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[1 MARK]
1. A non-metal X exists in two forms Y and Z. Y is the hardest natural
substance, whereas Z is a good conductor of electricity. Identify X, Y and Z.
2. Name a metal which is non-lustrous and a non-metal lustrous.
3. Metals generally occur in solid state. Name and write symbol of a metal that
exists in liquid state at room temperature.
4. Why does calcium float in water?
5. Which gas is liberated when a metal reacts with an acid. How will you test the
presence of the gas?
6. Name the metal which reacts with a very dil. HNO3 to evolve hydrogen gas.
7. Arrange the following metals in the decreasing order of reactivity: Na, K, Cu,
8. From amongst the elements given i.e. Na, Ca, Al, Cu, Mg,
a. Which one reacts with water on boiling?
b. Which one does not react with steam?
9. Which one of the following does not react with oxygen even at high
temperature? Calcium, gold and sodium.
10. Name any one metal which reacts with neither hot nor cold water but with
steam to produce a gas.
11. An element forms an oxide, A2O3 which is acidic in nature. Identify A as
metal or non-metal.
12. What is the valency of silicon with atomic number 14?
13. What is the valency of phosphorus with atomic number 15?
14. A green layer is gradually formed in copper plate left exposed to air for a
week in a bathroom. What could be this green substance be?
1. Give reason for the following.
a) School bells are made up of metals.
b) Electric wires are made up of metals.
2. Write an example for a metal which can be cut with knife as it is soft and
which exhibits liquid state at room temperature.
3. Name the metal which is a poor conductor of heat and a metal which can
melt in your palm.
4. Which metal/non-metal,
a) Used to make iron hard and strong.
b) Used for making amalgam of any metal
c) Used to galvanise any iron article.
d) Forms a black layer when exposed to air.
5. Explain why calcium metal after reacting with water starts floating above the
water. Give the chemical equation for the one more metal which
starts floating after some time in water when immersed in water.
6. The way, the metal sodium, iron and magnesium react with water and air is
an indication of their positions in relative positions in the reactivity series. Is
this statement true?
7. X + YSO4 XSO4 + Y
Y + XSO4 No Reaction
Out of the two elements X and Y which is more reactive and why?
8. Which of the following listed metals can display zinc from its salt solution?
Give reason for your answer. [copper, lead, magnesium, silver]
9. When a metal X is treated with cold water, it gives Y with molecular formula
XOH (molecular mass=40) and liberates a gas Z which easily catches fire.
Identify X, Y and Z.
10. Write chemical equations that shows aluminium oxide reacts with both acid
and base.
11. Using electronic configuration, explain how magnesium atom combines with
oxygen atom to form magnesium oxide by transfer of electrons.
12. Elements magnesium and oxygen respectively group 2 and group 16 of
Modern Periodic Table. If the atomic number of magnesium and oxygen are
12 and 8 respectively, draw their electronic configurations and show the
process of formation of their compound by transfer of electrons.
13. Write the electron dot structure for sodium and chlorine atoms. How do
theses form a chemical bond? Name type of bond so formed. Why do
compound so formed have high melting points?
14. Which one of the methods given in column-I are used for extraction of each
of the metals given in column-II.

