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Background Lesions in Laboratory Animals

A Color Atlas
Background Lesions in
Laboratory Animals
A Color Atlas
Elizabeth F McInnes BVSc, PhD, FRCPath, MRCVS, FIAP
Department of Pathology, Huntingdon Life Sciences, Cambs,
United Kingdom

Foreword by
Peter Mann DVM, DACVP
Manager, EPL NorthWest, Seattle, WA, USA

Edinburgh  London  New York  Oxford  Philadelphia  St Louis  Sydney  Toronto  2012
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The volume you hold in your hands reveals the first secret we artifacts, i.e. pseudo-changes that may mimic background changes
should learn as toxicologic pathologists: untreated animals are not but which must be separated out so that they are not reported as
animals without lesions; the normal wear and tear of life causes a treatment-related findings. Finally, Dr Creasy has admirably described
number of histologic changes in many organs. That Dr McInnes and the normal changes in both the male and female reproductive tracts
her colleagues—Drs Chamanza, Taylor and Bradley, and Professor in a manner which should help us mere mortals to separate changes
Scudamore—are all experienced pathologists is obvious from their arising from treatment from background changes in these very complex
selection and description of these changes; it is clear that each of these systems.
authors has struggled with these, often perplexing, changes at some The second great secret we learn as toxicologic pathologists is
point in their career. Each lesion has been carefully cataloged, described that treatment-related changes can be exacerbations of normal back-
and illustrated with color images. For each of the major species of labo- ground changes. With the aid of this book and an adequate set of
ratory animal commonly used in toxicology studies, there is a complete, control animals, the working toxicologic pathologist is much better
well organized description of the background changes expected for each equipped to wend their way through mountains of slides, confident that
of the major organ systems. In addition, there is an invaluable and they are truly describing only those changes which are the result of
exhaustive list of references for each species; this should prove very treatment.
useful when documenting these changes in pathology narratives or
when presenting material to regulatory agencies. In addition to the Peter Mann
chapters on individual species, there is an additional chapter covering 2011


Evaluating the pathology of tissues involves not only the recognition of of lesions; for instance, a pathologist may use the term ‘cardiomyopa­
lesions caused directly by treatment or disease but also the identifica­ thy’ to refer to myocardial necrosis, myocardial fibrosis and myocardial
tion of background lesions. An experienced pathologist should be fami­ inflammatory cell infiltration. Grouping findings together in this way
liar with the spontaneous, incidental background lesions present in a may lead to masking of a treatment-related finding, particularly in long-
particular organ or tissue (Shackleford et al 2002). Toxicologic patholo­ term studies. In general, experienced pathologists tend to record fewer
gists need to be able to recognize background lesions in animals of background findings compared to their inexperienced counterparts.
different ages so that these changes are not incorrectly attributed to Although standardized terminology is encouraged, there is an infinite
the test article. Toxicologists and regulators are understandably keen to variety of findings and very often several terms exist for the same lesion.
ensure that background findings are not incorrectly attributed to test The use of different diagnostic terms to describe the same lesion makes
article effects. This book is for veterinary and toxicologic pathologists, accurate retrieval of historical control data challenging. In this atlas,
at all stages of their training or career, who want to know more about every effort has been made to give the lesion its correct name, but
background lesions in laboratory animals. synonyms for the same lesion have also been included.
Background lesions are described as an array of individual variations This atlas describes background lesions and illustrates most of them
with an accepted reference range (Shackelford et al 2002); they are with a color image. There are chapters on each of the major species of
generally congenital or hereditary findings, i.e. normal findings that are laboratory animal commonly used in toxicology studies, with a com­
unique to the histology of an animal species. Occasionally, background plete, well-organized description of the background changes expected
lesions include the effects of trauma. Background lesions also include for each of the major organ systems. There is also a chapter on back­
normal aging changes as well as some degenerative conditions. In ground lesions in the reproductive system of all laboratory animals;
rodents, background lesions include normal findings such as hematopoi­ the reproductive system is discussed separately from the other organ
esis in the spleen, incomplete growth-plate resorption in the long bones, systems because of the considerable number of background lesions in
continuous eruption of incisor teeth, high cellularity of bone marrow, the reproductive tissues encountered due to normal physiology, housing
and hepatocyte polyploidy, karyomegaly and binucleation in the liver. conditions and the impact of age (i.e. before or after the onset of
Traumatic background lesions include fractures and gavage injuries, bite puberty). Evaluation of the reproductive system in non-human pri­
wounds and foot lesions. Background findings, which also include condi­ mates can be difficult owing to the small sample sizes and the timing
tions such as thymic involution, ovarian and uterine atrophy, may be around puberty which can result in a large number of background
related to normal physiological or hormonal status and often include lesions that may mimic test-article-related findings; the reproductive
minor developmental anomalies such as cysts or ectopic tissue. Degen­ chapter contains detailed descriptions of the hormonal changes recorded
erative background lesions resulting from the aging process include in female non-human primates, dogs and rodents. Finally, there is also
chronic nephropathy, amyloidosis, atrial thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, a chapter on artifacts caused during the death process (agonal) and
polyarteritis, hepatic foci of alteration, and urologic syndrome. during the processing of tissues. The book is fully referenced.
A drift away from the normal range of background lesions may be The authors trust that you will find the book both useful and
associated with factors such as changes in supplier and/or geographic interesting.
source, genetics, age at sexual maturity (dogs and monkeys), diet,
environment, the experience and training of the pathologist, subjective
threshold preferences for background changes, and familiarity with
previous studies using animals from the same source or a different Drevon-Gaillot, E., Perron-Lepage, M.F., Clément, C., et al., 2006. Review of
source. Genetic and geographic influence on background findings can background findings in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) from
occur in cynomolgus monkeys (Drevon-Gaillot et al 2006, Stevison & three different geographical origins. Exp. Toxicol. Pathol. 58, 77–88.
Kohn 2008), and disease susceptibility, disease serology status and Menninger, K., Wieczorek, G., Riesen, S., et al., 2002. The origin of
stress response can also affect the incidence of certain background cynomolgus monkey affects the outcome of kidney allografts under neoral
immunosuppression. Transplant Proc. 34, 2887–2888.
lesions (Menninger et al 2002, Drevon-Gaillot et al 2006). This atlas
aims to provide pathologists with clear descriptions and photographs of Shackelford, C., Long, G., Wolf, J., et al., 2002. Qualitative and quantitative
analysis of non-neoplastic lesions in toxicology studies. Toxicol. Pathol. 30,
various lesions to facilitate recognition of background lesions despite 93–96.
diagnostic drift.
Stevison, L.S., Kohn, M.H., 2008. Determining genetic background in captive
Some pathologists will use thresholds to filter out background stocks of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). J. Med. Primatol. 37,
changes—which may lead to under-diagnosis of a particular lesion. 311–317.
Pathologists may also choose to use broad terms to include a number


The authors would like to thank the following people for the generous Blanco, Stuart Naylor (Charles River), Heinrich Ernst (Fraunhofer
gift of photographs: Carlos Lopez, Antonio de Molina, Nigel Young, Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine) and Gloria del
David Bell (HLS), David J. Lewis, J. Bowles (GSK), Matt Jacobsen, Fiero (Cerberus). Where possible, the individual photographs have
Jayne Harris (Astrazeneca), Alys Bradley, Ronnie Chamanza, Ana been acknowledged; however, in some cases this was not possible.
For Peter, Edward and Simon (EM).


Alys Bradley Cheryl Scudamore

BSc, BVSc, MAnimSc, DipRCPath, FRIPH, MRCVS, FRCPath BVSc, Dip Mgmt, PhD, MRCVS, FRCPath
Director of Pathology, Preclinical Services, Professor of Toxicological Pathology, Royal Veterinary
Charles River Laboratory, Tranent, Edinburgh, UK College, Hatfield, UK

Ronnie Chamanza Ian Taylor

Principal Pathologist, Preclinical Services, Principal Pathologist, Department of Pathology
Charles River Laboratory, Tranent, Edinburgh, UK Huntingdon Life Sciences, Suffolk, UK

Dianne Creasy
PhD, DipRCPath (Tox), FRCPath
Senior Scientific Advisor, Huntingdon Life Sciences,
New Jersey, USA

Non-human primates 1
Ronnie Chamanza

Non-human primates: cynomolgus (Macaca fascicularis) and rhesus (Macaca mulatta)

macaques and the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)

findings are the most common findings and prolif-

Introduction erative lesions are rare, while inflammatory lesions
Non-human primates are extensively used as a are largely limited to mononuclear cell infiltra-
non-rodent species of choice in preclinical toxicity tions in several tissues.
testing, primarily because of their phylogenetic
and physiological proximity to humans. The most Cardiovascular system
commonly used species is the cynomolgus monkey
also known as the crab-eating or long-tailed Spontaneous findings of the heart are among the
macaque (Macaca fascicularis), rhesus macaque most commonly encountered findings in non-
(Macaca mulatta) and the common marmoset human primates used as controls in preclinical
(Callithrix jacchus). Cynomolgus and rhesus safety studies. Of these, the most frequently
macaques are Old World monkeys (from Africa recorded incidental findings are idiopathic myo-
and Asia) of the subfamily cercopithicine and cardial inflammatory cell infiltrations and focal
genus Macaca, while marmosets are New Word myocarditis. Although various diagnostic terms
have been used to describe these two seemingly FIGURE 1.2  Focal myocarditis in a female cynomolgus
monkeys (from Central and South America) of
separate inflammatory findings of the myocardium monkey. ×200.
the genus Callithridae. Cynomolgus monkeys
have gradually replaced rhesus monkeys as the (Drevon-Gaillot et al 2006, Keenan & Vidal 2006,
most commonly used laboratory non-human Lowenstine 2003, Qureshi 1979, Scott 1999,
primate mainly because of costs and availability. Shimoi et al 1998), it is generally accepted that for these lesions and to grade them according
Marmosets are preferred because of their small they represent a single pathological entity that to the presence or absence of degenerative
size which is ideal for testing products in limited differs only in the degree of severity (Chamanza or inflammatory changes in the adjacent myocar-
amounts. They are also easier to handle and less et al 2006). The pathology continuum starts dial tissues when evaluating non-human primate
expensive to house. All three species can now be with minimal to mild, focal, lymphoplasmacytic hearts in routine toxicity studies (Chamanza et al
obtained from accredited suppliers as young inflammatory cell infiltration of the myocardium, 2006).
animals (one to five years old), purpose-bred for with little or no evidence of cardiac myocyte Myocardial degeneration with karyomegaly is
laboratory use and free of specific disease agents. necrosis or degeneration (Fig. 1.1), and progresses an idiopathic focal myofibre degeneration or car-
Young macaques may be easily housed in captivity to focal myocarditis characterized by some evi- diomyopathy (Vidal et al 2010, Zabka et al 2009)
once obtained from suppliers without major dence of cardiac myocyte necrosis and associated that has been described in cynomolgus macaques
disease outbreaks, but the captive management of edema or fibrin deposition (Fig. 1.2). Both condi- from various sources and origins. Even though it
marmosets remains a huge challenge and can be tions occur more commonly in the subendocardial has occurred at a low frequency, high incidences
associated with problems related to stress and the or subepicardial areas of the heart and may occur have been recorded in the few studies in which it
strict dietary requirements of marmosets. simultaneously in the same heart. No clinical signs has occurred (Chamanza et al 2010). The finding
In spite of the immense value of non-human or grossly visible lesions are known to be associated is characterized by minimal to moderate focal
primates in predicting human responses, there with these findings, and no etiological agent has myocardial degeneration associated with mild to
are important ethical and scientific considerations been isolated or demonstrated (Chamanza et al moderate karyomegaly, cardiac myofibre hyper-
regulating their use. Current regulations dictate 2006). The most likely cause is therefore consid- trophy and vacuolation, with minimal inflamma-
that non-human primates should only be used ered to be stress and the release of catecholamines tion or fibrosis (Fig. 1.3). In early lesions, only
when there is no other appropriate alternative. associated with capture or captivity; hence, higher lipid-depleted vacuolation of cardiac myofibres
It has to be scientifically demonstrated that no incidences of the findings have been reported in and karyomegaly with increased nuclear basophilia,
other non-rodent species commonly used in safety wild-caught animals (Qureshi 1979) compared are present, while more advanced lesions may be
testing is appropriate for the purpose of the study. with laboratory non-human primates. A proposal associated with inflammation, hemorrhage, miner-
However, with the advent of biotechnology- has been put forward to apply umbrella terms alization and extensive fibrosis. The most com-
derived products or biologics, such as humanized such as ‘focal idiopathic myocardial inflammation’ monly affected areas of the heart are, in decreasing
monoclonal antibodies, which due to their high order, the subepicardial areas of the apex, the
species specificity require testing in a pharmaco- interventricular septum (just below the atrio-
logically relevant animal species, the demand for ventricular valves), and the tip of the papillary
utilizing species that closely match human phar- muscle and subendocardial areas of both ventri-
macodynamic responses has increased. This has cles (Chamanza et al 2010).
also increased the need to understand the back-
ground pathology of non-human primates, includ-
ing the range of incidental pathology findings that
might be confused with treatment effects.
This chapter describes and presents photo-
graphic images of common incidental findings that
might be encountered in young cynomolgus and
rhesus macaques and marmosets used in toxicity
testing as control animals. The spectrum of find-
ings are reflective of the young age of the animals,
the strict barrier-conditions they are kept under,
and for marmosets, the problems associated with
diet and nutrition of captive-reared New World FIGURE 1.1  Inflammatory cell infiltration of the myocar-
monkeys. In general congenital and degenerative dium of the cynomolgus heart. ×200.

Keratinized or non-keratinized squamous cysts

(Fig. 1.7), squamous plaques with no central
lumen, and thyroid follicle-like epithelial cysts
filled with an eosinophilic fluid have been reported
at very low incidences in the three species. Squa-
mous keratinized cysts are lined with a complete
or incomplete thin layer of flattened epithelium
filled with concentric layers of keratin (Fig. 1.8)
and may be associated with a foreign-body inflam-
matory reaction where the epithelial wall has been
broken, or appears incomplete, and the keratin is
in direct contact with adjacent tissues (Chamanza
et al 2006). Squamous non-keratinized cysts are
composed of a thicker layer of stratified squamous
epithelium around a central lumen filled with a
FIGURE 1.3  Myocardial degeneration and karyomegaly in FIGURE 1.5  Myocardial degeneration and hemorrhage in few inflammatory cells, amorphous cellular debris
a male cynomolgus monkey. ×200. a female cynomolgus monkey. ×100. or eosinophilic colloid-like material. The base of
the epithelial wall of the non-keratinized squa-
mous cyst is usually surrounded by a layer of
Rarely eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies,
fibrous connective tissue of varying thickness.
believed to be caused by invagination of the
cytoplasm into the enlarged nuclei, and intracyto­
plasmic eosinophilic or hyaline granules (usually
located at the poles of the nucleus) within the
hypertrophic cardiac myofibres, may be observed
(Fig. 1.4). Intranuclear (pseudo)inclusion bodies
in hypertrophic cardiac myofibres resulting from
intranuclear invagination of cytoplasmic organelles,
including mitochondria, have been reported in man
(Engedal et al 1977), while hyaline, ceroid and
lipofuscin cytoplasmic granules located at the poles
of cardiac myofibre nuclei have been reported in
cynomolgus monkeys (Jasty et al 1984). FIGURE 1.6a  Fibrosis in the subendocardial myocardium
of a marmoset. ×50.

FIGURE 1.7  Squamous cell lining of cyst in the heart of

a monkey. ×100.

FIGURE 1.4  Eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions and

cytoplasmic granules in the myocardium. ×400. FIGURE 1.6b  Fibrosis of the heart of a marmoset.
Masson’s trichrome stain. ×100.
Acute hemorrhagic necrosis (Fig. 1.5) and/or
fibrosis (Fig. 1.6a & b) of the papillary muscle or The possible role of catecholamines in this
subendocardial areas, resembling ischemic lesions idiopathic myocardial degeneration has been
such as those associated with beta-agonist and suggested. Findings similar to those described
other cardio-active drugs (Greaves 2000), have above, such as cardiac myofibre hypertrophy, FIGURE 1.8  Epithelial squamous cyst in the heart of a
also been observed in occasional animals, including karyomegaly and vacuolation, have been observed cynomolgus monkey. ×100.
marmosets (Fig. 1.6a & b). in a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) with an
active angiomatous phaeochromocytoma (Vogel & Squamous plaques, which are incomplete cysts
Fritz 2003) and in animals directly injected with with no central lumen, may be found lying adja-
catecholamines (Khullar et al 1989). cent to squamous cysts, in which case they are
Ectopic cysts or glandular structures lined by thought to represent tangential sections of walls
various types of epithelium, from squamous to of adjacent squamous cysts. However, some epi-
cuboidal, or columnar, have been described in cardial or endocardial squamous plaques, unasso-
various species, including man (De Lacroix & ciated with complete squamous cysts, have also
Hübner 1974, Thomas & van Wesep 1990), cattle been observed. Keratinized or non-keratinized
(Bundza & Dukes 1978) and mice (Elwell & squamous cysts and squamous plaques are usually
Mahler 1999). In non-human primates, three located in the subepicardial or subendocardial
main types of ectopic cyst have been described in regions between the apex and the base of the
the cynomolgus and rhesus macaques and marmo- heart, and are therefore easily identified as yellow-
sets (Chamanza et al 2006, Drevon-Gaillot et al white nodules on the heart surface or interven-
2006, Kaspareit et al 2003). tricular septum at necropsy.
Non-human primates 3

Ectopic thyroid tissue or thyroid follicle-like

structures have been observed mainly in the sub-
epicardial areas at the base of the heart, including
atrial appendages and walls of the great vessels,
and are not readily identified at necropsy. Squa-
mous cysts and squamous plaques may be of
foregut origin while ectopic thyroid tissue could
be of thyroglossal duct origin (Elwell & Mahler
1999, Kaspareit et al 2003).
Various types of vascular lesions have been
reported to occur spontaneously, albeit at very low
frequencies in laboratory non-human primates
(Chamanza et al 2006, 2010). With the exception
of continuous intravenous infusion studies, in
which local injection sites and systemic vascular FIGURE 1.10  Intimal thickening and atherosclerosis in a FIGURE 1.11b  Mucinous degeneration of the atrium.
lesions are common background findings associ- blood vessel. ×200. ×100.
ated with the test item administration procedure
(Lilbert & Burnett 2003), inflammatory lesions of
blood vessels are uncommon in laboratory non-
Another closely-related, degenerative lesion of
arteries seen in young macaques is the accumula-
Hemolymphoreticular system
human primates. tion of mucopolysaccharides, or mucification, in Extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) occurs fre-
Two isolated cases of polyarteritis nodosa, a sys- the subendothelial areas of the aorta and the quently in the adrenal gland (Fig. 1.53), liver,
temic necrotizing vasculitis of small to middle- heart. Mucin accumulation in the tunica intima kidney and other tissues in marmosets. The sever-
sized arteries, have been described in cynomolgus and, to a lesser extent, tunica media, of the aorta, ity and incidence of this finding is usually associ-
macaques (Albassam et al 1993, Porter et al with proliferation of intimal cells and splitting of ated with the frequency of blood sampling, with
2003). The most frequently encountered inflam- elastic fibres of the tunica media (Fig. 1.11a), has marmosets being very sensitive to frequent bleeds
matory vascular lesions are minimal to moderate, been observed at low frequency in cynomolgus (Tucker 1984). This spontaneous finding should
localized vasculitis or perivasculitis characterized macaques used in toxicity studies (Chamanza et al be differentiated from inflammation, inflammatory-
by a lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the vascular 2010). Mucin or mucopolysaccharide accumula- cell infiltrates or treatment-related EMH. Sponta-
wall without extensive necrosis of the tunica tion in the tunica intima of the aorta and sub­ neous EMH in macaques is extremely rare, but
media or substantial fibrin deposition. The most endocardial tissues of the heart chambers and has sporadically been observed in lymph nodes of
commonly affected organs include the large intes- valves (Fig. 1.11b) has also been described in healthy control cynomolgus macaques (Chamanza
tinal wall, lungs, meninges (brain and spinal cord), humans and other non-human primates (Lindsay et al 2010).
heart (Fig. 1.9), urinary bladder and sciatic nerve. & Chaikoff 1966, Scott 1999). The mucopolysac- Multinucleate lymphocytic syncytia, resem-
charide content of the walls (particularly the bling the Warthin–Finkeldey bodies associated
intima) of arteries of non-human primates is with measles (Fig. 1.12), have been observed with
generally more abundant than it is in humans some frequency in the bronchial-associated lym-
(Scott 1999). This aortic degenerative change in phoid tissue (BALT) of the larynx and the gut-
macaques results in a massive accumulation of associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) of the large
mucopolysaccharides in the subintimal areas, intestines in normal healthy cynomolgus macaques
causing localized swelling or expansion of the (Chamanza et al 2010). It is not known whether
intima with disruption of the elastic fibres of the these represent subclinical measles infection, but
intima media (Fig. 1.11a). no necrosis of lymphocytes is observed within the
lymphoid nodules, nor are viral inclusions present
within the cells. Natural measles infections which
may originate from animal handlers, are known to
occur in both marmosets and macaques (Scott
FIGURE 1.9  Perivasculitis in the heart. ×200.

Naturally occurring, degenerative lesions of

arteries, such as atherosclerosis, do not occur
commonly in non-human primates, but intimal
thickening and the formation of arteriosclerotic
lesions (fibrous plaques) in the coronary artery
and aorta, sometimes leading to occlusion, are
encountered infrequently (Chamanza et al 2010,
Scott 1999). The intima is infiltrated by smooth
muscle cells, mucopolysaccharides and fibrous
tissue with little or no foam cells or extracellular
lipids seen in diet-induced, atherosclerotic plaques
(Fig. 1.10). Intimal proliferation or fibrocellular FIGURE 1.11a  Intimal degeneration and mucopolysac-
intimal thickening may also be encountered in the charide accumulation of the aorta in a cynomolgus
FIGURE 1.12  Warthin–Finkeldey bodies in the gastroin-
lung of normal control cynomolgus macaques fol- monkey. ×200.
testinal lymphoid tissue (GALT) of a non-human primate.
lowing organization of small pulmonary emboli ×100.
derived from infusion sites.
The presence of prominent lymphoid follicles
within the bone marrow is a common background
finding in macaques (Fig. 1.13). This lesion,
together with lymphoid follicular hyperplasia and
prominent germinal centres in other sites, such as
the spleen (Fig. 1.14), lymph nodes and salivary

glands, have been associated with subclinical lesions commonly encountered in the lungs of findings observed in saline-injected control animals
type D retroviral infection (Guzman et al 1999, macaques include focal pleuritis and pleural or on continuous intravenous infusion studies.
Lowenstine 1993). However, most non-human subpleural fibrosis, with or without lung adhesions
primates used in preclinical studies are routinely to adjacent lobes or to the parietal pleura. These
screened for, and are known to be free from, are usually associated with necropsy findings of
simian retroviruses (type D). Thus hyperplastic lung adhesions or pale white foci of the pleura.
lymphoid follicles in the spleen and other tissues
are considered to indicate heightened non-specific
immunosurveillance in animals which have been
reared in a relatively disease-free environment and
are known to be free from major pathogens. Peri-
odontal disease, glossitis and tonsillitis are other
common minor inflammatory lesions known to be
associated with lymphoid follicular hyperplasia
and mononuclear cell infiltrations in other organs.

FIGURE 1.17  Thrombi and intimal proliferation in a blood

vessel of the lung in a cynomolgus monkey. ×200.

FIGURE 1.15  Interstitial pneumonia in a subpleural loca- Yellowish brown to dark brown pigment in
tion in a cynomolgus monkey. ×200. alveolar macrophages is often found distributed
perivascularly or peribronchiolarly within the
lungs of macaques (Fig. 1.18). Although iron-
Other inflammatory lesions of the lung include
positive pigment associated with the lung mite
focal, foreign-body granulomas with minimal to
Pneumonyssus simincola is occasionally encoun-
mild interstitial inflammation. The lesions occur
tered, especially in wild-caught macaques, the
as a result of inhalation of plant, food or other
majority of the brown pigment present in the
small particles (Fig. 1.16) and should be distin-
lungs of purpose-bred macaques is usually not
guished from hair emboli, which usually occur as
FIGURE 1.13  Germinal centres within the bone marrow associated with any parasite sections or pulmonary
a result of the inadvertent injection of hair or skin
in a cynomolgus monkey. ×100. parenchymal pathological changes, and is there-
fragments during intravenous injection of test sub-
fore believed to be anthracosis. Anthracosis, is
stances. Hair emboli or fragments of skin lodged
caused by the inhalation of atmospheric carbon
in macaque lungs may appear as focal, foreign-
particles by laboratory non-human primates
body granulomas in the lung or within arterial
housed near or within urban areas. Similar pigment
thrombi with a perivascular reaction (Kast 1994).
can be encountered within macrophages in the
bronchial or mediastinal nodes and should be dif-
ferentiated from tattoo pigment.

FIGURE 1.14  Prominent lymph follicle with hyalinization

in the lymph node in a cynomolgus monkey. ×100.

The accumulation of brightly eosinophilic

amorphous material (hyalinization) in the centre FIGURE 1.16  Foreign body pneumonia in the lung in a
of lymphoid follicles in non-human primate cynomolgus monkey. ×200.
spleens is a common observation of no known
clinical significance. The eosinophilic substance is Pulmonary vascular disease in laboratory FIGURE 1.18  Brown pigment in the lungs in a cynomol-
thought to be proteinaceous in content and com- primates is rare, but arteritis/periarteritis, throm- gus monkey. ×200.
posed of antigen–antibody complexes. Russell boembolism, perivascular edema and arterioscle-
bodies can occasionally be observed in the vicinity rosis may be encountered in control animals. Focal Vascular or parenchymal mineralization in the
of hyalinized germinal centres, giving more cred- thickening of the intima, due to cellular prolifera- lungs (Fig. 1.19) of marmosets occurs commonly
ibility to the theory of immunoglobin composition tion in earlier lesions and later replacement by in control animals. This occurs as part of meta-
of the amorphous material. fibrosis (with or without smooth muscle hyperpla- static mineralization in this species and may
sia) of the media can be encountered. Intimal involve other major organs such as the kidneys,
Respiratory system lesions can lead to complete occlusion of the
artery concerned (Fig. 1.17), but changes in adja-
the heart (mostly the atria), the aorta and adrenal
glands. Excessive calcium absorption as a result of
Pneumonia in laboratory macaques is not common, cent tissues are usually absent. However, occlusive hypervitaminosis D, or high calcium levels in the
but focal interstitial inflammation or fibrosis of intimal proliferation and thrombosis associated diet, are believed to be the main causes of meta-
minimal to slight grades of severity, does occur with continuous intravenous infusion with saline static calcification in marmosets (Kaspareit 2006,
with some frequency. The lesions occur in subp- may be associated with bronchopneumonia, which Scott 1999). The kidneys and the urinary tract
leural areas or at the tips of lung lobes. There may is usually confined to the distal parts of lung lobes, are the most commonly affected areas. Minerali-
be proliferation of bronchiolo-alveolar epithelium, due to the dual blood supply of the lungs. Diffuse zation of other organs, such as the lungs, can also
fibrosis and accumulation of alveolar macrophages interstitial inflammation, periarteritis and peri­ be observed in marmosets with severe renal
in alveolar spaces (Fig. 1.15). Other associated vascular edema are some of the more common disease and nephrocalcinosis (Fig. 1.20) which can
Non-human primates 5

complicate the etiological diagnosis. Metastatic

calcification in macaques is very rare, and almost
all forms of mineral deposition seen spontaneously
are dystrophic in nature.

FIGURE 1.21  Mycotic oesophagitis in a marmoset. ×200.

