Cem Unit 3

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The ingredients of concrete typically include cement, aggregates (such as sand
and gravel), and water. Additional materials may also be added to enhance
specific properties of the concrete, such as admixtures or additives. Here's a
breakdown of the main ingredients:
Cement: Cement is a binder that holds the concrete together. The most
commonly used type of cement is Portland cement, which is made by grinding
clinker, a combination of limestone, clay, and other minerals.
Aggregates: Aggregates are granular materials that make up the bulk of the
concrete mixture. They provide strength and stability to the concrete. The two
main types of aggregates used in concrete are:
Fine Aggregates: Fine aggregates consist of small particles, typically sand. It
helps fill the voids between the cement particles and provides workability to
the concrete.
Coarse Aggregates: Coarse aggregates are larger particles, such as gravel or
crushed stone. They provide strength and contribute to the overall volume of
the concrete.
Water: Water is essential for the chemical reaction that occurs between
cement and other materials, known as hydration. It helps to activate the
cement and bind the ingredients together.
Additional materials that can be added to concrete include:
Admixtures: Admixtures are substances added to concrete to modify its
properties. They can improve workability, increase or decrease the setting time,
enhance strength, or provide other specific characteristics. Some common
types of admixtures are plasticizers, accelerators, retarders, air-entraining
agents, and superplasticizers.
Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs): SCMs are often used as a
partial replacement for cement to enhance certain properties of concrete or
reduce its environmental impact. Examples of SCMs include fly ash, silica fume,
slag, and rice husk ash.
Fibers: Fibers can be added to concrete to improve its toughness, durability,
and resistance to cracking. Common types of fibers used in concrete include
steel fibers, synthetic fibers (such as polypropylene or nylon), and natural fibers
(such as cellulose or jute).
It's important to note that the exact proportions and specific ingredients of
concrete can vary depending on the intended use, desired strength,
environmental factors, and local regulations. Concrete mix design is a complex
process that requires considering various factors to achieve the desired
performance characteristics.

The manufacture of concrete involves several steps, including the batching of
ingredients, mixing, transportation, placing, compaction, curing, and finishing.
Here is a general overview of the process:
Batching: The process begins with the measurement and batching of the
ingredients in the correct proportions. This involves weighing or measuring the
cement, aggregates, and water according to the desired concrete mix design.
Admixtures or supplementary cementitious materials may also be added at this
Mixing: Once the ingredients are properly batched, they are combined in a
concrete mixer. The mixing can be done using different types of mixers, such as
drum mixers, pan mixers, or twin-shaft mixers. The goal is to ensure that the
ingredients are uniformly distributed and that the cement particles are
thoroughly coated with water.
Transportation: After mixing, the freshly prepared concrete is transported to
the construction site. This is typically done using trucks equipped with rotating
drums to prevent segregation and maintain the consistency of the mixture
during transportation.
Placing: The concrete is then placed or poured into the desired location, such
as formwork or molds, where it will harden and take the required shape. It can
be poured using pumps, chutes, or buckets, depending on the accessibility and
size of the project.
Compaction: Compaction is an essential step to remove air voids and ensure
that the concrete is dense and strong. It can be achieved using vibrating tools,
such as vibrating screeds, rollers, or internal vibrators. Proper compaction helps
in achieving good bonding between the ingredients and improves the overall
strength of the concrete.
Curing: Curing is the process of maintaining adequate moisture and
temperature conditions to allow the concrete to hydrate and gain strength. It
helps in preventing premature drying and cracking. Curing can be done by
covering the concrete with plastic sheets, using curing compounds, or applying
water through wet curing methods.
Finishing: Once the concrete has sufficiently hardened, finishing operations are
carried out to achieve the desired surface texture and appearance. This may
involve techniques such as troweling, brooming, or applying surface
treatments. Finishing can enhance the durability, aesthetics, and functional
properties of the concrete.
It's important to note that the manufacturing process of concrete may vary
depending on the scale of the project, the type of construction methods
employed, and the specific requirements of the concrete mix. Adherence to
proper quality control measures and following industry standards is crucial to
ensure the production of high-quality concrete.

