Works Approval: Environmental Protection Act 1986, Part V

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Works Approval

Environmental Protection Act 1986, Part V

Works Approval Holder: Karara Mining Limited

Works Approval Number: W5545/2013/1

Registered office: Level 8, London House

216 St Georges Terrace,

ACN: 070 871 831

Premises address: Karara Minesite Beneficiation Plant

General Purpose Lease G59/38, Mining Lease M59/644 and M59/645
as depicted in Schedule 1.

Issue date: Thursday, 16 January 2014

Commencement date: Monday, 20 January 2014

Expiry date: Saturday, 19 January 2019

The following category/s from the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 cause this
Premises to be a prescribed premises for the purposes of the Environmental Protection Act 1986:

Category Approved premises

Category description production or production or design
design capacity capacity
Processing or beneficiation of metallic or
non-metallic ore: premises on which –
(a) Metallic or non-metallic ore is
crushed, ground, milled or
05 otherwise processed; More than 5, 000, Not more than
(b) Tailings from metallic or non- 000 tonnes per year. 12,000,000 tonnes per
metallic ore are reprocessed; or annual period.
Tailings or residue from metallic or non-
metallic ore are discharged into a
containment cell or dam.
Subject to this Works Approval and the conditions set out in the attached pages.

Date signed: 17 December 2015

Alana Kidd
Manager Licensing – Resource Industries
Officer delegated under section 20
of the Environmental Protection Act 1986

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Works Approval:W5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File No: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0668v2.9
Works Approval Conditions
1 General
1.1 Interpretation

1.1.1 In the Works Approval, definitions from the Environmental Protection Act 1986 apply
unless the contrary intention appears.

1.1.2 In the Works Approval, unless the contrary intention appears:

‘Act’ means the Environmental Protection Act 1986;

‘annual period’ means the inclusive period from 1 April until 31 March in the following year;

‘CEO’ for the purpose of correspondence means;

Chief Executive Officer

Department Administering the Environmental Protection Act 1986
Locked Bag 33

‘Premises’ means the area defined in the Premises Map in Schedule 1 and listed as the
Premises address on page 1 of the Works Approval;

‘Schedule 1’ means Schedule 1 of this Works Approval unless otherwise stated;

‘Stage 1’ means the construction of Phase 1 being the raising of the existing Temporary Wet TSF
embankment using the downstream construction method as described in “Karara Mining Limited.

‘Stage 2’ means construction of Phase 2 being the expansion to the south of the Temporary Wet
TSF as described in “Karara Mining Limited. KML MINE SITE TEMPORARY WET TAILINGS

‘Works Approval’ means this Works Approval numbered W5545/2013/1 and issued under the
Environmental Protection Act 1986; and

‘Works Approval Holder’ means the person or organisation named as the Works Approval
Holder on page 1 of the Works Approval.

1.1.3 Any reference to an Australian or other standard in the Works Approval means the
relevant parts of the current version of that standard.

1.1.4 Any reference to a guideline or code of practice in the Works Approval means the current
version of the guideline or code of practice.

1.2 General conditions

1.2.1 The Works Approval Holder shall construct the works in accordance with the
documentation detailed in Table 1.2.1:

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Works Approval:W5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File No: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0668v2.9
Table 1.2.1: Construction Requirements
Document Parts Date of
Karara Mining Limited All 07-11-2013
Application for Works Approval: Beneficiation of Metallic Ore
(Category 5) CORP –EN REP-1023
Karara Iron Ore Project All 01-10-2013
Addendum to Mining Proposal Years 1 to 6 (Registration ID
Amendments to Tailings Storage Facility
G59/38 CORP-EN-REP-1019
Works Approval Application Form as verified All 19-11-2013
Email Rhys Houlihan to Lindy Twycross subject title: P4 Form - All including 15-09-2015
amendment to wet tails facility approvals attachments
Karara Mining Limited. KML MINE SITE TEMPORARY WET All 28-08-2015
Note 1: Where the details and commitments of the documents listed in condition 1.2.1 are inconsistent with
any other condition of this works approval, the conditions of this works approval shall prevail.

2 Information
2.1 Reporting

2.1.1 The Works Approval Holder shall submit a compliance document to the CEO following the
construction of each of Stage 1 and Stage 2 and prior to commissioning of the same.

2.1.2 The compliance document shall:

(a) certify that the works were constructed in accordance with the conditions of the
Works Approval; and
(b) be signed by a person authorised to represent the Works Approval Holder and
contain the printed name and position of that person within the company.

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Works Approval:W5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File No: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0668v2.9
Schedule 1: Maps
Premises map
The Premises is shown in the map below. The pink line depicts the Premises boundary.




