6lli

3) .Piol
4) ,FjO I c=?rf + 'Jtlll(e)


6) rd=itLi

1) 480t ELt

rll2Onl eie 85
2. '-(9)E trt lzfl(g)'= oJ6tl .H^il.g.



-lolq Fl - t/O\

5) z30l oJ
TI -I-trl

> trll eEn elES^|, flIll fleBJI Cgrl, qE "JE EgE rt+Ezl olot7l6l4 -.Jrt.
> -qt+I|=e 4=0ll ?13 oJ golLt sJE "J, d+ E= gR, IoJ EE 7lEoll +r+. 7tE= Hf.aoll
'J3 F -n,t;r1 6lq4l gof=3
9l9E rri= glEel "J= =.JElrl4i itzljE -.JLl.

r. 1)erot olgallt(g). 2. 1) Z6r6lE r+ r4l(9).

a Lrol +d6t4Llt(e). 2) q rerl(e)
3) ";ol "=E
3) AfEe E rt r:r1(9).
4) Lrot
-d=11qt(a) = ^fHfuuE q r4l(9).
4) €Ufio1
t Dt30l otr]illJt(e). t zaot oJ
r+ r4(e).
0 nd{ilLlt(e). 6) trt=6tE q r:r1(e).
7) 4€0t LrzlLlt(e). 7) elTl qE q re]J(e).

86 rIEE4l
tl EF
T -|
L{, oj}+lrft.

9!l 3)-r Etgrg

srtot !!$
6ft c{9.

IEF -(?I/fl/g)= "-f=cl I e ,'. aa: Io (o8r)

A : 9= 3,\l elg= Li,.= l/. ,- r3 a=Q19.

l hope o po>lr
oJl#qq. 3< S--:
B : Ll ,

A:Il=+4 E0ll A o-i3 s=: , ,:-: . :! io come over to my house now

B: ell? ++ g?ll| ,,', ..': :.-
A : 7f0ll+ "Jfl= "-i-:t'. - -.. ...-... jo,.rr camera.
A:9= eH= ol:qi. -,.:-:'- =-:-:::aa..'
A : 89011 2J0 7f a3 5ts: . :-: .:- :: ?ocompany me to the rrospita

1. ; - =-= ,.'-=.1 "]ts t+q+ *ql"JE qti €'q.l ql.ll zl4lel ElEJol+
-(9i/S./*.)g 6l=:r
El+g +44:;E_: :- == -. = F^lql=,-91+ 6t:EJl , ! olEel E€._e-e
€t F^lql: ou9 --=:i , =t a+ql: -9+4 e!+6lol
-+-_-j 6}El9 =. -*+ 6l:Ei'tr
6J+. -{'^,lli -=^ , = ^l€
= =:
: . :- -.:-:.:-- -sed r4/hen the speaker shows ther hope or wish about
of=tl' and,,,-:- :-: :::- -i: :-: :"-= .".' ...',€s t rs comblned with 93 6f=L1l' n sentence of
endng n of:i -..:=: ,:-- -' '.:1.'-bnatonof -93'.
=-' '

rll2rrl +EJ 87
2. (9t/9/$+
"l:El':'-(9i/9/$etr +4.:ql'qd - o E'ol' q' o E + E€ol o e !e Et+l G
+ + glEI. ' (9,t/fl/fi.)g 619lll'can be repLaced with -(oll1/fl)oE ==15111'as -9E s shortened
t^ -q'

_(o)E ?J El|(S)? q)
A : q4EJ qlHUtr+! Lt +E oJ q? The hairpin looks greatl Cou d you give it to rne?
B : ?1 Elll d= BJg 10F. No! This was a gitt.

0l?J-.Jtll, o++ ].lrJ Hl+E oJ Ell? I'm sorry, but cou d we change our appointm-onr t rne?
Ll Eul =
I already left.
+8tll EgS oJ qA? ns cod. Could you close the door?
Ll = =
tll4a1 9E! 9i lll? Could you come here to pick me up?
= oltrl^l ral=r1l oJ +E 9J q?
I have a stomachache.
= ^f+
Cou d you buy me some medic ne?

1. '-(e)E.J gl(q)?= 1i'll'Jqrll q€ gg 4+e *e zl.(lle ++6141 +=J5J qlq oJa

.J= t'^l Flq='-98 .J ql(s)?= EJaol s?4'= EJeol 9l:5^l ilql:'-E "J
gE oJq(g)? s usecl after a verb w th a flna consonant and E oJEll(9)? s used after a verb w thout
a lt'ldl o tco'td'tt or oaa ]\tr 1t1^ fna ao.l,oTdt P .

2. +c Bq "J+= a+71 geq, ol +fl9 tr5

"J6lr, q'Jg *+ie-6J+. ofter
wth 6 added, this expression ls usualy sald in a soft' rjsing tone

EEE 9d:g [[l when asking a tavor (oer)

. I1... +=f 0l gl:tllg. I have a favor to ask

. +Ef #tal19? Can ask a favor of you?
= =q
. ElgJ-Jtll +tl1E= "Je + fl3rig? Sorry but can I borrow your ceLlphone'1
. Ilal Hlfl +1119. Change seats, please
= l'd appreciate it if you cut the prlce.
4t0f +.'.lE
= =?,1=tll9.
. E9+= + 9lq? Can you help me?
. -d Please help me just once.
S"J _Eql+af.
. 01 edl "J ol9zl. I won't forget this.

88 EllEtll
.- +EfE 7.lE--J rrli -. 1:85f

' 4Aoi]9. Eq:==; -: - ::- . !u d be d fi cutt to he p you

c-.-: ==-.. -- -:
'*E9fEZl 5 : -:- -:..!rl
. FEJ * 59ii. : :-:- .. : -, -:: ::^ . 0: .voLr a favor.
. 0LoJ6fIlU:lZ i'--: :--- :, ' .:: -: lossbe
' -f 3oi
+ qaJa=:. ::..- :,::: r-a.!i
. 0 g|,
.LlEgtll, q!t-9==1=--::- ,,.,r! know, I am hav ng ctifficu t es these oays.
'qrlrl? ra a- -'.,' .,..:aoitdff cult.
= = --

:,:-J. EJd
'-(9i/3/n)E 6f=tll(e)= E^ile.
^fE6H^l =d||
, ! Inout 1) Es= LHoJ -f:j

2) Eq
cf +.'
3) 7l0 al 3J1--
4) 9= _ ot/ct/oqtq;t!r.l/ol
PLHtf +
sl 8l qlr_rl 7fa r, -

6) Df --
=oJrlll =

7) +d^1 t =.. -

+q 89
2. -(9)E oJ El](g)?'= "J"H E^119.
t) Lf (qlrl ) +Lf

of:! llTi = tslr|1r I


L\e\al sL\ + (e\ts oJ

5) qf +Lt
= ^fll
h\ -f+t)l rl=r1 t
= =l

> Ll8 ql^lcf ,Je zllll= ++ n-J= dllle 6lI Etl. i,lf7f Il rflll= AIlle +B6fI
^f36lq ^l6Joe
d= q+= i^l0llzl ifg'J=Lf. da-d= z? E= -{Elz 5= Eaf HJ=LI. +=fE )1tr
trJ6lE ^f=J
.^El7l)= lsllgjzll. =J50 eLlE +7f 7l3.Piol d8*:^l 7H+= EJE
-f!zoeqr+g.Ll ^[.Jol

!1r'1 dB q+
1 .l+sf ? Ef+l "J7l
2 10009 galT l

^ =ot ^,'*,ri
oJOt 9l
lnf flo

1 . I ) ils rlloJ 913 6l:rl (9) 2. ll Lll0lrl )+.i ?J Eu(g)?

21 lcl =6 !+ i3 ;l:rl (9) 2) oJ+ .r ,JEf+E 9r rll{91?
= of Ello ,
3r rf rl Dl
"J-;3 -l:tlll?) I ar = Lfa)El
4t 9= = df:Ll tul 4) Lf qla 2l eE Lt !l(9)?
=i3 =
5) g.etq 'J0 7f i= 6t:rlt{s) 5) oJ6
+E oJ El](g)?
LILfq ;t!.r /oi 6) 1q a 7fe^t +E tf Ell(91?

7i +1.\ ,r! +1tB 6l=tl (P") r ol4 f n -El of clto ,


90 r[3$,t
E+4=s :

cHuati oJdrt drtlE rf

o Zioli
tL|+or;2j r r6j
? iu rtHo} dHg? rJ+rl ?lq|o! dHg.


IB -(9) al E -(01/qiq)0t o-fl (9) neeo-rsnoutd (in order) to do (m6)

A : tl .J-il g+ -ol7f= go4E B 6119? What shall lprepare in orderto get into university?
el+9l0lqrf -J+q=q^l:d E+71
B: 1q0f 6|1e.
You need TOPIK score because you are foreigner.

A:-E3= "J=qE g7l 896119? Whar do I need to get a student lD?

B : -Std=S "J=48 lfTlol 9lol0f 49. You need a photo in orderto get a student lD card

A : +3U€3 6fE_B +fl= g0t0l dfls.

You should know your student number ln order to sign up for classes.
A: rlqtgql g+6t48 4g zl4^l=.r.r'l0l o|1g.
You shoLld write a study plan In order to ente. graouale scl'ool.
A: qg g44E Erl --J8=+El 'J=olol .=|l.

You should get your student lD card in advance to borrow books.

1. '-(e)q E -(ol/q/q)ot 6ll(e) qEJ+ olE 9,-J 3ag "J6J trll E,B o s. 9:'-(9)
= r jq Elg ol+71 gql^l ,,t+q ^ ol "Jql
4E'ee 21.14 E]*g s€;ln, e 4a3'-(ov"l/.j)+ 6ll
(s)'5^l-*6lq e€eE+. + q"J6l: gg ol+71 96ll^l:r dq + q€ gg6tzl+q"J ArEllTl
I q ot 6JEl: *€ s€6f, 4. - e) 4 E g 54el AB6l=q, +4 9l: :E" ^l I ql='-e4 E'9, rJd
ol 9zLl'p rgdol 9t:5^l9q: -ejE'g .-(ollq/q)ol ull(s)'=
tl^}. Bsd ^lE+e+
adJ4q E+ l. - e €\} F^ILI rd+^lq: -dl.I ql(e)'=, ' l,,'olelg rgo e p\1f,^14
1122r+ "J;f4 _91
e+^lql:'-qoI nll(e)'= ^l-++El.'614'9 A+q='-qot'el a;Jolq'-6110l.ll(s)'= ^l+.Jq.
' (o)a1E (0V01/q )0 o|I(g)' is an expression used to indicate hope and a aondition for it to occur. -(9)
alE is used to express expectation or hope and -(ovq/q)of 6ll(8) is used to express the condltion for

it. In other words, the sentence shows that something should be done n order to make the speaker's hope

a reality. '-(g)al E averb -galE'isusedafteraverbwithafina consonant and -zlE

is combined with

is used after a verb without a f nal consonant or one with the final consonant'a The pad -(ot/qiq)0f
6ll(9)' s combined with verbs and adjectives. When the stem of a word has ' f , -L t is combined with 0f
0t .ll(9)' and when the stem has one of the other vowels t is combined with '-ol0l otl(g)'. In sentence of
ending in olll', -ollof 6t](9) is used with the combination of -q0['.

lf -(9)E Efl(9) ;ustneeoto- (or)

A: You will graduate soon, right?
= =96lrl?
B : Ul, 0lll ,\l:d'J 5!+6lE qlg.. Yes, I just need to pass the graduation 'test. G:
A: I ,\l0ll ,(l^{6ll? What time will the graduation ceremony start?
B : l0^lr[Il 3'Joe 9E Ell. You just need to come to the auditorium by 10.

A: 0lrll 3-+E u ql.q. I just need to get 3 more credits to graduate.

A:=9ts83 11BZ1r1
i,t5 ili. ljust need to write a graduation thesis by November.
A: EqLJIoe 'JAEgE Ell.
I iust need to have the certificate of graduation issued on the Internet.

1. '-(o)tr ql(el= qB gg"l+71 96J gs+ eaql ql6ll "Je'I^l!-o6t:+€o14.=,qtrg

g ol+71 +16ll q J ia"J r*+E'ra_se +e6IEl, +4ls+, s+El'= 9"lol4. tsaol 9=
::^tLl B+^l 9{= -etr 9l(9)'= ^}+d}r, Eaol 9,214'='oJAol 91.: F^}+ €+^t Slql
: -E ql(g)'= ^l-*+El. '-(9)E 4(9)' s an expression used to indlcate a condition necessary for
making something a reality Ln other words, th s means a cond tion would be fine if the speaker is to realize
something --qE ql(.g)' is used after a verb or an adlective with a final consonant. ' E l,Ll(g) is used after 1.
a verb or an adiective wthout a final consonant or one with the fina consonant a .

(} +3t18 course registrat on lryf

. +ed3 cf 9l0l9? Did you finish course registration?
. 0lU0ll E qE d8ilol.g? How many credits did you sign up for this semester?
. +rJJr3 )l7JOl gllrlllqlg? When is the deadline for course registration?
. ++ It+ E=tll? What courses are you taking?
. 0l 4=e glr1 +ed q This course is already full.

' ilgr8 fl
40F? What liberal arts courses are you taking?
. fZ d=+gol€01. That course is part ofyour major
. 4IllE gll ggE qa1 fl 61101 -dtH. The course includes many assignments and presentations.
. +rJtlE EZ 7lz0ll Effl. Change it during the course reglstration change period.

