Module01 Entering and Editing Text and Formula

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Advanced Excel

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❖ Edit cell contents

❖ Insert Delete or Replace contents

❖ Wrap Text

❖ Fill Data automatically in Worksheet

❖ Format Text

❖ Change Font Style, Size color, Applying effects

❖ Text Alignment

❖ Clear Formatting

❖ Cell Reference

❖ Relative, Absolute and Mixed References

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Entering and Editing Text
Edit cell contents:

You can edit the contents of a cell directly in the cell. You can also edit the contents of a cell by typing in
the formula bar.

When you edit the contents of a cell, Excel is operating in Edit mode. Some Excel features work differently
or will be unavailable in Edit mode.

When Excel is in Edit mode, the word Edit appears in the lower-left corner of the Excel program window,
as shown in the following illustration.

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Insert, Delete, or Replace
✔ To insert characters, click in the cell where you want to insert them, and then type the new characters.
✔ To delete characters, click in the cell where you want to delete them, and then press BACKSPACE, select
the characters and then press DELETE.
✔ To replace specific characters, select them and then type the new characters.
✔ To turn on Overtype mode so that existing characters are replaced by new characters while you type,
press INSERT.

Note: Overtype mode can be turned on or off only when you are in Edit mode. When Overtype mode is
turned on, the character to the right of the insertion point is highlighted in the formula bar, and it will be
overwritten when you type.

✔ To start a new line of text at a specific point in a cell, click on where you want to break the line, and
then press ALT+ENTER.

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Edit Mode
To start working in Edit mode, do one of the following:

✔ Double-click the cell that contains the data that you want to edit.

✔ This starts Edit mode and positions the cursor in the cell in the location that you double-clicked. The
cell contents are also displayed in the formula bar.

✔ Click the cell that contains the data that you want to edit, and then click anywhere in the formula bar.

✔ This starts Edit mode and positions the cursor in the formula bar at the location that you clicked.

✔ Click the cell that contains the data that you want to edit, and then press F2.

✔ This starts Edit mode and positions the cursor at the end of the cell contents.

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Cancel or Undo Edits

Before you press ENTER or TAB, and before or after you press F2, you can press ESC to cancel any edits
that you made to the cell contents.

After you press ENTER or TAB, you can undo your edits by pressing CTRL+Z, or by clicking Undo button on
the Quick Access Toolbar.

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Display Cell Contents

Adjust the way cell contents are displayed

✔ After you edit cell contents, you may want to adjust the way they are displayed.

✔ At times, a cell might display #####. This can occur when the cell contains a number, or a date, and the
width of its column cannot display all the characters that its format requires. For example, suppose a
cell with the Date format "mm/dd/yyyy" contains 12/31/2007. However, the column is only wide
enough to display six characters. The cell will display #####. To see the entire contents of the cell in its
current format, you must increase the width of the column.

✔ Change the width of a column

• Click the cell for which you want to change the column width.
• On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format.

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Display Cell Contents
✔ Under Cell Size, do one of the following:
▪ To fit all text in the cell, click AutoFit Column Width.
▪ To specify a larger column width, click Column Width, and then type the width that you want
in the Column width box.

Note: As an alternative to increasing the width of a column, you can change the format of that
column or even an individual cell. For example, you could change the date format so that a
date is displayed as only the month and day ("mm/dd" format), such as 12/31, or represent a
number in a Scientific (exponential) format, such as 4E+08.

If there are multiple lines of text in a cell, some of the text might not be displayed the way that you want.
You can display multiple lines of text inside a cell by wrapping the text.
Note: When Excel is in Edit mode, you cannot change the way text wraps.

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Wrap Text
✔ Click the cell in which you want to wrap the text.
✔ On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click Wrap Text.

Note: If the text is a single long word, the characters won't wrap; you can widen the column or decrease
the font size to see all the text. If not, all text is visible in the cell after you wrap the text, you may need to
adjust the height of the row.

✔ On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format, and then under Cell Size click AutoFit Row.

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Exit Edit Mode
To stop working in Edit mode, do one of the following:
Press ENTER.
Excel exits Edit mode and selects the cell directly below the current cell.
You can also specify that pressing ENTER select a different adjacent cell.
Click File > Options > Advanced.

Under Editing options, do one of the following:
To make the selection remain in the cell that you were editing, clear the After pressing Enter, move
selection check box.

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Exit Edit Mode
To control the direction of the selection, select the After pressing Enter, move ‘selection’ check box, click
the arrow next to Direction, and then select a direction from the list.
Press TAB.
This stops Edit mode and selects the cell to the right of the current cell. Pressing SHIFT+TAB selects the
cell to the left.

Click a different cell.

Excel exits Edit mode and selects the cell that you clicked.

Press F2.

Excel exits Edit mode and leaves the cursor where it is.

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Automatic Data Fill in Cells

Select one or more cells you want to use as a basis for filling additional cells.

For a series like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..., type 1 and 2 in the first two cells. For the series 2, 4, 6, 8..., type 2 and 4.

For the series 2, 2, 2, 2..., type 2 in first cell only.

Drag the fill handle.

If needed, click Auto Fill Options Button image and choose the option you want.