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Works Approval:W5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File No: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0668v2.9
Decision Document
Environmental Protection Act 1986, Part V

Proponent: Karara Mining Limited

Works Approval: W5545/2013/1

Registered office: Level 8, London House

216 St Georges Terrace,

ACN: 070 871 831

Premises address: Karara Minesite Beneficiation Plant

General Purpose Lease G59/38, Mining Lease M59/644 and M59/645

Issue date: Thursday, 16 January 2014

Commencement date: Monday, 20 January 2014

Expiry date: Saturday, 19 January 2019


Based on the assessment detailed in this document, the Department of Environment Regulation (DER),
has decided to issue a works approval. DER considers that in reaching this decision, it has taken into
account all relevant considerations and legal requirements and that the Works Approval and its conditions
will ensure that an appropriate level of environmental protection is provided.

Decision Document prepared by: Clint Joseph/Lindy Twycross/Cathy Scheib

Licensing Officers

Decision Document authorised by: Alana Kidd

Manager Licensing – Resource Industries

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Decision Document: W 5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File Number: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0669 v2.7
Decision Document 1
Contents 2
1 Purpose of this Document 2
2 Administrative Summary 2
3 Executive summary of proposal 4
4 Decision Table 7
5 Advertisement and Consultation Table 11
6 Risk Assessment 12

1 Purpose of this Document

This decision document explains how DER has assessed and determined the application for a works
approval or licence, and provides a record of DER’s decision-making process and how relevant factors
have been taken into account. Stakeholders should note that this document is limited to DER’s
assessment and decision making under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. Other approvals
may be required for the proposal, and it is the proponent’s responsibility to ensure they have all relevant
approvals for their Premises.

2 Administrative Summary

Administrative Details

Works Approval
New Licence
Application Type
Licence amendment
Works Approval amendment

Activities that cause the premises to become Category number(s) Design capacity
prescribed premises Not more than 12 000 000
tonnes per year
Application verified Date: N/A
Application fee paid Date: N/A
Works Approval has been complied with Yes No N/A
Compliance Certificate received Yes No N/A
Commercial-in-confidence claim Yes No
Commercial-in-confidence claim outcome

Is the proposal a Major Resource Project? Yes No

Was the proposal referred to the Environmental Referral decision No:

Protection Authority (EPA) under Part IV of the Yes No Managed under Part V
Environmental Protection Act 1986?
Assessed under Part IV
Is the proposal subject to Ministerial Conditions? Yes No Ministerial statement No: 895

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Decision Document: W 5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File Number: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0669 v2.7
EPA Report No: 1436

Does the proposal involve a discharge of waste Yes No

into a designated area (as defined in section 57
of the Environmental Protection Act 1986)? Department of Water consulted Yes No

Is the Premises within an Environmental Protection Policy (EPP) Area Yes No

If Yes include details of which EPP(s) here.

Is the Premises subject to any EPP requirements? Yes No

If Yes, include details here, e.g. Site is subject to SO2 requirements of Kwinana EPP.

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Decision Document: W 5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File Number: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0669 v2.7
3 Executive summary of proposal
The Karara Minesite Beneficiation Plant (the Premises) is located within the Blue Hills Ranges in the
Midwest region of Western Australia. The Premises is within the Shire of Perenjori and is approximately
80 kilometres (km) east of Morawa, and 320 km north-east of Perth. It is situated entirely within
Unallocated Crown Land, managed by Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) under Section 33(2) of
the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984.

The minesite area is relatively isolated with the nearest residence being the Karara Homestead which is
approximately 7 km from the Premises.

The beneficiation plant consists of a crushing plant (primary and secondary crushing), screens,
separators, chemical treatment facility (primary, secondary and final concentration) and Tailings Storage
Facility (TSF).

Karara Mining Limited’s (KML) proposed primary disposal of tailings from the beneficiation plant is via dry-
stacked tailings material. The tailings material, with a moisture content of less than 20% moisture, is
stacked to a final height of 90 meters over a footprint of 250 hectares (ha). No embankments or pipelines
are required for the management of this material due to its inert dry nature.

A wet tails TSF (TSF1) has been constructed within the larger dry TSF for disposal of tailings with a
moisture content of more than 20%.

TSF1 is a paddock type (consisting of perimeter embankment) and was constructed to store up to 3.6
million tonnes of wet tailings. The embankment is designed as a single stage continuously constructed
embankment with material borrowed from surrounding areas. The external foot print of the TSF1
embankment was constructed to occupy an area of approximately 60 ha with an additional area to
accommodate drainage, top soil stockpiles and other infrastructure such as pipelines.