92_ +I3A
G Tl= Major (o8e)
lition for
. lSol ?lql9? Whai s '/cL' na or?
. t|]-.l0ll,(l 3+6ln t9q19? \A,hat do you want to study n unjversity?
-q/q)0f =
.0lE0ll Z+q3+I+0ll oJE-J,'.llLllTloJLlr+. l'm a freshman in computer sc ence departrnent
.vith 0t . 01fl -J7 0ll Z+E+e E"J",.lAqq. llransferred to n archjtecture department ths semester
.+I39e=g^l .troJol0ll9. rn think ng serjous y about what to choose for my minor.
. +q-+!+ f 2+fl0lql-g. I stalei rry undergrad n 2012 in nternat onal trade department
. rJB;l,rtql r_t.-L_lr.l -j...9.r B_s,1es, Aor rqL.aLio

|} Gracluat or- & 3:-..:.. c: Courses loeo)

. ? Zqlg? !/ihat .'.,ri you do after graduation?
. Lll-+301 al-st6la1l9. I n'goiig to graduate school
'qEgtl ^H?'?
H9tol9. learn credlts to graduate and lhavetotake my finals
. "J+q 4= n+drf^l 0f-LOl9 comp eted the Korean Language Leve 4 course.
.9=3 oJElLloe "JA'J= + 9lol9.
-f^qe dals we .d.=968^l
ge- d (:- i . r'r c; grdd,"lio'l on tl^e InIA'1ei.

ol trl oj

ol 9I:
i^l Flql
:l rea|ze
-sed afieT 1. '-(o)alE -(ot/q/q)0F 6ll(9)'= "J.H H^11_9.
l qt 6l7f= BJr_f 9] L;LF I
1 "J =H

,\ -qt,!=g Pt=Lf 9llf


3) +,Jd8= 6f+ dtHl9 qf rf

4) rl]+301 .J+6lrl + +g Zlal (= ^r

Lf + -(ovq/q)ot 6H(e)

5) 443 "J elll +36+El .J=Lt

6) 7 +^fOl t+ El4 +la6lrl


rll22rf?lqtzl=g 93
2. '-(e)E Ell(g)'= gd|1 H.qe.
1) ,(ldPt
=g ="t6llf
10^lrlxl SEJoe glf

3) ao-l^lof qFl
E=9,11Cr1^l ^ Lf : + -rolq Fllo\
6E^l= EqLllge "J3'Jrl i

-d +7lEJ Ll qqLf

0tH 3 oJrf^l

> r:dq "J+4 E+ql tll6ll olol7l-.Jll. g+4 tlllE^|. "J-+4 ttll +
=g =g ^l7l:
dEol 91=rl Eoil r|l6H rleEll oloF7l-dtrf. =gg =6l-J
= =E=.J
> Tllel 4e q+q -Jit= oJ=rl. 44sl I= olr! -+!='J= loJrl 0l0l7l-.J +g
= ^|]eg
424 ^lE
"l6f7l 916fl "Jg:d ?l-.J 4ZE 'JEq E+.

{ 1. l)oJ-E 617f= ggalE E 6l1e? 2. t) E46ft rf(e).

.} oJ:are =Bl6U0l 6t19 =g ^tcu
I 2) ",36: ?q0l
^rlol 2) eEise 9E ql(.g).
I 3) +,Jt1B=6ta1E =+flE oaiol0f 6fl9 3) 3qlEEJ E|](g).
t, =oE
fi 4) tll4?01 oJ+dla1E Eg 4lq^1= ulol6119. 4) EEa f Erf^l /rE ql(g)
i 5) 1q€ gatalE -+86+El EJEq0t 6l]e
51 68{1= 9rrlLJtge'J=EoF EI(s).
u ! a uE6ll0l
n 6) 7t+^fq o|1g 6) d +7t.J ri qqts qt(e)
7) 5=6falE=qTtalE
oJ+== Lllot 6119 7) 0 E g dJrf^l ll=6fE r]t(g).

94 +i8g
rl4l !.4

- lr-7ir6r!al
ot[t ot-trF? uJ€: llErLl
-c .t 3ar +?or!


-zll grlol(9) lnuv_ l0rl )

A : 4r1l= Lf Elll,\l IVT 7f1l 8Aq. I may not go to [,4T because I didn't finish an assignment yet
= =
B:++ TlIlloJtll? Egl=Zl "J6H E+. What assignment? wlll help you, soletmeknow.
A : g=01 9ll
rafl.g?+=g 9tq9? Why the long face? ls there any trouble?
B: z+q7ln6t Holg. 9=01 Tlril 0tegql rll= P 6l7il caolg'.
l\,4y computer sn't working. Today is the deadline of my assignment, and I may not hand it in.

A : _H?,\l fil]Eoll 9=E At If4 Saq rnay not sreep tonight because of the repod.

A : q E6fI? 4ll ll= 7l:.J

= 7l}jl 84q9.
.J Wrat shall do? | rnay not rneet the dead ine of the assignment.
A : 9=_E + gqll 8eol. I may not fin sh it today

1. ',4 daq(s): EJ6l: 7lcl6l7l+ 9sa1z.1 g9pq1 qtr "Jq "Jqg Tfbcol Esd
€€ +4ql: Ed"lEl. trlltr qB q++ g'J Cl+ql *-se gqg'JC 4X6lq "J6J Ellql ^l
+6l7lE e4. E^Ig++ eeEJ+. -X AAq(g) s an expresson used to ndicate that something
came to be possib e even though the speaker d d not expect or intend it. Sometimes. th s s used wl-ten
the speaker worrles about what wll happen n the future based on a reason/cause Ths expression s
comb ned wth verbs only.

r1l23q qrjl 95
ffit- -0|/ol/q extremey'r (rociearh) (oe2) G rfl
A: gg qtlj6f-I ? 'gr1 +dql HoW can do the presertation? m extremey nervous
B: ijo ill e L LJ+ 4E-frl !f YoLr prepared a ot. so don't \^.,orry too mlch
A : ClLl Oltrft Are y,qx s;661

B: ?_l^11 6Eal g=
^H?rlLl =a1=1ql
stayed up a I n ght because of an ass gnTnent, so I'ni extre re y s eepyl

A : LHo:rfIl 11=6|]0F 6l:tl 6f7 4Oi need to hand thls in by tomorrow, but I extremely hate itl
A: 53= tlHE0ll 0ltrf =1ql
have so much troub e because of our team members
A:trloJ0l Ll g0l7t0l al= =1l0lgl
Ll+1lo1l llostall myf les. lts extremey annoyingl

1. -"Vql.1 +eq(e)t: qB ^Jql= rl,zJ"lq E+ "ll rlr'l +Aqet : Cg tsU7l _r

gri:- +€9 ,J:!+ Eol4. E+ ^l+EJ+.ol
l., s gLJ €+^lql: +4.q (lI) t . ,_ olel ol jr
+os €ts c+^lql: q +dq(s)= ^l++q. 6lEl9 a+ql: -q e+ =. e6J6lol -6u +1q
(ll) 0f/q/q +rJq(9f l s used w en ihe spedl,e e^aggerates a cond tLon Therelore
= +,"lqgl
EHltrf emphaslzes E"J Elllqg by us ng Th s is combined lr/ith an adjectlve \rvher tl':
stem of an adlective has f or r' t is combired
\olth 0f +t101(al'andwhcnlhesienririoncoTtf -
other vov,/e s it rs combjned with -q +,1q(9) ln scntcnce of cnding n of Lf ', 6lJ +rlqlg) is use :
\'vith the comb nat of ol q'

2. +e, +44"J gd.ll ",1.1

.rolzl$ ullqlle 7l+g +€6J 4lq-tr + + 9ltl. telll +'l +a"r
I. iql2l qlq+dqll. Ths ls many Lrsed for negative expressons. but sonetimes lt can be usec':
express ng loy.

IE 4lll croup ass gnment loe3)

. 94 gll qgi7lg? When wll we meet?

. Eaf gal +IJlg Please give me your number
^l =
.^le +Eg 4If 6|: ZL qq9? How about gathering daia ndivdualy?
'84=+"JrlI 6t=4oe6frf Let's organze daia bythsweekend
. €4El= qg 0 qloJe +ntl=rlg? Shal we share the organized datavaemal?
.L1l7f 43={oE lt would be njce f you become our teanr leader.
'E-f -J'Je +7f -ga[l?
who wi I be in charge of conlacts?
. gg: +71 6f-lJ? Who wil be the presenter?
. PPT: LHTI oJ=Z . I w I create the PPT fie
. L}loJ ,t.lZ l|lg? Do you have t ire tomorrow?

96 Eite
G fflllOll t|ldtl EH= +LHJ= [fl s'a,.3 "forTfaton on an ass gnfnent loe4)

. r1|,I1L7f ?1fl019? Whai !.'as:^. assg.'.eni?

.tsE9l-1 9qr6l7lql9. lt ,'. as €aar.g a.d sumrnar zing a thes s.
. EAErll 61tr09 re s^erod to dothe exercise questons
. gIJlrf^l Ill=6H0f 6}]9? u. r'e^ s^.- L..,e nand in the assignment by?
. 0l#Ol grlOr? W e^ J ': l..,: 'i
. g0fLl l{0f d|l? Ho',! lc.g s.:- 3 ..3'.,nie?
' 0lqlge I1l=d|]E 9l? Ca",,.e ra^: i,. cy email?

X"J tsll7i t1
o l-91 9l tr frr4!

= dl +aol
1. '-Xl 8aq(9)'= "J"ll E|^ilg
: Wirel] the ^lEdN^l
:: cne ol t]_t:
- r)
:j s usec

2) rlrlt= 6f --+
^l ==
3) Efs rllf
Ill=7lat= !J 7 t+


6) ot+-irf


4234 4rll 97
2. '-ot/q/q gdl| q^119.
=aq(e)!'= ^1E6fl ^l
r \ Elf trt

3) 6f7l #Lt

4) Erl 0f s1i -0t/ol/q +1q(e)l


6) ll


> r= Ll+ol 'c!+el +rJ B4ql tli6H gE6t7l" 'aEE0l 8^lql qlsH 4^f6l7l'84 e
:st+Il5e =016H
e IE rflll= 6l| Etrl. +Ill= +B6f7l fl6l| q--J€ EtrJ6t|0F =.Jtf. 4dE !g6ln, E
+ trJtrJ, gE^f, rlE 4^|., PPT 4d Eel q--Jg _qoJ 34, E+ "JE 5C dE
6l= EiJ53 :dtrl. ='J6fr, ^lrJnl

1. 1) rvrE F 7t1t Caq(e) 2. 1) .Jal +,,iLol(g)r

2) nlll= rl + 6tnt d,iq(e). ,l E:l 4nnl/ol
3) AE E rfl= 8aq(e). s) 617 dq +7dq(e)
4) rlt= 7 Et= 'J7 Z 8aq(e) 4) otq
s) E eLflnt aaq(e). t =^l
rf6 =?jLol(g)l
Lf +,;t0l(e)
6) 0fE.,J7t daq(e). 6) Hlsut +4lol(9)l
7) gE6f7l SAol(e). 7) .J=ol 41q(e)l

98 EiSg
^le I

rt"Jol ++dHl-r
FrtJ t TIor? E9iot.

fol -=Il g0t(9)? Do You know-? lryt

g=Il the exam?

,|ltr Olqoll^l "Jofg.? Do you know where we willtake
B : 301E agllql,ll H}e. Lecture room No 301
speaking test stads?
dJ6f7l ll:d I l0ll ,\l4f6l:Il g0l? Do you know when the
B : 3 |+EI Etll. At three
:-J4^f gs= glll 6Erl gole?
A: passed the exam?
the naf0es of the applicants who
Do you know when they announae
the exam ends?
A:,l.l=dol g EL+=II 9019.? Do you know when
^l0ll g=rt E0f9? know how
oo voumany people are selected?
n g Eo tr-f

.t. .--^1 oro|(e)?'= qe4,

qq^1, ell,
6J ABq 4
^ll, interrosatives
dl ^JEll,,Jqrll Eg ^l^€-61+
s.dolti. F
speaker asks
such as'?111, qll^], 911, expr
olgTll' H, +: the
stem of a verb
information This is combined wlth the
whether the listener knows cenarrr

^11244 ^lc
ItrF -(o|/ol/q).tl necause, l0€6) ^le

A : .\l:d e Hq? Did you do well on the exam?

B: ,(lz0l ++6llll + Eflq. I couldn't solve all the questions because I didn't have enough time.
A: olu ,(leq4flIl? This exam was difficult, rlght?

B : 3. q4qli BB t+ {ol. Yes. I couldn't answer allthe questions because it was difficult
A: oJ 6ll^i ++ 13 4E dq.
=+= =
I could not answer most of the subiective questions because I didn't stud.

A: € e Eill C-JE +C ,t eot. I guess I wlll get a C because I didn't do well on the exam
A : 0l== oJ t ,l Aof,(l 4d0l0l. I'm worried that I didn't put my name (on the test sheet)

1. -1oyq7q;,r1'y "l+Ll sd .J9 dFqLl t+'IEq 9Ele= E

9.J9.+4.]t: sdolq. ol
*9 ar+71 'IEl*+€ sd6Jq. 5^le+ €so^t E+el aBe + 9lEl. -s+ ' l, -'-a e\] E"^l
Ll e+^lql='-+^l ' l, €E F^l'l e +^19 gql= '-qii'= ^l€-dJ+.
-' olelel !.*o-e 6J4.
.l4 E a+q:'-q'7l ai+6lq -6ll^l'e -(0f/ol/q)^l'is usedto ndicate a reason or
1. '-:
cause This shows the preceding action or situat on and how it eads to the result in the fol ow ng sentence
It is combined with verbs and adiectiv€;s When the stem of a word has f' or 'r' t is combined wth '-0f 1)

,\l and when the stem has one of the other vowes t is combined with '-ol,r.i n sentence of ending n'61
q , 6ll-^.j is used with the comb nation of q

?*s *4. ' (01/ol/q)^' shows a

2. ol+= Ll4ql: '-(ol/q/q)^J': '-ol/q/q 717.1_l'tr "5"1-b
reason and is often expressed as'-0l/ol/q Tlrll



(} ,\l=dE -H.71 t aetore takins an exam am7) 7)

. ,l.l=d E97f qqtlllqlg? What does the exam cover?

. ,-4E4l0lqlg, +S40l0ll.9? lMultiple choice or subiective questions?

,{lze 9,\l+El I l,,|.lrl^lql.g. The exam is from I to 11

. ,l'l:d .

. 3+ 6f+E oJ dll,rl 4€0lLl. I'm worried because I didn't study at all.

. 0l l++ dcllBTloF? ls this course graded on a curve?
. olDl ELllgTfg Z0[. lt will probab]y be graded on an absolute scale.

. 9lt+j1 -.JOlg. I was said that the declarative questions will be covered

100_ +il83

e -.- Qrs€l

' gglll al t Z a:- '- --'. - :-.