Batching plants, also known as concrete batching plants or concrete mixing
plants, are facilities where the ingredients for concrete production are
measured, combined, and mixed according to a predetermined recipe.
Batching plants are commonly used in construction projects and concrete
production facilities to efficiently produce large quantities of concrete with
consistent quality. Here is an overview of how batching plants work:
Storage and Handling of Materials: Batching plants have storage facilities for
cement, aggregates (sand, gravel, crushed stone), and sometimes
supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) such as fly ash or slag. These
materials are stored in separate compartments or bins, often equipped with
weigh hoppers or conveyor belts for accurate measurement and controlled
Batching of Ingredients: The batching process begins with the accurate
measurement of the required quantities of cement, aggregates, water, and
other additives based on the desired concrete mix design. Batching is typically
done using computerized systems or manually operated controls. The materials
are discharged from their respective storage compartments and transported to
a central mixer.
Mixing: In the central mixer, the ingredients are combined and mixed
thoroughly. The mixing process ensures that the cement particles are uniformly
coated with water and that the aggregates are evenly distributed. Different
types of mixers, such as pan mixers, twin-shaft mixers, or drum mixers, may be
used depending on the plant's design and capacity.
Control Systems: Batching plants are equipped with control systems to
automate the batching and mixing processes. These systems monitor and
control the flow rates of materials, water additions, and mixing time to ensure
accurate and consistent concrete production. The control system can also store
and recall different mix designs based on project requirements.
Discharge and Delivery: Once the concrete mixture is thoroughly mixed, it is
discharged from the mixer into trucks or other transportation means for
delivery to the construction site. The trucks are often equipped with rotating
drums to prevent segregation and maintain the consistency of the mixture
during transportation.
Cleaning and Maintenance: Batching plants require regular cleaning and
maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. The mixing
equipment, storage compartments, and conveyor systems need to be cleaned
periodically to prevent the buildup of hardened concrete or other debris.
Batching plants come in various sizes and configurations, ranging from small
mobile plants used for smaller construction projects to larger stationary plants
for high-capacity concrete production. The selection of a batching plant
depends on factors such as project requirements, production volume, site
conditions, and budget considerations.
Proper operation, maintenance, and adherence to safety protocols are
essential to ensure the efficient and safe functioning of a batching plant.

RMC stands for Ready-Mix Concrete. It refers to concrete that is manufactured
in a batching plant or a concrete mixing plant and delivered to the construction
site in a ready-to-use form. RMC is a popular choice in the construction
industry due to its convenience, consistent quality, and time-saving benefits.
Here are some key aspects of RMC:
Batching Plant Production: RMC is produced in specialized batching plants or
concrete mixing plants. These plants have the necessary equipment and
facilities to accurately measure and combine the ingredients of concrete,
including cement, aggregates, water, and admixtures, according to
predetermined mix designs.
Quality Control: RMC production involves stringent quality control measures to
ensure consistent and high-quality concrete. The batching plant is equipped
with automated systems that monitor and control the proportions of
ingredients, mixing time, and other parameters. Regular testing and quality
checks are performed on raw materials and finished RMC to maintain quality
Transportation: Once the RMC is mixed, it is loaded into transit mixers, which
are specialized trucks with rotating drums. These transit mixers ensure that the
concrete remains well-mixed during transportation and maintains its desired
consistency. The RMC is transported from the batching plant to the
construction site, where it can be directly poured or used as required.
Benefits of RMC: Ready-mix concrete offers several advantages over on-site
mixed concrete:
Convenience and Time Savings: RMC eliminates the need for on-site concrete
mixing, which saves time, labor, and equipment costs. Construction projects
can proceed more efficiently with a readily available supply of concrete.
Consistent Quality: RMC is manufactured under controlled conditions, ensuring
consistent quality and performance. The use of standardized mix designs and
strict quality control measures result in reliable and predictable concrete
Reduced Waste and Environmental Impact: RMC production in batching plants
allows for better control of materials, leading to less waste and optimized
resource utilization. It can also incorporate supplementary cementitious
materials (SCMs) and recycled aggregates, contributing to sustainable
construction practices.
Increased Construction Speed: With RMC, construction activities can be
accelerated as the concrete is delivered in a ready-to-use form. This can help
meet project deadlines and improve overall construction efficiency.
RMC finds applications in various construction projects, including residential,
commercial, industrial, and infrastructure developments. It is commonly used
for foundations, slabs, columns, beams, walls, and other structural elements.
It's worth noting that while RMC offers convenience and consistent quality, it
requires coordination between the batching plant and the construction site for
timely delivery and efficient use. Communication between the supplier and the
construction team is crucial to ensure a smooth flow of RMC and optimal
project execution.


