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The heroes launch an attack into

Kritza the
propertics his
that they
might ra7e them to the Rat Prince's vermin
claimed as personal
ground. By attacking the holdings, seeking out his
the Duke of Vermin littleholdings, and kept free of the filth last few
buildings and st reetsprincey
choice but to Krit7a
safe havens are burnt to strike at them in carried by his followers, the heroes believe they has
cinders. return, before the last of will
his vermin free
properties a
Use the rules for
of the Cursed City rulebook tojourneys from
set up and
page 37-39
must race ahead
stench of which
of this horrid furry tidal wave. tihe
a Pillage journey (note that the rules play through is
enough to knock an
ogor off its feet
iourneys from the Ulfenkarn in Peril Deliverance At the end of the
first event
not used). quest book are phase. place the Abhorrent
Swarm token on the
drop zone.
At the end of each
subsequent event
the Abhorrent Swarm token tophase.
the leader
an adjacent board
This rule replaces the 'no more cards' tile and removes the
rule on page board tile the Abhorrent Swarm
38 of the Cursed City rulebook. If token was on from the battlefield. in
there are no more addition to any
exploration cards in the exploration deck when one mysterious objects, lychgates and gateways connected to
must be drawn, shuffle the that board tile.
down and make fresh a
exploration cards face
exploration deck from which Any hostiles that were on
exploration cards can now be drawn. that board tile are siain. Any
heroes on that board tile are
placed on the nearest empty
space on an adjacent board tile to the board tile that
The nightfall token is not used in contains the Abhorrent Swarm token. and then
Pillage journeys; the suffer 3
entire game takes place at damage against which they can make a Defence roll as if
night. If an event roll result or they had suffered damage from a weapon action.
another rule asks you to move the
that rule.
nightfall token, ignore
If no spaces are available, the hero is taken out of action.
RAZING Any remaining models, counters or tokens on that board
tile are removed.
Heroes that are undertaking a
Pillage journey can make
the Raze (5+) and the Explore (4+) actions.
When a board tile is removed from the battletield. place it
back in the game box with the other unused board tiles.
Raze (5+): A hero make this action if they are

adjacent to a
space that contains a mysterious
there are no hostiles adjacent to the hero, and that At the start of the event phase, if all the heroes are dead
mysterious object is on a board tile whose exploration or out of action, or if every hero that is not dead or out of
card has the symbol. If they do, remove that
mysterious action is in the extraction zone, the journey ends.
object from the battlefield - a princely property has been
razed - and move the quest token one space clockwise on
If the journey ends while there is at least one hero not
the quest tracker. out of action, and 10 or more princely properties have
been razed, the heroes are successful. Any other result is
The Abhorrent Swarm is less a pack ofrats and more a
thousand-strong gestalt entity whose reins of control lie CONSEQUENCES
firmly in Kritza's unevenly manicured hands. While for If the heroes are successtul, they each gain experience
the most part he allows the Abhorrent Swarm to aimlessly (see page 34 of the Cursed City rulebook). Add I victory
wreak havoc on the Teeming Warrens, he is willing to counter to the Nightwars quest card.
exert his control over it for two reasons - to seek out and
annihilate any intruders in his territories and to guide If the heroes fail this journey, add I doom eounter to the
Nightwars quest card.
the swarm away from the lastfew properties he considers
in a
to be
of any worth. After all, one cannot hold court
The heroes
squalid building covered in diseased ratfaeces.

Having wrought havoc in ene of the vampire lords' domains, the heroes have succeeded in attracting the attenti
ofthat foul creature. Their first indication of their target's ire is a sudden assault upon the heroes' adopted home ot
Haven. Ifthegroup can save the beleaguered township from the vampire s forces, they will be able to track it back.
its lair and do their best to put it to the sword. to

There are four different Decapitation journeys in the Set up stage 2 as it you were play1ng through a Hunt
Nightwars quest. Each has its own rules, found on the journey, following the rules in the Cursed
City rulebook
following pages. but use the combat map. victory conditions and
rules for the Decapitation journey you are
Carmilla's Doom (Carmilla Dusang) (pg 40) undertaking
Thirst Awakened (Lady Annika)
A Decapitation journey will also specify which hostiles
42) (pg to use and how they are
deployed and
Desperate Frenzy (Kritza the Rat Prince) (pg 44) reinforced.
The Final Decapitation Journeys each have a
unique event table
Showdown (pg 46) which is used instead of the table in the Cursed City
rulebook during this stage of the
In the same manner as
during the Ulfenkarn in Peri If the heroes
complete the victory conditions for the
quest, each Nightwars Decapitation journey is made
up of two journeys that are Decapitation journey they are undertaking. they have
played in sequence. Stage succeeded at that journey. Whether they are
I is always a Haven Defence, which will successful
on which change based or not, once
stage 2 is over, consult the
vampire lord the heroes have provoked into section (pg 16).
Journev's End
attacking them. Should the heroes succeed at Stage 1,
Stage 2 represents the heroes
back to the heart of their tracking that vampire lord Note that each hostile
group in both stages has
them to battle once more in territory, and bringing
own a
number assigned to it. Use the
attempt to finally kill matching number to determine that hostile with the
them for good.
during combat. group's order
To set up
stage 1, follow the rules for Haven
Defence opposite. THE FINAL SHOWDOWN
There is no Haven Defence
If the heroes fulfil the Showdown (Stage 1) to the Final
Haven Defence
they do not return to the Adamant. victory conditions, Set up that
Decapitation journey; there is only a
can make one Instead, each hero journey Stage 2
using the maps, rules and hostile
free groups on page 46.
one ailment from their Recuperate (1+) action or remove
character card other
remain. They also remain ailments

points they have, and any wound or keep any inspiration
counters remain on
their character grievous wound
was out of
action, they are no cards. Ifa hero
addition, Qulathis the Exile longer out of action. In
oaken arrow counters. does not
regain any used
When a
vampire lord has been
enenmies directly - and the lree suficiently provoked, as an
borough ot Haven is too
apex predator their
first act will be to attack their
tUalike other journeys, a 11aven tempting target to resist.

Haven itsel1. set up ana play journey always takes place on
1hrough a lHunt the same combat map,
his stage of the Jouney journey, but use the victory condition, representinE tne cart of
map, and special rules helow i

Mysterious object 4
O Hero starting space

O 3-6




When the heroes are set up, instead of placing them on The hostile groups in Haven Detence journeys do not
a space in the Drop Zone, place each hero on an empty have encounter cards that are placed on the combat
space marked with the letter H on the map above. track, nor can they be driven oft. Instead, when a hostile
group activates, roll and the quest dice. It theroll
THE VAMPIRE LORDS is a success, deploy one slain hostile trom that hostile
Each vampire attacks Haven in their own cruel fashion, group in a space adjacent to the lychgate whose number
and leads their own forces to the slaughter. Over the page matches the score on the quest dice as shown on the
you will find details of which hostile groups are present Haven Detence map, tollowing the rules tor deploying
when each vampire lord attacks, what special rules (if reinforcements. If the roll is a critical success, deploy two
slain hostiles from that hostile group instead. lu addition,
any) will be in and what the heroes must achieve to
treat the quest dice roll as the behaviour roll tor that
succeed in defending Haven against each vampire lord.
hostile group.
When an event roll is made during a Haven Defence

the Haven Defence event table over the page.

JOurney, use

a hostile
lo set up the hostile groups, the leader picks
Set up each hostile
group and a mysterious object. lach
the group adjacent to that mysterious object.

mysterious object
can be chosen
THE VAMPIRE LORDSs and will unleash difterent horrors upon the
brand of evil to Haven,
Eachvampire lord brings their own personal
decided that enough is enough.
ving populace when they have finally

he notorious Carmilla has long planned her assault on Haven. Her agents have slowly but surely poisoned every well in
the place bar a precious remaining tew. Her final assault now sees her minions attacking the weakened townstead in an

attempt to destrov their last pure water stupply and end the rebellion against
her rule once and for all.
When the heroes embark on the Carmilla's Doom' Decapitation journey, use the following rules in Stage1.

Just Hold Out a Little Longer: In the nightfall step. the

leader moves the quest token one space clockwise.
Group 1: 5 Ultenwateh
Group 2:6 Bat Swarms
Group 3: 5 Ulfenwatch VICTORY CON DITION
Group 4: 3 Fell Bats During the event phase, when determining it the journey
ends, the journey ends it the quest token is on the space
SPECIAL RULES marked '6' on the quest tracker. If, when the journey
Tainted Water Supply: Fach hero starts this ends. three or more wells have been destroyed or all of
ourney diseased. the heroes are out of action, the heroes are unsuccessful.
If. when the journey ends., there are 3 or more wells
Destroy the Wells: Hostiles treat each mysterious object remaining,. and at least one hero is not out of action, the
hero during this
as a
journey. IW' hen a mysterious object heroes are successtul.
has sutered a total of 12 or more
damage it is destroyed
and removed trom the battletield. The wells have no
Defence value. do not activate and are ignored for the If the heroes are successtul, they can
Carried Off result on the Fell Bats' behaviour table. progress to stage 2
(pg 40). If the heroes are not successful. place 1 doom
counter on the Nightwars quest card.

Use the following event table in all Haven Defence journeys.



A Destiny Denied: Do not make destiny roll at the start of the next turn.

