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Presented by
Marwa Mohsen Ahmed
Ahmed Samir Abd el-Azem
Nada Mohamed Ali
Manna Allah Shaheen
Nada Saeed Mohamed
Nibal Hassan Mohamed

Presented To Dr. Tarek Ali

April 2020

“ The impact of Social class on the relation between Online
fashion Products and services quality and customer
satisfaction moderated by gender
Evidence from SOUQ company„s customers “

Table Of Contents
1) Introduction
2) Research Questions
3) Research objectives
4) Theoretical Framework
5) Research hypotheses
6) Research design
7) Expected outcomes

1. Introduction
 Today, we can see all people around the world can buy anything from other
countries through online shopping , all brands have their sites or application that
make you shopping online in easier way. Some people prefer online shopping with
high quality, good service and to save time money because online shopping
applications make deals to attract more customers like: sale %, gifts,…etc.
 Now, purchasing online is accepted by many, but if you look across categories of
purchase, there are some sectors where there is still reluctance to buy online, so
online retailers still need to work on their tactics to encourage online conversion
and multichannel tactics to encourage offline purchase in-store.
 Most of people when they shopping online they turn to everything related to
fashion, so fashion shopping online has become one of the most used, as it can be
bought from all over the world from different brands with low prices and delivered
to your home.

 In general, a slightly larger percentage of women than men opt for online shopping
(82% of women, 73% men).

Women, on the other hand:
 Enjoy the shopping process as a whole and tend to spend more time shopping
 Make up their mind based on reviews and ratings, not specific features of the
 Tend to follow trends and fashion, and make the purchasing decision with
them in mind;
 Tend to make impulse and unplanned purchases, triggered by advertisement,
special offer or sale, personal recommendation, desire to improve mood, etc.;
 Are more selective, searching not for the item they need, but the one that will
suit perfectly.

1.1- Research phenomena:-
 Customer satisfaction is measurement that determines how satisfaction
customers on Souq’s products, services effected by social class and gender, we can
determine it , by surveys
 Applied to knows the customer satisfaction by offering improve or
changes its products and services all the time and it takes a feedback about
products offered continuously
 For more reading and information:

 Souq, is the largest e-commerce site in the Arab world, and includes more than
400,000 products in various categories that include electronics, fashion,
household products, watches, perfumes, and others.
 Today, Souq attracts more than 23 million visitors a month, and is growing very
rapidly due to the increase in the number of online shoppers in the Arab world.
 is often called 'Amazon Middle East', and it functions as a retail site in
addition to serving as a marketplace for third-party sellers. offers a
comfortable and secure shopping experience with the ability to pay online, the
ability to pay cash upon receiving the goods, and the ability to return them for free.
 Founded in 2005, was a pioneer in the field of online shopping in the
region as an auction site, linked to the Arab portal "Maktoob". When Yahoo
acquired Maktoob in August 2009, was not included in the deal, so it
separated from Maktoob to remain part of the Jabbar Internet Group. Then, in
early 2011, the site turned into a market model selling at fixed prices, and then
launched the retail division in late 2011.

Total Visits on
Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb20 Mar20
20 Million 46 Million 27 Million 25 Million 22 Million 22 Million

1.2- Suggested Reasons :
There are 6 reasons why customer satisfaction is important:-
 Customer satisfaction is a marketing term that measures how products or services
supplied by a company meet or surpass a customer’s expectation.
 Customer satisfaction is important because it provides marketers and business
owners with a metric that they can use to manage and improve their businesses.
 In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 71 percent responded that
they found a customer satisfaction metric very useful in managing and monitoring
their businesses.
Here are the top six reasons why customer satisfaction is so important:
1) It’s a leading indicator of consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty
2) It’s a point of differentiation
3) It reduces customer churn
4) It increases customer lifetime value
5) It reduces negative word of mouth
6) It’s cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones
1 ) it„s a leading indicator of consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty:-
 Customer satisfaction is the best indicator of how likely a customer will make a
purchase in the future. Asking customers to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1-
10 is a good way to see if they will become repeat customers or even advocates.
 Any customers that give you a rating of 7 and above, can be considered satisfied,
and you can safely expect them to come back and make repeat purchases.
Customers who give you a rating of 9 or 10 are your potential customer advocates
who you can leverage to become evangelists for your company.
 Scores of 6 and below are warning signs that a customer is unhappy and at risk of
leaving. These customers need to be put on a customer watch list and followed up
so you can determine why their satisfaction is low.
 See how satisfaction provides so much insight into your customers?
 That’s why it’s one of the leading metrics businesses use to measure consumer
repurchase and customer loyalty.