The normal histology of the stomach of the FIGURE 1.22  Chronic gastritis in the pylorus in a
cynomolgus macaque is of particular importance cynomolgus monkey. ×100.
because some pathological changes affecting the
FIGURE 1.19  Mineralization of the lung of a marmoset. mucosa are associated with an increase or decrease
×200. in some cell populations that make up the gastric
mucosa. The stomach of the cynomolgus macaque
can be divided into four anatomical regions: the
cardia, fundus, body and antrum. It is the histo-
logical appearance of the fundic region of the
stomach in the non-human primate that differs
slightly from that of humans and dogs. Unlike
humans, dogs and pigs, the fundic region and the
body of the stomach of macaques are histologi-
cally different, with the fundic mucosa having few
or no parietal cells and the transition between the
two zones being marked by the abrupt appearance
of parietal cells (Vidal et al 2008). The histologi-
cal appearance of the antral mucosa does not FIGURE 1.23  Gastric erosion in the fundus of the stomach
differ greatly from that of humans and dogs and in a cynomolgus monkey. ×100.
has numerous, deep gastric pits, no parietal cells
FIGURE 1.20  Mineralization of the kidney of a marmoset. and a few chief cells. Lymphoid follicles, or foci Helicobacter pylori and Helicobacter heilmannii-
×200. of lymphoplasmacytic cells, can be observed like organisms (also known as Gastrospirillum
throughout the gastric mucosa in normal stomach hominus) are the most commonly identified path-
sections, but these can be increased in gastritis. ogens in the stomach of non-human primates used
Gastrointestinal system Gastritis, especially chronic gastritis of the in toxicity studies and are believed to be associ-
ated with subclinical gastritis (Dubois et al 1994,
antral region, is very common in laboratory non-
Superficial inflammation, erosion or ulceration of human primates and may affect the majority of Reindel et al 1999). Helicobacter pylori is a small
the tongue and esophageal mucosa (Fig. 1.21), animals in a toxicity study (McKeag & McInnes (2–4 µm long) bacterium, shaped like a comma, a
associated with Candida albicans infection, is 2012). Chronic gastritis is characterized by loose spiral or a seagull’s wing, that occurs largely
occasionally encountered in stressed and deb­ minimal to marked infiltration of the mucosa and in the gastric antral mucosa. Lesions associated
ilitated marmosets (Chalmers et al 1983) or submucosa with lymphocytes and plasma cells, with H. pylori include a diffuse, mononuclear cell
macaques on long-term antibiotic treatment. The an increase in lymphoid follicles and mucosal infiltration of the mucosal lamina propria with
lesion is characterized grossly by the presence of intestinalization of the antral mucosa typified by mucosal thickening, lamina propria expansion
pale white pseudomembranes on the oral or atrophy of gastric glands with an accompanying with separation of glands, epithelial hyperplasia,
esophageal mucous membranes, with superficial increase in the lamina propria area (Fig. 1.22). prominent lymphoid follicles or mucosal erosion.
ulceration beneath the pseudomembrane. Upon While chronic gastritis is observed mainly in the The lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates can be made
histopathological examination, erosion and ulcera- antral mucosa, acute or chronic-active gastritis up of a large percentage of plasma cells with
tion that rarely extend below the basement mem- associated with hemorrhage, erosions or glandular Russell bodies but occasionally, and in the more
brane are observed in association with minimal, micro-abscesses is more common in the fundic/ severe lesions, neutrophilic infiltrates in the glan-
mixed inflammatory cell infiltrates and fungi in body of the stomach (Fig. 1.23). dular lumen (glandular micro-abscesses) may be
the superficial epithelium. The organisms consist observed.
of septate pseudohyphae and budding blastospores Helicobacter heilmannii-like organisms
and are easier to visualize with PAS or Grocott (HHLOs) are larger than H. pylori (approximately
Gomori’s methenamine silver stains. 7–10 µm) and have a tightly wound spiral shape
with approximately 4 to 12 coils. They typically
colonize the fundic/body mucosa and can be
observed within parietal cells. Although HHLOs
are more prevalent than H. pylori in the stomach
of both cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys, evidence
shows that HHLOs are relatively non-pathogenic,
although subtle damage to infected parietal cells
has been reported (Dubois et al 1991).
Gastric infarction is an uncommon, but clini-
cally important, finding in young adult cynomol-
gus macaques. It may be the cause of death or
poor health in study animals or may be observed

as an incidental finding in clinically normal animals. non-human primates used in toxicity studies.
The cause of gastric infarction is not always appar- Outbreaks of Campylobacter or Shigella enteritis
ent but in most cases a severe systemic insult that occur occasionally even in the most well main-
predisposes to disseminated intravascular coagula- tained modern facilities. Campylobacter displays
tion, such as trauma, hernia, intussusception or a histological picture of villus atrophy and crypt
some other natural disease, is usually present micro-abscesses in the colon, while acute shigel-
(Chamanza et al 2010, Fikes et al 1996). The losis manifests as ulceration, erosion, crypt micro-
lesion is characterized by extensive necrosis, abscesses and exudation of neutrophils leading
hemorrhage and edema of the muscularis and to accumulation of fibrinopurulent or fibrinon-
submucosa of the fundic or pyloric region of ecrotic exudate within the lumen or areas overly-
the stomach (Fig. 1.24) associated with micro- ing the damaged enteric mucosa (Fig. 1.26).
thrombi, particularly in the venous system. Hemorrhage is usually present at the periphery of
the lesion while the lamina propria is filled with a
predominantly neutrophilic cellular infiltrate with
variable numbers of mononuclear cells. FIGURE 1.27  Balantidium coli associated with colonic
mucosal glandular herniation. ×100.

Idiopathic chronic colitis, with or without

chronic intermittent diarrhea, occurs commonly
in young adult macaques used in toxicity studies
(Adler et al 1993). Distension of the cecum and
colon with fluid, or thickening of the mucosa, may
be the sole necropsy finding, but occasionally
reddening of the colonic mucosa or the iliocecal
junction or multifocal ulceration or erosions are
observed in colitis. The most consistent histologi-
cal picture is that of a diffuse, lymphoplasmacytic
FIGURE 1.24  Extensive necrosis in the submucosa, due
cellular infiltration of the lamina propria and sub-
to microthrombi, in the stomach in a cynomolgus monkey.
mucosa, crypt atrophy, and micro-abscesses (Fig.
1.28), mucosal epithelial hyperplasia and glandu-
FIGURE 1.26  Colitis associated with Shigella sp. in the lar micro-herniation into GALT. Other findings
The presence of pigment-laden macrophages large intestine in a cynomolgus monkey. ×100.
within the lamina propria of the small intestinal include goblet cell depletion, karyomegaly of
villi tips is a very common finding in laboratory hyperplastic mucosal cells, micro-ulcers and
Shigellosis should be differentiated from infec- erosions caused by the rupture of crypt micro-
macaques. The finding has been reported at high
tions by Salmonella, Campylobacter and Yersinia abscesses, and a few scattered macrophages.
incidences by several authors (Drevon-Gaillot
species. Disease caused by Campylobacter is less Associated lesions in other organs such as hyper-
et al 2006, Lowenstine 2003, Scott 1999), and
debilitating, while infections with Salmonella and plasia of the lymphocytes in the mesenteric lymph
various theories have been suggested regarding the
Yersinia enterocolitica, unlike shigellosis, usually nodes, thymic atrophy, chronic inflammation in
nature of the pigment. The yellowish to light
become septicemic (Bennett et al 1998). Animals the stomach, liver and gall bladder may also be
brown, granular pigment is usually associated with
with shigellosis die from dehydration if left present (Bennett et al 1998).
apoptotic bodies within the lamina propria
untreated. Spirochetosis is often present in the
without any associated damage to the enterocytes.
crypts of the large intestine of non-human pri-
The ileum is the most affected small intestinal
mates. Organisms can be found from the cecum
segment (Fig. 1.25). Iron (Scott 1999), bile
to the rectum, and species include Brachyspira.
pigment, ceroid-lipofuscin and necrotic cellular
The protozoan Balantidium coli may also be
debris (Drevon-Gaillot et al 2006, Ito et al 1992)
present with this lesion. A high incidence of spi-
have been suggested to be part of the constituents
rochetes in the large intestine of immunocompro-
of this pigment. The significance of this finding
mised monkeys has been reported (Losco et al
has not been determined and it may represent
attempts by lamina propria phagocytes to engulf
Micro-herniation of colonic mucosal glands
foreign material.
through the muscularis mucosae occurs com-
monly in the non-human primate colon. The her-
niated mucosal glands are observed lying deep
within submucosal lymphoid patches of the gut-
associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) of the colon.
Herniation is thought to result from a defect in
the overlying muscularis mucosa, causing the FIGURE 1.28  Chronic colitis in a cynomolgus monkey.
glands to protrude through the gap into the under- ×100.
lying GALT in the submucosa. An increase in the
intraluminal pressure, as part of normal peristalsis, A similarly common and less well-understood
is thought to contribute to the herniation (Scott chronic colitis also occurs in captive-bred marmo-
1999). Micro-herniations play an important role sets (David et al 2009). The condition is associ-
in the extension of pathogens through the wall of ated with diarrhea and weight loss and may form
the colon, so protozoal species such as Balantid­ part of wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS).
ium (Fig. 1.27), and bacteria, can pass the mucosal Gross and histopathology presentations are essen-
FIGURE 1.25  Pigmented macrophages in the lamina barrier and gain access to the deeper layers (Scott tially similar to those of chronic colitis of macaques,
propria of the small intestine in a cynomolgus monkey. 1982, 1999). Parasites and fecal matter trapped with crypt micro-abscesses, herniation of glands,
×200. within these herniations or diverticula can incite micro ulcerations, atrophy and loss of crypts as
a chronic inflammatory reaction with foreign-body well as lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory cell infil-
Minimal to mild intestinal inflammation giant cells. tration into the lamina propria as the most common
associated with episodes of diarrhea is not an microscopic findings (Fig. 1.29). Neutrophil accu-
uncommon background finding in purpose-bred, mulations within herniated crypts in the GALT are
Non-human primates 7

more pronounced in marmosets (Fig. 1.30). No that may include multinucleate giant cells encir-
etiological agent has been identified, and the cause cled by fibrosis. The nodules are found mainly in
remains unknown, although diet and nutrition are the large intestine (Fig. 1.31), but may also be
thought to play a major role in this and in other found in other ectopic sites such as the stomach
marmoset pathological syndromes. wall, the peritoneum, kidney, liver and the sub-
cutis (Fig. 1.32).

FIGURE 1.33  Dilated Brunner’s glands in the duodenum

of a marmoset. ×100.

An accessory spleen is described as a congenital

duplication of splenic tissue in an ectopic location.
Accessory spleens can be located in various sites
FIGURE 1.29  Chronic colitis in the large intestine of a within the abdominal cavity, but the tail of the
marmoset. ×200. FIGURE 1.31  Parasitic granuloma caused by Oesophagos- pancreas, or the adipose tissue surrounding this
tomum sp. in the large intestine in a cynomolgus monkey. area, is one of the most common locations for
×50. accessory spleen in many animal species. This
occurs during organogenesis, because the spleen
originates from the mesenchymal primordium
adjacent to that of the pancreas in the embryonic
dorsal mesogastrium (Arey 1954). Interestingly, it
has been demonstrated that, in man, the incidence
of accessory spleen is increased in certain hema-
tological conditions (Olsen & Beaudoin 1969).
In non-human primates, accessory spleen within
the pancreas has been reported in a capuchin
monkey (Lau 1973) and in laboratory non-human
primates used in toxicity studies (Chamanza et al
2010). The finding also occurs commonly in other
animal species such as rabbits (Fox et al 1976,
FIGURE 1.30  Colitis with glandular herniation in the colon Weisbroth et al 1976), chickens (Glick & Sato
of a marmoset. ×100. 1964), mice (Gad et al 2007) and Chinese ham-
FIGURE 1.32  Parasitic granuloma caused by Oesophagos- sters (Yoon et al 2000), and is almost always
There is a large difference between the natural tomum sp. in the subcutis in a cynomolgus monkey. found within the tail of the pancreas. The true
diet of free-living marmosets, which is mainly ×200. incidence of accessory spleen within the pancreas
composed of insects, fruit and sap, to that offered in laboratory non-human primates may therefore
to animals in captivity (commercial diet supple- Brunner’s glands are compound tubular mucous be influenced by the sampling and trimming pro-
mented by fruits), and this difference has been glands located in the submucosa of the proximal cedures employed by the laboratory (whether the
postulated as the main contributing factor to the duodenum and are concentrated in the region tail of the pancreas is consistently sampled),
development of enteritis in this species (Kaspareit between the pylorus and the sphincter of Oddi. because this finding is not easily recognized at
et al 2006, Layne & Power 2003). Marmosets, like They are anatomically, but not functionally, a con- necropsy (Chamanza et al 2010).
most callithrids, also have a very high requirement tinuation of the pyloric glands, the main function Histologically, an intra-pancreatic accessory
for protein, which is nearly twice that of rhesus of which is to produce an alkaline secretion (bicar- spleen is usually well-demarcated from pancreatic
macaques (Bennett et al 1998), and a higher bonate) that neutralizes acid from the stomach. tissue and may be encapsulated by a thin layer of
requirement than macaques for vitamin E, which Some chemical compounds are known to produce collagenous connective tissue and smooth muscle
makes them prone to hypoproteinaemia, hypoalbu- changes such as vacuolation, dilatation or cystic fibres with or without evidence of trabeculae
minaemia, Heinz body anemia and, ultimately, to changes of Brunner’s glands in other species and reticular fibre support. The parenchyma is
stress. This, in turn, makes marmosets even more (Betton 1998) and in non-human primates, and composed of mature splenic tissue with recogniz-
selective in their eating habits, leading to patho- this lesion should be differentiated from sponta- able red and white pulp areas resembling those of
logical manifestations of wasting marmoset syn- neous Brunner’s gland dilatation, hyperplasia or the spleen (Fig. 1.34). The reticular network is
drome, such as colitis and glomerulonephritis. cystic Brunner’s glands (Fig. 1.33). Cystic Brun- usually poorly developed, and trabeculae may be
Parasitic granuloma(ta), with sections of nema- ner’s glands are a rather common findings in mar- scarce or absent, but the presence of lymphoid
tode parasites, are observed more commonly along mosets (Kaspareit et al 2006). The dilatation or nodules or recognizable periarteriolar lymphoid
the gastrointestinal tract than elsewhere in the hyperplasia may result in slight distortion of the sheaths, deposits of hemosiderin and hematopoi-
body in macaques used in toxicity studies. overlying villi or the intestinal crypts into which etic tissue, including megakaryocytes, is helpful in
Oesophagostomum species are by far the most the secretion exits. This is a finding of unknown the diagnosis.
commonly encountered nematode parasite in pathological significance.
laboratory-reared, non-human primates. Oesopha­
gostomum infections are usually asymptomatic
even though diarrhea and anemia may develop in
heavy infestations. Adult worms live freely in the
large intestine and do not cause lesions, but larvae
can cause characteristic submucosal or tunica
muscularis nodules consisting of a central abscess
with necrosis and mixed inflammatory infiltrates

Hepatic lipid vacuolation or diffuse lipidosis

of minimal to severe grades (Fig. 1.37) is often
observed in marmosets, but is seen very rarely in
young laboratory macaques, which usually present
with milder forms of the condition. Severe lipid
vacuolation in marmosets should be distinguished
from marked glycogen accumulation, which is a
common finding in this species, and the two find-
ings may be encountered in the same organ (Fig.
1.37). Grossly, the liver is usually pale yellow
with rounded edges or the liver may be enlarged.
The causes of lipid vacuolation in marmosets are
varied but may include anemia, hypoproteinemia,
hypoalbuminemia, renal disease, intestinal inflam-
FIGURE 1.34  Accessory spleen within the pancreas in a mation or colitis and starvation (Chalmers et al
cynomolgus monkey. ×100. 1983, Lowenstine 2003, Tucker 1984), most of
which are pathological conditions associated with FIGURE 1.38  Tension lipidosis or lipid vacuolation in the
wasting marmoset syndrome. Lipid vacuolation
Liver and biliary system can also occur in overweight macaques of a mean
liver in a cynomolgus monkey. ×50. Note the ligament
Focal, random necrosis of the liver is a common, age of nine years as part of the fatal fatty liver
spontaneous finding in marmosets (Chalmers syndrome, also known as the fatal fasting syn- Hepatic pigment is generally not a common,
1983, Tucker 1984), but it occurs very rarely in drome (Bennett 1998, Lowenstine 2003), but is spontaneous finding in macaques, but it occurs
macaques. Small to large patches of coagulative rarely observed in animals on a study, because with variable frequency in marmosets, depending
necrosis with hemorrhage and a minimal inflam- study animals tend to be much younger. on the diet and other pathological factors (Miller
matory response are more often observed in the et al 1997). Hepatic hemosiderosis, the deposi-
subcapsular areas of livers in conjunction with tion of the iron-containing pigment hemosiderin
underlying pathological entities such as lipid vacu- in Kupffer cells, is the most common pigment
olation and severe glycogen accumulation (Fig. observed in the marmoset liver (Fig. 1.39) and is
1.35). Most of these necrotic areas are not associ- thought to be associated with several factors such
ated with any etiological agents, but organisms as excessive amounts of iron in the diet, endog-
known to cause focal necrosis in laboratory pri- enous elevations of glucocorticoids due to stress,
mates include Listeria, Yersinia species (causal as well as the presence of chronic inflammatory
agent of pseudotuberculosis) (McClure et al processes. In the case of chronic inflammatory
1978) and the causal agent of Tyzzer’s disease diseases, such as those associated with WMS,
(Tucker 1984). Marmoset livers with focal, non- hemosiderosis is thought to occur as a result of
zonal necrosis may also have several foci of micro- the sequestration of iron and poor iron transfer
granulomata which may be confused with foci of from siderophages to erythrocytes in the anemia
extramedullary hematopoiesis (Fig. 1.36). of chronic disease (Lowenstine 2003).
FIGURE 1.37  Lipid vacuolation, glycogen and extramed-
ullary hemopoiesis in the liver of a marmoset. ×100.

Tension lipidosis is a form of focal, lipid vacuola-

tion that occurs in subscapsular hepatocytes lying
adjacent to the insertion areas of ligament attach-
ments (Fig. 1.38). It is a commonly observed
lesion present at necropsy, and a common histo-
logical finding of the liver in non-human primates
and other laboratory animal species. The lesion is
seen at necropsy as a discrete, pale yellow area
near the hilus or other areas of the liver margin.
The focal accumulation of fat in the cytoplasm of
subcapsular hepatocytes lying adjacent to liga-
FIGURE 1.35  Necrosis and glycogen accumulation in the ment insertion points is thought to be due to FIGURE 1.39  Hemosiderosis in the liver of a marmoset.
liver of a marmoset. ×100. hypoxia. It is proposed that the contraction of ×200.
these ligaments exerts tension on the liver capsule,
leading to the impediment of the blood supply to One very common feature of the marmoset
the adjacent hepatocytes, resulting in hypoxia and liver which sets it apart from that of macaques is
lipid vacuolation. Besides lipid accumulation, cap- the high amount of glycogen which accumulates
sular or subcapsular fibrosis may also be observed. in hepatocytes (Chalmers et al 1983, Foster 2005,
The lesion is of no known functional significance Kaspareit et al 2006, Tucker 1984). Glycogen
but it has to be differentiated from treatment- accumulation in marmosets is known to be diet-
related lipid vacuolation. and age-dependent (Foster 2005), but it can also
vary considerably between studies and among
animals in a study. It is seen histologically as
diffuse or pan-lobular vacuolation that lends a lacy
appearance or rarefaction to the hepatocyte cyto-
plasm (Figs 1.35 & 1.37).
Focal or localized subcapsular fibrosis, inflam-
mation, necrosis or hemorrhage associated with
FIGURE 1.36  Necrosis and fibrosis in the liver of a minimal to slight bile-duct proliferation in the
marmoset. ×100. adjacent periportal area, can occur commonly in a
Non-human primates 9

group of young adult cynomolgus macaques or

marmosets without any associated clinical or
clinico-pathological abnormalities (Chamanza
et al 2010). The lesion is characterized by the
minimal to moderate deposition of reticular and
collagen fibres in periportal areas adjacent to the
capsule, or just beneath the capsule, and affects
two to more than five hepatic lobules. Since gross
findings associated with these subcaspular findings
are commonly observed on the parietal surface of
the liver, which lies against the diaphragm and
costal wall, they are considered to be associated
with mechanical handling of animals during treat-
ment (Shimoi et al 1998).
Focal mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltra- FIGURE 1.43  Interstitial lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of
tion in the liver is among the most common find- the cortex of a kidney in a cynomolgus monkey. ×100.
ings observed in laboratory non-human primates FIGURE 1.41  Liver with ectopic adrenal gland in a
(Chamanza et al 2010, Drevon-Gaillot et al 2006, cynomolgus monkey. ×100. Tubular or cuboidal metaplasia of the parietal
Foster et al 2005). The infiltrates are often located layer of the Bowman’s capsule of the renal glomer-
periportally, where they are usually not associated uli occurs as an incidental finding of no known
with injury to surrounding tissues. Inflammatory pathological significance in both male and female
cell infiltrates located within the liver parenchyma cynomolgus monkeys (Kaspareit et al 2004).
may or may not be associated with single-cell Cuboidal metaplasia occurs in other species where
necrosis (Fig. 1.40). Lesions with associated hepa- it has a different significance.
tocyte damage often contain other inflammatory In cynomolgus macaques, where it has been
cells such as neutrophils and macrophages. Spon- observed, cuboidal metaplasia is characterized by
taneous inflammatory cell foci in the liver, of replacement of the normal flattened epithelial
minimal or moderate grades, should be differenti- lining of the parietal layer of the Bowman’s
ated from treatment-related findings caused by capsule by a cuboidal epithelium that structurally
pro-inflammatory test compounds. Chronic peri- resembles the epithelium of the proximal convo-
portal inflammation or bile-duct hyperplasia may luted tubules (Fig. 1.44). The degree of metapla-
be associated with intestinal tract inflammation sia varies from affecting only a part of the parietal
(Chalmers et al 1983). layer to affecting the full circumference, and the
FIGURE 1.42a  Ectopic adrenal tissue in the kidney in a number of glomeruli affected per kidney also
cynomolgus monkey. ×100. varies. Usually a few glomeruli are affected per
kidney, and in some affected glomeruli the cuboi-
dal parietal layer epithelium is continuous with
the epithelium of the proximal tubules. No sex
difference has been observed with this phenom-
enon in cynomolgus macaques (Kaspareit et al
2004) and it does not appear to be age-related.

FIGURE 1.40  Inflammatory cell infiltrate and focal necro-

sis in the liver in a cynomolgus monkey. ×200.
FIGURE 1.42b  Ectopic adrenal tissue in the epididymis in
Ectopic adrenal gland attached to the liver, and a cynomolgus monkey. ×100.
lying within the liver capsule (Fig. 1.41), has been
observed sporadically in macaques (Chamanza
2010). The lesion occurs less commonly than Urinary system
adreno-hepatic fusion/adhesion, which involves
Interstitial nephritis, characterized by minimal to FIGURE 1.44  Cuboidal metaplasia of the Bowman’s cap-
ectopic hepatic tissue lying within or attached to
slight accumulation of lymphoplasmacytic cells in sular epithelium of a kidney in a cynomolgus monkey.
the right adrenal gland. Ectopic adrenal tissue
the interstitium of mainly the outer cortex of the ×200.
within the liver consists of one or more of the
kidney, is one of the most common incidental find-
three cortical zones lying just below the liver
ings in macaques (Chamanza at al 2010, Drevon-
capsule with a fusion of the adrenal and hepatic Various forms of spontaneous glomeruloneph-
Gaillot et al 2006). Interstitial nephritis is also
capsule and co-mingling of hepatic and adrenal ropathy have been described in non-human pri-
listed as the most frequently observed lesion in a
tissue without intervening fibrous tissue. Ectopic mates. Lesions range from mesangioproliferative
survey of lesions seen in non-human primates in
adrenal cortical tissue is also observed within the glomerulonephritis, which is more commonly
zoos (Hubbard et al 1987). Findings range from
kidney (Fig. 1.42a) and epididymis (Fig. 1.42b) in seen in marmosets, to those resembling membran-
minimal, focal, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration,
non-human primates. oproliferative glomerulonephritis and sclerotic
without associated damage of renal tubular epithe-
lesions similar to collagenofibrotic glomeruloneph-
lium, to moderate lesions composed of large areas
ropathy (CFGN), occasionally seen in cynomolgus
of inflammatory-cell infiltration, renal tubular
macaques (Adachi 2005, Chamanza 2010). Most
necrosis and minimal peritubular fibrosis (Fig.
spontaneous glomerular lesions in laboratory
macaques are focal lesions that involve part of
(segmental) or the whole (global) glomerulus and

do not occur as part of a systemic disease state. interstitium as well as tubular damage with accu- and urinary bladder is observed as a background
Idiopathic glomerulosclerosis, characterized by mulation of tubular hyaline casts. change in the cynomolgus monkey (Fig. 1.48b).
segmental or global deposition of a pale Congo-
red-negative, but PAS-positive eosinophilic sub-
stance within an expanded mesangium, is the most
common form observed in macaques (Chamanza
et al 2010). There is minimal to marked enlarge-
ment of the glomeruli and a decrease in the
number of nuclei in the mesangium, with or
without narrowing of the capillary lumina (Fig.
1.45). Minimal thickening of the Bowman’s
capsule and periglomerular and peritubular fibrosis
may be present. Other glomeruli within the same
kidney may also show mesangial proliferation with
glomerular enlargement but less collagen deposi-
tion and periglomerular fibrosis. The findings
differ from the CFGN which has been reported in
cynomolgus macaques (Adachi 2005) in that there FIGURE 1.46  Diffuse glomerulonephritis in the kidney of
is focal random involvement of glomeruli with a marmoset. ×200. FIGURE 1.48a  Eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions in the
little or no tubular and interstitial involvement, urothelium in a cynomolgus monkey. ×400.
unlike CFGN, which has a diffuse distribution of Subcapsular ectopic adrenal tissue is sometimes
glomerular lesions, no mesangial proliferation and observed in both rhesus and cynomolgus macaque
is associated with clinical disease. The cause of kidneys. Microscopically, the lesions appear as
most glomerular lesions in untreated, laboratory poor to well-circumscribed but non-encapsulated
non-human primates is unknown, but some disease nodules composed of cells resembling the three
states such as diabetes, malaria, dehydration asso- zones of the adrenal cortex in varying proportions
ciated with colitis (and diarrhea) and infection and arranged in any order (Fig. 1.42a). Medullary
with the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) are cells are usually absent and, in some cases, a zone
known to result in glomerular lesions. of the adrenal cortex, usually zona glomerulosa or
reticularis, may also be absent. Ectopic adrenal
tissue lying below the kidney capsule has been
described in man, mice and macaques (Chamanza
et al 2010, Prentice & Jorgeson 1979). This is
considered to be an incidental finding of no known
clinical significance, but should be differentiated
from proliferative lesions of the renal tubular epi-
FIGURE 1.48b  Vacuolation of the transitional epithelium
thelium. Ectopic adrenal cortical tissue can also be
or urothelium of the urinary bladder of the cynomolgus
found outside the kidney capsule within the peri-
monkey. ×200.
renal fat (Kaspareit 2009).
Multinucleate cells of the renal tubular epithe- Mineralization of embryonic, non-patent, vas-
lium of the collecting ducts are a frequent occur- cular remnants, thought to be remnants of umbili-
rence in the renal papilla of macaques (Fig. 1.47). cal arteries, in the adventitia of the bladder is a
They are considered an incidental finding of no common finding in both non-human primates and
known etiology and of little or no pathological dogs used in preclinical studies (Fig. 1.49). The
FIGURE 1.45  Segmental glomerulosclerosis of the kidney significance (Lowenstine 2003). non-patent, vascular structures are commonly
of a cynomolgus monkey. ×200. present with or without mineralization in associa-
tion with fibrosis, hemosiderosis and thrombosis.
Marmosets, which suffer more cases of natu- Mineralization of the functional blood vessels may
rally occurring glomerulonephropathy than do also be observed.
macaques, have more diffuse and severe lesions
which have clinical implications and which may be
an important cause of death. The most common
form of glomerulonephropathy in marmosets is
diffuse, mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis
which occurs as part of the wasting marmoset
syndrome and has been demonstrated to be linked
to deposition of immune complexes directed
against parasitic, bacterial (dental disease) and
dietary antigens (Lowenstine, 2003). This form
of immune-mediated glomerulonephropathy is
thought to be either IgM- or IgA-mediated or both FIGURE 1.47  Multinucleate cells in the kidney tubules of
(Borda et al 2004, Brack et al 1999) in marmosets a cynomolgus macaque. ×200.
and other New World, non-human primates. Food
allergy, colitis and production of IgA-gliadin anti-
bodies are thought to be linked to glomerulone-
Urinary bladder FIGURE 1.49  Mineralization of embryonic remnants in
phropathy in WMS (Brack et al 1999). Diffuse Intracytoplasmic, eosinophilic, (pseudo)inclusion the urinary bladder in a cynomolgus monkey. ×200.
mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis in mar- bodies are often present in the transitional epithe-
mosets (Fig. 1.46) is characterized by enlargement
of glomerular corpuscles due to proliferation of
lium of the renal pelvis and the urinary bladder
of macaques (Fig. 1.48a). These are known to
Endocrine system
the mesangium (cellular and matrix proliferation), consist of cytokeratin (tonofilaments) and are of Non-human primates have a fetal adrenal cortex
slight thickening of the Bowman’s capsule accom- no pathological significance (Lowenstine 2003). during fetal life which is gradually replaced post-
panied by inflammation and fibrosis of the Vacuolation of the urothelium of the renal pelvis natally by an adult cortex with three zones.
Non-human primates 11

Involution of the fetal cortex is accompanied by two tissue types without any intervening fibrous (Kaspareit 2009). A common finding in the
hemorrhage and necrosis which is thought to be tissue between them in cases of AHF (Fig. 1.51). adrenals of non-human primates is vacuolation of
partly responsible for the mineralized foci often Reticulin stains can be employed to demonstrate cortical cells, which can be either focal, and
seen at the corticomedullary junction (Kast et al the merging of the reticular network of the liver restricted to one cortical zone, or diffuse, and
1994, Majeed & Gopinath 1980). Calcified foci trabeculae with that of adrenal medullary cell associated with cortical hypertrophy. Moderate
or concentrically arranged concretions of calcified nests. grades of vacuolation can be seen in marmosets,
material, are often found at the junction of the and the vacuoles stain positive for lipid (Kaspareit
medulla and cortex or occasionally within the zona 2009). Extramedullary hemopoiesis is commonly
reticularis. They vary in size from small foci of less observed within the adrenal gland of marmosets
than 0.1 mm in diameter to larger foci occupying (Fig. 1.53) (Okazaki et al 1996).
a third or more of the medulla. A thin layer of
fibrous connective tissue is usually present around
the edges of the foci (Fig. 1.50). The lesions are
thought to develop from either stress-related,
focal degeneration and necrosis of medullary cells
followed by a dystrophic mineralization or from
apoptosis of fetal adrenal tissue located in the
corticomedullary region. Residual cells or nuclei
can be seen in the centre of mineralization in early
lesions, supporting the dystrophic calcification
theory. Rhesus macaques are far more greatly
affected than cynomolgus monkeys but no sex FIGURE 1.51  Adreno-hepatic fusion in the liver in a
difference has been reported. cynomolgus monkey. ×100.