2-4 Town Militia: Pick one hostile on the

battlefield and roll A On a success or
damage to that hostile. This damage cannot be critical success, deal 1
ignored or reduced.
5-6 Citizen's Gift: Draw the top card of
the discovery deck. If it
pick a hero on the battletield is a treasure card or
give that discovery card to that hero.

realmstone card. the eader

Terror of the Endless Dark: Otherwise, that card has no etfect.
The leader picks one
do not have any hero. That hero must
7-8 inspiration points and were inspired, discard I inspiration point. If they
card over to its Path they
that hero suffers 1
Glory side. If the hero does not
are no
longer inspired turn their character
have any
damage inspiration points and were not inspired.
Born Hero: The leader
picks one hero that is out
of action.
9-10 space that is adjacent to one or Deplov that hero to the battletield in an
remove one ailment from heroes. Then make a free
battlefield. Make a free
hero. If there is no hero out of Recuperate (1+) action for that hero. or
Recuperate (1+) action tor that hero oraction, the leader picks one hero on the
Inspiring Effort: The leader picks a hero. remove one ailment
from that hero.
A That hero gains 1
12 Destiny Fulfilled: After the
destiny roll is made,
inspiration point.
destiny dice section of the move all
Skyvessel board. discarded destiny dice to the
dheod sänify Py tne herocs
cftorts, Annika leads an attack on the
f Have. As crics of pain ecno in the largest collection of mortals her minions e

the heroes make their

way towards the sounds of violence.
w'hen the heroes embark on the Thirst
Awakened' Decapitation journey, use the following rules in Stage l.

Group 1: 1 Lady Annika. The Thirsting Blade VICTORY CONDITION
Each time Lady Annika the Thirsting Blade is slain, move
Group 2:3 Vyrkos Blood-born
Group 3: 1 Vargskvr the quest token one space clockwise on the quest tracker.
1, at the start of the event phase, the quest token is on
Group 4: 3 Fell Bats
the third space of the quest tracker and at least one hero
IS not out of action, Lady Annika has been driven from
Haven the journey ends and the heroes are successtul.
Gorged on Innocents: Lady Annika, the Thirsting Blade
starts with two blood points and cannot lose blood points
during this tourney.
It the heroes are successful, they can progress to stage 2
pg 42). 1f the heroes are not successful, place 1 doom
counter on the Night wars quest card.


Enraged over the loss of his precious holdings, the Rat Prince sends his greatest weapon to devour Haven - the Abhorrent
Swurm. Facing a tidal wave of chisel teceth and stinkingfur, the heroes prepare themselves for a desperate battle.

When the heroes embark on the 'Desperate Frenzy' Decapitation journey, use the following rules in Stage 1.

ROSTILE GROUPs Activating the Abhorrent Swarm: When the
Swarm's hostile group would activate, if the Abhorrent
Group l : 1 Vargskyr
Swarm token is not on the battlefield, the leader must roll
Group Corpse Rats
2:6 the quest dice and place the Abhorrent Swarm token in the
Group 3:6 Deadwalker Zombies
board tile touching the lychgate whose number matches the
Group 4: The Abhorrent Swarm score on the quest dice, after which the
Abhorrent Swarm's
hostile group's activation ends. If the Abhorrent Swarm
SPECIAL RULES the token next to
Swarm as a token will not fit on that board tile, place
The Abhorrent Swarm: Treat the Abhorrent Abhorrent Swarm's hostile
the Abhorrent that board tile instead. When the
hostile with a Wounds value of 15. Each time
if the Abhorrent Swarm token is on
the Abhorrent Swarm token group would activate,
Swarm is slain,
the battlefield, but is not on a board tile that contains hero,
remove a
token one space
from the battletield and move the quest token to adjacent board tile.
move the Abhorrent Swarm
clockwise on the quest tracker. that contains hero, unless that
It must move to a board tile

it to a board tile that

is impossible,in which case must move
Swarm with
tor the purposes ot targeting the Abhorrent hero. If it could move to two or more board
the is closer to a
each empty space on
weapon actions and
abilities. treat
tiles following these rules, the leader chooses which of these
token is in (including
board tile that the Abhorrent Swarm board tiles the Abhorrent Swarm
moves to.
token itself) as containinga
any spaces covered by the
Single Abhorrent Swarm hostile
Caught by the Abhorrent
Swarm: During the event phase,
before determining if the journey
ends, any hero in the
with specific abilities (such
Abhorrent Swarm suffers 2 damage,
Note that this allows heroes cards same board tile as the
Cleona Celestial Devastation) or
Zeitengale's to and any hero in an adjacent board suffers 1 damage.
potentially deal damage
(Such as the Soulscour Locket) to
In the case ot Cleona
the Abhorrent Swarm multiple times. VICTORY CONDITION

the player would rol if the Abhorrent Swarm has been

During the event phase,
Celestial Devastation.
Leitengale's that the Abhorrent
least hero is not out of
atfected by the ability slain 4 or more times and at one

once tor each space model in. and deal

journey ends and the heroes are successful.
Swarm was treated as having a action, the
each roll.
Abhorrent Swarm atter
apropriate damage to
progress to stage 2
a heard
on a space in If the heroes are successtul, they can
hen a hero or hostile is placed that ter

not successtul, place I doom

nat contains the Abhorrent Swarm. treai pg 4). lt the
heroes are
Nightwars quest
Movevalue of1 counter on

hOstile as having a
board tule

6-Descent Into Darkness

3-GnawingTerrors Without warning the
ItherealMurderers stones Rats are chewing ground collapses
A vast swarmof Corpse heneath the hero's feet, and they
ith aresounding ra k. paing a nearby
sist as thhe strvet is torn apart by ghosfiy through the wall of to sneak out plummet into darkness. Picking
The occufpants are trying
fendrls whrh wrap uround nrarhy
window while o n e herotcally
themselves up, they identify a series of
citirens nrcás and pull them to the through a
lightless tunnels, possibly an old sewer
stays to distract the rats.
rOund. FPanicked. choking i ries alert the network. They can explore these tunnels,
here to their plight. The acting hero must choose to help or attempt to climh back up.
take over
the atling hero mist choose to atlack he citizens leave quietly or
The acting hero must choose to
the tendrils or leave before they
distrac ting the rats. explore
the tunnels to find an exit, or try to
are caught.
climb out.
they choose to help thecitizens
I leave, turn to entry 95 (pg 38).
I f they choose to attack the
the rats, I f they choose to explore, turn to
tendrils. turn to entry 52 (pg 34). 1f they choose to distract entry 50 (pg 34).
Tf they choose to leave, turn to turn to entry 74 (pg 36).
entry 91 (pg
If they choose to climb out, turn to
4-Fearof the Dark entry 83 (pg 37).
A citizen has finally snapped under the
2-Fell Kidnapping
A Fell Bat's powerful wings carryya psychological pressure of the endless 7-CollapsingBuilding
Nearby, the heroes hear the violent
sreaming citizen off to an unknown night, and lies wide-eyed in the middle
fate. 1f the hero is
quick they might of a street, praying for the light to return. collapse ofa nearby building Upon
ill it - but then they must catech the
investigation, they realise the structure
hapless victim! The acting hero must choose to help get has vanished into a
giant sinkhole. Faint
the citizen somewhere safe and well-lit, screams
echo from the gaping void.
When resoving this crisis, skip steps 5, or leave them to their fate.
6,7 and 8- instead
unpause the game The acting hero must choose to climb
and follow the instructions below. I f they choose to help the citizen, down to rescue survivors, or
turn to entry 58 (pg 35).
ignore the
cries for aid.
The acting hero makes one free
or Dual
Ranged I f they choose to ignore them, turn
weapon action (if they do not to entry 68 (pg 36).
have such a weapon action, I f they choose to climb down, turn
they must to entry 107 (pg 39).
throw an improvised weapon - roll
instead). Re -roll failed attack rolls if 5-Extortion Racket If they choose to ignore the cries,
A wily merchant is
the acting hero is an Executioner. If the
selling candles at turn to entry 111
(pg 39).
roli is a failure the
extortionate prices. It would appear that
acting hero becomes sheer greed
fatigued and the crisis ends. If the roll
can see
opportunities even in
8-Furred Avalanche
is circumstances such as these.
successful, the Fell Bat is hit and A nearby manhole cover is hurled into
the acting hero must make an the air as hundreds
roll to catch the Agility The acting hero must choose to either of Corpse Rats boil
victim. Re-roll ignore this situation, take the law into outfrom the sewers. One hero must
failed Agility rolls if the
StaBwart. If the Agility roll is
hero is a their own hands, or carve their
way through the throng and
successful for those who need
buy a few candles seal the sewer shut, iest the rodents
the acting hero gains 2 inspiration them most.
numbers overwhelm the
points and the crisis ends. If the group.
roll is failed the Agility If they choose to ignore this
acting hero loses 1 When resoBving this crisis,
inspiration point and the crisis ends. situation, turn to entry 79 skip steps 5,
the If If they choose to take (pg 37). 6,7 and 8 instead
Agility roll is failed and the acting unpause the game

the law into and follow the instructions

hero is their own hands,
Brutogg Corpse-Eater then the turn to
entry 63
acting hero can make I free (Pg 35).
(1+) action before the crisis ends I f they The
acting hero makes four free Melee
not want

