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Part 1

Aspects of reality and talent TV shows

Nowadays, many of the reality and talent shows are broadcasted on TV programmes all around the
world. These programmes are being shown by each TV channel every day as the majority of people,
especially the adolescents as well, whether these shows have strengths and weaknesses.

Every time people watch these programmes, they perceive it is kind of interesting and entertaining.
These programmes have got a highest number of views every day as both adults and young people are
particularly partial to them rather than the other violence ones. Since they are entertaining shows, these
programmes are suitable enough for people who want to relax and watch something less stressful. For
this reason, they are being enertainment and appropriate for the viewers.

On the other hand, there are some people have been criticized for not being protective enough to the
participants who take part in these programmes. They are very entertaining to the audience but it can
cause stress and mental torture to the participants. Participants with mental illness are at risk and when
they fail, they might develop negative thoughts and their ego can be badly bruised off.

Of the two aspects mentioned above, the entertainment programmes are the most appropriate one for
the young people. They tend to watch entertaining talent videos online as part of their relaxation. And I
believe that these TV shows can influence on young people a lot.
Part 2

“APPLE” is better than ever

Trying to decide how to choose the most favorite one among the excellent products is kind of
complicated. Of the products I pick up, APPLE-branded is definitely better than the others. In this review,
I would like to mention one of the best products of APPLE which is known as AirPods Max.

I strongly agree that it is an impressive thing that I just bought a few weeks ago. I bought it just for
leisure since I can easily listen to music or carry it anywhere. When I saw it, what attracts me the most is
its fantastic design and build quality. I might say the cover looks like the back of an office chair and it’s
really soft and comfortable because of its aluminum cups. On top of one of the cups, there is a button to
raise or lower the volume. The cushions on each cup, there is noise cancelling feature which give you an
amazing experience to hear your favorite songs or movies.

As I experienced, I found that it is kind of heavy so you might be tired or sore if you wear it for a long
time. The most important one is the price of the product. I hope you all have know that the APPLE’s
products are totally expensive and it costs $549.

To sum up, I highly recommend it. Although the price is expensive, if you are on a budget, it would be a
good choice for you. And it might be the thing that you need in your daily life. I feel like the AirPods Max
will be a useful product in the future.
Part 2

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