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Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 11 (2022) 68–73

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Research Article

The association between thread pitch and cortical bone thickness

influences the primary stability of orthodontic miniscrew implants:
a study in human cadaver palates
Chalermporn Budsabong a, Vorapat Trachoo b, Pisha Pittayapat c, Pintu-on Chantarawaratit d,∗
Post-graduate student in rescidency program, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: The purpose of this study was to mathematically evaluate the influence of variations in thread
Received 13 October 2021 pitch and cortical bone thickness on the maximum insertion torque (MIT) and implant stability (IS) of
Revised 27 November 2021
miniscrew implants (MIs).
Accepted 14 December 2021
Methods: Sixty custom made MIs with a 0.4-, 0.6-, 0.8-, 1.0-, or 1.2-mm thread pitch,12 for each pitch,
Available online 6 January 2022
were randomly placed into the palates of 10 embalmed human maxillae. The MIT was measured with a
Keywords: hand-operated digital torque reader screwdriver with a holding guide, and the IS test was performed using
Miniscrew implants Anycheck. Conebeam computerized tomography was used to measure the cortical bone thickness(CBT) at
Primary stability each MI site. One-way ANOVA, Tukey post hoc test, Pearson’s correlation,and multiple linear regression
thread pitch models were performed using the SPSS program.
Cortical bone thickness Results: The MIT and IS tests demonstrated a pitch-dependent decrease. The pitch had a strong negative
Human study
correlation with MIT and IS, while the CBT had a strong positive correlation with those outcomes. The
association between pitch and CBT significantly influenced MI primary stability. Moreover, a strong corre-
lation was found between MIT and IS.
Conclusions: The MI primary stability, MIT, and IS are strongly influenced by theassociation between MI
thread pitch and CBT.
© 2021 World Federation of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction can occur shortly after MI insertion [1]. Therefore, many studies
have investigated how to predict MI stability.
Miniscrew implants (MIs) are widely used for anchorage during The maximum insertion torque (MIT) and implant stability (IS)
orthodontic treatment because of their advantages, such as a sim- are typically measured to evaluate MI primary stability. These mea-
ple insertion method, short operation time, low cost, and patients’ surements provide important information for predicting the suc-
acceptance. When used as absolute anchorage, an MI extends the cess rate of MIs. The optimum MIT relates to the MI retention.
amount and direction of tooth movement possible, reinforces the However, excessive MIT is a major cause of bone microdamage and
anchorage, and facilitates the mechanics of orthodontic treatment. necrosis leading to MI failure [2]. The IS test, a noninvasive tech-
However, clinical MI failures, such as displacement and mobility, nique, is usually performed for dental implants and MI stability.
The IS value reflects the mobility of the implant, which is directly
related to its likelihood of failure [3].
MIs are typically loaded immediately. Therefore, the primary
Funding: The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from
any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors. stability of an MI is not a consequence of the process of bone heal-
Competing interest: Authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for ing or osseointegration [4]. To resist orthodontic forces, the pri-
Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. None declared. mary stability depends on the MI holding power [4,5]. Among bone
Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; Externally peer reviewed. characteristics, cortical bone thickness (CBT) is one of the most cru-

Corresponding author: Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Chula-
cial anatomic factors affecting MI holding power [6–8]. CBT varies
longkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
E-mail address: (P.-o. Chantarawaratit).
depending on the jaw, bone site, age, and sex of the patient [6,7].

2212-4438/$ – see front matter © 2021 World Federation of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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C. Budsabong et al / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 11 (2022) 68–73 69

Fig. 1. Specimen preparation. (A) Custom-made 1.5 × 8 mm miniscrew implant with 5 different pitches—from left to right: 0.4-, 0.6-, 0.8-, 1.0-, and 1.2-mm thread pitch. (B)
Half of a cadaver maxilla. (C) Cone beam computerized tomography was used to analyze the cortical bone thickness, using the One Volume Viewer program (Morita, Osaka,

