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Amal International School

152, Dharmarama Road, off Havelock Road, Colombo-6.

Grade 3 REVISION NOTES – March 2020 ICT

Chapter 1 – Evolution of Computer

The early computers:

1) Abacus
This was the first calculating device found by the Chinese people.
It used beads to do counting.

2) Difference Engine
This was created by Charles Babbage (father of computer) in 1822
and it performs various mathematical functions.
Later, he also found a machine called Analytical engine.

3) Mark 1
This was the first electronic digital computer to handle all four
arithmetic operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division).
This was the first general purpose computer that used vacuum tubes
as its technology.
It was very large in size and expensive.

This was created in 1951 and was faster than Mark 1 and ENIAC.

Lady Ada was known as the world’s first computer programmer and she
wrote the program (a series of commands) for Charles Babbage’s
Analytical engine.
Prepared by: Ms. Farwin Grade 3 - ICT Page 1 of 4
Chapter 2 – How does a computer work?

A computer works according to the IPO cycle (I- Input, P – Process and O –

What is input?

Data and instructions given to the computer are called input.

Data and instructions can be given by input devices such as keyboard.

What is process?

Changing raw data into meaningful output.

Processing takes place in the Central Processing Unit (CPU).

What is output?

The result given after processing.

The results are displayed by output devices such as monitor.


Prepared by: Ms. Farwin Grade 3 - ICT Page 2 of 4

Light pen Monitor

Joystick Printer

Web camera Speakers

Key board Projector

Scanner Plotter

Chapter 3 – Inside the CPU Tower

Useful parts of the CPU that help with processing:

1) Microprocessor - An electronic component that helps a computer to do its

work. It is divided into two parts such as:

I. Control Unit (CU) – controls the flow of data.

II. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) – handles all arithmetic

computations and comparison operations.

2) RAM (Random Access Memory)

Data (information) in the RAM can be read and written quickly in any
Data in RAM will be lost as soon as the computer is switched off.

3) ROM (Read Only Memory)

ROM is used to tell (give instructions) to the computer how to start.
Prepared by: Ms. Farwin Grade 3 - ICT Page 3 of 4
Unlike RAM, it keeps its data even when the computer is turned off.

4) Motherboard
This is the main circuit of the computer and all other components are
connected to the motherboard.

5) Hard disk
This is the main storage of the computer and it stores large amounts of
Data stored in hard disk is permanent and is not lost until the user erases

6) Computer fan
This prevents the computer parts from getting overheated so that it
does not get damaged.

Prepared by: Ms. Farwin Grade 3 - ICT Page 4 of 4

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