AI in Automobile Project Report

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1. HARIOM KUMAR 07 12106504

2. ARIJIT KUNDU 37 12106556

3. AYUSH PATEL 55 12106523



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School of Computer Science and Engineering , Lovely Professional

University, Phagwara

What is AI?
1. 3-4
Literature review
Need of Artificial Intelligence
INDIA where it stands in the field of AI.
Image based reference to understand the
2. 5-7
detailing of AI

3. History of automobile industry 7-10

The current persisting issues with the modern

4. 10-12
automobiles we are using

AI & its efficient use in the world of automobile

5. 12-13

The various aspects of uses of AI in automobile

6. 13-21


8. Merits and Demerits of AI in Automobiles 22-23

9. Code and Output snippet + Conclusion of code 22-25

10. Conclusion 26
What is AI ?
I. Introduction:-
In today’s era, the word artificial intelligence or AI as it is addressed, is a technological
revolution that is taking over all the domains in the world. Be it the software industry or the
production industry, AI has advanced its root in every aspect. However, being such a common
technology today, the real spirit of this technology is still abstract to many, and it is important to
first understand what artificial intelligence is. Although many definitions exist for this
technology, the straightforward way to define artificial intelligence is as follows: -
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intellect exhibited by machineries or software finished the
study and project of smart agents, where a bright agent is a system that observes its environment
and takes activities that exploit its chances of achievement. Thus, when a mechanism mimics a
humanlike behavior, for instance, learning, planning, cognitive, problem-solving, the awareness
of the situation, natural language processing etc., and then it sprays under the group of Artificial
Intelligence. John McCarthy, who invented the term in 1955, describes it as "the science and
engineering of construction intelligent machines". Eric Schmidt, the managerial chairman of
Alphabet, the parental company of Google, states that AI could be leveraged to crack major
challenges, counting weather change, disease analysis, drug detection, microeconomics, theorem
showing and protein collapsible.
Mike Schroepfer, chief technology captain of Facebook, expresses parallel hopes that the
control of AI technology can solve difficulties that gauge to the entire world. Beginning in the
1950s, modern AI absorbed what was named strong AI, which discussed to AI that could achieve
any intelligent task that a hominid could. The lack of development in strong AI led to what is
called feeble AI, or smearing AI techniques to narrower difficulties. Until the 1980s, AI research
was divided between these two examples. But, around 1980, mechanism learning became a
prominent area of research, its purpose was to give computers the ability to learn and build
models so that they could perform activities like prediction within specific domains.
II. Literature Review:-
Even still we are counting on Artificial Intelligence as the subsequent tool to transform the way
we live, work and interrelate with respectively other, which will be typically enabled by machine
learning methods, it remains indistinct as to how these bright agents will help to solve extra
complex difficulties than the ones remaining while keeping in attention that the state of the skill
in AI today is to perceptively recognize images and vigorously playing sports. If we also aspect
at the present status quo and who is intricate in riding the rollers of progress in Artificial
Intelligence, then some can easily find big initiatives like Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Facebook
and are the ones who are big companies in the arena.
The development in AI is likewise transporting stable penalties e.g., eradicating occupations by
the means of work computerization, one such situation can be understood in the industry 4.0
framework, which is currently in use in the automobile industry. Industry 4.0 makes what has
been named a ‘smart factory’ wherein substantial number of robots take advancing the whole
manufacturing procedure with the help of cyber-physical schemes, IoT and cloud computing.
The current state of the art in AI research types it more capable in some domains than hominids,
however, it is part of thin artificial Intelligence which is more attentive on a slim domain of
difficulties e.g., iPhone Siri. In 2015, numerous milestones attained in the research and growth of
AI provided rise to Artificial General Intelligence and this thoughtful of AI can be pragmatic all
kind of difficulties. In cognitive science, intelligence is definite in many ways which comprise
one’s capacity for cognitive, logic, considerate, planning, problematic resolving, self-awareness,
and enthusiastic awareness etc. A Human-level intelligent mechanism should have an ability to
pass several tests; one such examinations is the Turing test. However, there is no perfect test
which can prove a mechanism perfectly human -level intellectual. If we guess at the present state
of AI, the step of evolution of false intelligence is speeding up. NIPS (Neural Information
Processing Network) session is one of the most famous sessions in the arena of Machine
Learning & computational neuroscience.

