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My name is Gréta and I am talking about a movie called a dog’s purpose.

This movie is very moving for me it tuches me emationally. This movie shows life a
dog’s viwepoints. The main character is a dog, called Baily who has four life. In these
lives he is searching the meaning of life while he accompanies four person for a short
period of time. The very first owner was a child whom he grew up whit together. The
next owner was a policeman whoes life he has saved while they were on duty. His
third partner was a college girls whom he grew old with her, but didn’t have as close
a relationship as with his first owner. Then is his last life was a couple took him, he
was chained and then trhow up. In the ending he has discovered the meaning of life
whiches to protect his owners and with their everywhere. He was walking the streets
and found his way back to Eten his first partner and he has lived the rest of life with
I love this movie because its amazing and really szentimentally and I like to watch
these kind of movies when I’m upset because it makes me cry and after I will feel

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