Histological evidence of ectopic liver tissue

completely surrounded by adrenal tissues or FIGURE 1.53  Extramedullary hemopoiesis in the adrenal
embedded between cortical and medullary tissue gland of a marmoset. ×100.
has also been observed (Chamanza et al 2010).
The clinical significance of these conditions C-cell hyperplasia is a very common finding in
has been described in man (Woo et al 2007) in the thyroid glands of marmosets (Kaspareit et al
which an adrenal cortical adenoma developed 2006, Tucker 1984). It may occur as one or more
in AHF tissue and mimicked malignant hepatic nodules of concentrated C-cell areas in the middle
tumor at computerized tomographic scanning and of the organ (Fig. 1.54) or an increased number
angiography-assisted computerized tomographic of C-cells may be found diffusely distributed
scanning. throughout the organ, causing follicles to appear
In marmosets, it is common to observe ectopic smaller and fewer in number and giving the organ
liver tissue consisting of a cluster of bile ducts, a more solid appearance. The significance of this
with or without islands of hepatocytes, in extra- finding is not fully known because no C-cell ade-
FIGURE 1.50  Mineralization of the adrenal cortex of a hepatic areas such as at the hilus of the liver (Fig. nomas have been reported in marmosets to date
rhesus macaque. ×100. 1.52) and in connection with ligaments derived and the condition does not appear to be sex-
from embryonic remnants such as the round dependent as in the rat (Kaspareit et al 2006).
Adreno-hepatic fusion (AHF) and adreno- ligament.
hepatic adhesions (AHA) on the right side of the
abdominal cavity have been observed with some
frequency in young adult cynomolgus macaques
(Chamanza et al 2010, Mousa & van Esch 2004).
Adreno-hepatic fusion is defined as the union of
liver tissue with that of the right adrenal gland
with close intermingling of their respective paren-
chymal cells without an intervening connective
tissue capsule between them (Honma 1991). This
is in contrast to adreno-hepatic adhesions in which
a capsule between the two parenchymal tissue
types exists and there is no close intermingling of
the two different types of tissues. Both condi-
tions, which are considered to be congenital in
nature, in non-human primates (Chamanza et al FIGURE 1.54  C-cell hyperplasia in the thyroid of a mar-
2010, Mousa & van Esch 2004), can be detected FIGURE 1.52  Ectopic liver and bile duct structures in a moset. ×100.
at necropsy. Due to the difficulties involved in marmoset. ×100.
sampling and separating the attached adrenal Ectopic thymus tissue in the thyroid gland or
gland from the larger liver lobe, histological inci- Minimal to slight grades of age-related lipofus- the parathyroid gland is a very common finding of
dences of these conditions are most likely under- cin pigment accumulation in the adrenal gland no known pathological or clinical significance in
estimated, and cases of pieces of adrenal tissues cortex is infrequently detected in young adult non-human primates used in toxicity studies
left attached to the right liver lobe are known to cynomolgus macaques used in toxicity studies (Chamanza et al 2010, Tucker 1984). In man, due
occur. Since the affected adrenal gland remains in (Kaspareit 2009). The initial stages of the lesion, to the link between myasthenia gravis and the
its expected anatomical position, and does not lie seen in the three- to four-year old animals used in thymus, ectopic thymic tissue has a greater clini-
within the liver capsule, these conditions are con- preclinical studies, is characterized by yellow to cal significance. Ectopic thymic tissue is usually
sidered to be different from cases of ectopic light-brown, granular pigment in the zona reticu- located at the periphery of the thyroid or parathy-
adrenal gland in the liver (see Fig. 1.41). laris and fascicularis, and these regions turn dark roid gland (Fig. 1.55) as a single, small nodule that
Histologically, typical liver parenchymal cells brown as the animals get older. The pigment has may contain both the medulla (with epithelial
are observed lying adjacent to cortical or medul- to be differentiated from hemosiderin which may components) and the cortex, or may just be made
lary adrenal cells with close intermingling of the be present in macrophages in the same region up of the cortical tissue. Embryologically, the

thymus, parathyroid and thyroid gland have a thigh, tongue and esophageal muscles (Fig. 1.57), (Fig. 1.59). The lesions are a result of direct action
common pharyngeal pouch origin, hence the high and extremely rarely within the heart. They of parathyroid hormone (PTH) on bone, and
prevalence of ectopic thymus in the parathyroid consist of cross sections of tissue cysts containing excess PTH production associated with this syn-
and thyroid or vice versa. crescent-shaped protozoal zoites that are not asso- drome may also contribute to soft-tissue minerali-
ciated with an inflammatory infiltrate. zation seen in marmosets. Oversupply of vitamin
D is also known to lead to soft-tissue minerali­
zation and nephrocalcinosis (National Research
Council 2003).

FIGURE 1.55  Ectopic thymus in the parathyroid gland of

FIGURE 1.57  Sarcocystis cysts present in the skeletal
a marmoset. ×100.
muscle of the tongue of a cynomolgus monkey. ×100.
Eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions are visible
Skeletal abnormalities occur not uncommonly FIGURE 1.59  Fibrous osteodystrophy in a marmoset.
in the pars adenohypophysis of the pituitary.
in young macaques and marmosets on studies; ×50.
These inclusions are thought to be cytoplasmic
they include bone fractures, developmental carti-
invaginations similar to those observed in the
lage and bone abnormalities, hyperostosis and Spontaneous growth-plate fractures or micro-
mouse hepatocytes. This lesion is reported to
periosteal reaction, growth-plate fractures associ- fractures in animals with physeal retention or
occur in approximately 50% of all cynomolgus
ated with metaphyseal dysplasia (Chamanza et al metaphyseal dysplasia have been observed in a
monkeys and should be distinguished from viral
2010) in cynomolgus macaques, and spontaneous number of young cynomolgus macaques and the
inclusions by using a phloxine tartrazine special
osteomyelitis (Fig. 1.58) and nutritional osteodys- causes remain unclear (Chamanza et al 2010).
trophy of young marmosets (Chalmers et al They are characterized by foci of persistent hyper-
1983). Fibrous osteodystrophy (FOD) of marmo- trophic chondrocytes lying above a fracture line,
Muscles, bones and joints sets has generally been attributed to the inability an accumulation of primary bone spongiosa and a
of vitamin D2 to promote the intestinal absorption large number of osteoclasts (Fig. 1.60). Distin-
Aggregates of large, foamy macrophages with pale
of calcium in New World monkeys, which can be guishing these lesions from rickets can prove to be
basophilic staining cytoplasm (Fig. 1.56), repre-
ameliorated by substituting vitamin D2 with a major diagnostic challenge.
senting vaccination or alum granuloma (sites of
vitamin D3 or exposure to sunlight or artificial
previous intramuscular vaccinations), are usually
light of appropriate wavelength (National Research
observed within the thigh muscle that is routinely
Council 2003). Rickets and osteomalacia (in older
collected for histology in toxicity studies. They are
animals) are syndromes associated with feeding
an incidental finding of no clinical or pathological
diets containing only vitamin D2 with insufficient
exposure to ultraviolet light. However, FOD,
osteomalacia and rickets in marmosets have
almost disappeared in modern facilities because
vitamin D3 is now used to substitute vitamin D2
in commercial diets.

FIGURE 1.60  Growth plate dysplasia with fracture in a

cynomolgus monkey. ×25.

Brain and nervous system

FIGURE 1.56  Vaccine granuloma in the skeletal muscle Mineralized bodies or vascular mineralization
in a cynomolgus monkey. ×100. occur commonly as a spontaneous finding in the
brain of apparently normal non-human primates
Cysts of Sarcocystis parasites are occasionally (Wadsworth et al 1995, Yanai et al 1994). This
observed in skeletal muscle, heart or smooth FIGURE 1.58  Osteomyelitis in the tibia of a marmoset. finding has been reported in most non-human
muscle of both wild-caught and captive-bred ×100. primate species used in toxicity studies and does
rhesus macaques. While they occur commonly in not appear to be age-related. The mineralized
wild-caught animals, they are relatively uncom- FOD, which is a common cause of fractures in bodies are commonly found in association with
mon in laboratory-raised macaques. They are marmosets, is characterized by thin bone cortices small blood vessels in the globus pallidus, putamen
generally regarded as incidental and of no patho- and trabeculae surrounded by fibrous stroma. or, occasionally, the caudate nucleus, and are
logical significance, even though some reports of Thinning of bone is brought about by marked therefore usually observed on coronary sections of
generalized and fulminating disease associated resorption of spongy and cortical bone. Numerous the brain that pass through the optic chiasma and
with Sarcocystis species have been reported in osteoclasts are therefore observed within How- mammillary bodies (Wadsworth et al 1995). They
rhesus macaques (Gozalo et al 2007, Lane et al ship’s lacunae and there is an invasion of Haver- appear as irregular and often elongated structures
1998). Cysts are commonly found within the sian spaces and the marrow canal by fibrous tissue composed of smaller globoid bodies formed
Non-human primates 13

by concentric lamellar parts that stain strongly be associated with this lesion. Perivascular cuffs
basophilic or a deep purple colour with hematoxy- are characterized by the accumulation of a uniform
lin and eosin (Fig. 1.61). The margins of some of layer of lymphocytes in the Virchow–Robin space
the larger mineralized structures often show eosi- around small blood vessels (Fig. 1.63b), and are
nophilic staining, while smaller eosinophilic struc- usually multifocal in distribution. Besides blood
tures may be observed in association with small vessels in the brain parenchyma, choroidal, menin-
arteries. The nature and the exact origin of these geal and spinal-cord blood vessels are also affected
structures is not known; they are considered to be to a similar or greater extent. Vater Pacini corpus-
associated with iron metabolism by perivascular cles are large mechanoreceptors that sense pres-
and perineuronal oligodendrocytes because they sure and stretch and are observed occasionally
are found in regions of high iron metabolism and within the skin or the pancreas. The structure has
stain positive with Perl’s stain (Wadsworth et al a unique ‘onion-skin’ appearance (Fig. 1.63c).

FIGURE 1.64a  Lymphocytic infiltration into the choroid of

the eye in a cynomolgus monkey. ×200.

FIGURE 1.63a  Glial scar in the brain in a cynomolgus

FIGURE 1.61  Brain mineralization in a cynomolgus monkey. ×200.
monkey. ×400.

Various types of pigmentation are observed in

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occasionally encountered, perivascular melanin
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study. Zentralbl. Pathol. 137, 117–122. adrenals and ovaries of monkeys. Lab. Anim. 4, macaque (Macaca mulatta). Vet. Pathol. 40,
Hubbard, G.B., Schmidt, R.E., Fletcher, K.C., 1987. 363–365. 468–473.
Systematic survey of lesions from animals in a McClure, H.M., Chapman, W.L., Hooper, B.E., et al.,
zoological collection. J. Zoo Anim. Med. 18, Wadsworth, P.F., Jones, H.B., Cavanagh, J.B., 1995.
1978. The digestive system. In: Benirschke, K., The topography, structure and incidence of
14–46. Garner, F.M., Jones, T.C. (Eds.), Pathology of mineralized bodies in the basal ganglia of the brain
Non-human primates 15

of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Lab. Woo, H.S., Lee, K.H., Park, S.Y., et al., 2007. Adrenal Yoon, Y.S., Shin, J.W., Park, C.B., et al., 2000.
Anim. 29, 276–281. cortical adenoma in adrenohepatic fusion tissue: a Morphological structure of accessory spleen in
Weisbroth, S.H., Fox, R.R., Scher, S., et al., 1976. mimic of malignant hepatic tumor at CT. Am. J. Chinese hamsters. J. Vet. Sci. 1, 73–75.
Accessory spleens in domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus Roentgenol. 188, 246–248. Zabka, T.S., Irwin, M., Albassam, M.A., 2009.
suniculus). II. Increased frequency in hematological Yanai, T., Masegi, T., Ueda, K., et al., 1994. Vascular Spontaneous cardiomyopathy in cynomolgus
diseases and experimental induction with mineralisation in the monkey brain. Vet. Pathol. 34, monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Toxicol. Pathol. 37,
phenylhydrazine. Teratology 13, 253–262. 546–552. 814–818.
Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 17
Elizabeth F McInnes

Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats

the cartilaginous foci may mineralize (MacKenzie

Introduction & Alison 1990). Adipose tissue infiltration in the
Almost all laboratory and domestic pet rats belong heart is characterized by the presence of sub­
to a single species, the Norway rat (Rattus nor- epicardial adipose cells and is often observed in
vegicus). The rat is the most commonly used older, obese animals (Ruben 2000). Lipofuscinosis
rodent species for toxicology studies. A number results in golden brown pigment granules at the
of rat species are used in research, contract poles of the nuclei of myocytes (Ruben 2000).
research organizations and in the pharmaceutical
industry including the Wistar, Sprague Dawley
and Fischer 344 rat. Different strains of rat differ
in their sensitivity to various compounds and in
their incidence of spontaneous tumors. Differ-
ences in age and sex of rats should also be taken
into consideration when designing toxicological
and experimental studies (Johnson & Gad 2007).
Background lesions in rats are made up of degen- FIGURE 2.1  Cardiomyopathy in left ventricle. ×100.
erative, inflammatory, proliferative and congenital
changes. Although aging rats produce many inter-
esting lesions, there are also a number of lesions
that occur spontaneously in young animals.
The pathology of the aged rat becomes impor-
tant in the latter stages of carcinogenicity studies
(Chandra & Frith 1992). The nonneoplastic
lesions and proliferations noted in aging rats are FIGURE 2.4  Cartilage at base of aorta in a rat. ×100.
problematic as they can be confused with preneo-
plastic and neoplastic disease (Johnson & Gad Endocardial myxomatous change occurs in
2007). This chapter will give an overview of back- older rats and is recognized by focal or diffuse
ground lesions encountered in both young and thickening in the subendocardium due to the pres-
older Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats. ence of myxomatous tissue (Ruben 2000). Hyper-
trophy and hyperplasia of the endocardium may
be seen in conjunction with the myxomatous val-
Cardiovascular system vular changes. In addition, the lesion is character-
FIGURE 2.2  Myocardial lymphoid cells. ×10. ized by focal areas of hemorrhage, hemosiderin
Cardiomyopathy (Fig. 2.1) in aging rats (spontane-
ous cardiomyopathy) is a common lesion of older pigmentation, hyalinization, thrombi formation,
Mesenchymal proliferation in the subendocar- inflammatory and mast cells and polypoid projec-
rats. It is found most frequently in the subintimal
dium (Fig. 2.3) is also known as endocardial tions (Ruben, 2000). Heart valve cysts may occa-
myocardium of the left ventricular wall and is
hyperplasia, endocardial disease, endomyocardial sionally be observed in the heart valves of rats
more common in male rats (MacKenzie & Alison
disease or subendocardial fibrosis. Although endo- (Fig. 2.5).
1990). The etiology of the disease is unknown,
cardial schwannomas can be found in the same
but severity and age of onset are influenced by
location, it is not known whether the mesenchy-
diet, environment and stress (MacKenzie & Alison
mal proliferation in subendocardium always
1990). The lesion is characterized initially by
progresses to neoplasia (Johnson & Gad 2007).
necrotic, eosinophilic cardiomyocytes surrounded
The cells are distinct from the bordering myocar-
by fibroblasts and inflammatory cells (Fig. 2.2),
dial cells, but may extend into muscle bundles.
predominantly lymphocytes. Later, fibrosis is
prominent in aging rats and is generally present
in the left ventricle, intraventricular septum and
papillary muscle. Cartilagenous and osseous meta-
plasia of the chorda tendinae may occur at the end
stage of the disease (Ruben 2000). Atrial (left)
and ventricular thrombosis are occasionally associ-
ated with cardiomyopathy in aging rats.

FIGURE 2.5  Heart valve cyst in the rat. ×100.

Vascular lesions in the blood vessels of Sprague-

Dawley and Wistar rats include medial degenera-
tion and medial hypertrophy. Medial degeneration
FIGURE 2.3  Endocardial mesenchymal proliferation in is common in the coronary arteries of rats and
the rat heart. ×100. the affected vessels display enlarged, irregularly
arranged and sparse nuclei present in a PAS-
Cartilaginous foci at the base of the aorta are positive matrix (Ruben 2000). Medial hyper­
common in both young and old Sprague–Dawley trophy of the blood vessels is rare and tends to
rats (Fig. 2.4) (Johnson & Gad 2007). In older rats occur in pulmonary arteries. This lesion consists

of thickening of the tunica media due to hyper- mesenteric, mediastinal and paralumbar lymph
trophy of the smooth muscle cells (Ruben 2000) nodes are often affected (Frith et al 2000b). Vas-
(Fig. 2.6). cular ectasia (also known as angiectasia, vascular
sinus dilatation, peliosis, telangiectasis) is the dila-
tation of vascular channels within the medullary
sinuses (Frith et al 2000b). Thrombosis is occa-
sionally observed in the blood vessels in the lymph
node (Frith et al 2000b).

FIGURE 2.7b  Age-related vascular medial cartilage and

mineralization in the tongue of a rat. ×100.

Arterial thrombosis (not caused by arteritis)

FIGURE 2.6  Medial hypertrophy in heart artery. ×100. occurs occasionally in the lung, kidney, liver and
adrenal (Ruben 2000). These thrombi may be
Arteritis (polyarteritis, periarteritis, panarteritis emboli originating from atrial thromboses in older
nodosa) (Fig. 2.29) is found occasionally in rats. Atherosclerosis is a rare background lesion
Wistar rats, but is more common in Fischer rats consisting of focal areas of foam cells within the
(MacKenzie & Alison 1990). The occurrence of tunica intima or tunica media (Ruben 2000). FIGURE 2.9  Rat lymph node with sinus dilatation. ×200.
the lesion is higher in males and increases with Intimal and/or medial sclerosis with mineraliza-
age. Pancreatic, mesenteric and spermatic arteries tion of the elastic fibres occurs in the aorta (Ruben Lymph node atrophy (also known as senescent
are more commonly affected. The lesion consists 2000). Vascular mineralization in arteries and atrophy) is a common lesion of aging rats. The
of fibrinoid degeneration of the media with veins in various organs such as the lung, is occa- atrophy is generally characterized by a reduction
inflammatory cell infiltration progressing to fibro- sionally observed as a background lesion in rats. in germinal centres and follicles and depletion of
sis, vascular dilatation, occlusion and aneurysm lymphocytes in the paracortex may also be seen
(Mackenzie & Alison 1990). The pathogenesis is
unknown but may be related to immune complex Hemolymphoreticular system (Stefanski et al 1990). Senescent atrophy is often
nearly ubiquitous in carcinogenicity studies. Mod-
disease. The vaso vasorum of the mesenteric arter- Pigmented macrophages in the sinuses (Fig. 2.8) erate amounts of intracellular pigment (generally
ies of the rat can occasionally be confused with a (particularly the medullary or subscapular sinuses) lipofuscin) are often noted in the medullary area.
treatment-related finding (Fig. 2.7a). Age-related of the lymph nodes are observed commonly in Mast cells in lymph nodes (Fig. 2.10), particu-
vascular medial cartilage and mineralization may rats. Generally this pigment is ceroid or lipofuscin larly the mandibular lymph node, are observed
be encountered in the blood vessels of aging rats material (Stefanski et al 1990). Special stains frequently in the lymph nodes of both young and
(Fig. 2.7b). (such as Schmorl’s for lipofuscin) should be used old rats. Plasmacytosis of mandibular lymph node
to distinguish ceroid pigment from iron (Perl’s- (Fig. 2.11) is found predominantly in the medul-
positive) or melanin (Masson Fontana-positive). lary cords (Stefanski et al 1990). Plasmacytosis of
lymph nodes may be so severe as to be noted at
necropsy as enlargement. The etiology and signifi-
cance of the lesion are unknown, but the lesion is
particularly common in mandibular lymph nodes,
particularly in conjunction with oral cavity lesions.
Plasmacytosis may be prominent in animals with
T cell atrophy (Frith et al 2000b). In addition,
accumulations of Russell bodies may also be
observed in a lymph node with plasmacytosis (Fig.

FIGURE 2.7a  Vaso vasorum in adventitia of a mesenteric

artery blood vessel in the rat. ×100.
FIGURE 2.8  Macrophages with brown pigment in the
mesenteric lymph node. ×100.

Cystic degeneration (Fig. 2.9) of various differ-

ent lymph nodes (also known as sinus dilatation,
lymphangiectasia, cystic ectasia, lymphatic sinus
ectasia, lymphangiectasis, lymphatic cysts) is
observed as a background lesion in rat lymph
nodes. Generally the subcapsular and medullary
sinuses are dilated. The sinuses are dilated with
lymph and occasional lymphocytes or macro- FIGURE 2.10  Mast cells in the sinuses of a mandibular
phages and erythrocytes or proteinaceous fluid lymph node. ×200.
can be observed within the lumen (Stefanski et al
1990). Cystic dilatation of the lymph nodes may
be so prominent that it is noted at necropsy. The
Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 19

FIGURE 2.11  Plasmacytosis in the mandibular lymph FIGURE 2.14  Capsular cyst in rat spleen. ×100.
FIGURE 2.16  Perl’s-positive hemosiderin pigment pre­
node. ×200. sent in the red pulp of a rat spleen. ×200.
Sinus erythrocytosis is characterized by the
presence of erythrocytes within the lymph node
sinuses (Stefanski et al 1990). This lesion is
common and generally occurs due to the presence
of hemorrhage in the organs draining into the
lymph nodes. Erythrophagocytosis by macro-
phages may also be visible within the sinuses con-
taining red blood cells.
Increased extramedullary hematopoiesis is a
common lesion in the rat spleen (Fig. 2.15). The
rat spleen normally has a minimal level of extra­
medullary hematopoiesis; however, it is very dif-
ficult to distinguish between normal and excessive
levels of extramedullary hematopoiesis. Conges-
tion is a common background lesion of the spleen
and may be linked to the method of euthanasia
FIGURE 2.12  Russell bodies in a lymph node. ×200. used to kill the animals (Frith et al 2000b). FIGURE 2.17  Tatto pigment in a rat popliteal lymph node.
Mineralization of Peyer’s patches or other
lymph nodes is occasionally observed in the ileum Accessory spleen is an uncommon background
and is likely to be secondary to tissue damage finding in the rat abdomen. Generally it presents
(Frith et al 2000b) (Fig. 2.13). Small capsular with nodules of splenic tissue present within the
cysts may occur on the surface of the rat spleen mesenteric adipose tissue. The cause is either con-
(Fig. 2.14). The cysts are lined by endothelial cells genital or traumatic injury (Stefanski et al 1990).
and con­tain a pink, proteinaceous fluid (Stefanski Mineralization may occasionally be seen in the
et al 1990). walls of the blood vessels of the spleen as well as
in the capsule of aging rats (Frith et al 2000b).
Parenchymal fibrosis of the red pulp of the spleen
can occasionally be observed in aging rats.
Ectopic thymus is a common finding adjacent
to the thyroid. Ectopic thymus is often associated
with the thyroid glands due to the fact that par-
athyroid glands arise from the same pharyngeal
FIGURE 2.15  Minimal extramedullary hemopoiesis in a pouches as the thymus (Stefanski et al 1990).
rat spleen. ×200. Thymic cysts (Fig. 2.18) or epithelial remnants
are observed as a background change in the rat
Increased hemosiderin (Fig. 2.16) is observed thymus. These may be made up of epithelial
as a background lesion in rats. The rat spleen, tubules or nests in the medullary region of the
particularly in female animals, normally has thymus in older rats. Occasionally these remnants
minimal to slight amounts of hemosiderin. In can give rise to tumors. Some of the cysts are
common with extramedullary hematopoiesis, it remnants of the thymopharyngeal duct, others are
is often difficult to distinguish between normal dilatations of thymic tubular structures (Stefanski
FIGURE 2.13  Mineralization of Peyer’s patches in the and excessive amounts of hemosiderin. Lipofuscin et al 1990). Thymic cysts are often lined by squa-
small intestine of the rat. ×200. pigment may also be present in the red pulp of mous cells or ciliated epithelium.
older rats (Frith et al 2000b). In addition, tattoo
pigment which has drained to the peripheral
lymph nodes may occasionally be observed in rat
lymph nodes (Fig. 2.17).

