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British Journal of Anaesthesia 91 (2): 224±32 (2003)

DOI: 10.1093/bja/aeg167

Effects of sustained post-traumatic shock and initial ¯uid
resuscitation on extravascular lung water content and pulmonary
vascular pressures in a porcine model of shock
M. Nirmalan1*, T. Willard2, D. J. Edwards2², P. Dark1 and R. A. Little1
MRC Trauma Group University of Manchester, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester
M13 9PT, UK. 2South Manchester University Hospitals, Manchester, UK.
*Corresponding author: University Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Manchester Royal In®rmary,
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL, UK. E-mail:

Background. The temporal evolution of lung injury following post-traumatic shock is poorly
understood. In the present study we have tested the hypothesis that manifestations of pulmon-
ary vascular dysfunction may be demonstrable within the ®rst hour after the onset of shock.
Methods. Twenty-nine anaesthetized pigs (mean weight 27.4 kg; (SD) 3.2) were randomly
allocated to three groups: control (C, n=9), shock resuscitated with either NaCl 0.9% (S,
n=10), or 4% gelatine (G, n=10). Shock was maintained for 1 h followed by ¯uid resuscitation
with either normal saline or 4% gelatine solution. Cardiac output (CO), mean arterial pressure
(MAP), mixed venous saturation (SvO2), blood lactate concentration, mean pulmonary artery
pressure (MPAP), MPAP/MAP, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), extravascular lung water
index (EVLWi), PaO2/FIO2, venous admixture (QÇS/QÇT), and dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn) were
measured at baseline, beginning of shock phase, end of shock phase, and post-resuscitation.
Results. At the end of volume resuscitation CO was restored to control values in both shock
groups. MAP remained signi®cantly below control values (95% CI: C=70±95, S=28±52,
G=45±69 mm Hg) in both shock groups. MPAP/MAP was signi®cantly greater in both shock
groups at the end of the shock phase (95% CI; C=0.15±0.24, S=0.28±0.38, G=0.32±0.42) and at
the post-resuscitation phase (95% CI: C=0.12±0.30, S=0.43±0.61, G=0.32±0.49) indicating the
presence of relative pulmonary hypertension. This was associated with a signi®cant increase in
PVR in Group S (F=3.9; P<0.05). There were no signi®cant changes in PaO2/FIO2, QÇS/QÇT, EVLWi,
or Cdyn. In a small cohort of animals a measurable increase in EVLWi (>30%) and reduction in
Cdyn (>10%) were observed.
Conclusions. Pulmonary vascular injury manifesting as relative pulmonary hypertension and
increased PVR may occur within the ®rst hour after the onset of shock. These changes may
not be accompanied by overt changes in oxygenation, compliance, or EVLWi.
Br J Anaesth 2003; 91: 224±32
Keywords: complications, pulmonary hypertension; complications, pulmonary vascular
resistance; complications, shock; lung, functions; lung, water
Accepted for publication: March 6, 2003

In what is now widely regarded as a landmark publication subjects in this initial study had reduced arterial oxygen
Cournand, Riley and co-workers in 1943 ®rst demonstrated saturation (<85%) even in the absence of direct pulmonary
that patients with untreated post-traumatic shock were
characterized by reductions in circulating blood volume, ²
Declaration of interest: Dr D. J. Edwards acted as a Medical Advisor
cardiac output (CO), and oxygen delivery.1 Some of the to Maelor Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.

Ó The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia 2003
Post-traumatic shock and lung functions

