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Topic 1: You are going to choose a place for self-study: at home, in the library, or
at the coffee shop. Which do you think is the best choice?

Introduction: …


Firstly, studying at the library is more beneficial than … because I can access many
learning resources. Libraries often have an extensive/huge (1) SỰ TẬP HỢP/ SƯU
TẬP of books, research papers. Therefore, when I study at the library, I can have a deeper
understanding of a lot of topics.

Secondly, studying at the library is more (2) HIỆU QUẢ than … because the library can
provide me with (3) MỘT MÔI TRƯỜNG YÊN TĨNH, so I can focus on my study and
complete all of my homework to catch the deadlines.

Finally, studying at the library is more (3) THÚ VỊ than … because it has an academic
atmosphere. I can (4) CÓ NHIỀU ĐỘNG LỰC HƠN to study when I sit near like-
minded learners. Therefore, I can have positive peer pressure and discussions to (5)

I don’t choose to study at the coffee shop because it is quite (6) ỒN ÀO, so I cannot
focus on my study effectively. How about studying at home? I cannot access a lot of (7) TÀI

Conclusion: …

Topic 2: Your cousin told you he was bullied at school. You have three choices:
informing his parents, reporting to the teacher, and speaking to the bully. Which
one do you think is the best choice?

Introduction: …


Firstly, reporting to the teacher is more practical than … because teachers can solve
the problem to protect my cousin immediately. In means that they can stop the bullying
behavior and prevent further harm to ensure the health/ well-being of my cousin.

Secondly, reporting to the teacher is more effective than … because bullying can lead
to serious emotional impacts on my cousin. Therefore, my cousin needs emotional
support from teachers so that my cousin will not feel lonely because he knows that many
people care about his health.

Finally, reporting to the teacher is more meaningful than … because it can raise
awareness within the school. Therefore, schools can educate students about the
consequences of bullying and the importance of respectful behavior to create
positive relationships in the school.

I don’t choose to inform his parents because they are very busy with their work, so they
cannot solve the problem immediately. How about speaking to the bully? I don’t think the bully
will change his behavior.

Conclusion: …

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