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‘TRUONG TRUNG CAP ¥ KHOA PASTEUR 6 y TE CONG DONG ‘Thoi gian thye tip: TH ngay..4f.lo4.L 2022. én ngay...d@./02. Loa22._. ‘TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR © Loi MG pay ois lb ime dia Bc din. “the de dic th bk bie. Lil. tng. ogiek 4- Avid. Me doco -csig. ci ff nghi dl. fbi [When guip clo. “ig ad agli ae te het aig, hn He de dae acta is Lain d-link in le de_abet ned nga is th, vow Aa seth ae Abie. dhoat.. ya wai. fin rane y tabs, ad Beg sine ha i Ai ig ge ins ra oes il. in hla il) kein cde, ae. oe og kein, hn. a oe bes oe arom a Alle ag dat Bom. ya “anid niga “det. kts Aah, ce cat. ti hd. nbd sida Pie hase LD i, albino du. mean loi ben Chait yg y. (he hende b ig DY, Cbain.phutihe bho: deg cl. ch. tie bigen a di... catan._Ade. ee. mag. itt..ict.._.heres...chué id Laing. cb a4 (Mhite...alh dung Coc. beiy dud tad fo aes. obs G ae cha Td ares nf he te Je anig ana! Tea f hag al in Aiea png. ~ Cia cle da. Hl ‘TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR ad chute. niing.,nbiéo_Ui oe “ia onp bane, PN. as “nit Geek hea fC dé. Hy chao cu Lhe. sbi lh es hi ih “ala ta siiin dat teh.» He disk bad fie ont é Fr oF ‘Woe aha toa ee eet te fan Hide... a ie able. Li is “in at he dp =m Tie ‘dic ae. oi _sle_ndv Mil. cobsvia. La. tla ae pup ae cachd. Pak ch ane Ke aya Ti Nin 7p bil obit Ade. 2mm rin chsh Ahad Can. a. Ting tle Satis. din eta ca agp Lael 7 sedge? ae as . AE Du CROs . fe ae ec, ee a “hp. “Mika ott ay bows 1 7 Chit. od nbn“. 2 Cli. Hg fhe mathe aie sla Boose pind tin bi A ud, ei data, Lee Ee chic = Z -mane ‘ ta das at ua... niet. theo OR a aes ink ig an ete at 2 fg TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR © chit. 2 ale tay Le ta...buc tip chine ie uted Bali tlc ten Pike, “Yp_Hak MN RSs ae =ehe) Whiter Hh dain. rie, lids Caé. ere a oe is ee 2. Bema. ve Aa A S Hladtbat. Tle gpa sich bey da ally rm = { Meook wi. fia... chkon. cle ip td ae dean ms Seer tei aha ee “hag Sa Zip as ae — qs “ilg tacoy de ae ke ae Bika -s ii Msi a aon beatae ve oad i 4 ; i ey pl Zhe Le ora yl id bade TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR, 2 hig dn-qud lh ees sk iin da i de be a, Z serieee bp tee — a pia deb cle : “ni hla d ie 2 aa Bid ate. = Han a in. set — af pas ly don. see ae 2a eae bik. id Git. oe ee CD aheple a pe — —_ — toe da i staged te Lalu ‘opti ée think. ay (heat. deg le lee ti th a thi Baia ies al 2 <= 4 hae esi Ail. Fu ide pi a oid ae See ibn... hii. Ae pte! 2G. chisau_gaae (it. es, tig ei chin ee TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR © ti Mies. che when. din aw de in 02 Ab nea de heel digcia awn. glé-plasig thy hak. a aim ——en._ngay Moderna, baten_y Ke Hep Miok_gix De eas veg a tpl 5 © ‘TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR b Whi ta cia. m0 uc Pa “tit men al ne dig ds dn. tLe sina hae tp dan nas (otal si gf i es Tel diye” thf Tei bob hbas ibaa lg i fd iy ib wy aba. aa up be al iat ch an é Tithe aha pind} eer ee he tip ei ig, —— Ki. “tthe! Ahi. lage ban dei. @. ftetie.Clia. Lt te! Bet. Kean. wale it ae he pam “icy tig. re Fo ag te s Aah, loig— Vid. han, a hig lop Mah. Sie TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR Hite. dita Aca phen cag ciian_bam hg Ai es ee et ig i.e. hutch anit 26. hatool, Ditch tule hom. gon Wb en fat ae olan iam bik '% phi bel ini tea _u ia be Ml A cing dim. id ic de tan 7 gare Pere ince et en da a nil Attia tdi. Hita. ds, de bttche.,...ogutts gia, Dé todte _ “nl bid aL Ti nc bl fag Uy ae oe ~ any He ha a ae ap ta bat. Lie. Leyak 6p 2 ha Ml le. Lip. =i te fcc Nhung chica “Did. ities i. ares gun dry whid de da. dab. as pin hate SH oe (hing, cin. obits Se ak AE pa tat nd gk Abu... i. d gp Mette, 3 Ga He. ip ole. “abil ob di A La eds fe dauegt 2 ain.