Devops Serberless Terms

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MATERIALS Glossary of DevOps Serverless Computing

Term Definition
A cloud computing model where the cloud provider
manages the infrastructure, automatically scaling and
Serverless Computing
allocating resources based on the demand without the
need for server management.
A serverless computing model where developers can
Function as a Service
deploy individual functions or pieces of code that are
executed in response to specific events or triggers.
A computing paradigm where the execution of code is
triggered by specific events or actions, often used in
serverless architectures to trigger function executions.
A company or service that offers cloud computing
Cloud Provider resources and services, including serverless computing
The ability of a system or application to handle
Scalability increasing workloads and scale resources up or down
to meet changing demands.
The capability of a system or application to
automatically allocate and deallocate resources based
on demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost
An architectural approach where an application is
Microservices divided into smaller, independent services that can be
developed, deployed, and scaled independently.

1 Copyright© 2023, ZaranTech LLC. All rights reserved

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MATERIALS Glossary of DevOps Serverless Computing

Term Definition
The process of packaging an application and its
dependencies into a container, providing a lightweight
and isolated runtime environment for easy deployment
and scalability.
A serverless service that acts as an entry point for APIs,
enabling developers to define, deploy, and manage
API Gateway
APIs with security, rate limiting, and request/response
A feature of serverless computing platforms that
automatically adjusts the number of function instances
Auto Scaling
based on the current workload and defined scaling
The process of coordinating and managing the
execution of multiple functions or services in a
serverless architecture to accomplish complex tasks or
A practice of managing and provisioning infrastructure
Infrastructure as resources using machine-readable configuration files,
Code (IaC) enabling automation and consistency in infrastructure
The delay experienced when invoking a serverless
function for the first time or after a period of inactivity,
Cold Start
as the platform provisions the necessary resources to
handle the request.

2 Copyright© 2023, ZaranTech LLC. All rights reserved

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MATERIALS Glossary of DevOps Serverless Computing

Term Definition
A development practice where developers frequently
Continuous merge their code changes into a shared repository,
Integration (CI) allowing automated build, test, and deployment
processes to be triggered.
An extension of continuous integration where changes
Continuous to code are automatically deployed to production
Deployment (CD) environments after passing automated testing and
quality assurance.
The process of observing and collecting data on the
performance, availability, and health of serverless
applications, allowing for proactive issue detection and
performance optimization.
The practice of capturing and storing records of events,
activities, and errors generated by serverless functions,
helping with troubleshooting, auditing, and
performance analysis.
A system for managing and controlling user access to
Identity and Access
resources and services, including authentication,
Management (IAM)
authorization, and permissions management.
A contract between a cloud provider and a customer
Service Level that outlines the agreed-upon service levels,
Agreement (SLA) performance guarantees, and support provided by the
cloud provider.

3 Copyright© 2023, ZaranTech LLC. All rights reserved

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MATERIALS Glossary of DevOps Serverless Computing

Term Definition
An approach to infrastructure management where
Immutable infrastructure components are never modified in
Infrastructure production, but instead, new instances are created with
updated configurations.
A deployment strategy where two identical production
Blue-Green environments, referred to as blue and green, are
Deployment created, allowing for seamless switching between them
with minimal downtime.
A set of rules and protocols that allows different
API (Application
software applications to communicate and interact with
each other, enabling data sharing and functionality
The practice of using software tools and scripts to
Infrastructure automate the provisioning, configuration, and
Automation management of infrastructure resources, ensuring
consistency and efficiency.
A deployment strategy where a new version of an
application is gradually rolled out to a subset of users or
Canary Deployment
servers, allowing for monitoring and mitigation of issues
before full deployment.
A component or service that generates events that
trigger the execution of serverless functions, such as
Event Source
changes to data in a database or incoming messages in a
message queue.