trauma. Subsequently, Brewer and colleagues in 1946 traumatic shock and thereby be of relevance in the study of
described the condition `wet lungs' among war casualties pulmonary changes in shock.
on initial admission to forward ®eld hospitals.2 Since these That in such a model an increase in EVLW and other
two initial reports, early changes in lung function as a result features of pulmonary vascular dysfunction are demon-
of shock have drawn considerable attention. Holcroft and strable before ¯uid resuscitation is commenced and these
co-workers,3 Noble,4 and Sturm and colleagues5 have changes continue to be an integral component of the overall
demonstrated that an increase in extravascular lung water pathophysiological pro®le even after initial volume replace-
content (EVLW) may be demonstrated in laboratory models ment.
of shock. Even though the underlying causes for early
increases in EVLW remain unproven intestinal trans-
location of endotoxin brought about by hepato-splanchnic
Secondary hypothesis
ischaemia and the consequent activation of in¯ammatory The nature of ¯uids (crystalloids or colloids) used in initial
cascades may provide a potential explanation.6 7 Similar resuscitation does not in¯uence early changes in EVLW
changes in pulmonary function have been explored in content or other pulmonary functions.
greater detail in laboratory models of sepsis where seques-
tration of leukocytes and impaired endothelial function has
been demonstrated within the ®rst 4 h after exposure to Methods
endotoxin.8 9 With University Ethics Committee approval, 29 immature
The importance of these pathophysiological processes to female Large-White pigs (mean weight 27.4 (SD 3.2) kg)
the initial clinical presentation of patients following a period were randomly allocated to a control group (C, n=9), a
of sustained post-traumatic shock is not known. Hypo- shock group resuscitated with NaCl 0.9% (S, n=10) and a
xaemia is a common ®nding in such patients even in the shock group resuscitated with succinylated gelatine solution
absence of direct chest trauma and consequently the routine 4% (Maelor Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Wrexham, UK) (G,
administration of oxygen is recommended in the Advanced n=10). Anaesthesia was induced with halothane, oxygen,
Trauma Life Support protocols.10 While ventilation/perfu- and nitrous oxide 4±5% (FIO2 50%) administered via a
sion mismatch, aspiration of gastric contents and ¯uid snout mask. After tracheal intubation halothane was reduced
overload during initial ¯uid resuscitation are considered to 1±2% and mechanical ventilation established with
possible causes, shock mediated endothelial changes are a volume-cycled ventilator (Blease-Brompton-Manley,
rarely considered important at this very early stage. Chesham, Bucks, UK) (tidal volume 10±15 ml kg±1; rate
Characterizing the role of shock per se on pulmonary 12±15 bpm). At the end of surgery, inspired halothane
function, however, is important in order to initiate appro- concentration was reduced to less than 0.25% and an i.v.
priate therapies for these patients. For example, observed infusion of alphaxalone-alphadolone (Saffan; Pitman-
increases in EVLW (manifesting as hypoxaemia associated Moore, Uxbridge, UK; 15 mg kg±1 h±1) commenced.
with pulmonary oedema or ®ne basal crepitations over the Inspired oxygen was also reduced to between 0.25 and 0.3.
lung ®elds) when wrongly attributed to iatrogenic ¯uid Using aseptic techniques, the right external jugular vein
overload frequently leads to ¯uid restriction or even the use was exposed and a pulmonary artery ¯oatation catheter
of diuretics with potentially serious consequences in (Baxter Swan-Ganz CCO/VIP, 7.5F; Edwards Life
patients who are already volume depleted. The choice of Sciences, CA, USA) was introduced. Correct positioning
resuscitation ¯uids continues to draw considerable interest of the pulmonary artery catheter was con®rmed by inspect-
and debate amongst critical care physicians in this context. ing the transduced waveforms. All animals received main-
This is particularly relevant in the light of three recent meta tenance ¯uids (NaCl 0.9%; 10 ml kg±1 h±1) via the central
analyses that showed con¯icting results on the choice of vein to replace insensible ¯uid loss (this infusion was
resuscitation ¯uids on clinical outcome.11±13 The current discontinued during the `shock procedure' and restarted
clinical consensus, however, is that the choice of resusci- after resuscitation). The femoral artery was then exposed
tation ¯uids does not in¯uence the immediate or long-term surgically and the dilution catheter (Pulsiocath PV 2024 4F;
pulmonary outcome in patients with post-traumatic Pulsion Medizintechnik, Munich, Germany) was positioned
shock.14 15 In the light of these uncertainties we undertook in the abdominal aorta. An indwelling suprapubic Foley
the following study in a laboratory model of sustained post- catheter was positioned for continuous drainage of urine. At
traumatic shock to test the following hypotheses. the end of the instrumentation phase (considered time 0) all
animals were given a rest period of 30 min following which
baseline measurements were made. This was followed by
Primary hypotheses the `shock procedure' in Groups S and G. A captive bolt
A combination of standardized skeletal injury followed by a (Cox Universal model V/10165; Temple Cox Development,
period (1 h) of acute hypovolaemic shock in the anaes- Bromley, Kent, UK) was used to achieve bilateral tibial
thetized pig may reproduce the physiological abnormalities fractures. The bolt was applied directly to the bone in order
consistent with those described in human victims of post- to minimize soft tissue damage. Haemorrhage was then

Nirmalan et al.

