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The skin act as a physical, biochemical and immunological barrier between the out side world and the body. It also
has a role in temperature regulation, synthesis of vitamin D, prevention of water loss, antigen presentation, and

2. Overall, surgery during pregnancy was associated with higher risk of birth complications, but the amount of that
increased risk that could be blamed on the surgery was relatively small. Laparoscopic abdominal surgery was linked
with a nearby four times higher risk of miscarriage compared with open abdominal surgery.

3.Nếu bạn dung aspirin trong một thời gian dài, những vấn đề khác có thể nảy sinh như đau hay loét dạ dày gia tăng
chẳng hạn, bị chảy máu và bầm giập nhiều hơn khi bị thương và bị ù tai.
If you take aspirin for a long periods of time, other problems can occur, such as increased stomach pain or ulcer,
more bleeding (haemorrhage) and bruise (contusion) when injured and ringing in the ear ( tinnitus).
4. Một nghiên cứu năm 2000 đã phát hiện rằng Aspirin làm giảm khả năng phân giải cồn của cơ thể trong dạ dày.
A study in 2000 found out ( discovered ) that aspirin lowered the body’s ability of dissolved ( break down) alcohol
in the stomach.
5. Pneumonia means infection of the alveoli. This occurs when protective processes to prevent inhaled or blood-
borne microbes reaching and colonizing the lungs.

6. She has consented to a laparotomy, fibroid removal, and the reconstruction of the uterus.

7. If you have a particular allergy, you become ill or get a rash when you eat, smell or touch something that doesn’t
normally make people ill.

8. Insulin là hoocmon nội tiết do tuyến tụy tiết ra.

Insulin is a polypeptide hormone which secreted by the pancreas gland
9. Những nhân tố làm giảm tiết insulin bao gồm : hoocmon glucagon, adrenaline và cortisol.
Factors that decrease insulin’s secretion include hormones glucagon, adrenaline and cortisol
10. Người bị bệnh đau tim có thể bắt đầu đổ mồ hôi, cảm thấy yếu, khó thở và buồn nôn.
Patients who has heart attack start sweating, feel weak, be short of breath and feel like vomiting (nauseous)
11. The majority of cyst in the overies are harmless and symptomless, but some trigger some changes in the
regularity as well as the nature of the periods.
12. Large cyst can cause your abdomen to swell or press on nearby structures. For example, they may press on the
bladder or rectum which may cause urinary symptom or constipation
13. Tuy nhiên cũng có thể sẽ không có triệu chứng gì hết, tim có thể bất chợt ngừng đập và bệnh nhân có thể ngưng
However, there may by no symptom at all, the heart may stop suddenly and the patient may stop breathing.
14. Bệnh béo phì có tương quan với nguy cơ cao bị tăng huyết áp và đột quỵ
Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke.
15. The lumen of appendix is very small and there is little room for swelling when it becomes inflamed. The initial
cause of inflammation is not always clear. Microbial infection is commonly superimposed on obstruction by, for
example hard fecal matter, or a foreign body. Inflammatory exudate, with fibrin and phagocytes, cause swelling and
ulceration of the mucous membrane lining.

16. A blood glucose test or fasting PG (plasma glucose) test, is given after a patient has gone without food at least 8
hours. It’s widely considered to be a reliable test, and it appears the result aren’t affected by patient age or physical
activity. Man doctors prefer this method of testing because it’s easy, fats and inexpensive.

17. Một trong những triệu chứng của bệnh đau tim là cảm giác đè nặng và đau thắt ở giữa ngực. Nó kéo dài hơn 2
phút và có thể tới rồi đi.
One symptoms of patient who has heart attack is feeling press and pain in the center of the chest. It lasts for more
than 2 minutes and can come and go.
18.When the arterial wall is weakened by the spread of the plague between the layers of tissue, a local dilation
(aneurysm) may develop. This may lead to thrombosis or embolism, or the aneurysm may rupture causing severe
hemorrhage. The most common sites are affected by atheroma are the aorta and the abdominal and pelvis arteries.

19.Pernicious anemia is the most common form of vitamin b12 deficiency anemia. It is commonest on female
usually between 45 and 65 years of age. It is autoimmune disease in which autoantibodies destroy intrinsic factor
and parietal cells in the stomach.