-. -.:-:.i:-s :^:-: a^s...e- s^c:-
./lEJgqg?l:_..r : .._:,--
'6l-lL=tic9. :: ---.. :--- :.:
. 7fl SHq? Hc:.. -'--. :,=r- _-: :. .,
= ).-,,.-:-J3^s,,,.,s:o?
. EallJ Ll 4l?q.
i_::::: :- i :- _ r_:,:::-s
' LH7f tJllJ 6lL'= ._
-- =' -- .
-- :-:,, :-: - : l_:s:.:ns abcut vvha studied
'H /"{tf7l g BlIi: '.' i-: -,:=s ^:r :c,...,nte suah ong answers.
= =:.:j


: eason or 1. '-=rl g0l(9)?'= .jdi H^ilg

::ntefce ^fgdf^J
: ,7rth -01 1) qqql^1 Er+
:ngin ol
2) q
= ^lql ^14df
o\ olTll dlE:!. !

4) EL+t+ T sIt 9!ot/ o t?

= ^loll
ql q Eiolt lggrl

6) trll Z!+7lLfg--

/ 'a'
^1i21-; =
2. '-(0t/q/q)^l'= "JoH E^114.
l) / r10 ++6flf

-f-9 Tt q,\rtTt

J] +rJ^l= 7l sl HLt
= lf6flH rlB

rlE= s= +Lf + -(0vq/q)^J c+E Lf= 7_l zJLf

51 0l== 9J : 1 'JLf z5 0 iLl


glt= rlE qt Ll

+ Eol qq +34 a3 .\l:-J011 r|:d 5E(^lrJ, 34, H?1, +e 4 --J 7l=

^fgAl EJ3 7f =ql ld 11133
^lC ^l:d
q=Ll. .leolll tr== 6fq =)71 tH:'J 3E
= "J=Ll F ^le ^leql
< otal.t LH T I ^l-Jo -(01
LJaf j 4e: 8oJ eJgoJ A:8
,.iZ: 97Lj 1A:00-12:0A r.lnJ Di
^l6J ^l,J:
^lnJ X.^:
loJ 1fd: 501s,Jsll
nJ +e: ,1rJ! 10f 6J,
^lnJ BJn:
^lE; E?l: I rf-8"f A:€
Tjrf 4e: t2oJ +9o: 7-!rf B-t S : a rl


t. -\"i
1. llqLNt.rl q-r gOfg? 2. ll 10 ++;ll^1 Ll
2t 01 .{ +of:r o=,0f9? 21
^0l.l?1,\l LJ= Lf
3) flrl "JE6f:r g0ls?
31 3+= ?r oll^l +El4l3 ,1e jjlGl(91
= rL
rt r, ct ELI:I oJ0l9? 4) r -:= rrl
:| ?f.\l c+E Lf= 'JofiF?l
5) ? B0 Lf E:^ .}r0flt t 51 0 u=t ,i tOt,! ':€0 019/1€0 0f 0fi;
6) trl Lfg:r oEf0ls? ==
6) if + I Erll= 4tto1(s) loa
rl c =rlrl F:r oJols? 7) Frl
=01,{ g]q-rl
EE or a
=+6fE = =-lGlle)

102 +ri1!=
1-6rfl3r {uj6FEJc{ *9$ ltror
6L|-HJ 7 t9J6H Hl-g,
e6+€d,J=-D 1.6rr+ ,.JrJg dFZr9.
I rJ 6jrJor Lt-dfAr......



: ilc=l 7f E

ItrS -(of/q/q)of(^ t:€''l

A:36fd dB=r6f=j 1': i --: -'::eechng schotarshjp students Why don't you appty?
3+=:fdHot -----:-= .'; : - .'trrt Llrsi^l ..
Icanapplyfc.:-=::-:i-: : - -:' aa..e atschoo. Mygradesare Dao, so

A:dr;g4l 491-:- . :- -::.::.1

B : Lf= +! slqoii -r := -,. : :_::s ,.'? r/i know nexl week ar reasr
A: Ll0l gl} =-:: -i = = :-.: ::: .-- t:-r,rtewel onyafteryoureada or
A: ==
olE +7 d!: :=='- == ^ ?iolg.
= -:-,: -:_ __:_:::t
rcan gelrn? s:-::__:_: : l.acesths semester.
A: oJo-171, oel)
| .., == -,== +eg + 9]q9.
=, - -:- =qclll
I can compe:: :-: :L'.- ::: :.3- -0 ponts in speaking, reading, wrting, and lstenlng

1. . 1o17q7q1o1 1 : -_..=,: _2; :€El7l 96llrl: ol sd .Jql s:_ 1I+.1+ llEN

7i -t4 Elolc,, :== ,-=.-=_ -. --. -.:-,-. €+^lE q +rl €;Jblq t, ,.e €t F^l+
€+^tql: -:,:= € - _ : ,= =ri4
_9eE e+ 5^l+ €+^l gql:._qol(zl).=
E}. 6ltrl I E.)::: -= - -::c! 4)s €€84 3+E+ € + S+. ^f€;J
=--_--= ^l-$6J+
of/q/C!10:I - --=r ':- - . -. '-: -: : -::eo ng s ruation/condition s necessary in order for the
fo owngse-.' . .-:'. -, --::::-:-:l , ih the stem of a verb or an adlect ve When the stem

of awo.dl-?: -'- : -:-:t -- ---:r^j and when the sten has one of the other vowe s jt s

4 25if d4 103
combined with -ol0t(xl) . In sentence of ending in '6f+ '-ollol(Il)' is used with the combination
, of -G
Th s expression is not used in the imperative or when making requests.

2. zE 249 +
zJa6tzl 9d -("t/q/q)+(zl)' gql 4^t,-"J'g gq .-(ovq/q)ot"J'E=._(
ot/q/q)ol4IrJ'oEESotTlEaJ+. In order to emphasize the meaning otthe condition, sometimesthe
marker'-EJ is attached to -(01/q/q)01(^l)', and satd as ,-(ollq/fr)oloJ' or._(oflol/e)ofrlU,.
-(!t/g/g)trj Ll when-/aner iim)

A: Lt= rjql Hl6fl Eg €401 L+uul^1 4€olqe.

I'm worried that my gradein gr€mmar is reJatively poor.
B: rlE:1*=rll 0fl9 s*= Ed6l llElLl
I = =otxqg.
was the same, but I got a litfle better (in grammar) after I reviewed every day.

A:7)l2J01l €4c ce-J Hl30l flqlg? what's the secret of improving your grades in a short time?
B : -anl^J E33 4E rl e.lgEl Ll E47l glg.ole.
It was effective when I memorized almost allthe sentences in the textbook.

A: E+ol= oJol gElLl aqol

ability in listening improved =flqg.
afler walching a lot of dramas.
A : -d+ rl?= 6li+ dqol
^l?flEjLl =flqg.
ability in speaking improved after making Korean friends.
A: .7|=Erlle -flEJLl E30l slflolg.
It was helpful when I solved sample questions from previous tests. 1.

1. '-(91/9/$qq'= EJ6l: rlTlql a€;J ol+7t 9q €419 Aqrl +El*€€ s

q ^lB:ol ^l,gol
E+' 1, ''E ' 1, 0199 E+ql='-qEJq'E
+++. 'olq'g a+ql= ._g'r+ ='Uailolq ,_flrlq's ^t
is used when the
speaker recalls the past experience and mentions that experience became a reason for sornethlng This is
comtJined with a verb. When the stem of a verb has f
or ' -L' it is combined with _?,trl Ll and when the
stemhasoneof the other vowels it is combined with -9rlq' ln sentence of ending in,6fll,, flqq is
used wth the conrbination of '-f '.

C4= "J?tE fq When one sot sood srades (ror)

' d4 Cfll{ol? Did you check your grades?
' -qE A EJqtoi? Did you get good grades?
. 9+, d40l € Llgqq. Wowl tgot good grades.
. 62Jnlt qlHq d40l 3flo1. N.4y grades improved in comparjson to the mid-term exam.

104 EliSg
. ti+e "J -' 62]01 L-+gq. lgor te g ao^s debetued.
. Tltll-d : L-+fiq I qoi beiler grades than expected.
. T]=-J ^E|rl
+ 9lAtl. You can gei cromoted

o. ?J €4= tJ9,l= [.l1 . -:.

, :Fe sot bad srades 11m)
' d40l g.J0l0ll9. M:., g-aoes afe bad
' E+7|. 0l+ L-fufg. I'i- g'a.cs a.e realy bad.

' gd6l -"j:tli d40r Sr 0l=ti? Why are my grades tike this even though I stucted hard?
. i|]+36110[ 6fQ? D: --:::.:iake the course?
.E6t^lrtg+nl rE

. +,l.f
eng3rlq - J-: ce ptaced under acadern c probation
. q !E ?Ag A

J,::: ., gei afailing grade again.

1. '-(0t/q/q)0f(^l)'= "J.l] H^119.

i\ ntle xf:LFl ''f ot= ,r. itq :LFl

2) Lf8 +7f F]tl

-:n the
af : 4 otFf
-:n tne
j lLl s 4) €40t g qo-- +
E- Tn^iq _---
5) +e6lLf

6) .ao +rf Erl

=E -T=
7\ a6t^l n r^f =_-- rll+3 oJ 6llt

rl25rf d4 105
2.', - (^I / 7. / fr) r-1Ll'= tE o-ll
"J.-ti H | 9..
^ ^1 ^i

1) !H"J ++= gd6t 6frf i

= =of^ltf
cl i;t illrl qxf-g Fr oro rr ;;rlf I o tr!
- ..:-
3) Ealol= g]ol ELf 1

=71 =r+ l
4) yr- arr.= ,\trtLf +

/ t==/\1t=
..) -E301 Elrl

Frf *+6trf E ot,/ | :=ut uJ


> cfB4 ee C4s g^l0ll rltlel -sEq €aJEe.\.(e E7f6|9 d+= lHrJLf. rlt]ol ,J=
EE^J 4r4 Erril €^10il Eel oloFTl= -.JEt. +1ol ++-drj, qEJ tzj= 6lE rl
d4= eE +
91=^l Afel 0l0f7l= rl^lol ++-d Bqql^J r=EE _d 6rr+rf= *ol7f,rl =3r
d4= e= 8t=gEqH= =3
aE=q. ^taJoilll

"J?;l)l 47 E^l

1. l)E+Ee 36u0t(^t) aq= dES Er + ?lq(e) 2. t) n|l"J Ed6t qlrl Lt

/3+= 86t10(^t) 8EB U€3 o_trl(e). 2)-Arl^1=aE
EAt€ = =ottq(e)
rl el?rlq a47f gtqq(g).
2) +3 +7f Etqol(rt) gf + qq(e). 3) s4trf= Lrot sllLt E7t dqo Eqq(9)
ozjq e+0f(^
3) "d0l ) ar 5 + ?1q(e) 4) -J+ .l+= alq raJ0l E?q(g).
/Eg uro 9lol Elot(r)€5+9!:rlof. ^ffl?rlL
5) 7l=E4= E?lqq E30l EiflOl(e)
4\ Lla d Llel0'.^ !-__';-: ErE a oJrlr9/
6) Eot elrt r,t €A0/ Lt$ffiq(e)
5) E5 7083 LJqo(^i) +eg + 9tq(e). 7)
=48B+"lrtq oef6tTt dqot ?J
6) LH30 _50t0(^t) E+= BJS + 1q(e). =^t
=e r[+a oJ 6t1(e)
7) B=EE old g0f0(^t)

106_ +i8g

f,oraror ler rlrJ Fole to



=.q -\:/ tr1rr\jr.., o' go'1o t - ('T)

A:,^.F?J6falE7f? Aren't you going to take a shower?

B:5+=tr1 6lI uloal!. l'm going to after piaying basketballa bit more.
A : += El0fr-]011 Sdilolg? what crub dld you decide to join?
B: .].fTl .0|.4011
=Il I'm gojng to joln the photo club
A : EfldE 8|l9n Af=rll 01fl Tlaql HlI?l Ealng.
I have wanted to learn Taegwondo, so wil earn it this time.
A:LJ0ltrl E0f4g01l efl 7l-H4n. I'm golng to visrt the club meeting room ater.

A j 8qd 50f 4= oJEalL. l'm golng to organize a c ub for foreign students

't. '-(o)En(e)'= dJaol 9l:5^l 9ql

"J6l= ^l+9 4lq.l+ 9E, +4C LlElql= s€o14.
- -oEr(-a)'= ^l-€-61j1. EJeol 9,714'=' +Aol 9l:5^t 9ql:'-Elr(g)'= ^l+6JE+.
' (e )a1n(9)' is an expression to ndicate the speaker's plan, ntention, or goa . ' o al.r'(9 ) s used after
a verb wlth a final consonant while '-ali(9)' is used after a verb without a f nal consonant or one w th the
l nal consonant -'.

2. 'g3l "Jg EI:,_(9)=z++1r, r=oE EJg6lTl_r. ++. tqll dql ar++e. tql2l zJ*c qg+
+9. W'-ren speah rg oLr, .l/. t'lis Ldn be ororoulced as -19 tcl?/9\'.

rll26al Eola 107

-(r/i)fiClat rhey say lroa)

A: t+3 +011 +l"J€ ggil -.Jtttlal.

you hear? They say there wil be a freshmen welcome party next weeR.
B: -f;+t1 71)l47loFd|l? Oh? Do we have to go to there without fail?

A: 8+El TlEl BlI+r dfl:r1l aH^fE gof=tf?

I have wanted to Learn the guitar Willthey accept beginners?
B: -rg. 50f 4011 -5b11=01 )le^1=trlL1zf.
Sure. They say the superors w ll teach newcomers.

A : +I1l [|l= AtE E,'.lalE =dqLlal. They say there wil aLso be an art exh biton at the festival
A:50|.4 ilg+71'l B0L 'J=tr}E]4. They say the number of club members s over 1 00
A : 0lflql rJit-e +lo rd=o I gl0l They say many nice freshmen entered (our c ub) thls tirne

1 . (. /E)4rl 4 E Eg "Jol Ll €g,.f, Ell Ef, ql ll dEJsJ'41

^f ^l-€-61:
+d ol +. e +^l'I'-9v s./ *-
9ql:' E+q+'=, 'Jaq 9: t^l 9q: =+q49, oJdol 9l: F^l 5lq='-u4rl4'€
,A}+6JE+. (L/=)Lftlaf san expresson usedto deiver what the speaker heard tothe stener. -qtl
ef is used after an adjective or ' ?,|/fl/fl- . The fonn ' al' is used after a verb with a final consonant
whie L tlliaf s used after a verb without a f na consonant

EOtal 1l7|| Introducing a club (105)

. 9a 50l40ll Come to our c ub.