commenced at a rate of 1 ml kg±1 min±1 and continued until 8.5) was positioned in the mid-oesophagus and the pressure
three of the four predetermined end points of shock were monitoring ports of both tubes were connected to a
achieved. Shock was achieved in all animals within 30 min differential pressure transducer (Pneu-01; World Precision
and the end points for shock were as follows. Instruments, Inc., USA) to obtain transpulmonary pressure
1. Greater than 30% reduction in CO. signals. A Pneumotachograph (Godart 17212; Gould
2. Greater than 30% reduction in mean arterial pressure Electronics BV, The Netherlands) was used for respiratory
(MAP). ¯ow measurements. Transpulmonary pressure and respira-
3. Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) less than 40%. tory ¯ow signals were acquired and stored in a personal
4. Blood lactate concentration greater than 3 mmol litre±1. computer using standard equipment and software (CED
Shock was maintained for 1 h (shock phase) and further 1902, CED 1401 and Spike 2; Cambridge Electronics
blood was removed as necessary during this phase in order Design, Cambridge, UK). Tidal volume was obtained by
to ensure at least three `shock criteria' were maintained integrating the inspiratory ¯ow signals and Cdyn was
throughout this period. `Start of shock phase' measurements calculated17 for baseline, end of shock, and post-resuscita-
and `end of shock phase' measurements were made at the tion phases.
beginning and end of the shock phase, respectively. At the
end of the shock phase, volume resuscitation was achieved
Ç S/
Measurement of pulmonary venous admixture (Q
with either NaCl 0.9% (S group) or gelatine (G group). Fluid
administration was stopped when CO was restored and
QT) and blood lactate concentrations
maintained above 90% of baseline values throughout the Arterial and mixed venous blood samples were obtained
resuscitation phase (60 min) followed by the post-resusci- simultaneously during the four phases of measurement.
tation phase measurements. The animals were killed by Mixed venous blood was sampled using a low pressure
anaesthetic overdose, chest opened, lungs removed, and aspiration technique to prevent contamination with left
EVLW content was determined by a gravimetric method, atrial blood18 and the samples were analysed immediately in
which corrects for intravascular volume.16 the blood gas analyser/oximeter (ABL 330/OSM3; Radio-
meter, Copenhagen, Sweden) and lactate analysers (BEG
2300; YSI Ltd, UK).
Measurement of extravascular lung water index
The dual dye dilution method (COLD Z-03; Pulsion
Medizintechnik, Munich, Germany) was used to estimate CO and systemic/pulmonary vascular resistance
extra vascular lung water index (EVLWi) at the following Using the Vigilance continuous CO monitor (Baxter
time points. Healthcare Ltd, CA, USA) continuous cardiac output
1. Baseline: 30 min after completion of the instrumen- (CCO) and intermittent thermodilution CO were deter-
tation phase. mined. CO data used in all subsequent analyses are based on
2. Start of shock phase: 60 min after completion of the values obtained using the intermittent technique. The CCO
instrumentation phase. measurements were used to identify the end points of shock
3. End of shock phase: 120 min after completion of the and adequacy of ¯uid resuscitation only. Pulmonary vascu-
instrumentation phase. lar resistance (PVR) was derived from MPAP, pulmonary
4. Post-resuscitation phase: 180 min after completion of capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) and CO in the customary
the instrumentation phase. fashion: PVR=[(MPAP ± PCWP)/CO]*80. As right atrial
Triplicate estimates of EVLWi using a manual injection pressure measurements were not made (because of technical
of 10 ml of cold indocyanin green (Pulsion; 1 mg ml±1) were dif®culties inherent in placing an additional catheter in the
made and the numerical average of the two closest right atrium) a proxy measure of systemic vascular resist-
measurements was taken as the true EVLWi for each ance (SVR') was derived in the following way:
phase. Dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn), PaO2/FIO2 ratio, SVR'=MAP/CO*80.
venous admixture (Q Ç T), mean pulmonary arterial pres-
sure (MPAP), MAP, CO, arterial blood lactate concentra-
tion were also measured at the same time points as EVLWi Statistical analyses
in all three groups. A stopwatch was used in all experiments All variables were analysed using analysis of variance
in order to make the respective measurements at the same (ANOVA) for repeated measurements (general linear model;
time points in the three groups. SPSS 9.0, SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Change in PVR
during the course of the experiment (PVRpost-
resuscitation±PVRbaseline) was compared between the groups
Measurement of dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn) using one-way ANOVA. When using the repeated measures
A tracheal tube with a purpose-built pressure monitoring ANOVA, signi®cant factors were further compared using
port was used to intubate the trachea (Mallinkrodt, Hi-Lo 95% CI of the estimated means at each of the four phases of
Jet; size 6.5). An oesophageal balloon (Mallinkrodt, size the experiment. Statistical signi®cance was de®ned as

Post-traumatic shock and lung functions

Table 1 CO, MAP, SvO2, and blood lactate concentration data for the three groups of animals. Mean (SD) and range are used as the summary statistics.
*Indicates test group signi®cantly different from control group (P<0.05)

Baseline Start of shock phase End of shock phase Post-resuscitation phase

CO (litre min±1) C (n=9) 3.6 (1.0) 3.8 (1.1) 3.5 (0.8) 3.5 (0.8)
(2.2±5.5) (2.2±5.6) (2.4±4.9) (2.5±4.9)
S (n=10) 4.2 (0.7) 2.2 (0.6)* 2.0 (0.8)* 3.7 (1.3)
(3.0±5.7) (1.2±2.9) (0.6±2.1) (2.9±6.5)
G (n=10) 4.2 (1.0) 2.4 (0.4)* 2.2 (0.9)* 4.4 (1.5)
(2.5±5.7) (1.6±2.9) (0.7±3.3) (2.3±6.4)
MAP (mm Hg) C (n=9) 92.7 (23.2) 89.1 (17.9) 88.4 (21.5) 82.8 (20.7)
(57±136) (59±107) (54±120) (54±116)
S (n=10) 92.6 (11.6) 41.3 (13.9)* 41.7 (15.8)* 40.2 (15.2)*
(77±118) (22±62.5) (20±62) (11±61)
G (n=10) 89.2 (13.8) 43.9 (10.9)* 43.6 (14.1)* 57.2 (18.7)*
(60.0±110) (30.3±60.0) (21.0±73.0) (34.0±95.0)
SvO2 (%) C (n=9) 60.7 (6.7) 65.2 (7.9) 60.2 (5.1) 58.8 (6.6)
(50±70) (51.6±76.7) (49.9±68.3) (48.9±68.7)
S (n=10) 57.7 (8.1) 23.8 (8.3)* 25.7 (10.9)* 41.9 (10.8)*
(45.5±70.9) (13.9±37.4) (7.0±48.5) (29.4±61.9)
G (n=10) 64.7 (6.2) 30.6 (15.2)* 33.1 (8.9)* 41.3 (13.4)*
(54.0±72.0) (15.7±60.7) (18.7±52.3) (19.1±59.6)
Blood lactate concentration (mmol litre±1) C (n=9) 1.2 (0.2) 1.0 (0.2) 0.97 (0.2) 0.84 (0.1)
(0.8±1.6) (0.7±1.4) (0.7±1.4) (0.6±1.1)
S (n=10) 1.6 (0.8) 2.3 (1.1)* 3.9 (1.7)* 4.7 (2.8)*
(0.8±2.3) (1.3±4.9) (1.7±6.8) (1.4±8.0)
G (n=10) 1.2 (0.3) 2.0 (0.7) 3.0 (1.7)* 4.4 (3.8)*
(0.8±1.9) (0.9±3.2) (1.0±6.4) (0.9±10.9)

