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In the current scenario of climate change and extreme weather it is reported that there is an increased risk of flooding, both from flash floods and sea level rise. What lies beneath the stagnant brown flood water that is now an all-too-common site on some places in our country is a sewerage system that has proven time and again incapable of carrying away the heavy rainfall that hits the country each year with the regularity of working clock. Flood conditions, not only health problems and urban drainage that must be addressed, but also how the floods had caused many social problems. A comprehensive definition of flood is:
A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from overflow of inland or tidal waters from the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source.1

In the very first place, like what we said above, some places in Indonesia always got flood in every year. For example, Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung etc. Many damages were happened caused by flood, in environment point of view, such as breaking trees etc. Also social and economy point of view. But, until now, every single step that we done for solving the flood disaster is seems nothing to tackle this polemic. So that, we have to now, actually how to solve this problem, by knowing first, what are the causes and what is the impact, so that we can know what the way we will solve is. Flood causes Heavy rainfalls are one of the major causes of floods. The level of water in rivers or lakes rises due to heavy rainfalls. When the level of water rises above the river banks or dams, the water starts overflowing, this causes floods. The water overflows to the areas adjoining to the rivers, lakes or dams, causing floods or deluge. Floods occur more in the regions that get heavy rainfalls.2 Beside the natural causes above, there are also several human causes of floods. Deforestation is one of the major causes of floods. Trees are being cleared fast from large areas. As result, soil is easily eroded, and the eroded soil gets settled at the bottom of rivers and seas, which raises the level of water in rivers and seas, which consequently causes floods. Rubbish also being a part of the causes. People threw rubbishes in everywhere they want,

______. What is flood? . Available at http://www.ga.gov.au/hazards/flood/ [Accessed 2111-2010] 2 ______. What causes flood?. Available at http://www.thegeminigeek.com/what-causesfloods/ [Accessed 21-11-2010]

most of them in the wrong place, such as river, street, etc. So that, many rubbishes will be a big problem to cause the flood. Flood Impact The most disaster which happened in Indonesia is flood. And there are many after effects of a flood. Much of it is quiet deadly. These effects of a flood are divided into three types which are: Tertiary Effect, Secondary Effect, and Primary Effect. The primary effects of flood damage include physical damages like damage to some facilities; bridges, cars, buildings, sewer systems, roadways, and also even casualties like people and livestock death due to drowning. The meaning of the primary effect of floods is due to direct contact with the flood waters. The velocity of water tends to be high in floods and consequently, discharge increases as velocity increases. Because of excess high frequency of rainfall, the rivers and streams flow with higher velocities wherein they are able to transport larger particles like rocks as suspended load. Such large particles include not only rocks and sediment but during a flood it could also include large objects such as automobiles, houses and bridges. Massive amounts of erosion during the floods can undermine bridge structures, levees, and buildings causing their collapse. During floods happen, water will also enter to human built structures causing water damage. The flood can damage to houses include ruining of furniture, damage to the floors and walls of the house and damage to any other item that comes in contact with the water. Automobiles on the roads get stranded in the floods and they get carried away by the flood waters or water enters into the automobile, which results in damage that cannot be easily repaired. The flood water carries sediment as suspended load. As the flood waters recede, the sediments get deposited and things and structures including the interior of buildings usually get covered with a thick layer of stream-deposited mud. Farmlands affected by floods face a huge loss as they usually result in crop loss. Livestock, pets, and other animals are often carried away by the strong currents of the flood water. Humans who get caught in the high velocity flood waters often get drowned. Among the secondary effects of flood damage are the disruption of many essential services like gas and electricity. Flood damage also includes the contamination of the drinking water supply, if sewage treatment plants are flooded. And also, can damage clean water supply which has been rare now. This poses a greater threat because this may result in disease and other health hazards, especially in under developed countries and in the