III. Need of Artificial Intelligence:-

Early in the 1950s, present AI focused on what was named strong AI, which mentioned to AI
that might usually perform any intellectual task that a humanoid could. The absence of progress
in robust AI led to what is named weak AI or applying AI methods to narrower difficulties. Until
the 1980s, AI research was divided between these two paradigms. But, nearby 1980, machine
learning turn into a protruding area of research, its purpose to give computers the ability to learn
and build models so that they could perform activities like prediction within specific domains.
Research prior to 1950 introduced the idea that the brain consisted of an electrical network of
pulses that fired and somehow orchestrated thought and consciousness. Alan Turing showed that
any computation could be implemented digitally. The idea, then, that building a machine that
could mimic the human brain could not be far off. Much early research focused on this strong
aspect of AI, but this period also introduced the foundational concepts that all machine learning
and deep learning are built on today. Although you can successfully apply search to many simple
problems, the approach quickly fails as the number of choices increases. Take the simple game
of tic-tac-toe as an example. At the start of a game, there are nine moves. Respectively move
consequences in eight countermoves, and subsequently on. The full hierarchy of transfers for tic-
tac-toe comprises (optimized for rotation to remove duplicates) is 362,880 bulges. If one then
extends this similar thought research to chess or go, you rapidly see the weakness of
INDIA where it stands in the field of AI :-
India has been making significant strides in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
recent years. The Indian government and private companies have been investing heavily in AI
research and development, with the aim of becoming a leader in this field. Here is a detailed
report on the development of AI in India.
1. Government Initiatives:-
The Indian government has taken several initiatives to promote the development of AI in the
country. In 2018, the government launched the National Artificial Intelligence Portal to highlight
India’s AI initiatives and provide a platform for AI developers to connect with each other. The
portal also provides information on AI-related policies and programs.
In the same year, the government announced the National AI Strategy, which aims to create a
framework for the development and adoption of AI in the country. The strategy focuses on five
key areas: research, development, and innovation; data ecosystem; skilling, reskilling, and
upskilling; infrastructure; and enabling ethical, legal, and policy environments.
2. Startups and Private Companies:-
Several startups and private companies in India are also working on AI technologies. One of the
notable startups is Niramai, which has developed an AI-based breast cancer screening tool that
uses thermal imaging to detect cancerous cells. Another startup, SigTuple, has developed an AI-
based diagnostic platform that can analyze medical images and provide accurate diagnoses.
Large companies such as Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys, and Wipro are also investing in AI
research and development. These companies are using AI to develop new products and services
and to enhance their existing offerings.
3. Research and Academic Institutions:-
Several research and academic institutions in India are also contributing to the development of
AI. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai, and the Indian
Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru, are some of the leading institutions conducting research
on AI.
In addition, the government has set up AI research centers in several institutions, including the
Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management-Kerala (IIITM-K) and the
International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad (IIIT-H).
4. AI Applications:-
AI has already found applications in several sectors in India, including healthcare, finance,
agriculture, and education. For instance, AI is being used to develop personalized healthcare
solutions and to enhance the efficiency of the agriculture sector.
In addition, the Indian government is using AI to improve its public services. The government
has launched several AI-based projects, including an AI-based chatbot for the Ministry of
External Affairs to aid Indian citizens living abroad.
5. Challenges:-
Despite the progress made in AI development in India, there are still several challenges that need
to be addressed. One of the major challenges is the lack of a skilled workforce. There is a
shortage of skilled professionals in AI, and the existing workforce needs to be upskilled to keep
up with the latest developments.
Another challenge is the lack of data privacy laws. India does not have comprehensive data
privacy laws, which can hinder the development of AI applications.
In conclusion, India has made considerable progress in the development of AI, with the
government, private companies, and academic institutions working together to drive innovation.
However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed, including the shortage of skilled
professionals and the lack of data privacy laws. With continued investment and collaboration,
India has the potential to become a leader in AI development
Image based reference to understand the detailing of AI :-