P<0.05 (two-tailed). As all data were normally distributed greater than the volume of colloids (803 ml (258); range
mean (SD) and corresponding ranges have been used as 402±1275 ml compared with 699 ml (274); range 438±1300
summary statistics. ml). This difference, however, did not reach statistical
signi®cance. Volume replacement restored CO to control
values in both shock groups. In spite of this, MAP remained
Results signi®cantly below control values in both groups (95% CI:
The mean (SD) weights for the three groups were compar- C=70±95, S=28±52, G=45±69 mm Hg). The low MAP in
able (C, 26.8 kg (3.0); S, 27.5 kg (2.5); G, 27.8 kg (3.8)). the presence of a normal CO was associated with a
Two animals died during the experiments, one each from `S' signi®cant reduction in SVR' in both shock groups at the
and `G' groups. As both animals died during the latter stages end of the resuscitation phase (95%CI: C=1613±2264,
of the resuscitation phase all available measurements from S=664±1315, G=853±1505 dynes s cm±5). A small but non-
both animals have been included in the subsequent analyses. signi®cant increase in MPAP was observed for the two
Mean (SD) values for the four parameters used in the shock groups during the study period. However, the ratio
de®nition of shock, i.e. CO, MAP, SvO2, and blood lactate MPAP/MAP was signi®cantly greater in the two shock
concentration are summarized in Table 1. All other groups at the end of resuscitation (95% CI: C=0.12±0.30;
measured and derived variables, i.e. PCWP, heart rate S=0.43±0.61; G=0.32±0.49). The higher MPAP/MAP ratio
(HR), stroke volume (SV), left ventricular stroke work was associated with a signi®cant increase in PVR in Group
(LVSW), MPAP, MPAP/MAP ratio, PVR, SVR', EVLWi, S during the study period (F=3.9; P<0.05). Even though the
Ç T, and Cdyn are shown in Table 2. There mean change in PVR for Group G was greater than the
were no signi®cant differences in any of the baseline control group this difference was not statistically signi®cant
parameters (Tables 1 and 2). (C: mean change=±29; 95% CI=±132±77 dynes s cm±5; G:
As expected from the study design there was a signi®cant mean change=56; 95% CI=±91±204 dynes s cm±5).
reduction in CO, MAP, and SvO2 associated with the `shock Mean SV at the post-resuscitation phase was substantially
procedure' (Table 1). As a rise in blood lactate concentra- less in Group S than in Groups C and G even though this
tion is a relatively delayed event, all four `shock criteria' difference did not reach statistical signi®cance (95%
(including blood lactate concentration >3 mmol litre±1) CI: C=23.5±33.9, S=16.6±27, G=23.1±33.5 ml). When
were achieved during the shock phase in only 12 animals. compared with baseline values, however, both shock groups
The percentage blood volume removed from the two groups showed a signi®cant reduction (LVSWpost-resuscitation±
of animals as comparable (S=39.4% (6.7); range 25±50%; LVSWbaseline) in LVSW (F=19.4, P<0.001) closely follow-
G=39.1% (11.6); range 24±60%). As expected the volume ing the observed trends in MAP. Mean SvO2 recovered to
of saline infused to achieve the resuscitation targets was above 40% after resuscitation but remained signi®cantly

Nirmalan et al.

Ç T, EVLWi, and Cdyn data for the three groups of animals. Mean (SD) and
range are used as the summary statistics. *Indicates test group signi®cantly different from control group (P<0.05). **Indicates signi®cant change (post-
resuscitation value ± baseline value) during the course of the experiments using one-way ANOVA (P<0.05)