Greater CBT was associated with higher MI success rates [9]. In- Thailand (HREC-DCU 2021-012). Ten maxillae were retrieved from
creased CBT results in an increased MI–bone interface, resulting in embalmed human cadavers of subjects who donated their bodies
better stress distribution under orthodontic load [10]. to the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn
Thread pitch, the distance between 2 threads, controls the linear University, Bangkok, Thailand. The inclusion criteria, modified from
advancement distance of the MI after one turn. Variations in pitch Bourassa et al. [15], were that the whole maxilla specimen was in-
can increase or decrease the bone-to-implant surface area [5,11]. tact and complete, and no palatal torus or any bony pathology was
Consequently, thread pitch directly affects the primary stability of present. The sex and age of the specimens were not specific re-
the MI. However, the effect of thread pitch on the primary stability quirements due to the limited number of specimens available. The
of MIs remains unclear. Previous studies found that an MI with a donors were 5 male and 5 female cadavers with ages ranging from
smaller pitch had a higher primary stability compared with a larger 38 to 92 years at the time of death (average age ± standard devia-
pitch MI [5,12]. In contrast, Cunha et al. [13] and Radwan et al.[14] tion: 69.6 ± 15.3 years).
reported that MIs with smaller pitches had lower primary stabil- The maxilla was surgically separated from the skull. To facilitate
ity compared with those with larger pitches [13,14]. To date, few the accessibility of the IS measuring device, Anycheck (Neobiotech,
reports are available on the pure effect of thread pitch on MI pri- Seoul, Korea), to every MI head, the palates were split along the
mary stability performed with a completely controlled geometric median palatine suture, and the specimen was separated into left
design. and right halves. The soft tissue covering the palate was removed
We hypothesized that the combination of thread pitch and CBT to eliminate variations in soft-tissue thickness. The crowns of the
would influence the primary stability of orthodontic MIs. Thus, teeth with a metal restoration or crown were removed, eliminat-
we formulated mathematical models to estimate the weight co- ing any metal that could generate artifacts in the computerized to-
efficients of these candidate predictors of MI primary stability. In mography imaging. The nasal part of the specimens was partially
the present study, MIs were custom-made with 5 different thread embedded in epoxy resin blocks to be stabilized by the specimen
pitches, to isolate the effect of thread pitch variation from that of holder, leaving 1 cm clearance from the nasal floor to allow MI
other geometric designs on the MIT and IS. The experiments were penetration. The palatal surface was placed superiorly for MI place-
performed with MIs 1.5 mm in diameter x 8 mm in length, in em- ment [15] (Fig. 1B).
balmed human maxillae. The palates of the specimens were measured for their cortical
bone thickness (CBT) using cone beam computerized tomography
2. Materials and methods (CBCT), using high solution, 90 kV, and 5 mA. The CBT was an-
alyzed by One Volume Viewer (Morita, Osaka, Japan; Fig. 1C). The
2.1. Miniscrew implant design MI sites were marked at least 3 mm from the split suture and from
each other.
MIs were specifically designed (Solid Work program, Dassault
Systèmes, Waltham, MA) and manufactured by a Computer Nu-
merical Control machine (C.C. Autopart, Chachoengsao, Thailand). 2.3. MIT, IS, and CBT measurement
MIs with a 0.4-mm, 0.6-mm, 0.8-mm, 1.0-mm, or 1.2-mm pitch
were manufactured, keeping the length, diameter, and thread de- Twelve MIs of each thread pitch group—0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, and
sign constant (Fig. 1A). The MIs were made of 316 medical-grade 1.2 mm—were randomly inserted at the marked sites (2–5 MIs per
stainless steel (SS); they were 8 mm long, with a major and minor palate specimen). The MIs were self-drilling and were manually in-
diameter of 1.5 and 1 mm, respectively. The thread design, a but- serted by one researcher. To replicate the average palatal soft-tissue
tress reverse thread shape, had 45° leading and 90° trailing angles, thickness, a 1-mm silicone spacer was inserted under each MI head
with tapered, sharp-end points. before insertion [15].
The MIT, IS, and CBT were evaluated on each sample. The MIT
2.2. Human cadavers was measured with a hand-operated digital torque reader screw-
driver (MXITA, Zhejiang, China) at a constant speed of 60 rpm and
The study protocol was approved by the Human Research Ethics reported in newton-centimeters ( at a precision of 0.1
Committee of the Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, To ensure the perpendicular orientation and reproducibility, the

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70 C. Budsabong et al / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 11 (2022) 68–73

Fig. 2. Testing apparatus used for inserting the miniscrew implant (MI) in the cadaver maxillae. (A) Testing apparatus used for MI insertion. (B) Measuring implant stability
of the MI in a cadaver with the Anycheck (Neobiotech, Seoul, Korea) device.