' +l 6i= 50f alEql.g? What's the club doins?
. ++Lf Tfgg + 91q9? ls i open to everyone?
. g Bd0l.9. 7le-1 9. lt's okay lf you are not good at t We can teach you
=611E =Z
. 50|.4"J9 -+8qe 3=0il 9lote. g^ll=^l e^1te.
The c ub meeting roorn is on the 3rd foor of the Student Union Buildlng
. r E0f 4 0 gtll? What's the name of the c ub?
. +!dg dHll=o1 o;of. There are rnany nice older members

50tal gE cub aatvties 1106)

.9ll 9=.50fel EoJ0ll ?1 L[9f9? Why don't you come io the club meet ngs these days?
. d 0lflg! LlrJ4 rJetllg. don't think cangothistme.
' Xl Eof 4 HEI6|tr 43tll9. I want to quit the c ub.

108 +Igg
. +goJ0l+ E+-JtH. They say they have a practice every Wednesday.

' Mf 2J )1\l? You wi lonourMT, rlght?

1. '-(9)a1r(9)'= EJdlI H^119.

^fE6H^l a)

1) = Ll 6fl }!Lt

2) ^fu
=Ll flig

3) 01fl 7 6lql 8l]9l E+

'-qq 4) 50lalg0l 7l qLI + (e)eJr(e) :

5) 5014='J=+

6) al3 .571q LlTfr+


2.'-(r/!)rtrl+= g6|l H^119.

l) tloJS #gel= 6lt+

2) )l-11+.1

q) ++ T]^ldE 6l+

4) elgo| "l Bo 'Jt+ +

5) ll"J 3ol Lrol
6) duH=o Lit+
7) 9lq
=+ ^l-Jol

rj 26+ Eota _109

> q4 50fal B?= En oirrJ Solalql 7196lr fl3r1, 013= +tErl "Jdfl e+.
=+e{ =5e

+t-t+"t4 zfiilB.^
tf .|.m alq l| lc'l€l erE!!!Atos{s.,
tlll cl 9!!l rtot a0tm

50la ++ql +olal alEJt^ €-otal

> 4= L++ol -+E4^l=rlzl Eot4E "J=q Eq. ++ 50lzl= oJ= a?lll= ,186t! il^l= d-d
t+. 50tEj=
"J= 9q1ts 50lal= gg= Ael6|q 4ld gE= -.Jtr(=EE U=q
r!+€ g01l^l =E-g
€B6t7l). et8=g ar4e
HJ gEE 6tr ol ELIE 7f3 LJe Eolal a3
3 sce 471 q L 4?!^l qga+. =e



1. l) tl 6fI }!oaln(e). 2. 1) U"Jd ggilE EJqrlat.

= E0t4q 2) 7le^l
^td =alr(e).
3) 0 H 7lElol Hllf Ealn(e). =tlLlal.
3) 4lE d^lElE .Jlftlaf
4) Eof4go Tl ealr(g). 4) el?01 uI E0l .J:qLl4.
t 50f4E oJEalr(e) t uoJgol Lrol
6) El6t dTlqt 47tqr(e). 6)
dHll=Ot Lrqq4.
7) eJEl614n(9). 7)
=-e 6J0 9lrtrl4.
=+ ^

HI 5t
o -|
Hj6rr rrl1 gldFoi rr9J6L| c{lH
7 r? -rroi? lri
qlgnr dr.


: - irJ elE

f Il -(o ) =
771 6fl(9) 'm ur rl<,rs o (r07)

A: g+ tll] +l6fq Il= l0ft f,hal ,,./il you do durng rhe vaca|on?
B: .l0l+ !- :r=rf 6|1
^13-J ^J ,e?a-.j.::.:
l'r| thlnking of : ^-_. .:artscontent at acool pace

A:= ?oE BJ+gqi t:=.i- l= Z ?q9? We \'vlllhave a vacation soon Do you have any pJans?
B : E 0f aEf0lELf =-fri .:9 -0f0l617l=9.
amthink'ga'r: -:::--:..=== -:.:.< needtosave money for schoo expenses.
Aj .J+ [,1 :-9 -. -- -- -] r' learnlng ho\,! to swim durng the vacat on
+g= :':
A : 3=Ze Crl 011 - '- -.i -! :: !?iting sonre rest for the time being.
= 6]1. -i fr.!t ofvstngmyhoinetown.

1. -(e)=r4ull(ei: olzl F+cdfZl ?+e ?1"i9 "J.J'll ^I+6I: Edol+. qtr ggzlq6Ir.Jzl
+ !.f,:dl4l e€g 1+ o,q7l dl+ql ?lnlol BIE +E {q/.l idldrll g-}: -+d.l4. Eld
il4l: 3"} -ri19l = ^l€ -l-7. "Jdol $.: +^1 Slql: 14 6ll(9)= ^l€:.JEl.
ol ?l:- -5-rl
+, 'Ja ol a !l ?+ = g Eal^lrJ _6. - -zl 6J (9) ^l+'6J.1. (o)a rf 6[(e) s L]sed when
mentonnga:r:-'-:':-::-.\:l :i A:holghthe.e sapan, = t snotfirrnydecdedafdcanbechanged
later so tl'e sr-:::<:' ,: ::-: - aa:Ji '!,.'ea ng t -=rf 6ll(9) is used after a verb wth a lna conso.ant
anci =rf al 9 : --::--i::::': :'lt,.!tl'oLtt aftfa corsonant Whe| a verb has the f na consonant a'
its sterr s cc.'a -::: '- tf ai p al1er remov.g tha e

.rl 27if .J+ I 1 1

2. +d+ dlrJs: olqn blrJ6l+7f B+iE eLl: q"Jos "J6l= 4l ++. tt s beiter to say na
:: ione afier say ng in a fa I ng tone not to say n a compelet y Jall ng tone

ItrD -te1a1a -iIEHl roo ,od io- lroB)

::g+trll Z= +71 Wi I you take seasona courses duTing the vacat on? } HJi
9: ==Z0l?
tl8 7lZ blHq. panned to, but I missed the signlng perod
=oalA =^1
l:qB ZtftlL S LfLlSq? heard that you were tak ng a tr p D d you have a n ce trip?
B ; olq, Tf ell -d=ql ulTl B;0 9l^l 7tq. No, I planned to but cou d not because of hea\,y rain
{ : _1--J0jl t}Ll9a1_7 -"j=Ell g-+ 9lq^l
c anned to visit rny hometown but couldn't because of
= 'Jq. specia ectures forthe vacation
- 3d : HllgalI il=tjl gr "f0l^l +flq.
planned to learn how to drve but didn't because the class schedule doesn't ft me.
A: 'JE rll flalI *=ql 0fEHl0lE xlal7f .3z^l 6f44.
planned to get some rest during the vacat on but there s a nlce part t me job, so I wil do it

1. ' t_o_)qi tI=EJl': sJ6f=

q"l6J Zlq+ 711_1 9lfzl+ qtrJ ol+.e a+ 6lzl Ejl4
Hl9€€ ^l*ol
+ 4q9e
E+= 9sl6l: seol+. Edol 9l: F^l 5lq:'-eq-a il:Ell'E ^l+6l-
r. 'Jdol $44 = EA"l 9l:ti^l Flql:' 4:r fl5q1'5,<13-;j4. (q)zlr *:rlt'is an
:xp.ession to ndicate that the speaker had a certa n plan but aould not carry it out or had to change t due
ic a reason afler a | -9a1n 6l:q ls used after a verb w th a fina consonantwhle aljl ql=Ll sused
3iier a verb without a f na consonant oT one w th the f nal consonant

2. -(q)q j1 *:q: ille7ll "JEJ rll: '-(9)=zi+ d:Ejl'q

E+971E +4. 'JA.l 9l= +^l
9ql= -gr++ q:ql € ^l+61n, *aq SA+ = dJdol 9I: +^l 9q:'-=++ ,fl:Ell'
'Jr}+ *:ql. tql2l *c EceF *:ql. when speakins fasr, (e)elr
rf+6JEl. tqlll dql
il-t1l'can be pronounced as -(-q)e af+ "J:tll' The form' g+? =*:ql' s used after a verb with a 1)
lrna consonant wh e =ff+ 9l-qq is used after a verb wthout a fna co|sonant or one wth the lna
coitsonanl a 2)



G g-St 4lEf 0ll Ell611 0l0F7l--J llfl rark ns about vacat on ptans lic) 5)

. g-E ltl] ?l --J 7lql9? What wi I you do during the vacat on?
. 9+q E H|]?l Ealn 6lJ9. I'm thinking of earning aforeign anguage. t)
. ZIq lllflq? D d you set any p ans?
.0lE "J+ql qdJ rJo 7f^f. Let's go on a tr p together during this vacation.

112_ -sti3g
-- :o say in a
q qg 7fa1n E Pon 9lq. I'm saving money to go on a trip during the vacaiion.
[ LlolOlEg 710t. l'l go on a diet durng the vacaton.
. BJ+
.4EgI 3qE=nfg +|I{q. just want to get some rest, read books and isten to music.

G HJ-+Oll
E =d=Il0ll Ell6[| gg l[fl tatr ng about experiences dur ns the vacation (110)

"J+ E r l{Ol9? How was your vacaton?
. n-J 3 LlLl*Olg? Djd you have a nice trip to your hornetown? !
"J-J fiil
q -"JLOI9? What did you do dur ng the vacation?

. q=d 2J t+Ll Ll A LlLlSOl? | heard that you were going on a trip. Did you have a nice tr p?
. n--Jql qLl90l9. I visited my hometown.
.ga.loJoil r]+EE uLfr 7|.4=6lr 8..{G19. nrh

After a long time, met friends and spent some tirre with my farnily.
. qn qn I[n =*o19. I kept eating and sleeping. .:
^fn l-_l
+01qtr:*q? D d you go
on a diet? You look totally d fferent.
**rl .0laBf0lE6lL+ 8t9ltol9, was busy dolng part time work
AF$;J . tJ =i{o19. lworked throughout
"J+ l,ilLH +lIlE "J
the vacation, havlng no rest.
j san =6fI


tlEll' 1. '-1o)=7i[ .=||(Q)'E trJdll H^119.

.,, th a l) i 140 )
- lina

2) ofe;f; i;r+
3) +B= b|1?l ELf i

4) 3=Z
+lll +
5) r--Joll Lf Llgll


rll2Tnl bJE 113

2^ '-(e)e]I -*=rJl trJoli H^J19.
= ^|E6H^J
,l/! ;fr qrl
1) lE ) )J= q a-lll
2) qd Tlrf H 7l oiol el^i Tf Lf
3) I-JOJI tf LlSLf ?01^l Tfli
=a0l =
4) + -1oJPl l1 6H !Fll / 7f0l Pf +Of,/'t rt=Ll

5) lfalrl 371,1.1 ofeElo Edlll

6) 0ftrt^l 6lll
0l=Ef0lE6flf E\f-==;iLf

>+ E3 HJ-+(!E=
4lg0ll rfl6|l olotTl-J F, r qlgg al-\Ee Ard_dlf . grql
+7f) rrll
^f-J4l ^l0l
0l E.JtlI 7l€dl-7 4t€ ilf 4-\Eel srgs Eq "J-+ lql rlle Zlef 0l t-Jfl=^l En gcf
rf EJqF ziqrfE E ilqE r oi+E -J4l "Jo-lE= --JLf. G
q a1l ol 6Hr I
o r,61
{3 "J
/nt.g. \

'1. ll rrHo Lf lri9l=rl 6l](9) 2. r) 1= +71= =r{-.=rl
ual , 7f= =!il ".lalqfe.)
2j 0feEf0Itr -Jrl .Hlt?l 2i q?! Tlaln =ealr
=rl:q u rf .E-l0l ?l^l
3t +B= Bil?l 5rf .|]igl 3l n6J0l LlLlealr el:r1l =,lq{9.1
.J=Z Crr .utg) oJ ElOl^1 =,Jq(e)
4) ,1)=al= Eu+alr d:rl ,. =301 g?q(9j
5l n8f0l E.lLl377l -|1rgl
5) +aln rJ1: r1l 0feEf0 qiJlq{91
6) qe= ?Jrtd|](gr =3rla7l3rl^1
4rl 'J*= gqalit
6) i!:rll 0 ftrf.{l ilq(g]
7r e +q= 3+.ll Erf .l]ll]l 7t Otebf 0 tr6la1n u1=Lt grf r =+itq(9)
114 :f t8j.J
qFE il,tl

6jrr I tH I oJrfl-o of ot3

rr EHr lot HlrtHi lHrr^rzt- or' !c
QE 9r: tfru o



|ffil. -(ollq/C) Hol(-9.) .ro r,,,r

A: gll +Hi Li flLl9? s rhe event all prepared?
B : L]l, ts,r.l8oll !f0lf :^lilr, +Ar0laJ el^fE _"+ 371flqg.
Yes The rn crophone was ifsta lecl at the venue ancl we moved
all the desks and cha rs

A : llZ E30ll tHdll 8Ii-tjlLlg? Did !,ou announce the schec,ule change,l
B: lql gA +qt6H tiq-9. I asked for tt to be anf ounced a m nute ago
A : 3fl7f sJ+E ttq?
Did you have nstrumenta accompafiment for cheer ng songs ready
A : 4l'! 0ll 0l=g Eq Hq
put names on sears
A : -"J^13 E= gOl tJqg. lopened the gate to the event venue.

