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INT43D:INTERNET AND WEB TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY Leo T:0 P:2 Credits:1 Course Outcomes: Through this course students should be able to (C01 :: Use text and block level formatting tags to present content on web page. C02 :: Apply hyperlinking, images and lsts on web page, 603 :: Arrange the content using tables and frames. 604 :: Develop interactive web page using forms. C05 :: Apply presentation schemes on content using CSS. COS =: Validate the web page using JavaScript. List of Practicals / Experiments: Basics of Internet and HTML + Configuring computer system to access internet. Managing social networking profile and e-mail account. Using WWW for accessing relevant information. To demonstrate the use of TELNET, FTP, IRC. + Creating a simple web page using basic HTML tags such as HEAD, TITLE and BODY with their attributes on Dreamweaver. + Working with Horizontal Rules,Specialcharacters, Addingcomments. Reverse the direction of string Using BDO tag. Working with big and small tags. + Creating web page with Headings, Paragraphs,Breaks, Centered Text, Block Quotes, preformatted text, Formatting text such as. Bold,[talic, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript and subscript. + Formatting text in web page using FONT tag alongwith its attributes. Working with marquee tag along with its attributes ks and Images in HTML + Designing Web page using different types of lists such as ordered list, unordered listdefinition lst and nested lists. + Designing Web page using links- a document in same folder, different folder, on web, on different sections within same document/web page and on different documents/web pages, + To demonstrate the werking of link, alink, vlink + Designing web pages using Images- along with its attributes, Image links and Image Maps. Tables in HTML + Designing web page using Tables - working of table, th tr, td tags with al attributes. Working with row span and col span, Frames in HTML + Designing web pages using Frames, Nested Frames, Inline Frames, No frames, Frame Targeting and iframes. Forms and Controls in HTML + Designing web pages using forms. Working with form flelds such as labels, text fielc, text area, password, buttons- submit and reset, check boxes, radio buttons, drop down list. Working with Tegend and fiele set tag, Designing forms using tables, Layout and Basics of CSS + Designing web pages using Div and span tags. + Working with various types of style sheets- internal, external and inline. Selectors~ Class and 1D, CSS for Tables, Lists, Links and Images + CSS on document, lis, link, images and tables. Basics of JavaScript + Working with JavaScript- Variable declaration, Dialog boxes, Conditional Statements, Control Statements, Arrays and Functions. Event Handling in Java Script + Working with JavaScript event handlers. Form validations, E-commerce Transactions and Video Conferencing + Form Validation such as - blank space, emall, date, numeric, phone number, + Demonstration of audio-video conferencing, Demonstration of e-commerce transaction. Text Books: 1, HTML 5 IN SIMPLE STEPS by KOGENT LEARNING SOLUTIONS INC., DREAMTECH PRESS References: 4. sams TEACH YOURSELF HTML, CSS, AND JAVASCRIPT ALL IN ONE by JULIE C. MELONI, PEARSON

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