Thymic cortical apoptosis is a common back- Foci of mineralized concretions or corpora amy-
ground finding (Fig. 2.21). This should be distin- lacea (Fig. 2.23) are observed commonly in nasal
guished from severe apoptosis where the cortex epithelia lining the nasal turbinates (Monticello
contains numerous apoptotic bodies. Severe apop- et al 1990). Osteopetrosis of the nasal turbinates
tosis is often observed when animals are placed may present as a spontaneous lesion (Renne et al
under severe stress or treated with immunosup- 2003). Globule leukocytes are present in the res-
pressive drugs (Stefanski et al 1990). piratory epithelium of the larynx and trachea in
rats (Renne et al 2003, 2009). Mineralized hair,
food particles or debris are often present in the
ventral pouch of the rat larynx, particularly in
older rats and squamous metaplasia may be
recorded in the respiratory epithelium overlaying
the ventral gland as a spontaneous lesion in male
Wistar rats on inhalation studies (Renne et al
2003). Fischer 344 rats, especially the female sex,
FIGURE 2.18  Thymic cysts lined by squamous epithe- exposed to chronic daily irritation by gavage, are
lium. ×200. predisposed to high mortality rates on chronic
studies due to the high incidence of cartilage
Ectopic parathyroid tissue can occasionally be degeneration, which presumably leads to a dys-
encountered adjacent to the thymus (Frith et al function of the larynx (Germann et al 1998).
2000b). Multifocal hemorrhage (and occasionally
eosinophilic crystals) is very common in the thymus
of rats, particularly as an agonal lesion due to
carbon dioxide euthanasia (Frith et al 2000b) (Fig. FIGURE 2.21  Minimal apoptosis of the rat thymic cortex.
2.19). Thymic atrophy (Fig. 2.20) (also known as ×100.
involution) is a common background finding in
aged rats. Although the thymus continues to Bone marrow atrophy is observed in aging rats
increase in size initially, it begins to regress and at and the lesion is characterized by a decrease in
the end of a carcinogenicity study of two years hemopoietic cells, an increase in adipocytes and
duration the thymus will be severely depleted an increase reticular stroma (Frith et al 2000b).
(Stefanski et al 1990). As the atrophy progresses, Hemosiderin pigment is occasionally observed in
the epithelial components of the thymus become the bone marrow and may be associated with pre-
more prominent and often form tubular structures vious hemorrhage (Frith et al 2000b).
(Stefanski et al 1990). Germinal centres and lymphoid follicles can
occasionally be present in the bone marrow of
normal rats (Frith et al 2000b).

Respiratory system FIGURE 2.23  Mineralization (corpora amylacea) of the

olfactory epithelium of the rat nasal turbinate. ×200.
Eosinophilic inclusions (also known as globules
and droplets) are observed commonly in aging
rats in the nasal epithelium (Renne et al 2003). A common background lesion in the rat lung is
The inclusions occur in the olfactory, respiratory mineralization of pulmonary arteries (Fig. 2.24).
epithelium and mucous glands. The inclusions are The lesion consists of focal or multifocal minerali-
thought to be proteinaceous and the lesion may zation situated beneath the intima or within the
also be induced by irritant compounds (Renne muscular walls of the arteries. The lesion is not
et al 2003) (Fig. 2.22). Eosinophilic inclusions associated with metastatic calcification.
may occur in association with the loss of sensory
cells (Renne et al 2009). These inclusions are
negative for periodic acid–Schiff (PAS), Alcian
FIGURE 2.19  Thymus hemorrhage and eosinophlilic Blue, Von Kossa, mucicarmine, phosphotungstic
crystals. ×200. acid hematoxylin (PTAH), Masson’s trichrome,
Congo Red, and toluidine blue stains (Monticello
et al 1990). Ultrastructurally, the inclusions
appear to be amorphorous, flocculent material in
membrane-bound vacuoles (Renne et al 2009).

FIGURE 2.24  Mural mineralization of an artery in the rat

lung. ×100.

FIGURE 2.20  Thymic atrophy or involution in the rat FIGURE 2.22  Eosinophilic inclusions in the olfactory epi- Small areas of alveolar hemorrhage (Fig. 2.25)
thymus. ×100. thelium of the rat nasal turbinate. ×200. are often present in the rat lung and represent an
agonal event, particularly in rats killed with carbon
dioxide or those that die spontaneously (Renne
Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 21

et al 2003). Occasionally, small foci of neuroen-

docrine cells in the lung (Fig. 2.26) may be visible
in aging rats. Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells are
found as clusters called neuroepithelial bodies or
as single cells scattered in the respiratory epithe-
lium (Haworth et al 2007). Pulmonary neuroen-
docrine cells are defined as foci of neuroendocrine
cells with greater than 40 nuclei (Haworth et al
2007). The cause of the hyperplasia is not known
and the lesion is not thought to progress to neo-
plasia (Haworth et al 2007). Morphologically the
lesion resembles chemoreceptors such as carotid
bodies (Haworth et al 2007).

FIGURE 2.27  Alveolar histiocyte or macrophage aggre- FIGURE 2.30  Pleural lung tag on surface of rat lung.
gates in the rat lung. ×100. ×100.

FIGURE 2.25  Alveolar hemorrhage with erythrophagocy-

tosis in the rat lung. ×200.

FIGURE 2.28  Cholesterol clefts in the rat lung. ×400. FIGURE 2.31  Mineralization of tracheal cartilage in the
rat. ×100.

FIGURE 2.26  Proliferation of neuroendocrine cells in

bronchiole of rat lung. ×100.

Multifocal aggregates of alveolar macrophages FIGURE 2.29  Brown pigmented alveolar macrophages in
(Fig. 2.27) (also known as alveolar histiocytosis) the rat lung. ×200. FIGURE 2.32  Eosinophilic inclusion wthin a Clara cell in
within alveoli and terminal airways are observed a bronchiole of rat lung. ×100.
in both young and old rats. The alveolar macro- Occasionally pleural tags (Fig. 2.30) are
phages often contain abundant, foamy cytoplasm observed in rat lungs. These consist of pleural
(Boorman & Eustis 1990) and the lesion may be extensions which often contain mononuclear cells
visible at necropsy as white areas on the lung such as lymphocytes. Mineralization of tracheal
surface (Johnson & Gad 2007). The aggregates are cartilage (Fig. 2.31) is a common aging change
often subpleural or located in the more peripheral in rats and is observed in most two-year-old rats
regions of the lung (Boorman & Eustis 1990). on carcinogenicity studies. Large eosinophilic
Cholesterol clefts (Fig. 2.28), inflammatory cells cytoplasmic inclusions are occasionally seen in
and alveolar epithelial hyperplasia are often noted untreated rat (Kambara et al 2009) Clara cells
in conjunction with the macrophage aggregates. (Fig. 2.32) and are generally found in the bronchi-
The aggregates may represent resolved inflamma- olar epithelium. The presence of this deeply eosi-
tory foci and may represent a focal deficit in the nophilic solitary cell in the lung is often confusing.
pulmonary clearance mechanisms. Some macro- Perivascular eosinophilic infiltration (Fig. 2.33) is
phages contain brown pigment which may be observed commonly in the lungs of young and old
hemosiderin (Renne et al 2003) or lipofuscin (Fig. rats. The etiology of this finding is unknown.
2.29) or carbon from the atmosphere.
FIGURE 2.33  Eosinophilic perivascular infiltration in the
rat lung. ×100.

Hair shaft emboli or skin fragment emboli are Dilatation of submucosal glands of the larynx or
seen in the lungs of animals on intravenous injec- trachea may also occur as a background lesion in
tion studies. These foreign bodies generally induce rats (Renne et al 2009) (Fig. 2.36b). Foci of
a granulomatous reaction consisting of multinucle- osseous metaplasia are commonly observed in the
ated giant cells and other inflammatory cells lungs of both young and old rats (Renne et al
(Renne et al 2003) (Fig. 2.34). Eosinophilic crys- 2009) (Fig. 2.37). In addition, ossification of the
tals are occasionally observed free within the cartilage in the larynx is also occasionally noted in
alveoli (Renne et al 2003) of rat lungs. The crys- aging rats (Fig. 2.38). Furthermore, mineralization
tals may be associated with areas of alveolar hem- of mucus is rarely noted within bronchioles of the
orrhage (Fig. 2.35) or dilated submucosal glands lungs and within the lumena of the nasal tur-
in the larynx. Hyperinflation (Renne et al 2003) binates (Figs 2.39, 2.40). Foci of minimal, gener-
or pulmonary acinar ectasia consists of areas of ally mononuclear cell inflammation may be noted
alveolar dilatation and may be observed in the below the pleura in the rat lung (Fig. 2.41).
subpleural region in aged rats (Renne et al 2003)
(Fig. 2.36a). Isolated cystic spaces in lung paren-
chyma are rarely seen in rats and are of uncertain FIGURE 2.39  Mineralization of mucus within a bronchiole
origin. These cysts are lined only by fibrous tissue, in the rat lung. ×100.
with no evidence of inflammation (Renne et al
2009). Apparent dilatation of alveoli can also
occur due to excessive instillation of fixative into
the lung at necropsy (Renne et al 2003).

FIGURE 2.36b  Dilated submucosal glands and eosi-

naphilic crystals in the larynx of the rat. ×200.

FIGURE 2.40  Mineralization of mucus within the lumen

of the nasal turbinates of the rat. ×100.

FIGURE 2.34  A hair embolus within an artery in the rat

lung, surrounded by inflammatory cells. ×100.

FIGURE 2.37  Osseus metaplasia in the rat lung. ×400.

FIGURE 2.41  Minimal, multifocal, subpleural inflamma-

tion in the rat lung. ×100.
FIGURE 2.35  Eosinophilic crystals in the rat lung. ×200.
Researchers have noticed inflammatory lesions
in the lungs of rats used in research in recent
years. The lesions consist of perivascular lym-
phocytes, inflammatory cells and alveolar macro-
phages in the lung alveoli and the presence of
epithelial hyperplasia. These lesions may mask or
confuse research findings, particularly in inhala-
tion studies. Initially a virus was suggested as the
cause (rat respiratory virus) (Albers et al 2009),
FIGURE 2.38  Ossification of laryngeal cartilage in the rat. but recently researchers have demonstrated a cor-
×100. relation between the presence of inflammatory
lung lesions and Pneumocystis carinii DNA
detected by PCR (Livingston et al 2011).

FIGURE 2.36a  Pulmonary acinar ectasia in the rat lung.

Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 23

molar. Ultrastructurally, Fordyce’s granules consist

Gastrointestinal system primarily of typical lipid-filled sebaceous cells. In
Dental dysplasia (Fig. 2.42) is a congenital lesion addition to the incisor and molar area, the buccal
generally involving the incisor teeth and it may be mucosa as well as the hard palate and tongue
related to malocclusion or food impaction (Fig. should also be considered as possible sites of
2.43) (Monticello et al 1990). Dental dysplasia is occurrence of Fordyce’s granules in rats.
the abnormal development of odontogenic tissues Squamous cysts (Fig. 2.44), often containing
(Bertram et al 1996). Dental dysplasia is often keratin, are common in the stomach, particularly
observed in conjunction with inflammation and in the region of the limiting ridge and antral
trauma. The lesion consists of a large mass of mucosa. In addition, squamous cysts may also be
dentine-like material with fragments of tooth and encountered in the gingiva or associated with the
bone (Bertram et al 1996). Cleft palate is a con- teeth in the oral cavity (Bertram et al 1996) as
genital lesion encountered in the midline of the well as in the esophagus (Bertram et al 1996).
hard palate of rats (Renne et al 2009). A pulp Glandular cysts (Fig. 2.45) lined by cuboidal
stone is a focal area of dentine in the pulp cavity or columnar epithelium may be observed in the
which is often mineralized. Pulp stones often form glandular stomach (Bertram et al 1996). Meg- FIGURE 2.46  Cystic dilatation of gastric glands in the rat
around cellular debris (Bertram et al 1996). aesophagus is a congenital condition observed in glandular stomach. ×200.
young rats (Bertram et al 1996).

FIGURE 2.47  Focal ulceration of the non-glandular

stomach in the rat. ×100.
FIGURE 2.42  Dental dysplasia visible in the rat oral
cavity. ×100. FIGURE 2.44  Squamous cyst filled with keratin near lim-
iting ridge in the rat stomach. ×20. There is often a minimal eosinophilic infiltra-
tion in the submucosa of the stomach (Fig. 2.48).
The cause of this finding is unknown. Ectopic
hepatocytes and pancreatic exocrine cells may be
encountered in the lamina propria of the stomach
(Bertram et al 1996). Mesenteric adipose tissue
necrosis (Fig. 2.49) is a common lesion in aging
rats and consists of nodular masses of necrotic
mesenteric adipose tissue generally surrounded by
inflammatory cells, particularly in the intersti-
tium. The lesion is often noted at necropsy in the
peritoneal adipose tissue or adjacent to the testes.
The cause of the lesion is thought to be a foreign-
body response against released lipid (Brown &
Hardisty 1990) which results from torsion or
ischemic pressure (Brown & Hardisty 1990). The
FIGURE 2.43  Food accummulation around the molar in ischemic adipose tissue may later undergo miner-
the rat oral cavity. ×400. FIGURE 2.45  Cyst lined by ciliated epithelium in the non- alization (Fig. 2.50).
glandular stomach of the rat. ×200.
Sebaceous gland ectopia in the oral cavity is
observed at the base of the molar teeth (male rats) Iatrogenic gavage injury is not a background
and between the upper incisors (Bertram et al change as such, but is commonly encountered in
1996). This finding, referred to as Fordyce’s rats. Gavage injuries include esophagitis, pleuritis,
granules, which displays morphologically normal periesophageal abscessation and fibrosis (Bertram
sebaceous glands, is described in several species et al 1996). Cystic dilatation of gastric glands
including humans and rats. Histologically, (Fig. 2.46) is a common finding in the rat stomach.
Fordyce’s granules are identical to their cutaneous The lesion is not accompanied by inflammation
counterpart but are not associated with hair or any other deleterious lesions. Gastric erosion
follicles. and ulceration of the glandular or non-glandular
In rats, there are, at present, only four reports stomach (Fig. 2.47) is commonly observed in aged
of intraoral ‘ectopic’ sebaceous glands in the lit- rats. It is more common in gavage studies, pre-
erature (Bernick & Bavetta 1962, Frandsen 1962, sumably due to trauma during dosing. The edges
Rulli & Martinelli 1971, Yoshitomi et al 1990). In of the ulcers in the non-glandular stomach often
Holtzman and Long–Evans rats, as well as in display epithelial hyperplasia. It is always impor- FIGURE 2.48  Submucosal eosinophilis present in the
Wistar rats, Fordyce’s granules are found in the tant to distinguish ulceration from autolysis of the submucosa of the rat glandular stomach. ×200.
molar gingiva. The most common site in the rat superficial mucosa.
molar gingiva is probably adjacent to the first

FIGURE 2.49  Mesenteric adipose tissue necrosis in the FIGURE 2.52a  Serous focus within mucous salivary FIGURE 2.53  Plasmacytic infiltrates into the salivary
rat. ×100. gland in the rat. ×200. gland of the rat. ×200.

FIGURE 2.50  Strangulated or ischemic adipose tissue

displays mineralization. ×100.
FIGURE 2.52b  Basophilic hypertrophic focus in the rat FIGURE 2.54  Ectopic small intestinal tissue present in
Lobular atrophy of various salivary glands (Fig. salivary gland. ×400. the rat stomach. ×200.
2.51) with fibroplasia, inflammatory cells and
occasional adipocytes in the surrounding intersti- Oncocytic cells (also known as eosinophilic
tium and tinctorial alteration are common back- cells, oxyphil cells) contain large amounts of gran-
ground changes. Ectopic foci of parotid acini can ular eosinophilic cytoplasm due to mitochondrial
occur in the sublingual gland (Bertram et al 1996) accumulation. These cells occur in the epithelium
(Fig. 2.52a). In addition, areas of hypertrophied of the intercalated ducts and in the secretory
basophilic cells may be encountered in the parotid ducts of older rats (Neuenschwander & Elwell
salivary gland of the rat (Fig. 2.52b). 1990). Foci of mineralization are occasionally
observed in the duct lumena and within the acini
of the rat salivary gland (Bertram et al 1996).
Adipose tissue infiltration or lipomatosis is char-
acterized by the presence of adipocytes between
normal acini (Bertram et al 1996) or within areas
of atrophy and inflammation (Neuenschwander &
Elwell 1990).
Plasmacytic infiltration into the parotid salivary
gland is common (Fig. 2.53). Foci of ectopic small FIGURE 2.55  Diverticulum of the duodenum in the rat.
and large intestine (Fig. 2.54), as well as focal epi- ×40.
dermal cysts may be observed in the glandular area
of the rat stomach. In addition, diverticula may be Focal areas of moderate to severe hemorrhage,
encountered in the small intestine (Fig. 2.55). fibrosis, myodegeneration and inflammatory cell
infiltration are noted routinely in the skeletal
muscle of tongues from rats where lingual blood
collection has been performed (Fig. 2.56). Ectopic
FIGURE 2.51  Acinar atrophy of the salivary gland with
hepatocyte islands may be noted in the pancreas,
concommitant inflammation. ×200.
particularly situated around the islets. These foci
consist of normal hepatocytes with Kupffer cells
as well as bile ducts (Detilleux et al 1995). Pan-
creatic hepatocytes should not be confused with
the large eosinophilic acinar cells which are some-
times encountered around the islets (Detilleux
et al 1995).
Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 25

FIGURE 2.56  Focal myopathy, fibrosis and inflammatory- FIGURE 2.58  Vacuolation of the acinar cells in the exo- FIGURE 2.60b  Ectopic pancreas present in the submu-
cell infiltration is noted in the tongue when lingual blood crine pancreas. ×200. cosa and tunica muscularis of the small intestine of a rat.
collection is performed. ×200. ×100.
Pancreatic acinar hyperplasia (Fig. 2.59) is a
Acinar atrophy of the pancreas (Fig. 2.57) is focal or multifocal lesion that is observed as an Foci of perivascular or periductular lymphocytes
observed in young and old rats. The lesion consists occasional background finding in rats. The area and plasma cells may be observed as a normal
of atrophy of the acinar elements with persistence consists primarily of tinctorial alteration. In addi- background finding in the pancreas of young and
of the duct, a mild inflammatory response and tion, foci of cellular alteration (basophilic cyto- older rats (Detilleux et al 1995). Acinar and duct
fibrosis. The islets are not affected (Kendrey & plasmic change, basophilic foci, focal dysplasia) dilatation and cyst formation are spontaneous
Roe 1969). The cause of this lesion is not known are a common finding in the pancreas of rats. The lesions encountered in the rat pancreas, often in
(Detilleux et al 1995). Hemosiderin pigment lesion is characterized by small, non-compressive association with pancreatic acinar atrophy and
deposition and mineralization can also be features foci of acinar cells with moderate to severely inflammation (Detilleux et al 1995). The dilated
in these areas, particularly in older rats (Detilleux basophilic cytoplasm and decreased zymogen acini and ducts are lined by flattened cuboidal
et al 1995). granules (Fig. 2.60a) (Detilleux et al 1995). epithelium and many contain necrotic debris
Ectopic rests of acinar pancreatic tissue may be (Kendrey & Roe 1969).
encountered in the duodenum, jejunum, stomach, Pancreatic adipocyte infiltration (fatty infiltra-
liver, spleen or mesentery (Detilleux et al 1995) tion, lipomatosis) may be observed in the older rat
(Fig. 2.60b). pancreas (Detilleux et al 1995). This lesion is
associated with obesity, atrophy and inflamma-
tion. Lymphoid hyperplasia of the gut-associated
lymphoid tissue (GALT) (Fig. 2.61) in the rat
large intestine is a common background finding in
young and older rats.

FIGURE 2.57  Acinar atrophy of the exocrine pancreas

with associated inflammation. ×200.

Pancreatic vacuoles (Fig. 2.58) are noted in the

pancreas of young and old rats. This finding con- FIGURE 2.59  Basophilic tinctorial change and hyperpla-
sists of clear vacuoles in acinar cells and is a sia in the exocrine pancreas. ×200.
common incidental finding of no toxicological sig-
nificance (Detilleux et al 1995). The lesion may
be an early manifestation of autolysis. Occasional FIGURE 2.61  Lymphoid hyperplasia of the rat gut-
apoptotic pancreatic acinar cells may be noted in associated lymphoid tissue in the large intestine. ×40.
the rat pancreas and this change is not considered
to be significant (Detilleux et al 1995)
Liver and biliary system
Tension lipidosis in the median cleft area of liver
(Fig. 2.62) is often recognized at necropsy as a
circumscribed, pale yellow area. It usually occurs
at the periphery of the lobe near the attachments
to the adjacent lobes or tissues. The lesion is char-
acterized by the presence of focal, minimal to
slight, generalized hepatocyte vacuolation. This
lesion is thought to be caused by local hypoxia,
FIGURE 2.60a  Focus of zymogen degranulation in the rat i.e. either the adhesions or attachments between
pancreas. ×100. the liver lobes causing constriction and thereby
causing interference with the local perfusion and
consequent lipidosis or vacuolation of the underly-
ing hepatocytes (Stalker & Hayes 2007).

with eosinophilic material, although occasionally

the vacuoles are clear. The hypothesis is that the
vacuoles contain blood plasma. This change is asso-
ciated with an increase in liver weight (Detilleux
et al 1995). Intranuclear inclusions resulting from
the invagination of cytoplasm into the nucleus are
occasionally observed in rat hepatocytes and are
similar to those seen in the mouse liver. Ectopic
hepatocytes are rarely encountered in the submu-
cosa of the stomach and gallbladder (Fig. 2.68).
Islands of pancreatic tissue localized within the
hepatic parenchyma are a rare spontaneous finding
in rats (Thoolen et al 2010). In addition, intravas-
cular hepatocytes which protrude into hepatic
veins or occur within the contour of the vessel are
FIGURE 2.62  Tension lipidosis in the median cleft area FIGURE 2.64  Periportal lipid vacuolation in the rat liver. reported (Thoolen et al 2010).
of the rat liver. ×400. ×100.

Bile duct hyperplasia of the liver (Fig. 2.63) is

observed in Sprague–Dawley rats and is a common
aging lesion. The lesion is made up of hyperplasia
of the bile ducts accompanied by a minimal
inflammatory-cell infiltrate as well as fibrosis in
the portal area. Occasionally the bile duct epithe-
lium may be atrophic or degenerate (Eustis et al
1990). The lesion does not appear to progress to
neoplasia (Eustis et al 1990).

FIGURE 2.67  Eosinophilic, intracytoplasmic inclusions in

FIGURE 2.65  Hepatic angiectasis with dilatation of the the rat liver. ×200.
sinusoids in the rat liver. ×200.

Cystic degeneration of the liver (spongiosis

hepatis) is a multilocular, cystic lesion wherein the
cyst-like structures contain an eosinophilic mate-
rial (Fig. 2.66). The cyst-like structures are not
lined with endothelial cells (in contrast to hepatic
angiectasis). This background lesion is observed at
a low incidence in aging rats (Eustis et al 1990).
FIGURE 2.63  Bile ductule hyperplasia in the liver of the Areas of cystic degeneration may be found inde-
rat. ×200. pendently or within areas of altered hepatocyte
Periportal lipid vacuolation in liver (Fig. 2.64)
is a spontaneous change seen in older rats. particu-
larly Sprague–Dawley rats. Pathologists need to be
careful to distinguish this from a treatment- FIGURE 2.68  Hepatocytes in the submucosa of the non-
related change. Hepatic angiectasis (telangiecta- glandular rat stomach. ×200.
sia, peliosis hepatis) (Fig. 2.65) is a common lesion
in the rat liver characterized by focal or multifocal
Hemopoiesis in the liver is normal in the fetal
areas of sinusoidal dilatation. The sinusoids in
rat liver, but occurs only under pathological con­
these areas are filled with erythrocytes and are
ditions in the adult rat (Detilleux et al 1995).
lined by a single layer of endothelial cells. Occa-
Hematopoiesis of the erythroid and myeloid pre-
sional, subcapsular areas of sinusoidal dilatation
cursors is generally always accompanied by similar
result in depression of the liver surface. The lesion
lesions in the spleen and other sites (Fig. 2.69).
is occasionally noted as a dark red area at necropsy.
Parenchymal and portal lymphoid or inflammatory
The lesion is more common in male rats (Eustis
cell aggregates in the liver are observed commonly
et al 1990).
in the majority of rat livers. The cause of this lesion
FIGURE 2.66  Cystic degeneration of the rat liver. ×100. is likely to be due to bacterial showering from the
intestine. The lesion may be acute, subacute or
Intracytoplasmic, eosinophilic, inclusion bodies granulomatous. Individual cell necrosis of occa-
(Fig. 2.67) may develop spontaneously in rat hepa- sional hepatocytes, accompanied by inflammatory-
tocytes (Detilleux et al 1995). Hepatocyte vacu- cell infiltration, is often observed in rat livers
olation is a common background change in rats (Detilleux et al 1995) and focal areas of necrosis,
which are not exsanguinated at necropsy and thought to be related to infective processes in
where there is a delay between death and removal the gastrointestinal tract, are also common in rat
of the liver. Histologically, the affected hepato- livers (Detilleux et al 1995) (Fig. 2.70). Cholan-
cytes contain a single cytoplasmic vacuole filled giofibrosis (Fig. 2.71) is a variant of bile-duct
Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 27

hyperplasia in which the bile duct epithelium

assumes the characteristics of intestinal epithe-
lium and produces large cystic areas filled with
mucus (Gopinath 1987). This is a controversial
lesion in the rat liver and is generally induced by
xenobiotics (Thoolen et al 2010). Biliary cysts are
single or multilocular cysts lined by flattened
cuboidal epithelium and are common in older rats
(Detilleux et al 1995) (Fig. 2.72).

FIGURE 2.74  Multinucleate hepatocytes in the rat liver.

FIGURE 2.72  Focal biliary cyst in the rat liver. ×100. ×200.

Hepatodiaphragmatic nodules (Fig. 2.73) caus­

ing nodular protrusions on the anterior surface of
the liver are associated with small diaphragmatic
hernia. These are common in rats of all ages,
including fetuses (Detilleux et al 1995) and the
hepatocyte tissue is normal both macroscopically
and microscopically, in the areas that have pro-
truded through the hernia. These nodules can be
FIGURE 2.69  Minimal foci of hemopoiesis in the rat liver. confused with hepatic adenomas.

FIGURE 2.75  Rat liver lobe torsion with coagulative

necrosis. ×100.

The spontaneous accumulation of lipofuscin

pigment (Fig. 2.76) is noted in the hepatocytes
of older rats (Detilleux et al 1995), and bile
pigments may be present in the bile ducts of
aged rats (Detilleux et al 1995). In addition, por-
phyrin is a dense, dark brown pigment which may
rarely be noted within bile ductules and bile canal-
FIGURE 2.73  Herniated liver lobe with fibrosis and iculi (Thoolen et al 2010). Prominent ploidy is
FIGURE 2.70  Hepatocyte necrosis and fibrosis in the rat inflammation in the pedicle. ×100. occasionally observed in the rat liver (Fig. 2.77).
liver. ×200. Foci of cellular alteration are common in rat
Mitotic figures and multinucleated hepatocytes studies greater than twelve months (Thoolen et al
are observed as a background finding in small 2010). Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of Kupffer
numbers of rat livers. Multinucleate hepatocytes cells is a rare spontaneous finding in the rat liver
(Fig. 2.74) occur spontaneously in older rats and is characterized by the proliferation of the
(Burek 1978). If these lesions are noted in spindled cells lining the sinusoids (Thoolen et al
increased numbers, then the phenomenon may be 2010).
related to treatment. Apoptosis of hepatocytes is
observed at very low levels in rat livers (Detilleux
et al 1995). Torsion of the liver (Fig. 2.75) lobes
is observed occasionally as a background, sponta-
neous lesion. Although torsion may occur in any
lobe, the papillary process of the caudate lobe is
generally the most commonly affected. The lesion
is characterized by focal areas of coagulative
necrosis with a variable inflammatory cell infil-
trate. Later, the lesion may progress to fibrosis as
FIGURE 2.71  Cholangiofibrosis in the rat liver. ×100. well as areas of nodular regeneration. Mineraliza-
tion is rarely observed in the liver of rats, but
dystrophic mineralization may be noted in con-
junction with hepatic necrosis (Thoolen et al

FIGURE 2.76  Hepatocyte lipofuscin pigment present in

rat liver. ×400.

hydronephrosis or pelvic dilatation is seen com- commonly in aging rats is likely to be lipofuscin
monly in rat kidneys. It is often unilateral and the (Schmorl’s-positive) (Fig. 2.82). Cystic tubules
right kidney is more commonly affected than the can manifest in different forms and are generally
left (Hard et al 1999) (Fig. 2.80). found in the cortex. They can be single or multiple
and are generally lined with a single layer of flat-
tened epithelium (Hard et al 1999). Cysts may
be empty or may contain proteinaceous material
(Fig. 2.83).

FIGURE 2.77  Prominent ploidy in the rat liver. ×400.