1. (ovq/q) *q(s):- qq d+lrl olul pt'1r llEllTl 4l+ +al5l l 9l+9 Ll4LI TlLl r
+zl!l_/ 1€+: +r;l= sdol4. E+.1. ,.-q €.J F^lq:._of Hq(e).=. . I. ,. ^J
Eel n+ql: -q *ol(s) 6lq. ol A+ql:_ _q e+ A-J6|'q , .ll r.,iq(s),= rf3_6J
L1. 1.t/q./cf ?$ 9 s ar-=ex'i.essron Lrsed !\ihen the speaker ncrrcates rnal an actron
s competecl
afo lne cond o' tas ileer l"a ftarNed or ernphas zes that the conclit on has leen fara nla ned
when tire
ste.n oT .as i J. ! i s.o.atbtned r,/llh
a \rero -Of Hqlg) arlci whef 1ne srem nas onc ot the other
vowe s i s ..:rc i.! ... 1i q *q191 N sentence ,6frf ,, _6il
of end ng in H0ll9), is Lrsed \r'/ith the
co rb .tat on ai q

+De^l 115
2. *o](e) 4+141 F+E g+e"J'R9(e)'g.r13a1,ri '-(ol/q/q) Hq(e)'4j1 B6UE gq
\'.re:e. say (otq/q) 3q(9)' by rep aaing '?q(9) wth 3q(9) ,afonnof using the verb

ttr> -t:rqltY/ 'od /oL re -c lo 1fi2)

A : dEllTl +lell? What did the superior say?

B : 6d+q EXI qo'afl. g g EL+J.
uer'siE told us to eat iunch first as we have a lot of work to do.

A: lrlll Eolzll? What t me do they want us to ger together?

B : l0,(lrlrl de6lzll. Ihey totd us to r|eet by 10.

A: qq4 Ll7f4i9. They told me to play at a tug-of-war. 1.

A:94L1 =+47l0ll
'*4 -:*o419. They told usto bring more chairs.
A : Lllgrlll tlB.{J lli=6fq. They rotd us to hand in apptications by tomorrow

1. '-i o)4(e): El=^l*qru 5c g*q+sag*qlEJql4 dg+ ou

5^l I "ll:'-e4 (-e)'=, oJd ol S.4 +' -' EJa di g: F^l Hql=' ^fs.6l: E€olq. Radl
- i1i9) rs used when the speaker delivers 4 ($,8 e+.
' a request or order frorn another person tothe Istener. -9
:-.? s used after a verb with a f nal consonant and '- (g) is used after a verb w thout a finar consonant

:- a^e,,..'iih the finalconsonant

= .

|} rll8CflEi An athtetc meeting a113)

' El{ gll. 2. '-
F-i "fA Let's order team srr rLs.

'3g7l= ge grl? What will be our cheering song?

I ' qge +7f Ll=41? Who witt go out to ptay at a tug-of war? 1

\'r- ' E :+6lE qa+. B+ €dfd0f. You'd better ptay basketba . you're good at ir. 2
r . +7t At6ll? Who is good at running?
)l =4)l
. 9 lrlxl .Pq0l oll. We need to gather by g.
,.t 3.
. 9= +n Li9,tq. You dld a good job today.

1} lljl e iest var (11-O 5l

.94 t0|.40il^1 t^tFl= 6|=ql 4 .?,!le.


Please make sure you come to the exhibition by our club

' 0lfl +rll0l= ?B-sf 7l+jf )1?H9. A iamous singer wi come to the festivat.

116 q.a€g
' Lllll n-+0ll^l= +I1l Ql fl6ll? What does your department do for festivat?
l . +Ill 7lz0ll +g Ll 6119? Do they give att the tectures during the festivat period?
. t+= tH-f +I1lqlE 7f tsL^l. Let',s try vislting festivats at other universities. J"l
. gl+oJ E:7fIl *trJtll LfTf F+. They seek foreign pairtcpants. How about bearing a part in festiva ?


1. '-0f/q/q Hq(9)'= "J.-ll H^119..

^lEo-ll^l r9!

i|],\tn an olrlc .q 7lq F]

2) "JAS +cr6Fl
=ra ol
-t 3) 6fr+
_rcrl:J+t =u _
4) 44qt 0t=E= E0tr+ +
5) B^f8 grl
6) IlrlT e :t!r L'mt of Ttrt

7) At4r|E0llzlEq6l+ +i.r!rL
_., tl

2. '-(o)4(e)'= "J"H H^119.


Il-/\lu F.l ol T.l olrt

2) q ,(lrf^l Eo|t+

+Flf lr lml rlrl.!

4) otrt rt rtrL E.l

-]?.| .
_l + -(e)et(s)

5) ,\ l.l TI=;Lrt

6) ofo f TlIlI 9+

rll28lt +atsA _117

r= Lf+q rH -g -d^l= 7lq-.JLf. rfl=4 += =.J^f= --J^l Sddfr 4rlel q-g= E.J:Lrtl.
4rl7l =rjl
a=ql qo-H 0l0f7l-.J + illt al.\Ee rfd=*rf. ="J^l 'Jg dgt3 7ld6fq ="J

g qn =E6l
1=^l illf al.\Ee Eq EZ6f= dEJ+=:drl.
^f =Bl7l


1. !

4. !
7. ! C

'l . t) .!d0 aJ E^tE gz Hq(e). 2. 1) Ed+El E4 qo4(e).

2) gaS ++6|] !^,tot(e). 2) s0 4(9)?
= ^ 'f^l
3) 3?71 HJ+E Hq(g) 3) LfTf a[(9)
4) 01t 0
=Bl6f sJq(g).
Eq 4) q4 Ll 1q
^t4 =s= =q9a|.(9)
s) g^t8
E= Eq :tq(e). 5) U€^l rl
6) l-q^ r+,'.l0ll "JZ Hq(s) 6)
!t0ll Tfrlr 94(9)
7) A|4^Eqt/ g+.'U Hq(e). 7) €8= "Jea[(e)

118_ q.i3g
6fq =d
=el= ^l++
U trr oltrbFar
9f!l-rr o {tA{



-(9)Zl g=Ell9 I came here to-/for- (iis)

A i Elrf 886[4 ?tsH19. I came nere for a visa extens on.

B : +l8,(l Al gdolg? Did you fill out the apptication form?

A: IIE 5=6|.4 9EHl9- | came nere to reg ster my fingerprnts.

B: Il+ql,{l ,l.111 7l+4rllg. Please stand n Ine over there.
A : rHoJ+ 617(=) Eo el g=ql-9. I came here to get perm ssion for reentry into the country
A : gl+oJ 5== EJ=el g=Eilg- | came here to have my certificate of alen registrat on issued
A :i]l+ Xf4 EZ6l4 *=q19. I came here to chanqe the status of mv vis r

1. '-(e)el g:qe= tsJ+6lq r*q g +zlc LlElrll: rll

^l+d :€ zl4lol q€ ^l+61: Ell
s€o14. ql4
r ^l+€ql^J ++61: ^le,6Jql +4ee 9€€ 916lr E€€ sA6J
'Elzl €*olq *l:qe= Hl4 €*6ln 4eql qe2l 6llot 6l+s? eEg EElol4. Hln
ol 9l= 5.{t flql: _e4 *:qleE, Eaol $.zL}.='EJaol g: F^} gql=._el *=qls,
E ll++E+. -191+ g=tll.9 san expresson usedto indlcate the speaker's dm to v sit a place/office.
Usualy, this is used when the speaker shows the a m of their visit and asks a favor of the staff at the office
Forexampe, Hl^f E36lq *:Lllg roughy means E^tESdlnd3q q=Z 6]10f 6lLl9?"-oaJ el
is used after a verb \,vith a final consonant and -al f,:rl9 is used after a verb wlthout a fina
consonant or one \!th the final consonant'=

rll29r+ aJq _119

=oJ+ ^f+4
2. 4daqg .-l* geg gd6lq E "Jg {t+re
"J-dJE+. This is saro rf a carerut, soft tone and in a
nsrng ntonatlon G
-$El qoo something) f rst afi{

A: U8^l+Et r4+=qt qqql ?qe?

They told me to write ihe application form first Where is it?
B: Il+oe Tf'^lE gl*q+. tt is overthere.

A: +4 ,{l+^ql= q 7fe? why are you going to ihe tmmigration office?

B : E+oJ 5=e+q g=EJol0f 61111_9. I neecl to obtain a certificate of atien
registration first.
A : ,\lB-0i gJLJlg. ,\J0FAqg. There are many people. I need ro stand in tine frrst.
A : ?d tEE+q=+q
gn {]€,!= Lleql rf.
Let's take a number ticket Jirst and til out the applicaUon forr| later
A: E+6f71 Eql +oJPrIr+EI .^fOI dflg. I need to buv a revenue stamp nrst berore apprv]ng.

1. -+q': B^l+ +^l 9ql Eq F4l"i+.^Jql, q: +^J+
foun oraf adverb +El rndicates {he begnning
^lgg ^lztg +qBEl
ofan acton, condition, or an order/rank
Attached to a

5+= $fr otrtaining a cenrTrcare or a ien reqistralon
ar 17)

. E=E 5=== "Jqsl-lqg. I tost my cedificate of alien registration.

. uts^l: Lfl4g7l 6llE 8119.
The app ication form can be downloacled at the website.
'e]+?] o+= EJeq 1:rll E;Of^l :sfd.7lqflqg.
r went to obtain a certificate of^fB0l
arien registration but hacr to wait for a rong time
because there were so
many people

' 5==e 2+ +0ll 49a1 9.119. ptease pick up the

certifrcate in two weeks
' +-o aJ 9+0t 5ll9? Should I come here persona y to pick it up?
.q+E 5=6e Ejble _Eql +rll9.
Please send the certificate of alien reglstraton by parce
'eE lTl0l ft=ql q=Zl olllg? What can ldo? tdon't have rny identif catron pcrure.

:rft tone and in a
ill+ fl4 EA/EA Extendins/Changing the status of one,s v sit all{

++,3 Hl&e 8f+n deqlg. I want to change rhis into a srudent visa.
. ill+ rl4 HZ 6f4n *q9. I came here to ahange the status of my vtsit.
. +g?]rl= qqql,\l l9? Where can I buy revenue stamps?
' Iloi6B0l "J96ft+-I9? You mean I need a cerUficate of bank batance? l
. q7l ?1O19? ts there a photocopy ptace here?
= HJqtolg. got
. 0lH?] 1LJut4= I a one year visa this time

1. '-(o)al S:EJ|9'= "J.=fl tr|^ll_g.

^lEdH^l ru)
-:lached to a
1) bt{ti=) tr}t6t+ rllr



4) _-= -\:1lq

l]-i.l o=- E -' + =t=L1lv i

ill a Tl,1 q =-::---

6) q+E 5== +'-

7) --'

]]|294 +la .rt+I _121

2. '-+El'= "J6H E^119.

,\l Lt





> H[4 Ee517l, rlE E=6171, il+ e4 83, el+?] E== g;5el 1|1117|. 4:d 7fE= -4arE
74q LlH +=q. -E+^l= 7lEoil 46J 4r1l +CE +ldll gq^ Eel6ll0F -dtl. I€
=oJ+ ^lflollll
Ee€ +4^+ 346|I l^|ts E4^ 5lg0l qol -'-t+^l=e.l r+4l +eE Etsq.
=Eq =g+

1. 1,Ht&=r E36tal 951119. 2. 1) UE^]+q r10t 6[9./Ue^]+q /r4:ql qqol ?q.9?

2 r€rEr g:qlc. D qEE 5=e+q g;3J0t0f o=t1(^1)e.
3 {gE olTK=) 'Jqq f,:qle 0
^1^lle./=+E1 ^10t
1 el+E E=6(3) .JEal ?=qle. 4) Eas+El Eg^lq./flEE+El gor]19./Eas+E1 g0t0t 6119.
s d+ 44(=) Ez6lal 9EL1e. 5) +goJ^l+El !r^lq./+gE^l+q olle.
q+E E=6(g) 4ea1 fi:r1le. ^t,qlg./+oJoJ^l+El
4lE^lt-|./^tT!" El Elo^lle./^tu+q ^f0l
4lq0t 6119.
6\ 6)
7) 6B/.lt!(€) {le q f,Eqlg
7) +^l+El d^lr+ /+^t+q 6l^119./+^t+q 6H0f 6t19.


EIE€ !j

Lr+ 5i^r ?j]'l
dcl!, t FFL O C
lja F +r{9.




-Ot/OIq T{9 ='..* -:.= .r'easeoo. ant

A:q 4 qE4 4 c=rtg? .lqa cc )au want for your hak?

B: '.i:43< 94fl f {9- >e6e dye it in a bright color.

A : *Ol4= Ol=rl 849? itrE E rorr want for your bangs?

B : Ll+ Brl E4 Eel f
're- q€ese fltt thern, but not too short.
A : sfZEJ q=Ol ?ra k:r- t a little.
A : 0l ,(llilai fl f ||A |:b .rd<e it bok like this picture
A : +99 9+ o|eFl +{q Please make a reservation at 5 p.m Wednesday.
1. '-oliq, ai z.{: :J=.Jl t..-. e€€ dl ag lra6J 4l ^}+6f= E€olr}. E*'}, ,'
e €+ €:rq= _:_ ={iE.
'61+91 U:{=.-=.1-
- .lEg=s+_se €+ 5^}q= ._q +^lls'= ^|!-o6f,+.
-dl +^ll9 -01/ol/q +lll9 s an expression used
when.; :.E= =- =}::-i =-=:== =-€.:: l: = action
a certain Wheo the stem of a verb has l- or'-L t s
comb'+: r.= --- =4= -{: r,-€- -.a s:e.| has one of the othervowes tiscombnedwtth -q +lll
9 . ln s€.-::-,:: :- =t)'E ' :-:' -- =,( 9 is used wth the combination of -q'.

2. *ql"Jg + :: {=::= _=r-__ _:g *€;}qE ,_+/q/q +^ldqs?+r gEEg ^l_+,*+.

'oVoJ e
='-:::-:--= -+=:? El *+6141 '4114. n order to express that the speaker gets
cons€€r=,:r -:r:-e €E g :-E r-::1-.-r.e fonn oi/q/q +,l.liLqg? is used Ths express more po te.

rll30ni o13: 123

fs} -= tll g0t(9)? Do you know where-? (12O

A:01 ol4EXlebql oJot? Doyou know where they are good at haucuts?
B: 94 d 9lb ElSd Edof. A beauty parlor in my neighborhood isfine
A : trfol E6l= ql g0l9? Do you know where they are good at giving perms?
B : trlOt= $ oH 9+,(J galg. ldon't know because lhaven't had a perm.