£.254.) case ce in-ce Ste do ial ts = 5-24] Lanse — Langue ping ice al afk. neat had fel bing ch fe BE aad piiddtiag. dai Le vain Ail tit Ie wal ts Id. (4022 = 22d Lanne. Tha gia chi sce, BOE, dln pte be Pitas il ee egy cde. Lo Toi dui fy teat ata. Ahn i. ham _ Lip. th Lit0...tirg dae! Ah. do, pha_ jee gain shad, Tn as i chy a ad hit. lua ul Sha. Heh ta lect tain sa. 3 inp. ane ghde Ee Tyga ba Newn..sésadl Anka. chit di chi_ccih_ aw TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR © ghibink ain vin ti. chs oe/4 Lovo. ~clenclyp. tant. 4 P-sip clay thiit_de_ druid tli aghe bb de yg diasn dip gp bLtlaear 2 oe a 2 hcltere cht AS fd [002 a EL lds fai. gen ohn a sty ii. he ie thao tee..chais..cdlec fog gs 4 ep pfs clas = 0h gin bi Aik ing be a oe distbica I toh abe Ail. play pe. — Ay gt no NS the ae as re rreeel fi Vin ba, hla tik es tain dit... hori, ape wget Ay at eset his._, doin dh. de. bin. pie has cand = aie ap (dedi don tude. rau, Mu. th. ee Mindi bl dates. ph gu cp bowes : 2 Si dung acta ait ae ce el oe ag deg id? es ai a Hs ahil de ~2A88C, cach nhau. eT Le Si. chug. ig auch Anaaye imu. Prog a Es Py cl pape NN = wie se er iy alah S He 3 =e ei Bp iin de pig aa = iad Adp_bé_phé Nam He. 46m. Xsir0 biphi Anal il? es ot ie Bat bie! yay iy er Dnsol_do.sth_ubicci’ Bc da an = i “hat. Bete isthe. a as “din..» aiuike ee ae ——bltig. nbc. tdi a - ti ae a he nibble (Le ig he ugh Ue hole Sar 3 ngiy tein ei) nit ‘bel ticrg din He ay ‘TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR © Chea ROT wt twih dei. dachir, fis hey We Mathew G vi _—llguyii_ The _Dithe- Ao. Lad Si plain hp Mii “ple Yi Bei ae he [it...i acl, tae. Tei. tle th. achat ie sou Hh i dh nah Hit. dil cp fio abst cle 320. fue hy. Ted ft Lai bain Mig cil. is. Bondi... ——Gpla bexin ling tO sie tp Sie i a ti a St ae titan —t ee fea be eh ui L Mei. «12 hi. ee Hs, ap Keng li a tel it dp Wei. Ai ste Lag at de DU io cc AD. ate ct hab My ae lhe Ge pie fp" Ba ig. Day “haa Bei ae tat ee aig ale sae wr 7 & ae pf. at Kter..Co0b. Ll Le. ie. ang Kick y he. Oe des ee fiat Yea Lit te Hal | Mair... Lhat- che. Ge Sikes fh he ld. cls hace ida Eade te 2 1RUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR S tig te Me me quan dela. chi cai ct. Xa Kb chy Les. aa che nari cee . oo da Se mad ae PGT th.£é.med oat tially Mees atthe. de tho ich. YS ye nee, re 5. af di lO es ba ral. mang tha en Aah cia ith tei lhe ii stein Lp =p oe hag tb foe Si aie ch! a aa : ak a hic the bin 6S. ee ‘ast nbaud pe win Li ie rer ‘bin tithe. S — ree At tei. cho. tn Tea _ ah ‘TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR © 6S Poice ait Hoy 26 Mime fe. os (a Stopbin «fers 5. Coo es Nag ol 4G" ah ohe__ ae 0 Se hot wei dd SE dem pve hth an igh an igi date. hi . vad a Cin Tie Life 4, i lop tlge —Claig a: Tk Aye ici, be. each. ga 22 ‘TRUONG TRUNG CAP Y KHOA PASTEUR dik. tnthdn thet. phere, ve sik mic tuiotig @-Mewi. wig ha age de Lin ti thi aang bei ~ Aig ai de tins. tf Aud. dig. ye th gi esi the a coat Tha dit. bon Lik Bish sn cha Bcd Cob tsp. Atala es di diag dei. ds die th tage bah ech Cth he clip Hat de, di tlie dink dit. thee oe bial. pai deka Pic. Lote fp. in.gutcfa ab.2ach, bs ae Gi KET. PaetiaN rf ak ss Qua thepin. apa. Ahte Lir0.46 i. dae y te phaiig Np Mab. odie tlh meee ae bite Sai nbatty, Mea bac dade di, ue clung nde wheats. guts. Fp de. Alig: ash mie pad ites bin vata th citn $0. cia nil ei pate mai vate 2S Pee ig J CM thy dltde.ngeti_yite chi._thich. rhie.caie pli. Mat. Ait. chi_.nganh, Tes hoy pkg ge ea alu. sd deg. th. — paves walls thong bch chaste the cing tip ta plas Mey Mink sig chain... dui..lhce. han. i, oie dé. ip Ft howe digas agic. oki: dain. sha.Aérh_16--ploig ching. dick ksh... ban. ble uit site. Ahea ditt, de “head hg leg ley cia. dea dep Mahan gin de Log-pheladc- ~fisen fe pug clad. ving. ce eh tah gy hii. Bat bie}. nei. Aah Sibi fthacnt ti dba Mt i Liah date. dit. Di. 23

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