The study of the automobile industry is inherently interesting: it is massive, it is competitive, and
it is just a few years older than a century. It is expected to undergo major changes in recent times
due to the impact of globalization, increased regulations because of environmental concerns, and
rising fossil fuel prices due to decreasing oil reserves. The evolution of the automobile industry
has been influenced by various innovations in fuels, vehicle components, societal infrastructure,
and manufacturing practices, as well as changes in markets, suppliers and business structures.
• The year 1600:
Some historians cite examples as early as the year 1600 of sail-mounted carriages as the first
vehicles to be propelled by something other than animals or humans. However, it is believed by
most historians that the key starting point for the automobile was the development of the engine.
• First Fuel Engine in 1876:
The engine was developed as a result of discovering new energy-carrying mediums, such as
steam in the 1700s, and new fuels, such as gas and gasoline in the 1800s. Shortly after the
invention of the 4- stroke internal combustion gasoline-fueled engine in 1876, the development
of the first motor vehicles and establishment of the first automobile firms in Europe and America
• First Practical Automobile in 1885:
The first practical automobile with a petrol engine was built by Karl Benz in 1885 in Mannheim,
Germany. Benz was granted a patent for his automobile on 29 January 1886, and began the first
production of automobiles in 1888, after Bertha Benz, his wife, had proved with the first long-
distance trip in August 1888 (104 km (65 mi) from Mannheim to Pforzheim and back) that the
horseless coach was absolutely suitable for daily use. Since 2008 a Bertha Benz Memorial Route
commemorates this event.
• Birth of Automobile Industry (1890 – 1910):
During the 1890s and early 1900s, developments of other technologies, such as the steering
wheel and floor-mounted accelerator, sped up the development of the automobile industry by
making vehicles easier to use. Almost simultaneously, in America, the societal infrastructure that
would provide fertile ground for the proliferation of automobiles was being set. Driver’s licenses
were issued, service stations were opened, and car sales with loan structures were instituted.
Famous vehicle models such as Ford’s Model T were developed during these times and, by
1906, car designs began abandoning the carriage look and taking on a more car-like appearance.
• Early Automobile Infrastructure Put in Place (1910-1920):
During the 1910s, the development of technologies and societal infrastructure continued in
addition to new manufacturing practices and business strategies. Traffic lights started appearing
in the U.S. and thousands of road signs were posted by B. F. Goodrich on over 100,000 miles of
U.S. roads. Henry Ford’s famous assembly line was launched in 1913, which allowed vehicles to
be mass-produced and thus achieved economies of scale. Ford also introduced the concept of
using interchangeable and standard parts to further enable the mass production process.
Automakers also started to merge with other companies (e.g., GM acquired Chevrolet) and to
expand to other markets (e.g., GM of Canada).
• The era of Mass Production and Variety (1920-1930):
In the 1920s, the development of infrastructure, adoption of new manufacturing practices, and
the merging of companies continued (e.g., Benz and Daimler, Chrysler and Dodge, Ford and
Lincoln). In the U.S., the Bureau of Public Roads and the enactment of the Kahn-Wadsworth Bill
helped facilitate road-building projects and develop a national road system. In manufacturing,
mass production methods became better established, which led to the availability of a wide range
of satisfactory cars to the public. While Ford had focused on a single model, GM adopted a new
production strategy for providing greater product variety, which helped the company increase its
market share by snatching it from Ford.
• The decade of New Market Players (1930-1940):
In the 1930s, several new vehicle brands were developed (e.g., Ford Mercury, Lincoln
Continental, Volkswagen) and trends in vehicle consumer preferences were established that
differentiated the American and European markets. In the U.S. market, consumers preferred
luxurious and powerful cars, whereas in Europe consumers preferred smaller and low-priced
cars. Also during this time, GM’s product variety strategy continued to give them a competitive
advantage over Ford, allowing GM to continue increasing its market share while Ford kept
losing theirs.
• The End of World War II (1940-1950):
Many European and Asian-Pacific countries led to the development of new products and
business strategies. In the 1940s, during World War II (WWII), automobile factories were used
to make military vehicles and weapons, thus halting civilian vehicle production. After WWII, the
economies of most European and some Asian-pacific countries, such as Japan, were decimated;
this required the development of new products and business strategies such as those of Toyota,
which began to develop Just in Time (JIT) manufacturing. Most of the first models produced
were similar to the pre-war designs since it took some time for the plants to revamp their
operations to make new designs and models. Using this strategy there were able to improve
return on investment by reducing in-process inventory and lowering carrying costs.
• The era of Technological Innovations (1950-1960):
In the 1950s and 1960s, more technological innovations brought many changes in the automobile
industry. Some new concepts were, new look and feel of the automobiles, fiberglass bodies,
higher compression ratio fuels, vehicle comfort, look and feel, emerging safety and
environmental regulations, vehicle speed limits, front seat belts, and, heating and ventilation
• The era of Fuel-Efficient Cars (1970-1980):
The 1970s were marked by stricter environmental regulations and the oil crisis of the early 70s,
which led to the development of low emission vehicle technologies, such as catalytic converters.
Foreign cars like the Japanese Honda Civic started appearing in the U.S. market. Consumer
interest in fuel-efficient vehicles was increasing due to high oil and fuel prices. Vehicles made in
Asia that were highly fuelefficient began increasing their market share in developed markets.
This decade also marked the beginning of Lean production by Japanese automakers.
• Start of Globalization (1980 – 1990):
In this decade affordable, fuel-efficient vehicles continued to increase their market share. The
U.S. automobile industry began losing market share to the higher quality, affordable, and fuel-
efficient cars from Japanese automakers. Due to this, vehicle manufacturing became more
globalized as auto manufacturers started assembling vehicles from around the world. This trend
was accelerated in the 1990s with the construction of overseas facilities and mergers between
multinational automakers. This global expansion gave automakers a greater capacity to infiltrate
new markets quickly and at lower costs.
• Variety & Empowerment of Consumer (1990 – 2000):
The influence of globalization continued in the 1990s. Huge overseas assembly plants were built
and many mergers took place between large, multinational automakers. This resulted in a greater
variety of products in the marketplace available for consumers to choose from and increased
competition among the automobile players. Increasing sophistication and empowerment of the
consumer-led to new and more specialized markets with diverse consumer bases such as
Southeast Asia and Latin America. This further fuelled global alliances and commercial strategic
partnerships with foreign automakers.
• The era of Financial Troubles (2000 – Present):
This decade has been tumultuous for automobile and light-duty motor vehicle manufacturers.
Industry revenue growth was very low compared to past and skyrocketing fuel prices and
growing environmental concerns shifted consumers' preferences away from fuel-guzzling pickup
trucks to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. The global economic crisis that began in 2007, led to
financial troubles for many of the world's largest automakers and rippled through other countries
around the globe, causing unemployment to rise and wealth to dive. General Motors was hit
particularly hard, filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in June 2009.