waste turn to
choose to buy a few candles,
not, after all. entry 93
or Dual weapon actions. Re-roll failed
(pg 38).
attack rolls if the
acting hero is a Stalwart
Reaper. If at least three of those Melee
Weapon actions are successful, the hero
seals the sewer
entrance, stemming the
tide the
and becomes
acting hero suffers 1 damage
diseased, and the crisis
ends. If two or more
of the Melee weapon
actions fail, each hero on the battlefield
Suffers 2
damage and is diseased., and the
crisis ends.
Onminous Signs the
here nolcs intus iudl Natherngs ot acting hero nmakes
s , i f s ltui K'ii wbOne struys in etence roll or is takena slucesstul
the shidows, all stuaring dire tly at the after whih the itisis
out ot
actun, A
madman walks the streets in the dead
herves wilh ginmiet cves,. of night, blind and
barefoot, raving
12 A about the coming of the Great
1When resolving this crists. skip steps 5
A Curious Ocurrence
stairwav of bone f he cannot be
silenced, he will surely
oand S mstead unpause the gamne ssemblng itselt from together
high dese end
on to
drag more to madness or
and tollow the instrutons below
aspiral in tront of one hero.It could
icad anywhere, he acting hero must choose to silence
biut onhy the
ill find adventurous the doomsayer with force, or to try to
1he a ting hero rolls A . Rol out eracthy where... convince them ot their error.
instead it they are aloremaster
acting hero must choose to ascend
the starr ase or I f they choose to silence them with
I t the roli contains two critical destroy it.
force, turn to entry 48 (pg
successes, turn to cntry 80 (Pg 37). 34)
Ifthey choose to ascend the I f they choose to convince them,
OtherWISC, 1t the roll contains only stairs. turn to entry 59 (pg 35).
turn to entry 96
successes and critical successes. (pg 38)
It they choose to destroy
turn to entry 40 (Pg 33),
turn to entry 84 them 16-Aerial Support
ltthe roll contains one or more (pg 37). The Adamant, now better equipped to
tailures, turn to entry $9 (pg 37). aid the he roes during their
13-The Purple Sun of Shyish missions
descends out of the gloom, guns
magical predator, the Purple Sun is blazing
If the heroes can remember the signals
10- A Desperate Request the
cnervating energy of Shyish given they have been taught, they can drect
A cry tor help leuds the hero into the
murderous form. As the rays
deeper shadons of a ncurby alleyway. A from this
baleful orb strike those nearby, their
the Adamant to lay waste to their
robedfigure with a coled head limps preferred enemies.
souls are torn from their
through a broken arch, trailing blood body and their
bodies turned into amethyst
on the floo. He presses a cloth bag into crystal. When resolving this crisis. skip steps 5
The hero rushes to see there are
a heros hand, and begs the hero to if any 6 , 7and 8 - instead unpause the game
victims left to save but there are none, and follow the instructions below.
kcep it sate before colapsing in their save a macabre series
arms. Howls in the distance signal the
of screamning
amethyst statues. The hero sees some Until all the instructions here are
approach ofsome nasty pursuers... skeletons breaking the statues apart for followed, the players are not allowed
their master, as the amethyst is to communicate. Each player picks a
The acting hero must choose to leave the ny'stical resource. hostile group number in secret. Then.
man and keep the bag, or try to see off at the same time, the players reveal
his pursuers The acting hero must choose to either which hostile group they have picked
attack the skeletons or leave them to (either by declaring it out loud, raising
If they choose to leave him, turn to their grinm harvest. the appropriate number of fingers
entry 99 (pg 38). or by indicating the hostile groups
l f they choose to see off his I f they choose to attack them, turn initiative card). If each player chose the
pursuers, turn to entry 82 (pg 37). to entry 88 (pg 37). same hostile group. each hostile in that
If they choose to leave them, turn hostile group suters 2 damage. Then the
to entry 106 (pg 39). crisis ends.
11-Animated Offal
A swarm of warm and oozing innards
dropsfroma rooftop with seeming 14-Horrific Transformation 17-Devouring Abyss
A group of citizens howl nearby As the hero investigates a loud grinding
malign intelligence, wraps itself around cutching their heads while they noise, they discover the street they are
a hero's neck and begins to throttle on is collapsing into the sewers beneath
Scream in pain. Many have already
them. The hero must tear this magicaly them! They must flee in order to not tall
animated offalfrom their throat before begun to suffer thefull effects of their to an almost certain death.
their skeletons tearing their
they black out. in an
way free of their fleshy frames The acting hero must make + Agilitv
agonising transformation.
When resolving this crisis, skip steps5, rolls. If they tail three or more of
6, 7 and 8 - instead unpause the game those Agility rolls, they fall into the
The acting try
hero must choose to
and follow the instructions below. murky depths - turn to entry 50 (pg
save the citizens trom their magical
34). Otherwise thev escape and the
curse, or put them down betore they are

Roll the quest dice for each hero, crisis ends

fully atfected.
re-rolling any ties. The hero with
1Owest score is the acting hero, instead turn to
choose to save them,
of one chosen by the leader. The acting
If they
(pg 39).
the entry 110
make a Defence roll. If put thenn
nero must
hero Ithey
choose to
Defence roll is failed the acting turn to entry 109 (pg
hero must
Suffers I damage; the acting
make another Defence roll, and
the damage by 1 for each failed Delence
roll they previously made. Continue

making Defence rolls in this way unti!

I they choose to stare, tuin to

18-TheSuffocating iravetide with ie hernha l leav

cntry 102 (pg 38).
A Suffocating (Gravetide, now Jree of tun
Radukar's control, rushes through the I they choose to break away,
to entry 4I (pg &4) hey loose u baggle, tunt
battlefiell, enveloping all in its palh in a entry 12 (K 1)
roiling tide ofspirits and hurned ear th. 21 Devouring Vilae

When resolving this crisis, skip steps, he hero pool of what appears
sers a
lo be entry 10 (pg iH)
animated blood slonly oozing through
6,7 and 8 instead unpause the game
Moments 25 1igts
and follow the instructions below. window into a nearby building in the 1Dark
oul, collapsing as he hero spols some
later, a man staggrrs bohbing lights in 1
Randomly determine a lychgate. Placc
the vitae covers hin from hrad to foot. distantdarkness. A possible upportuniy
the Suftoating Gravetide token in the He is left as a desicealed corpse when the or dangerous hait?
board tile that is pool moves on, seeningly a little bigger.
touching that lychgate.
Now make a note of the lychgate thal Ihe acting hero inust ch et
1s turthest from that board tile - this The acting hero must choose to altack investigate the hghts or ig elhem
s the target lvchgatc. If there is more he creature or ignore it.
than one, the leadcr chooses which one I f they choose to
1s the
targetlychgate.At the end Ifthey chooseto attack, turn to investig.ate, urn
of cach o entry B6 (pg 37)
Ourney phase, move the Suttocating
Gravetide token toa board tile that is
entry 56 (Pg 35). Ifthey choose to
ignore them, turn
Ifthey choose to ignore it, turn to to
nearer to the target lychgatc. 1he board entry 45 (py 4).
entry 38 (pg 33).
tile it is moved to must be
connected 26- Foul Play
to the board tile it
is currently on
either an open or closed
by 22 -ForebodingEvents The hero discovers a
gateway. At The hero hears an
Ufenwatch patrol sewerjack. The smell is duurdi
beginning of the event phase, if the marching nearby. Intrigued, they see a appull1ng, hut
Suftocating Gravetide token is on the clutched in the duardin's hund
dozen skeletons march into a large is u
board tile open rumpled note,
touching the target lychgate, sewer with uncanny
precision. This may
remove it from the
battlefield. be worth investigating.
The acting hero must choose to
lf a hero starts their
same board tile as the
activation in the The acting hero must choose to follow
investigate the corpse or leave
Sutfocating the Ulfenwatch or leave. catching something
Gravetide token, that hero suffers
damage. When the Sutfocating If they choose to
Gravetide token is removed from the If they choose to follow, turn to to investigate, turn
battlefield, this crisis ends. entry 67 (Pg 36). entry 55 (pg 35).
If they choose to leave, turn If they choose to leave, turn to
entry 43 (pg 34). entry 39 (pg 33).
19- A Cry for Help
A cloud of bats
fighter who bellows for aid battling

all that -

23-Violent Liberation A
27-Lost in the Dark
can be seen of them is their blade, which
The hero discovers an armed sharp wind blows out the hero's only
occasionally bursts from citizen's militia light. They head towards their comrades
the swarm. fending off a group
of Ulfenwatch. They in the
pitch dark, but where they urrive
fighting over a group appear
The acting hero must to be
fighter or leave them.
choose to help the of chained perhaps not where they hoped.
prisoners, presumably victims the
skeleton guards. of When
If they choose to help resolving this crisis, skip steps 5,
6,7 and 8 instead
entry 105 (pg 39).
them, turn to The

unpause the game

If they choose to leave
acting hero must choose to and follow the
instructions below.
the Ulfenwatch attack
entry 62 (Pg 35). them, to or leave.

Choose a random
If they choose to lychgate and place the
acting hero in the nearest
entry 87 (Pg 37). attack, turn
20 Gaze Not
As into the Nadir
battle ruges, the hero
to to that empty space
the Nadir, the catches sight of If they choose to lychgate. Then the crisis ends.
great leave, turn
magical vortex that
dominates Shyish's Prime entry 85 (Pg 37).
28- Darkness
Caught by the terrible Innerlands. A
smothering Closes In
darkness descends
of its lightless inevitability
magnificence, the hero
continues to stare.
The hero 24-Greed
Conquers All
hero's source of light is snuffed out! Until
as each

Looking long enough transported acrosscaravan of they can be

the city goods being
might reveal wondrous re-lit, blocking enemies
guard. under blows becomes
insights usually Full of
interest to the edibles, it holds littleheavy
hidden mortals or
to near
completely insane...- drive them lords of the
would feed hundreds undead but it When
days at least. in Haven 6, 7 iand 8- resolving this crisis, skip steps ,
The acting hero
must choose
into the Nadir for However, upon for a few
merchant refuses and follow the
instead unpause the
break away.
to stare
insight or try to the few to inquiry the
mortal noblessell, claiming that
instructions below.
promised him a better left in the city have
Add the I to
Damage values of all
guard present, the With an weapon actions until the
choice but to hero has of the beginning
haggle or leave. little
wound counter
next event
phase. Place a
on the quest token
remind you. to
29- A Suspicious Meal
A bubbling cauldron sils in a square 33 A
The hero Sundered ,od
nearby, brimming Wilh a simmering red finds 1fthey chrrne tr attempt a speet
unknown god, tucshattered
shr1ne to
liquid. It smells pleasant, but who left
ked away in the a furn tro eritry 92 'p% )
it here, and to what end, is impossible of a
square rorner 1 f they chorne tr leave, t urrs tig
amulet whihResting
on its
to say. Dare the hero risk a quick tofp 1s an
entry ,4 (pg 15)
whole. Perhapsappears he to
taste? Good food is a vanishingly if has
one half of a

some value'
commodity in Uifenkarn these nights. 37
The (armilla't hraken hody slumps to the
acting hero (an
When resolving th1s crisis, skip steps5 anulet, or leave it on cho)se
to fake the ground, black blood ttreaming from her
, 7 and 8 - instead unpause the game
shrine many wounds Before the final blow can
he dealt, dozens ofFell Rats a1sault the
and follow the instructions below. fthey choose to
take it, turn
entry 76 (pg 36) t heroes and her hatte red form 1s carried

