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The diagnosis and management of

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Salvatore Minisola, Jessica Pepe, Sara Piemonte, Cristiana Cipriani

Department of Internal Medicine Hypercalcaemia is a common finding in the setting of in clinical practice. However, when the serum protein con-
and Medical Disciplines, “Sapienza” primary care,1 as well as in emergency departments2 and centration fluctuates, the total serum calcium level may
Rome University, 00161 Rome, Italy
patients admitted to hospital.3 Primary hyperparathy- vary accordingly, while ionised calcium remains stable.
Correspondence to: S Minisola roidism and malignancy are the two most common causes Changes in blood pH can alter the equilibrium constant
Cite this as: BMJ 2015;350:h2723 of increased serum calcium levels, together accounting for of the albumin-ionised calcium complexes, with acidosis
doi: 10.1136/bmj.h2723 about 90% of all cases.4 This review aims to give an overview reducing the binding and alkalosis enhancing it.
of the diagnosis and clinical management of hypercalcae-
This is an edited version of the
paper. Full version on mia for non-specialist clinicians and health professionals. What is the prevalence of hypercalcaemia?
Primary hyperparathyroidism is a relatively common
What is the definition of hypercalcaemia? endocrine disorder, with an estimated prevalence of 1-7
Hypercalcaemia is diagnosed when the concentration of cases per 1000 adults.4  5 It is considered the most com-
serum calcium is 2 standard deviations above the mean mon cause of hypercalcaemia, predominantly affecting the
of values found in people with normal calcium levels, in older population (≥65 years) and women two or three times
at least two samples at least one week apart over a period more frequently than men.4  5
of three months. The serum concentration of total calcium Data on the prevalence and incidence of hypercalcae-
in adults usually ranges between 2.15 and 2.60 mmol/L mia from other causes are poor. Malignancy associated
(8.6-10.4 mg/dL; 4.3-5.2 mEq/L). About 45% of calcium hypercalcaemia is estimated to affect 2.7% of people with
in blood is bound to plasma proteins, particularly albu- cancer in the USA.8
min, and approximately 10% is bound to anions such as
phosphate and citrate; free or ionised calcium (normal What causes hypercalcaemia?
values 1.17-1.33 mmol/L) represents about 45% of total The box summarises the most common causes of
calcium. Although the ionised fraction of calcium is the hypercalcaemia.
one readily available for activating cellular processes,
measurement of total serum calcium is mostly requested Parathyroid hormone mediated hypercalcaemia
Parathyroid related causes of hypercalcaemia comprise
SOURCES AND SELECTION CRITERIA primary (including the various genetic forms) and ter-
We carried out a search through Medline and PubMed of articles published from tiary hyperparathyroidism. Parathyroid hormone is the
1990 to 2015 using the terms “mild hypercalcaemia” and “severe “hypercalcemia”,
main regulator of calcium homeostasis and its primary
“primary hyperparathyroidism”, “hypercalcemia of malignancy”, “parathyroid hormone
measurement”, “parathyroidectomy”, and “cinacalcet” and through the National Cancer increased secretion alters the regulation of serum calcium
Institute using the term “hypercalcaemia”. We also retrieved personal archived references to by acting on different target organs (bone, kidney, gut).
identify peer reviewed articles. We gave priority to randomised controlled trials, systematic A particular genetic form is represented by familial
reviews, meta-analyses, and prospective epidemiological studies. As appropriate we also benign hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia. This disorder
included observational, retrospective, and non-randomised studies and case reports. results from altered calcium sensing receptor function
and a decreased sensitivity to increases in extracellular
THE BOTTOM LINE calcium; the latter determines an impaired suppression
of parathyroid hormone secretion by the parathyroid cells
• Primary hyperparathyroidism and malignancy are the two most common
causes of increased serum calcium levels and continuous reabsorption of calcium by the kidney
tubules. As a consequence, such people develop hypocal-
• The diagnosis of hypercalcaemia is made when the corrected serum calcium
ciuria, with tubular calcium reabsorption being increased
concentration is 2 standard deviations above the mean of values found in
people with normal calcium levels, in at least two samples at least one week by parathyroid hormone as well.
apart over a period of three months
Non-parathyroid hormone mediated hypercalcaemia
• The presence of high or not adequately suppressed serum parathyroid hormone
Hypercalcaemia of non-parathyroid origin is mostly
levels should point the diagnosis towards hypercalcaemia of parathyroid origin
related to production of parathyroid hormone related
• Mild hypercalcaemia is usually caused by primary hyperparathyroidism, the protein, calcitriol, or cytokines as mediators (box).
treatment for which is typically surgery; those aged 50 or more with serum
Malignancy related hypercalcaemia—humoral hyper-
calcium levels <0.25 mmol/L above the upper limit of normal and without
calcaemia of malignancy is a paraneoplastic syndrome
end organ damage may be followed up conservatively. Treatment with a
resulting from the secretion of parathyroid hormone
calcimimetic agent, cinacalcet, is an option in selected cases
related protein by the tumour.10 Squamous carcinomas are
• Severe hypercalcaemia requires admission to hospital and treatment with most commonly implicated. Hypercalcaemia may be due
aggressive intravenous hydration and bisphosphonates along with treatment
to local osteolysis, most usually observed in haematologi-
of the underlying disease
cal cancers. Overproduction of calcitriol represents the key