The current persisting issues with the modern automobiles we are using:-
i) Vehicle Accidents:-
Tens of millions of publics have vanished their survives or have converted disabled worldwide in the last
10 years because of vehicle accidents. All the traffic accidents are caused by human mistakes.
Unfortunately, according to statistics, in the next 10 years, the number of lives lost each year will double.
Agreeing with the World Health Organization, road transportation injuries produced a projected 1.26
million demises universal in the year 2000. (Source: World Health Organization, 2000). Worldwide it was
estimated in 2004 that 2.5 million persons were destroyed in transportation coincidences (4.7% of all
deaths) (World report on road traffic injury prevention, WHO, 2004).
ii) Grand Theft Auto:-
The term is associated with the stealing of the automobile. This is a major security concern in the entire
automobile industry where hundreds of vehicles get stolen every year without any trace. Property losses
due to motor vehicle theft in 2013 were estimated at $4.3 billion alone in the United States of America as
per Wall Street Journal. In India, as per Ministry of Transportation, the no. of vehicles stolen is around
135431 in 2013

iii) Driver Distractions:-

The safety factor while driving an automobile is something that cannot go neglected. It is one of
the key features that can cause or prevent a catastrophe. Even though all the standard or elite
class automobiles have been equipped with all the latest available technologies that increase the
chances of driving safety, statistics tell a different story. As per “accident attorney” website, the
major form of distraction is texting, talking to co passenger, high
volume music, alcohol etc. And what is more concerning is that most of them are caused by

Reasons for crashes

iv) Maintenance Scheduling:-

Maintenance of automobiles is a very essential and necessary task for every vehicle owner.
Good maintenance scheduling results in better efficiency and better performance of the
vehicle. However, it often happens that the regular or scheduled maintenance is not done
by the owner which leads to the downfall of performance for the vehicle.
Another situation arises when the owner is not sure when to go for a maintenance run. It
may often lead to unnecessary servicing of the vehicle, which is again not good for the
vehicle and for the owner.

V) Miscellaneous Issues:-
There are a few more issues which are not being addressed by modern automobiles. Although all
the major automobile industries are conducting research works, it might take another five to six
years to make these technologies available for commercialization. Till then, let us consider that
they still do not exist. These issues include an automatic speed controlling device that will have a
predefined speed limit by the user. Also, there is no technology which can do an automatic
diagnosis of the vehicle and tell which part needs a replacement. There are other issues which are
minute in nature but can cause a major disaster on the road. For example, a bad mechanical
component in any of the system can cause a havoc in the entire vehicle system. Severe weather
conditions can sometimes cause unexpected tragedies which could totally be avoided. The
condition of the vehicle is sometimes so awful that driving such vehicles are itself a disaster. The
driver who has no experience prior to driving and automobiles might find themselves in a critical
situation. So far, no technology or vehicle engineering has been commercialized that can help
such drivers. Illegal driving is another factor that can be an issue.

AI & its efficient use in the world of automobile industry:-

Artificial intelligence is pleasing automobile manufacturing by rainstorm while all the major automobile
companies are using their resources and knowledge to produce the finest. In an analogous way, when
intellect is applied to the knowledge within an automobile, it would distinguish the atmosphere and
evaluate the appropriate suggestions when it traffics or appearances any hurdles. In 2015, the connect rate
of AI based systems in fresh vehicles was just 8%; this amount is expected to soar to 109% in 2025. This
is since diverse types of AI systems will be installed in vehicles. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a
crucial role in the automobile industry, revolutionizing the way we design, manufacture, and operate
vehicles. In this detailed report, we will discuss the various applications of AI in the automobile industry
and its efficient use.

1. Design and Manufacturing:-

AI is being used in the design and manufacturing of automobiles to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and
enhance quality. One of the key applications of AI in this area is predictive maintenance, which helps
identify potential equipment failures before they occur.
AI is also being used to optimize supply chain management by predicting demand, optimizing inventory
levels, and ensuring timely delivery of parts and components.