The acting hero c an choose to eat from

If they choose to leave it alone, off tnto the sky She no longer rules
turn to Betrayer Way, hut only time will tell 1f
the cauldron, or leave it be. entry 69
(pg 36) she i1 gone
34 A Broken Soul
Ifthey choose to cat, turn to entry Replace Carm1lla s hunted token on the
The herofinds a man rocking
46 (pg 34). gently quest card with (armillas decapitation
I f they choose to lcave, turn to backwards and forwards on the
The hero ground token Yu may no lenger undertake
entry 51 (Pg 34). recognises them as a one time sabotage journey
ally, who hid them from Radukar's
patrols in times past. The man's mind
30 Empty Home has been IfCarmilla's is the first decapitation
A richly afppointed house looms nearby. damaged by one of the Wolfs token on the quest card. open the
What makes this one stand out is the
punishment for his crime
Level 2 Vampiric Pywers envelope-
lack ofdamage - normally windows of defiance. this contains new prwer cards for the
and doors would be smashed to splinters remaining vampire lords. If there are
The acting hero can choose to try to
to by looters looking to gain entry, but now two decapitat ion tokens on the
break the hold of the curse on their quest card, open the Level 3 Vampiric
those the hero can see remain intact.
ally's mind, or leave them to their fate. this contains a new
Powers envelope -

power card for whichever of the three

The acting hero can choose too
I f they choose to help, turn to entry vampire lords has not been slain. if all
investigate the empty house, or leave. 78 (pg 37). three decapitation tokens are now on
If they choose to leave, turn to the quest card, turn to entry 54 pg 35
I f they choose to investigate, turn entry 49 (pg 34).
to entry 65 (pg 35).
I f they choose to leave, turn to 35-A Final Request The hero assumes that someone else will
entry 90 (pg 37). The hero discovers a sight rarely seen deal with the blood, and gets back to the
in the Mortal Realms - a Stormcast job ofsaving the city. one dead vampire
31-GnawboneStray Eternal, sorely wounded but not at a timne.
A Gnawbone Stray prowls out ofthe returned to Azyr as is usual for their
darkness and tugs at the hero's boot, kind. The mighty warrior's broken form The crisis ends.
then walks down an alley. It seems to be lies atop the bodies of two Vargskyrs,
waiting. Does the hero follow? a testament to their heavenly might. 9
In a cracked voice, the scion of Sigmar The hero leaves, no more interested in
this corpse than in any of the hundred
The acting hero can choose to follow, or requests that the hero end their life, that
others in the city.
gnore the wretched creature. they might return to their liege's war.
The acting hero can choose to hnish off The crisis ends.
I f they choose to follow it, turn to the Stormcast Eternal, or leave.
entry 72 (pg 36).
If they choose to ignore it, turn the Stormcast The hero furrows their brow but cannot
entry 101 (pg 38). I f they choose to kill 36). determine the meuning of these oninous
Eternal, turn to entry 73 (pg
to leave, turn to portents. There is surelv a connection
32-A Glowing Rune If they choose to their past, but the hero cannot
entry 97 (Pg 38).
The hero comes across a runic talisman fathom what efect it might have on
on thefloor which glows with an 3 6 -Raving Lunatics
them in the future. Nonetheless, the
evil light. They cannot determine its
screams and howls hero is aware that something follows
A mob of citizens them in the darkness, and this will
provenance, nor its purpose. thoroughfare,
their way down a
make them harder to ambush, if a little
themselves und calling more paranoid.
The acting hero can choose to pick up whilst atlacking unything
the rune, or leave it on the ground. forsalvation right rhetoric,
With the
intheirpath. attach the The acting hero gains I inspiration
be swayrd to
it up, turn to they might point and the crisis ends.
If they choose to pick heroes enemies.

entry 75 (pg 36).

alone, to try to
If they choose to leave it
The acting herocan
turn to entry 100 (pg 38). the llagellants,
critical success after it has
dice shows a
it to one side and
46 been rolled, place
41 The hero is
brave. Will
their courage
replace it with another action dice of
The hero tries to look away, knowing to roll action dice in
be rewarded?
any type. Continue
that gazing too long into that stygian the above fashion until the acting hero
darkness will lead to nothing but misery the quest dice
player rolls is taken out of action or the value on the
The acting
and death. the corresponding entry is increased to 12 or greater.
and turns to
quest dice
If the value on the quest dice reaches 12,
The acting hero rolls A. Roll instead
1-4 entry 81 (pg 37) the acting hero safely escapes and the
if the acting hero is a Stalwart. 5 - 8 entry 94 (pg 38)
crisis ends.
9 - 1 2 entry 57 (Pg 33)
the roll is a success the hero averts
their gaze betore the worst can happen. 51
The acting hero gains I inspiration
17 The hero derides any who would eat
briefly, but it soon
is The mob listens from such an obviously suspicious
point and the crisis ends. If the roll that in their delusion
a failure, the acting hero is cursed and becomes obvious cauldron. They kick it over for good
the hero's
fatigued and the crisis ends. they cannot comprehend on their
measure, to ensure no dullards are
and proceed
speech. They cheer caught by the trap.
emboldened by whatever they
42 way,
heard. There has been little gain,
but it
The hero offers the merchant permanent The acting hero gains I inspiration
residence in Haven, and a position of could have been afar worse result.
point and the crisis ends.
mportance - chicf quartermaster - in
addition to a heavy tax incentive to The crisis ends.
grease his wheels. 52
The hero attacks the tendrils, chopping
The acting hero rolls Roll A The hero understands what needs to be at them while their victims scrabble
instead if the acting hero is a Blade. done. They draw their weapon. desperately on the ground.
Rollinstead if the acting hero is
Dagnai Holdenstock. The acting hero rolls URoll instead The acting hero makes one free weapon
if they are Stalwart or an Executioner. action. Re-roll failed attack rolls if the
If the roll is a success the hero convinces If the roll is successful, they quickly weapon action has the Melee type and
the merchant to change course and and quietly silence the doomsayer, gain the acting hero is a Blade. Ifthe rollis
go to Haven - the acting hero gains 1 l inspiration point and the crisis ends. a success, the acting hero saves a few
inspiration point and the crisis ends. Otherwise the doomsayer scurries off lives and the crisis ends. If the roll is a
into the twisted streets,
If the roll is failed the merchant leaves -
screeching critical success the acting hero frees all
about how that hero is the cause of all of the victims and gains 1
the acting hero loses 1
inspiration point the city's troubles the acting hero loses inspiration
point and the crisis ends. If the roll is
and the crisis ends. l
inspiration point and the crisis ends. failure, the acting hero fails to save the
victims - they suffer 2 damage and the
43 49
The hero cares not crisis endds.
why a patrol of One look into the man's crazed
Ulfenwatch would march into the eyes tells
the hero all they need to know he
is too -
sewers they can stay there for all the far gone to help. The best they can do is 53
hero cares. With a final
work to destroy those high-pitched squeal, Kritza
cruel fate. responsible for his is cut down and
collapses into a pile of
The crisis ends.
scurrying vermin, which flee into the
The acting hero loses 2 darkness. The Teeming Warrens
44 inspiration are free
Theman screams at the
points and the crisis ends. of his malign influence, but his rivals
and claws at
sight of the hero for rule of Ulfenkarn will only grow
their face in agony. The
hero walks away witha
more powerful.
saddened heart, The hero has
sorry to see an unsung hero way to
meet with such a base
of the city rocky tunnels and their navigate
Replace Kritza's hunted token on the
begins to gutter before long eventually quest card with Kritza's
The hopelessly lost. they are token. You may no
acting hero loses all their They must pray to their longer undertake
inspiration points and turns their gods and try to recall their route Pillage journeys.
character card to the Path wish to
escape alive if they
Glory beneath Ulfenkarn is-for the darkness
to side.
Then the crisis ends. If Kritza's is the
deep and hungry.. first decapitation token
on the quest card, open the 'Level
The acting player places the 2
The hero is
45 in front of them with quest dice Vampiric Powers' envelope this
no fool if only all in the city value 1 contains new
power cards for the
were so cautious... up and
rolls.For facing
the acting hero
each failure, remaining vampire lords. If there are
Re-roll failures ifsuffers
now two
The crisis ends. 1
decapitation tokens on the
quest card, open the 'Level 3
Loremaster. For each acting hero is a Powers envelope this Vampiric
the value on
the quest success, increase contains
a new
each critical dice 1. For
by power card for whichever of the
on the success,
quest dice by 2.increase the value vampire lords has not been slain.three
It all
Once an three
action the
tokens are now on
quest card, turn to entrv 54 (pe 35
he hero N
nd leadshelps the itisen to their
the Curse.
N s ERre sain, s

iehnenaing sheuli finally be lite them to

they can, safety as qie hlyfeetas fter seant seconds the pghter in redur rd
et theeppressine darknes persists. for
while the
poor hunati's
salvation grow louder
fo a blood
stained keleton and the
n the henes eturn to Haen. they prayers seek out their next
died and louder target
survivors that th
th eirs te Raitukar s ernpty throne acting player must roll The
crisis ends Replare all the model
b s e n together at an entrance For cach au tion dice rolled AA Tisted on the enounter ard for the
results in that
he citizen tailure, the loud pr ayers t
th¢ ataOPmbs. N hat nefurious plot ext hotile group to be adldeed to the

these uhudyirng lcehes be hatehins attract hattlefheld with 6 Bat warns

n to be slain the hostiles that need
7he heroes
must strike now if they
damage. Then the a tinghero acting
return daylight to the citys hero
shadowvd streets.. nspiration points and the crisisgalns 2 The hero marehes over and floors the
ends. mere hant with a well placed blow such