the bmj | 6 June 2015 27


Common causes of hypercalcaemia. Adapted from Minisola et al26

Finally, increased serum calcium levels may be observed
after kidney transplantation.10
Parathyroid hormone mediated
Immobilisation hypercalcaemia—this arises from sup-
• Sporadic (adenoma, hyperplasia, or carcinoma)
pression of bone formation and increased bone resorp-
• Familial (multiple endocrine neoplasia 1, 2a, or 4, hyperparathyroidism jaw tumour
tion, with consequent loss of calcium from the skeleton
syndrome, familial isolated hyperparathyroidism, familial hypocalciuria hypercalcaemia)
and hypercalcaemia.
• Ectopic parathyroid hormone in malignancy (rare)
• “Tertiary” hyperparathyroidism
Malignancy related hypercalcaemia
The occurrence of hypercalcaemia together with systemic
• Humoral hypercalcaemia of malignancy (parathyroid hormone related protein)
symptoms (for example, fever, weight loss, decreased
• Local osteolysis (cytokines, chemokines, parathyroid hormone related protein)
• Ectopic parathyroid hormone in malignancy (rare) appetite, worsening malaise) or rapid onset hypercalcae-
• Calcitriol related hypercalcaemia mia, typically with very high serum calcium levels, should
raise suspicion of malignancy. Suppressed or undetectable
Vitamin D related
serum parathyroid hormone levels are found in the set-
• Granulomatous disease (for example, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, berylliosis, coccidiodomycosis,
histoplasmosis, leprosy, inflammatory bowel disease, foreign body granuloma) ting of hypercalcaemia of malignancy. Hypercalcaemia
• Vitamin D intoxication (vitamin D supplements, metabolites, or analogues) is usually a late finding in malignancy and is a negative
Endocrine disorders prognostic factor. High serum calcitriol levels are typically
• Thyrotoxicosis associated with lymphoproliferative and granulomatous
• Adrenal insufficiency disorders (see table on In this context, diag-
• Pheochromocytoma noses should be considered even in the setting of normal
• VIPoma (Verner-Morrison) syndrome serum calcitriol levels when parathyroid hormone and
Drugs parathyroid hormone related protein levels are suppressed.
• Thiazide diuretics The production of the active form of vitamin D is no longer
• Lithium subject to regulation by parathyroid hormone or parathy-
• Milk-alkali syndrome (calcium and antacids) roid hormone related protein, but rather primarily driven
• Vitamin A in these conditions by the underlying disease.
• Parathyroid hormone
Other Parathyrotoxic crisis
• Coexisting malignancy and primary hyperparathyroidism Although acute and severe hypercalcaemia is mostly
• Immobilisation associated with malignancy, the measurement of para-
• Acute renal failure thyroid hormone levels has a key role in excluding para-
• Chronic renal failure treated with calcium and calcitriol or vitamin D analogues thyrotoxic crisis. Patients require admission to hospital.
• Renal transplant Parathyrotoxic crisis comprises profound volume deple-
tion, coma, heart failure, and abdominal pain possibly
mechanism in the development of hypercalcaemia associ- mimicking acute abdomen.
