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FDA Approaches to Laboratory Data Integrity

Guidance: Data Integrity and Compliance With Drug cGMP 2018

Bob McDowall
R D McDowall Limited

©R D McDowall Ltd 2021 1

Data Integrity

Food and Drug Industry

European World Health
Administration PIC/S Guidance
Regulators Organisation

Good Practices
Guidance on PDA TR80 European APIC
Inspection of CPG 7346.832 MHRA EMA for Data GAMP
Good Data and Lab DI Compliance Practical Risk
Pharmaceutical Pre-Approval GMP DI Q&A: Management and Records &
Record Management Academy Based Guide
QC Laboratories Inspections Guidances GMP D I Integrity Data Integrity
Management System DI & DG v2 for DI
1993 2012 2015 2016 Draft 2: 2016 2017
Practices 2016 2018 2018 2019
Draft 3: 2018

MHRA Good Practices Not shown are Guidance documents issued by:
Data Integrity
Level 2 Guidance
and cGMP
GXP DI for Data 3 Good • Russia 2018,
on the FDA Web
Guidance Management and Practice Guides • China 2020,
Site 2010
Rev 1 Integrity 2018 - 2020 • OECD GLP 2020 (draft)
2018 Final 2021 • WHO 2020 (draft)

©R D McDowall Ltd 2021 2

Laboratory Data Integrity Concerns
• FDA compliance program guide 7346.832 for Pre-Approval Inspections
effective May 2012
• Updated after Able Laboratories fraud case in 2005
• Three objectives with data integrity in all
• Updated again in September 2019
• More detail on where inspectors should look to discover any DI problems
• R D McDowall, Focus on Quality, December 2019
• Objective 3 Data integrity audit
• Audit the raw data, hardcopy or electronic, to authenticate the data submitted
in the CMC section of the application. Verify that all relevant data (e.g., stability,
biobatch data) were submitted in the CMC section such that CDER product
reviewers can rely on the submitted data as complete and accurate.

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Who acquired data or performed an All data / metadata including any
action? repeat or reanalysis performed.
When was the activity performed? Attributable Complete Includes any excluded data and all
Q1a: FDA use
Identity of instrument and method. changes. No deletions or unofficial
Location may be required. tests. Second person review checks ALCOA criteria for
data integrity
Can you read and understand All records follow in the expected
written entry. Can a data file be sequence with supporting dates or
read and understood? (May require Legible Consistent time stamps Remaining ALCOA+
contextual metadata). Readable Enforcement by computer systems
after system upgrades or migrations with technical controls criteria are from
the EMA concept
Documented or recorded at the
ALCOA Further Reference:
paper on GCP
time of the activity. Real time data Contem-
capture and processing. & WHO Good Records and Data electronic source
Time and date (time zone) recorded poraneous Management Guidance
data 2010
Use of scribes needs justification. ALCOA + Appendix 1 (TRS996 Annex 5, 2016)

First written observation, e-record Many + criteria can

Record on official & durable media.
or printout. No unathorised copies.
Synchronise hybrid records. be inferred from
True or verified copies are OK. Original Enduring No use of envelopes, cigarette
Blank forms and master templates
packets, Post-It notes or body parts

No errors or editing without Accessible for review, audit or

documented amendments. inspection over the record lifetime.
Instruments calibrated/qualified. Accurate Available Applied to any media used for GXP
Software & methods validated records. Dynamic data remains
Calculations and rounding correct. dynamic. Migrated data readable.
©R D McDowall Ltd 2021 4
©R D McDowall with input from Ulrich Köllisch
Laboratory “Complete Data”
• 21 CFR 194 (a): Laboratory control records should include complete data
derived from all tests conducted to ensure compliance with established
specifications and standard, including examinations and assays, as
• Definitions:
• complete: having every necessary part or entire
• data: a series of observations, measurements, or facts.