2) it„s a point of differentiation
 In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers; customer
satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator. Businesses who succeed in these cut-
throat environments are the ones that make customer satisfaction a key element of
their business strategy.
 Picture two businesses that offer the exact same product. What will make you
choose one over the other?
 If you had a recommendation for one business would that sway your opinion?
Probably. So how does that recommendation originally start? More than likely it’s
on the back of a good customer experience. Companies who offer amazing
customer experiences create environments where satisfaction is high and
customer advocates are plenty.
 This is an example of where customer satisfaction goes full circle. Not only can
customer satisfaction help you keep a finger on the pulse of your existing
customers, it can also act as a point of differentiation for new customers.
3) It reduces customer churn
 An Accenture global customer satisfaction report (2008) found that price is not the
main reason for customer churn; it is actually due to the overall poor quality of
customer service.
 Customer satisfaction is the metric you can use to reduce customer churn. By
measuring and tracking customer satisfaction you can put new processes in place
to increase the overall quality of your customer service.
 Must you put an emphasis on exceeding customer expectations and ‘wowing’
customers at every opportunity. Do that for six months, than measure customer
satisfaction again. See whether your new initiatives have had a positive or negative
impact on satisfaction.

4) It increases customer lifetime value
 A study by Info Quest found that a ‘totally satisfied customer’ contributes 2.6 times
more revenue than a ‘somewhat satisfied customer’.
5) It reduces negative word of mouth
 McKinsey found that an unhappy customer tells between 9-15 people about their
experience. In fact, 13% of unhappy customers tell over 20 people about their
6 ) it„s cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones
 This is probably the most publicized customer satisfaction statistic out there. It
costs six to seven times more to acquire new customers than it does to retain
existing customers.

1.3- Research Gap:
 Today, world face crisis coronavirus (Covid 19) and quarantine situation that led to
all brands display their products through its own websites.
 Just as there are aggressive direct and indirect competition between soaq and
all company's in online fashion field.
 understands that in order to achieve its target have to come to offer
untraditional solutions to obtain customer satisfaction.
 On other side we have competitors each one does what he can to get the customer

2. Research Questions

2. Research Questions
1st: description of variables :
 What is the current situation of customer satisfaction in company?
 2nd: explanation of our variables :
 What the impact of social class on customer satisfaction in fashion field in Souq
 What the impact of online fashion products quality on customer satisfaction in
Souq company?
 What the impact of gender on social class to increase customer satisfaction level in
fashion field in Souq company?
3rd: exploration :
 How far these variables could have a great effect on customer satisfaction?

3. Research Objectives
 To Describe
Relationship between online fashion products quality and customer satisfaction in
Souq company.
 To Explain
The reasons why customer satisfaction effected by online fashion products quality and
social class in souq company?
 To explore
How Souq company increase customer satisfaction level?