ated with some forms of malignancy and with granuloma- Hyperthyroid activity can be associated with hypercal-
tous diseases (box). Malignant cells and granulomas can caemia and suppressed parathyroid hormone serum levels. over-express 1-α-hydroxylase and increase the conversion Hypercalcaemia associated with suppressed parathy-
Previous articles in this of calcidiol to the active form of vitamin D, calcitriol, lead- roid hormone, normal parathyroid hormone related pro-
series ing to increased intestinal absorption of calcium, hyper- tein, and high or normal serum calcitriol levels strongly
ЖЖManagement of the calciuria, and hypercalcaemia. Finally, authentic ectopic suggest the diagnosis of calcitriol mediated diseases (box).
unstable shoulder hyperparathyroidism is a rare cause of hypercalcaemia, Levels of calcidiol should also be checked, particularly
(BMJ 2015;350:h2537) with few cases described in the l­iterature.10 in those whose clinical presentation does not suggest the
ЖЖChildhood attention- Thiazide diuretics—thiazides can increase renal presence of malignancy. Clinical case reports suggest that
deficit/hyperactivity re­absorption of calcium, resulting in hypocalciuria and the occurrence of vitamin D toxicity, although unusual,
disorder eventually high serum calcium levels. As many as 8% of should be excluded, particularly when the consumption
(BMJ 2015;350:h2168) people develop hypercalcaemia while taking thiazides.11  12 of high doses of exogenous vitamin D is unrecognised.22
ЖЖIdentifying and Endocrine disorders—hypercalcaemia is relatively com-
managing common mon in people with hyperthyroidism.10 Hypercalcaemia Thiazide diuretics
childhood language and can be sustained by primary hyperparathyroidism in In patients who were hypercalcaemic while taking thiazide
patients with pheochromocytoma in the setting of mul- diuretics, serum calcium and parathyroid hormone levels
speech impairments
tiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. Some pheochromocy- should be re-evaluated at least three weeks after with-
(BMJ 2015;350:h2318)
tomas have been found to secrete parathyroid hormone drawal of the drugs.
ЖЖThe diagnosis
related protein or to directly stimulate bone resorption.10
and management of Acute renal failure and rhabdomyolysis—patients How should hypercalcaemia be investigated in primary care?
interstitial lung diseases with rhabdomyolysis associated acute renal failure may The primary goal in the differential diagnosis of hypercal-
(BMJ 2015;350:h2072) develop hypercalcaemia. The use of calcium, calcitriol, caemia is to determine the underlying mechanism.
ЖЖSudden infant death or vitamin D analogues supplementation in patients who Clinicians need to evaluate carefully the severity of
syndrome and advice for have end stage renal disease or receive dialysis may cause clinical presentation, degree of hypercalcaemia, and tim-
safe sleeping hypercalcaemia; in this setting, hypercalcaemia may also ing of development of the condition. The table describes
(BMJ 2015;350:h1989) occur in association with tertiary hyperparathyroidism. the clinical presentation of people with hypercalcaemia.