2. Autonomous Vehicles:-
One of the most significant applications of AI in the automobile industry is the development of
autonomous vehicles. AI is the backbone of self-driving cars, allowing them to perceive the environment,
make decisions, and take actions in real-time.
The development of autonomous vehicles is still in its initial stages, but several companies, including
Tesla, Waymo, and Uber, are investing heavily in this area.
3. Driver Assistance:-
AI is also being used to develop driver assistance systems that improve safety and reduce the risk of
accidents. These systems use sensors and cameras to detect potential hazards and warn drivers in real-
Some of the most popular driver assistance systems include lane departure warnings, adaptive cruise
control, and collision avoidance systems.
4. Customer Experience:-
AI is being used to enhance the customer experience in several ways. For instance, companies are using
AI to develop virtual assistants that can help customers with their queries and provide personalized
AI is also being used to develop predictive maintenance systems that can detect potential problems with
vehicles and alert customers before they occur.
5. Environmental Sustainability:-
AI is being used to develop more environmentally sustainable vehicles by improving fuel efficiency and
reducing emissions. For instance, AI can be used to optimize engine performance, improve aerodynamics,
and reduce weight.

The various aspects of uses of AI in automobile industry :-

1.) Driverless Car(Autonomous car):-
The thought behind driverless cars was around from the 1970s, so it is not completely new. AI
powered cars, depicted in pictures over the centuries, have continuously taken our thoughts. But the
lack of technical brilliance and resources kept it from becoming a reality, until recently. Eventually,
all the factors leading to artificial intelligence shaped up and now driverless cars have become a
reality. Well, virtually, it is impartial a substance of time beforehand you start to see real intellect in
them. The idea is to authorize the automobile to act like a humanoid motorist and ambition finished
various conditions. This may be completely easy but is not at all method a simple job since a lot of
careful calculating is obligatory. Through methods like sensor fusion and deep learning, researchers
could develop a technology that would help build a three-dimensional map of all the activities that
happen around the car. Some of the leading tech and automobile giants like Google and Tesla are
spending millions of dollars on research to produce better technology and to make autonomous cars a
commercial reality.
Autonomous car market volume
Fully Self-Driving Automation:-
The AI-based specialized cars can perform all their trip without any occupant, and it is more considerate
for the people who are not able to drive or may be due to other factors unable to cope with driving.
Although engineers are putting a lot more effort into making it as accurate as possible, this technology
does not give that performance so that it can be trusted blinded to put it on the road. Google is quite
confident to commercially launch these cars by the time of 2018.
Cisco has done the survey; the major objective of this survey was to figure out the people’s confidence of
adopting these autonomous cars. They included around 1500 people from ten different countries having
long-term driving experience, and they figure out the report which suggested that half of the consumers in
the World will soon trust these autonomous cars.

Cisco survey for autonomous vehicle

Philosophy of Autonomous Cars:-

The prime reason for adopting this technology of driverless car goes to the several functionalities that are
not achievable by the humans themselves. This AI based car can determine its surrounding environment
with efficiency. There are several devices on the market that help to accomplish that which specifically
include laser rangefinder, LADAR, RADAR etc. So, this AI-based technology is relying on number of
sensors for performing operation
Perception devices:-

Issues related to autonomous driving :-

Without any doubt, it is clear the various advantages of this driverless car like giving the source of
mobility for non-drivers and decreased the driving stress for the driver, but along with these useful
effects, there are numbers of challenges and difficulties that participate in the implementation of this
technology. Following are some of the key issues associated with the driverless cars:
• Cost:-
Various cars manufacturers had to spend a huge amount of money for designing these autonomous
vehicles. An example Google can be considered where they are paying around $80,000 for one of their
AV models, which is unaffordable by the ordinary company or the person. According to the future
predictions, it is estimated that this price will come down to half, which is still more to be afforded.
According to the recent survey done by the JD power, which concluded that in the future 37% of the
people will choose autonomous car as their next vehicle.
• Infrastructure:-
Although many big companies like BMW, Audi, Nissan etc. has done a commitment to introduce
driverless car, the infrastructure like roads is not up to date to that level where these cars could
be compromised to launch. According to one report, it will take another 10-15 years to
develop a certain type of infrastructure. Companies are really focusing to invest such a big amount with
something in return

• Replacing Conventional Cars

This is one of the biggest challenges which is being faced by the experts, replacing old conventional cars
would be required to increase the efficiency of the autonomous cars. If the old cars are left over under the
same platform, then this may lead to unpredictable results for the autonomous car and compromises the
security during its interaction with the other cars.[16]
• Security Concerns
Security and privacy are always the biggest issue associated with the electronic system. Autonomous cars
are based on the AI system, where it also requires a source of Internet for managing and information
exchange, and this is the compromise medium which can be abused by the hackers.