4. Literature review (Theoretical Framework) :
How far Gender affects on the relation between online products
quality and customer satisfaction ?
In the highly competitive business environment, customers’ evaluation of service
quality is critical for service firms’ survival. While there are numerous studies on
service quality, very few have investigated the moderating effect of gender on the
relationship between service quality and customers’ satisfaction. Therefore, this study
aims to provide additional insight into the relationship between service quality and
customer satisfaction by examining the moderating effect of customers’ gender and to
identify the extent of each service quality attributes in relation with customer
satisfaction as they are perceived by Malaysian customers. A quantitative study was
conducted and a set of questionnaire examining the attributes of service quality and
customer satisfaction was developed. The data was collected through the survey
completed by 411 respondents. Correlation analysis and hierarchical regressions were
employed to analyze the data.
 Aaker, D. A., & Jacobson, R. (1994). The financial information content of perceived quality. Journal of Marketing Research,
31 (2), 191-201.7.
 Andaleeb, S. S., & Conway, C. (2006). Customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry: An examination of the transaction-
specific model.
How far social class affects on customer satisfaction?
 The use of social stratification in consumer research has been criticized for naive
conceptualization. This paper examines the theoretical basis for asserting a close
connection between social class structure and consumer behavior. Special
consideration is given to the dimensions of class and status, which figure
prominently in work. The relevance of this approach to consumer
research is summarized in the form of several basic propositions
 For more reading about this topic please refer to below link
Belk, Russell W. (1986), "Yuppies as Arbiters of the Emerging Consumption Style," in
Advances in Consumer

How far online fashion products quality affect on customer
 E-commerce becoming essentials especially in teenage life. It has become the most
popular business in the world. People around the world could shop between
countries in ease. An online shopping website could be the source of success not
only because it contains useful information, but also because it displays
information in a way that is easily recognizable by its users. To compete with other
competitor it is important to find out the effectiveness of a site is by examining
users' visual preferences while using web pages. This research is done to find out
what customers’ preferences by using eye tracking methods and questionnaire
method. The two methods are then being compared to find out wether there are
any similarities or any cross section within the two. There are several things which
are measured; the relation between aspect of information quality; system quality;
service quality; user readiness and user satisfaction.

 The quantitative data are gained through questionnaire and eye tracking test by
distributing the questionnaires to online shopping customers. The analysis of data
indicated that both research methods using questionnaires and eye tracking are
extremely different that they cannot be compared. Apart from that the results of
the evaluation of both websites using the method of eye tracking shows that both
sites are in accordance with the expectations of the site maker.
 For more reading please refer to

Impact of Gender on Customer Satisfaction for Service Quality: A Case Study of
Hyper Stores
 Satisfaction of customers is an integral part for the success of the business.
Customer satisfaction is based on perceived service quality. Service quality is a
comparison of expectations with performance. Customer satisfaction is based on
perceived service quality.
 For more reading about this topic please refer to the below link.

Conceptual Framework :
 The following sections cover the framework including independent, mediating,
moderating and dependent variables and their relationships. In addition, each
hypothesis is presented based on the rationale behind it. This framework will be
basis for designing the study.
This framework comprises of
 Dependent variable (Costumer satisfaction)
 Independent variable (Online fashion products and services quality)
 Intervening variable (Social class)
 moderating variable (Gender)

Conceptual Framework :
 This study proposes a conceptual framework as

IV Low IIV High DV

Impact Impact
Online fashion +ve H1 +ve H2

Products and Social class Satisfaction

services quality
e Impact
MV +ve H3


significance degree for our phenomenon is 98%

5. Research hypotheses
 The purpose of our research to find why our variables effect on customer
satisfaction level and from the literature review we found the following
 ( H ) There is a significant positive impact of social class on the relationship
between online fashion products quality and customer satisfaction in Souq
 ( H1 ) There is a non-directional relationship between online fashion products
quality and social class in Souq company.
 ( H2 ) The higher social class , The higher customer satisfaction level in Souq
 ( H3 ) There is a deference in the mean satisfaction level between men and
women in Souq company (There is Alternative relationship between gender
and impact of social class on customer satisfaction in Souq company )

6. Research Design
6.1 Internal Population“ Employees ” Communication Network Engineer
IT Manager
The technicians field engineer