28 6 June 2015 | the bmj


Contrary to what Importantly, symptoms associated with chronic hyper- p­rimary hyperparathyroidism. Adults aged 50 or more with
is observed calcaemia are related to severe forms—those with chronic primary hyperparathyroidism, a serum calcium level less
mild hypercalcaemia are typically asymptomatic. than 0.25 mmol/L above the upper limit of normal, and with-
among inpatients,
Contrary to what is observed among inpatients, hyper- out end organ damage may be followed up conservatively.
hypercalcaemia is calcaemia is most commonly attributable to p­rimary People with serum calcium levels greater than 0.25 mmol/L
most commonly hyperparathyroidism in the outpatient setting. In this above the normal range, even if a­symptomatic, should be
attributable context the finding of pre-existing mild hypercalcae- referred for surgery. In addition, regardless of calcium levels,
to p­rimary mia may suggest the diagnosis of primary hyperpara- the most recent guidelines for asymptomatic people with pri-
hyperparathyroidism thyroidism. However, the detection of mildly increased mary hyperparathyroidism suggest a more complete evalua-
in the outpatient serum calcium levels on a routine biochemical panel in tion of skeletal and renal complications, including imaging
setting asymptomatic people is also a common finding. studies.23  24 Skeletal (osteoporosis, as evaluated by bone
The evaluation of “outpatients” with hypercalcaemia mineral density measurement, fragility fractures) or renal
usually follows a stepwise diagnostic approach (figure). involvement (nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis, creati-
Laboratory evaluation should first include the confirma- nine clearance <60 mL/min, or hypercalciuria >10 mmol/d
tion of hypercalcaemia by remeasuring serum calcium associated with an increased risk of stone disease) and age
levels and correcting for albumin or by measuring serum less than 50 years are considered criteria for surgery in
ionised calcium wherever available. Renal function should people with primary hyperparathyroidism, even when cal-
also be evaluated. Second or third generation immuno­ cium levels are not greater than 0.25 mmol/L above the nor-
radiometric parathyroid hormone assays should be used, mal range.23 In those who decline surgery or are not suitable
as they have been proved to perform similarly and b­etter candidates for surgery, serum calcium and creatinine levels
than first generation assays15  16; with a sensitivity in diag- should be measured every year and bone density measured
nosis of primary hyperparathyroidism ranging from 88% every one or two years, together with monitoring by renal
to 97%. Hence, confirmation of hypercalcaemia in asso- imaging. During follow-up, if the increase in serum calcium
ciation with an increased or non-suppressed or normal levels is greater than 0.25 mmol/L or there is renal or skeletal
parathyroid hormone concentration suggests primary involvement the patient should be referred for surgery.23
hyperparathyroidism as the most likely diagnosis. If surgery is not performed, or not indicated, patients
Assessment of vitamin D status is indicated, as low serum should be encouraged to have an above average intake of
calcidiol (25(OH)D) levels are highly prevalent in people fluids and avoid drugs, such as thiazide diuretics, that can
with primary hyperparathyroidism.16 Most recent guide- increase plasma calcium levels.24
lines suggest a cautious replenishment with supplemental Recently, cinacalcet, a calcimimetic agent, has been
doses of vitamin D in case of hypovitaminosis.17 Serum lev- proved in a prospective observational study to be effective
els between 50 and 75 nmol/L are considered the goal of in lowering serum calcium levels in people with sporadic
treatment in these patients.17  18 and familial primary hyperparathyroidism, but it has no
The diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism should effects on other features of primary hyperparathyroidism—
be confirmed by ruling out familial hypocalciuric hyper- that is, bone mineral density and hypercalciuria.25 The
calcaemia, another possible cause of high serum calcium European Medicines Agency in 2008 and the US Food
associated with high or unsuppressed serum parathyroid and Drug Administration in 2011 approved the use of
hormone (box). A 24 hour urine collection for calcium and cinacalcet in people with primary hyperparathyroidism
creatinine determination should therefore be performed to with specific indications. The EMA panel stated that cina-
calculate the calcium to creatinine clearance ratio. As cal- calcet can be an option in those where parathyroidectomy
cium excretion could possibly be decreased in association is indicated based on serum calcium levels but for whom
with vitamin D deficiency, the accuracy of this evaluation surgery is otherwise “not clinically appropriate or con-
implies the need for replenishment in deficient patients. traindicated.” The FDA approves the use of cinacalcet in
Calcium to creatinine clearance values less than 0.01 are primary hyperparathyroidism for people with severe hyper-
strongly indicative of familial hypocalciuric hypercalcae- calcaemia who are unable to undergo parathyroidectomy.
mia and require an evaluation of family history of hyper-
calcaemia and eventually screening of serum calcium Severe hypercalcaemia
in family members. Serum magnesium could be helpful If serum calcium levels are moderately increased (3.0-3.5
in pointing towards the differential diagnosis of familial mmol/L), the type of treatment and timing for administering
hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia, as it is typically in the high drugs should be guided by clinical manifestations. Admis-
range of normal or modestly increased in this condition. sion to hospital is required for people with severe hyper-
Genetic testing is useful for confirmation of the diagnosis.16 calcaemia (>3.5 mmol/L); emergency treatment includes
aggressive intravenous hydration. Hydration alone may be
How is hypercalcaemia treated? effective in slowly reducing serum calcium levels; however,
Regardless of the diagnosis, all patients with hypercalcae- most commonly it is not the only treatment and may lead to
mia require hydration. The timing and regimens of hydration fluid overload. Caution is therefore needed to avoid excessive
strongly depend on the severity of the hypercalcaemia. fluid loading in patients with cardiac and renal disease. In
such patients, it is important to assess serum electrolytes and
Mild hypercalcaemia to carry out electrocardiography during treatment.
Mild hypercalcaemia (values not exceeding 0.25 mmol/L Loop diuretics, such as furosemide (frusemide), which
above normal range or <3 mmol/L) is usually caused by could theoretically enhance calcium excretion, may