Electrolytic reduction Al, Zn

Reduction with carbon Na, Fe

Reduction with Al Mn, Sn

15. Mention the names of the metals which are present in stainless steel and the
metals which are used to make jewellery.
16. What is an alloy? State the constitute of solder. Which property of solder
makes it suitable for welding electric wires?
17. What is a 24-carat gold? How it is converted to 18 carat gold?
18. A student was collecting silver and copper coins. One day she observed a
black coating on silver coins and a green coating on the copper coins. Give
the chemical name of black and green coating. How are they formed?
1. You are given a sample of three metals sodium, magnesium and copper.
Suggest any two activities to arrange the metals in decreasing reactivity.
2. State three reasons for the following facts:
a) Sulphur is a non-metal.
b) Magnesium is a metal.
3. Write balanced equation for the reactions of,
a) Aluminium when heated with air. Write the name of the product.
b) Iron with steam. Name the product obtained.
c) Calcium with water. Why does it float in water?
4. Write the balanced equations for the following reactions:
a) Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with aluminium powder.
b) Dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium carbonate.
c) Carbon dioxide is passed through lime water.
5. What is meant by reactivity series of metals? State which of the chemical
equation will take place with suitable reasoning.
a) Zn(s) + CuSO4 (aq) ZnSO4 (aq) + Cu (s)
b) Fe(s) + ZnSO4 (aq) FeSO4 (aq) + Zn (s)
c) Zn(s)+ FeSO4 (aq) ZnSO4 (aq) + Fe(s)
6. What are amphoteric oxides? Choose the amphoteric oxides from the
following oxides. Na2O, ZnO, Al2O3, CO2, H20
Why is that non-metals do not displace hydrogen from dilute acids?
7. Write the electron dot structure of potassium and chlorine. Show the
formation of KCl by the transfer of electrons. Name the ions present in this
compound, KCl.
8. State the electron dot structure of calcium and sulphur. Show the formation
of CaS by the transfer of electrons. Name the ions present in this compound,
CaS. (At. No. of Ca=20, S=16)
9. Explain the formation of ionic compound CaO. Name the constituent metals
of bronze.
10. Show the formation of Na2O with transfer of electrons. Why are ionic
compounds usually hard? How is it that ionic compounds do not conduct
electricity in solid state but they conduct electricity in molten state?
11. Suggest a method of reduction for the following metals during their
metallurgical processes:
a) Metal ‘A’ which is in the last second or third place in the reactivity series.
b) Metal ‘B’ which gives vigorous reactions even with water and air.
c) Metal ‘C’ which is kept in the middle of the reactivity series.
12. What is cinnabar? How is metal extracted from cinnabar? Explain briefly.
13. What is meant by rusting? With labelled diagram write an activity which
defines the conditions necessary for rusting of iron.
14. State the reasons for:
a) Ionic compounds in general have high melting and boiling pints.
b) Highly reactive metals cannot be obtained from their oxides by heating
them with carbon.
c) Sulphide ore of a metal is first converted to its oxide to attract the metal
from it.
1. a) Define activity series of metal. Arrange the metals gold, iron, copper,
magnesium in order of their increase in reactivity.
b) what will you observe when:
i) some zinc pieces are put in copper sulphate solution.
ii) some silver pieces are put in green colour ferrous sulphate solution.
2. A metal ‘E’ is stored in kerosene. When the small pieces of it is left open in
the air, it catches fire. When the product formed is dissolved in water then it
turns red litmus blue. Name the metal ‘E’. write the chemical equation for
reaction with air and when the product is dissolved in water. Explain the
process by which the metal is obtained by its molten chloride.
3. Explain what is galvanisation. What purpose is solved by it? How are alloys
prepared? How do the properties of iron change when a small amount of
carbon is added to iron and chromium/nickel is added to it?
4. a) Write two differences between calcination and roasting.
b) why NaCl melts at a high temperature?
c) Write three physical properties for ionic bond.
d) copper coin is kept with silver nitrate for some time. What change will be
e) Carbon cannot be used as reducing agent to obtain Mg from MgO. Why?
5. How is method of extraction of metals with high reactivity is different from the
metals with the extraction process of metals in the middle of the reactivity
series? Why the same process cannot be applied? Give a detailed process for
extraction of NaCl.
6. What is or of copper and zinc? Give a labelled diagram with reactions for the
electrolytic refining of copper.
7. a) define corrosion.
b) what is corrosion of iron called?
c) how will you recognise the corrosion in silver?
d) why corrosion of iron is a serious problem?
e) how can we prevent corrosion of iron?

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