A: oltd ,r zrll qlq oJ 6HF El= cjl gof?

I'm going to a lleauty parlor Do you know where I don't need booking?
A : 9446|? 4eql ofE g{l E q= qt got?
I want to have my hair dyed. Do you.know where they open the shop early in the morning?

A : Dl4 61101 6lEql 6l= Elt g0l9?

need to change my hairstyle. Do you know where they are open unt I late in the evening?

1 . -: q gol(e)?= q
"J +iq ql+ 4tr= Ec
'll ^lso
6J+. 'rlEl g6f= Ell "J+?': ''+"1 +61
:*c.JH Tlei g+=FolE+.5.(lel,glEl/gq'gql ai+6J4. :rl gof(e)? s usecrwhen
asking about a place. trtOf 561= tll g0l? means trlEl A6f= oJE 7fe^1 eJZl'. This expression s
used after the stem of a verb or 9ltt/fl+

G 0l$g0ll 7l7l {j0ll Before sons to a beauty paror 1121)

. ol4 qqql,{l 9Xq-9? Where did you get your hak done?
. € 7t= DlSd 9l0l9? ls there any beauty parlor you frequent?
. 471, qloj6[l0l EIXI? We need a reservation there, right?
. l-ll7l qlqFoH Do you want me to make an appointment?
. =rl?
tll ol=tll.
4tr E6l= I know a place where they are good at haircuts

t} 0lEg0ll,,\l At a beauty partor 414

. triEl6f4J9. I want a perm.

. ot=Ef tr+[f: dqg. I don't like perms on middle-aged woman.
. 0l ,^lTlil= 6ll +.q19. Pease make it look like this picture
. 0lgzl 6l| +lll9. Please make lt like thls.
. e+ +1119. Please cut it shoirer
ISEJ +Eq +1119. Please trim it just a little.
. Agq 47f rlal U,3 7119? Do you think bobbed hair wil look good on me?

124_ €0lE

. Il-LfE1l ?l7l q3=J rfg? What style wi be good ror me?

, . o=r0l-^l
+11 I P ease cut ii n a sty e you recommeno
' q4 EoJO 01301 oJ l don t ike r.ry hairstyle
, gtl ArJ l9? =c{9.
Y/ i laKe cng?
. ]'lz0l gDfLl l,c\r, ong r/i t take?
.qae'JdEtrl!f6ll +^jg P ease g ve a s ight perm at the ends on v

l,':,.t ''

1. '-0|/q/q +^ll9'= oJ6H H^119.

af o lH r!= >_!-=-

lrlT o flr Tl= -


oFTtEt Tf=-i

4) 0l -f-- T -of/ol/q +^1e

cl +99 9+a^=:==i -


2. '-= tll oJOf(e)? "J.-ll H^119.

= ^f8dil^l

r\ allof :f = = :

+ : ql go(e)?

F\ gtl--:.

l30+ !lB: _125

> d^l 50I,! gal qal 7l^l -dq }E+g€ Eq qE +ge qel= HfTad3rl olof7l-dtl'
u rt+q4 qEg 4 ee alq4qgE +d6ll TE 7.lE -:=Ll.

> qq Ttrl -"ilol 0lgoll tr= }EfoJ= n=q. i:= Bl8lolaf d46fl +Htl El8
qol rflol^E+g =0ll^l +E6l= q-g=E -'Jtf.
fl61= -'llq
^l7l ^+oJg


1. l) 8Je 43e g^4611 +^119. 2. 1) q4 g rte: ql go(e)?

trfrf a6|: rll oa,0f(9)?
a s^l "'ill E4 +^le 2)
qEq qlqt oJ 6[E 5]= tll got(g)?
3) q'JEJ +^119. 3)

4) ol 611 +.{lfl 4) g4t E q= L1l oJo(e)?

+9"J 9+ s^le qloj6ll +.{19 5) 6E rll oJo(g)?
0 6 E1l EJof
+.(le 0 =nlrl^l
1E E6E ql oirol(g)?
7) 4EtoJE +86l] +^119. 7) H^t !18^t7f 9lE ql go(e)?

= 0 0t7l6f ri-
-.^L; ftq
urrr-rF +
+o] 4 olgnFg ?

I 0p

I t,.::-_F -(9)= + 9,i=ri9? -:- ,-rr-.,:! ? tlat

A : 0l ? LlloJ ate ^ 1!;..9i l:- c ck Lrp th s dress tomorror,?

B: LHoJrlrl 9J a - . :-!6f= Lll 2ia19
= =: ^f=3
don'i t. tk : " :: :il-: c. iorroTTo\r/. t takes ai least Ihree days to mend c cthes

A : 8f^l7f Z0l^1 lll=tll + "^l=rfg?

= =g
The pants are a brt long lor rne Can you shorten them?
B: g!fLl ,l.leJi9? Ho\r short do you want theni?
A: ++ A + ?lErl9r Can have the heels changed?
A:0 * ='J
LJ- 4 Ht+l 3+9l=rl9? Can have the buttons ofths dress changed?
A:Bf^lTf 4qt=tll +.!g+ 9l=tl9? Ihe pantsaretorn. Can have lrrem mended?

1. -(o)e+...1924e?:q€gg6ll +ac+5Br++6t4 9.d61:s€o14. EJeol .^l: F

^l 5lq: I + il-: //ls? =. *Aol 9: 5,l.l H4: -- I ols-zle? € rl++E+. cJ, t*dol
- "J e+ - 9 B+^la I - i "1349? E- ^l+dJq. (o)a + X=rfg? rs an expTesson
ro poiie j.,ask r,re iste'rer to do soireth nS E+ ?L='rl9? is used after a verb vtith a f na consonant
al]d - + ?=l]ig? rs lrsed alier a verb ri/ilhout a f na cofsonant When the stetn ol a !,erb has the f na
consof aft E' t s ccmb ned \r ih - = + ?L=rfg? after remov ng lhe ='

i4 +ut 127
-(ollq/q)^l ral=Ell(9) -,so t,2o

A : IJlTi EollIJ f.4tsql rl= bfe +d EJrl.9? I'rn in a hurry so can you mend rt nght away?
B : 014 +l .H,rql9. OlLl Ei lLf . cive it to me. Let rne have a took.
A: B[Il7l Zqll ]zl=q19. + ?l3rl9? The panrs are tong. can thave them shortened?
B : gDf Ll = ="J
How shod do you want them?
A: 3+7f *Jq^l^J rel=ql ejJ E l9?
The button is off my shid. Can you mend it right away?
A: 6i47f LJ+ 4^l f.ajbqlg. + 9l€rl9?
The waist part is too big for me. Can you shorten it?
A : HJFlBilTl OfqrJ ts+ +1j19. l\,4y heet hurts, so ptease have a look ar this (shoe).

1. -(.1/q/q)^l r;l:ql(e)':.tl4%lqlal oag olrl € ol+g EJ6IE^J

^JqlEJg +dg C +
+. s+ ' l, -'tr €+: +^l+ B+^l gql: '-ol^l :1E:Ell(s),=, . l, .lelg E+etr g
+ 5^14 €4. gql:' q^J r4Eql(s),_e
'614'9 a+ql:._q^l'el adJolq ,-6u
^l ^ls"
tney attract the listener's attention by mentloning the reason to ask a favor. when the stem
of a verb or an
adjectve has or'L it is combined with -Oflr lai:Lri(g) and when the stem has one ofthe other
vowels it is combined with Ol,(l rzl=LJl(9) ln sentence of end ng in ,6f rl , 6fl11
1z1=rll(g), is used
with the combination of -q-{1'.

2. "J+qa-e"J6ll 3+ ++6}2l ++.1 4+tl+rtr EJe+g+. saidsoftly, ths

express on sounds pol te while the ='lq,.-:q(9)
part -:Lll(g) sspokeninasighflyrs rgrone

_^e +d 7tll0ll.{l A cloth ns repair shop (125)

. IlqTf nA H:tjl Ll,(l EJ0f +ljl9. The zipper is broken. ptease change tt
, cJ+= 6fll golHlfl=ql q BffloFa^?
I ost one button, so I guess I need to change thern all, right?
' 0l 34 El 4,(19. Pease take this ornarnent off the c othes.
. Ht^lTl =
40ld:tll +d Ert9? The pants are torn. Can you mend them?
. EJBlIle oJ=q +lll-9. Change the pants jnto a pair of shorts.
. +990 oJqoF 6f=rll -rqlrfri Erfg?
I need to wear this on Wednesday. Can you repair it by then?

' grll +eai 3219? When can tcometo pickthisup?

. dle qllg? You can handte it right now, can't you?

@ ++ +d 7fll0llll Ashoerepairshop 1126)

.E0l tol,(l +d=611 +1119. The heels are too hgh, so peaselixthem.
e.l =rrJ.Jtl
. ++ E0l +al1111 rq=ql Hl +1119. The heel is broken, so please have a look at it
. ++ L+0f
tr -aned?
+1119 Shlne these shoes, please.
. g80l The soleoftheshoe ripped apari. Glue it, please
. ++ E
=o1f;.=tll =Eq+,\19.
,Jof +1119. Please change the heels

+ 9l=rf9? oJ6H EL^119. :.

= ^lEdl1^l
.:o€ € 1) LH"J 1+ rui
.'rq 6ll c
- :-l ng as 2)
Htrte 4n rl OK

:'c or an i

3) +=a=3Lt
_(o)= + 913rf9?
4) 'J+ = ul+l
_-7 ln s s) +!6lLl

BJsfr e U=Ll


2. ',-(o|/q/q)^l ral=ql(e)'= EJdI1

1) =
ufe +l =rfg?
= =6f+ ^

2) Hf^lrlzt+
= =g
+ 9,L3rle?

3) 3+rl-Jq^lq fBt.Flrto?

4) 6147f Li+ r+ + -(0vq/q)^l ral=ql(e) =ot ^ olqrlo,

5) 'JiSilTf oinq
6) i EfTf 6&f+ sa ^ o qrlot

11 T'T Ef +!le
rl3 tr+ + !f; 129
> qal 7l^l :, +Fq ^lTlolLl rc E(E= dE)= H-r eolLf ?F= ol..Jal Hl+E
7l-.JLf. i! s3€ ELlloll 91= +cEol+ 3461r rltlol 7td laJ0lLl 7lE(E= tE)= Ttrl]
+!dql 7f^l "J6f= gEE ='Jtl.

1. 1) LUoJ +E + 9lgrte? 2. r)6 a6||^l rq=ql(e)

2) Bt^t= Eg + 91€rle? 2) EtrlTt zq^1 ra1:q (e)
3) +=E=a+fl3rfe? 3) g+7f E0l^1^1 ral=ql(e).
4) El+=Ht+ E + o;.grte? 4) ol47f Ll+ rl^l _ral:ql(e)
5) ^dEr + 91=rf9? t gFlE^l7t 0ttrt^1 ral:LiL(e).
6) sJEl^le oJE + glErlg? 6) !t7f EJot^l ral:q (9).
^ =
7) +F +E + 91=rf e? 7) +F A0l +al^1^l tal:ql(g).

I 130 €0lE

" P r-_
ortrrg 6fA rllor,9?


lFF-(9)-E+^119::.:::e a1z7)

A: rl.Se -i^ 1:' 4, i i' ch seats do you want?

qL .
B: 7l=.!oe +ll9 - ::-ces seat. pease.
A :7^ 2l=.8,,. .1:= 9^=L Ll. \.4/e have tlckets lor 7:20 and 8i40
B:7-^l 20= +rl9 pease
A: 11 oJ c ae +!l-9 The b ggest s ze Coke, p ease
o.! =
T{19 A seat n the last ro\,\r. p ease
A: ?4.\
A : Tfgtll A seat in the midd e, p ease
1. -(g)e +!ls: ci
Tlal .i:lE-l 7|:..J a.l 9l:.ll .1+
"l+= dedl"l 9r-*
rll il.+61+ s
€oltl 9= =,': 9 : af express on Lrsed \!hen the speakar reqLrests someth ng chosen from tnany
cho ces

;! 32,1 Eift 1sl

@D -(./ts)cftrlEll rneysay lrza;

A : 0l Bil Shall we see this movie?

=rl? q= gEf EIf.
ol4 +CqEJql They say itb scary. Let's try another movie.

A: 'g Eol 4lolglEl$ql :U1 They say 'A Young Boy' is interesting. Shall we see that?

B: l-l =rl?
l4 rlu+ql *Ol. I saw it last week.
A: 'oteDfo '+BJ'01 +SEIEJBI Eal 7l^1.
'Itq say'woobin' appears in the movie 'Ajuma', Let's go see it.

A: +301 1|]e SaqEJql 7l EaH?

=ilolsay a new theater opened neaiby. Would you go there?
A: ol{ HE r g4 6tlel Befrllql^l at g9tElEJtil oJol?
Tlrsy say the movie we saw yesterday won a prize at an overseas film festival. Do you know that?

'1. '-(L/9JqEJEil',: 196l= 44ql 5e zlq il: ^ldg d^l ,141E gag EJol4+
^lB'ol =71tr
cc. 4t"Je qt .(f+6I: s€olq. e+^Fl'-9t/9/9-'51{:'-r}'Jql'=, +aq 9I: E"^} I
4= -=ElrJEll'€, "Jaol 9:5^l +lq:'- LqHEll'= ' (L/:)LfLltll' sanexpresson
-s€c...,i1en the speaker says theLr opinion or confirm/suggest something based on what they heard in
:-e cast '
+Etll is used after an adjective or g,t/fl/n-. -:qcllll
is used after a verb with a fina
tra-sgirant and rLfELll s used after a verb without a final consonant.

> 0llE.AOil,\l At a box office t2e)

l' . E6s+El gll. Let's take the number ticket first.
. 7^l z o|JTjEsl cl= zJ

TfE tickets for the move =nl??

at 7 are sold out. Shall we see another movie?
. oJq9!9e qlq-"^t=tll9. I made a reservation on the Internet
. 6 Ze Hl+l +1119.. Change it to 6:30.
l 30E:
. 0l gEd 5 + 9lolg? Can I use this discount tickei?
. EroJ 7lE: OiE Zl ?lqg? What cards are available to get a discount?
I - +i= q349? Will you have popcorn?
- ++:gE HJ?tq-g. I had admission lees reduced for eary morning.


e 8grJ0lt^J .-. --.-- (r3of

' 94 4l!3 j(l+c q I 3-' :eats are over there.