Table 1
The means, standard deviations (SDs), and coefficient of variation (CoV) values of maximum insertion torque (MIT), implant stability (IS), and cortical bone
thickness (CBT) in palatal bones of embalmed human maxillae (n = 12)

Pitch(mm) MIT ( IS (IST) CBT (mm)

Mean, n SD, n CoV, % Mean, IST SD, IST CoV, % Mean, mm SD, mm CoV, %

0.4 16.1∗ 1.8 11.0 75.47∗ 4.26 5.64 1.34∗ 0.33 24.60
0.6 14.2∗ 2.8 19.6 71.23∗ ,† 3.10 4.35 1.30∗ ,† 0.34 26.14
0.8 13.9∗ 2.6 18.8 74.25∗ 4.80 6.46 1.30∗ ,† 0.24 18.54
1.0 10.0† 2.1 20.8 69.31† 3.48 5.02 1.08∗ ,† 0.24 22.15
1.2 9.1† 2.0 22.1 68.22† 3.29 4.82 0.99† 0.20 20.44

IST, implant stability test value.

∗ ,†
Different symbols indicate a significant difference between groups (P < 0.05).

MIT was measured using a holding guide, designed with 2 parts— Table 2
The correlation coefficients between independent and dependent variables
a specimen holder and a digital torque-reader screwdriver holder
(Fig. 2A). The palate was placed and locked firmly by the holder Variables Pitch MIT IS CBT
to prevent displacement and verify the accuracy of the placement Pitch Pearson Correlation –0.745 –0.504 –0.437
procedure. The screwdriver holder was a roller with a lock that al- Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000
lowed free rotation and precise horizontal alignment. The insertion MIT Pearson Correlation –0.745 0.674 0.606
torque was measured along the MI until the entire thread was in- Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000
IS Pearson Correlation –0.504 0.674 0.765
serted and the maximum torque was recorded.
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000
To evaluate the micromotion, the IS of each MI was measured 3 CBT Pearson Correlation –0.437 0.606 0.765
times, using an Anycheck device after MI placement (Fig. 2B). The Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000
device measured physical mobility of the MIs and converted into Non-zero values are Pearson correlation, significant at the 0.01 level. Zero values
the implant stability test (IST) values. The palate was also fixed by are significance (2-tailed).
a holding guide to minimize its movement. The device tip was po- CBT, cortical bone thickness; IS, implant stability; MIT, maximum insertion
sitioned perpendicular to the long axis of the MI. torque.

2.4. Statistical analysis

The 0.4-, 0.6-, and 8.0-mm groups had a significantly higher MIT,
The sample size was calculated based on a previous study [16]. compared with the 1.0- and 1.2-mm groups.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey post-hoc tests IS showed a pitch-dependent decrease, except for that in the
were used to compare the MIT and IS among the different thread 0.6-mm group, which was slightly lower than that in the 0.8-mm
pitches. Pearson’s correlation values were calculated for the pre- group. The highest and lowest IS, 75.47 ± 4.26 and 68.22 ± 3.29
dictor and the outcome variables. Univariate and multivariate lin- IST, were also found in the 0.4- and 1.2-mm pitches, respectively.
ear regression models were generated to assess the impact of both The 0.4- and 0.8-mm pitch groups had a significantly higher IS,
the thread pitch and CBT individually on the MIT and IS. Statisti- compared with those in the 1.0- and 1.2-mm groups. However, no
cal analysis was performed using SPSS for Mac statistical software significant difference in IS was detected between the 0.6-mm group
(version 22.0, IBM, Chicago, IL). The level of significance was set at and the other groups.
0.05. The mean CBT ranged from 0.99 ± 0.2 mm (1.2-mm pitch) to
1.34 ± 0.33 mm (0.4-mm pitch). A significant difference in the
3. Results mean CBT was found between only the 0.4- and 1.2-mm pitch
The means, standard deviations (SD), and coefficients of varia- We determined the correlation coefficients between the inde-
tion for the MIT and IS are shown in Table 1. The mean MIT ranged pendent and dependent variables (Table 2). Strong negative corre-
from 9.1 ± 2.0 (1.2-mm pitch) to 16.1 ± 1.8 (0.4-mm lations, –0.745 and –0.504, were detected between the thread pitch
pitch). The MIT results demonstrated a pitch-dependent decrease. and the dependent variables, MIT and IS, respectively (P = 0.0 0 0).

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C. Budsabong et al / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 11 (2022) 68–73 71

Table 3
Linear regression models presenting the influence of thread pitch and cortical bone thickness (CBT) on maximum insertion torque (MIT) and implant stability

Variables Univariable model Multivariable model

R2 β ± SE Std Co P R2 β ± SE Std Co P

MIT Pitch 0.554 –9.029 –0.745 0.000 0.652 –7.188 –0.593 0.000
(1.063) (1.054)
CBT 0.368 6.973 0.606 0.000 3.993 0.347 0.000
(1.200) (0.999)
IS Pitch 0.254 –8.213 –0.504 0.000 0.621 –3.409 –0.209 0.025
(1.849) (1.478)
CBT 0.586 11.828 0.765 0.000 10.414 0.674 0.000
(1.306) (1.401)
SE, standard error; Std Co, standardized coefficient.