4 Copyright© 2023, ZaranTech LLC. All rights reserved

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MATERIALS Glossary of DevOps Serverless Computing

Term Definition
The ability of a system or application to continue
operating and providing services even in the presence
Fault Tolerance
of failures or errors, often achieved through
redundancy and failover mechanisms.
The entry point or network traffic gateway into a
system or application, often used in the context of
serverless computing to refer to the routing and
handling of incoming HTTP requests.
An open-source framework that simplifies the
Serverless development, deployment, and management of
Framework serverless applications, providing abstractions,
templates, and automation capabilities.
The adherence to legal, regulatory, and industry-
specific requirements and standards related to data
security, privacy, and governance, ensuring the
protection of sensitive information.
The process of converting data into an unreadable
format using cryptographic algorithms, preventing
unauthorized access and ensuring data confidentiality
and integrity.
The distribution of incoming network traffic across
multiple servers or resources to optimize resource
Load Balancing
utilization, improve performance, and ensure high
availability of applications.

5 Copyright© 2023, ZaranTech LLC. All rights reserved

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MATERIALS Glossary of DevOps Serverless Computing

Term Definition
An architectural approach that leverages serverless
Serverless computing to build applications and systems,
Architecture eliminating the need for traditional server provisioning
and management.
The practice of securely storing, managing, and
distributing sensitive information, such as API keys,
Secret Management
passwords, and certificates, to ensure the
confidentiality and integrity of data.
The process of systematically scanning and analyzing
serverless applications, infrastructure, and
Security Scanning
dependencies to identify and remediate security
vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
The practice of capturing and recording the path and
execution flow of requests and transactions through a
serverless application, allowing for detailed
performance analysis and debugging.
The risk of being tightly bound or dependent on a
specific cloud provider's technologies, services, and
Vendor Lock-in
APIs, limiting the ability to switch to alternative
providers or architectures.
The process of identifying and implementing strategies
to minimize cloud resource costs while maintaining the
Cost Optimization
required performance and scalability levels for
serverless applications.

6 Copyright© 2023, ZaranTech LLC. All rights reserved

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MATERIALS Glossary of DevOps Serverless Computing

Term Definition
A database service specifically designed for serverless
architectures, providing automatic scaling, pay-per-use
Serverless Database
pricing, and seamless integration with serverless
computing platforms.
The integration of security practices and principles into
the DevOps culture, workflows, and processes,
ensuring that security is considered throughout the
software development lifecycle.
The process of fine-tuning and optimizing the
Performance performance of serverless applications, including
Optimization latency reduction, response time improvement, and
resource utilization optimization.
The practice of collecting and analyzing metrics and
Infrastructure logs related to serverless infrastructure components,
Monitoring enabling proactive identification of issues and
performance bottlenecks.
Analytical capabilities integrated with serverless
computing platforms, allowing developers to process,
Serverless Analytics
analyze, and gain insights from large volumes of data in
a serverless environment.
The process of managing and controlling user
Permission permissions and access rights to resources and services
Management within a serverless computing environment, ensuring
proper data and system security.

7 Copyright© 2023, ZaranTech LLC. All rights reserved

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MATERIALS Glossary of DevOps Serverless Computing

Term Definition
The practice of managing and tracking the dependencies
Dependency and versions of external libraries, frameworks, and
Management modules used in serverless applications, ensuring
consistency and compatibility.
The practice of codifying compliance policies, controls, and
requirements into machine-readable code, enabling
Compliance as Code
automated compliance validation and enforcement within
serverless deployments.
The practice of testing serverless applications and
functions to ensure their functionality, performance, and
Serverless Testing
resilience, often involving unit tests, integration tests, and
end-to-end testing.
The ability to gain insights into the internal state and
behavior of serverless applications and infrastructure,
combining monitoring, logging, and distributed tracing for
comprehensive visibility.
The implementation of security measures and best
practices in serverless architectures to protect against
Serverless Security
threats, vulnerabilities, and data breaches, ensuring the
confidentiality and integrity of data.
The practice of collecting, analyzing, and visualizing real-
time metrics and logs from serverless functions and
Serverless Monitoring
infrastructure to gain insights into performance,
availability, and usage patterns.

8 Copyright© 2023, ZaranTech LLC. All rights reserved

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