.3$e:.J ,J ;fq Fjg th nk we shou d go one foor up to reach Theater 3
= =1./-ia:
. l, q7 T' 7- .: .^ ::i 9. frr r.. -ne f1i) ree-n5 o oe r,,5edl
.l|JedZ $-.1'l:-.,.;3 As this theater newly opened, thasnaefaclties
. +tHE al8c = :'=:-:' l tr !ou put your cel phoneon vbrate?

1. '-(o)E +^ll9 .r'3:'.t =Jall El^119.

1\ )1=.a flr)
::: cn of
-a'1 n

+ (o)e +49




1t324 Bitt 133

2. '-(r/i)ct!t1l'E "J6H E|.^11.9..
1) += gel -HLf

'g E0l 7f lllo l9lll
.?'J'01 )la
3) +9+ +el

4) +80t
8aq +
611el Bilrlloll^l at g9trl o tat

6) 4e 7tl5.J ge+ E "J6t+ Hal Tlll

0t ga+=
rl+61+ "ld g6l Htl

> -E3=3 + 84 EE rloi qal 8eg g+ E,'.Elel gel 3g Er olE gElE E AoJ
4t4 8el=.Jtl. I E A?lrl, ell r gq= sal CeIl ^lzs=
ql6H 0l0l7l=.J + 7t= Bel,+
^l ^l0ll qg==:.Jrl. =ql
014 d46lr gE+ Ee+ E= lE

1. r) t1E40e +^ 9. 2. 1) ol4 +dt+trJql q= gql Erl.

2) 7^l 208 ee +^19. 2) 'g E0 7f r|]st?lrtELlt Ent@)?lE H0l'7t ru0l?llltrJrll Erf/E,(lE+.
3) E4 +^l I. 3) ?BJ 0t LfeqtrJqt H4 az[(e)?r9HJ 0t L+3qEqt Ha] )l^llu^lq.
4) o.!
= ^l0l^e
4440e +.q19. 4) +ai0l da+trJrl 7l Errl(g)?/=eol 4e.g,lrlLJrll 7l E^tiE^ q.
5) &ze +,{le 5) o-Hsl -3 EJ?trfcJ Lll
6) Hte 7i9e +-!19. 6) .{[7HE.J gil E EJ6lLtLJt]l EZI ,JDl(a )11^\e )l1E-t EEI E "J6ftt
7) T elE^l:t6l=
g=ge +^119. trl fll rr rl rlTllTfrlrl

4 Bili E /. F6lllFtll o-4C gel +Il/E'. r'



ol tF^ |+ Itf,ttr to,t

BJz rI )-J:E{,g. t?ri.tHeol
oJ EJ L tEr.


tffil- -I dgql.9 - - a131)

A:01 EII :3';19. d I ke to borrow this rnagaz ne

= ==: 9lEqq. Sorry butyou can't borrow a magazine.
B:4lA6fI11 !,r=--!:
A : tf 7i-= :54-- !3c]|9. 'd like to extend the loan pelod.
B : E,\13 : j E8--J + 9i+qq. You can do it on the library's website
=: ^ =it-=
A: lllElL-:= z.:3:-r 19919. l'd ike io use the sem nar room

A : E,!E . a== :-j=I #3tll9. l'd like to make a brary card


A : tll= :: q!= 5-i {91 .9. C ke to put a book on Teserye

1. I 1;_,:= =:r-,, '.-*el el'J, tsleJg +4LllE^J "J9 ^lzlC ql ^l.s;t: _s€ol+. +.
'^llul,j;:= .=: - ::-,llll r',- 4lEl+€3 4gql qgrll 6ll+ 6l:zl ol+ t*Bg ol
4 += - == -:=_--- ={o14. :'^}el qt4 ai++El. n d3qL9' s an express on used when
= ::-=--- : :-: :-::- -:r '.:. icDe or wsh For exampe, lll! Ltt= ,\fgofl 'l3tlLg means that
tl.::':r- :-'. ,:: --:.-..aTToomandaskstheIstenertohelporsho\/howto This scombned
\!!-' '.': -': . --a

ll33rl E^ltrJ 135

E> -Lt.9.? (A type or quest on) t1*)

A: 9l+ 1€3 olLl0ll 9,lLlS? Where are the foreign noveLs?

B 2=oe 7f El1l9. Go to the 2nd floor.

A:tfl= 7lz0l OISZI F.lLlg? How long is the oan period?

B:g+g0lnFflrl^l E8:-f ^ 9,1q9. ftS a week and you can extend it tw ce

A: q7l If 4 9lL[9? ls this seat avaiable?

A:9853 .(l0ll E= ELlg? When does the reading room cose?

A:.^EIq= g4a1E Ol'-lzl ollof 6fLl9.? what can I do in order to rent a study room?

1. +e?: 3+6J qU
_Edee +EB l qdlqc !-4+ +El. +^l+ '-*/9/9
' d_+ A.l ei+5J4. Lig?' s used when asklng a question, wth the lmpression of beng sofi and"
feminine. Ths s comb ned w th the stern of a verb or '-?I/?1/9-', -',1{-

l} C||=4 HJLj Borrowng and returning books (138)

. tll= 7lZ0l flrllrfllqlg? When does the loan perjod end?

. ql9+ E,/.l +-o a1 *=tll9. I came here to pick up the book on reserve
. tll=== oJ 7fr1*=tll ol':Zl 6fI? lcjidn't brng my library card What can ldo?
. +,'.l= qEloll,{l ol19? Where can I photocopy?
.tll+gdeHtsrf^l g= +9,lq9? How many books can a graduate student borrow?
. E^1l6fE q --f ll Ell-g? What happens f lreturn books late?
. II.BJHTl= fiLl-g? lsn't there an automatlc book return machine?
. DVDE tll= 7lbdH-g? Can I borrow DVDS, too?

7j{ Searcning 1134)

. 0l qqql 9,1q9? Where is the book?

. 9l+ 4€9 qLlql fl^? Where are the foreign nove s?
. +L|] E,\l= q qql glq.g? Where are books pub ished in Korea?
.Ol l4Ol,,\l7l0ll fl:ql +0f +llr,JLqg? can't ind ths book on the bookshelf. Can you lookfor t?
. z^46f8 9]+n +9:rl ^4+ololl
4ol flqe.
I can search for a book on the database but it s not on the bookshelf

. ts= Z^qe qqql,r.l 6119? Where can search theses?

136 d0lE
1. '-r #8qle'= "J"|| Hlll9.
1) TJII + ===-'

4\ r!4 . -=--= >i.=-

3) t1 !l+:=
4) E./lr: a=== .=-: + -n #3qte

5) L-= : -=

6) q'J E^-= t:.'-

7) ovc= "-

2. '-Ltg?'= 'Jdi E^i19.


2) Ll= ,/ /Ja !-= - -_

3) iETl 9,Lr+
4) q E-. L lt'l
^lqt ==

6) n\/n! d rar
^ or-:

1) E^l+ cl3== .- -:; _j=r

Ili$4 .t^1 nJ
_ 1 37
> +g ql^lel ,J3 E,^lt al3='J=71, tH=6f71, ql=7!'/J gAt6f7l, ,ql0lLft BJal71, DVD E7l 5
al^1171 4 -.J 7fE= -++^f=rl4 Llil 'J=Lf. ++^f= 7f Eoll 4 -'J rfrll +="JE 916l E^lg
ll Eol6Hof dll. i! aJZE e,t1go|a| 34dl7 I^l: F^ljrJ.l30l qq -qtA^l=ol rflll +="J
E^lrJ qeJ+ oJ:71 Ln3.l / |
Etrl+7lrJ ollfdl'71

r]lElLl^l g-.1al7
| DVD q7I

> ol=al 3E= -+8=rlal Llil !r'll E^lzt0ll 7f^l r4E t+a19= rlrll= ,iI
^l ^l^f,
+="J6H E= 1E=Ll. qZA:I1l E^l rJ BJ=01 qgLfE E^lzJql^l tH=:d ^4= E 3 iAql 8l

+ i: EJA= E.lSee +q nllll= +C-* +E 9,ltf .

> 7f56lLlE aril E^lzJ 61fl c8^l= 7lr1el qg6= u=q E= aE €Lf.

1. l) ff^t 6 .Ja ? dSrl e 2. l)el+ 4Ee qL ql 1q9?

2l t|]= 7 6J= EAdf? deLlLg 2) L|= ) )Ja q=71 5lLf9?
3) ,rl B q!= 3) q/l
.tPtl I ?Lfg?
4l ElrJ n 3=e- .J=n 43Ll s. 4) ,( ^fe
oll e= cJLle?
qt= q aJ= 6tn derl I 5)
Z:ElLlE ga a1E q5!7i .l]Ot olLlg?
iluJ E^l= uE6lI !3tl e 6) DVD-
B,a + gLfg?
7) DVD= .E? d3r1l9 7) E^l+ i?53 q=zl 'Jq+g?

138 '\€03
ulcl-l+ {!El
_1 xtgtml

$f, cr
tj rrc.l I
zrf o tl. tlr :r
rFgdHoFfloi 9 oJ rr

: =011


B -(Of/q/G : .. ' (35)

:-::'? need to take a shower now
^l =
tr = --r -- - 11i9. Lv I leave after runn ng a litt e tonger. Go first
a -ttt = -.- :-j
-- --al,!9 Stretch your waist w th your h p clown a b t ower
u g=r- - = -'-.. : =.-: -- -ol0f xlq.g lcan't do t because t's too hard need to take a break
:- come back afler drinking a cup of water.
- _..- ;. _j EJo + u f llotfl ol.
- :-: -o.n ng I need to take an even ng class

^: 'i6= = "J0f0t1ol9.
::: a c.e need to take a swimm ng course.

1 . 101 .. .:: ::= :I -:- --I: adg LlEls+.

r1+ f . !.e ekt ,5_.{lo]l]_
rl++el .el4L+ , ._o}
ol1.'l t- : :el l1+_o e €t 5^lql= . q.F.dq(s),E 6|+,9 e+ql
: = = ir|"rq(9)E ^f+-+4. (of/q/qlotr^lq (9r ^l+6J+.
'ic:r' rdcates the speaker! wrl
oic:::-- --: =:=.-_ --::-:-r r, a,./erb has l-,or,r,ttisco.nblnedr,vith,-olofrJlol(9).aidwhe|the
sre^--::, :: -.:'--- j ..s i scombnedwith Ololrlq(g) | sentence of end|gir] ,6llf,,, ou
';: - - :: -: -:^-l].at on of -qof'

trlELla dLl 139
E -L Lf ,f,l atter cto ns (136)

:1 Z )jAl? Wllyou run more?

1li+lUtl=ILt,tl ,JZof. wi I leave after runn ng one moTe round.

qtl oJ 6|]? Don't you use a runnifg mach ne?
^--rl +a LlrJ 710f. r,v ldo lt after rlding a blke
95= 6lI Ll^l 6119.
_ ,- .dg^l <O"n. =0ll =0l7f0f
a'te doilo wd.rr Lpe\er''<^.,
6f1lq9. t0="J +lr Ll^.l Lf^ gzl9.
::- : rc =t because ts too hard l' I take just a 10 minute break before starting aga n
' 9rf6fn LlIl +g-'J 40[. ] wil sw m after do ng yoga.

1. - - : Fil qrJql a.J"lq e59 +.{1-= +L}\n+. '-n L}^J 9}.ll _": F^fg F4ol €\}

::r' =+e= 5^lel Szlol tl"lq gqB€ -sd++. n Lf.!' s an expression used to ndjcare

2- +gql e+ el'rl il glol El+l + + 914, t can be transcrlbed n1o -(9)L LfB0lL'wthout
:...- I -:a3nce

(} ==6i :
^l ,,.. ,1 g ooo ar37)

' r:=:3 ciqql 9ltl9? Where s the shower room?

. .-3 ^ ./.iZg 3rll0l9? When s the t me for swlmming wilhout tak ng c asses?
. -! s = :-j oJ0t9.
can do freestyle swimm ng
== =
' -:= .-9r tgtll9. want to learn the buttedy
. i=::- 'rn going to sign up for the beginners' class
. ==6lall.9. a;qg. lost the key to my ocker
= ='=' ";Ci +l I

cF ilL=.JalE0ll^l 1138)

. c , ;it- q ,/ti8dJlg? How can use th s mach ne?

. =Z
qq0ll 9lqg? Where isthechangng room?
. =91:3
B L.lrl 71E|01 Lt lee s great to sweat (wh e exercis ng).
=4 =ofg
.gilEJol Ll?Llr.l :t gf ELLllg. lcannotdoitwell because haven't been herefora ongtrne.
. d=q/l Ll :611C9. I.dnroo o-l\n ored. r'slool'a,d odo.

140 .(l€0 €
'= +lnq7f -'JZ I. wll do it after a short break.
. 0l 7l+= 0l=Zl ,l.136119? How can use ths equiprnent?

..=_:-11 "J"fl HIll9


,\ *-' -: -'

4) ^----:::--- + -(of/q/q)oFdq(e) I

E\ 7t^.9 slFL

6) ?= ',Jof"J Lf

7) Ll Ed6 6flf

2. ',- I Ll^j'= "J.ll H^jl_g.

1) -Lr ul+loJ rl 1tr I
2) Llr+ fl Llnl,\
3) 35= 6fll
4) t0=oJ +lr+ + -r Lt,H Lf,''l 6fr+

5) 97f 6f r+ +E6tLt

6) -{r\t 7Lr!

4=.J LJ +lt+ ^tr!