TSF1 was not lined due to the benign nature of the tailings. The embankments for the wet tails TSF1 were
constructed from existing dry tailings material mixed with clayey/silt sub-soil material which was
compacted to restrict seepage. Obvious significant seepage paths identified within the storage area during
construction were treated to minimise seepage losses.

The risk assessment of the dry and wet tailings was assessed as low due to the inert nature of the tailings
and drill holes within the wet TSF footprint demonstrate a minimum depth to groundwater of 36 m.

Any potentially impacted surface water runoff from the TSF landform is directed to a retention pond
designed to accommodate flows from a 1-in-100-year, 72-hour rainfall event. The potentially impacted
water is then pumped back to the processing plant or used for dust suppression within the facility.

Dry stack material will ultimately cover the wet tails facility after the closure of the wet tailings facility.

Excess water from the wet TSF1 is drawn from the surface using a standard floating suction design and
pumped via a HDPE pipeline network back to the processing plant process water tanks, for reuse within
the processing facility.

Karara now propose to extend the existing TSF1 to the south and construct a down-stream raise from 8 m
to 16m at its deepest edge (see Figure 1 below). The external foot print of the TSF Phase 1 and 2
embankments will occupy an area approximately 104 Ha. Both the extension and raising of the facility will
be located entirely within the existing approved disturbance footprint for W5545/2013/1.

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File Number: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0669 v2.7
KML has confirmed:
 All management measures in the existing works approval and licence documentation remain
 Operational monitoring and management, as detailed in the existing works approval and licence
documentation remain applicable; and
 Closure commitments, including care and maintenance, in the existing mining proposal remain

The Department of Mines and Petroleum approved the TSF lift and extension on 21 October 2015, via
Mining Proposal MP Reg ID 56329.

The TSF is located over low porosity granite, mafic and ultramafic rock. The hydrogeology of the region is
described in the Geological Survey of Western Australia 1987 as “bedrock with no primary porosity or
permeability,” indicating that groundwater yields are likely to be very low. Groundwater salinity at existing
monitoring bores within the vicinity of TSF range from 600 to 81,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

KML commissioned Graeme Campbell & Associates Pty Ltd in 2007 to conduct geochemical testing on
process-tailings samples. Tests for characterisation of acid-base properties were undertaken, comprising
acid neutralization capacity; pH buffering; net acid generation and mineralogy assessment

Test results on the acid-base chemistry of the tailings samples indicated that the sulphide-sulphur content
of the samples ranged from 0.06 to 0.13%, correlating to a very low maximum acid generation potential of
about 2 to 4 kg H2SO4 eq/tonne. Acid neutralisation capacities ranged from 27 to 50 kg H2SO4 eq/tonne
and exceeded the acid generation potential by a large margin. The pH buffering results indicated that for
circum neutral pH buffering, the available acid neutralization capacity is much less, at 5 to 15 kg H2SO4
eq/tonne. Thus available acid neutralisation capacity exceeds the acid generation potential and therefore
the tailings samples are considered to be non-acid forming. Net acid generation (NAG) test results confirm
that the tailings sample are non-acid forming with pH results from 7.8 to 8.4. Any combined tailings
product will therefore also be non-acid forming.

Elemental compositions of the tailings samples were found to contain low levels of leachable salts and
were slightly enriched with respect to arsenic and selenium. GCA concluded that the material did not
represent a significant risk of leaching under neutral pH conditions.

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Figure 1: Location of the extended wetTSF1 within Approved Dry-Stack TSF

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4 Decision Table
All applications are assessed under the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the Environmental Protection Regulations 1987, and DER’s Industry
Regulation Emissions and Discharges Assessment Framework. Where other references have been used in making the decision they are detailed
in the decision table.

Works Condition Number Justification (including risk description & decision Reference Documents
Approval / W = Works Approval methodology where relevant)
Licence L = Licence
General W1.2.1 Construction Application supporting
Conditions L - conditions Construction requirement documentation has been updated documentation.
under this amendment to incorporate design information for Environmental
Phase 1 of the works (downstream lift of wet TSF) and Phase 2 Protection Act 1986
(expansion to the south).

In addition, the condition referencing the Code of Practice for the

Storage and handling of dangerous goods has been removed as
part of Departmental reform and updates to licence templates.
No other changes have been applied to this section. All
hazardous substances are stored in accordance with 'Australian
Standard 1940 — The Storage and Handling of Flammable and
Combustible Liquids (AS 1940 — 2004).’

