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Environmental problems nowadays


Climate Change

Climate change is a very big problem for our planet now. The burning of fossil fuels

and cutting down trees have made the air dirty and trapped heat in the sky. This

makes the world hotter and causes strange weather and ice to melt in the North

and South poles. The rising water level in the sea is dangerous for towns near the

ocean and animals living there.

Dirty Air: Air Pollution

Air pollution is another big problem for cities around the world. When we burn fossil

fuels, factories and cars release dirty stuff into the air. It makes a thick cloud called

smog, which is not good to breathe. Breathing in dirty air can make people sick and

hurt the plants, animals, and nature too.

Cutting Trees: Deforestation

Deforestation is a big issue because we cut down many trees for farms, cities, and

wood. This hurts many animals and plants because they lose their homes. Trees

are also important to clean the air and help with climate change. We must take

care of forests and the animals that live there.

Plastic in the Sea

Plastic in the oceans is a very serious problem. Every year, lots of plastic waste

goes into the sea. This is harmful to the fish and other sea creatures. They might

eat the plastic by mistake and get sick or die. Even humans can be affected

because small bits of plastic get into the food we eat.

Not Enough Clean Water

Water is very important, but in some places, there is not enough clean water. Using

too much water for farms and factories, and throwing dirty things into the water has

made it scarce and polluted. This is dangerous for people's health and the life in

the water. We need to be careful with how we use and protect water.

Copy and answer all the questions in your notebook.

Important: The activity will be received ONLY in the notebook not in isolated

pieces of paper.


a. Copy and answer the questions with your own words:

1. Why is climate change considered a significant problem for our planet?

2. What are the main causes of climate change mentioned in the text?
3. How does air pollution affect both human health and the environment?

4. Why is deforestation a concerning issue for animals and plants?

5. What are the consequences of plastic pollution in the oceans for marine life

and humans?


b. Match the environmental problem with its description:

6. A. Climate Change

7. B. Air Pollution

8. C. Deforestation

9. E. Water Scarcity

_____ Some places suffer from this problem due to excessive water usage,

pollution, and lack of clean water sources, endangering both humans and aquatic


_____ This problem is caused by burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees,

leading to unusual weather patterns and rising sea levels.

_____ This problem involves cutting down trees for various purposes, affecting

animals and the environment.

_____ It occurs when factories and cars release harmful substances into the air,

creating smog and causing health issues.


b. Select the correct answer:

10. What are the two main causes of climate change mentioned in the text?

a) Cutting down trees and overusing water

b) Burning fossil fuels and deforestation

c) Air pollution and throwing dirty things into the water

d) Using too much water and plastic pollution

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