Baseline Start of shock phase End of shock phase Post-resuscitation phase

PCWP (mm Hg) C (n=9) 5.0 (2.8) 5.6 (4.1) 5.4 (3.9) 6.6 (2.4)
(0±9) (±3±11) (±3±11) (2±11)
S (n=10) 7.4 (2.8) 3.3 (3.6) 3.1 (2.9) 5.2 (2.6)
(2±12) (0±12) (0±10) (0±10)
G (n=10) 6.6 (1.4) 3.4 (2.3) 3.7 (1.9) 8.2 (4.1)
(5±10) (0±7) (0±7) (0±15)
HR (bpm) C (n=9) 155 (33) 148 (34) 132 (28) 128 (26)
114±216) (98±198) (96±180) (96±168)
S (n=10) 160 (35) 196 (44)* 203 (51)* 173 (57)
(114±240) (132±258) (126±294) (114±282)
G (n=10) 146 (29) 187 (34) 190 (45)* 152 (33)
(114±216) (144±234) (132±264) (102±210)
SV (ml) C (n=9) 23.4 (6.7) 26.3 (7.5) 27.7 (7.9) 28.7 (8.6)
(13.4±31.8) (12.2±35.9) (16.4±39.6) (18.1±45.4)
S (n=10) 26.8 (3.2) 11.3 (3.2)* 9.9 (3.9)* 21.8 (5.1)
(23.8±33.1) (6.9±19.3) (2.9±15.6) (13.6±28.4)
G (n=10) 29.5 (6.6) 13.0 (2.8)* 11.4 (4.4)* 28.2 (8.5)
(16.7±38.4) (9.9±16.9) (4.6±18.1) (12.6±41.1)
LVSW (g m ) C (n=9) 28.0 (10.2) 29.4 (9.5) 30.5 (9.8) 29.1 (10.1)
(10.4±43.1) (17.3±46.4) (20.3±47.9) (19.3±52.4)
S (n=10) 31.1 (5.4) 5.9 (2.8)* 5.4 (2.9)* 11.3 (4.7)*
(25.9±40.1) (2.7±11.9) (0.9±9.9) (5.8±18.9)
G (n=10) 33.1 (9.4) 7.0 (1.9)* 6.8 (4.4)* 20.5 (9.5)
(19.4±44.9) (4.9±11.6) (1.1±15.5) (4.3±34.5)
MPAP (mm Hg) C (n=9) 15.2 (4.7) 16.2 (3.5) 16.0 (3.8) 15.9 (4.3)
(7.0±21.7) (10.3±20.0) (8.0±19.7) (7.7±21.7)
S (n=10) 18.8 (3.9) 11.5 (2.8)* 13.0 (4.9) 21.9 (5.8)
(12.0±25.0) (6.7±15.0) (6.6±20.6) (13.6±30.7)
G (n=10) 18.8 (3.3) 12.7 (3.2) 15.7 (3.9) 21.3 (4.9)
(11.6±22.3) (8.3±18.3) (8.3±20.3) (13.3±28.7)
MPAP/MAP C (n=9) 0.18 (0.06) 0.19 (0.06) 0.19 (0.07) 0.21 (0.08)
(0.10±0.25) (0.12±0.28) (0.08±0.29) (0.08±0.34)
S (n=10) 0.21 (0.05) 0.29 (0.08) 0.32 (0.08)* 0.52 (0.16)*
(0.12±0.29) (0.17±0.42) (0.18±0.46) (0.36±0.88)
G (n=10) 0.22 (0.04) 0.30 (0.1) 0.37 (0.05)* 0.41 (0.1)*
(0.12±0.3) (0.17±0.55) (0.25±0.47) (0.14±0.68)
PVR (dynes s cm ) C (n=9) 249.6 (87) 258.4 (145) 260.6 (111) 221.7 (123)
(58±339) (59±518) (43±437) (43±487)
S (n=10) 222.0 (59) 313.0 (106) 445.8 (178) 424.0 (201)**
(84±308) (104±511) (189±889) (204±889)
G (n=10) 251.1 (108) 324.1 (113) 494.3 (176) 307.5 (221)
(116±490) (157±567) (307±779) (150±778)
SVR' (dynes s cm ) C (n=9) 2231 (952) 1995 (652) 2078 (668) 1939 (611)
(1577±4610) (1325±3438) (1301±3525) (1285±3072)
S (n=10) 1815 (517) 1548 (395) 1816 (572) 990 (265)*
(1392±3146) (928±2173) (1187±2933) (665±1400)
G (n=10) 1774 (544) 1533 (537) 1770 (541) 1179 (479)*
(1294±2912) (887±2550) (1115±2545) (739±2062)
PaO2/FIO2 (kPa) C (n=9) 56.1 (6.1) 54.1 (5.6) 54.2 (6.8) 55.5 (7.1)
(47.5±65.2) (45.2±62.1) (42.4±65.1) (40.7±64.1)
S (n=10) 51.3 (5.5) 52.7 (8.1) 55.2 (7.7) 56.1 (7.1)
(45.2±64.5) (38.5±64.3) (42.9±66.6) (47.3±68.6)
G (n=10) 50.5 (6.0) 54.5 (5.6) 53.9 (6.1) 53.9 (6.5)
(41.1±57.7) (46.0±62.4) (46.0±62.4) (41.7±64.3)
Q Ç T (%) C (n=9) 10.1 (4.6) 10.2 (5.8) 9.7 (4.2) 8.5 (4.4)
(4.8±18.2) (5.3±23.3 (4.9±17.9) (3.8±17.7)
S (n=10) 11.3 (3.4) 6.8 (3.6) 5.5 (2.7) 7.5 (3.5)
(3.9±14.7) (0.9±12.5) (1.4±9.7) (0.2±12.5)
G (n=10) 12.8 (4.1) 6.6 (3.2) 6.9 (2.7) 8.0 (5.4)
(7.5±20.6) (2.9±13.8) (3.1±10.5) (0.9±21.4)
EVLWi (ml kg ) C (n=9) 5.2 (1.3) 6.1 (1.1) 6.3 (0.9) 5.1 (0.9)
(3.8±7.3) (5.0±8.1) (5.6±8.1) (3.6±6.3)
S (n=10) 6.2 (3.3) 6.4 (3.2) 7.6 (4.7) 7.0 (5.1)
(2.5±8.3) (4.1±15.2) (4.4±20.5) (2.5±20.3)
G (n=10) 5.8 (1.2) 5.8 (1.6) 5.8 (1.4) 6.3 (1.9)
(4.2±7.4) (3.1±8.5) (4.1±8.4) (2.7±11.4)
Cdyn (ml mmHg±1) C (n=9) 21.6 (4.6) Not measured 23.4 (6.9) 22.9 (8.0)
(15.8±27.9) (13.2±31.1) (14.4±37.3)
S (n=10) 20.6 (4.1) Not measured 20.4 (5.6) 20.2 (6.6)
(11.5±26.7) (11.7±31.7) (10.7±32.8)
G (n=10) 25.0 (5.3) Not measured 26.3 (5.9) 28.8 (6.0)
(14.7±34.6) (18.1±38.0) (17.1±38.8)