2.) Driver Assist Feature:-

Although few corporations are occupied on fully automated replicas, a growing number of builders are
facilitated in that way. By presenting features that assist the motorist without captivating the wheel, many
businesses are taking a cautious method to AI-based features, while still rotating out vehicles with
progressive safety features. Involuntary braking, crash avoidance systems, ordinary and cyclists’ alerts,
cross-traffic warnings, and intelligent cruise panels are some of the smaller features being motorized by
AI. The willingness of automobile manufacturers to grow automated cars, transmission trucks, and other
automobiles opens an affluence of new opportunities. Corporations that can put rubber to the street and
revolutionize in this thrilling new bazaar will find asset dollars plenteous.
To go in detail with driver assistance feature here are some key points :-
1. Driver assistance systems are designed to improve safety on the roads by helping drivers avoid
accidents and minimize the risk of collisions.
2. AI-based driver assistance systems use sensors, cameras, and other technologies to detect
potential hazards and warn drivers in real-time.
3. Some popular driver assistance systems include adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings,
and collision avoidance systems.
4. AI-based driver assistance systems can also help drivers with parking, navigating, and other tasks.
5. AI can be used to develop predictive maintenance systems that can detect potential problems with
vehicles and alert drivers before they occur.
6. As AI-based driver assistance systems become more advanced, they have the potential to reduce
the need for human intervention in driving tasks.
7. Despite the potential benefits of driver assistance systems, there are also concerns about their
reliability and safety, particularly in situations where human intervention may be required.
8. To ensure the safe and effective use of driver assistance systems, manufacturers must conduct
rigorous testing and validation, and drivers must be trained on how to use them properly.

Driver assistant software

3.) Cloud Hosted Intelligence:-

Cloud computing has certain advantages that make it the perfect platform for staging and deploying
AI technology in the automobile field. Among these are fast processing speed, big data access and
analytics, and centralized connectivity. As companies endeavor to develop innovative automobile
technology, cloud-based platforms will be developed to support them. One instance of anywhere the
control of the cloud is being cast-off is the company among General Motors and IBM’s Watson
supercomputer. An extension of GM’s popular OnStar system, the platform being developed, will
include Enhanced features . In the context of autonomous driving, hosted intelligence can provide
several benefits:
1. Real-time data processing: Autonomous vehicles generate a massive amount of data from their
sensors and cameras, which needs to be processed in real-time to make decisions. Hosted
intelligence can provide the necessary computational power to process this data and make
decisions quickly.
2. Constant updates: Hosted intelligence can provide continuous updates to autonomous driving
systems based on real-world data. This can help improve the accuracy and reliability of the
system over time.
3. Scalability: Autonomous driving systems require significant computational power and storage
resources. Hosted intelligence can provide the scalability necessary to support the growth of
autonomous driving systems.
4. Cost-effectiveness: Hosting AI and machine learning applications in the cloud can be more cost-
effective than building and maintaining on-premises infrastructure.
5. Enhanced safety: Hosted intelligence can provide redundancy and backup systems, ensuring that
autonomous driving systems continue to function even in the event of a failure or outage.
However, there are also some potential drawbacks to hosted intelligence in autonomous driving.
These include concerns about data privacy and security, as well as the potential for latency and
connectivity issues. Despite these challenges, hosted intelligence is expected to play a significant role
in the future of autonomous driving, as it can provide the scalability, flexibility, and real-time
processing capabilities needed to support these complex systems.

4.) Use of IOT(Internet of Things) in automobiles industry:-

As a result of 2020, manufacturing specialists’ approximation that almost 250 million cars
determination be associated to the Internet. With new cars coming prepared with a crowd of keen
sensors, entrenched connectivity requests, and bigdata improved metanalytical competences, it only
brands intelligence to have an IoT relationship as healthy. At this time is fair that a few of the habits
IoT technology are impacting or will quickly impact motorized manufacturing. Here are some of the
ways IoT is being used in the automobile industry:
1. Connected Cars: IoT enables cars to be connected to the internet, allowing them to exchange
data with other vehicles, infrastructure, and cloud-based services. This data can be used to
optimize traffic flow, improve safety, and enhance the driving experience.
2. Predictive Maintenance: IoT sensors can be used to monitor the health of vehicles in real-time
and predict when maintenance is required. This can help reduce downtime and repair costs.
3. Telematics: IoT enables vehicles to transmit data about their location, speed, and other
parameters to remote servers. This data can be used to provide real-time traffic information, route
optimization, and other services.
4. Fleet Management: IoT can be used to track the location and status of vehicles in a fleet,
enabling better route planning, fuel optimization, and other operational efficiencies.
5. Driver Assistance: IoT can be used to provide drivers with real-time information about traffic,
weather, and other factors that could affect their driving. This can help improve safety and reduce
6. Autonomous Vehicles: IoT is a key enabler of autonomous vehicles, which rely on real-time data
from sensors, cameras, and other sources to make decisions about steering, acceleration, and
7. Customer Experience: IoT can be used to provide personalized services and recommendations
to drivers based on their driving habits, preferences, and location.
Overall, the use of IoT in the automobile industry is expected to increase in the coming years, as more
vehicles become connected to the internet and the infrastructure supporting autonomous vehicles
becomes more widespread. However, there are also concerns about data privacy and security that
must be addressed to ensure the safe and responsible use of IoT in the automobile industry.

