I. Objectives:: Roles and Responsibilities

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TO: All Agents, Team Leaders and Operations Managers

DATE: July 6, 2020

CC: _______ (Sr Manager) and _______ (Program Delivery Leader)
SUBJECT: Estart – Agents, TLs, OMs and SOMs Job Expectations

I. Objectives:

To define roles and responsibilities of Agents, Team Leaders and Operations Managers in managing eStart (Time Keeping
System), this is also to identify and understand the prescribed disciplinary measures for failure to follow the roles and
responsibilities of eStart users.

II. Introduction

As EStart users, we directly impact Concentrix Financials by managing ESTART, our timekeeping system. It is our responsibility to
ensure 100% timecards accuracy of billable minutes to the client. This involves daily approval and scrubbing of agent’s timecards
by ensuring correct use of timekeeping codes and elimination of phone time variance. This should be in conjunction with Schedule
Adherence which entails utilization of IEX/NICE. Moreover, this activity is critical because it is Pay-Impacting: an accurate payout
is the result of timely and accurate timekeeping.

III. Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities

 Should not share password to anyone (Follow 5 Password Policy)
 Responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all time/activity code in
eStart which should align to Avaya activities
 Notify Team Leader of eStart correction by the end of your shift and
review timecard for accuracy after immediate supervisor has
completed correction
 Should not share password to anyone. (Follow 5 Password Policy)
 Review agent schedule a week ahead in NICE/IEX; send schedule
correction/alignment to Floor Coordinator Team at least 3 days
before the requested date
 Ensure that only active employees are on estart as well employees
who have reported back to work are already in estart for the
applicable pay period. Placing employees on Leave as well Return
From Leave transaction should be filed in a timely manner in WD.
 Scrub and approve DAILY eStart entries of agents (Use CMS tool to
validate and synchronize Avaya activities with eStart entries)
Team Leader
 Should not make any changes in Edit Agent Schedule unless
approved by Floor Coordinator Team (this applies for real time
schedule changes such as coaching, meeting, VGH, etc.)
 Review the last 3 days of Payroll summary to cover reverted
timecard approvals
 For eStart modification/ approval past 72 hrs (3 days), Team Leader
must send an email to Operations Manager for eStart override/
 Issue Disciplinary Action/ Progression for those who will fail to
follow Guidelines, Roles and Responsibilities.
Operations Manager/Sr  Should not share password to anyone. (Follow 5 Password Policy)
Operations Manager  Scrub and approve DAILY eStart entries of Team Leaders/ Interns/
 Scrub and Approve all email received from the Team Leaders which
are entries past 72 hours
 Ensure that LOA or Return from Leave have been processed by the
Supervisor in WD for the concerned employees by checking on the

TO: All Agents, Team Leaders and Operations Managers
DATE: July 6, 2020
CC: _______ (Sr Manager) and _______ (Program Delivery Leader)
SUBJECT: Estart – Agents, TLs, OMs and SOMs Job Expectations

LOA report sent by People Solutions.

 Issue Disciplinary Action/ Progression for those who fail to follow
Guidelines, Roles and Responsibilities.

Note: The SOM is responsible for this set of tasks if the program does not have
an OM and TLs report to an SOM or an OM program lead directly

IV. Disciplinary Actions

10.5 Neglect of Duty

Employees are expected to perform their job functions and to follow the work instructions of their management.
Acts of Negligence and/or Gross Neglect of Duty shall include but not limited to the following: Omission to
carry out or perform the duties, functions or assignment inherent to his position or specifically given to the
employee including any conduct of the employee not conforming to the applicable standards of care committed
during working time or on company premises tending to cause or resulting in personal injury, or damage to
property belonging to the Company or third parties or otherwise causing expenses to be incurred by the
Company. If warranted, the erring employee may be meted with either disciplinary action or restitution of
damage caused or both.

Violation 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Simple neglect of duty which means the failure to

give proper attention to a task expected from an
employee resulting from either carelessness or Written Final Written
indifference. Warning Warning Dismissal

Neglect of duty which means the failure to observe

the degree of diligence demanded by the situation
taking into consideration the time, place,
environment, among others thereby exposing the Final Written
company to unnecessary risk or expenses. Warning Dismissal

Gross and habitual neglect of duty, or the repeated Dismissal

failure to exercise the standard of care that a
reasonably prudent person would have exercised in a
similar situation or acting or omitting to act in a
situation where there is a duty to act, not
inadvertently but willfully and intentionally with a
conscious indifference to consequences insofar as
other persons may be affected thereby, causing or
tending to cause loss or damage to the Company or
injury to others. In the event of considerable
resultant damage to the company or to others, the

TO: All Agents, Team Leaders and Operations Managers
DATE: July 6, 2020
CC: _______ (Sr Manager) and _______ (Program Delivery Leader)
SUBJECT: Estart – Agents, TLs, OMs and SOMs Job Expectations

gross neglect need not be habitual to be accordingly


10.6 Fraud, Dishonesty and Similar Acts Prejudicial to Company Interest

Violation 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Logging-in or logging-out for another employee or

allowing another employee to log-in or log-out for
him/her, regardless of the time, place and
circumstances. Dismissal

Unauthorized reproduction or copying of company

ID or similar access passes (eg. car pass), falsifying or
tampering time cards, timekeeping punches or any
other time keeping records or drawing
salary/allowance by virtue of falsified time records. Dismissal

10.8 People Management

Managers must exemplify company’s desired values, behaviors and ethics. Managers are expected to be role models
and stewards of their team at all times and must carry themselves in a respectable manner whether inside or outside
the office premises.

Violation 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Failure of a supervisor or manager to act on an

infraction of this Code and/or the Global Code of
Conduct, by an employee under him/her in order to Final Written
protect the employee. Warning Dismissal

10.9 Insubordination

All company rules and regulations should be followed by employees. Any direct and lawful order given by a
supervisor relating to work assignment must be promptly obeyed. The following acts, though not exclusive, are
deemed to be acts of insubordination:

Violation 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Willful disobedience without justifiable reason by Dismissal

the employee of the lawful order/s of the supervisor
or by the Management in connection with the

TO: All Agents, Team Leaders and Operations Managers
DATE: July 6, 2020
CC: _______ (Sr Manager) and _______ (Program Delivery Leader)
SUBJECT: Estart – Agents, TLs, OMs and SOMs Job Expectations

employee's roles and responsibilities

I am accepting that I fully understood my duties and responsibilities outlined above, and that I am committing to delivering
on my principal expectations to the best of my ability.


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