Your next Ourney must be the Final 59 8reedy vultures deserve far worse The
With reasen. hero scoops up armfuls of randies to
faith and
showdwn IDecapitation journey (Pg 46) totalk sense into the logic, the hero tries distribute at Haven and leaves, sutisfied
raving nadman. with their own brand of sor tal
Ihe acting
The crumpled note is dripping with
hero rolls, Roll instead The acting player rolls the quest dice
swugr and written in a barely legible they
are a
Loremaster or a Blade. If And divides the result by 4, rounding up
the roll is
successful, the doomsayer
hand. What can be mnade out reads The acting hero gains that number of
is convinced of their
en disovered. Ihey are ... beneath leaves feeling arguments, and inspiration points and the crisis ends
.. Beware and send more... gets much puzzled and foolish the
acting hero gains 1 inspiration point 64
While this doesn't tell the hero and the crisis ends. Otherwise
worse. the One member of the mob spies the
much, it's better to know something is
doomsayer continues his spittle-lecked hero leaving and the wild eyed group
going on than remain ignorant. rant the
acting hero loses 1 inspiration proceeds to follow them, their frenzied
point and the erisis ends. advance impossible to stall. They
heacting hero gainsl inspiration
sweep over the battlefield, tearing and
point. is diseased, and the crisis ends. 60 smashing at everything in range, undead
The man blinks and his eyes water at and hero alike.
56 the sight of the hero as memory
The hero attacks the creature but swiftly Soon, scenes of what was done to him The acting hero and each hero and
finds that no blade or bullet can even echo in his mind. The man becomes hostile orn the battlefield sutfers 1
slow it, never mind injure the thing. A catatonie, but not before he presses a damage. Then the crisis ends.
keen intellect is the only weapon that small gift into the hero's hands, urging
will save the hero now them never to give upthe fight. 65
The hero looks around the dwelling. All
The acting hero gains I inspiration signs of life are there and it hus not yet
Roll instead
Theacting hero rollsL been robbed. The owners are absent,
if the acting hero is a Loremaster. point and draws cards from the however, the only sign of where they
discovery deck until they draw a in
if the roll is a success the acting hero
treasure card or realmstone card. Other might have gone is a giant hole torn
the floor, opening onto inky blackness.
deduces that a predatory pool ot blood cards that are drawn (such as traps or

Is not going to last long in a city full of crises cards) are shutled back
into the Afterfurther searching the hero is able to
find a few valuables.
discovery deck after the
treasure or
blood-drinking monsters and sensibly after which
realmstone card is found,
allows nature to take its course. Satisfied Ihe acting hero draws cards from
the crisis ends.
with their efforts, the hero smugly the discovery deck until they draw a

returns to the group - the acting hero treasure card or realmstone card. Other
61 cards that are drawn (such as traps
gains l inspiration point and the crisis Inside lies an injured student of shutled back into
ends. If the roll is failed the hero cannot or crises cards) are
no creature of
tlee amethyst magic - though mortician, who the discovery deck ater the treasure
think of anything and is forced to
a humble
evil is this, but realmstone card is found. Then the
and left for dead by
the acting hero loses 1 inspiration point, attacked
has been his craft. risis ends
1s fatigued and the crisis ends. too distrustful of
fellow citizens what aid they can,

The hero
administers 66
57 and they are amply The hero leaves the chuined
citizens to
Thefood is hot, delicious and filling. the militia and turns away; they are here
cards from
Teminding the hero of better times. undead,
the not
hero draws to save the city from
The acting
deck until they draw a
themselves, and this matter is a
the discovery card. Other from
Ihe acting hero gains 4 inspiration card or
mess they don't have timefor.

(suuch as traps
points, removes all wounds and cards that are drawn into
shultled back The erisis ends.
grievous wound counters fron
cards) treasure
alter the
Character card, and the crisis ends. the discovery
"Ihen the
card is

cTists ends
If three or more ot the weapon d t i o n s

are successtul, the Corpse Rats are

67 word,
the heros every
driven oft. I the (orpse Rats are diven
he moh hangs
The hero finds it eas' cnough ton fhollow more

then anRer and wailing grOwIng off. the acting hero gains inspiration
the lfemnatch as thev mareh noisily Ar
through the sewers. Before long they iolent with every passingthat details points and the crisis ends
he erescendo of a sperch
enier a large vavern wilhin whieh have
the undead
thhe hero sees hundrrds of skelcton the long list of wors
If theCorpse Rats are not driven off, the
the hero de mands
gardsmen, all stanudng to attention infli ted on the city, acting hero can try again repeat the
and destroy all who
and staring itelesshy al a small throne the go forth
mob process above intilether the (orpse
lie in the grave' Withou
made of bone. In it sits a skeletal fiçure shonld already forward,
Ratsare driven oft or the acting her is
tn a cloak: an an ient looking sword and hrsitaton the flagellants surge
end and tear.
taken out of action

halberd ican against a nearh1 pillar. rager to

The fiyure seems mert. and is missing its I fthe acting hero 1s taken out ot action,
battlefield sufers
skull The iemnateh, howrver, become Fach hostile on the the crisis ends.
dare of the intrudr in thcir udst, 2 damage. This damage
Then the
a1d slowy turn to face the hero, an reric be reduced o r ignored.
h g h t gloning in their ejes CTISis ends.
The rune feels warmn to the touch, und is
lighter than it looks. It does not appear
The acting hero gains I inspiration 2
stray to to have any obvious func tion. el.
point for their discovery but must flee 7he hero follows the gnawbone
there are too Uifenwatch to fight.
many anearby street. Eventually it collapses Place the Runelock token on the carried
Turn to entry 50 (pg 34). outside a hovel, whatever power that
animated it gone. A plaintive cry for help item space of the acting heros charac ter
cmerges from the darkened doorway card. The crisis ends.
The hero callously walks
awa they -

have a citr to save, and they cannot do it The acting hero can choose to go inside, 76
chasing onc dooned soul after another. or leave such an obvious ambush. The amulet does not depict uny divinity
the hero recognises perhaps it is one
The acting hero is fatigued and loses 1 from a bygone age, long since de voured
inspiration point and the crisis ends.
If they choose to go inside, turn to
entry 61 (pg 35). by Nagash. Though plain and of no great
I f they choose to leave, turn to value, the amulet could be useful
69 entry 101 (pg 38).
why disturb something that ofers no
Place the Amulet Right Half token on
obvious gain? The hero has no wish to be
cursed 73 the carried item space ot the
by whatever foul spirit might be The hero readies their weapon and hero's character card. The
watching over this shrine. A wise choice. ends the Stormcast's life with a acting hero is
precise cursed and the crisis ends.
blow. Azyrite energy rockets towards
The acting hero gains 1 inspiration the heavens, and the
point and the crisis ends.
and reinvigorated by the act
hero feels
cleansed 77
has sent agents to the
Sigmar -

The hero starts to

dig out who they can
70 city, and perhaps find, but must be careful not to collapse
has plans to
The hero
shrewdly offers to lead the reconquer it before the end. the building further.
A slim
citizens to place hope perhaps,
but a powerful
to the bottom
of safety, aiming to get one nonetheless.
of who is telling the truth. The acting hero must make
tour Agility
The militia
confer amongst themselves The rolls. For each
Agility roll that is
briefly then things turn ugly as they

acting hero gains 4

move to points and the crisis ends. successtul, a survivor is rescued without
attack the hero!
being erushed. If any survivors are
The rescued, the acting hero rolls
acting hero makes a free Melee, The hero shoves the
74 -

for each successtul tor eah

Dual or
Ranged weapon citizen towards roll, the
action as if the window and hero acting
their target were visible tothem. If the begins hollering and gains I inspiration point, and then
attack roll is failed, the smashing. The rats soon chew the crisis ends. If the
suffers 1
acting hero the door and the through to rescue acting hero tails
damage, against which they stone walls of the
and cover the hero house.
any survivors, they lose all
can make a Delence roll their
they had as if from head to foot in inspiration points and have their
suffered damage from a
weapon action.
rancid fur and teeth. character card turned to the Path to
Continue to make Glory side and the erisis ends.
this way until the weapon actions in The acting hero makes four
acting hero makes a
total of two successful free
actions, as
if the weapon
or is taken weapon actions
out of action. If and visible. target was adjacent
hero is taken the acting Re-roll failed attack
out of action, the crisis
the acting hero
is a
rolls it
ends. If the weapon
Stalwart. For each
acting hero made a action that
two successful weapon actions, total of acting hero sutfers 2
is not
successful, the
off the militia, free they see
the citizens and which they can damage, against
gain make a
experience. Then the crisis ends.
as if
they had suffered Defence roll
weapon action, and damage from a
becomes diseased.