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Format Text
Formatting text or numbers can make them appear more visible especially when you
have a large worksheet. Changing default formats includes things like changing the
font color, style, size, text alignment in a cell, or applying formatting effects. This
article shows you how you can apply different formats and undo them.

If you want to text or numbers in a cell to appear bold, italic, or have a single
or double underline, select the cell and on the Home tab, pick the format you

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Font Style, Size, or Apply Effects

Click Home and:

✔ For a different font style, click the arrow next to the default font Calibri and pick the style you want.
✔ To increase or decrease the font size, click the arrow next to the default size 11 and pick another text

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Font Style, Size, or Apply Effects

✔ To change the font color, click Font Color and pick a color.
✔ To add a background color, click Fill Color next to Font Color.

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Font Style, Size, or Apply Effects

To apply strikethrough, superscript, or subscript formatting, click the Dialog Box Launcher, and select an
option under Effects.

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Text Alignment

You can position the text within a cell so that it is centered, aligned left or right. If it’s a long line of text,
you can apply Wrap Text so that all the text is visible.
Select the text that you want to align, and on the Home tab, pick the alignment option you want.

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Clear Formatting

If you change your mind after applying any formatting, to undo it, select the text, and on the Home tab,
click Clear > Clear Formats.

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Create or Change a Cell Reference

✔ A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used in a formula so that
Excel can find the values or data that you want that formula to calculate.

✔ =-87 5432`98In one or several formulas, you can use a cell reference to refer to:

• Data from one or more contiguous cells on the worksheet.

• Data contained in different areas of a worksheet.
• Data on other worksheets in the same workbook.

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Cell Reference on the same Worksheet
✔ Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.

✔ In the formula bar Button image, type = (equal sign).

✔ Do one of the following:

• Reference one or more cells - To create a reference, select a cell or range of cells on the same

• You can drag the border of the cell selection to move the selection or drag the corner of the border to
expand the selection.

• Reference a defined name - To create a reference to a defined name, do one of the following:

• Type the name.

• Press F3, select the name in the Paste name box and then click OK.

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Cell Reference on the same Worksheet
Note: If there is no square corner on a color-coded border, the reference is to a named range.

✔ Do one of the following:

✔ If you are creating a reference in a single cell, press Enter.

✔ If you are creating a reference in an array formula (such as A1:G4), press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

✔ The reference can be a single cell or a range of cells, and the array formula can calculate single or
multiple results.

Note: If you have a current version of Microsoft 365, then you can simply enter the formula in the top left
cell of the output range, then press ENTER to confirm the formula as a dynamic array formula. Otherwise,
the formula must be entered as a legacy array formula by first selecting the output range, entering the
formula in the top left cell of the output range, and then pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to confirm it.
Excel inserts curly brackets at the beginning and end of the formula for you.

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Cell Reference on the same Worksheet

You can refer to cells that are on other worksheets in the same workbook by prepending the name of the
worksheet followed by an exclamation point (!) to the start of the cell reference. In the following example,
the worksheet function named AVERAGE calculates the average value for the range B1:B10 on the
worksheet named Marketing in the same workbook.

1. Refers to the worksheet named Marketing

2. Refers to the range of cells between B1 and B10, inclusively

3. Separates the worksheet reference from the cell range reference

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Cell Reference on the same Worksheet

Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.

In the formula bar Button image, type = (equal sign) and the formula you want to use.

Click the tab for the worksheet to be referenced.

Select the cell or range of cells to be referenced.

Note: If the name of the other worksheet contains nonalphabetical characters, you must enclose the
name (or the path) within single quotation marks (').

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Relative, Absolute, and Mixed References

By default, a cell reference is a relative reference, which means that the reference is relative to the
location of the cell. If, for example, you refer to cell A2 from cell C2, you are referring to a cell that is two
columns to the left (C minus A)—in the same row (2). When you copy a formula that contains a relative
cell reference, that reference in the formula will change.

As an example, if you copy the formula =B4*C4 from cell D4 to D5, the formula in D5 adjusts to the right
by one column and becomes =B5*C5. If you want to maintain the original cell reference in this example
when you copy it, you make the cell reference absolute by preceding the columns (B and C) and row (2)
with a dollar sign ($). Then, when you copy the formula =$B$4*$C$4 from D4 to D5, the formula stays the

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Relative, Absolute, and Mixed References

Less often, you may want to mix absolute and relative cell references by preceding either the column or
the row value with a dollar sign—which fixes either the column or the row (for example, $B4 or C$4).

To change the type of cell reference:

Select the cell that contains the formula.

In the formula bar Button image, select the reference that you want to change.

Press F4 to switch between the reference types.

The table below summarizes how a reference type updates if a formula containing the reference is copied
two cells down and two cells to the right.

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Relative, Absolute, and Mixed References

For a formula being copied: If the reference is: It changes to:

$A$1 (absolute column and
$A$1 (the reference is absolute)
absolute row)
A$1 (relative column and
C$1 (the reference is mixed)
absolute row)
$A1 (absolute column and
$A3 (the reference is mixed)
relative row)
A1 (relative column and relative
C3 (the reference is relative)

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Credit: Thank you all the original creators. Some content is picked up from online sources

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