Urinary system
Chronic progressive nephropathy is a common FIGURE 2.80  Hydronephrosis or pelvic dilatation in the
spontaneous disease of aging rats including Fischer rat kidney. ×100.
344 rats (Dixon et al 1995). Chronic progressive
nephropathy is more common in male rats and
The single layer of the parietal epithelium lining
is directly influenced by a high protein diet. FIGURE 2.82  Lipofuscin pigment in the cortical tubular
the Bowman’s capsule can transform from normal
The lesion is characterized by basophilic cortical epithelium in the rat kidney. ×400.
squamous epithelium to cuboidal cells similar to
tubules, hyaline casts, glomerulosclerosis and
those of the cortical tubules (Hard et al 1999).
atrophy, interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration
This change is observed in older male rats and is
and interstitial fibrosis (Montgomery & Seely
referred to as Bowman’s capsule metaplasia. In
1990) (Figs 2.78, 2.79).
rats, Bowman’s capsule metaplasia is associated
with age (Haley & Bulger 1983), hypertension and
unilateral nephrectomy (Andrews 1981).
Osseous metaplasia, unrelated to renal miner-
alization, is occasionally seen in the interstitium of
the renal cortex (Hard et al 1999). Hyaline drop-
lets (Fig. 2.81) are eosinophilic, intracytoplasmic
inclusions that generally occur in the cortical
tubules. They are thought to represent liposomes
containing protein (Hard et al 1999). Hyaline
droplets occur normally in the mature, male rat
where they represent reabsoprtion of alpha2u-
globulin. Hyaline droplet nephropathy (i.e. accu-
mulation of large numbers of hyaline droplets) can FIGURE 2.83  Polycystic rat kidney with multiple cysts in
be induced by the presence of histiocytic sarcoma the cortex. ×100.
as well as xenobiotics. Mallory Heidenhain stain
is used to visualize hyaline droplets (Hard et al Mineralization (Fig. 2.84) is a spontaneous
FIGURE 2.78  Chronic progressive nephropathy with
1999). background finding present in young and old rats
dilated tubules, hyaline casts, basophilic tubules and
interstitial mononuclear cell in the rat kidney. ×200. (Hard et al 1999). The lesion may occur in the
cortex, corticomedullary junction, medulla and
papilla. Female rats tend to be more affected than
male rats and the lesion is thought to be influ-
enced by diet (Hard et al 1999). Renal calculi
may occur in older rats (Hard et al 1999). Miner-
alization of the basement membrane of the
glomerulus may occur during chronic progressive
nephropathy in the rat (Fig. 2.85). Basophilic cor-
tical tubules may be a spontaneous background
finding, although an increase in basophilic tubules
is likely to be related to regeneration after an
insult to the cortical tubules.

FIGURE 2.81  Hyaline droplets in the rat kidney associ-

ated with histiocytic sarcoma. ×400.
FIGURE 2.79  Glomerulosclerosis and hyaline casts in
chronic progressive nephrotophay in the rat kidney. ×200. Pigmentation characterized by the intracyto-
plasmic presence of yellow to brown granular
Occasionally a focal area of adrenal cortical material is observed in proximal convoluted
cells may be observed outside or immediately tubules (Hard et al 1999). Although the pigment
below the kidney capsule (Hard et al 1999). This may be iron (Perl’s-positive) or bile (Fouchet’s-
is referred to as an adrenal rest. Congenital positive), the brown pigmentation observed
Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 29

FIGURE 2.84  Corticomedullary mineralization in the rat FIGURE 2.86  Colloidal plug in the urinary bladder of the FIGURE 2.89  Lipomatous transformation of the rat renal
kidney. ×200. rat. ×200. cortex. ×200.

FIGURE 2.85  Mineralization of the basement membranes FIGURE 2.90  Renal tubular hypertrophy in the rat kidney
of the glomeruli and tubules in the rat kidney due to FIGURE 2.87  Hyperplasia of the rat transitional epithe- cortex. ×400.
chronic progressive nephropathy. ×400. lium in the rat kidney pelvis. ×200.

Artificial separation between the urothelium

and submucosa in the urinary bladder occurs after
inflation with formalin. The fixative may be inad-
vertently injected into the wall of the bladder
during inflation at necropsy (Hard et al 1999).
This lesion may be mistaken for submucosal
edema (Hard et al 1999). In addition, vacuolation
of the transitional epithelium of the urinary
bladder is a background change usually attributed
to autolysis (Hard et al 1999). Calculi may occur
spontaneously in the rat urinary bladder (Hard
et al 1999).
Proteinaceous or colloidal plugs in the bladder
or urethra are observed commonly in male rats
(Fig. 2.86). They are made up of deeply eosi- FIGURE 2.91  Hyperplasia of rat pelvic urothelium with
nophilic material, occasionally containing sperma- FIGURE 2.88  Lymphocytic infiltration into urinary bladder vascular ectasia. ×200.
tozoa or cellular debris. This lesion is thought to in the rat. ×200.
be caused by ejaculation during euthanasia and is
considered to be an insignificant background Lipomatous transformation of the rat renal
lesion (Hard et al 1999). Perfusion of the rat cortex is observed in older rats and may be a
kidney with glutaraldehyde can produce vacuola- precursor to lipoma and liposarcoma (Fig. 2.89).
tion of the proximal tubular cells which may not Occasional enlarged, hypertrophic renal tubules
be distinguished from genuine pathological vacu- are observed within the rat renal cortex (Fig.
olation (Hard et al 1999). Hyperplasia of the tran- 2.90). Hyperplasia of the rat transitional epithe-
sitional epithelium of the rat urinary bladder and lium lining the kidney pelvis, often accompanied
renal pelvis is observed commonly (Fig. 2.87). by vascular ectasia, is observed in the older rat
Lymphocyte infiltration into the submucosa of kidney (Fig. 2.91). Mineralization of the transi-
the rat urinary bladder is noted in older rats tional epithelium of the rat kidney pelvis may also
(Fig. 2.88). be observed in older rats (Fig. 2.92). A unique
form of autolysis is occasionally observed in the
kidney of the Wistar rat and may cause confusion
in carcinogenicity studies if it is mistaken for a
treatment-related finding (Fig. 2.93). FIGURE 2.92  Mineralization of the transitional epithelium
of the pelvis of the rat kidney. ×200.

single type of cell may occur in the rat pituitary

(Fig. 2.97). The focus is slightly delineated from
the normal cell population with little or no evi-
dence of compression. The vascular channels
within the region are normal in comparison to the
pattern seen in adenomas, in which they are often
ectatic (Fig. 2.98). Portions of the margins of the
focus may blend with the surrounding paren-
chyma. The uniform population of cells forming
these foci vary little in size and character from
normal but tend to be pale pink in colour (Fig.
2.99). Individual eosinophilic or basophilic cells
that appear normal may be present in scattered
regions of the focus (Frith et al 2000a).

FIGURE 2.93  Autolysis artifact observed in Han Wistar rat FIGURE 2.99  Pituitary gland adenohypophysis prolifera-
kidney. ×100. tion with clear cells. ×400.

Cortical vacuolation (Fig. 2.100) of the adrenal

Endocrine glands is very common and may be focal or multifocal
Pituitary cysts (Fig. 2.94) are very common and (Frith et al 2000a). The cells of the zona fascicu-
are occasionally lined by cuboidal, ciliated epithe- laris have clear cytoplasmic vacuoles. Cystic
lium. Pituitary cysts containing eosinophilic mate- degeneration (Fig. 2.101) of the zona fascicularis
rial are likely to represent cystic remnants of is also commonly encountered in aging, female
Rathke’s pouch. Here, the pars intermedia and the rats (Frith et al 2000a). The lesion consists of
pars nervosa of the pituitary may contain focal, large, clear or blood-filled spaces. Often the sur-
unremarkable, glandular structures which do not rounding cortical cells display vacuolation or the
display neoplastic transformation (Fig. 2.95). The cystic lesion may be part of a hyperplastic (Fig.
epithelium lining the glandular structures as well 2.102) or neoplastic area. The lesion is most
as the cyst is largely cuboidal and the cyst lining common in female rats and may be noted as a red
FIGURE 2.96  Angiectasis in the rat pituitary. ×40. mass at necropsy. Foci of cortical hyperplasia,
is ciliated (Frith et al 2000a).
often vacuolated, may be observed in the rat
adrenal (Fig. 2.106) (Frith et al 2000a).

FIGURE 2.94  Pituitary cyst in the pars intermedia in the FIGURE 2.97  Focal hyperplasia of the pars distalis of the
rat. ×200. rat pituitary. ×100.
FIGURE 2.100  Cortical vacuolation in the rat adrenal
gland. ×200.

FIGURE 2.95  Rathke’s pouch remnants in the rat pitui- FIGURE 2.98  Hyperplasia of pars distalis in rat pituitary
tary gland. ×100. with an unremarkable vascular pattern. ×200.
FIGURE 2.101  Cortical cystic degeneration in the rat
Hemangiectasis, i.e. the dilatation of blood- adrenal gland. ×200.
filled spaces in the adenohypophysis (Fig. 2.96) of
the pituitary, is common in older rats (Frith et al
2000a). One or more focal proliferations of a
Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 31

FIGURE 2.102  Cortical hyperplasia and vacuolation in the FIGURE 2.104  Extramedullary hemopoiesis in the adrenal FIGURE 2.107  Cortical ossification in the rat adrenal
rat adrenal gland. ×400. cortex of the rat. ×200. gland. ×200.

Angiectasis (hemangiectasis, capillary dilata-

tion, peliosis) (Fig. 2.103) is also very common in
the adrenal zona fascicularis as well as occasionally
in the medulla. The lesion consists of dilatation of
the vascular spaces lined by endothelium and may
also be linked to the areas of cystic degeneration
and cortical vacuolation. In addition, foci of corti-
cal hyperplasia (foci of cellular alteration) may
also be present within these degenerative lesions.
The cells are variably sized and may be vacuolated.
Single or multiple well-demarcated lesions are
most commonly found in the zona fasciculata and
zona reticularis. The foci maintain architectural
relationships and produce minor or no compres-
sion of the adjacent parenchyma. The cells within
the foci may resemble those of surrounding FIGURE 2.105  Extracapsular cortical tissue in the rat FIGURE 2.108  Ceroid or lipofuscin pigment present in the
cortex, be tinctorially distinct and smaller in size, adrenal gland. ×100. cortex of the rat adrenal gland. ×200.
or display vacuolated cytoplasm. Highly vacu-
olated cells may be more numerous in the inner Aggregates of medullary cells with minimal
region of the foci of hyperplasia. Mitotic activity altered cellular arrangement and cytological fea-
is typically low and cellular atypia is not present tures may also be encountered in the rat adrenal
(Frith et al 2000a). gland (Fig. 2.109). The affected cells may be
slightly enlarged, with a round, vesicular nucleus,
or smaller than normal cells with a hyperchro-
matic nucleus. The cytoplasm may show increased
basophilia (Frith et al 2000a). Occasionally foci of
hypertrophy may be noted in the zona glomeru-
losa of the rat adrenal gland (Fig. 2.110).

FIGURE 2.106  Cortical hyperplasia in the rat adrenal

gland. ×200.

Adrenal mineralization may occur in the adrenal

cortex following inflammation or hemorrhage
FIGURE 2.103  Angiectasis in the rat adrenal cortex.
(Frith et al 2000a). In addition, adrenal ossifica-
tion is occasionally observed in the cortex of older
rats (Fig. 2.107). Lipofuscin pigmentation (Fig.
Foci of extramedullary hemopoiesis are occa- 2.108) or ceroid pigmentation is characterized by
sionally observed in the rat adrenal (Fig. 2.104), the presence of yellow brown pigment in the zona
but these are generally linked to animals respond- reticularis and this background change is observed
ing to a regenerative anaemia. In these cases, in older rats (Frith et al 2000a). FIGURE 2.109  Medullary hyperplasia of the rat adrenal
extramedullary hemopoiesis is likely to be encoun- gland. ×200.
tered at multiple sites such as the liver and the
spleen. Ectopic adrenal tissue (Fig. 2.105) is a
common finding in the rat adrenal. The tissue is
generally present immediately outside the adrenal
capsule. Foci of cortical tissue may occasionally be
found in the medulla, and medullary tissue may
extend into the cortex.

Hemangiectasis, i.e. blood-filled spaces, may

occur in the islets of aging rats (Frith et al 2000a).
Pancreatic hepatocytes are occasionally observed
in the periphery around an islet in the pancreas
and are thought to derive from pancreatic acinar
cells (Frith et al 2000a). Peri-insular halos (juxta-
insular cells) consist of large, acinar cells adjacent
to the islets with enlarged nuclei and granular,
hypereosinophilic cytoplasm due to an increase in
zymogen granules (Kramer & Tan 1968). The
cause is thought to be due to the greater concen-
trations of insulin in the cells immediately adja-
cent to the islets (Kramer & Tan 1968) (Fig.
2.115). Variation in the size of islets is commonly
encountered, but it is not as extreme as it is in
FIGURE 2.110  Focal hypertrophy of zona glomerulosa of FIGURE 2.112  Intracytoplasmic colloid in the rat thyroid. mice (Fig. 2.116a).
the rat adrenal gland. ×200. ×200.

A common background lesion in the rat thyroid

is the presence of cysts. These are generally lined
by squamous epithelium and filled with keratin
and cellular debris. Follicular cysts and dilated
follicles, filled with colloid, may also be observed.
Ultimobranchial cysts are the remnants of embry-
onic ultimobranchial bodies that originate from
the third pharyngeal pouch (Frith et al 2000a).
These cysts are lined by flattened squamous epi-
thelium and often contain keratin (Frith et al
2000a). Persistent thyroglossal ducts originate
from a ventral-down growth of endoderm and are
lined with cuboidal or ciliated columnar epithe-
lium (Frith et al 2000a).
Basophilic concretions in the colloid are also FIGURE 2.115  Increased zymogen granules around the
observed commonly in aging rats. This change FIGURE 2.113  Follicular epithelial hypertrophy in the islets in rat pancreas. ×100.
appears to represent mineralization and occurs in juvenile rat thyroid. ×200.
aging rats. C-cell hyperplasia (Fig. 2.111) is occa-
sionally observed in the rat thyroid, but is not as Thickened trabeculae, made up of fibrous con-
common as the C-cell hyperplasia noted in the nective tissue, are observed commonly in the par-
dog thyroid. Areas of ectopic thymus are common athyroid of aging rats. Cysts may also be present
adjacent to the thyroid in the rat (Johnson & Gad in the parathyroid. The cysts are thought to derive
2007). from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches
(Frith et al 2000a). Multinucleate giant cells are
occasionally observed at the periphery of the par-
athyroid. The significance of these cells is not
known (Frith et al 2000a). Intracytoplasmic inclu-
sions are rarely observed in the parathyroid of the
rat, but are though to be a background change.
Focal areas of hypertrophy may be observed in the
rat parathyroid gland (Fig. 2.114).
FIGURE 2.116a  Islet cell hyperplasia in the rat pancreas.

Skin and appendages

Staphylococcal infections causing ulcerative tarsal
FIGURE 2.111  Focal C-cell hyperplasia in thyroid of the dermatitis (also known as tarsal granulomas) are
rat. ×200. common in male rats; however, it is likely that
initial trauma caused by wire cages, persistent irri-
Brown pigment may be observed within the tation and fighting are important contributing
follicular epithelial cells in aging rats (Frith et al factors. The presence of the lesion on the under-
2000a). In addition, foci of lymphocytes and side of the tarsus suggests that wire cages may
plasma cells may be observed in the interstitium cause the initial trauma. The disease is common in
of the thyroid of older rats (Frith et al 2000a). heavy, aged, male rats and may be related to an
Intracytoplasmic colloid (Fig. 2.112) is occasion- FIGURE 2.114  Focal hypertrophy in the rat parathyroid underlying osteoarthritis (Percy & Barthold 2007)
ally observed in the rat thyroid. This lesion may be gland. ×400. (Fig. 2.116b). Epidermal, keratin or follicular
related to intracytoplasmic microfollicular vacu- cysts, especially on the tail, are common in the rat
oles described by Neve & Rondeaux (1991). Juve- Aging Wistar rats develop fibrosis, inflammation skin. The lesion consists of a cyst filled with keratin
nile thyroid follicular epithelium may appear and pigmentation of the islets of Langerhans in the and lined by squamous epithelium (Fig. 2.117).
hypertrophied, but this is a normal change in young pancreas. This may produce a lobular appearance
rats (Rao-Rupanagudi et al 1992) (Fig. 2.113). in the islets of older rats (Frith et al 2000a).
Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 33

Spontaneous age-related atrophy of bone is

reported in rats (Leininger & Riley 1990). Bone
cysts (Fig. 2.119) are rare in rats (Long et al
1996). Chondromucinous degeneration (Fig.
2.120) is observed frequently in the sternum and
growth plate and articular cartilage of long bones
(Leininger & Riley 1990). The lesion increases as
the rat becomes older. The etiology of the condi-
tion is not known and the lesion does not appear
to progress.

FIGURE 2.116b  Tarsal ulceration and dermatitis in the

rat skin. ×200. FIGURE 2.121  Joint mouse in the knee joint of the rat.

FIGURE 2.119  Subarticular bone cyst in the rat femur.


FIGURE 2.117  Epidermal or follicular cyst filled with

keratin in the rat skin. ×40. FIGURE 2.122  Keratin cyst with associated inflammation
within the skeletal muscle of the rat. ×200.

Muscle, bones and joints Brain and nervous system

Atrophy of skeletal muscles occurs spontaneously Axonal degeneration is commonly observed in the
in aging rats (Fig. 2.118) (Greaves et al 1996) and cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal cords of older
the fibres assume a compressed angular profile rats (McMartin et al 1997). Sciatic nerve demy-
(Greaves et al 1996), particularly in the hind elination is common in aging rats. Myelopathy in
limbs. In addition, the atrophic muscle fibres are the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord, characterized
accompanied by variation in muscle fibre size, FIGURE 2.120  Chondromucinous degeneration of the
by distended axon sheaths and myelinophages,
fibrous tissue and the inclusion of lipofuscin and bone in the rat sternum. ×100.
may be linked to the demyelination in the sciatic
lipid droplets within the fibres (Greaves et al nerve (Fig. 2.123). Lipofuscin pigmentation of
1996). Spontaneous synovitis may be detected in Degenerative joint disease is observed in the neurones is common in the aging rat brain (Knox
the stifle joints of control Wistar rats in four-week femur-tibial joint (knee) of aging rats. The lesion et al 1980). Lipofuscin can be identified with the
and two-year toxicity studies (Sasaki et al 1998). is characterized by irregularity and thickening of use of Schmorl’s or carbol fuchsin stains. Loss of
The severity is not increased with aging. The the articular cartilage and the formation of ventral horn motor cells has been reported in aging
pathogenesis is thought to be joint instability chondrocyte clusters (Long et al 1996). Later, rats (McMartin et al 1997).
which induces mechanical damage of the syn- cartilage necrosis, cyst formation, synovial hyper-
ovium (Sasaki et al 1998). plasia and thickening of the joint capsule are
observed (Long et al 1996). Joint mice may occa-
sionally be observed within the affected joint (Fig.
2.121). Osteochondrosis occurs spontaneously in
Sprague–Dawley rats. Occasional keratin or epi-
dermal cysts may be encountered in the skeletal
muscle of the rat (Fig. 2.122).

FIGURE 2.123  Sciatic nerve demyelination in the rat.

FIGURE 2.118  Atrophy of myofibres in rat skeletal
muscle. ×400.

Epidermoid cysts (Fig. 2.124) originate from staining of the myelin (McMartin et al 1997). Cer-
embryological remnants of ectoderm and are ebellar hypoplasia is a congenital lesion which is
made up of keratin-filled cysts lined by squamous rarely observed in the rat brain (Fig. 2.126). Lym-
epithelium (McMartin et al 1997). Epidermoid phocyte aggregates may be noted in the pineal
cysts are found occasionally on the surface of the gland of young rats. The nucleus circularis is a focus
spinal cord or the brain. Brain mineralization (Fig. of neurones in the neonatal rat brain which may be
2.125) is occasionally encountered in the brains of confused with a treatment-related finding (Fig.
older animals, especially in the thalamus (Burek 2.127). The nucleus circularis, in the anterior
1978). Spontaneous globoid mineralization has hypothalamus, is a group of magnocellular ele-
been noted in the cerebellum of rats (Yanai et al, ments arranged in a ring around a capillary bed. The
1993). Age-related mineralization is generally entire nucleus is surrounded or encapsulated by
not observed in conjunction with glial reactions myelinated fibers (Hatton 1976). The neonatal rat
(McMartin et al 1997). brain also contains focal areas of neuro­blasts, which
may be confused with gliosis (Fig. 2.128). In addi-
tion, the neonatal rat brain may also display foci of FIGURE 2.129  Extramedullary hemopoiesis in the choroid
extramedullary hemopoiesis in the choroid plexus plexus of the neonatal rat. ×200.
(Fig. 2.129), which is a normal feature at day 12.
Furthermore, the neonatal brain also displays the
presence of cysts (Fig. 2.130) and large, bizarre
mitotic figures (Fig. 2.131). Ectopic granule cells
are also visible in the neonatal rat brain (Fig. 2.132).

FIGURE 2.124  Epidermal or keratin cyst in the spinal

cord of the rat. ×200.

FIGURE 2.130  Cyst present in neonatal rat brain. ×100.

FIGURE 2.126  Cerebellar hypoplasia in the rat cerebel-

lum. ×100.

FIGURE 2.125  Brain mineralization in areas of malacia in

the rat brain. ×200.

Gliosis is a response to nervous system injury, FIGURE 2.131  Bizarre mitotic figures present in the neo-
but may be observed as a background lesion in rats natal rat brain at day 12. ×100.
(McMartin et al 1997). The term refers to the
increase in the number of astrocytes and/or
microglia and their processes (McMartin et al FIGURE 2.127  Nucleus circularis in the cerebrum of a
1997). Hemorrhage into the Virchow–Robin neonatal rat. ×200.
space around a blood vessel may be observed in
the rat. Artifactual hemorrhage into the brain,
spinal cord and cerebral spinal spaces is common
when the nervous system is not handled carefully
(McMartin et al 1997). Hydrocephalus, i.e. the
expansion of the ventricles with cerebrospinal
fluid, may be encountered in younger animals as
an incidental finding or it may occur due to sec-
ondary pressure (e.g. tumors).
Vacuolation is occasionally observed in the large FIGURE 2.132  Ectopic granule cells in the neonatal rat
neurones of aged rats as a background change brain. ×100.
(McMartin et al 1997). Artifactual vacuolation in
the brain is common and should be distinguished
from vacuolation associated with pathology. The
lesion may occur unilaterally or bilaterally. Gener-
ally, vacuolation associated with genuine pathology FIGURE 2.128  Foci of neuroblasts in the neonatal rat
is accompanied by inflammatory cells and reduced brain. ×100.
Wistar and Sprague–Dawley rats 35

Eye and ear

Porphorin accumulations in the Harderian gland
are considered to be a normal background in
nearly every rat. Inflammation of the Harderian
gland is common, and squamous hyperplasia is
also observed occasionally within the rat Harde-
rian gland (Fig. 2.133). Cellular pleomorphism is
a normal background change in the lacrimal gland.
In addition, one can often see areas of Harderiani-
zation in the lacrimal gland (Fig. 2.134) and this
is an example of sexual dimorphism of the
extraorbital lacrimal gland in the rat (Ferrara et al
2004). Acinar atrophy and inflammation may be
noted in the lacrimal gland (Fig. 2.135). Acinar
FIGURE 2.136  Acinar hypertrophy in the lacrimal gland FIGURE 2.138  Optic nerve atrophy and fibre degenera-
hypertrophy may also be present in the lacrimal
in the rat. ×200. tion in the rat. ×100.
gland (Fig. 2.136).

In the rat eye, retinal rosettes are often noted

as a background change (Fig. 2.137). Optic nerve
atrophy and degeneration with areas of vacuola-
tion is observed as an aging change in the rat
(Fig. 2.138). Corneal opacity is a distinct entity in
aging rats and occurs predominantly in male rats
(Taradach & Greaves 1984). Increased fibrosis of
the ciliary body and iris is reported in aging rats
(Taradach & Greaves 1984). Synechia between
the iris and cornea, and iris and lens may be a
congenital or inflammatory lesion in young rats
and coloboma is a congenital condition occasion-
ally reported in rats (Taradach & Greaves 1984).
Lenticular degeneration (Fig. 2.139) and cataracts
are common in older rats, as is retinal atrophy
(Fig. 2.140) which may be a background lesion FIGURE 2.139  Lenticular degeneration of the lens of the
FIGURE 2.133  Squamous hyperplasia of the Harderian rat eye. ×200.
gland in the rat. ×400. or treatment-related or caused by excessive light
and other causes. Interestingly, autolysis may also
cause a lesion in the lens of the rat which appears
to be similar to lenticular degeneration (Fig.

FIGURE 2.140  Rat eye retinal atrophy loss of outer

FIGURE 2.134  Harderianization of the lacrimal gland of
nuclear layer. ×200.
the rat. ×200.

FIGURE 2.137  Retinal rosettes in the eye of the rat.




Lens capsule

FIGURE 2.135  Acinar atrophy and inflammation in lac- FIGURE 2.141  Lenticular autolysis which is similar to
rimal gland of the rat. ×200. lenticular degeneration in the rat eye. ×100.

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Beagle dog 37
Cheryl Scudamore

Beagle dog

The majority of dogs used in toxicity studies are
young beagles (generally less than one year old at
the start of study), and therefore a limited range
of background findings is recognized compared to
the ageing population of dogs generally seen in
veterinary pathology diagnostic facilities. The most
common observations are minimal inflammatory-
cell foci, usually predominantly mononuclear cells,
of unknown etiology. Inflammatory-cell foci are
seen in many organs but are particularly common
in the liver (Foster 2005), lung, salivary glands and
tongue. Other common findings include granular
brown pigment in the spleen (usually hemosiderin)
and liver (usually lipofuscin) and agonal congestion FIGURE 3.3  Focal mineralization of media of aorta. ×100.
FIGURE 3.1  Haematocyst at the base of heart valve,
of the vasculature, particularly in the gastro­ characterized by blood-filled channels surrounded by
intestinal tract (Haggerty et al 2007). Other back- Intimal thickening as the result of musculoelas-
connective tissue. ×400. Image courtesy of A de Molina,
ground and incidental findings are seen with tic proliferation of intramural vessels in the myo-
varying incidence depending on the strain, supplier cardium (Grant Maxie & Robinson 2007) and
and test facility, and are illustrated below. pulmonary vessels (Fig. 3.4) can be found in nor-
motensive laboratory dogs. The change needs to
be distinguished from oblique planes of section
Cardiovascular system through blood vessel walls, particularly where
Young dogs of all breeds – including beagles – there is the possibility that there are drug-induced
may show spontaneous lesions including focal changes in vascular tone or blood pressure. There
telangiectasia (hematocysts) of the heart valve is little literature on the spontaneous incidence of
(Fig. 3.1) and endocardiosis (Takeda et al 1991). these changes (Detweiler et al 1961).
Hematocysts are seen macroscopically as dark red
or black cysts on valve cusps. The incidence of
endocardiosis increases with age, with a frequency
of 11–25% reported in lifetime studies of beagles
(Van Fleet 2001). Arteritis is seen sporadically,
reportedly in 5–10% of young beagles (Grant
Maxie & Robinson 2007), and occurs more com-
monly in males, affecting either single or multiple
vessels, most commonly in the epididymides,
thymus, and the coronary arteries of the heart
(Fig. 3.2) (Son 2004). In the majority of cases in FIGURE 3.2  Arteritis and periarteritis of extramural coro-
young dogs the lesions are idiopathic (Hartman nary artery. ×200. Image courtesy of E McInnes.
1987) and occur in the absence of any clinical
signs, but they can also occur as part of the ‘beagle Mineralization of the root of the aorta (Glaister
pain syndrome’. Distinguishing spontaneous 1986, Kelly et al 1982) (Fig. 3.3) and other vessels
lesions from those induced by drugs can be diffi- is occasionally seen in young dogs, although the
cult, and pathologists may need to use a weight- incidence increases with age (Schwarz et al 2002).
FIGURE 3.4  Focal villous intimal proliferation in an intra-
of-evidence approach based on the incidence, In beagles, this lesion can occur in animals with
mural myocardial artery. Proliferation may be concentric
distribution of lesions, morphological appearance, normal serum calcium and phosphorus levels, in
or focal forming arterial ‘cushions’. ×100.
and associated pathology (Clemo et al 2003) to the absence of any other pathology, and may only
reach a diagnosis. be visible microscopically.
Villous mesothelial proliferations are occasion-
ally seen attached to the epicardium and pleura
(Mesfin 1990) (Fig. 3.5), possibly resulting from
local friction or other stimulation. These pro­
jections consist of an extracellular matrix core
surrounding capillaries covered by a cuboidal mes-
othelial lining.