Ihe hero 83

fliey eun hegins to dimb up as best

The hero wades into the Ulfen watch.

hero must make Agility
until they have
The acting hero makes a free Melee,
rolls Ranged weapon action as if
wlich point su eeded at three, at Dual or

c dl iitAliis aliy bljtee9ss, tu they climb out and the their target were visible to them. If the
1isis ends. For eah failed attack roll is failed, the acting hero

suffers I Agility rol

he acting hero suffers I damage, against which they
le all tuil4ins viily lailuies, turn to
ting hero can choose todamage. The can make a Defence roll as if they had
any time and stop climbing suffered damage from a weapon action.
find an exit explore the tunnels to
(ontinue to make weapon actions in
instead turn to
(pg 4) if they do. entry 50 this way until the acting hero makes a
total of four successful weapon actions
ihe heo puys tio lirrd men hants
or is taken out of action. If the acting
eduging illEens, eVen n t n e s uf need, 84
The hero hero is taken out of action, the crisis
attacks without
hatdly ü He w plienoien1, and hesitation, ends. If the acting hero makes a total of
is knowing that
ill eontinu# TEgarlleta of wiether of this macabre creation. good
can comne four successful weapon actions, turn to
lfenkurnis badveal The stairway entry 108 (pg 39).
sludders like a living
thing and retreats
upwards, shards of bone falling to the
he iisis cds
ground its wake. Perhaps the hero has
in 88
The hero draws their weapon and
Saved a future
life from the isfortune of attacks, eager to gain vengeance Jor e
such a
tempting decision.
lhe hero begins to t onneet these strange dead and the living alike.
animal oc (urrences. They are reminded The crisis ends. Roll
ofa threat long dead- a master of .If the roll is The acting hero makes a free Melee or
successful, the
acting hero gains1 Dual weapon action as if their target
nee roma1y who used macabre spies
inspiration point. were visible and adjacent to them. If
suh us these to gain information, Is the attack roll is failed, the acting hero
itpossihle the foul creature survived? 85 suffers I damage, against which they
Forewarned, the hero resolves to take Difficult choices are the heroes' stock-in- can make a Defence roll as if they had
nothing for granted n the coming weeks. trade as is dealing with the guilt that suffered damage from a weapon action.
inevitably follows. The sounds of battle Continue to make weapon actions in

The acting hero gains 4 inspiration recede into the distance. this way until the acting hero makes a

afid the crisis ends, total of four successful weapon actions

The acting hero is fatigued and the or is taken out of action. If the acting
hero is taken out of action, the crisis
81 crisis ends.
ends. If the acting hero makes a total
The hero's guts roil and churn as the food
of four successful weapon actions, the
Iears through them like acid. Not even 86
The hero discovers that the lights are acting hero gains 3 inspiration points
an ogor would consider this a feast.
lanterns that have been nailed to and the crisis ends.
Deadwalker Zombies. Judging by the
The acting hero suffers 2 damage and
is diseased and fatigued, then the captives they are dragging, the Zombies 89
have been set loose in the city to attract A feeling of cold dread creeps over the
risis ends.
them. To hero. Who is sending these things after
desperate citizens and seize them? What foul power lurks in the
it can't
what end, the hero is unsure, but dark, waiting only for them to slip before
82 be good.The hero quickly attacks.
The hero discovers to their horror them? The hero's caution
pouncing on
Ihat the pursuer is Vargskyr not a into outright paranoia, and

free Melee, grows
alone! The acting hero makes a skittish at even the most
creature they could hoape to slay Dual or Ranged weapon
action as if they become
The hero tips the contents of the bag, to them. If the
harmless of occurrences.
the their target were
a gnarled sigil, into a pocket, picks attack roll is failed,
the acting hero
man up and flees towards their party The acting hero becomes fatigued
suffers 2 damage, against which they time a
with the Vargskyr in pursuit. if they had the crisis ends. In addition, each
make a Defence roll as
crisis is generated during this journey,
damage from
a Place a
in this hero becomes fatigued.
Mace the Twisted Sigil token on Continue to make weapon
token on their character card's
slot. The makes a fatigued
acting hero's carried item the acting hero
this way until actions
portrait to remind you.
and the crisis
acting hero is fatigued total of five
successful weapon

models listed on action. If the acting

ends. Replace all the taken out of 90
o r is crisis
hostile action, the
The encounter card for the next
hero is taken
out of
The place is probably cursed, haunted
total of
be added to the battlefield hero makes a The hero leaves, safe in the
group to end. If the acting set
actions, they
or worse.
unless there is already that have avoided a
with I Vargskyr, hve
successful weapon
in which gain 2 inspiration
free and
Vargskyr on the battlefield, the captives ends.
nasty end.
C4se when it is slain it immediately and the
Immediately The crisis ends.
frinforces after being slain.
turn to entry
aler that Vargskyr is slain,
Dumber 98 (pg 38)

96 to Rerfr the bug safe

The heri prumisrs
the stasrs iufwirde fo the mm1n pen tnspre ting
ht ar h hero followi
dtr anad leaves tihey dise
he hern Jearrs and the gi ai jor u i l baieory
and of ornale
t i e n e n t s of
the Vug. tnver

hnds a iaud
s Poudor fwsted igtí t: purpose remam
sthsm, the hero
vLked doors and ba 1reade d wináen s
aresmift to ju:ige and spstad worá ef farn sA t
heets, tker ser

home Startg Sigil token on the

a naå
ef earvrd slatrwdy
Place the Twistef
hroror 1her farl t notice
atng heto s arried item sl»t. Then the
thrm tm fe id
tfirif beiandi fsts cds
reaisemhiang ned hon
ef sharpr
si eir tal ntghtrt.are forwrd
it steps
b i i slui blides 100
t fatigrd tinketis in therr eharacter ad to ädd the her imrued with
1th a . itmg gat. edger The r u n e ts eleurly

fo the r a * s ftufmIs/htrtgs dark somne energy unl ts not worth

taking It could be u magtul trat king
makes a tree Melec or
h e acting hero devce. r d method to turn off Haven's
92 it thcir target
a c t o n as detenees should some irk some fool bring
}he hern inites the moh. p0inting at the u a l weapon
were visible and adrasent
to them. It t instde The risk ts cleurly not wor th an
undeod as the sourer efall the7 woes.
the attax k roll is tailed. the ting heroa unAnow'n gutn,
which they
he a 1ig hero rolik AA Reli su tfers 2 damage.
Detence roll as it they had
nstcad if they are a Biade can makc a
The crisis ends
uftercd damage trom a weapon action.
Continue to make weapoi actions
If the roli contains two critical 101
91ICeessCs, turn tn entry iípg 36). in this until the acting hero is
A more obvious ambush could not exist
total of
taken out of action or makes a
in all the realms. The hero scoffs at such
successtul actions. It the
1t the roll contains one or more two weapon a pultry atlempt and turns on their heel
hero is taken out of action they
sccesses and one or more critical acting
1CE CS, or two sucesses. turn to cntry
are dead (see pg 34 ot the Cursed City
rulebook for what happens when a hero The acting hero gains I inspiration
47 (pg 34)
and the crisis ends
dies) and the crisis ends. Otherwise. point
If the roll contains one or more tailures, the hero is more determined than ever
turn to cntry 104 (pg 38). to stop Radukar's horror; the acting 102
hero is inspired and the crisis ends. If The hero drinks in the sight of the all
93 they were already inspired, they gain devouring Nadir. doing their best to
The hero trades what they have for as inspiration points. avoid being drawn toofur in..
many candles as they can aford - not
many, given the merchant's prices. The 97 The acting hero rolls Rollinstead
merc hant's mirth is loathsome, but The hero sees no need to end the f they are a Loremaster. If the roll
many in Haven will have light tonight. warrior's suffering. Let them feel is a success the hero sees a vision of
a measure of the pain the citizens Nagash's inevitable future a sterile.
The acting hero must discard of Ulfenkarn have felt since being
any lifeless. pertectly ordered cosmos The
treasure cards they have. If they have abandoned by the 'God-King, and acting hero gains 4 inspiration points, is
no treasure cards they must discard one
perhaps they might bring that story to cursed and fatigued. and the crisis ends
reaimstone card of any value. If they his attention. The Stormcast's brow Otherwise they are driven more than a
do, the acting hero gains I inspiration furrows and they spit a curse, damning little mad by the experience the acting
point and the crisis ends. If they cannot, the hero for their cowardice. The hero -
then are laughed at by the merchant hero sutters 2 damage and is cursed and
barely listens, content to deal with the tatigued, and the crisis ends.
for having nothing to trade and sent on
more terrestrial concerns of mortalkind.
their way, and the crisis ends.
The acting hero
gains 3 inspiration The merchant briefly hesitates and then
94 points, is cursed and the crisis ends.
Thefood is quite bland, but at least the calls the hero back they were
hero will have in

full belly for few hours,
a a order get better price! The hero
to a
so that's something. 98 chustises the merchant and tells them to
The hero
quickly sees to the man's take their wures to lHaven post huste
The acting hero wounds while the battle
gains I inspiration rages. He
point and the crisis ends. Smiles, and says, 'One such as
you is The acting hero
truly deserving of the key. I have been its
gains experience and
the crisis ends.
keeper long enough'. limps away into He
The hero the darkness without
quickly helps the citizens to further word. a

escape, before following themselves. Though puzzled, the hero is glad to have 104
The mob
Seconds later the rats chew done a good
deed. bays for the hero's blool and
wall, and the martyr who through the Swarms over them,
stayed behind. The hero with the
biting. kicking and
Twisted thrashing. The hero breaks free but not
The acting hero
gainsl gains 2 inspiration points. Sigil token
If they before suffering terrible wounds
point and the crisis ends.inspiration discarded the Twisted
Sigil token
nothing happens. The
acting hero sutlers 4 damage and
the erisis ends.
7he hero nmust iry to hit the bas As the last
without of thr
hur ting the fighter thcy surround.
desiroyed, the thained urt
sjon and specd will be needed here
had hren grntly Thry
( ti7em:
elaves f theloim that they
1he acting hero makes a iree Melee
attemting militin ovd
al or Ranged we. apon action. If the wrre
taught byrerafe
Hae nwh rt ve
kroll is failed, the hghter suffers 1 rrsponsr, the militiafenurntrh In
intiet thnt
amage place wound counters in front sinply trying to rrer they
the rifizene
acting heros player to
keep track
1Ow intrnd to hr
nnd mable tn eata hor stondiuet
ing thr m tri
the damage the hghter has suffered cafety
t the tighter would suffer a tourth point The
acting hero mutt hrrte
of damage ihey are slain. Continue to with the militia the c
make weapon actions in this way until
the acting hero makes a total of four If they choose the g i yfoatt Awmeks kaid airro
cssful weapon actions or the fighter entry 66 (pg 35) militi2 tarn tn
s slain. If the hghter is slain, the crisis If they choose themelot for thoir aagi
kgia "g*
entry 70 (pg 36) citizens, tsrn
ends. lf the acting hero makes a total
offour successtul weapon actions, the Replace Annikas heented e
acting hero gains I inspiration point qest card with Annikat der zit at iro
and the grateful hghter gifts them Only a fnal mercy can save
tren Yo mar nes inge
now. these soule
with what little they have the acting There may even he
Piorge mrner
salvage from this grim and something to
hero draws cards from the discovery horrid event
by looting the hodies fAnnikaa sa The irst dergt a iei
deck until they draw a treasure card or of the falen token on the uuest card. gen he
realmstone card. Other cards that are Level 2 Vampiric Prrees i e g e
The acting hero rolls Roil
drawn (such as traps or crises cards) are this contasns new rrwe ards fo
instead if they are a
shufled back into the discovery deck Stalwart, Blade or remainingvampire ords there e
after the treasure or realmstone card is
Executioner. If the roll is successful norw twr decapitatinn tokens om the
found. Then the crisis ends.
they destroy the citizens and any quest card. open the Lee 3 Vmgt
recently made skeletons. The acting Prwers enrvelnpe this conta.s e
hero loses all their
106 inspiration points.
turns their character card to its pevwer card for whcherver he hree