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Q1d. How does FDA use the terms “static” and
“dynamic” as they relate to record formats?
• Static Data • Dynamic Data
• … static is used to indicate a • … dynamic means that the record
fixed-data record such as a format allows interaction between
paper record or an electronic the user and the record content
image. • For example, a dynamic
• No interaction with the record chromatographic record may allow the
• Values can be averaged or trended user to change the baseline and
reprocess chromatographic data so
that the resulting peaks may appear
smaller or larger.

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Paper: Controlled Blank Forms (Q6)
• Integrity: laboratory notebook pages numbered
• BUT major problems with uncontrolled blank forms: how many times has
work been performed?
• Controlled sheets with accountability:
• Blank forms MUST be uniquely numbered
• Distribution and reconciliation
• Damaged forms retained with rationale for reissue of a new form
• High administrative overhead: Get rid of paper
• See Burgess and McDowall, Questions of Quality, Sept 2016

©R D McDowall Ltd 2021 7

FACTA Farmaceutici S.p.A. FDA WL January 2017
• 2. Your firm failed to establish an adequate quality control unit with the
responsibility and authority to approve or reject all components, drug product
containers, closures, in-process materials, packaging materials, labeling, and
drug products (21 CFR 211.22(a)).
• Our investigator observed many copies of uncontrolled blank and partially-
completed CGMP forms …. without any accountability or oversight of your
quality unit.
• … a supervisor said he photocopied a blank OOS form and transcribed the
information because he had made mistakes in the original document.
Although your procedures required correcting mistakes on the original form, he
made a new copy of a blank OOS form and rewrote the data.
• Our investigator documented that your employees used paper shredders to
destroy critical laboratory and production records without the appropriate
controls and procedures. Shredded documents included High Performance
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) chromatograms and a partially-completed OOS
©R D McDowall Ltd 2021 8
Computerised Systems: Paper v Electronic Records?
• Some laboratories still think that paper printouts from a
computerised system are the GMP record
• Wrong!
• FDA are focusing on e-records and have been trained in assessing
electronic data integrity (Q10 and Q17)
• Paper records incidental to e-records
• E-records are the raw data for hybrid and electronic systems (Q10)
• Inspectors require access to your computerised systems (Q17)
Refusing a request means your products are adulterated
• How will you handle this?

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Hybrid System (Q10)
• Paper Records • Electronic Records
• Work recorded in laboratory • Time and date stamp accurate
notebook • User uniquely identified
• Signed paper printouts from IT • Analysis files uniquely identified
system Synchronise • Files backed up
• Identifies the user who did the • Comparison with library correct
• Library maintained correctly
• Identifies the files created
• Audit trail entries
• Identifies the library used

Spreadsheets are a hybrid system and high regulatory risk e.g.

Tismore Health and Wellness Pty Ltd, Dec 2019, FDA WL

Instrument logbook matches work in the system and printouts

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Electronic System e.g. CDS
• Validated system: workflow and calculations
• Users uniquely identified with appropriate access privileges
• File creation and management via CDS
• Signed electronic report and records
• Minimal paper printouts (e-signed report)
• Audit trail entries reviewed
• Time and date stamp accurate

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CDS Data Integrity Issues 2005 - 2021
• Unofficial testing (test, prep etc)
• Data deletion and time travelling
• Adjustment of sample weights to pass
• Shared user identities
• Selective reporting
• Conflicts of interest: all users have admin privileges
• Turning audit trail on and off
• Peak integration: Integrating into compliance,
• Short runs / aborted runs (instead of unofficial testing)
• Invalidating out of specification results

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Second Person Review
• Checks to ensure that work has performed correctly
• Includes review of applicable audit trail entries (Q7 & Q8)
• This is a QC NOT a QA function
• Checks to ensure that data have not been falsified (Q16)
• Use technical controls in software to enable a rapid second person
• Restrict where an analyst can store data
• Restrict user privileges
• Formal data integrity investigation if falsification found (Q15 & Q18)

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