In contrast, the CBT demonstrated strong positive correlations with steel costs less than titanium alloy [22]. Thus, stainless steel was
MIT and IS, of 0.606 and 0.765, respectively (P = 0.0 0 0). Significant chosen as the material for the MI prototypes in the present study.
positive correlations were also found between the MIT and the IS The influence of thread pitch variation on MI primary stabil-
(0.674; P = 0.0 0 0). ity has been evaluated in previous studies [4,5,12,13]. Theoreti-
Univariable linear regression analysis was used to determine cally, an MI with a smaller pitch has more bone-to-implant contact
correlation coefficients (R2 ; P < 0.0 0 0; Table 3). Thread pitch and area, and therefore should have a higher primary stability com-
CBT were identified as significant predictors for the MIT and IS. pared with a larger pitch MI [4]. Although some studies have sup-
High correlations between predictors (thread pitch: X1 ; and CBT: ported this hypothesis [5,12], others have reported the opposite re-
X2 ), and outcomes (MIT: Y1 ; IS: Y2 ) were found, with the following sults [13,14]. Cunha et al. reported that MIs with a 0.6-mm pitch
equations: had a lower MIT, compared with those with an 0.8-mm pitch [13].
Accordingly, Radwan et al. noted that MIs with a larger pitch had
Y1 = 19.885 + (–9.029) X1 ; a higher pull-out force [14].
Y1 = 4.304 + (6.973) X2 ; Two important factors, the MI design and the bone model, were
Y2 = 78.266 + (–8.213) X1 ; and not completely controlled in most previous studies [11,13,14]. Most
Y2 = 57.519 + (11.828) X2. of these used MIs from different manufacturers [11,13]. In addi-
tion to pitch variation, other design features varied considerably.
Moreover, the multivariate linear regression analysis revealed
Therefore, the differences between the MI geometric designs would
that the MIT and IS values were significantly influenced by the
impact the primary stability. Brinley et al. custom-made titanium
association between thread pitch and CBT (Table 3). The relative
MIs with 3 different pitches and evaluated the effect of pitch and
weight coefficients of pitch and CBT on MIT were –0.593 and 0.347,
flute on their primary stability [5]. Comparing the 0.75-, 1.0-, and
respectively. Accordingly, for IS, the relative weight coefficients of
1.25-mm pitches, no significant difference in MIT was detected in
pitch and CBT were –0.209 and 0.674. The equations used to cal-
their cadaver study. In contrast, in the present study, the MIs with
culate the MIT and IS values with the contribution of thread pitch
5 different thread pitches were custom made, with the other pa-
and CBT are as follows:
rameters kept constant. Our results revealed that MIs with smaller
Y1 = 13.626 + (–7.188) X1 + (3.993) X2 ; and pitches (0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 mm) presented a significantly higher MIT
Y2 = 61.940 + (–3.409) X1 + (10.414) X2. than those with larger pitches (1.0 and 1.2 mm). This difference
in findings may be a result of the variation in thread pitch in the
4. Discussion previous study being insufficient to demonstrate a significant dif-
ference between pitches [5].
MI design (e.g., diameter, length, shaft design, flute, surface The palatal area is an attractive site for an MI because of its
treatment, tip, and thread) is essential for its primary stability. surgical accessibility, attached mucosa, and adequate bone quality
The design of MIs in our study was based on findings in previ- [15]. In patients with thin buccal cortical bone or sinus pneuma-
ous studies [17–20]. The outer diameter and length were 1.5 × 8 tization, the palatal area becomes the first option for an MI site.
mm, respectively, because this size is commonly used for anchor- Palatal MIs have been used for various purposes, such as maxi-
age reinforcement in multiple areas, such as the interradicular area, mum anchorage, distalization of the maxillary dentition, protrac-
tuberosity, and palate. The recommended ratio of the outer and in- tion of posterior teeth, molar intrusion, and miniscrew-assisted
ner diameters is 1:0.68; therefore, a 1.0-mm inner diameter was rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) [23]. Palatal MIs can be used to
chosen in this study [20]. The thread was designed with a but- reinforce many appliances, such as a transpalatal bar, a rapid ex-
tress reverse thread shape that provides the greatest pull-out force pander, or a Pendulum [23]. In addition, a study reported that
[19]. Moreover, the MI tips were designed with a sharp and ta- palatal MIs have a significantly higher success rate than buccal MIs
pered point that can be inserted by both self-drilling and pre- [24].
drilling techniques. In the present study, all the MIs were success- The CBT of the palate can vary from less than 1 mm to 1
fully placed by self-drilling with a hand-operated screwdriver. cm, depending on the jaw, bone site, and biological factors of the
Currently, orthodontic MIs are made of 2 types of metal— bone [6,7,15]. The MI sites in the present study were chosen to
stainless steel and titanium alloy (Ti). MIs of these 2 materials be within the recommended areas located in the anterior part of
provide the same primary stability, biological response, and micro- the hard palate [15], staying 3 mm away from the median pala-
damage, therefore, both materials are suitable for immediate load- tine suture. In our study, the average CBT in the MI sites was 1.20
ing in clinical orthodontic treatment [21]. The success rates of each ± 0.30 mm, which was thinner than those reported in a previous
of these 2 materials are also similar [21,22]. In addition, stainless study [15].

