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1. Introductions

2. Goals to achieve in poultry farming business.

3. Challenges that affect poultry farming

4. Roles of macro environment in business

5. Conclusions

6. References


Small business is the one that operates on a modest scale with fewer resources, employees, and
operating expenses. These are companies that can be found with a reasonable investment in that
sector and are not market leaders in their respective fields of activity.


I’ve made the decision to start a chicken selling business. When I first started my poultry farming
business, I carefully considered the appropriate land to use and the best kind of chickens to select.
The poultry farming industry is divided into numerous operations, such as pullet farms to produce
meat or farms to produce eggs. In order to maximize output through the sale of eggs and other
product like chicken feet and livers, the poultry farming industry needs a highly focused individual. If
done correctly and using ethical practices, poultry farming can be very profitable. Although starting a
poultry farm needs a significant amount of capital, the potential for profit is substantial. A quality
housing system is crucial for the poultry farming industry. The profitability of the poultry industry is
increased by a proper housing system, which also protects chickens from harm. Half-litter, deep-
litter, semi-fold, and battery cages are the most widely utilized types of poultry housing systems. In
my business I have 25 employees and they are doing different jobs. In my poultry farming business, I
am facing many challenges that affect the growth of my chickens for example diseases outbreak,
environmental changes. My poultry farming business is a sole proprietorship.


There are two objectives that I intend to achieve with my poultry farming business. Firstly, I want to
provide more income and open more job opportunities for others. Secondly, I want to make sure
that I provide the best quality of chicks.



You will notice that the government in several African countries has little or no interest in the poultry
farming industry if you look attentively. Poultry farming is less essential to other economic sectors,
hence the government the government is less concerned about it, which discourages poultry
producers. Even the government provided assumed agricultural loan cannot be accessible because
of the strict requirements attached. Therefore, if you are interested in starting a poultry farming
business, you must be willing to work independently without seeking assistance from the



Disease transmission is unavoidable in dirty environment. Chickens and other birds are very sensitive
to changes in the environment. The hens will be susceptible to illnesses like bacterial infections, if
the poultry environment is not maintained. Therefore, it is your responsibility as a poultry farmer to
maintain a clean and uncluttered environment for the chickens. You must refrain from bringing in
infected tools, and shoes. You must always deworm your chickens and you must regularly inspect
them for ectoparasites like mites. Visitors should not be permitted in the poultry environment and
always wash your hands before handling your chickens.


Chickens consume a lot of food, which is expensive. Therefore, most poultry farmers limit or save
money on the food they feed their chickens, which has an impact on their productivity. Another
difficulty for poultry entrepreneurs is the markets oversupply of contaminated food. This is because
contaminated eggs lack the nutrients chickens need to grow properly, which affects their healthy
and lower their resistance to diseases.


Capital is the most aspect to take into mind. Like any other type of business, poultry farming needs
sufficient and reliable financing. This is because your ability to invest a significant amount of money
will have a significant impact on your level of success in the poultry farming industry. Having enough
cash would enable you to construct equipment that would increase your productivity. Success as a
livestock farmer, particularly in the poultry sector, is difficult without adequate capital. You require
cash to purchase the farm’s land, construct and equip the farm, hire and pay staff, and feed and tend
to the chicks. Without sufficient funds, you would find it difficult to keep your firm operating but
with an adequate cash, business is made easier.

Macro environment are group of external factors that have favourable or negative impact on a
company’s development efforts. Macro environments are composed of six components: social,
political, ecological, demographic, technological, economic. These factors, which are regarded as
being uncontrollable, affect the functioning of business.