Post-traumatic shock and lung functions

below control in both shock groups, re¯ecting haemodilu- Blood lactate concentration continued to rise after
tion and a reduction in oxygen delivery consequent on the resuscitation in Groups S and G. Post-hoc analysis, how-
asanguineous ¯uids used. ever, showed that this apparent worsening of shock occurred
only in those animals that met all four `shock criteria'
(n=12) before the end of the shock phase (Fig. 1). In order to
explain the underlying reasons for persistent hyper-
lactataemia in these animals further post-hoc comparisons
between oxygen delivery (DO2), oxygen consumption
(VO2) and arterial-mixed venous oxygen content difference
[C(a±v)O2] was made between three post-hoc groups [C:
control group (n=9); B: group of animals that did not meet
the `lactate criteria' during the shock phase (n=8) and A:
group that met the `lactate criteria' during the shock phase
(n=12)]. The results are summarized in Table 3. In both
shock groups the mean DO2 following volume replacement
was less than the control groups with a greater and
statistically signi®cant reduction in Group A (95% CI:
C=313±443, B=215±346, A=176±298 ml min±1). This
reduction in DO2 was, however, not accompanied by a
corresponding increase in C(a±v)O2 in either shock group.
(95% CI for C(a±v)O2 at the post-resuscitation phase:
C=35±50, B=27±41, and A=35±47 ml litre±1). There was no
signi®cant difference in the volume of blood loss between
groups that met all four `shock criteria' and those that met
only three of the four criteria (41% (9); range 25±60 vs 36%
(8); range 24±50% of total blood volume).
Overall, there were no signi®cant changes in PaO2/FIO2,
Ç T, EVLW, or Cdyn during the experiments (Table 2).
However, in ®ve experiments a greater than 30% increase in
EVLWi was observed during the period of study. Four of
Fig 1 Comparison of mean blood lactate concentration (SEM) in the three these animals showed an increase in blood lactate greater
a priori groups (A) and the post-hoc groups (B). Post-hoc Group A:
animals showing lactate greater than 3 mmol litre±1 during the shock
than 3 mmol litre±1 during the shock phase (S=3, G=1). A
phase (n=12); Group B: animals not meeting the `lactate criteria' during greater than 10% reduction in lung compliance was seen in
the shock phase (n=8); and Group C: control group (n=9). *Indicates test four experiments (one in C and three from S and G). Both
group signi®cantly different from control group. animals that died showed blood lactate concentration

Table 3 DO2, VO2, and CO2(a±v) data for the three post-hoc groups based on the lactate response during the shock phase. Group A: animals showing lactate
greater than 3 mmol litre±1 during the shock phase (n=12). Group B: animals not meeting the `lactate criteria' during the shock phase (n=8); and Group C:
control group (n=9). *Indicates test group signi®cantly different from control group

Baseline Start of shock End of shock Post-resuscitation

phase phase phase

DO2 (ml min±1) C (n=9) 433 (161) 450 (154) 387 (105) 378 (95)
(268±731) (259±700) (252±563) (260±549)
B (n=8) 453 (95) 251 (47)* 252 (54)* 281 (97)
(340±593) (170±329) (147±318) (131±479)
A (n=12) 519 (151) 223 (63)* 175 (89)* 237 (75)*
(297±782) (112±296) (70±366) (119±349)
VO2 (ml min ) C (n=9) 163 (42) 154 (37) 147 (46) 152 (62)
(112±231) (107±207) (85±245) (82±284)
B (n=8) 169 (24) 171 (34) 161 (41) 148 (32)
(138±215) (123±232) (98±225) (79±188)
A (n=12) 177 (38) 158 (52) 127 (62) 142 (53)
(129±246) (73±225) (47±257) (88±245)
C(a±v)O2 (ml litre±1) C (n=9) 46 (5) 41 (8) 42 (8) 43 (12)
(37±52) (31±49) (32±51) (24±58)
B (n=8) 44 (10) 70 (13)* 63 (14)* 34 (8)
(31±64) (48±85) (40±79) (25±48)
A (n=12) 42 (8) 76 (18)* 80 (19)* 41 (8)
(32±56) (36±96) (62±126) (32±55)