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72 C. Budsabong et al / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 11 (2022) 68–73

CBT is critical for MI stability [6–8]. The high density of corti- and age at death cannot be controlled. Almost all donors of ca-
cal bone results in greater contact with the MI thread [11]. Greater davers in every study are senile, and some are middle-aged peo-
bone-to-implant surface area results in greater primary stability. ple, who are not the best representation of orthodontic patients
Miyawaki et al. found that thin CBT was associated with MI mo- [15,30]. These unavoidable factors might affect the primary stability
bility [8]. A high MI failure rate was reported when the CBT was and CBT. Moreover, using embalmed human maxillae in the present
< 1 mm; therefore, a CBT > 1 mm was required for adequate pri- study did not completely represent bone biologically or histologi-
mary stability [9]. In addition, a strong correlation between CBT cally. Further studies focusing on how the contribution of thread
and insertion torque and IS has been reported [25,26]. The higher pitch and CBT impacts the MI primary stability in living animals or
the CBT, the higher the MIT and IS that were found [11]. Similarly, in a clinical study, such as a split-mouth model, are required.
strong positive correlations were found between CBT and MIT and
IS in the present study. 5. Conclusions
Insufficient MIT affects the retention, whereas excessive MIT
causes microdamage to the bone, followed by bone necrosis and In this study, the thread pitch of an MI and CBT were found to
eventual MI failure [2]. Motoyoshi et al. recommended that the in- be strong predictors of MI primary stability.
sertion torque be at least 5 for an MI with a 1.6-mm diameter
[19]. However, an insertion torque above 23.0 might result in • The association between pitch and CBT significantly influenced
MI fracture [26]. A smaller pitch increases the bone-to-implant sur- the MIT and IS.
face area. Therefore, a smaller pitch should increase the MIT [5]. To • Pitch had a high negative correlation with the MI primary sta-
achieve sufficient insertion torque and avoid MI fracture, the op- bility. Smaller pitch exhibited higher MI primary stability.
timum thread pitch is crucial. In our study, a significantly higher • CBT had a high positive correlation with the MI primary stabil-
MIT was found in the 0.4-, 0.6-, and 0.8-mm pitch groups, com- ity. Higher MI primary stability was found with thicker CBT.
pared with the1.0- and 1.2-mm pitch groups. However, the MIT in • The MIT and IS tests demonstrated a pitch-dependent decrease.
every thread pitch group was in the optimum range. • A strong correlation between MIT and IS was detected.
IS analysis measuring the primary stability of dental implants
and using MI, by quantifying the bone–implant interface stiffness, Acknowledgements
are currently the best methods for clinically assessing IS [3,27,28].
High and low IS values are interpreted as high and low stability We express our appreciation to Professor Martin Tyas, Dr. Kevin
of the implant, respectively [25]. Two reliable analysis systems are Tompkins, and Assist. Prof. Soranun Chantarangsu for their valu-
commonly used for IS measurement: resonance frequency analy- able suggestions. This work was supported by the Faculty of Den-
sis (RFA) and damping capacity analysis (DCA) [29]. An RFA device tistry, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (Lecturer Fund-
transmits an electromagnetic frequency to the bone-implant inter- ing; DRF 62024).
face and interprets the vibration frequency and converts the results
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In addition, because of the limited number of specimens, the sex doi:10.1590/1807-3107BOR-2015.vol29.0042.

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C. Budsabong et al / Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 11 (2022) 68–73 73

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