Interview Question For Third Officer

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Interview question for Third officer

1. Please, could you introduce something about yourself?

First of all, I’m very happy to be here.
1. MY NAME IS ……………………………..
I’M ……..YEARS OLD / I WAS BORN IN…………………………….

2. MY NAME IS ……………………………..
I’M ……..YEARS OLD / I WAS BORN IN…………………………….
2. What is your duty and responsibility as Third mate?
Here is my duty.
First: Keep navigational watch on bridge from 0800 – 1200, 2000 – 2400, to ensure safe navigation
Second: Daily, weekly, monthly maintain and replace LSA, FFE
Third: Assist chief officer for cargo & ballast operation and gangway watch
Fourth: Assist Master to prepare Arr/Dept documents and drill reports
Last: Station on bridge when vessel alongside or departure, act as order of Master/pilot.
3. Do you know about Colreg 1972? How many rules are there?
Yes, I do. There are 38 rules in Colreg 1972
4. What is rule No.5 name? What is rule No.5 information? What is all available means?
Rule No.5 named Look-out.
Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means
appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and or
the risk of collision
All available means are Radar, AIS, ECDIS, and VHF.
5. When you are navigating in open sea, if you see a vessel cross your ahead , CPA less than 1NM,
involve to collision, what is your action do be done to avoid collision?
In this case, risk of collision exist, I will follow rule no. 15, alter course to starboard, then cross her astern, keep
CPA more than 1NM, and take care until two vessel passed safely.
6. What is rule No.15 name? What is rule No.15 information? What is your action in crossing
situation? When you see a vessel with red light on your starboard side, which action did you do?
Rule No.15 named Crossing situation
When two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the other on
her starboard side shall keep out of the way and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing
ahead of the other vessel.
When I see a vessel with red light on starboard side, I will alter course to starboard side, to cross her astern, I’m
give-way vessel.
7. What is rule No.19 name? In restricted visibility, you are navigated in close quarter situation and
the risk of collision exist, what is your action should be avoided?
Rule No.19 named Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
Action shall be avoided:
+ An alteration of course to port for vessel forwards of the beam, other than for a vessel being overtaken
+ An alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the beam
8. What do you do when vessel navigate in restricted visibility?

First, I will inform to Master and notice to E/R

Second, I turn on restricted visibility signal (1 prolong blast within 2 mins)
Third, I turn on both radars, post additional look-out man, and navigate with caution.
9. What is exhibition of vessel constrain by their draft in daylight and at night time?
I shall exhibit where they can best be seen three all-round red lights in a vertical line at nighttime or a cylinder in
10. What is exhibition of vessel not under command/restricted their ability to maneuver at day time /
night time?
Two all-round red lights in a vertical line in nighttime / two black balls in a vertical line at day time.
11. What is showing light of towing vessel in restricted ability to maneuver?
Two all-round red lights in a vertical line at nighttime/two black balls in a vertical line at daytime,
Three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The highest and lowest of these lights shall
be red and the middle light shall be white
Three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The highest and lowest of these shapes shall be
balls and the middle one a diamond.
12. What is sound signal of vessel in restricted visibility making and no making through water?
Not more than 2 minutes one prolonged blast / not more that 2 minutes two prolonged blasts with an interval of
about 2 seconds between them.
13. How do you prepare bridge for departure/arrival?

Carried out testing GMDSS equipments (Navtex, Inmarsat C, MF-

HF/DSC, VHF-DSC, NBDP, VHF-portable )
Carried out testing/checking all navigational equipment ( Radar,
VHF-DSC, AIS, Steering gear, air-horn, ECDIS )
- Steering gear test :
+ Turn on power, switch to hand mode then steer
rudder to hard STB to P.
Test NFU mode also. => turning rate do not exceed 28
Carried out test Telegraph and trail main engine (ensure no cargo
operation, gangway & propeller clear )
Prepare Pilot Card and bridge is cleaned & tidy.
Informed to Master ( Bridge equipment & engine ready, Sir )
Completed departure / Arrival checklist
Record all activities to Log book.
14. How do you carry out testing steering gear? How long is turning rate of steering gear from hard
STB to hard port?
First: I turn on steering gear powers No.1 & No.2
Second: Switch to hand steering mode, then I steer to port 10 to starboard 10, and then turn hard port to hard
starboard. Then check rudder indicator.
Turning rate of steering is not exceed 28 seconds is acceptable as requirement.
15. Which cautions do you need to take into account when you are carrying out trial main engine at
First, I need to check propeller clear.
Second, I need gangway up and clear from any objects
Third, there is no cargo operation and mooring line is tight condition, man standby at gangway.
16. What is your duty when vessel is at anchor? How do you realize that anchor is dragged and what is
your action?
First, I will set swinging circle, if vessel out of that swinging circle, I can say that anchor is dragging
Follow the Master’s Standing Orders
Check on your own Ship and other Ships in the Vicinity
Check on the Ship’s position regularly
Display Appropriate Lights at night and restricted visibility
Constant VHF watch on local channel and channel 16 at all time
Notice to Master/engine room when anchor is dragged.
Ensure security patrol carried out hourly around the ship
1. Calculate the Swinging Circle
Swinging Circle (M) = L.O.A + Length of anchor chain – UKC