The skeletons labour away, caring Path vampire krds has nat been ska
to Glory side, and draws
cards from three decaptation tokens ate ner
nothing for the hero, slaved as they are to the discovery deck until
their task. The hero takes advantage to
they draw a
the quest card. turn to entrr 4
treasure card or realmstone card. Other
gather what valuables they can from the cards that are drawn (such as traps 113
WTeckage around them. or crises cards) are shuffled back into One by one. the vampsric claimants
the discovery deck after the treasure are driven back to the zloom ot the
The acting hero loses I inspiration point or realmstone card is found. Then the Ulfenkarni crypts. Ai pou rain fury
and draws cards from the discovery crisis ends. down upon them they are forced

deck until they draw a treasure card or to diver! their energies to their gw

realmstone card. Other cards that are Otherwise, the acting hero loses 1 preservathon, the ar puises
penumbral mag1c as the urie of signt
drawn (such as traps or crises cards) are inspiration point and the crisis ends.
Unending unraveis thread by thread
shuffled back into the discovery deck
after the treasure or realmstone card is 110
found, after which the crisis ends. The hero quickly tries to remember some The wychligh: tlares brignter, to reveal

way to reverse the cruel spell. 4 monstrous presence crouched atop
8Tundest of the nobie tombs Radukar
107 rollsRollinstead bestial but unbroken, iurrounded by

The hero swiftly descends into the pitch Theacting hero his court The madness that previousiy
darkness of the hole to rescue who they if they are a Loremaster. If the roll is

filledthe Wolf's gaze 15 gone-

the curse and
can. When they reach the bottom they successful, they reverse
ever truly existed t h a sneering
citizens from an
see some survivors being carried off into save many grateful chuckle, the Wolt speaks He mo kingiy
awful end. The acting hero gains
a winding web ofsewer tunnels beneath trom 4pplauds your ctforts
in disruptung
draws cards
in inspiration point and the schemes of his vampuri for in
the city, while others remain trapped until they draw a
the discovery deck them was forued to renew
the rubble. realmstone card. Other Jailing. euch of
treasure card or
ther allegiane to him The Curse of
drawn (such as traps
cards that are has seTved its purpose
either Night 'nending
acting hero must choose to back into
The cards) are
movements as he enacted a
or crises
cloaking his
help those who are trapped or deck after the

the discovery plan which will see Ulfenkarn undone

after the kidnapped victims. Then the
realmstone card is tound. increased a thousandfold
or and his power
crisis ends. Wounded as they are, the vampires

If help those in the

they choose to into the shadows, believing
their victory
36). hero loses
rubble, turn to entry 77 (Pg assured. They may well be right
the acting

crisis ends. is damned.
turn to and the ifenkarn
If they choose to chase, inspiration point way or another,
entry 50 (pPg 34).


ruthless Cunning and dark impulse. Her

creature of honourless strategy,
Carmilla DuSang is a morally bankrupt she has launched spiteful terror attack on Haven.

has been broken, and in response into the gloom of night

rule over Betrayer's Way citizens and swiftly vanishing
the carrying off struggling o r the victim is simply released. thoiir
rel Bals fit through streets,
rain down out of the
darkness shortly afterwards,
lood and torn body parts cobbled streets of Haven. The heroes must deal
to the
and terminal return
growing screams heralding their swif has ben drawn from her
lair to direct the assault and
Carmilla, who
the attack and then bring the fight to
bask in thc terror she is causing.


Play through the Haven 1Defence using the rules on page


1 Carmilla DuSang (C)
6 Bat Swarms (B)
5 Ulfenwatch (U)
3 Fell Bats (FB)


OO 1-2




TAle ctence: (A milla DuSang cannot be
siunicd din thIs Journey.
Me, My Minions!: Ihe hostile groups in this journey
do nothave encounter cards that arc otn the
at Rodyguards: A heto c annot
chose Carmilla Combat track, nor can they he driven off. Instead, when
t as the taiget ot a weapon action a hostile g r o u p activates, roll a n d the quest cdiue. lt
while there is an
teanat h Visible to that hero,
theroll is a
deploy one slain hostile from that

Broup in space aljac ent to the gateway whosSe


nate hes the score on the

number quest dice, as shown
on the map
opposite. following the rules for deloving
teintorcements.Ifthe roll is a uritical success, deply
we slain hostiles from that hostile group instead. Treat
the quest dice roll as the behaviour roll for that heastile
gTOup. Note that Carmilla DuSang cannot be deployed as
reintorcements after she is slain.


A Destiny Denicd: Do not make a destiny rol at the start of the next turn,
2-4 Malicious Curse: The leader picks one hero. That hero suffers 1 damage.
5-6 U'nderhanded Tactics: All heroes must discard all
their inspiration points.
Terror of the Endless Dark: The leader
picks one hero. That hero must discard inspiration point.
If they do not have any inspiration
points and were inspired, they are
7-8 no longer inspired turn their

character card over to its Path to

Glory side. If the hero does not have any inspiration points and was no
inspired, that hero suffers 1 damage.
Born Hero: lhe leader picks one hero that is out of action. Deploy that hero to the battlefield in an empry
sace that is adjacent to one or more heroes. Then make a free Recuperate (1+) action for that hero, or
9-10 remove one ailment from that hero. Ifthere is no hero out of action. the leader picks one hero on the
battletield. Make a free Recuperate (1+) action for that hero or remove one ailment from that hero

Inspiring Effort: The leader picks a hero. That hero gains 1 inspiration point.
A Destiny Fulfilled: Afterthe destiny roll is made, move all discarded destiny dice to the availabie
12 destiny dice section of the Skyvessel board.


Turn to page 33 and read
i at the start of the event phase, Ifthe heroes are successful, they gain experience.
37 aloud before completing the Journey's End steps.
Carmilla DuSang is slain, and at entry
east one hero is not out of action,
1 doom counter on the Nightwars
the iourney ends and the heroes Ifthe heroes are not successful, place
quest card.
are successtul.
b e r minions no onger bringing her a constant supply of victims to drain, I ady Annika's hunger has grewn to
y cpic levels, Driven by her unconquerable thirst, she summons her hunting packs and descends on Haven in a
7 , teeching at them to drag citizens from their homes to fill her larder. This is the moment the heroes have
w A n g tor. Thcir prey is enraged and theretore vulnerable once Haven is secured, they will chase their foe
down and deal with her
once and for all,


through the Haven Detene
using the rules on 2/.

1Lady Annika, The
Vyros Blood bornThirsting
Blade (A)
Vargskyr (VS)
3Fell Bats (FB)


i2 5-6




1hirst-fuelled krenzy: Lady Annika, the
biadc. cannot be stunned during this Starved Sycophants: The hostile
journey. groups in
this jourhe
do not have
encounter cards that are
slake m Hunger.: \W hen Lady Annika would be placed on the
combat track, nor can they be driven off. Instead, when
he lcader removes her irom the slain,
ibattleficld and places her d
hostile group activates, roll and the quest dice.
3 Cmpty space adjac ent to at least one theroll is a success, deploy one slain host1le from that
hotn if there are multipie Vyrkos
Vyrkos Blood hostile group in a space adja ent to the gateway whose
Blood-born the leader
hooses which onc). i this is 1mpossible, number matches the score on the quest dice as shown
place her in an
2pt space adjacent to a Vargskyr. If this is on the map
opposite. following the rules for deploying
eis slain. if she was placed next to one or more reintorcements. If the roll is a critical success, deploy
Ed born, one those
of Vyrkos two slain hostiles from that hostile
Vyrkos Blood-born is slain. If group instead. Ireat
the quest dice roll as the behaviour roll for that hostile
he was placcd next to a
Vargskyr, that Vargskyr sufiers
o damage (which cannot be reduced). In either case. 8roup. Note that Lady Annika cannot be deployed as
remove all wound Counters next to Lady Annika and reintorcements after she is slain.
gve her blood points, folloWing the rules
reterene card.
her hostile


A Destiny Denied: Do not make a
destiny roll at the start of the next turn.
Gorge: It Lady Annika has 2 blood points next to her, remove one wound or grievous wound counter
2-4 from next to her. If Lady Annika has 1 or 0 blood she makes a points, Charge action.
Driven by Hunger: The leader must pick one hostile on the battleficld that is not Lady Annika. That
5-6 hostile makes a Charge action.
Terror of the Endless Dark: The leader picks one hero. That hero must discard 1 inspiration point.
If they do not have any inspiration points and were inspired, they are no longer inspired - turn their
7-8 character card over to its Path to Glory side. If the hero does not have any inspiration points and were not
inspired, that hero suffers I damage.
Born Hero: The leader picks one hero that is out of action. Deploy that hero to the battletield in an em
heroes. Then make a free Recuperate (1+) action for that hero. or
space that is adjacent to one or more
9-10 remove one ailment from that hero. If there is no hero out of action, the leader picks one hero on the
battlefield. Make a free Recuperate (1+) action for that hero or remove one ailmen: irom that hero.