Natural disasters and environmental variables like climate change have a big impact on the chicken
farming sector. Natural disasters including hurricanes, floods, and droughts can lead to the damage
of poultry production infrastructure, the loss of poultry products, and decreased corporate
profitability. The poultry business is also impacted by climate change since changing weather
patterns can have an impact on the type and availability of feed and water for chickens. Climate
factors including temperature, humidity, rainfall and wind have a big impact on poultry production.
Extreme heat can reduce productivity and degrade the quality of feed by causing mortality. For
poultry, a sufficient water supply is crucial, and a water scarcity can affect the health and
productivity of chickens. In addition to ensuring sufficient hydration, access to clean water lowers -
the risk of disease. For production of crops used for animal feed, arable land with relatively few
vegetation is required.

Economic factors

These elements are crucial to the poultry farming industry’s profitability, sustainability, and
expansion. Production cost are an important economic factor that influence poultry farming. The
expense of inputs including feed, medication, electricity, and labour eats away at chicken’s farmers
profitability. Poultry farmers find it challenging to compete as a result of the increased costs of these
inputs. In some nations, there is less of a market for poultry products, which result in cheaper costs
and decreased profitability. Demand and pricing may change as consumer tastes for organic or free-
range poultry change. The price of poultry goods may change due to industry competition, which
would reduce profitability. If poultry farming business exports its goods to other nations, the
exchange rate of the money used within may have an impact on the income.


Due to their effects on market demand and supply, these factors are crucial to the poultry farming
industry. The demand for and consumption of poultry products are influenced by demographic
factors like population, growth, age, income and culture. For instance , rising populations result in
higher demand for poultry product, especially in new countries where there is a rising trend toward
diet high in protein .The demand for chicken products is also influenced by age and income , with
younger individuals and those with high salaries often consuming more poultry products than older
people and those with lower incomes .Demand for poultry products is influenced by culture as well
as some cultures have dietary restrictions that prevent them from consuming certain kinds of meat.


These elements significantly affect the poultry farming industry as well. Government rules pertaining
to animal welfare, zoning, and environmental requirements all have an impact on poultry producers.
A business viability may be impacted by political considerations. Trade laws and international
agreements affect the price of feed, production costs, and sales. The poultry sector may be impacted
by government rules, policies, and incentives. For instance, modifications to import and export
regulations may alter the market for regional poultry products, while government incentives like tax
reductions may have an impact on money earned. A regions production and distribution of poultry
products may be impacted by political changes and instability, which could result in shortages and
price increases.


Social variables can affect the type of chicken produced, the production processes used, and the
price points such as shifting consumer preferences for organic and free-range goods. Culture and
religion can have an impact on the sort of poultry produced, the methods of processing ,and the
marketing techniques .The production and marketing tactics of firms engaged in chicken farming can
be influenced by social variables such as public perception and concerns about animal welfare .The
adoption of environmentally friendly procedures and packaging materials in the production and
marketing strategies of the poultry farming industry can be influenced by social issues including
environmental concerns. The availability of labour for the poultry farming industry may be
influenced by social variables like demographic shifts and migration trends.

These elements greatly contribute to the profitability general effectiveness, and output of the

poultry farming sector. Technology advancements have made it simpler to manage chicken farms,
reduce costs, and boost production quality. Automated poultry technology has reduced labour costs
while making it simpler for farmers to handle trash, feed, and water. Automatic feeder and water
systems are used to guarantee that chicks have a regular supply of food and water, which improves
their wellbeing and productivity. The use of genetic engineering has also made it possible to
generate disease-resistant which is essential for the control of diseases. In order to monitor the
temperature, humidity levels and air quality in the poultry house, environmental monitoring
technology has been integrated into the poultry farming industry.


Business’s success or failure is greatly influenced by macro circumstances. For a firm to succeed, it is
important to fully understand the external elements that influence it. Businesses are more likely to
achieve their goals and stay competitive if they are aware of macro environmental changes and can
adapt favourably to them. This includes changes in economic, political, social, technological,
environmental, and legal issues.


1 Google scholar(

2Introduction to business by Erasmus; BJ; Strydom

3 Biosecurity for poultry: VME Factsheet 2001

4 Bantam Standard :2006. American Bantam Association; P O Box 127

5 A guide to better hatching: 1975. Strober publishing company

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