First Test MQP I Pu

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Time:1-30 hrs I PUC Physics (33) Max Marks:35

General Instructions:
1. All parts are compulsory.
2. Answers without relevant diagram /figure /circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.
3. Direct answers to the numerical problems without detailed solutions will not carry any marks.


I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL of the following questions. 7x1=7

1. Among the following, name the fundamental unit in SI system

(a) joule (b) newton (c) watt (d) amphere

2. The number of significant figures in 6.023X1023

(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four

3. The slope of velocity-time graph is:

(a) velocity (b) speed (c) acceleration (d) displacement

4. The acceleration of a body moving with uniform velocity is:

(a) increasing (b) zero (c) constant ( d) decreasing

5. The projectile has maximum horizontal range for the angle of projection:
a) 900 b) 300 c) 600 d) 450

6. SI unit of impulse of force is:

a) Ns-1 b) Ns2 c) Ns-2 d) Ns

7. Propulsion of rocket is based on

a) Newton’s first law (b) Newton’s 2nd law (c) Newton’s 3rd law (d) Galileo’s law

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer given in the bracket for ALL the
following questions. 3x1=3
(Zero, joule, two)

8. The SI unit of the work and energy is ..................................

9. The motion of a body in plane is also called................ dimension motion.

10. The body is said to be in equilibrium, if the net force on it is............................


III. Answer any TWO of the following questions. 2x2=4

11. Mention any TWO uses of dimensional analysis.

12. Draw position-time graph for an object (i) at rest (ii) moving with positive velocity.
13. State and explain parallelogram law of vector addition.
14. Mention any two types of friction.


IV. Answer any TWO of the following questions. 2x3=6

15. Write any THREE uses of v-t graph.

16. Derive expression for rectangular components for a vector in X-Y plane.
17. Derive the relation F=ma.
18. Mention any THREE methods to reduce friction.


V. Answer any TWO of the following questions. 2x5=10

19. Derive the equatin of motion V2= V 02+2aX using v-t graph
20. What is projectile? Show that trajectory of a projectile is parabola
21. Obtain expression for centripetal acceleration.
22. State and prove the law of conservation of linear momentum.

VI. Answer any ONE of the following questions. 1x5=5

23. A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 100m. How much
high above the ground can the cricketer throw the same ball?.
24. A constant force acting on a body of mass 3kg changes its speed from 2ms -1 to 3.5ms-1
in 25s. The direction of motion of the body remains unchanged. Find the magnitude of
the force and the direction of the acceleration.




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