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(AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment – Let´s

go shopping!

Anghello Aguilar Quesquén Alexis Jesús Vílchez Purihuaman

Link de Youtube:
Alexis (Shopkeeper): Good morning! Welcome to our hardware store. How can I
assist you today?

Anghello (Customer): Hi! I'm looking for some tools for a home project. Can you
help me?

Alexis: Of course! We have a wide range of tools available. What specifically are
you looking for?

Anghello: I need a drill. Do you have any drills in stock?

Alexis: Yes, we do. We have drills in different sizes and colors. Are you looking for
a specific size or color?

Anghello: I prefer a medium-sized drill, and any color will do. How much does it

Alexis: The medium-sized drills are priced at $50 each. They come with a set of
drill bits included. Is that within your budget?

Anghello: Yes, that sounds reasonable. I also need some screws and nails. Do you
sell those as well?

Alexis: Absolutely! We have a variety of screws and nails available. What sizes and
quantities do you need?

Anghello: I need some 2-inch screws and a box of 1-inch nails. How much do they

Alexis: The 2-inch screws are $5 for a pack of 25, and the box of 1-inch nails is
$3.50. Would you like to add them to your purchase?

Anghello: Yes, please. And do you have a discount for bulk purchases?

Alexis: For purchases over $100, we offer a 10% discount. Since your total will be
$58.50, you qualify for the discount.

Anghello: That's great! I'll take the drill, screws, and nails. Do you accept credit

Alexis: Yes, we accept all major credit cards. You can pay right here at the counter.

Anghello: Perfect! Here's my credit card. Can I also get a receipt, please?

Alexis: Certainly! I'll process your payment, and here's your receipt. Thank you for
shopping with us today!
Anghello: Thank you for your assistance. Have a great day!

Alexis: You're welcome! Have a wonderful day too, and feel free to visit us again if
you need anything else.

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