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UNIT 3 : Mind and Body

According to some people, a person’s face, head and body can

reveal a great deal about personality.

- People have practice the art of physiognomy since ancient times.
- The ancient Greeks compared the human face to the faces of various animals
and birds.
- Physiognomists study the shape of the head and face.
- Physiognomists believe that physical features reveal personality.
- For example, round-faced people are self-confident, a pointed nose
reveals curiosity, and almond-shaped eyes reveal an artist nature.

- A couple centuries ago, phrenologists started studying the bumps on the
human head.
- Phrenologists were able to identify 40 bumps of various shapes and size. They
“read” these bumps to identify a person’s talents and character.
- For example, a bump behind the curve of the ear was the sign of a courageous.

Dr. Franz Joseph Gall

- His interest began at school when he noticed that boys with prominant eyes
seemed to have best memories.
- Dr.Gall’s research interested many people, but he was ridiculed by other doctors
because there is no scientific evidence to support its practice.

Peeraporn Pornwisawaraksakool M.6/1 No.25

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