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NAME: Warren Carlo G.

SUBJECT: Human Behavior in Organization

CHAPTER 18: Organizational Change and Stress Management

Critical Thinking Questions
1. The school you are currently attending is currently undergoing
some sort of change to adopt more closely with its environment.
Discuss the external forces that are driving the change. What
internal drivers for change also exist?
In that case, the external forces that pushes the school that I
am attending is the environment the school is exposed to. It can
be the weather, safety reasons, construction issues, etc.
Meanwhile, the existing internal drivers for change are the
officials of our school such us our principal, heads of every
department, etc.

2. Any form of resistance is a symptom, not a problem, in the change

process. What are some of the real problems that may underlie
The real consequences or problems that we may face is that
when some members of the society insist on not adapting to
changes, which might result for this member to not properly do
his/her tasks on achieving an organization’s goals. That means it
will also affect the performance of each member in an
3. Change is often not a welcomed reality and we often say that
individuals, like organizations, do not like change. For example,
who wants to change from a recently that individuals (perhaps
like organizations) are embracing change. Please give several
concrete examples of this phenomenon and suggest reasons as to
why his might be the case.

One of examples I can give regarding when a change is not

welcomed or not liked is when my mother and her co-workers
had a new supervisor a few years ago. She said that although they
gained new benefits, her supervisor’s attitude was not tolerable.
Considering that my mother’s has a good tenure in her job, she
had no choice but to get used to it. Another great example that all
students can relate to which is shifting from face-to-face classes
to online/distance learning. We can’t deny that a lot of students
and parents objected to this since this change is a lot to take in,
considering that we are still not used to pandemic.

1. Describe forces that act as stimulants to change.
The forces that act as stimulants to change includes nature of the
workforce, world politics, social trends, technology, and competition.
• Nature of the Workforce – firms and business organizations
should adapt to the various culture of their workforce. Failure
to adapt to this might cause a huge uproar in the near future
which will affect badly that’s why effort is done in order for the
change to be adopted
• World Politics – Companies that have business matters across
international boundaries are prone to change. An example of
this are territorial boundaries between nations and political
relationship between countries. Companies in different
countries are imposing different policies in accordance to the
law of the country they are situated in
• Social Trends – most business companies keep up with the
trends so that their businesses can be pulled up by the hype of
the society currently indulging that can affect sale and profits.
If change from social trend is not done, a company will make a
great opportunity to miss
• Technology – As time passes by, technology improves. We have
noticed that much more complicated machines are now used
and less human work force are needed in most of
manufacturing businesses. That’s because technology makes
the manufacturing process easier and more cost-friendly.
• Competition – competition is inevitable in the market place.
Having a competitor being too competitive might cause for an
organization to catch up, which results to change

1. Describe the sources of resistance to change.

There are two types of sources of resistance to change. These
are individual resistance (talks about the source of resistance to
change according to a person) and organizational resistance (source
of resistance to change according to an organization).

• Habit – changes that will affect a personal habit of an
individual will have a conflict, therefore resulting into resistance
• Security – if the change is considered either as a threat of
security or will put an individual in danger, resistance is expected
• Fear of the Unknown – unfamiliar events or happenings that
cause changes in an organization will put individuals at worry for
the reason that they can’t foresee a certain result if something
bad will happen
• Economic Factors – one of the most concerning economic
factors for individuals in a business company or firm is the amount
of their salary. Decreased amount of salary can result into
• Selective Information Processing – Different individuals is
expected to have different thoughts to different situations or
matters. Having a change where an individual doesn’t agree to it
will result into resistance
Organizational Resistance
• Structural Inertia – refers to the probability of an
organization to maintain the current situation by means of
resisting changes from the current or existing situation

• Group Inertia – it is a source of resistance that roots from

when a change in a group is not accepted, therefore results into

• Limited Focus of Change – Changing something will also

result into affecting other factors in some ways. If there’s only one
change to be done, it will not match for the others, therefore
nullifying the change and resulting into resistance
• Threat to Expertise – changes in an organization result into
threatening the expertise of specialized groups. This results for
specialized groups to resist.

• Threat to Established Power Relationship – Passing the

decision-making authority have a possibility to damage the long-
established power relationship inside an organization. This results
to resistance

• Threat to Established Resource allocation – certain groups

in an organization who has the authority over the resources tend
to have control over some parts of an organization. This results
into resistance.

2. Summarize Lewin's three-step change model.

There are three steps in Lewin’s model which are unfreezing,
movement, and refreezing.
1. UNFREEZING - This first stage of change involves preparing the
organization to accept that change is necessary, which involves
breaking down the existing status quo before you can build up a
new way of operating.

2. MOVEMENT - After the uncertainty created in the unfreeze stage,

the change stage is where people begin to resolve their
uncertainty and look for new ways to do things. People start to
believe and act in ways that support the new direction.

3. REFREEZING - When the changes are taking shape and people

have embraced the new ways of working, the organization is
ready to refreeze. The outward signs of the refreeze are a stable
organization chart, consistent job descriptions, and so on.
The refreeze stage also needs to help people and the organization
to internalize or institutionalize the changes. This means making
sure that the changes are used all the time
4. Explain the relationship between Lewin's change model and Kotter’s
plan for implementing change.
The relationship between Lew Explain the relationship between
Lewin's change model and Kotter’s plan for implementing change is
that they are similar but Kotter’s plan for implementing change but the
three sections similar to Lewin’s is subdivided into three steps. Both
models/plans involve on initially being open for the change, enacting
and practicing those changes, and fully accepting these changes as the
status quo.

5. Explain the values underlying most organizational development (OD)

The values underlying most organizational development efforts include:
• Respect for People
This is the most basic thing to do whether interacting in
public or inside an organization. Respecting other individuals in an
organization will result into receiving back the respect you have
shown. Organizational development is expected in this since
respect results into better relationship inside the organization.
• Trust and Support
Trust and support are essential for an organization. With this,
other members of an organization can increase the morale of
their co-members which might lead to a more successful and
productive performance. This also established good relationship
with other members similar to the first OD effort.
• Power Equalization
There should be an appropriate amount of power over other
members of an organization. Abusing one’s authority over other
will result into a dysfunctional conflict.
• Confrontation
Being not afraid to address concerns through confrontation helps
an organization to develop. With these, concerns or problems are
resolved as early as possible, preventing for much more complex
issues to happen
• Participation
A team is not a team if one is not functioning. In order to fully
maximize the potential of an organization to grow, participation
of every member or employee in a business should work and
contribute something
6. Describe potential sources of, and ways of managing, work stress.
There are two types or sources of stress:
• Challenge Stress – the stress an individual experience from
works, tasks, duties, etc. This can be taken positively
• Hindrance Stress – the type of stress that arises from
obstacles or problems a person experience on achieving his/her
I personally think that stress is sometimes good for a person to
experience, but only on a certain level. Stress can be handled
individually by means of time management techniques, exercises,
clearing mind for a while, or taking a short break. An individual can also
approach his/her workplace so that they can assist on solving the stress
their worker is currently having.

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