Fresh concrete refers to concrete that has just been mixed and is in a plastic
and workable state. During this stage, before it hardens and cures, fresh
concrete exhibits several important properties that affect its workability,
handling, and placement. Here are some key properties of fresh concrete:
Workability: Workability is the ease with which concrete can be mixed, placed,
compacted, and finished. It is influenced by factors such as water content,
cementitious materials, aggregate properties, and the use of admixtures.
Workability determines the concrete's ability to flow, consolidate, and maintain
its desired shape without segregation or excessive bleeding.
Consistency: Consistency refers to the degree of fluidity or stiffness of fresh
concrete. It is measured using tests such as slump test or flow test. Consistency
affects the ease of handling and placement of concrete. Different construction
activities may require different consistencies of concrete, ranging from very low
slump for vertical applications to higher slump for easier flow and compaction.
Setting Time: Setting time is the period between the addition of water to the
cementitious materials and the development of initial stiffness and hardening
of the concrete. It consists of initial setting time and final setting time. Setting
time affects the working time available for placing and finishing operations.
Accelerators or retarders can be used as admixtures to modify the setting time
of concrete.
Bleeding: Bleeding is the phenomenon where water separates from the
concrete mixture and rises to the surface. It can result in the accumulation of
water on the surface, which may affect the strength and durability of the
hardened concrete if not properly managed. Proper mix design, adequate
compaction, and the use of appropriate admixtures can help minimize
Segregation: Segregation refers to the separation of coarse aggregates from the
rest of the concrete mixture. It can occur due to excessive vibration, improper
mix design, or improper handling. Segregation can lead to an non-uniform
distribution of materials, affecting the strength and durability of the hardened
concrete. It is important to prevent segregation through proper mix design,
appropriate handling, and adequate compaction.
Air Content: Air content refers to the presence of air voids in fresh concrete.
Controlled air entrainment is often desirable, as it improves the workability,
durability, and freeze-thaw resistance of concrete. The air content can be
adjusted using air-entraining admixtures.
These properties of fresh concrete need to be carefully controlled and
managed to ensure proper placement, consolidation, and subsequent
hardening. Concrete mix design, proper proportioning of ingredients, and
appropriate construction practices play crucial roles in achieving the desired
fresh concrete properties for specific applications.


Hardened concrete refers to concrete that has undergone the hydration
process and has achieved its final set and strength. Once concrete has
hardened, it exhibits a range of properties that determine its durability,
strength, and overall performance. Here are some key properties of hardened
Strength: The strength of hardened concrete is one of its most important
properties. It refers to the ability of the concrete to resist applied forces and is
typically measured in terms of compressive strength. The compressive strength
of concrete depends on factors such as the water-cement ratio, type and
amount of cementitious materials, aggregate properties, curing conditions, and
age of the concrete. Concrete gains strength over time as the hydration process
continues, but the rate of strength development varies.
Durability: Durability refers to the ability of concrete to resist deterioration
caused by environmental and service conditions. Durability is influenced by
factors such as the quality and composition of concrete, the presence of
reinforcing steel, exposure to aggressive substances (e.g., chloride ions,
sulfates), and the level of protection provided. Proper mix design, adequate
cover for reinforcement, and appropriate construction practices are essential to
ensure the durability of hardened concrete.
Density: The density of hardened concrete refers to its mass per unit volume. It
is an indicator of the compactness and quality of the concrete. A higher density
generally indicates better strength and durability. The density of concrete is
affected by the proportions of aggregates, the degree of compaction, and the
presence of voids or air pockets.
Permeability: Permeability refers to the ability of concrete to allow the passage
of water, gases, or other substances through its pores and capillary network.
Low permeability is desirable for durability as it reduces the risk of moisture
ingress, chemical attack, and corrosion of reinforcing steel. Factors that
influence permeability include the water-cement ratio, cementitious materials,
curing conditions, and the presence of admixtures or supplementary
cementitious materials.
Shrinkage: Shrinkage is the reduction in volume of hardened concrete due to
moisture loss. It is a natural phenomenon during the curing process and can
lead to cracking if not properly controlled. Shrinkage can be minimized through
the use of appropriate mix design, proper curing methods, and the inclusion of
shrinkage-reducing admixtures.
Creep: Creep is the gradual deformation or elongation of concrete under
sustained loading over time. It is a time-dependent property and can affect
long-term structural behavior. Creep is influenced by factors such as the
composition of concrete, stress level, humidity, and temperature.
Thermal Properties: Hardened concrete has specific thermal properties,
including thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion. These
properties affect the response of concrete to temperature variations and can
lead to thermal stresses and potential cracking.
It's important to note that the properties of hardened concrete can be
influenced by various factors, such as mix design, curing conditions,
construction practices, and environmental exposure. Proper design,
construction, and maintenance are crucial to ensuring the desired properties
and long-term performance of hardened concrete structures.