Respiratory system
Normal histological variations occur throughout
the respiratory tract and include foci of squamous
epithelium (Fig. 3.10) in the trachea. Pulmonary
mineralization can occur in two forms: either asso-
ciated with the alveolar interstitium, when it
tends to be diffuse or multifocal, or as focal osteo-
phyte formation (Fig. 3.11). Diffuse pulmonary
mineralization is reported in dogs with uraemia
and Cushing’s syndrome (Berry et al 2005)
but can also be an idiopathic finding, and subepi-
thelial mineralization of peribronchiolar smooth
muscle (Fig. 3.12) can be seen as a spontaneous
finding in control beagles (D J Lewis, personal
FIGURE 3.5  Villous mesothelial projections from epicar- FIGURE 3.7  Prominent Hassall’s corpuscles composed of communication).
dium of atrium characterized by a connective tissue core concentric whorls of keratin are a normal feature of
covered by mesothelium. Atrial wall also shows extensive canine thymus. ×100.
adipocyte infiltration. ×100.

Hemolymphoreticular system
Few lesions are recorded in the lymphoid tissues
of young beagles. Thymic cysts or epithelial rem-
nants from the branchial pouches (Fig. 3.6) are
commonly seen in the medulla (Newman 1971),
as in other species, and may increase in promi-
nence with involution. Prominent Hassall’s cor-
puscles may also be seen in the thymic medulla
(Snyder et al 1993) and are composed of concen-
tric layers of keratin (Fig. 3.7). In the spleen of FIGURE 3.10  Squamous epithelium is a normal feature
young dogs haemosiderotic foci or plaques may of the epithelial lining of the dorsal trachea where the
not be obvious macroscopically, but may be seen cartilage is discontinuous. ×100.
microscopically, usually associated with connec- FIGURE 3.8  Hemosiderotic plaque in the spleen. Mineral
tive tissue trabeculae or in connective tissue and brown pigment deposits on connective tissue trabec-
around the hilar vessels (Fig. 3.8). In older animals ulae. ×100.
these are recognized macroscopically as yellow or
grey encrustations or nodules along the capsular Accessory spleens may be present in the
borders, sometimes referred to as Gandy–Gamna omentum or attached to the surface of the spleen.
bodies. They appear as brown nodules, usually less than
2mm in diameter (Kelly et al 1982, Patnaik
1985), and they have their own independent
blood supply. Hyalinized material may occasion-
ally be seen in the follicles of lymph nodes and
spleen (Fig. 3.9). In some cases this may be
amyloid deposition but may alternatively be
accumulations of immunoglobulin.

FIGURE 3.11  Focal osseous metaplasia or osteophyte

formation in lung parenchyma. Image courtesy of DJ
Lewis. ×200.

FIGURE 3.6  Prominent branchial cyst in involuting

thymus. ×100.

FIGURE 3.9  Hyaline deposits in the germinal centre of a

lymphoid follicle. ×100. FIGURE 3.12  Mineralization of peribronchiolar smooth
muscle. Image courtesy of DJ Lewis. ×200.
Beagle dog 39

Fibrosing alveolitis, also known as segmental

fibrosis, may be seen macroscopically as pale,
white, focal thickenings of the pleural surface,
often at the edges of the lung lobes. Microscopi-
cally (Figs 3.13, 3.14) these lesions are wedge-
shaped areas of alveolar fibrosis extending into
the lung parenchyma from the pleura, with associ-
ated epithelial hyperplasia and occasional small
numbers of chronic inflammatory cells (Glaister
1986, Hahn & Dagle 2001). These lesions are well
recognized in beagle tissues but do not seem to be
reported in the veterinary literature. There is
some confusion about the cause of these lesions. FIGURE 3.17  Dilated subpleural lymphatics. ×100.
Almost invariably no etiological agent is seen in
the sections, although they may represent damage
caused by previously migrating parasites such as FIGURE 3.14  Fibrosing alveolitis at higher magnification
Filaroides and Toxocara species. Filaroides hirthi characterized by fibrosis of the alveolar septae with a Gastrointestinal system
lung infestations have been reported in beagle hyperplastic epithelial lining with or without an associated
inflammatory reaction. ×100. Subepithelial inflammatory deposits are common
with demonstrable parasites (Bahnemann & Bauer
in the dog tongue, and occasional granulomas and
1994, Hottendorf & Hirth 1974), but the current
focal ulcers may be associated with particles of
incidence is unknown in laboratory colonies. In
foreign material, for example sawdust bedding
active Filaroides infections macroscopic tan, grey
(Fig. 3.18). These infiltrates need to be distin-
or green nodules may be seen on the pleural
guished from the cellular arteriovenous anastomo-
surface associated microscopically with granulo-
ses (Fig. 3.19) which lie below the epithelium
mas with eosinophils with or without cross sec-
(Pritchard & Daniel 1953). Adipocyte infiltration
tions of nematodes (Fig. 3.15). These granulomas
of the salivary glands may be seen incidentally
should be distinguished from those which occur
without clinical correlation or inflammation (Fig.
secondarily to the inhalation of foreign material or
3.20), although it is reported to cause palpable
due to emboli of keratin from intravenous injec-
glandular enlargement in older animals (Bindseil
tion sites (Fig. 3.16) (Hottendorf & Hirth 1974).
& Madsen 1997, Brown et al 1997).
Dilated pleural lymphatics are occasionally seen
and may be artefactual, related to changes in pul-
monary pressure due to clamping or infusion with
fixative (Fig. 3.17) (Colby et al 2007).

FIGURE 3.15  Cross sections of Filaroides larvae with

associated eosinophilic and granulomatous reaction.
Image courtesy of A Bradley. ×200.

FIGURE 3.18  Subepithelial inflammation of tongue.


FIGURE 3.13  Fibrosing alveolitis is often seen as a pale

depression in the pleural surface which corresponds with
a wedge-shaped lesion extending from the pleural
surface, often towards a pulmonary vessel. ×200.

FIGURE 3.16  Focal granuloma in the lung. Granuloma-

tous reaction surrounds refractile foreign material, pos-
sibly sawdust bedding. ×200.

FIGURE 3.19  Subepithelial arteriovenous anastamosis of

the tongue. ×100.

FIGURE 3.20  Adipocytes separating glandular acini in the FIGURE 3.22  Spiral organisms in crypt of gastric gland. FIGURE 3.24  Brick inclusion in a hepatocyte nucleus.
salivary gland. ×200. ×200. ×200.

Mineralization of the gastric mucosa (Fig. 3.21) Occasional developmental anomalies may also
is observed with varying incidence (5–10%) in occur in the gastrointestinal tract; for example
beagles with no underlying pathological lesions Meckel’s diverticulum, a remnant of the vitelline
(Glaister 1986, Majeed 1985). In some dogs occa- duct, may be seen attached to the distal small
sional small microscopic foci of mineralization intestine or separated from the intestine associ-
may be observed, but in other animals the depos- ated with the serosa or mesentery (Brown et al
its may be considerably more extensive leading to 2007). Gastric heteropia may be seen within
a gritty feel when the mucosa is handled. It was diverticular or as isolated foci within the ileal
previously suggested (Majeed 1985) that this may mucosa. These foci of histologically normal gastric
relate to dietary imbalances of calcium and phos- mucosa may be surrounded by mucous-cell hyper-
phorus, but mineralization is now found in dogs plasia considered to be an adaptive response to
with normal serum calcium or phosphate levels local acid secretion (Fig. 3.23) (Iwata et al 1990,
fed on balanced modern diets, and so the underly- Rest 1987).
ing cause remains unknown.

FIGURE 3.25  Brick inclusion in nucleus of renal tubular

epithelial cell. ×200.

Lipid vacuolation of the gall bladder epithelium

(Boyd 1923) (Fig. 3.26) is a common incidental
finding, although it can also be increased following
treatment with a variety of compounds. Cystic
mucoid hyperplasia of the gall bladder is reported
to increase with age and to be related to progesta-
gen treatment, but it can also been seen in
untreated young beagles (Kelly et al 1982,
Murakoshil et al 2000) (Fig. 3.27).
FIGURE 3.23  Gastric heteropia in the intestine with adja-
FIGURE 3.21  Focal mineralization in gastric mucosa. cent mucus cell hyperplasia. ×100.
Note absence of inflammatory response. Image courtesy
of C Lopez. ×100.
Liver and biliary system
A number of spiral-shaped bacteria (gastros-
pirilla) have been identified in the gastric mucosa Compared to other organs in the beagle, the liver
of dogs; they include Helicobacter felis, H. biz- has the highest incidence of microscopic patho-
zozeronii, H cynogastricus and Candidatus Heli- logical lesions (Foster 2005). In common with
cobacter heilmanniii (Haesebrouck et al 2009). other species, the majority of these lesions are
Spiral organisms may be found in up to 86% of minimal, focal, inflammatory lesions which may
clinically normal dogs and are frequently seen in involve the parenchyma, perivascular or periportal
the surface mucus, in the lumina of gastric glands compartments. Acidophilic or hyaline rectangular
(Fig. 3.22) and in parietal cells (Recordati et al intranuclear periodic acid–Schiff(PAS)-positive
2009) of beagles with no associated pathology ‘brick inclusions’ are occasionally observed in
(Prachasilpchai et al 2007). However spiral organ- hepatocytes (Fig. 3.24) (Harlemann et al 1987,
isms, in particular H. felis (Lee et al 1992), may Maita et al 1977) and renal tubular epithelium FIGURE 3.26  Apical vacuolation of gall bladder
also be associated with a lymphocytic mucosal (Fig. 3.25) (Stalker & Hayes 2007). They may be epithelium. ×100.
infiltrate and/or organized lymphoid follicles large enough to displace the nucleus but are
which may be seen as macroscopic pale white believed to be of no significance, although their
nodules. composition and pathogenesis are unknown.
Beagle dog 41

In the urinary bladder, cystitis (Fig. 3.33) with

or without pyelitis (Hottendorf & Hirth 1974) can
be seen incidentally or following catheterization
(Thomas 1979). Other incidental lesions in the
wall of the urinary bladder include lymphoid fol-
licles in the submucosa (Fig. 3.34) and, the throm-
bosed or mineralized remnants of the umbilical
arteries in the muscular wall of the urinary bladder
(Fig. 3.35) (Grant Maxie & Newman 2007b).

FIGURE 3.27  Mucoid hyperplasia of the gall bladder FIGURE 3.29  Focal tubular basophilia with minimal
epithelium. ×100. inflammation of beagle kidney. ×100.

Urinary system
Papillary mineralization in the kidney (Fig. 3.28)
is commonly observed in the absence of imbal-
ances in calcium and phosphorus. Individual
basophilic tubules (focal nephropathy) (Fig. 3.29)
(Morishima et al 1990) and focal interstitial fibro- FIGURE 3.33  Cystitis. Thickening of the transitional epi-
sis and inflammation are seen at a low incidence thelium with inflammatory cells within the epithelium and
and severity in young beagles with increasing in the submucosa. ×100.
numbers of cysts and glomerulosclerosis observed
with increasing age (Pomeroy & Roberston 2004).
Cortical tubular vacuolation may be visible as a
background finding in beagles and is seen more
commonly in females (Morishima et al 1990)
(Fig. 3.30); it is thought to be largely due to the FIGURE 3.30  Vacuolation of cortical tubular epithelium in
accumulation of lipid. Lipid may also accumulate the inner cortex of the kidney. ×100.
in fine vacuoles in the mesangial cells of the
glomeruli giving rise to ‘foam cells’ (Fig. 3.31)
(Grant Maxie & Newman 2007a). Small, densely
cellular glomeuli and tubules may be seen, par-
ticularly close to the capsular surface of the
kidney, and are thought to represent underdevel-
oped fetal or juvenile remnants in the subcapsular
nephrogenic zone (Fig. 3.32) (Eisenbrandt &
Phemister 1978).

FIGURE 3.34  Lymphoid follicles in urinary bladder wall.


FIGURE 3.31  Lipid accumulation in mesangial cells of the

glomerulus. ×200.

FIGURE 3.28  Mineralization of renal papilla of beagle

kidney. ×100.

FIGURE 3.35  Thrombosed urachal artery in muscular

wall of the urinary bladder. ×100.

Endocrine glands
Ectopic thyroid tissue and cysts are the most
common incidental findings in the endocrine
FIGURE 3.32  Juvenile glomerulus centre with normal system (Glaister 1986), usually originating from
glomerulus to left. ×100. remnants of embryonic ducts. Cysts originating

from the craniopharyngeal duct are frequently

found in the pituitary between the pars distalis
and pars nervosa, and they can be quite extensive
(Fig. 3.36). The cysts are lined by a cuboidal to
columnar epithelium which may be ciliated.
Similar cysts arise in the parathyroid (Fig. 3.37)
and thyroid. In the thyroid, cysts originate from
the ultimobranchial duct and are lined by a kerati-
nized squamous epithelium (Capen 2007a).

FIGURE 3.38a  Extensive C-cell infiltrates in thyroid gland FIGURE 3.40  Vacuolation of the zona reticularis of the
with occasional trapped follicles. ×100. adrenal gland. ×200.

Focal areas of pancreatic atrophy are occasion-

ally seen in beagles. In these irregular foci acinar
cells may be small or completely replaced by
fibrous tissue and inflammatory cells (Fig. 3.41).
These lesions are thought to be secondary to local
inflammation or obstruction of the duct system
(Charles 2007).
FIGURE 3.36  Multiple cysts originating between pars
distalis and pars nervosa. ×100.

FIGURE 3.38b  Lymphocytic thyroiditis in the dog thyroid.


The presence of focal adrenal cortical vacuola-

tion is highly variable between animals, but tends
to be more extensive and occur at a greater fre-
quency in female beagles (Morishima at el 1990).
Vacuolation may be seen in all layers of the cortex
FIGURE 3.41  Pancreatic atrophy. Loss of acinar cells
(Figs 3.39, 3.40).
and replacement by fibrous tissue and inflammatory cell
infiltrate. ×200.

FIGURE 3.37  Parathyroid-associated cyst. ×100. Nesidioblastosis is an uncommon finding which

consists of a mixture of Islet cell (predominantly
beta cells) and ductular proliferation (Son et al
Focal to extensive infiltration of the thyroid by 2010). In beagles this finding has been reported
nests of C cells, which represent ultimobranchial in the absence of any biochemical or pathological
remnants, is a normal finding in dogs and is some- abnormalities, although in other breeds it has been
times called C-cell complex. The term C-cell associated with islet-cell neoplasia and diabetes
hyperplasia should only be used when there is a mellitus (Katsuta et al 1992) (Fig. 3.42).
clear increase in numbers compared to those in
age-matched control animals. The cells are pale-
staining and polygonal with haematoxylin and
eosin (H&E) staining and they express thyroglob-
ulin, calcitonin, calcitonin gene-related peptide
and somatostatin (Fig. 3.38a) (Capen 2007b).
Lymphocytic thyroiditis is present in a small per- FIGURE 3.39  Vacuolation of the zona glomerulosa of the
centage of beagle dogs used in toxicological studies adrenal. ×200.
(Fig. 3.38b) and may be a heritable condition
(Benjamin et al 1996) possibly associated with the
subsequent development of thyroid neoplasia.

FIGURE 3.42  Nesidioblastosis of the pancreas. ×400.

Beagle dog 43

particularly prominent in the myocardium where

Skin and appendages they may extend through half the thickness of the
Few incidental skin lesions are reported in beagles, ventricular wall (Fig. 3.5) (Pick & Eubank 1965).
with folliculitis being the most common. There is Amylase-resistant, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)–
often no apparent etiological agent, but occasion- positive inclusions may be present in the skeletal
ally Demodex mites may be present (Fig. 3.43) muscle of beagle dogs. Affected myofibers con-
consistent with the self-limiting localized presen- tained amorphous material that stains lightly
tation of demodicosis in young dogs. Macroscopi- basophilic with hematoxylin and eosin and is
cally there may be no obvious lesions or there may strongly PAS–positive with amylase resistance.
be a local area of scaling and alopecia. Transmission electron micrographic examination
of the inclusions reveals granular, non-membrane–
bound, electron-dense material, consistent with
polysaccharide (Wancket et al 2011).

FIGURE 3.46  Focal mineralization of spinal cord menin-

ges. ×200.

FIGURE 3.43  Folliculitis associated with demodex mite

infestation. ×200.

Ear margin dermatosis is seen in laboratory FIGURE 3.45  Chondromucinous degeneration of the
beagle dogs (and other hound breeds) as scaling sternum. ×200.
and alopecia of the ear margins. Microscopically
it is characterized by a localized marked orthok-
eratotic, epidermal and follicular hyperkeratosis
(Fig. 3.44) which may be complicated by second-
Brain and nervous system FIGURE 3.47  Perivascular cuffing in the central nervous
system (CNS). Unilateral, focal blood vessels surrounded
ary bacterial infection (Ginn et al 2007). It is Incidental findings in the central nervous system by cuff of mononuclear cells. Image courtesy of J Bowles.
considered to be an idiopathic primary sebor- are rare in beagles. Although uncommon in young ×100.
rhoeic condition. animals, the most commonly observed lesions are
collagenous thickening of the meninges, ossifying
Renaut bodies (Elcock et al 2001) may be seen
pachymeningitis (Grant Maxie & Youssef 2007)
in sciatic nerve sections in the endoneurium or
and mineralization of spinal nerves (Fig. 3.46).
perineurium and consist of well demarcated,
These lesions probably all represent early onset of
sparsely cellular structures with a filamentous col-
degenerative changes. Perivascular cuffing of
lagen matrix; they are not associated with evi-
vessels (Fig. 3.47) characterized by minimal accu-
dence of axonal degeneration or inflammation and
mulations of predominantly lymphocytic cells can
are considered incidental findings (Fig. 3.48). The
be seen at a low incidence in normal beagle dogs.
cell rest of Hortega is visible in the canine cere-
The lesions affect only a few vessels, are not bilat-
brum and may be confused with an area of gliosis
eral or symmetrical, and have no associated clini-
(Fig. 3.49).
cal signs (Ueda et al 2004). The origins and
significance of these lesions are unknown, and
although they have been suggested to be post-
vaccinal or post-viral, there is no clear evidence
to support this. Focal accumulations of inflamma-
tory cells may be seen in the choroid plexus; these
FIGURE 3.44  Epidermal and follicular hyperkeratosis may occur in the absence of any other brain
with minimal dermal inflammatory infiltrate. Ear margin pathology and appear to be of no significance.
dermatitis. ×200. Non-suppurative or granulomatous meningitis
may also occasionally be seen, often without asso-
ciated clinical signs in control dogs. The underly-
Muscles, bones and joints ing cause of this lesion is not known, but may be
Focal chondromucinous degeneration may occa- infectious (Ueda et al 2004).
sionally be seen in the growth plates of young
beagles, particularly in the sternum. This change
includes focal degradation of the matrix with loss
of affinity for toluidine blue stain and degenera- FIGURE 3.48  Renaut body in sciatic nerve. ×100.
tion of chondrocytes, eventually leading to an
amorphous area of chondromalacia (Fig. 3.45)
(Yamasaki 1994). The cause of this lesion is
unknown, and it does not appear to result in any
abnormality in the mature skeleton. Adipocytes
may be seen infiltrating normal skeletal muscle
(Van Fleet & Valentine 2007) and may be

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Mouse 45
Ian Taylor


the BALB/c and B6C3F1 mouse (Frith et al 1985, spontaneous pathology occur, these will be referred
Introduction Frith & Ward 1988), the CD-1 mouse (Faccini to and reference will be made to the sources of
The mouse is one of the most widely used experi- et al 1990), and those strains of mouse used in the information available in the scientific literature.
mental models in pre-clinical toxicity and carcino- generation of genetically engineered mice (Haines
genicity testing, and biomedical research in et al 2001, Mahler et al 1996, Percy & Barthold
2007, Ward et al 2000). Descriptions of spontane-
Cardiovascular system
general, and as such there are numerous sources
of information on the biology, physiology and ous, murine, non-neoplastic pathology are also The embryology, anatomy, histology and physiol-
spontaneous pathology of the many stocks and included in other publications reviewing the spon- ogy of the heart and blood vessels are reviewed by
strains of mouse used in biomedical research. taneous and induced lesions in different organ Elwell & Mahler (1999) and Michael et al (2004)
There are a limited number of mouse stocks and systems in rodents in pre-clinical toxicity and car- and an extensive review of myocardial diseases of
strains routinely used in pre-clinical toxicity cinogenicity studies (Gad 2007, Jones et al 1983, animals has been presented by Van Vleet & Ferrans
testing, however. This is, in part, because of the Jones et al 1985a,b, Jones et al 1986, 1988, 1991, (1986).
regulatory requirement for the background biology Maronpot et al 1999, Mohr 2001). Congenital lesions in the heart are rare (Hagi-
and pathology of these models to be well under- The National Toxicology Program (NTP) rou- wara et al 1996). Cardiomyopathy is a diagnostic
stood, and for there to be sufficient background tinely uses the B6C3F1 mouse, an F1 hybrid of term used to describe a spectrum of spontaneous,
data available for all the different parameters two inbred strains, the C57BL/6 and C3H strains age-related, degenerative changes, including
measured during toxicity and carcinogenicity (Rao & Boorman 1999), in their toxicity and car- degeneration, necrosis and increased interstitial
studies. cinogenicity studies. The outbred CD-1 mouse is fibrous tissue. The inflammatory component of
It is important for toxicological pathologists also routinely used throughout the world in pre- these changes varies (Berdanier 2004, Elwell &
working with mice to be aware of the background clinical testing of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals Mahler 1999, Frith et al 2007). The reported inci-
changes commonly seen in laboratory mice, and and industrial chemicals (Gad 2007). dence of this finding is considered to vary partly
the stock and strain differences that occur in their The NTP publishes on their websites the obser- because of variation in reporting levels and termi-
background pathology. A knowledge of the spon- vations recorded in the numerous toxicity and nology between pathologists (Elwell & Mahler
taneous findings which occur in young mice, and carcinogenicity studies performed by them every 1999). These changes can occur at an early age,
those changes associated with aging, is essential year, and maintain a historical control database of and are occasionally responsible for the early
if a proper interpretation of possible treatment- neoplastic findings classified by species, strain, death of mice on long-term studies (Son 2003a)
related changes in toxicity and carcinogenicity route of administration, vehicle and diet (http:// (Fig. 4.1).
studies is to be made.
The current chapter aims to present those non- The NTP also summarize the information
neoplastic findings which occur spontaneously in they have gathered to date on their evaluation
young and old mice, and which the toxicological of transgenic models for use in carcinogenicity
pathologist will encounter during evaluation of testing. The historical control tumor rates for
routine toxicity studies using the mouse. The these models are also provided on their web pages.
pathologist should be aware that long-term admin- Animal suppliers also routinely maintain histori-
istration of test materials may be associated with cal control pathology data, and this information
an exacerbation of age-related non-neoplastic can usually be retrieved from their web sites
pathology which might otherwise be considered (Charles River:; Harlan:
to be background changes. Careful comparison of although this may be
treated animals with contemporaneous controls, limited to neoplastic findings for some strains of
and interpretation based on evaluation of all animals.
the results in the study (including survival and There is a need to maintain an up-to-date source
body weights), are required to properly identify of information on the ever increasing numbers of
the significance of changes seen in pre-clinical inbred and genetically modified strains of mice
studies. used in biomedical research and those differences FIGURE 4.1  Heart: cardiomyopathy. Two-year-old, CD-1,
A detailed presentation of the embryology, in biology associated with these new genotypes male mouse. Degenerate cardiomyocytes are replaced by
anatomy and histology of all the different organ (Anagnostopoulos et al 2001, Bolon 2007, Brayton fibrous tissue. ×100.
systems discussed is beyond the scope of the et al 2001, Linder 2003, 2006, Linder & Davisson
current chapter, and the reader is referred to rel- 2004, Yoshiki & Moriwaki 2006). The Jackson Atrial thrombosis is described as an uncommon
evant texts for each of the different organs dis- Laboratory maintains the Mouse Genome Infor- lesion by some authors (Frith & Ward 1988, Frith
cussed. A general review of the anatomy and matics web site, a database designed to act as an et al 2007), but as common by others (Berdanier
biology of the laboratory mouse and the use of international resource for the laboratory mouse, 2004, Faccini et al 1990). This probably reflects
mice in biomedical research has been presented in integrating genetic, genomic and biological data the strain and stock differences in the occurrence
various publications (Cook 1965, Green 1966, ( This site offers of this lesion. It does occur as a spontaneous
Hedrich & Bullock 2004, Hummel et al 1966, resources and links to multiple databases, many of lesion, however, in CD-1 mice, more commonly
Komárek 2004, Krinke 2004, Percy & Barthold which provide valuable information for the toxi- in the left atrium than in the right (Carlton &
2007, Staats 1966). cological pathologist involved in the evaluation of Engelhardt 1991, Elwell & Mahler 1999, Frith &
Many sources of information on the spontane- preclinical studies in the mouse. Other internet Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007, Hagiwara et al 1996,
ous, non-neoplastic pathology of laboratory mice sources of information on genetically engineered Meier & Hoag 1966, Percy & Barthold 2007,
are available. The aging patterns of mice and strain rodents have been reviewed by Bolon (2006) and Van Vleet & Ferrans 1986). The distended atrium
variations in background pathology have been Linder & Davisson (2004). contains an organizing, mural thrombus which
reported (Brayton 2007, Cotchin & Roe 1967, The data presented in this chapter are based may contain areas of cartilaginous metaplasia.
Hedrich & Bullock 2004, Mohr et al 1996a, b, in the main on findings observed in the outbred The character and features of the thrombus are
Russell 1966, Russell & Meier 1966). The pathol- Swiss mouse, obtained from Charles River, United dependent on the age of the thrombus. There are
ogy of aging mice based on the studies performed Kingdom (Crl:CD1(ICR) (outbred)). Where strain and sex differences in the occurrence of
at different laboratories has been presented for specific strain differences in the occurrence of atrial thrombi. Diet and parity also influence the

occurrence. Atrial thrombosis was identified as Perivascular lymphoid infiltrates frequently

one of the major causes of death or morbidity in occur in older mice in salivary glands, kidneys and
a review of 11 long-term studies in CD-1 mice other organs (Percy & Barthold 2007). Inflamma-
(Maita et al 1988) (Fig. 4.2). tory changes in the vasculature can occur as iso-
lated lesions, affecting the vessels of a single
organ, or can affect several systemic arteries. The
occurrence and severity of this change varies with
age, strain and sex, but the etiology is generally
considered to be unknown (Elwell & Mahler
1999, Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith
et al 2007, Percy & Barthold 2007). There are
reports of correlations between elevated blood
pressure in mice and an increased incidence
of polyarteritis (Mullink & Haneveld 1979).
Histologically, the affected arteries typically
show hyaline degeneration of the walls of the
vessel with associated inflammatory cell infiltra-
tion affecting the intima, media and adventitia.
Aneurismal dilatation and hemorrhage can be seen
in more severe cases (Fig. 4.4).
FIGURE 4.2  Atrial thrombus, 18-month-old, male, CD-1
mouse. The majority of the lumen of the left atrium is
filled with an organizing thrombus. An area of cartilagi-
nous metaplasia is apparent at the periphery of the throm-
bus and the atrial wall has a prominent inflammatory cell FIGURE 4.5  Inflammatory changes involving the root
infiltrate. ×20. of the aorta (aortitis) in an 18-month-old, male, CD-1
mouse. ×40.
Dystrophic mineralization (dystrophic calcifica-
tion) is a strain-specific finding and occurs at a
high incidence and at an early age in susceptible
strains. There are sex differences in the occur-
rence of this finding within strains, and parity and
diet also influence its occurrence (Berdanier 2004,
Eaton et al 1978, Elwell & Mahler 1999, Frith &
Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007, Hagiwara et al 1996,
Maeda et al 1986, Meier & Hoag 1966, Percy &
Barthold 2007, Russell 1966, Van Vleet & Ferrans FIGURE 4.4  Arteritis/periarteritis of a renal artery in an
1986, 1991a, Yamate et al 1987). The distribution 18-month-old, CD-1, male mouse. The affected artery
of the mineralization is also strain specific and shows degeneration of the wall of the vessel with inflam-
can be epicardial, myocardial or both. Myocardial matory cell infiltration affecting the adventitia and media.
mineralization is an uncommon finding in CD-1 ×100.
mice (Faccini et al 1990), but is common in
BALB/c mice (Fig. 4.3). Inflammatory changes involving the root of the
aorta (aortitis) have been described in BALB/c FIGURE 4.6  Focal angiectasis in the liver of an 18-month-
mice (Ramot et al 2009). These authors consid- old, male, CD-1 mouse, showing prominent dilatation of
ered that these changes have been under-reported the vascular channels. ×100.
because of variation in sampling of this area of the
heart in routine toxicity studies (Fig. 4.5). Sys-
temic polyarteritis has been reported as one of the Hemolymphoreticular system
major causes of death or morbidity in a review of
The embryology, anatomy, histology and physiol-
11 long-term studies in CD-1 mice (Maita et al
ogy of the different elements of the hematopoi-
1988). Angiectasis, the focal dilatation of vascular
etic system have been reviewed by a number of
channels, can occur in any organ, but usually
authors (Cesta 2006a, b, Pearse 2006a, Travlos
affects the liver, spleen and lymph nodes of mice.
2006a, van Rees et al 1996, Ward et al 1999,
The existing vascular spaces are dilated and prom-
Willard-Mack 2006). In addition, a recent mono-
inent, and lining endothelial cells are normal in
graph published by the Society of Toxicologic
appearance, number and size. The etiology of this
Pathology presented a number of papers covering
change is unknown (Elwell & Mahler 1999, Faccini
the normal structure, function, pathology and
FIGURE 4.3  Dystrophic mineralization of the epicardium et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007,
enhanced histopathology of the hematopoietic
of a 10-week-old, male, BALB/c mouse. ×100. Plendi et al 1996) (Fig. 4.6).
tissues (Maronpot 2006).
The organs of the hematopoietic system repre-
In old mice, cartilage cells can sometimes be sent a complex and dynamic system, where
observed in the fibrous tissue at the base of the changes can occur in a single component of the
heart valves (Hummel et al 1966). Endocardial system or be manifested by changes in all of the
myxomatous change has been described as an age- different organs. There is also a large variation in
related lesion involving the generation of excess the normal appearance of the different tissues,
myxomatous matrix within valvular interstitial dependent on the age and sex of the animals
cells. This change is not associated with increased examined, as well as differences in the individual
morbidity or mortality. The low level of reporting animal’s background of antigenic stimulation
of this lesion is considered to be related to incon- (Frith et al 1985, Wijnands et al 1996).
sistency of sampling in routine toxicity studies
(Donnelly 2008, Elangbam et al 2002).
Mouse 47