11 Inspiring Effort: The leader picks a hero. That hero gains1 inspiration
roll is made, move all discarded destiny dice to the available
A Destiny Fulfilled: After the destiny
12 board.
destiny dice section of the Skyvessel
successtul, experience. lurn to page 39
they gain
If, at the start of the event phase, Ifthe heroes are the Journey's End steps.
before completing
entry 112 aloud
Lady Annika is slain, and at least
one hero is not out of action, doom counter on the Nightwars
not successtul, placeI
the journey ends and the heroes Ifthe heroes are
quest card.
are successful.

h e Pat Prinse ma_ weli he
R aduk
ar't sninte nded ofepring. h t hat power he has is ali his none ot it was
r e af tite td at hia trirthrigh Imdred, hie emutc ast beginninge make him all the more dangerous a foe w hen brought
bettle. Lnable tss ewallerw the
ast inente levelied at him bs the heroet Kritza has driven the Ahhorrent Swarm
9 r e t s t aned annihilate the
hereet in their entirets-
and if thev shoud warm over and lav aste to Haven.
B 'he hetter. The her roe muet defeat this entifs once a nd for all, for without it Kritza will be shorn ot his
TEairet weaprm, snd hit defeat »i} he all vast aaagred


thp tse 19avetn
1e fe nt yeg he tulet ronpape 2

t /a the Hat Prithe e

Vargi yr (Vj


wayFrom Me!: Kritza the Rat
Stay Prince cannot be
unned during this ourney. In addition, dice as
each time he on the map opposite, following the rules
moved, he must be oved closer to the tor
deploying reinforcements. If the roll is critical
space touching
thelchgate that
is turthest trom
any hero. If, while success, deploy two slain hostiles from that hostile
aking a Move action, he enterS
space adjacent to nstead. Treat the
quest dice roll as the behaviour roli tor
hero, that Move
ac ton paused and Kritza the Rat
is that hostile group. Note that Kritza the Rat Prince cannot
Drince makes one weapon action that be
deployed as reinforcements after he
et the weapon action is resolved, thetargets that hero. is slain.
Move action is
unpaused and completed. Collapsing Into a Swarm of Rats: Each time Krtitza
the Rat Prince suffers damage, remove him trom the
Defend your Prince, Loyal Minions : 1he hostile battletield: the leader must roll the quest dice. Place
Kritza the Rat Prince in the nearest empty space to the
in thisjourney do not have
encounter cards that
placed on the combat track, nor can lychgate that corresponds to the number rolled on the
be driven
off. Instead, when a hostile group activates, rolland
they quest dice.

the quest dice. It the roll

is a
success, one slain deploy
hostile from that hostile group in a space adjacent to the Seeking an Exit: At the start of each event phase.
during the nightfall step. move the quest token one space
gateway whose nunmber mateches the score on the quest
clockwise along the quest tracker.


A Destiny Denied: Do not make a
destiny roll at the start of the next turn.

2-4 Skittish: Make a behaviour roll for Kritza the Rat Prince.
5-6 The Rat Prince's Curse: The leader must pick a hero. That hero is cursed and stunned.
Terror of the Endless Dark: The leader picks one hero. That hero must discard 1 inspiration point.
If they do not have any inspiration points and were inspired, they are no longer inspired - turn their
7-8 character card over to its Path to Glory side. If the hero does not have any inspiration points and were not
inspired, that hero suffers 1 damage.
Born Hero: The leader picks one hero that is out of action. Deploy that hero to the battletield in an empty
free Recuperate (1+) action for that hero, or
space that is adjacent to one or more heroes. Then make a
9-10 remove one ailment from that hero. If
there is no hero out of action, the leader picks one hero on the
hero or remove one ailment from that hero.
battlefield. Make a free Recuperate (1+) action for that
a hero. That hero gains 1 inspiration point.
11 Inspiring Effort: The leader picks
the available
roll is made, move all discarded destiny dice to
A Destiny Fulfilled: After the destiny
12 board.
destiny dice section of the Skyvessel

they gain experience. lurn page
It, at the start of the event phase, If the heroes are
before completing the Journey's steps.
Kritza the Rat Prince is slain, and at entry 53 aloud
least one hero is not out of action, I doom counter on the Nightwars
not successtul, place
the journey ends and the heroes are If the heroes are

quest card.
Successful. If, at the start of the event
phase, Kritza the Rat Prince is not

slain and the quest token is on the

space marked 6 on the quest
the journey ends and the heroes are

not successful.
Ihe vampire lords, resurrested by their shadowy mavter, have made temporary deep n the undet er
caue t

Ullenkarn. Ihough cach despises the other, the tury and violene ot the herocv have eeneash ot them tall in turn
only by uniting can they hope to rid themelves of the mer itevwehampion ot tlaven. O e the herws are dealt
with, there is little doubt two of the vampiric tris will tall upon whiuhever ot their number i weakest, but irst the
must finally deteat the group of warriors who have dared to oppose thenn.

Kitza the Rat
3Corpse Rats models (R)
Carmilla DuSang (C),
3Iell Bats (B)
Lady Annika. The thirsting Blade
3 Vyrkos Blood born (V)
2Kosargi Nightguard (N)


3-4 1-2
in teinfit ements I t e l l in a ifir al b t ( rot

y l u e alainn t i l e a f 1hal i s t i l e t
i at tjnli l la tie e iayirint frar
t ile p it 1iat
t e f the Vanpne
ellhyeol an
irinfur ements after arr
tw be
litven il lnteal, wiuna htile
csll w slain luil s h n that huntile


A Dtny Thenvd ot uake adesny l l at te staut l the nexl futn

2-4 vil Overlordsi Randonmly determine aVampire L.ord. That Vampire Lord ac tivates
ain the use ut Night lnending emove I wnd grievo Wrd nter fronti tir Vatnipire

Terror of the Fndless Dark1 The leader

picks one hero. That hero must discard 1
t they do not have any inspiration points and were inapired, they are no longer inspired inspirationturnpointheir
7-8 hara ter card over to its P'ath tu Gilory side. If the hero does not have any inspiration points and was not
inspired, that hero sutfers I damage.
orn leroi l lealer piks one ber that in out ot a tio Deploy that hero to the battietield in an empty
a t h a l is auljat cnt tvme n ehenes. hen make a Iree Recuperate (1) action for that hcry, or
9-10 Ne e allnent Irom tat hero, II there is nu hero out of action, the leader pie ks one hero oi the

battletucll AMake a
Reuperate (14) atin to that lieroor temove one alment
luee from
11 Inspiring Rtort: The leader picks a hero. That hero gains I inspiration point.
A Destiny Pultilled: Aler thr destiny oll is made, move all dlise arded destiny dic e ly the available
12 estny ate e t n ut the Syvessel board


t, at the start ot the event phasN Ihe heOCsarc nl suecsslul, place I doom counter on the Nightwars quest
ritra the Rat P'rine. 'amilla and. The nest jenurney the herocs nust attecmpt is this journey
DuSang and I ady Annika, the
Thustng ilade, ane all slain, anl at Ihe heroes are mxeess!ul, you have completed the Nightwars quest
least one heto is not out ot a t i . ngratulatins! The heroes gain expericnce. Turn to page 39 and read entry
the ouney cnds aul the heioes I1aloud betonecoupletmgthe Journeys End steps
alr slesstul.
Ihe Curse ot Night Unending has been lited, and journeys now begin during
the day ignore the changes on age 12 to Step 5, Set up the Skyvessel Board
when setting up tuture journeys (sce below).

Remve all doom counteis trom Nightwars quest card. AI Vampiric Power
Ievels are set to 0,

Ihe heroes have dealt witl the vampire lords (lor now) but they remain a
threat to the ity, and Raulukar coutinues to prOwl the streets. The heroes
an ontiue to make the tollwng jurneys. lhey must use the set up rules
in this quest ook (pp 12), and will onlt gain enperiene it they succevwliully
omplete al'urge oTney
Pupe (ee page
Seavenge (see the 'llenkan in Peil quest book)
l u n t (see the U' in l'eril quest ook)

wwww 7

To generate a crisis during the Nightwars quest, follow CRISES TABLE B

the steps on page 32 of the Cursed City rulebook with the
following change: Quest Dice Entry Page and Entry Name
Result Number
Replace step 2 with the following: 1he leader rolls The Purple Sun of Shyish
the quest dice, and looks up the result on crisis table 13
1 below, then rolls the quest dice again and consults
Pg 31)
Horrific Transformation
the table they have been directed to to see which crisis
has been generated. lhen they procecd to step 3 of the Pg 31)
crisis sequence. 15 Fervent Doomsayer (pg 31)

16 Aerial Support (Pg 31)

5 17 Devouring Abyss (pg 31)
Quest Dice Result The Suffocating Gravetide
6 18
1-4 Pg32)
5-8 B 19 A Cry for Help (pg 32)

9-12 8 20
Gaze Not into the Nadir
Pg 32)
9 21 Devouring Vitae (pg 32)
10 22 Foreboding Events (pg 32)
Quest Dice Entry 11 23 Violent Liberation (pg 32)
Page and Entry Name
Result Number Greed Conquers All
1 , Ethereal Murders (pg 30) 12 24
(Pg 32)
Fell Kidnapping (Pg 30)
3 Gnawing Terrors (pg 30) CRISES TABLE C
Fear of the Dark (pg 30)
Extortion Racket (pg 30)
Quest Dice Entry Page and Entry Name
Result Number
Descent into Darkness
6 25 Lights in the Dark (pg 32)
(Pg 30)
Collapsing Building 2 26 Foul Play (pg 32)
7 27 Lost in the Dark (pg 32)
(Pg 30)
8 Darkness Closes In (pg
8 Furred Avalanche (Ppg 30) 32)
9 Ominous Signs (pg 31) 5 29 A Suspicious Meal (pg 33)
10 10
A Desperate Request 30 Empty Home (Pg33)
(Pg31) 31 Gnawbone Stray (pg 33)
11 11 Animated Offal (pg 31) 8 32 A Glowing Rune (pg 33)
A Curious Occurrence 9
12 12 33 A Sundered God (pg 33)
(Pg 31)
10 34 A Broken Soul
(pg 33)
11 35 A Final Request (pg 33)
12 36 Raving Lunatics (pg 33)



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