The swinging circle might vary with the changes in tidal levels and in weather.
However, it is important to have a fair idea of the radius around which the
ship might move about.
Base on swinging circle, if vessel out of this circle, we need to inform
Master/Engine room immediately.

Length of anchor chain / Cable = 27.5 meters

17. How do you carried out daily, weekly testing of GMDSS?
For daily test, I will carry out internal self test among equipment’s, DSC facilities test, transmit output power and
On/Off load test
- Off load test: disconnect all equipment (no equipment is connected) , and see battery should read 24 V
or slightly more.
- On load test: Turn off MF/HF-DSC, switch of AC power, turn on MF/HF-DSC, carry out test transmitting
on MF/HF then see voltage fall more than 10% on their indicate, we need to be recharged.

For weekly test, we need to carry out DSC facilities test with coast/shore station call over 1 of 6 distress& safety
frequencies (2.1875 MHz / 4.2075 MHz / 6.312 MHz / 8.4145 MHz / 12.577 MHz / 16.8045 MHz)
For monthly test: Carried out self test and external test of all GMDSS equipment (MF/HF-DSC, VHF-DSC,
Inmarsat C- PV test, EPIRB, SART, LRIT, NBDP, printer, VHF-portable, Navtex…).
Check all equipment antenna, reserved batteries….
18. What is requirement hour of work & rest per day as MLC 2006?
Maximum working hours a day is 14 hours
Minimum rest hours a day is 10 hours
19. What is requirement hour of work & rest per weekly as MLC 2006?
Maximum working hours a week is 72 hours
Minimum rest hours a week is 77 hours
20. What did you do in case of Chief Officer asking you work 16 hours in the period of 24 hours?
As I understand that, no one should work 16 hours in 24 hours period, except in case on emergency situation or
urgent as required, so I will follow C/O instruction and I will talk to him to compensate my rest time on the other
21. How many security levels are there on board? Please show each security measure which has been
applied on board?
There are 3 securities level on board, They are: level 1: Normal / level 2: Heightened / level 3: Exceptional
ISPS code : International Ship & Port Facilities Security Code

MARSEC Level 1 : Normal

Locking/securing access points
Using surveillance equipment to monitor areas
Thorough patrolling
Using alarm system to alert the ship’s personnel in case of unwanted entry

MARSEC Level 2 : Heightened

Establishing restricted areas in the vicinity of the access points
Continuously monitoring surveillance equipment
Additional personnel for patrolling said areas
MARSEC Level 3 : Exceptional

Setup of restricted areas near the access points at the highest level of
Searching for restricted areas as part of the ship search
22. What do you do at gangway when visitor come on board?
I will:
Check ID card, bag, items
Asking for purpose visit
Fill up information to visitor record book
Give them visitor card
Inform to duty officer/Chief mate/captain/…
Escort /accompany to designated area (ship office, Captain
cabin, officer smoking room)
Ensure gangway manned at all time.
Carried out security patrol each hour.
23. Who is SSO on board? What is SSP, DPA, CSO, restricted area on board?
SSO is Master or chief officer as company policy.
SSP means Ship Security Plan, SSO will hold SSP.
DPA means Designated Person Ashore
CSO means Company Security Officer
Restricted areas on board are Bridge, E/R, Acc, Store, cargo hold, Fresh water tanks, provision store….
24. Can you read at least 5 securities equipment on board?
They are VHF-DSC, Walkie-talkie, Fire hose, Knives, Bag scanner, secure fence…
25. In ISPS, what is a citadel space? Where is the location of your citadel space?
Citadel is a room where the crew of the ship can hide in case pirate attack on the ship or when the pirates are
aboard the ship.
Citadel space, which is depend on ship design as well as arrangement as per SSP, should be strong
construction that provide foods, water, effective communication with outside, first aid kit, remote control of
engine (main & auxiliaries).
26. How many annexes are there in Marpol 73/78?
There are 6 annexes in use and 4 annexes in proposal.