The licence includes conditions relating to basic wet-tailings
management such as containment infrastructure requirements,
and TSF inspection. The Licence will be updated to latest format

Emissions W – no conditions No specified conditions relating to emissions are included Application supporting
General in the works approval or licence. documentation

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Decision Document: W 5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File Number: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0669 v2.7
Works Condition Number Justification (including risk description & decision Reference Documents
Approval / W = Works Approval methodology where relevant)
Licence L = Licence
Point source W - no conditions No significant point source emissions to air are anticipated Application supporting
emissions to during construction or operation of the extended wet TSF1. documentation
air including
monitoring Environmental Protection
(Unauthorised Discharges)
Regulations 2004.

W – no conditions Operation and Construction Application supporting

L - condition There will be no point source emissions to water during documentation
construction or operation of the extended TSF1. The nearest
Point source surface water body is approximately 750 m from the
emissions to beneficiation plant. Potentially contaminated stormwater runoff
surface water from the TSF landform is diverted to a retention basin to the east
including of the TSF.
L1.3.1 of the licence requires that all potentially impacted runoff
from the TSF landform is diverted to the above basin.

W – no conditions Application supporting

There will be no discharges or emissions to land during
construction or operation of the extended TSF. No conditions
relating to emissions to land or the monitoring of such emissions
are required to be added to the works approval or the licence.
Emissions to Environmental Protection
land including (Unauthorised Discharges)
monitoring Regulations 2004.

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Decision Document: W 5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File Number: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0669 v2.7
Works Condition Number Justification (including risk description & decision Reference Documents
Approval / W = Works Approval methodology where relevant)
Licence L = Licence
W – no conditions Construction and Operation Application supporting
No point source emissions to groundwater are authorized under documentation.
the Works Approval.
Point source Environmental
emissions to There is potential for leachate to impact groundwater from the Protection Act 1986
groundwater wet tails TSF1. W5545/2013/1 provided the assessment that it
including considered unlikely to have any significant environmental
monitoring impact. The extension of TSF1 does not provide reason to alter
the assessment given the groundwater is at least 36m below
ground level at the site of the wet TSF.

W – no conditions Construction and Operation Application supporting

L - condition Adherence to the ‘Karara Corporate Standard Environmental documentation.
Fugitive Plan – Dust Management Plan’ as specified by condition 2.3.1 in
Emissions the Licence will remain applicable during construction of the TSF Environmental Protection
lift, during the TSF extension, and for its operation. Act 1986

Odour W – no conditions There will be no odour emissions during construction or Application supporting
operation of the extended TSF1. No odour conditions are documentation.
required to be added to the works approval or the Licence.
Protection Act 1986

Noise W – no conditions The closest sensitive land use is approximately 7 km from the Application supporting
Premises. Karara Mining Limited are required to comply with the documentation.
Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997. No additional
conditions are required to be added to the works approval or the Environmental
Licence. Protection (Noise)
Regulations 1997

Monitoring W – no conditions There are no monitoring conditions in the Works Approval. TSF1 Application supporting

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Decision Document: W 5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File Number: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0669 v2.7
Works Condition Number Justification (including risk description & decision Reference Documents
Approval / W = Works Approval methodology where relevant)
Licence L = Licence
General is being extended within the approved dry TSF footprint. General documentation.
monitoring conditions of the Licence apply to the disposal of
treated wastewater.

W – no conditions No monitoring of inputs or outputs is required due to the Application supporting

Monitoring of construction of the lift/extension to TSF1, or its operation. documentation.
inputs and

W – no conditions No process monitoring is required due to the construction of the N/A

Process lift/extension to TSF1, or its operation.

Ambient W – no conditions No ambient quality monitoring is required due to the construction N/A
Quality of the lift/extension to TSF1, or its operation.

Meteorological W – no conditions No meteorological monitoring is required. N/A


Improvements W – no conditions No improvements are currently required. N/A

Information W2.1.1 – W2.1.2 Compliance documents are required to be submitted for each N/A
stage of the works. However, if the works are completed
concurrently, one compliance report addressing both stages will
be accepted.
L - conditions Licence reporting conditions remain applicable for the extension

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Decision Document: W 5545/2013/1 Amendment date: Thursday, 17 December 2015
File Number: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0669 v2.7
Works Condition Number Justification (including risk description & decision Reference Documents
Approval / W = Works Approval methodology where relevant)
Licence L = Licence
of the TSF1.

Works N/A No change has been made to the Works Approval duration N/A
Approval during this amendment as it expires Saturday, 19 January 2019.

5 Advertisement and Consultation Table

Date Event Comments received/Notes How comments were taken into
7/12/2015 Proponent sent a copy of draft No comments Not applicable
instrument via 21 day letter

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6 Risk Assessment
Note: This matrix is taken from the DER Corporate Policy Statement No. 07 - Operational Risk Management

Table 1: Emissions Risk Matrix

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File Number: 2013/003979 IRLB_TI0669 v2.7

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