5.) Infotainment System:-

Artificial Intelligence changes in-vehicle infotainment systems in a major way. Because of this trend, the
demand for high quality hardware and software solutions has also soared because they all must be
compatible with AI. In the infotainment category, you can expect a spike in features like speech
recognition, eye tracking, monitoring driving, gesture recognition, and database of natural languages.
Eventually, this will also go a step further to consider driver condition evaluation, camera attached
machine vision systems, sensor fusion engine control units and radar-based detection units. There are
infotainment human machine interfaces already attached to vehicles and this can monitor and act
according to the algorithms collected from cloud based neural networks. This would then be used to
perform advanced tasks. Here is some ways AI is used in infotainment systems in automobiles:
1. Personalized Recommendations: AI algorithms can analyze data about a driver's behavior and
preferences, such as music choices or navigation patterns, to suggest personalized
recommendations. These recommendations can be delivered through the infotainment system,
such as recommended playlists, points of interest, or restaurants.
2. Voice Recognition: AI algorithms can be used to power voice recognition technology, enabling
drivers to interact with the infotainment system hands-free. This can include features such as
making phone calls, sending texts, or changing the radio station.
3. Predictive Maintenance: AI can be used to monitor vehicle data in real-time, such as engine
performance or tire pressure, and provide predictive maintenance alerts before a breakdown
occurs. This can help reduce repair costs and downtime.
4. Natural Language Processing: AI-powered natural language processing can improve the
accuracy of voice recognition and provide a more seamless user experience for drivers. This
technology can also enable more sophisticated interactions with the infotainment system, such as
controlling home automation systems or checking the weather.
5. Intelligent Navigation: AI algorithms can provide real-time traffic information, route
optimization, and alternative route suggestions. This can help drivers save time and reduce fuel
6. Gesture Recognition: AI-powered gesture recognition technology can allow drivers to interact
with the infotainment system through simple hand gestures. This can be especially useful when
driving on rough terrain or in severe weather conditions.
Overall, the integration of AI into the infotainment system of automobiles can provide a more
personalized, convenient, and safer driving experience. As AI technology continues to advance, we can
expect to see even more innovative features and applications in the automobile industry.
** Uses of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for In-car Communication using infotainment
system :-
In the context of in-car communication, NLP technology is used to allow drivers to interact with the car's
infotainment system and other onboard systems using natural language commands.
Here are some ways NLP is used for in-car communication:
1. Voice Recognition: NLP technology is used to enable voice recognition systems, which allow
drivers to control various features of their car using natural language commands. This can include
making phone calls, changing the radio station, adjusting the temperature, and more.
2. Text-to-Speech: NLP technology can also be used to convert text-based information, such as
emails or text messages, into spoken words that are read aloud to the driver. This allows drivers
to stay connected and receive valuable information without taking their eyes off the road.
3. Intelligent Navigation: NLP algorithms can analyze natural language commands to provide
drivers with more intuitive and accurate navigation guidance. For example, a driver could ask the
car to "find the nearest gas station" and receive directions to the closest available option.
4. Personalized Recommendations: NLP algorithms can analyze a driver's past behavior and
preferences to provide personalized recommendations for music, restaurants, and other points of
interest. For example, the car could suggest a playlist based on the driver's previous listening
5. Improved Safety: By enabling drivers to interact with their car using natural language
commands, NLP technology can help reduce driver distraction and improve overall safety on the
Overall, NLP technology has the potential to revolutionize the way drivers interact with their cars,
making in-car communication more intuitive, convenient, and safe. As technology continues to advance,
we can expect to see even more innovative applications of NLP in the automobile industry.
6.) Lane Line Detection using Ai:-
Lane line detection is a computer vision technology that is used to identify lane markings on a road
and track the vehicle's position within the lane. In the context of AI in automobiles, lane line
detection is used as a driver assistance system to enhance safety and improve driving performance.
Here are some ways lane line detection is used in AI in automobiles:
1. Lane Departure Warning: Lane line detection technology can detect when a vehicle is drifting
out of its lane and issue a warning to the driver. This can help prevent accidents caused by driver
distraction or drowsiness
2. Lane Keeping Assist: Advanced Lane line detection systems can actively help steer the vehicle
back into the correct lane if it detects the driver drifting out of the lane. This can help improve
driving performance and reduce accidents caused by driver error.
4. Adaptive Cruise Control: Lane line detection technology can be used in conjunction with
adaptive cruise control systems to maintain a safe distance from other vehicles on the road while
staying within the lane. This can help reduce accidents caused by sudden braking or tailgating.
5. Traffic Sign Recognition: Lane line detection systems can also be used to recognize traffic
signs, such as speed limit signs or stop signs, and provide warnings or adjust the car's speed
6. Autonomous Driving: Lane line detection technology is an essential component of autonomous
driving systems, which use a combination of sensors and algorithms to navigate the car without
human intervention. In autonomous vehicles, lane line detection technology is used to ensure the
car stays within the correct lane and follows traffic laws.