Annex I : Pollution by oil

• Annex II: Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances
• Annex III: Pollution by Harmful Substances in Packaged Form
• Annex IV: Pollution by Sewage from Ships
• Annex V: Pollution by Garbage from Ships
• Annex VI: Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
New proposed MARPOL  annexes are
Annex VII: International conventions for preventing pollution from ships by ballast water
Annex VIII: Regulation for prevention of pollution by antifouling paints from ships
Annex IX: Regulation for prevention of pollution by noise from the Ship
Annex X: Regulation for the prevention of pollution by vibration of the ship
27. How many types of garbage on board? Could we disposal food waste to special area? And how?
There are 09 types of garbage on board,
Food waste (All type of foods)
Plastic (bottle, bag, box, toy, can…made from plastic)
Domestic waste (Paper, glass, metal, crockery…)
Cooking oil
Incinerator ash ( incineration of Oily rags, used grease, paper…)
Operational waste (oily rag, grey water, bilge water, cleaning
Cargo residue (All type of cargo residue)
Special hazardous waste (chemical, slopped oil…)
E-waste (DVD, computer, CD, hard drive, speaker, cell phone,
Each type of garbage on board is shown by color code, please check
their garbage management plan for more detail.
Other than food waste need to disposal to port facilities.
Yes, we can but we need to follow disposal requirement.
Food waste (Ground/comminuted) : Dispose > 12NM within Special area, Dispose >3NM outside special area.
Food waste (not Ground/comminuted) : Prohibited discharging within Special area, Dispose >12NM outside
special area.
28. Can we dispose plastic into the sea? Where can we dispose plastic?
No, we cannot, dispose plastic into the sea is prohibited. We can dispose to port receptacle facilities Only.
29. How do you carry out weekly testing and inspection LSA?
1. All survival craft, rescue boats and launching appliances inspected to ensure that they are ready for
immediate use.
2. Lifeboat and rescue boat engines run ahead and astern.
3. General Alarm and Public Address Systems tested.
4. Lifeboats (other than free fall lifeboats) moved from their stowed position to demonstrate satisfactory
operation of the launching appliances.
30. How do you carry out testing, checking, inspection weekly of lifeboat?
As weekly inspection and testing, I carry out check all lifeboat hulls, tools, reflective tape, equipment’s,
steering….then carry out testing lifeboat engine more than 3 minutes, if weather is good, I will turn out from their
stowage position. After that, I will record all inspection into logbook.
31. How do you carry out checking, inspection FFA weekly?
I carry out visual check and test all firefighting appliance such as fire extinguisher, fire man outfit, EEBD, SCBA
bottles, fire alarm, fire doors, public address system…
32. What is your weekly inspection of fireman outfit and SCBA?
By visual check all fire man outfits tools and SCBA bottles to ensure cylinder gauges to confirm they are in the
correct pressure range, check low pressure alarm of SCBA, If pressure lower than 200mb, we need to refill to
ensure enough efficient air for rescue/firefighting.
33. Do you have any spare charges of fire extinguisher on board? How many percent are there apply
on board?
Yes, I do. Depend of each type of fire extinguisher on board. As per Solas requirement, spare charge for
portable extinguisher is 100% for first 10 bottles, and 50% of remaining.
34. What is abandon ship & fire alarm on board?
Abandon ship alarm is 7 shorts and 1 long blast on ship whistle and internal alarm system.
Firefighting alarm is continuous ringing
35. How long does lifeboat/rescue boat need to be launched and maneuvered in the water?
In every 3 months interval.
36. How long do we have to renew lifeboat fall wire?
The condition of fall wires should be inspected during drills, with special regard being given to areas passing
through sheaves and renewed when necessary or at intervals of not more than 5 years.