Nirmalan et al.

greater than 3 mol litre±1 during the shock phase (with sis than others.22 In the UK, victims of major trauma and
further rise in blood lactate concentration during the shock receive ¯uid resuscitation at the site of injury by
resuscitation phase), greater than 30% increase in EVLWi trained paramedical staff as an immediate priority. As a
and greater than 10% reduction in Cdyn. result, untreated shock lasting for more than an hour is rare
A comparison between the COLD system and gravimetric and the shock phase in the present study was restricted to
methods showed that the former method consistently one hour in keeping with this clinical reality.
underestimated EVLWi (Bland-Altman plot: bias=64 ml; The choice of anaesthetic agent is always dif®cult, as all
SD=44 ml). At post-mortem examination it was observed agents will modify the cardiovascular responses to trauma
that three animals (S=2; G=1) had increased amounts of and shock to some extent. `Saffan' was chosen for most part
¯uid within the pleural and pericardial spaces. All three of the study as it is the only agent that has been shown to
showed a greater than 30% increase in EVLWi and two died preserve the cardiovascular responses to trauma.23
during resuscitation. Halothane was used at the beginning to facilitate intubation
without neuromuscular blocking agents and a predomin-
antly `Saffan' based anaesthetic regimen was used as soon
as vascular access was established. Some important limita-
Discussion tions of the study, however, require emphasis. Most
Acute lung injury is generally recognized as a late importantly, volume replacement was stopped when CO
complication and few studies in the literature have explored was restored and maintained to within 90% of baseline as it
its importance in the initial clinical presentation of shock.3±5 was essential to limit the volume of clear ¯uid administered
The current study reproduces the physiological ®ndings to prevent unacceptable levels of haemodilution and
occurring in patients with a combination of moderate premature death. Both shock groups were therefore under-
skeletal trauma and acute haemorrhage and investigates the resuscitated by design. A low MAP associated with
pulmonary changes within the ®rst hour after the onset of inadequate volume resuscitation and a `normal' MPAP
shock. Overall, no signi®cant changes in oxygenation, associated with hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (as a
compliance, or EVLWi were demonstrable either at the end result of low SvO2)24 may also account for the observed
of the shock period or after initial ¯uid resuscitation. A changes in MPAP/MAP and PVR. Adequate resuscitation
signi®cant increase in relative pulmonary pressures and after major haemorrhage requiring blood transfusion and
PVR, however, was evident even within this relatively short volume replacement with clear ¯uids always raises the
time period. Relative pulmonary hypertension was demon- question of volume overload (absolute or relative to a
strable in both groups at the end of the shock phase (95% CI constricted circulation) in relatively short experimental
for MPAP/MAP ratio at the end of shock phase; studies such as ours. As the primary hypothesis was that
C=0.15±0.24, S=0.28±0.38, G=0.32±0.42) and persisted shock per se results in increased EVLW, under resuscitation
even after volume replacement with either crystalloid or would not have been important had we demonstrated a
colloid solutions. signi®cant increase in EVLWi. As an increase in EVLWi
Post-traumatic shock has three important facets: hypo- was not demonstrated and the conclusions are based on
volaemia, pain, and tissue injury and it is recognized that changes to pulmonary and systemic arterial pressures,
haemodynamic responses to haemorrhage are altered adequacy of volume resuscitation is an important confound-
signi®cantly by concomitant nociception and injury.19 20 ing factor. In this context some of the incidental ®ndings
As both local and systemic factors are important in the reported in a more recent study are extremely pertinent and
evolution of lung injury bilateral long bone fractures and should be considered along with our ®ndings. In a similar
haemorrhage were included in the present model. The end study by Chiara and colleagues,21 (with a shock period of 1 h
points of shock in most published laboratory work have followed by ¯uid/blood resuscitation over 2 h) in spite of
been based on removal of a predetermined percentage of adequate resuscitation (including restoration of haemoglo-
blood volume,19 20 removal of blood until a predetermined bin and MAP) MPAP, the ratio MPAP/MAP and PVR
arterial blood pressure was achieved21 or alterations in remained signi®cantly higher than the corresponding base-
resting membrane potential (RMP).3 Clinical evaluation of line values. As the study was not designed to evaluate the
shock, however, is based on the extent of global blood ¯ow pulmonary consequences of shock the above authors did not
reduction and the consequences of tissue ischaemia. To the explore these incidental ®ndings further or comment upon
best of our knowledge this is the ®rst study that took a their signi®cance. The signi®cant reduction in SVR' in the
combination of blood ¯ow-based measurements (CO) and present study (at the post-resuscitation phase) suggests that
clinical measures of tissue ischaemia (SvO2 and blood lactate sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction was overcome
concentration) in the de®nition of shock in laboratory by the effects of reperfusion. Further, in the two animals that
models. The threshold value for blood lactate concentration died relative pulmonary hypertension was associated with a
was 3 mmol litre±1 as patients with blood lactate concen- large increase in EVLW (>30%), reduction in Cdyn, and
tration greater than 3 mmol litre±1 on admission to an increased ¯uid within the pleural and pericardial spaces.
emergency department are known to carry a worse progno- These additional features and the data reported by Chiara