20.Không có phương thuốc thần diệu nào cho bệnh nhức đầu, nhưng nhờ những nghiên cứu gần đây, các bác sĩ có
thể kiểm soát hầu hết các bệnh đau đầu.
The is no magic cure for headache, but doctor can control most of them because of recent research.
21. Bệnh nhức đầu cũng có thể gây ra bởi vấn đề tâm lý, thậm chí do thuốc men điều trị các vấn đề thể chất khác.
Psychological problems and even medicine for another physical problem can cause headache.
22. Trong nhóm bệnh xã hội ( Sida, Giang mai, Phong, sốt rét, lao) ngoài Sida chưa tìm ra thuốc, 4 bệnh còn lại đã
có thuốc đặc trị.
Of social disease ( AIDS, syphilis, leprosy, malaria, tuberculosis) medicine for the treatment of AIDS has not yet
been found while there are special drugs for the other diseases.
23. The scientific facts are inescapable – regular use of sun protection reduces skin cancer and cancer precursors.
The benefits of sun protection and the incontrovertible evidence of sunburn and chronic sun exposure as a cause of
about 60% of melanomas should inspire people to continued reasonable sun protection if they fit into the moderate
to high risk groups and even if they don’t.

24. Disease associated with protein and carbohydrate deficiency cause many deaths among young children.

25. Chronic renal failure occurs when the renal reserve is lost and there is irreversible damage to about 75% of
nephrons. Onset is usually slow, and asymptomatic, progressing over several years. The main causes are diabetes
mellitus; glomerulonephritis and hypertension.

26. Những người nhiễm bệnh không có triệu chứng lại không nhận thức được rằng mình đang bi nhiễm bệnh
The infected who have no symptoms do not realize hat they are infected.
27. Acute bronchitis is usually a secondary bacterial infection of the bronchi. It is usually preceded by a common
cold or influenza and it may also complicate measles and whooping cough in children. The viruses depress normal
defence mechanisms, allowing pathogenic bacteria already present in the respiratory tract to multiply. Downward
spread of infection may lead to bronchiolitis and/ or bronchopneumonia, especially in children and in debilitated or
elderly adults.

28. As our skin represent our outward appearance to the world unsightly blemishes, despite small size, can have a
significant impact on person’s self-esteem.

Tổng hợp đề dịch câu

1. Physical examination revealed a girl with slight pallor. The temperature was 38oC, pulse 100/min, blood pressure
110/80 mmHg. Examination of the rest of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems was normal.
2. The time when a woman stops menstruating, normally at about the age of 50, is called menopause or climacteric.
Symptoms of the menopause include hot flushes – sudden sensation of heat – and night sweats.

3. The normal resting heart is 65-70 beats per minute. In athletes it may be as low as 40 beats per minute. In extreme
athletic activity, the heart rate can go as high as 200/min. The heart rhythm may be regular or irregular.

4.Pneumonia is a lung infection can be caused by different types of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses.
Symptoms of pneumonia may include cough with sputum production, fever, sharp chest pain on breath. In some
cases, detection of bacteria causing pneumonia can be done with urine tests and can be treated with antibiotics.

5. The problems which a patient reports to doctor are called symptoms, for example pain or nausea. Signs are what
doctor finds, also known as findings, on examining the patient, for example high blood pressure or rapid pulse rate.

6.An abrasion is a superficial injuring involving only the epidermis, which has been removed by friction.

7. A birthmark is a beginning irregularity on the skin which is present at birth or appears shortly after birth, usually
in the first month. They can occur anywhere on the skin. The exact cause of most birthmarks is unknown, but
vascular birthmark are not hereditary.

8. Cough is a common symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) and lung disease. A cough may be
productive, where the patient cough up sputum, or non-productive, where there is no sputum.

9. If the patient’s heath is in the process of returning to normal, the patient is improving. The opposite is
deteriorating. If the patient is better, but then gets worse again, the patient has relapsed.
10. Syncope is a sudden lost of consciousness, due to temporary failure of the cerebral circulation. Syncope is
distinguished from a seizure principally by the circumstances in which the event occurs.

11.Pneumonia is an infection of one or both lungs. It creates fluid and mucus that blocks the alveoli in the lungs.
This make it hard for oxygen to get deep into the lungs, where it can be pass through to the blood.