Overall, lane line detection is a critical technology in AI in automobiles, providing an extra layer of
safety and performance to modern vehicles. As computer vision and machine learning technology
continue to advance, we can expect to see even more sophisticated and intelligent lane line detection
systems in the future.

The global automobile artificial intelligence market is expected to reach at $8,887.6 million by
2025, from $445.8 million in 2017, growing at a CAGR of 45.0% from 2018 to 2025.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most progressive technologies in computer science. It is
associated with human intelligence through similar characteristics such as language
understanding, reasoning, learning, problem solving, and others. Manufacturers in the market
witness enormous underlying intellectual challenges in the development and revision of the
technology. In addition, the growth in automobile industry is expected to drive the automobile
artificial intelligence market.
Automobile industry has experienced the promise of artificial intelligence and is among the
major industries using AI to augment and mimic the action of humans. Furthermore, emergence
of standards such as advanced driver assistance system (ADAS), adaptive cruise control (ACC),
blind spot alert, and growth in demand for convenience features attract automobile vendors
towards AI. The growth of the automobile artificial intelligence market is driven by rise in
demand for autonomous vehicles and increase in preference for enhanced user experience and
convenience features. However, the threat of hackers and rise in cybercrime is expected to
restrain the market growth. On the contrary, rise in demand for the premium vehicle segment is
anticipated to provide lucrative growth opportunities for the market.
NVIDIA Corporation, Waymo, Intel Corporation, IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation,
Micron Technology, Otto Motors, BMW, Tesla Inc., and Toyota are some of the key players
operating in the global automobile artificial intelligence market.
** The Economic Aspects of AI in Automobiles:-
The use of artificial intelligence in automobiles can be a major change in the automobile industry and
can change the way automobiles and the terms associated with it have been seen till today. However,
all good things come with a price. The technology of artificial intelligence may sound like a fantasy
and more like a sci-fi movie, but this technology carries a heavy price tag on its head. The usage of
sensors, smart screens, touch sensitive screens etc. are not available cheaply in the market. These
electronic components are the most sophisticated things available in the market and artificial
intelligence needs their sophistic nature to work at its best. Also, not to forget, the usage of
microprocessors and microcontrollers are a key factor in this technology. They are the ones who will
be running and controlling all the features and functions that were mentioned earlier. Hence, they
need to be the best in the market, which indirectly implies that the cost factor will rise. The industries
and the companies who wish to imply such technologies need to invest a huge sum of money to make
it successfully commercialized. In fact, statistics suggest that there has been a 4.7 billion USD has
been spent so far by the firms who are developing artificial intelligence related technologies.

**Merits and Demerits of AI in Automobiles:-

As you have already realized, we have a lot of data from the car, and we have a lot of data from the
owner of the smartphone. Artificial intelligence, which we also offer for the car, gives you
recommendations. For example, we already know that you have a meeting tomorrow morning because
We accessed your calendar, and we also know that your gas level is not enough. With AI we will send a
notification to your smartphone saying, “please leave half an hour early because you need to get gas.” The
best features include: -
a) Safety
b) Convenient
c) Cost Effective
d) Predictive Driving
e) Great for Disabled People

AI is developing with such an incredible speed, sometimes it seems magical. There is an

opinion among researchers and developers that AI could grow so immensely strong that it would be
difficult for humans to control. Humans developed AI systems by introducing into them every
intelligence they could, for which the humans themselves now seem threatened. The demerits include: -
f) Threat to Privacy
g) Technical Errors& Software Bugs
h) Ambiguous Decisions

A Simple code to demonstrate the use of AI in automobile in python language :-

import random
import time

def get speed():

return random.randint(0, 100)

def get_distance():
return random.randint(0, 20)

def check_speed(speed):
if speed > 80:
return "Over speeding detected!"
return "Speed is within limits."

def detect_obstacles(distance):
if distance < 10:
return "Obstacle detected!"
return "No obstacles in sight."
while True:
speed = get_speed()
distance = get_distance()

speed_status = check_speed(speed)
obstacle_status = detect_obstacles(distance)


How the above code will work:-
Functions generate random values between 0 and 100 for the car's speed and between 0 and
20 for the distance to the nearest obstacle. In a real implementation, these functions would
read actual sensor data.

When the code is run, the while loop will continuously get the current speed and distance
values from the sensors, check for over speeding and obstacles using the check_speed and
detect_obstacles functions, and print the corresponding messages to the console. The code
will run indefinitely until it is interrupted.
Output Snippet of the above code :-
Conclusion of the code:-
The implementation of AI in automobiles has transformed the way we drive and interact with our
vehicles. Autonomous driving, predictive maintenance, driver assistance, natural language
processing, and traffic optimization are just a few examples of how AI is making cars smarter, safer,
and more efficient. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see further advancements
in the automobile industry, leading to a more connected and intelligent driving experience.

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