Post-traumatic shock and lung functions

and colleagues21 support our conclusion that pulmonary is complex. Post-hoc analysis shows that even though ¯uid
vascular changes may begin within the ®rst hour after the resuscitation resulted in improvements in DO2 post-resus-
onset of shock. This observation, if con®rmed by further citation DO2 values were substantially below that of the
clinical studies is very relevant to the management of control group and baseline values for each of the post-hoc
patients with prolonged shock. groups. In spite of the low DO2 global oxygen extraction
Many of the derived haemodynamic parameters (SV, (re¯ected by C(a±v)O2) remained within normal limits. This
LVSW, SVR', and PVR) are invariably linked to changes in implies that a combination of reduced oxygen delivery and
CO, HR, MAP, and MPAP. Nevertheless, such derived defective extraction contributed to the persistent elevation
parameters remain popular and useful in the critical care in blood lactate concentration. In keeping with current
setting and, therefore, we have applied them to the present clinical consensus14 15 no major differences were seen
study. Right atrial pressure measurements were not made between the two groups resuscitated with either gelatine or
and, therefore, a surrogate measure of SVR' has been used saline. Both shock groups showed a signi®cant reduction in
to assess the systemic vascular bed. Inclusion of mean SVR' associated with an increase in mean PVR
right atrial pressure in the derivation of SVR is likely to following volume resuscitation. The lack of a statistically
amplify the observed differences in SVR' even further signi®cant rise in PVR for Group G we believe, is
(because of the lower MAP in the two shock groups) and attributable to the relatively small numbers of animals in
this makes the reported differences relevant. The derivation each group. The calculation of sample size, however, was
of SVR' during the shock phase (or PVR for that matter) is based on the number of animals required within each group
based on the assumptions that blood ¯ow through a to demonstrate a more than 20% rise in EVLWi during the
constricted circulation is laminar and blood is a study period. Thus, even though the study was not
Newtonian ¯uid.25 Both assumptions are invalid in the speci®cally powered to demonstrate differences between
presence of profound vasoconstriction and hypovolaemia the two ¯uid groups, differences if any are likely to be small
and this is a recognized limitation of calculated vascular and unimportant. The percentage blood volume removed
resistance. Therefore, all comments on SVR' and PVR are
from each group was similar (Group S=39.4% (SD=6.7%);
based on measurements made at baseline and during the
Group G=39.1% (SD=11.6%)) although the amount of blood
post-resuscitation phase only. Thirdly, the duration of the
removed from individual animals ranged from 24±60% of
instrumentation phase varied during the period of study as a
total blood volume highlighting the limitations of many
result of the learning curve inherent in undertaking surgical
traditionally used shock models based on ®xed percentage
instrumentation. This effect, however, was taken into
volume loss.19 20 The present ®nding is in keeping with the
account in the experimental design by adhering to a strict
clinical observation that the haemodynamic and metabolic
randomization protocol.
consequences of haemorrhage and shock vary markedly in
Early changes in lung function has been reported
healthy subjects.
previously in pigs by Noble4 and in baboons by Holcroft
In conclusion, the present study suggests that pulmonary
and colleagues.3 The lack of a control group in Noble's
study design renders the ®ndings inconclusive and the and systemic vascular dysfunction may be demonstrable
clinical signi®cance of shock de®ned by RMP criteria by within the ®rst hour after the onset of shock. As such the
Holcroft and colleagues is unclear. We have, therefore, used stage for subsequent development of acute lung injury and
more clinically relevant criteria such as CO, MAP, blood or multiple organ failure may be set very early in the clinical
lactate concentration, and SvO2. The study shows that in the course of shock and should be an important consideration in
early stages of shock commonly monitored parameters such the initial resuscitation of patients presenting with shock. As
as PaO2/FIO2, Q Ç S/Q
Ç T, Cdyn, and EVLWi may remain a result of ethical and ®nancial constraints it was not
unaltered (except in the more severe and irreversible possible to include larger numbers of animals in the present
forms of shock). Changes in relative pulmonary pressures study and therefore further laboratory studies where DO2
(MPAP/MAP) may in fact be the earliest evidence of and SvO2 values are restored and maintained over a longer
pulmonary vascular changes in such patients. The present period are necessary to con®rm the above ®ndings and to
study clearly highlights the differences between pulmonary elucidate the pathophysiology of early pulmonary changes
and systemic vascular beds to ischaemic reperfusion. in shock.
Translocation of gut-derived endotoxins into the systemic
circulation following mesenteric ischaemia is a well-
recognized cause for intense pulmonary vasoconstriction
associated with systemic vasodilatation.6 26 We believe this Acknowledgements
is one of the possible explanations for the differences in the We are grateful to Dr M. O. Columb, South Manchester University
systemic and pulmonary circulations seen after volume Hospitals for the assistance in data analysis. The role of Mrs H. Marshall
replacement in the present study. and Mr T. Riney in conducting these experiments is gratefully acknow-
ledged. The studies were funded by the Medical Research Council UK and
The reasons for a persistent elevation in blood lactate Maelor Pharmaceuticals, Wrexham (UK). Data included in this paper were
concentration in some animals even after ¯uid resuscitation presented to the Anaesthetic Research Society, UK in March 2001.

Nirmalan et al.

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