A limited number of lymph nodes are routinely

examined in pre-clinical toxicity and carcino­
genicity studies, with additional nodes usually
being presented for examination because of abnor-
malities reported at necropsy. Accurate identifica-
tion and naming of all the lymph nodes of the
mouse is important to ensure that comparisons
between studies relating to particular anatomical
sites can be correctly made. An investigation into
the normal distribution of lymph nodes in the
mouse, with suggested standardized nomencla-
ture, has been published by Van den Broeck et al
Sinus ectasia (lymphangiectasia, lymphatic
cysts, sinus dilatation) is typically associated with
lymphoid atrophy and can involve the medullary FIGURE 4.8  Sinus erythrocytosis of the mesenteric lymph FIGURE 4.9  Plasmacytosis. The sinusoids of the
and subcapsular sinuses. It is found commonly nodes of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. The sinu- mesenteric lymph node of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1
in the mesenteric lymph nodes of aging mice. soids are packed with erythrocytes and macrophages mouse are packed with plasma cells. ×200.
Dilated sinuses are lined by endothelium and can containing pigment, probably hemosiderin, are also
contain pale eosinophilic/amphophilic material. present. ×400. Atrophy or lipomatosis occurs in older mice.
Ectasia is probably related to obstruction of effer- Adipocytes can often be seen in the hilus region
ent lymph vessels (Elmore 2006, Wijnands et al Sinus histiocytosis is characterized by accumu- or medulla of the lymph nodes of old mice (Ward
1996) (Fig. 4.7). lation of histiocytes in the subcapsular and medul- et al 1999, Wijnands et al 1996) (Fig. 4.10). The
lary sinuses. The histiocytes have a characteristic spleen is the principal site for extramedullary
eosinophilic cytoplasm and may contain pigment hemopoiesis, but this change can sometimes be
or other phagocytosed material (Faccini et al present in the lymph nodes of mice, in response
1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 1985, 2001, to a physiological need such as hemorrhage or
2007). Pigment accumulation in sinusoidal mac- severe inflammation (Elmore 2006, Faccini et al
rophages is a common occurrence in aging mice. 1990, Frith et al 2001).
The pigments are most often hemosiderin or lipo-
fuscin. Hemosiderin is an iron-containing, golden-
brown, granular pigment, and is usually associated
with sinus erythrocytosis. Lipofuscin is a golden-
brown pigment derived from the breakdown
of lipids from cell membranes and organelles
(Berdanier 2004, Elmore 2006, Wijnands et al
1996) (Fig. 4.8).
Lymphocyte hyperplasia may be evident to a
certain degree in various lymph nodes, and can be
FIGURE 4.7  Sinus ectasia of the mesenteric lymph node
dependent on the location of the lymph node and
of a two-year-old, male, CD-1 mouse. A large dilated
health status of the animal. These changes increase
sinus containing eosinophilic material. ×20.
in incidence with age and occur more often in
females than in males (Elmore 2006, Frith & Ward
Angiectasis is most often seen in the mesenteric 1988, Frith et al 2001, Ward et al 1999, Wijnands
lymph nodes. The significance of this change is et al 1996). Hyperplasia can involve different
unknown (Elmore 2006, Frith et al 1985, Ward types of cell, most commonly plasma cells, but FIGURE 4.10  Lipomatosis. Adipocytes present in the
et al 1999). Sinus erythrocytosis can result from can include an increase in the number of mast medulla of the mesenteric lymph node of an 18-month-
a lymph node draining an area of hemorrhage, but cells. old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×20.
this lesion can also be artifactual and related to Plasma cell hyperplasia (plasmacytosis) is a
handling procedures at necropsy. Depending on common finding in rodents, particularly in the Hyperplasia of dendritic reticular cells (inter-
the duration of the initiating lesion, sinus erythro- submandibular lymph nodes, and is usually in digitating cells) is occasionally seen in young and
cytosis may be accompanied by hemosiderin- response to antigenic stimulation (Elmore 2006, old mice. These are seen in response to viral infec-
laden macrophages, erythrophagocytosis and Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al tions and other processes (Frith et al 1985, Tew
inflammatory cells (Elmore 2006, Frith et al 1985, 2001, 2007, Hummel et al 1966, Ward et al 1982); they can occur in a single lymph node
1985, Wijnands et al 1996) (Fig. 4.8). et al 1999, Wijnands et al 1996) (Fig. 4.9). Mas- or affect multiple sites, and can occur as focal
tocytosis is an increase in the number of mast cells lesions in the paracortex. More extensive lesions
within the sinuses of the lymph nodes. Normal involve the entire lymph node (Fig. 4.11).
background levels of mast cells in the lymph nodes
may vary by strain (Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al
1985, 2001, 2007).

accumulate in the spleens of older mice. It is more Embryonic thymic remnants can give rise to
common in females than in males. In pigmented ectopic thymic tissues in the thyroids or parathy-
mouse strains, pigmentation of the spleen can roids, and occasionally ectopic parathyroid tissue
occur as a result of accumulation of melanin is seen in the thymus (Faccini et al 1990, Frith &
(Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al Ward 1988, Frith et al 1985, 2007, Pearse 2006a,
1985, 2007, Hardy 1967, Percy & Barthold 2007, Percy & Barthold 2007, Ward et al 1999). Lym-
Suttie 2006, van der Heijden et al 1995, Ward phoid hyperplasia of the thymus occurs in mice
et al 1999, Wijnands et al 1996). over six months of age, is more common in
Hyperplasia of the splenic white pulp can females, and may be seen in association with
increase in incidence with age. The lymphoid thymic involution (Faccini et al 1990, Frith et al
component of the spleen can increase in number 1985, 2001, Pearse 2006b, Ward et al 1999) (Fig.
and size, and enlarged follicles often coalesce 4.14). Lymphofollicular structures with germinal
(Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al centres can be seen at the corticomedullary junc-
1985, 2001, 2007, Ward et al 1999, Wijnands tion in aged mice, in association with atrophic
et al 1996). cortical changes and hyperplastic medullary
FIGURE 4.11  Hyperplasia of dendritic reticular cells of Lymphoid hyperplasia of the Peyer’s patches, changes (Berdanier 2004, Dumont & Robert
the cervical lymph nodes of an 18-month-old, female, or other sites of mucosa associated lymphoid 1980, Pearse 2006b) (Fig. 4.15).
CD-1 mouse. Cells resembling histiocytes with eosi- tissue (MALT) in the small and large intestine,
nophilic cytoplasm and elongated nuclei are present in may occur following antigenic stimulation (Faccini
large numbers throughout the lymph node. ×40. et al 1990, Maekawa et al 1996b, Shackelford &
Elwell 1999). The term is usually reserved for a
prominent increase in lymphoid tissue in an area
Accessory splenic tissue can be found occasion- where MALT is not normally conspicuous (Shack-
ally, either in the pancreas or abdominal adipose elford & Elwell 1999).
tissue (Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 1985, 2007, The thymus is larger in young animals compared
Krinke 2004, Hummel et al 1966, Ward et al to older ones, and reaches maximum size around
1999). Extramedullary hemopoiesis (EMH) is a the time of sexual maturity. The thymus is usually
normal finding in the red pulp of the spleen in larger in females than in males. The normal, age-
mice, and is usually more prevalent in young associated decrease in the cellularity of the thymus
animals and females (Cesta 2006a, Faccini et al is termed involution, whereas reductions in cel-
1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 1985, lularity associated with stress or toxicity are
2001, 2007, Hardy 1967, Krinke 2004, Percy & usually termed atrophy (Hardy 1967, Hummel
Barthold 2007, Suttie 2006, van Rees et al 1996, et al 1966, Pearse 2006b, Wijnands et al 1966).
Ward et al 1999, Wijnands et al 1996). Extramed- Involution is characterized by a reduction in size
ullary hemopoiesis can consist of erythroid pre- FIGURE 4.14  Lymphoid hyperplasia of the thymus in an
of the thymus, a loss of cortical lymphocytes, and 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×40.
cursors, myeloid precursors, megakaryocytes or all a loss of corticomedullary demarcation (Pearse
three. The predominant feature of EMH depends 2006b), but the thymus does not completely invo-
on the initiating stimulus (the erythroid compo- lute (Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith
nent predominates in response to hemorrhage, the et al 1985, 2007, Hardy 1967, Percy & Barthold
myeloid component predominates in response to 2007, Ward et al 1999).
inflammatory conditions) (Suttie 2006). Increased Hassall’s corpuscles are very small or absent in
EMH can often be seen in response to skin ulcera- the mouse thymus (Pearse 2006a, Percy & Bar-
tion, abscesses, or the presence of large tumors thold 2007, van Rees et al 1996, Ward et al 1999).
(Fig. 4.12). Thymic cysts develop from embryonic remnants
arising from the thymopharyngeal duct, or dilata-
tion of thymic tubular structures, and they
increase in number with age (Faccini et al 1990,
Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 1985, 2007, Pearse
2006a, b, Ward et al 1999, Wijnands et al 1966).
The cysts are lined by ciliated columnar epithe-
lium and usually contain amorphous, eosinophilic
material (Fig. 4.13).
FIGURE 4.15  Lymphofollicular structure with germinal
centre at the corticomedullary junction in the thymus of
a 20-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse. ×200.

Histopathological evaluation of the bone

marrow in pre-clinical toxicity studies is per-
formed on the marrow presented in conjunction
with the hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained
FIGURE 4.12  Extramedullary hemopoiesis in the red pulp sections of femur and sternum. A fibro-osseous
of the spleen of a 20-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse. lesion involves the partial replacement of bone
×200. marrow with an eosinophilic matrix, and is dis-
cussed in the section relating to bones and joints.
Atrophy can affect the red pulp or the white Normal bone marrow is composed of hemat-
pulp and may occur spontaneously in older mice opoietic elements including granulocytic, erythro-
(Faccini et al 1990, Suttie 2006, Ward et al cytic, megakaryocytic elements and stem cells.
1999). Pigment accumulation is a common back- Each of these may undergo hyperplasia in response
ground lesion in the murine spleen. The pigment, FIGURE 4.13  Cyst in the thymus of an 18-month-old, to a physiological need. The most common form
which is usually hemosiderin, is contained in mac- male, CD-1 mouse. The cyst contains amorphous eosi- of hyperplasia in murine bone marrow is an
rophages in the red pulp, but can also be present nophilic material. ×100. increase in the granulocytic elements in response
in the white pulp, and can be observed to to inflammatory lesions elsewhere in the animal
Mouse 49

(Faccini et al 1990, Frith et al 1985, 2001) (Fig. occur in many strains of mice, and increase in seen in the lumen of the ventral pouch, associated
4.16). severity with age. with an inflammatory reaction and hyperplasia of
the laryngeal epithelium. These changes are not
limited to studies utilizing the inhalation route of
exposure, but can be seen in all types of study
(Fig. 4.19). One lesion described as the only
common change associated with aging in the
larynx of B6C3F1 mice in NTP lifetime studies,
is the dilatation of laryngeal glands with the
accumulation of eosinophilic crystalline material
(Leininger et al 1996).

FIGURE 4.16  Increased granulopoiesis in the bone FIGURE 4.17  Intracytoplasmic hyaline inclusions in the
marrow of the sternum of an 18-week-old, male, CD-1 olfactory epithelium of the nasal turbinates of a 20-week-
mouse. ×400. old, male, CD-1 mouse. Cytoplasm of the epithelium is
packed with brightly eosinophilic material. ×200.
Atrophy of the bone marrow is rare in mice,
but may occur occasionally, and is characterized Another common change in the nasal turbinates
by a decrease in number of all elements of the of mice, which increases in severity with age, is
marrow, and increased adipose tissue replacement the accumulation of hyaline material in the nasal
(Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al ventral septum (Leininger et al 1996, Monticello
1985). FIGURE 4.19  Foreign-body reaction in the ventral pouch
et al 1990, Percy & Barthold). This material has
of the larynx of a two-year-old, male, CD-1 mouse. A
been identified as amyloid (Herbert & Leininger
prominent inflammatory reaction to the foreign material
Respiratory system 1999, Percy & Barthold 2007), but the lack of
is seen in the lumen of the laryngeal pouch and in the
positive staining with Congo Red and positive
Various reviews of the embryology, anatomy, laryngeal epithelium and submucosa. Hyperplasia of the
staining for collagen suggests to some authors that
structure and physiology of the lungs and the laryngeal epithelium is also evident. ×100.
the material is not amyloid, but a combination of
upper respiratory tract are available (Braun et al collagen and an amorphous material produced by
2004, Dixon et al 1999, Harkema et al 2006, nasal gland epithelial cells (Brayton 2007, Doi Spontaneous, age-related changes in the trachea
Herbert & Leininger 1999, Kuhn 1985, Pack et al et al 2007, 2009, 2010) (Fig. 4.18). Doi et al are uncommon, but changes can occur from inha-
1981, Pinkerton et al 1996, Renne et al 1992, (2010) have reported sex differences in the occur- lation of irritant materials (Herbert & Leininger
Reznik 1990). rence of eosinophilic substance in the nasal tur- 1999). Intracytoplasmic hyaline inclusions can be
The variations in the structure and distribution binates of B6C3F1 mice, with males showing a seen in the epithelium of the trachea, bronchi and
of different epithelia within the upper respiratory greater degree of deposition than females. Inflam- bronchioles, with a similar appearance to those
tract require consistent sectioning of the nasal matory changes in the turbinates occasionally seen in other regions of the respiratory tract
turbinates and larynx. This is important to ensure occur in association with foreign bodies, infection (Dungworth et al 2001, Ward et al 2001, Yang &
consistency in evaluation of the different struc- or injury (Herbert & Leininger 1999) and may Campbell 1964). The incidence and severity of
tures, which can have different susceptibilities to be associated with dysplastic dental changes this change increases with age. Eosinophilic crys-
pathological changes, particularly as a result of encroaching into the nasal passages (Leininger tals can also be associated with this lesion, and
inhalation exposure to test materials (Herbert & et al 1996). can accumulate in the lumen of tracheal glands
Leininger 1999, Kittel et al 2004, Renne et al (Fig. 4.20).
1992, Ruehl-Fehlert et al 2003). In order to aid
in the identification of the different epithelia
within the nasal turbinates, diagrams of coronal
and sagittal sections of the nasal passages of the
rat and mouse have been produced (Mery et al
One of the most commonly encountered
changes in the nasal turbinates of the mouse is the
presence of intracytoplasmic, hyaline inclusions
(eosinophilic globules, eosinophilic secretory
inclusions, hyaline droplet accumulation) (Ber-
danier 2004, Braun et al 2004, Dungworth et al
2001, Herbert & Leininger 1999, Leininger et al
1996, Monticello et al 1990, Percy & Barthold
2007, Renne et al 2009, Ward et al 2001). These
inclusions can occur at multiple sites within the FIGURE 4.18  Hyaline material in the nasal septum of a
turbinates and can affect all types of epithelium. two-year-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×100. FIGURE 4.20  Trachea: dilated tracheal glands containing
The brightly eosinophilic material is observed eosinophilic amorphous material and eosinophilic crys-
within the cytoplasm of the mucosal epithelial tals. ×200.
cells and of submucosal glands and ducts and Spontaneous, age-related changes in the larynx
probably represents proteinaceous secretory are uncommon, but changes can occur commonly
material accumulating in the cells (Fig. 4.17). from inhalation of irritant materials (Herbert & Pulmonary hair emboli are occasionally seen in
Eosinophilic crystals can also occur both within Leininger 1999). the lungs of mice following intravenous injection
the epithelium and extracellularly. These changes Foreign-body reactions are occasionally observed into the caudal veins. Hair fragments in the cir­
in the laryngeal ventral pouch. Foreign material is culation are trapped in the lung vasculature,

phagocytosed, and can be seen surrounded by C57BL/6 and 129Sv strains (Guo et al 2000,
foreign-body giant cells (Ernst et al 1996, Faccini Hoenerhoff et al 2006, Ward et al 2001).
et al 1990, Innes et al 1958, Kast 1985). Focal accumulations of macrophages (alveolar
Osseous metaplasia is occasionally observed in histiocytosis) are a common incidental finding in
the lungs of mice, although at a lower incidence the lungs (Braun et al 2004, Dixon et al 1999,
than seen in rats. These small foci are usually Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al
composed of osteoid or bone and may show early 2007, Renne et al 2009), and can be seen com-
mineralization or calcification. There is usually no monly in subpleural areas of aging mice lungs.
reaction in the surrounding parenchyma (Braun Focal hyperplasia of the alveolar epithelium is
et al 2004, Dixon et al 1999, Ernst et al 1996, occasionally seen in older mice, particularly those
Faccini et al 1990) (Fig. 4.21). with a high background incidence of bronchioloal-
veolar tumors, and the incidence increases with
age (Braun et al 2004, Dixon et al 1999, Dung-
worth et al 2001, Faccini et al 1990, Frith et al
2007). Accumulations of alveolar macrophages
FIGURE 4.23  Lungs with striated (cardiac) muscle in wall may be associated with the hyperplastic cells. The
of pulmonary vein of a two-year-old, female, CD-1 mouse. affected alveoli are lined by uniform, hypertrophic
×400. epithelium. Cytoplasmic basophilia and enlarged
nuclei are apparent. The cells form a single layer
Eosinophilic crystal accumulation in alveolar that is contiguous throughout the area of hyper-
spaces with associated inflammatory-cell infiltra- plasia and the margins of the lesion are indistinct
tion is seen occasionally in routine toxicity studies (Renne et al 2009) (Fig. 4.25).
(Dixon et al 1999, Ernst et al 1996, Frith et al
2007), and accumulations of eosinophilic material
within alveolar macrophages is associated com-
monly with bronchioloalveolar tumors in carcino-
genicity studies (Dungworth et al 2001, Frith &
FIGURE 4.21  Lungs: alveolar osseous metaplasia. Small Ward 1988, Green 1942). The eosinophilic mate-
focus of mineralized bone in the lungs of a two-year-old, rial has been considered to originate from break-
male, CD-1 mouse. ×200. down products of granulocytes or hemoglobin
(Dixon et al 1999, Ernst et al 1996, Marshall et al
Arterial plaque is a lung-specific change occa- 1988, Murray & Luz 1990) (Fig. 4.24).
sionally seen in the lungs of mice. Developing
from the tunica media of medium to large pulmo-
nary arteries, there is a focal protrusion into the
lumen of the vessel. The lesion does not occlude
the lumen and is covered by endothelial cells.
There is no associated inflammatory reaction, and
in older lesions mineralization develops within the FIGURE 4.25  Focal alveolar epithelial hyperplasia in the
plaque (Ernst et al 1996, Rehm et al 1985b) (Fig. lungs of a two-year-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×200.
4.22). The walls of the major pulmonary veins of
the lungs in mice contain cardiac muscle (Best &
Heath 1961, Dixon et al 1999, Krinke 2004, Gastrointestinal system
Percy & Barthold 2007) (Fig. 4.23).
Reviews of the embryology, anatomy, histology
and physiology of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal
tract, teeth and salivary glands are available
(Berdanier 2004, Botts et al 1999, Leininger et al
1999, Long & Leininger 1999a, Shackelford &
FIGURE 4.24  Accumulations of alveolar macrophages
Elwell 1999, Tucker 2007).
containing eosinophilic material in the lungs of a two-
With the exception of abnormalities of the
year-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Such accumulations are
teeth, there are usually very few spontaneous
often associated with bronchioloalveolar tumors. ×200.
lesions of the oral cavity of the mouse (Leininger
et al 1999). Periodontal disease associated with
Eosinophilic crystalline pneumonia is an idio- the impaction of hair, food or nesting material in
pathic disease affecting certain strains and stocks the gum adjacent to molars and incisors, occurs
of mice; it is characterized by accumulations of occasionally, resulting in inflammatory infiltration
fine needle-like eosinophilic crystals in macro- of the periodontal tissues (Fig. 4.26).
phages and multinucleate giant cells within alveo-
lar and bronchiolar spaces. These are accompanied
by mixed inflammatory cell infiltrates. The disease
FIGURE 4.22  Lungs: arterial plaque. Focal protrusion into can range from a mild, subclinical condition to a
the lumen of a pulmonary vessel with an endothelial severe and fulminating change resulting in respira-
covering in a 20-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse. ×400. tory distress and death (Braun et al 2004, Hoen-
erhoff et al 2006, Ward et al 2001).The crystalline
material has been identified as being composed
primarily of Ym1 protein, a chitinase-like protein
associated with neutrophil granule products and
secreted by activated macrophages (Braun et al
2004, Guo et al 2000, Hoenerhoff et al 2006,
Renne et al 2009). This disease occurs with a high
incidence in certain strains of mice, such as the
Mouse 51

1988, Hummel et al 1996, Krinke 2004, Maekawa

et al 1996a, Ogawa 2003, Percy & Barthold 2007,
Seely 1996b, Tucker 2007). This appears to be
under the control of testosterone, as the differ-
ence in morphology is not apparent in young
males, and castration of male mice results in a
reduced development of granular convoluted
ducts (Smith & Frommer 1975).

FIGURE 4.26  Oral cavity. Periodontal gingivitis involving FIGURE 4.28  Focal atrophy of the submandibular gland
impacted plant material in gum adjacent to tooth of a of a 20-week-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×100.
two-year-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×40.
Basophilic hypertrophic foci are seen occasion-
The impacted areas can develop into ulceration, ally in the parotid salivary glands (Berdanier 2004,
abscessation and the formation of periodontal Botts et al 1999, Chiu & Chen 1986, Frith et al
cysts, with disruption of the normal growth of 2007, Krinke 2004, Seely 1996b). These can
the associated dental tissue and bone (Long & occur singly or in multiple locations. There are
Leininger 1999a, Losco 1995, Percy & Barthold sharply demarcated foci of enlarged cells with
FIGURE 4.27a  Sexual dimorphism of the submandibular increased basophilia. There appears to be no asso-
2007, Sakura 1997). Periodontal abscesses can salivary glands. The granular convoluted ducts of the
develop involving the adjacent tissues of the head ciated capsule formation, compression of adjacent
male are larger and contain more prominent eosinophilic tissue or inflammatory involvement. The etiology
and may infiltrate the nasal turbinates (Leininger granules. 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×200.
et al 1996, Percy & Barthold 2007). of this change is unclear (Fig. 4.29).
The incisors of rodents grow continuously
throughout their life, and therefore damage to the
teeth can predispose the teeth to abnormal devel-
opment and malformations, either as a result of
damage by repeated clipping of teeth, traumatic
damage, or as a result of inflammation (Long &
Leininger 1999a, Losco 1995, Sakura 1997). This
can result in dental dysplasia with disruption
of the normal growth patterns of odontoblasts
and ameloblasts, and the abnormal deposition
of mineralized dental material (Berdanier 2004,
Leininger et al 1996, Long & Leininger 1999a,
Losco 1995, Maekawa et al 1996a, Sakura 1997,
Weber 2007).
Teeth are not routinely presented for his-
topathological examination in preclinical studies, FIGURE 4.27b  Eighteen-month-old, female, CD-1 mouse FIGURE 4.29  Basophilic hypertrophic focus in the parotid
and are most commonly examined in association with less prominent eosinophilic granules. ×200. salivary gland of a two-year-old, female, CD-1 mouse. A
with sections of the nasal turbinates. As a result,
sharply demarcated focus of enlarged cells with increased
the reported incidence of more subtle changes in
Lymphocytic infiltration of the salivary glands basophilia. ×200.
the teeth of mice may be artificially lower than
is a common finding, and increases in incidence
would occur if sections of teeth were routinely
with age (Berdanier 2004, Botts et al 1999, Spontaneous lesions of the tongue are relatively
examined. Long & Herbert (2002) presented
Faccini et al 1990, Maekawa et al 1996a, Seely rare in mice. Certain strains of inbred mice
information on the occurrence of calcified bodies
1996b). Atrophy occurs occasionally in the sub- develop spontaneous calcification of the muscle
(denticles) within the dental pulp, which they
mandibular and parotid salivary glands; however, layers of the tongue at a very young age (Imaoka
considered could affect the normal growth pattern
it is uncommon in the sublingual glands (Botts et al 1986, Maekawa et al 1996a, Yamate et al
of the teeth and lead to malformations and maloc-
et al 1999, Frith et al 2007, Frith & Ward 1988, 1987), but this is not apparent in CD-1 mice.
clusion of mouse incisors.
Seely 1996b). Atrophy usually affects a single Hemorrhage and degeneration of the muscle can
Three paired salivary glands, the submandibular
lobule with reduction in size of acini and a reduc- be seen occasionally, resulting from blood sam-
(submaxillary), parotid and sublingual glands, are
tion in the diameter and eosinophilic granule pling via the sublingual vein.
closely associated and located in the subcutaneous
content of the granular convoluted ducts. An Few spontaneous lesions occur in the esopha-
tissue of the ventral neck. Salivary glands are also
apparent increase in the number of ductular ele- gus. Gavage accidents may occur rarely, resulting
located at the base of the tongue and may be
ments may be as a result of the reduced size of in rupture of the esophagus, with a consequent
presented in longitudinal sections of the tongue
the acinar component and an apparent crowding associated inflammatory reaction of the muscula-
(Ruehl-Fehlert et al 2003).
of the remaining ductular elements (Fig. 4.28). ris and serosa (Frith & Ward 1988, Leininger et al
There is a striking sexual dimorphism in the
1999) if the animal survives. Hyperkeratosis has
structure of the submandibular salivary glands
been described as the most common lesion in the
which becomes apparent once males reach sexual
esophagus of aging B6C3F1 mice (Leininger et al
maturity (Fig. 4.27a & b). The gland of the male
1999, Maekawa et al 1996a), but occurs rarely
is larger, and the granular convoluted ducts are
in CD-1 mice. Mega-esophagus is occasionally
larger and contain much more prominent eosi-
noted in older mice.
nophilic granules (Berdanier 2004, Botts et al
Minor inflammatory lesions of the forestomach
1999, Brayton 2007, Faccini et al 1990, Frith et al
are occasionally seen, often associated with focal
2007, Frith & Townsend 1985, Frith & Ward
erosions or ulcerations, and squamous hyperplasia

and hyperkeratosis (Betton et al 2001, Faccini

et al 1990, Frith et al 2007, Leininger et al 1999,
Maekawa et al 1996a) (Fig. 4.30).