Ill344 n EL 4 t-j 141

> +E e+ a+.R, 9712JA N7J, trlELl/, {!El ol€i^lz Lle} 91= Bnrl=
Lf. ^lzELl
F rlaJrrl 4= trlELl.\ {lEl 0l30lj =ol lllEl rlflr} Elgol Elq
g611 oloFTlE!Lf. trlELl.\ =Hl-d
-g+g 6HE= ?jE ^lol

l. 1) 0l-Ill 2. 1) -el HlfloJ L1 Ll^1 ,J 4allljqs

^t?dllot,lq(g). =jt alBolu g 710v4qle
2) A|Z +tot0flq(s). 2)
+r Lt^l
3) E =zr
t! Et^ n elotlq(9). 3) eEEe dtr Lf,|] Eqt 6ll(e)/Eqrt.{te.
i 4) BJoe Btfl 0f 71q(9). 4) =bl
l0EoJ +ll Lf^] =q7pf
tt^l g4l(9) /1oEoJ +l? Lt^1 tf^l -=' Tlofl
5) a6E g0t0f7jlq(e) 7lql9
eofgqofTilq(e) 5)9rf6|I Ll^l +Eg zotlzq 9.
i 7) rl Ed6l d|1ofdq(g). 6) dln Ll^J dOll ,J 7l0fl7lql9.
4BEJ rl +l?
H' 7) Lt^] 34 (e) /aBU rl +lr L+^1 c )1ov)1q 9.

I ^l€0lE

5?J4 E=
il'o l*r9,
rrLLf++Er org-tl
olol. q?

|rIF -71 ll|t-"^Iqg - , o (13e)

A : EIll+E1 g0l liGla? YJlren did you start to run a temperature?

B : q}.]sJ+El E0 +71 ll+',!0J9. I started to run a temperature last night.

A : E=01 Erll+q girqg? \'\ihen did you start to fee pain?

B:= ll9, 0lE7l ,(l+ilq9. Wel, t started to hurt ast week
A: qal= rdl0l^l E3 .l7l
^iu^+=l ^l4ilq9.
spra ned my leg a^. s:a(ed to get acupuncture last week.
A : qE l+El 7laJ7l rl:t*0jg t staded to itch afew days ago.
A: g0ld+q 0 7lcltri^l oJS q7l
I started to take mec c:? because of a toothache atey

1. -71
^lzl*qe: zl=4,(l 614 *914+ 9.9'J gol i.l+otr 'JC6l.l €4lql5 4+ell+
€ 6F3_+r "14: 9"lol4. s._^}9 q+4 €6J6Jrl. , 7 /1\ A'=i[G]g means somethins that was
unprececc.:aa "si :r:-'..c re.erty) and has conl nued or st I influences the speaker. Th s is comb ned
wth th3 sie^. c'a :-c

q 35r+ €34 sI= 143

EIEF -tt(71) whre- (140)

: : Ilt7.l= Ef LlTl LJ0l^l,\l +=Ol ,ltClg. I skinned mv knee wh le rlding a b cvcle

I : ^=q6l] EI= sg1l9. EJ6rn-E 'J96f^16?

glve you a clisinfectant and oint'nent You also need a Band-Ald'
::946lll7f qlfl=t]l oJ +l1l-9. I got burnt whl e cookjng Give me some medrc ne
: : nldol A6f!t1|9. E?oil 7l."^l= Zl =niolg
\:- have a serious burn You'd better go to the hospita
: : 4oJg +Lf +3 ullfl=tll trl7f ?l g+le.
rad my hand cut while peeling fruit and t keeps bLeeciing

I : 4di= 37lLt d4= 88lA'tr=ql trf-{ +'r'119'

desk Glve me a paln relief patch
I sprained rny waist whi e mov ng a
.:. : -ll0ll^l LllalgLtTt g=3 dHlx=ql + zTjlcls.
= walk very we l'
I sprained by ankle whiLe cl mbing down a mountain and I cannot

1. 4(71): q J gg 6l: +ql qE "J'l g4ltEl: EolE sdol4 +E 'Jq '/19 5^lql "J.^J

.he speaker was do ng someth ng else Th s ls used wlien both
things happenecl a most at the same iime

It rs co.nbined with tfre stem ol a vero

-Lf7['can be shoftened to -Ll bv removng -71

2. -421q1,<1 -715 '3*^l7l.!.' +E.=q "Jg+ ?lEl

G EflOlll1 n hosptar (141)

. l-+I TlAB Llol ollg l have a runny nose and cough a lot.
. Lt47f *I oftrfg. l\,4v swollen Legs hurt
. g=E 8ulg.qg. spralned nY ank e.
. :l+71 E oJ qlg. lt is hard to drgest
. trl+oll PlTl Lln E 7fa1?lg I have skin rashes and an itch
. Ol4g0ll Zl+ tr=dqg. I constantlv threw up last night
. ,|.faJLlTl LJLI Htg. I think I cut a wisdonr tooth.
. Tl3 l *o1 +lll9. Get a medlca certificate, please'
. EaIf Aqg I have no career
. ,J^1,J7+Jl Lllg Lteqlg They say ihe test results wil be given tomorrow
. E3ql )l^1 zJ^l= sJolHlOfAClg. I need to get a medical test at a Larse sized hospltal

144 €013
gf+qlll In pharmacy 11421

' sJdn +1119. Give me a Band-Aid.

. Eall = tll Hf P=
EI ?l0l9? Do you have ointment for insect bites?
' ill:'J a egql 4o+rjl +1119. Please gve me digestive medicine.
' oJq "Jn 0t^l= 3e +.t119. Not pills but I quid medicine, please.
E €,
= : 9lll9?
. ls there ointment to prevent scars?
. 0l s+ +1-3 l.esn't this medicine have side effects?
. 8?-lEa :-a: . -t : s"rere menstrual pains.
. tl=!l
: :.-- :'s Please
. + ll= 3
=; ;: l:-Q! Do you have medlcine ior a stomachache?

+^J 0

oJ6H H^119.

,\ I -'4= ,- -'- :

3) ?= --

4) 7l i
^11!=."1019 I



ll35i+ Egrf qr? -145

2. '-E+\71\'= "J6H H^11-e..
.: clIlLi
1) 4dz=+q
r.{ rl

4) 4d3S7l+ ---,l
tto LflEg+ gq= rblcl
Llr lLf
6101_9 dn +lLt

> ol*E 4ol 9l=rl, oltrl7f oHoq ol'Jll ;i=^l rf+Ell

tt|6l1 0l0F7laq'

qol qg=E ='Jtrf. E=d="J rC' +dE "J
> rd +teE Efl E= qr+olaf 846fL gIl7l =3E
goJE 43 Eq 7lE= 6tLt4l E=tt' &t!
4 E g?!= qE+s raolLt ^td ee EEol+ =d,
ol Ee TlEoll 4-.J Eoll e-l7iLf 7fEoll 4='J g rflEoll olETl olrE+n
7fd6fn F 4=
{ot q--J=€:dtl.

1. 1)ol4lg+q Eol t+71 ol9. 2. l) rttTlE Eltl(7t) Eqeq(e)

qrHTt +^l7l 2)ea 6tq(7t) Lllflcl(e).
^lu++E1 ^lAt="1qg. 0 4"J3 ?irl(it) +E Bllqol(e).
3) BE 'l7l
4) qE E+E1^14tflo19.
3EZ47l t={qe lJ +JE S7.qr7l) o1a,:. ldlF6.I0/9
t qrE q7l ^l o tql^1 qlale+(il) gs= urLqq(e)
6) a^f 7l Erl 6) 6tote dr +lL(71) Llaq(e).

7) trl+011 ?l7f
L+71 7) E= Eol tsr rfl(71) e7l01l z'"101(e)

nt .sE 4l0lrl 4 tI6{ 40 r
1nl 141 (3t/fl/r)ol(e)l 7 1gtt 't77 )'ll9)1 79

142 (9)e 7lE 0fq0f I 178 -(L/=)r+q? 80

zal 1a3 -(L/:)Ll= ril "Jol q(9)? 11 20tl 17s ?,Jtlll(9) 83

144 €of(g)l 12 1S0 -(9.)E q ra (e) 84

3nl 14s -(o)E q4rl(9)? 15 21rl 181 -(?l/q/q)3 6t=rlt(e) a7

146 -(9)Ezl(9)? 16 182 -(o)E E q1(9)? 88

4rl 147 - (ol)+L (e)t 19 22al 183 -(s)a]E (of/q/q)ol 611(e) 91

ra8 -(L/:)L|?(e)? 20 184 (o)E qt(g) 92

54 149 (-9)eZ l.flq(g) 23 234 dAq(e)

18s -7jl

1501!61 -(9Vq/q)q(e) 24 186 -oVq/q 41q(e)l

6al 't 51 qr q trJrl 27 187 :^l oJo(9)?

1s2 l"j (r /!)rfr 28 188 -(of/q/q)^1

7rl 1s3 rtLl(9)l 3'r 18s -(ot/q/q)o(r )

154 -(o)a oJotltll 32 r1so-(9l/q/n)Llq

8nl 1ss-(s)+: g 1q(e)?
156 (L/:)qr (6l]^1) 36 1e2 -(L/:)LfLl+
9zl E -"iLol(e )?
157 ell 39 1e3 -(q)erf dfl(9)

158 gol(e)? 40
1ont 1ss (q)e A eelll 43 28al lss -(ovq/q) Hq(e) 115

160 +7f -= 710f? 44 -(e)r.l(e) 116

114 161 -(-9)e 4l uS6[(9) 47 29rt 1s7 -(e)al 9=rl I

162-(e)E a7l ftq(9) 48 198 +El
1211 163 (o)E E 6lt(9)? 51 30ll lee (0f/q/q) +^lle
164 -'iLE+t
E^l6l F 52 200 -: r1 gtot(g)?

16s -dfl -of/q/q H^l I 31rl 201 (9)e + ol=nt??

166 (9)E r lel? 202 -(ot/ol/q)^1 ral:qt(e)
14nl 167 7l0l(=) -Lle ,i 'Jot(e)
168 -E+ -01/71(tl) LfO(e) 60 20a -(L/:)LftrJtll
15rl 1 6s -(0 t/q/q)^l ! ?l--Jq q/4lagq

170 E+8+q: (o)=Z (9) 64

16q 171 rlt(9)l 67 3411 207 -(ot/ol/q)oITJLGI(e)

68 208 n Lf^l
17al 173 -!4(n) 71 209 7l
174 (9)E rl !+

18rl 17s (9)4Llrtl 75

176 -^t (rzllq) 76

-dtil4,6f,jl el+q-e^j9 -{l+qs}r+ i+
r.lg44i i .{K+qi.+r+ 6J+qr+ dia. )
aA+' ^te+ Etzoo2). irffi+SEEFe#-d', EH;*4il1' 'Je 54
a4+. rl€+ el(2004), 6J+q++^It' +e "J+=+^l'
4+4' 44+' ^l€+(200t. Cq+ci^ldd' Ell=* 6l+
*,I+aI . 4X+. zl'$f,(200s), d+eq+!1571d, E^le+ 6l+
ald+(2006). aJ+q+q+Hr+ €711-ol+{, E^l=+ 6}+'
"i €7t -Ee '/llEJ €+' +B+4lr€€
#eifr*ul, ++q 9617l *Tl r1gg gdJ 7l:1 €+ 0-6' ;J=+a
ae+,mor. EIEE+ 7l+€ 9l+ il+q +q4E +4+ o€
-J+qkq^leE *7f=9-*E€ llEJ' +B+4li+E
#e+r,,), cBr/lBr T]EJ "J="171

El4lql6fi q+qe^19 6J+qjl++rl 4 +E
+Bqlqi +4]$qr+dq .J+q 4'^l oli4C 'll* g TlEJ 4 4"J +q
Y4 -^ll*'-l*(http://www.selonghakdans ore)
q+ f,'J "i +71=€13
4qFe4+g g TlHl E|+q r4l(2'qq r4"J) ++.n+ +C
(hnp://studvkorean. orc) 4+ +q
roPrK 4ld9g(30-37q)



EEE^11 rolitl lg 25"J

-E'J,J tl]iir'l ig 30oJ
r.lrl 1l€+.9+g
*^r d6q
tr1dot g Erl:f
trls* d.l€rll
E=g^t r000.J 89 L7'J
5=Ea 1lil8q
2..^ ,tg (l ++ ? +bl+51 J00 'l(l-d- .-r

Ee+ ql+ +el (02) 764 1009 +g 9 (02) 36?i 0555 s.'

E4 i0l) 3671 0500

hrtp:,i A\ar v. iangpl. com

ISBN 978 89-5518 256 I 14710 978 89 5518-078-7 (set)

'' *o =u"u
.x g*eJ 49 +oJ6L! rlddlLl g^lqrl rrllJbll E Llq
r. d/l= s4q +1lEl.l {+.lq
fl zll^- rJ|E ?17'|1,"", I lEaeJll-

"J6 17 lE u l4el -9111

"Jrl. aa, rlB. Eot] +llE +do-e Eeld ++

+=q +6110lrit EJ9-J +rll= dE6|q. 4 +^1l0ll^l gEJ40 n dE4oJ q4d Ed
(Key Expressions)S d1f Lltf. qt6lf= Ag0ll 4al +^ll0ll^l8F=
=€ o;5 agg !.r'l 4aoll -'J + ?AL tl
!E-J +^lLeiz|aJEJ At€lol,(l "Jg-d Ed= +7le Llgd EE= +;g + 91+L tt.

rf"J-d +^11= g8--J el^f^= 5al -d8

1. 230tll: 'Lf= e golLl= gat4oJ +rl, 3. 4u 01ll= tElSgrl $gEJ +rll=
ea o F =do
rf+flaLlrf. 0l= 56|] -++^f: rloJ-sr +^lE A=dfn 8E= ieJslq E,\l45
7 + oJ+Llrf. =al=
grJ €Eee Eifdlr rtE^alE oJ6l7i Hl]g
-"ld EEe EE c4, 39, qg. ol40 L|l-sr €B==+
FEq Seldl? oJ6f7i 5al Etdol
_E30 qq. gE Eqol flq .J+Llrf. ^fE4a13
all 3+--J +
+i1l40J +g 0l1+9tr *H :z^fE aTll =JE 7l=
-d+ol .Jdf7 +g0l 43--J + 9,1: LloJ-d EJ50l ?]q 6J=01= Tfei=i^fsl +g +"J=

3et?l 598 -*G E+reJ(ql€)

-\rlEE, Z+E], El]=fl rc flrll 01tl^lLl3+6fllEE ol!.(|l ++- sf+01 oJ=O1 EoJLlLl
- =61]

=d+q ts+

qS"JLcl ^la,
^tfl 8E
2J 15,8009

,lilJlill[|llililffill tnilrn
lsBN 978-89 551&2i-:
tsBN 978-89-5518-: -:-- -

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