developed countries also, like Indonesia. The public transportation systems may also be disrupted during floods, resulting in shortages of food and other supplies. And Tertiary effects of flood damage are generally long-term effects like the location of river channels that may change because of flooding; fewer new channels will develop, leaving the old channels dry. Farmlands with crops get destroyed by the sediment deposition caused by the floods. People may not be able to make it to their workplace due to disruption of services. The floods may also result in destruction of wildlife habitat. Although floods have some advantages, such in the dry soil or area will bring good, if we look at it in a broader perspective we can conclude that largely, floods cause havoc to life and property of mankind. By following various preventive measures the effects of flood damage can be reduced to a great extent. What Government done to solve flood? Government tried to solve this problem with some steps. Reforestation, dredging river, and socialisation are the steps that government done. Reforestation is activity to make exist or plant the tree. With Gerakan Seribu Pohon or now Gerakan Sejuta Pohon the government tried to plant as many as possible tree in our country. This kind of solution is to solve both problem global warming and flood. Because, tree could reducing the carbon dioxide in the air, which good for saving the earth from global warming and also can keep the hydrology in the soil, which good for preventing from flood itself. Dredging river is the way to make river be deeper than before is one of potential way to tackle flood. When we do this, it will make the river be deeper, and when the river is deeper, it means that we also increase the maximum or the quantity of the water that could be kept. And when the water could be kept in the river, it will make potency of flood being decreased. Socialisation from the government is the way to make the society aware to the issue of flood. By giving some socialisation in the televisions or mass media such as newspaper or magazine, also in some posters or any agenda of socialisation, government hoped that the society would be aware to the issue and participate to tackle and solve the issue of flood. But, the status quo for solving the problem is not enough. The steps above were felt not effective to tackle this. Because, we still found the problem or flood now. This case happened because, the steps which actually potential steps is not worked well. Only some people or some organisation who apply or active in participating to these proposals. We have to believe that to tackle this problem, it will not enough if its done alone. In other hand,

APBN also is not providing flood to the list for being paid. The flood is not yet being special listed in APBN. So that, the funds are not allocated clearly for flood. From these cases, we could see that actually government most focus to the problem (flood) if it was happened. So, what government most likely done is not kind of preventing of the flood disaster. So, the government just gave the aid to the victim for example, not how to minimize or decreasing number of victim from flood itself. So, what we have to do? In administrative or legislative point of view, the government maybe could do these ways to solve flood: 1. Making the program that prepare for disaster and early warning systems. 2. Increasing supervision of the program at the local, national, international and global. 3. Promoting regulation and monitoring tap-water. In technical point of view, the government maybe could do these ways to solve flood: 1. Repair hydrology and sanitation. 2. Strengthen the program that have run to make it be better and more effective and eficience. An actually simple action for the society is everything must be start from our selves, a little thing, and now. We have to start it from our selves. The way we life and do everything is must be ecology-friendly. So, it will not disturb or harm the environment. Not using something non-eco-friendly, such as aerosol or Styrofoam is good example. Not only our selves, but also we have to invite the environment around us. Everything to be big thing must be started from the little thing. So for solving the flood, we also have to start from a little thing, such throwing rubbish in right place or not disturbing any plants. Imagine! How, if everyone throws rubbish to dustbin? How if everyone keep clean of the environment? How if everyone not pollute to the air, water, or soil? What a clean environment that we will have! Start from ourselves and start from little thing are not enough. All these must be start from now. Flood is urgent condition that we have to solve as soon as possible. If we let it longer, it will be worst condition. So that, we have to start now and not wait from any longer time. Student, what we can do?

As an agent of change, we have to participate actively to tackle our environment problem, including flood. Because, as agent of change, we have to change the condition become a lot of better than before. Because of that, we also must do some steps to solve flood. The steps we can do such not to throw rubbish in everywhere. Especially in the school or university, and commonly in other places, when we throw rubbish at dustbin and take the rubbish from street (or other place) to dustbin, it will be example to other people. When our parents, teachers, and people around us see our action, they will feel shame if they dont do the same action, and it will persuade people to do the same action. Being agent of socialization to our society, family, and our friend. Maybe, some people dont know how to participate in tackling flood. So, we as student who knows must share the knowledge and experience that we know. So, people will know and try to do same. Based on the explanation above, we have to realize that actually we have a big part of this proposal. So at the end of the day, we believe that actually the steps that have been taken by government were good steps, but, the problem is the government and society did not do it seriously and well. The collaboration of it also is still lake. The society almost to think where they can stay when flood come, not how to prevent flood. So, if we can do it seriously and continuously, we can solve the problem as soon as possible.


______. What is flood? . Available at http://www.ga.gov.au/hazards/flood/ [Accessed 21-11-2010]

______. What causes flood?. Available at http://www.thegeminigeek.com/what-causesfloods/ [Accessed 21-11-2010]

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