the bmj | 6 June 2015 29


Suggested algorithm for

diagnosis of hypercalcaemia; Hypercalcaemia
based on available Evaluate: timing, symptoms and signs, family and
evidence, mostly derived medical history, drug use, physical examination
from retrospective or Repeat measurement of serum calcium while not taking drugs (that is, thiazides or lithium)
observational, non- or vitamin D preparations; correct for serum albumin or measure serum Ca2+, or both
randomised, non-blinded Confirmed*
studies. The algorithm
Measure serum parathyroid hormone
also underlines the need
for clinical evaluation as
a key guide for diagnosis High or normal result† Supressed‡
and management in any
given patient. Corrected Measure CaCrCl§, glomerular filtration rate, serum calcidiol level Consider:
calcium (mmol/L)=total Serum and urine protein electrophoresis (and parathyroid
calcium concentration hormone related protein)
Skeletal survey
(mmol/L)+0.02(40−serum Chest, abdomen, and pelvis imaging
albumin concentration (g/L).
Serum ionised calcium (Ca2+) Supplementation
should be directly measured, Calcidiol Calcidiol GFR <60 mL/min Skeletal Monoclonal Negative results
whenever available, through <50 nmol/L >50 nmol/L involvement and/or component
and GFR positive imaging
the ion specific electrode and >60 mL/min Consider impaired (with or without
could increase accuracy of renal function as increases in
possible cause parathyroid hormone
diagnosis. GFR=glomerular of low urinary related protein)
filtration rate calcium excretion

Malignancy Consider multiple Measure

myeloma calcitriol level
CaCrCl <0.01 CaCrCl between CaCrCl >0.02
0.01 and 0.02
Familial Differential Primary or granulomatous
hypocalciuria diagnosis hyperparathyroidism disorders¶
hypercalcaemia between primary
and familial
hypocalciuria * Corrected serum calcium concentration (see legend) above the mean 2 standard deviations, in at least
hypercalcaemia two samples at least one week apart over a period of three months. Calcium to creatinine clearance
not possible ratio*: urinary calcium×serum creatinine/serum calcium×urinary creatinine to be evaluated using
blood samples and 24 hour urine collection; values in mg/dL
† Normal means in mid or upper normal range
‡ Consider specific measurements according to clinical presentation (that is, thyroid stimulating
Consider genetic Genetic testing hormone, in case of hyperthyroidism; see text for details)
testing and screen § Eventually consider measuring serum angiotensin converting enzyme

worsen electrolyte derangements and volume depletion Although bisphosphonates are proved to be effective in
when administered at high doses. Thus, even in patients the treatment of hypercalcaemia, a drug with a rapid hypo­
with volume overload, loop diuretics should be used with calcaemic effect, such as calcitonin, could be used when
caution. A recent review of randomised controlled trials, a prompt resolution is needed. Calcitonin inhibits bone
prospective single group trials, systematic reviews, and resorption and also decreases renal tubular reabsorption
meta-analyses shows limited or no evidence to support of calcium. Its onset of action is within two hours of being
the use of loop diuretics in people with hypercalcaemia.27 administered, but the effect is short, and drug tolerance
Since the major mechanism responsible for severe commonly develops within two days. Thus, calcitonin is
hypercalcaemia is the increased bone resorption from used as an early treatment for severe hypercalcaemia until
activation of osteoclasts, bisphosphonates are the treat- the onset of the hypocalcaemic effects of other drugs.32
ment of choice as they inhibit the osteoclast’s’ activity. Haemodialysis (as well as peritoneal dialysis) against a
Pamidronate and zoledronic acid are approved by EMA low or zero calcium dialysate is a treatment option in cases
and FDA for the treatment of hypercalcaemia of malig- of treatment failure or when calcium levels are so high as
nancy, both having shown effectiveness in clinical tri- to be life threatening.
als.28  29 Head to head comparison of pamidronate and It should be borne in mind that in hypercalcaemia of
zoledronic acid in two randomised controlled trials malignancy treatment of the underlying malignancy will
showed that zoledronic acid was superior to pamidronate also reduce serum calcium levels. Surgical removal of the
in both efficacy and duration of response.30 The most lesion is currently the only cure for severe hypercalcaemic
common reported side effects have been transient fever, crisis associated with parathyroid carcinoma, an extremely
myalgias, and infusion site reaction. Zoledronic acid is rare presentation requiring urgent admission to hospital.
contraindicated in patients with creatinine clearance Different treatments need to be considered in people
values lower than 30 mL/min; in this situation, dose with hypercalcaemia from other causes, such as vitamin
re­duction according to creatinine clearance values could D intoxication or granulomatous disorders. Since in these
be an option. Ibandronate, a bisphosphonate with lower cases, the underlying cause is an increased production of
renal toxicity, is approved by EMA for the treatment of calcidiol, drugs that enhance vitamin D metabolism, such
malignancy related hypercalcaemia. as glucocorticoids, are indicated.

30 6 June 2015 | the bmj

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