Advertising and
publicity staff

Marketing research &

Marketing studies staff
Head of Manager
in Souq Public relations

Telesales employee
Sales Officer
Sales Manager
Shipping official Shipping Employee

Call center Quality

Call center
Manager Call center Call center
supervisor agent

Sampling Methods
Sales Manager Call Center Manager

Telesales agent
Segment Random
Call Center
Sales officer Random Sampling
Sales Call Center
Manager Manager
Shipping Snowball Call center Random
officer Sampling Sampling

 Segment random sample  Random sample

We take a 10 sampling from Telesales agent to measure We take a 5 from Call Center Quality Employees to
the extent of customer satisfaction in the company's sales. measure Quality of service over the phone.
 Snowball  Segment Random sampling
We take a 5 sampling from shipping officer to measure We took a 20 from Call Center agent to measure the extent
satisfied the customers are deliver service of service provided to the customer by phone
6.2 External Population“ Customers ”

Segment from 17- 30

Segment from 30-50 0

Women Age Segment from 50-70

Segment Random
Segment from 20- 30

Segment from 30-50

Men Age Segment from 50-70

Data collection
A. Data collection source:
 Our source to collect data for our phenomenon is secondary.
 In the case of secondary data, the data collection about costumer satisfaction in
fashion field in Souq company is simply a compilation from the available
published source. Refers to information that has been already gathered by
someone (individual or agencies).
B. Data collection approach:-
 Data collecting approach is quantitative.
 The method of collecting quantitative data generates statistics through the use of
methods such as questionnaires.

C. Data collection methods
 Survey is a structured way of collecting standardized information from individuals
using a questionnaire.
 Survey considers the most appropriate method to collect data to measure costumer
satisfaction level.
 We will use 2 types of survey to measure costumer satisfaction level.
D. Data collection techniques
1) Internet Online Survey
 The structured questionnaire can be distributed as a message posted as forms
on the internet after browsing Souq website or Souq app.
 There are many Advantages of internet survey which are cost saving, ease of
editing/analysis, Faster transmission time, Easy use of pre-letters, Higher
response rate and More candid responses
2) Mail survey
 The questionnaire can be sent as a mail message to the customers’ accounts.
And all data will be collected on server.
 There are many Advantages of internet survey which are cost saving, ease of
editing/analysis, Faster transmission time, Easy use of pre-letters, Higher
response rate and More candid responses.
2) Telephone survey
 When customers services team connect to customers to confirm the order and
shipping way, Interviewer can do structured interview to collect the relevant
information from the customers through telephone conversation.
 There are many Advantages of telephone survey which are cost saving, more
flexibility in comparison to mailing method, a quick way of obtaining the
information, High-response rate, and Interviewer can explain requirements
more easily.

E. Data collection Tools
 In the methods of data collection we use tools related to our techniques in data
collection which also related to our method.
 We use online tool like using internet survey. As below link:
 We use offline tool like using telephone survey.

Chart for Data collection
Source Secondary Data

Approaches quantitative


Internet on line
Data Collection


Techniques Mail Survey


7 - Expected outcomes :-

 We found that women are more interested in online fashion shopping than men in
different ages.
 Many companies are seeking to develop plans that increase customer satisfaction
 Fashion online shopping has shown a relationship between both the quality of the
products offered by the company and the customer satisfaction with those
 There is a direct relationship in the case of providing the highest quality products
and service from the company through online shopping, which led to a high level
of customer satisfaction

Name Task
Manna Allah Shaheen  Introduction
 Research Gap
 About
 Total Visits on
Marwa Mohsen Ahmed  Suggested Reasons
 Population
 Conceptual Framework
 Hypotheses
Ahmed Samir Abd el-Azem  Theoretical Framework
 Data collection
Nada Mohamed Ali  Research phenomena
&  Research Questions
Nada Saeed Mohamed  Research Objectives
Nibal Hassan Mohamed  Expected out comes


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