37. What does squat mean? What does squat formula?

1. What does SQUAT means?
Reduction of under keel clearance caused by ship’s
movement through the water.
Squat varies directly with breadth (doubling breadth doubles
Squat varies by the square of speed (doubling speed
quadruples squat)
Squat can be doubled when meeting another ship
Large block hull : Cb > 0.7
Fine block hull : Cb < 0.7

38. What does UKC mean? Which factor affects to UKC?

3. How to calculate UKC?
A. Base on charted deep
B. Current draft
D. Tide
E. Water density

UKC = (A + D)– (B+C+E)

Base on company Min. UKC requirement we can see this calculate UKC is
reasonable for navigate or not.
39. What does flag B mean?
 I am taking in, discharging, or carrying dangerous goods.
40. What does flag H mean?
I have a pilot on board
41. What does flag Q mean?
My vessel is healthy, and I request free quarantine.
42. What is your last company alcohol policy? What is BAC limited before taking watch as per STCW
My last company alcohol policy is zero alcohol. As per STCW 2010, minimum alcohol consumption is not
greater than 0.05% Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) or 0.25mg/l alcohol in breath.
43. What do you do during port watch/cargo watch?
I will:
First: Assist to chief officer for cargo, ballast loading/discharging sequences.
Second: Follow gangway watch procedure and ensure safe security, round patrol regularly.
Third: record all ballast & cargo loading/discharging activities, visitors or others into deck watch log book.

44. How many types of exchange ballast are there on board?

 Sequential: In this method the ballast tanks are emptied until the ballast pumps lose suction and then the tanks are further
stripped by eductor systems. This is followed by taking fresh ballast into the tank.
 Flow through method: In this method water in pumped into the tank and to allow it to overflow through the air vent or dedicated
overflow vents. Three times the volume of the tank is to be pumped through to get a 95 percent efficiency of exchange.
 Dilution Method: In this method the tank has two openings; water is pumped in from one opening and flows out through the
45. What does critical equipment mean? Which is critical equipment on board?
Critical equipment on deck such as: GPS, ECDIS, Radar, Steering gear, Gyro compass
Critical equipment inside E/R such as: Main Engine, Generator, purifier…
46. Tell me, which logbook does third mate need to know?
Third mate need to know: deck logbook, bell book, official log book, Compass error log book, radar log book,
GPS log book, GMDSS log book,
47. As per Solas 74, how many percent of crew change do we need to carry out abandon ship drill
before leaving port within 24hours?
The drills of the crew shall take place within 24 h of the ship leaving a port if more than 25% of the crew has not
participated in abandon ship and fire drills on board that ship in the previous month.
48. How do you record bell book?
I will record:
- Ship particular data such as: draft, date, time, port/location, position…
- Time of trial and testing main engine/equipments
- Time of pilot on embarkation/disembarkation.
- Engine movement by telegraph (Ahead/astern)
- Mooring sequences (First line, last line, all line let go, and all line fast, tug line…)
If requirement of port authority or company, we need to additional other information such as gangway down,
time of vessel to buoy No., last buoy passing….
49. How many types of mooring line are there on board?
There are 6 types of mooring line on board
They are:
Forward: Headline / fore breast line / fore spring line
Aft: Stern line / Aft breast line / aft spring line.
50. What does Single-up mean?
Single-up means remaining forward 01 headline & 01 spring line / Aft 01 stern line & springs line.
51. Have you ever prepared arrival/departure condition?
Yes, I have.
Before arrival/departure, we have to prepare it.
They contain as follow:
Port name / Date / time / draft / cargo / ballast condition.
ROB of fresh water, FO, DO, LO.
Time of pilot embarkation/disembarkation
Mooring arrangement, tug line….etc.
52. When do you see man over board, what should you do
1. Press M.O.B button on GPS
2. Call master and raise alarm
3. Steering to Man overboard to avoid propeller contact to crew
4. Action as situation happened and follow up muster list to rescue victim

53. When you see cargo damage what do you do?

1. Call master / C.O immediately
2. Call Forman / Stevedore and notice to crew/officers
3. Trying to stop loading/discharging if possible to avoid further damage
4. Take picture and record time incident to cargo operation log book
5. Follow up investigation as C.O, Master order

54. Do you have PCS inspection experiences?

1. Yes, I have it,
2. I experienced PSC inspection in Australia (AMSA, China PCS, Indonesia PSC, US coastguard…)

55. What PSC check 3.O items

1. Yes,
2. I experienced PSC inspection in Australia (AMSA, China PCS, Indonesia PSC, US coastguard…)
3. Check LSA, FFE, Lifeboat engine, food ration, fireman outfit, check drill, check SCB low pressure
alarm, launching lifeboat….
4. I do not have any PSC deficiency

56. When you see cargo damage what do you do?

1. Call master / C.O
2. Call foreman, stevedore
3. Trying to stop loading/discharging if can do\
4. Take picture and follow C.O order for investigation, report
5. Record all in cargo operation log book

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