Several tests are conducted on concrete to assess its quality, strength,
durability, and other properties. These tests help in evaluating the performance
of concrete and ensuring compliance with relevant standards and
specifications. Here are some common tests conducted on concrete:
Compressive Strength Test: The compressive strength test is one of the most
important tests for concrete. It determines the maximum load-bearing capacity
of concrete by applying compressive forces. Concrete cubes or cylinders are
cast and cured under specific conditions, and then they are subjected to
compressive loading using a compression testing machine. The test results are
used to assess the concrete's strength and to verify its compliance with design
Slump Test: The slump test is performed to measure the workability and
consistency of fresh concrete. A slump cone is filled with concrete, and after
the cone is removed, the degree of slump, or the vertical settlement of the
concrete, is measured. The slump test provides an indication of the concrete's
ability to flow and its workability.
Water Absorption Test: The water absorption test determines the porosity of
hardened concrete. Specimens are dried, weighed, and then immersed in
water for a specific duration. Afterward, they are weighed again to measure the
amount of water absorbed. The test helps in evaluating the concrete's
resistance to moisture penetration and durability.
Density Test: The density test measures the density or unit weight of hardened
concrete. It is conducted by weighing a known volume of concrete and
calculating its density. The test provides an indication of the concrete's
compaction and the presence of voids or air pockets.
Flexural Strength Test: The flexural strength test evaluates the tensile strength
of concrete. Concrete beams or prisms are subjected to bending forces until
they fail. The test measures the maximum bending moment and calculates the
flexural strength of the concrete. This test is particularly relevant for concrete
elements subjected to bending or flexural stresses, such as beams and slabs.
Chloride Ion Penetration Test: This test measures the permeability of concrete
to chloride ions, which are a common cause of reinforcement corrosion. The
test involves applying a voltage to a concrete specimen and measuring the
amount of current passing through it. The results help assess the concrete's
resistance to chloride penetration and its durability in chloride-rich
Carbonation Test: The carbonation test determines the depth of carbonation in
hardened concrete. Carbonation is the reaction between carbon dioxide in the
air and the calcium hydroxide in concrete, which reduces its alkalinity. Concrete
specimens are treated with phenolphthalein indicator and then sprayed with a
sodium hydroxide solution. The depth of color change indicates the extent of
carbonation and helps assess the concrete's durability.
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test: The ultrasonic pulse velocity test measures the
velocity of ultrasonic waves passing through concrete. It provides information
about the concrete's homogeneity, uniformity, and potential defects such as
cracks or voids. This test is useful for assessing the quality and integrity of
concrete structures.
These are just a few examples of the tests conducted on concrete. Other tests,
such as abrasion resistance, permeability tests, and shrinkage tests, may also
be performed depending on the specific requirements and applications of the


Slump flow and compaction are two important aspects of fresh concrete that
relate to its workability, ability to flow, and achieve proper consolidation. Let's
explore each concept in more detail:
Slump Flow: Slump flow is a test used to measure the workability and flow
characteristics of fresh concrete. It provides an indication of how easily the
concrete can flow and spread under its own weight. The test involves filling a
slump cone with fresh concrete, compacting it, and then removing the cone.
The cone is lifted vertically, and the concrete's flow and spread are observed
and measured. The result is reported as the average diameter of the concrete
Slump flow is influenced by several factors, including water content, aggregate
grading, cementitious materials, admixtures, and the use of viscosity-modifying
agents. A higher slump flow value indicates a more fluid and workable
concrete, while a lower value suggests a stiffer mixture. The desired slump flow
value depends on the specific application and construction requirements.
Compaction: Compaction refers to the process of eliminating voids and
consolidating the fresh concrete to achieve maximum density and strength.
Proper compaction is crucial to ensure the concrete's durability and resistance
to cracking. Compaction can be achieved through various methods, such as
vibration, tamping, or rodding.
During compaction, the concrete mixture is subjected to external forces, which
help remove trapped air voids and ensure proper bonding between the
particles. The compaction process also aids in achieving uniform distribution of
aggregates and other constituents.
The compaction requirements depend on factors such as the type of structure,
reinforcement arrangement, size and shape of concrete elements, and the
specific mix design. Adequate compaction is essential to avoid issues such as
segregation, honeycombing, or insufficient consolidation.
It's worth noting that both slump flow and compaction are interconnected. The
workability and flowability of concrete, as indicated by the slump flow test,
affect the ease of compaction. A concrete mixture with good slump flow
properties typically facilitates better compaction, resulting in a more
homogeneous and well-consolidated final product.
Both slump flow and proper compaction contribute to achieving the desired
performance and durability of concrete structures. By carefully assessing and
managing these factors during the concrete production and placement process,
construction professionals can ensure that the fresh concrete is appropriately
workable, easily placed, and adequately consolidated for optimal results.