12. The bladder is situated in the pelvis, as you known, and it is connected to each kidney by a long tube called the
ureter – one on each side.

13. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental heath problems, with around 1 in 10 people affected at any
one time. Anxiety and depression can be severe and long-lasting and have a big impact on people’s ability to get on
with life.

14. On examination she was pyrexial with a temperature of 38,5. She was short of breath. Her pulse was variable
between 100 and 180 and was irregular in time and force.

15. Pernicious anemia is a condition in which there is atrophy of the gastric mucosa with consequent failure of
intrinsic factor production and vitamin B12 malabsorption.

16. A contusion is an injury that occurs when blood vessels in the skin are damaged.

17. Heart disease is a common used term for any disease that affects the heart. A more appropriate term is
cardiovascular disease, which includes both heart and blood vessel disorders.
18. A laceration ( also called a tear) is a wound involving both the dermis and epidermis. It is usually distinguished
from penetrating or incised wounds by its irregular edges and relative lack of bleeding.

19. Heart failure occurs when the hearts is unable to maintain sufficient cardiac output – the amount of blood
pumped by the heart each minute – for the body’s needs.

20. The airways consist of the larynx , the trachea ( or windpipe ), the right and left bronchus, and the bronchioles.
The chest is separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm.
21. Blood consist of basically of two parts: liquid plasma and solid formed elements (red blood cells, white blood
cells, platelets) suspended in the plasma.

22. To examine the patient for enlarged abdominal organs, first feel for the liver and the gall bladder or the right
side. To do this, ask the patient to take a deep breath, while pressing with fingers upwards and inwards.

23. When the fragments of the broken bone heal and join together, they unite. Union may be promoted, or helped, by
reducing the fracture – replacing the fragments in their anatomical position if they are displaced.

24. An incised wound is a break in the skin where the length of the wound on the surface is greater than the depth of
the wound – for example, a wound caused by a razor blade.

25. Hypertension affects approximately 75 million adults in the United States and is a major risk factor for stroke,
myocardial infraction. Vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease.

26. Where there is an excess of hormone, one form of treatment consist of giving the patient something which
inhibits the production of that hormone. as n the use of carbimazole to treat hyperthyroidism.
27. The normal resting rate is 65-70 beats per minute. The heart rhythm may be regular or irregular. In an irregular
rhythm ( arrhythmia), there nay be early beats which interrupt the regular rhythm (premature beats); or the rhythm
may vary with respiratory. Or it maybe completely irregular, as in fibrillation.

28. Frequent changes of position are necessary in the immobile patient to prevent the development of a pressure

29. Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrow the airway. Asthma cause recurring periods of
wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the

30. Cholesterol can be build up in the arteries. These fatty deposits make it difficult for blood to flow. This lack of
blood flow can result in a heart attack. The fatty deposits can also brake away and travel to the heart or brain,
causing heart attack or strokes.
31. Cancer is cause by uncontrolled growth and spread out of abnormal cells. A cancerous cells grows and divides
endlessly, crowding out nearby healthy cells and eventually spreading to other parts of the body.

32. The endocrine system is made up of glands that produce and secretes hormones. These hormone regulate the
body’s growth, metabolism ( the physical and chemical processes of the body), and sexual development and

33. Những vết trầy xước ở phần biểu bì thường lành lại và không để lại sẹo, nhưng những vết trầy sâu hơn thường để
lại sẹo

34. Không đủ chất đạm trong khẩu phần ăn có thể dẫn tới thiếu năng lượng, hạn chế năng lượng và làm giảm sức đề
kháng của cơ thể đối với bệnh tật.
35. Bốc hỏa và đổ mồ hôi đêm được xem là hai triệu chứng thường gặp của phụ nữ mãn kinh thường xảy ra ở độ
tuổi 50.

36. Thể dục điều đặn, khám sức khỏe thường xuyên và chế độ ăn uống hợp lý sẽ giúp chúng ta ngăn ngừa bệnh tim
37. Não người ngày nay nặng hơn nhiều so với 100 năm trước

38. Hormone có nhiều chức năng như thúc đẩy sự tăng trưởng của cơ thể, hỗ trợ tiêu hóa và sự trao đổi chất.

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