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About - Looker for Truth

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LOOKER FOR TRUTH Seek the Truth, and Be Saved. About Contact

To my dear readers,

This blog, like any other, has a purpose, and like every other blog, too,
it differs from the others in some of its ways. In this “About” page
the writer will attempt to concisely state this blog’s main themes,
concerns, and intentions.

The foremost purpose is, as can be inferred from its name, to seek
and promulgate the truth – the love of which is a unique gift which
our bene�cent, omnipotent, omniscient God has bestowed upon
humanity, and which it behooves us to seek, preserve, and promote.

More speci�cally, it is to foster curiosity, and civilized and intelligent

thought and discussion, regarding the subjects of race, eugenics,
heredity research, and the Jewish Problem, and moreover, to prove
that such topics, which typically arouse such unworthy feelings
among the masses, are possible, and worthy of, civilized and
intelligent speculation, analysis, and dialogue, and to both examine
and reexamine social problems from the views especially of biology,
psychology, history, and philosophy.

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About - Looker for Truth

When partaking in matters of what the present writer views to be of

prodigious importance for the well-being of our world, yet which
arouses such profound controversy, we must never forget that our
words – of those who seek and love what is true – are being
watched by those with malicious intentions, who wish to defame us,
execrate us, and suppress us in every possible way. Yet, the truth in
these matters, in the opinion of the writer, must be pursued –
pursued by those who recognize the vital importance of that which
is in danger of dying – and with it, the inevitable endangerment of
the welfare of humanity itself.

As with any other domain, a spirit of sacri�ce and providence is

necessary. There will be ostracism, hatred, and all kinds of attempts
at suppression. The writer is prepared to deal with the risks, with the
hope of spreading the truth to others who are curious in these �elds,
or who likewise feel an obligation to expend the time and the energy
to getting these truths more widely known – and, ultimately, as it
were, “to weave these truths into our social fabric.” An intelligent and
sympathetic community of men and women to discuss these issues
is necessary.

We must not forget that the discussion of such topics as race,

eugenics, and the Jewish Problem often involves the most primitive
instincts from which the masses, and even, it would seem, the vast
majority of so-called educated persons, seem to be unable to
escape – towards a newer, more beautiful light of reason, and of an
obligation to make these facts more widely known even at the
expense of detestation, and of ostracism.

The reader may rest assured that what is written of here is that
which the writer himself has sincerely considered either to be the
truth, or to be a conjecture worthy of some degree of thoughtful

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About - Looker for Truth

consideration. He, however, makes no claim to being entirely

accurate with all that he says. Mistakes are bound to be made. He
welcomes all intelligent and respectful commentary and correction.

The writer has decided that the aforementioned topics – viz., race,
heredity research, eugenics, and the Jewish Problem – are of such
momentous signi�cance for the future of mankind that he has
decided to devote a life of inquiry and pursuit concerning such
matters. To expect the present writer, or any other man or woman
capable of intellectual and moral advancement, to remain stagnant
regarding the issues herein concerned is impossible. The writer –
and he hopes, the reader too – will expect to revise his views in the
light of better evidence.

The writer likewise makes no claim to the possession of any

advanced degree or other such “professional quali�cations”. On the
other hand, what he does claim is that he speaks from the
quali�cations of personal knowledge, reason, and experience.

As with all other �elds, the domains of racial research, eugenics, and
the Jewish Problem will depend for their advancement on the
insight of men and women who are capable of discussing these
subjects in a civilized way. Yet if the number of persons able to
maintain respectable discussions in mathematics or physics is
small, it is still smaller in the �elds of racial research, eugenics, and
the Jewish Problem, where the passions are far more liable to
overpower and obfuscate the more re�ned human senses. It is
imperative that those who feel a similar sense of duty in the pursuit
of such �elds come together, share their opinions and knowledge,
and ask questions. I encourage such persons to converse with me.

Finally, the writer has no intention of reaching the masses with his

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About - Looker for Truth

blog. Though he risks appearing vain, the writer has little faith that
the public can do much in the way of advancing our understanding
in such topics. We have nothing less than the word of our Lord Jesus
Christ, admonishing us not to “cast ye your pearls before swine, lest
they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you”
(Matthew 7:6). While the writer wishes modesty, he can only
encourage those with the curiosity and the ability to discuss these
things to initiate dialogue.

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