Compressive, tensile, and shear strengths are important mechanical properties
of concrete that determine its structural performance and ability to resist
different types of forces. Let's discuss each strength property in more detail:
Compressive Strength: Compressive strength is the most commonly measured
strength property of concrete. It refers to the ability of concrete to resist
compressive forces or the maximum load it can withstand before failure occurs.
Compressive strength is determined by conducting a compressive strength test
on cylindrical or cubical concrete specimens using a compression testing
machine. The test involves applying a gradually increasing load until the
concrete specimen fails.
Compressive strength is influenced by factors such as water-cement ratio, type
and quality of cementitious materials, aggregate properties, curing conditions,
and specimen preparation. It is an essential parameter for assessing the
structural capacity of concrete and ensuring compliance with design
requirements and standards.
Tensile Strength: Tensile strength is the ability of concrete to resist tension
forces. Concrete is generally weak in tension compared to compression. Tensile
forces can occur due to bending, structural loads, or temperature changes.
Although concrete has low inherent tensile strength, it gains tensile capacity
through the presence of reinforcing steel (reinforced concrete) or the addition
of fiber reinforcement (fiber-reinforced concrete).
The direct measurement of tensile strength is challenging, and various indirect
tests are conducted to estimate the tensile strength of concrete, such as the
splitting tensile strength test and the flexural strength test. These tests subject
concrete specimens to tension forces and measure their resistance to cracking
or failure.
Shear Strength: Shear strength refers to the ability of concrete to resist shear
forces, which involve the sliding or deformation of adjacent sections of
concrete. Shear forces can occur in structural elements such as beams, slabs,
and connections. The shear strength of concrete is affected by factors such as
the concrete's compressive strength, the presence of shear reinforcement
(such as stirrups), and the presence of transverse or diagonal cracks.
The shear strength of concrete is determined by conducting tests such as the
shear box test, the beam shear test, or the punching shear test, depending on
the specific application. These tests evaluate the concrete's ability to resist
shear stresses and provide valuable information for designing structural
elements and ensuring their safety.
It's important to note that the compressive strength of concrete is typically
higher than its tensile and shear strengths. Therefore, to enhance the overall
performance of concrete structures, reinforcement or other strengthening
techniques are commonly employed to increase the tensile and shear
capacities, thus ensuring a more balanced and robust structural response.
Understanding the compressive, tensile, and shear strengths of concrete is
crucial for designing structures, determining load-carrying capacities, and
ensuring the safety and durability of concrete elements under various loading


The modulus of rupture, also known as the flexural strength or bending
strength, is a measure of the ability of concrete to resist bending or flexural
stresses. It is an important mechanical property that provides an indication of
the concrete's resistance to cracking or failure under bending loads. The
modulus of rupture is typically determined through a flexural strength test.
In the flexural strength test, a concrete beam or prism is subjected to a bending
force until it fails. The test involves applying a load at the midpoint or third
points of the specimen and measuring the maximum bending moment at
failure. The modulus of rupture is calculated using the formula:
Modulus of Rupture = 3 × Maximum Load × Span / (2 × Width × Height^2)
Maximum Load is the peak load at failure.
Span is the distance between the supports.
Width is the width of the specimen.
Height is the height or thickness of the specimen.
The modulus of rupture indicates the ability of concrete to withstand bending
stresses, such as those experienced in beams, slabs, and other structural
elements subjected to flexural loading. It is particularly relevant for assessing
the performance of concrete in situations where tensile stresses are present,
such as at the bottom of beams or at the tension face of slabs.
The modulus of rupture is influenced by various factors, including the
concrete's compressive strength, tensile strength, the presence of
reinforcement or fibers, mix design, curing conditions, and specimen size and
shape. It is an important parameter for designing and evaluating the structural
integrity and safety of concrete elements.
It's worth noting that the modulus of rupture is typically lower than the
compressive strength of concrete, as concrete is generally weaker in tension
than in compression. Therefore, incorporating reinforcement or fiber
reinforcement techniques can significantly improve the modulus of rupture and
enhance the overall performance and durability of concrete structures.
The modulus of rupture is an essential consideration in structural design and is
used to determine load-carrying capacities, predict cracking behavior, and
ensure the safety and serviceability of concrete elements subjected to bending
or flexural stresses.

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