FIGURE 4.31  Low power view of stomach of an

18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse showing marked ade-
nomatous hyperplasia of the glandular stomach. There is
a severe thickening of the mucosa, with disruption of the
normal glandular architecture and lymphocytic infiltration
of the submucosa. ×10.
FIGURE 4.34  Ectopic pancreatic tissue in the submucosa
FIGURE 4.30  Focal erosion of the forestomach of a of the duodenum adjacent to the entrance of the pancre-
20-week-old, male, CD-1 mouse. A minimal inflammatory atic duct. 18-month-old, female, CD-1 mouse. ×100.
cell infiltrate is associated with the lesion. ×100.

Hyperplastic lesions of the forestomach are

usually focal in nature, but diffuse hyperplasia and
hyperkeratosis is associated with reduced food
intake in mice (Faccini et al 1990, Leininger et al
1999). The pathologist must be careful to distin-
guish hyperplasia from the thickening seen at the
limiting ridge at the junction of the non-glandular
and glandular stomach.
Developmental anomalies are rare, but ectopic
tissues have been reported in the stomach, such
as hepatocytes in the submucosa/lamina propria
near the limiting ridge, and ectopic pancreatic FIGURE 4.32  Higher-power view of Fig. 4.31 showing
tissue in the submucosa (Leininger et al 1990, cystic dilatation of the mucosal glands and extension of FIGURE 4.35  Epidermal inclusion cyst on the serosal
1999, Maekawa et al 1996a). Inflammatory lesions the disorganized mucosa through the muscularis. ×40. surface of the colon of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1
occur less frequently in the glandular stomach. mouse. The cyst is lined by keratinized squamous epithe-
Adenomatous hyperplasia of the glandular lium and the lumen is filled with keratin. ×100.
stomach occurs commonly in aging CD-1 mice,
with a higher incidence in females compared to Diverticuli occur occasionally in the small and
males. This change has been variously described large intestine (Frith et al 2007). These should be
as gastric hyperplasia, glandular hyperplasia, examined carefully to ensure that they are not a
hypertrophic gastritis, proliferative gastritis, dys- result of artifactual folding of the section. The
plasia of gastric epithelium and fundic mucosal non-proliferative nature of the overlying mucosa
hyperplasia (Betton et al 2001, Faccini et al 1990, should allow the differentiation between diver-
Frith & Ward 1988, Greaves & Boiziau, 1984, ticuli and adenocarcinoma (Fig. 4.36).
Leininger et al 1999, Maekawa et al 1996a, Rehm
et al 1987). The incidence and severity of this
change is strain- and age-dependent, and is
reported to occur more frequently in densely
housed mice than in singly housed mice (Greaves
& Boiziau, 1984). There is no clinical manifesta-
tion of this change, and it is not associated with FIGURE 4.33  High-power view of the disorganized
parasitic infection, although an association with gastric mucosa, with hypertrophic cells containing eosi-
hormonal disturbances and kidney disease has nophilic, intracytoplasmic inclusions. ×400.
been suggested (Rehm et al 1987).
The early features of adenomatous hyperplasia Congenital lesions in the intestine of the mouse
of the glandular stomach are focal hyperplasia of are relatively rare, although ectopic pancreatic
the gastric mucosa with increased epithelial tissue can occasionally be seen in the submucosa
basophilia, elongation of the crypts and occasional of the duodenum (Shackelford & Elwell 1999)
cystic glands. As the lesion progresses the mucosa (Fig. 4.34). Epidermal inclusion cysts occur occa-
becomes increasingly thicker with a diffuse epi- sionally in the large intestine (Frith et al 2007).
thelial hyperplasia, disorganization of the normal These cysts occur in the muscularis of the colon
glandular structure, prominent branching of elon- and rectum, are lined by squamous epithelium,
gated crypts and cyst formation, and an accompa- and contain desquamated keratin (Fig. 4.35).
nying inflammatory infiltration in the associated FIGURE 4.36  Diverticulum of the colon of an 18-month-
submucosa. In severe cases there is extension of old, male, CD-1 mouse. Extension of the mucosa through
disorganized mucosa through the muscularis to to the muscularis. ×40.
the serosa. This is not, however, considered to be
a sign of malignancy. Within the cystic glands, The Paneth cells of the small intestine of the
hypertrophic cells containing eosinophilic inclu- mouse contain prominent zymogen granules
sions can be seen (Figs 4.31–4.33). The cause of (Krinke 2004, Percy & Barthold 2007, Shackelford
the eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions in the & Elwell 1999) (Fig. 4.37). Spontaneous degen­
gastric mucosa is unknown. erative and inflammatory lesions are relatively
Mouse 53

uncommon in the mouse intestine, and occur

more frequently in the stomach than in the intes-
tine (Frith et al 2007, Maekawa et al, 1996b,
Shackelford & Elwell 1999).

FIGURE 4.39  Higher power view of Fig. 4.38 showing

hyperplastic epithelium with erosion of surface and
inflammatory cell infiltration. ×40. FIGURE 4.41  Adult pinworms (Syphacia obvelata) in the
lumen of the colon of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1
mouse. ×20.
Intussusception is occasionally seen in the large
and small intestine, and rectal prolapse can occa-
Focal adipose tissue necrosis in the mesentery
sionally occur. These changes are often associated
is a relatively common finding in mice and rats.
with intestinal neoplasms, parasites or other con-
FIGURE 4.37  Prominent zymogen granules in the Paneth These lesions are grossly visible as yellow nodules.
ditions associated with irritation of the intestine
cells of the ileum of a 20-week-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Histologically, areas of adipose tissue necrosis are
(Betton et al 2001, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al
×400. circumscribed by a granulomatous inflammatory
2007, Mahesh Kumar et al 2004, Rowlatt et al
reaction, with fibrous tissue and areas of hemor-
1969, Shackelford & Elwell, 1999). These condi-
Spontaneous hyperplastic lesions are also rare rhage, acute inflammatory infiltration and pigment
tions can lead to intestinal obstruction, inflamma-
in the small and large intestine, but avillous hyper- deposition. In chronic lesions, areas of mineraliza-
tion, necrosis and death. Rectal prolapse is
plasia of the duodenum is seen in CD-1 mice tion may be present. The etiology of these lesions
characterized by eversion of the mucosal surface
(Faccini et al 1990). This change is characterized may be related to focal ischemia (Maekawa et al
of the rectum through the anus (Fig. 4.40).
by thickening of the duodenal mucosa without 1996b, Shackelford & Elwell 1999).
formation of villi, which occur at the first part of
the duodenum adjacent to the pyloric sphincter Liver and biliary system
(Betton et al 2001, Faccini et al 1990, Rowlatt
et al 1969). These changes are sometimes referred The embryology, anatomy, histology and physiol-
to as epithelial plaques. Hyperplasia usually ogy of the liver and gall bladder are reviewed by
involves all cells of the epithelium, including the Harada et al (1999) and Thoolen et al (2010),
underlying Brunner’s glands. In more severe cases, and the functional aspects of liver structure are
dilated mucosal glands can extend towards the reviewed by Malarkey et al (2005).
submucosa and be interspersed between dilated Congenital lesions in the liver of mice are rela-
Brunner’s glands. The overlying epithelium lacks tively unusual. Hepatodiaphragmatic nodules,
villous projections and can often show erosions or formed as a result of protrusion of the median
ulcerations with an associated inflammatory infil- liver lobe through the diaphragm, occur at a much
tration. Submucosal inflammation and edema are lower incidence than in rats. Ectopic tissues in the
also present (Figs 4.38, 4.39). These changes are liver are also rare, but ectopic renal tissue can
considered to be reactive in nature because of the occasionally be seen in the mouse liver (Harada
inflammatory involvement and the hyperplasia of et al 1999) (Fig. 4.42).
FIGURE 4.40  Prolapsed rectum of an 18-month-old,
more than one type of cell (Betton et al 2001, female, CD-1 mouse. ×10.
Rowlatt et al 1969).
Pinworms are occasionally seen in the lumen of
the colon (Fig. 4.41). Cross sections of the worms,
usually Syphacia obvelata or Aspiculara tetraptera,
are seen in the lumen. Inflammatory reaction in
the adjacent epithelium is not normally associated
with the presence of the parasites (Faccini et al
1990, Frith et al 2007). Syphacia obvelata infec-
tion is not associated with goblet cell hyperplasia
in the colon of mice (Marillier et al 2008).

FIGURE 4.42  Ectopic renal tissue in the liver of an

18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×20.
FIGURE 4.38  Avillous hyperplasia of the duodenum of an
18-month-old, female, CD-1 mouse. The section of duo- Extramedullary hemopoiesis (EMH) is a normal
denum adjacent to the pyloric sphincter (to the right in feature of the fetal mouse liver, but this function
the image) shows thickening, without formation of villi. A is lost as the bone marrow takes over this function
submucosal inflammatory cell infiltrate is evident ×20. in the adult mouse. Extramedullary hemopoiesis
can occur in the adult mouse liver as a response
to functional needs, however, for example in
response to anemia, infectious disease or neoplasia
(Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1979, 1988,

Frith et al 2007, Harada et al 1996, 1999, Jones Intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions
1967, Thoolen et al 2010). The nature of the cel- are frequently observed in the aging mouse liver.
lular components of EHM can vary depending on Intranuclear, eosinophilic inclusions occur com-
the nature of the initiating factors, but foci may monly in the aging mouse liver (Fig. 4.45). Eosi-
be found in sinusoids, around central veins or in nophilic, homogeneous material forms distinct
periportal areas (Fig. 4.43). spherical inclusions in the nucleus, and these are
considered to be invaginations of cytoplasmic
material (Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007,
Harada et al 1999, Jones 1967, Thoolen et al
2010, Toth & Sugar 1985).

FIGURE 4.47  Intracytoplasmic accumulation of erythro-

cytes in the liver of an 18-month-old, female, CD-1
mouse. Multiple erythrocytes are evident in the cytoplasm
of enlarged hepatocytes. ×400.

A variety of degenerative lesions are seen in the

liver of aging mice. Hepatocellular vacuolation is a
FIGURE 4.43  Small focus of extramedullary hemopoiesis common incidental finding in the liver of aging
adjacent to a central vein in the liver of a one-year-old, mice, and can occur as a focal, zonal or diffuse
male, CD-1 mouse. ×400. change. Vacuolation is more commonly visualized
in males. The vacuoles are the result of lipid
Some of the more striking features of the aging FIGURE 4.45  Intranuclear, eosinophilic inclusions in the accumulation in the cytoplasm of the hepatocyte,
mouse liver are the presence of cytomegaly, karyo- hepatocytes of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Dis- and appear as clear, distinct, round vacuoles in
megaly, intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclu- tinct spherical inclusions of eosinophilic material are the cytoplasm on H&E-stained sections of liver
sions (Berdanier 2004, Faccini et al 1990, Frith & evident in the nuclei of affected hepatocytes. ×400. (Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al,
Ward 1979, 1988, Frith et al 2007, Harada et al 2007, Harada et al 1996, 1999, Percy & Barthold
1996, 1999, Jones 1967, Percy & Barthold 2007, Eosinophilic inclusions are seen occasionally in 2007, Thoolen et al 2010, Tucker & Baker 1967).
Thoolen et al 2010, Toth & Sugar 1985, Tucker the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, the significance of Macrovesicular vacuolation is characterized by the
& Baker 1967, van Zweiten & Hollander 1985). which is unclear, but they probably represent a presence of a single large vacuole in the cytoplasm,
These changes increase in incidence and severity disturbance of protein production by the rough with displacement of the nucleus. Microvesicular
with age, and commonly occur within the normal endoplasmic reticulum (Frith & Ward 1988, Jones vacuolation is characterized by the accumulation
aging liver. Some of these changes are also evident 1967, Toth & Sugar 1985). They are observed of numerous small, round vacuoles in the cyto-
in neoplastic hepatocytes. frequently in benign hepatocellular tumors, but plasm, with no displacement of the nucleus. The
The relative number of binucleate and multinu- they may also occur in normal liver cells (Fig. lipid in the vacuoles is lost during routine process-
cleate hepatocytes in the liver increases with age, 4.46). ing of formalin-fixed tissues, but O Red O staining
either as a result of the failure of dividing cells to of frozen sections can confirm the presence of
separate during mitosis, or by the fusion of cells lipid (Figs 4.48, 4.49).
(Wilson & Leduc 1948). The presence of very
large, hepatocellular nuclei in enlarged hepato-
cytes also increases with age, and represents
increased chromosome numbers, as a result of
failure of division of nuclei during mitosis. Poly-
ploid nuclei may contain two, four or eight times
the normal amount of nuclear DNA (Harada et al
1999, Jones 1967) (Fig. 4.44).

FIGURE 4.46  Intracytoplasmic, eosinophilic inclusions in

the hepatocytes of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse.
×400. FIGURE 4.48  Lipid vacuolation of the liver of an
18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Microvesicular vacu-
Intracytoplasmic accumulation of erythrocytes olation, characterized by the presence of numerous,
is also occasionally observed as a spontaneous small, round vacuoles in the cytoplasm. ×200.
change in the aging mouse liver (Harada et al
1999, Thoolen et al 2010, Tucker & Baker 1967).
The cytoplasm of the enlarged hepatocyte is seen
to contain intact erythrocytes. This is usually a
FIGURE 4.44  Karyomegaly and multinucleate hepato-
focal change and is considered to represent eryth-
cytes in the liver of a ten-month-old, female, CD-1 mouse.
rophagocytosis by the hepatocyte (Fig. 4.47).
Variation in the size of the hepatocellular nuclei is evident,
and one hepatocyte has multiple nuclei. ×400.
Mouse 55

Focal angiectasis (peliosis hepatis, telangiecta-

sis) occurs occasionally in the liver of aging mice
(Bannasch et al 1985, Faccini et al 1990, Frith &
Ward 1979, Frith et al 2007, Harada et al 1996,
1999, Thoolen et al 2010). Features of this lesion
are widely dilated sinusoidal spaces containing red
blood cells and lined by normal endothelial cells.
The lesion is focal and is distinguished from sinu-
soidal dilatation by the presence of the lining
endothelium, and from hemangioma by the mor-
phology of the lining endothelium (Bannasch et al
1985, Harada et al 1996) (Fig. 4.6).
Foci of cellular alteration occur at a much lower
incidence in mice compared to rats, but they share
similar morphological characteristics, and are
FIGURE 4.49  Lipid vacuolation of the liver of an FIGURE 4.51  Widespread coagulative necrosis of the described in the same terms, based on the size of
18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Hepatocytes with liver of a one-year-old, female, CD-1 mouse. The necrosis the hepatocytes as well as the tinctorial and tex-
macrovesicular and microvesicular vacuolation are is showing a clear zonal pattern of distribution. ×100. tural qualities of the cytoplasm. As with foci of
evident in this image. The large vacuoles present in the alteration in the rat, affected hepatocytes merge
cytoplasm of occasional hepatocytes displace the nuclei. Pigment accumulation in Kupffer cells and with the adjacent hepatocytes without compres-
Pigment accumulation is also evident in the majority of hepatocytes may be encountered occasionally in sion. The different types of foci of alteration
hepatocytes, characterized by the presence of fine, the aging mouse liver. Endogenous pigments such described in mice include basophilic, eosinophilic,
golden-brown, granular material within the cytoplasm. as hemosiderin, lipofuscin (ceroid) and bile can vacuolated, clear cell, amphophilic and mixed
×200. accumulate as yellow-brown deposits within the (Deschl et al 2001, Faccini et al 1990, Frith &
cytoplasm of hepatocytes and phagocytic cells Ward 1979, 1988, Frith et al 2007, Harada et al
Focal necrosis is a common finding in the liver (Berdanier 2004, Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1996, 1999, Thoolen et al 2010).
of aging mice and can also occur sporadically in 1988, Frith et al 2007, Harada et al 1996, 1999, Occasional lesions are seen in the intrahepatic
young mice, often with no clear causative agent. Thoolen et al 2010) (Fig. 4.49). Hemosiderin biliary system. Inflammatory infiltration in the
Hepatocyte necrosis can occur in a variety of pat- appears as a golden-brown pigment and can be periportal area is relatively common, and often
terns ranging from individual hepatocytes to identified by special stains such as Perls’ stain. accompanies biliary proliferation or fibrosis of the
extensive areas of necrosis, sometimes involving Lipofuscin is slightly darker brown than hemosi- portal area (Deschl et al 2001, Faccini et al 1990,
whole liver lobes. The typical morphological fea- derin and can be identified using the Schmorl’s Frith & Ward 1988, Harada et al 1999).
tures consist of coagulative necrosis (Faccini et al stain. Simple or multilocular biliary cysts are occa-
1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007, Harada Inflammatory lesions are commonly seen in the sionally seen in the aging mouse liver (Harada et al
et al 1996, 1999, Jones 1967, Percy & Barthold liver of mice of all ages, and low background levels 1999) (Fig. 4.53). These cysts are lined by a
2007, Thoolen et al 2010, Tucker & Baker 1967) of lymphocytic infiltration in the periportal simple cuboidal or flattened epithelium, with no
(Figs 4.50, 4.51). regions, or within the sinusoids, are not unusual evidence of proliferation.
(Faccini et al 1990, Harada et al 1999, Thoolen
et al 2010). Small focal granuloma (microgranu-
loma) consisting of collections of macrophages
and lymphocytes are common findings in aging
mice, and appear as individual lesions, or as mul-
tiple scattered foci. (Fig. 4.52) This lesion may be
associated with hepatocyte necrosis, because the
inflammatory areas often contain hepatocellular
debris, or surround single necrotic hepatocytes
(Frith et al 2007, Harada et al 1999). The inflam-
matory areas tend to occur more commonly in
females (Harada et al 1996). Showering of bacte-
ria from the intestine through the bloodstream
has been considered a possible cause (Frith et al
FIGURE 4.53  Multilocular biliary cyst in the liver of an
18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. The cyst is lined by a
FIGURE 4.50  Focal necrosis of the liver of an 18-month- simple cuboidal and flattened epithelium. ×40.
old, female, CD-1 mouse. The area of necrosis is charac-
terized by increased eosinophilia, loss of normal cellular Hypertrophic and hyperplastic changes of the
structure and infiltration by inflammatory cells. ×100. intrahepatic bile ducts, associated with accumula-
tion of intracellular eosinophilic material and the
presence of eosinophilic crystals in the lumen are
occasionally seen. (Fig. 4.54) These changes are
variously described as glandular metaplasia (Lewis
1984) or adenomatoid lesion (Harada et al 1999),
and are similar to changes seen in the gall bladder
(Seely 1996a).

FIGURE 4.52  Microgranuloma in the liver of a 20-week-

old, male, CD-1 mouse. A focal accumulation of macro-
phages and lymphocytes. ×200.

hyperplasia may also occur occasionally (Deschl

et al 2001, Harada et al 1996, Lewis 1984) (Fig.

FIGURE 4.54  Hypertrophic and hyperplastic changes of FIGURE 4.57  Acinar atrophy of the pancreas of an
the intrahepatic bile duct of an 18-month-old, CD-1 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. The acini show a
mouse. Vacuolation and accumulation of intracellular reduction in size and number and in this example is
eosinophilic material in the biliary epithelium is present accompanied by an inflammatory cell infiltrate. ×100.
and eosinophilic crystals are apparent in the lumen of the FIGURE 4.56  Focal epithelial hyperplasia of the gall
duct. A prominent inflammatory cell infiltrate is associ- bladder of a two-year-old, female, CD-1 mouse. The epi-
ated with this change. ×200. thelium is hypertrophic and thrown into folds. ×200.

One of the most common changes described in

the mouse gall bladder is the presence of eosi- Pancreas
nophilic material within the cytoplasm of the epi- The embryology, anatomy, histology and physiol-
thelial cells (Fig. 4.55). These changes are often ogy of the exocrine pancreas are reviewed by
associated with the presence of eosinophilic crys- Eustis & Boorman (1985) and Boorman & Sills
tals in the epithelium and the lumen of the gall (1999), and the developmental biology of the exo-
bladder (Berdanier 2004, Deschl et al 2001, Frith crine and endocrine pancreas are reviewed by
& Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007, Harada et al 1996, Slack (1995). An illustrated review of early pan-
Lewis 1984, Percy & Barthold 2007, Seely 1996a, creas development in the mouse, using 3D imaging
Thoolen et al 2010, Yang & Campbell 1964). techniques, has been presented by Jørgensen
These changes are referred to as epithelial hyali- (2007).
nosis, eosinophilic cytoplasmic change, glandular Ectopic pancreatic tissue is occasionally seen in
metaplasia or adenomatoid change (Lewis 1984, FIGURE 4.58  Severe atrophy of the pancreas of an
the gastro-intestinal tract or abdominal cavity 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Extensive adipose
Percy & Barthold 2007, Seely 1996a, Thoolen (Boorman & Sills 1999, Faccini et al 1990). These
et al 2010, Ward et al 2001). The etiology of the tissue replacement of the acini is evident with normal
foci are composed of normal exocrine pancreatic islets embedded in the adipose tissue stroma. ×40.
crystalline material is obscure, but is considered tissue (Fig. 4.34).
to be similar in etiology to that described in the Atrophic changes are among the most com-
lungs, and to be the product of the epithelium. Arteritis is occasionally seen in pancreatic
monly occurring degenerative changes in the aging
The crystalline material reacts to various staining vessels, despite an absence of this change in other
mouse pancreas (Berdanier 2004, Boorman & Sills
techniques in a similar way as the eosinophilic tissues (Faccini et al 1990). The changes observed
1999, Enomoto et al 1996, Faccini et al 1990,
material within the epithelium (Yang & Campbell are typical of those seen in blood vessels through-
Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007). Atrophy can
1964). The hyaline material in the epithelium out the body, with fibrinoid necrosis of vessel
be focal, lobular or diffuse. There is a reduction
has been reported to be immunoreactive to walls and a florid inflammatory reaction (Fig.
in the size and number of acini, occasionally
Ym1/Ym2 (Thoolen et al 2010). 4.59).
accompanied by an inflammatory infiltrate (Fig.
4.57). In early exocrine atrophy, the reduction in
the cytoplasmic content of the acini, and the more
basophilic appearance, can give the impression of
ductular hyperplasia. As atrophy becomes more
extensive, the acini are replaced with adipose
tissue, and in extensive atrophy, normal islets are
left embedded in an adipose tissue stroma (Fig.
4.58). The etiology of exocrine atrophy is unclear.
Focal, basophilic, tinctorial, cellular change is
occasionally seen in the pancreas (Boorman & Sills
1999, Enomoto et al 1996, Frith et al 2007).
These distinct foci are occasionally seen in long-
term studies.
FIGURE 4.55  Eosinophilic inclusions in the epithelium of
the gall bladder of a two-year-old, male, CD-1 mouse.
Eosinophilic crystals associated with this change are seen FIGURE 4.59  Arteritis of a pancreatic vessel of an
in the epithelium and the lumen of the gall bladder. ×200. 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Inflammatory cell 
infiltration of the adventitia and media is apparent, with
Other changes recorded in the gall bladder, medial hyaline degeneration and intimal proliferation.
including inflammatory infiltration in the sub­ ×40.
mucosa, which may be associated with mucosal
erosion or the presence of gall stones, are extremely
rare in the mouse (Faccini et al 1990, Harada et al
1999, Seely 1996a, Thoolen et al 2010). Epithelial
Mouse 57

strains of mice (Dunn 1967a, Frith & Ward 1988,

Urinary system Frith et al 2007, Goto et al 1984, 1985, Hsu
The embryology, anatomy, histology and physiol- 1986, Percy & Barthold 2007, Seely 1999, Taylor
ogy of the kidney are reviewed by Liebelt (1986) & Fraser 1973, Wright & Lacy 1988). Hydroneph-
and Seely (1999) and of the lower urinary tract rosis may also occur secondarily to urinary tract
by Gaillard (1999). The normal development, obstruction or inflammatory changes (Ninomiya
growth and aging of the urinary bladder is reviewed et al 1999, Seely 1999) and is characterized by
by Kurata & Shibata (1996). dilatation of the renal pelvis with associated papil-
There is a sexual dimorphism in the structure lary flattening and in severe cases, compression of
of the mouse kidney. Male kidneys are generally the renal cortex. This change can occur unilater-
larger and heavier than female kidneys, the renal ally or bilaterally.
cortices are larger, the cells of the proximal Cysts originating in the cortex, medulla or
tubular epithelium are larger, and there is a greater papilla are occasionally observed as an isolated
percentage of Bowman’s capsules with a cuboidal finding, and are often associated with interstitial
parietal layer. In female mice, the parietal layer is inflammatory changes (Faccini et al 1990) (Fig.
more commonly composed of flattened squamous 4.61). FIGURE 4.62b  Pigment accumulation in the cortical
epithelium (Brayton 2007, Dunn 1967a, Faccini tubules in the kidney of a two-year-old, male, CD-1
et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007, mouse. Schmorl’s positive staining indicating the pres-
Hummel et al 1966, Krinke 2004, Liebelt 1986, ence of lipofuscin. ×200.
Percy & Barthold 2007, Yabuki et al 1999). These
differences can be strain-specific and are consid- Renal mineralization (calcification) occurs occa-
ered to be under the influence of sex hormones. sionally in the cortical, medullary or papillary
The occurrence of cuboidal epithelium is influ- regions, either as an incidental finding on its own,
enced by gonadectomy, and as mice mature, the or in association with other inflammatory or
number of glomeruli with cuboidal epithelium degenerative changes (Frith et al 2007, Morrisey
increases (Yabuki et al 1999, 2003). In mice older 1986, Seely 1999). There are strain differences
than two years the incidence decreases (Okada in the occurrence of mineralization and it is
et al 2005) (Fig. 4.60a & b). more commonly seen in males than females. The
lesion occurs as basophilic, granular deposits on
H&E stained sections, and can be present within
FIGURE 4.61  Cortical cyst in the kidney of a two-year- the epithelium, tubular lumina or the interstitial
old, male, CD-1 mouse. The cyst is lined by a flattened spaces.
epithelium, contains pale proteinaceous material and is Perivascular accumulations of lymphocytes or
associated with inflammatory cell infiltration. ×20. plasma cells are common in the kidneys of older
mice and deposits of lymphoid cells below the
Pigment deposition is occasionally encountered epithelium of the renal pelvis are not unusual
in the tubular epithelium. This pigment usually (Dunn 1967a, Faccini et al 1990). These aggrega-
represents accumulation of hemosiderin, originat- tions are not usually associated with damage to
ing from the breakdown of hemoglobin, or lipo- the surrounding parenchyma (Fig. 4.63).
fuscin, a pigment derived from the breakdown of
cellular components (Brown 1986). Lipofuscin is
often referred to as the ‘wear and tear pigment’
and accumulates in a number of tissues with
increasing age. Application of appropriate histo-
FIGURE 4.60a  Sexual dimorphism in the structure of the chemical techniques (Perls’ for hemosiderin,
Bowman’s capsule of the mouse kidney. 18-month-old, Schmorl’s for lipofuscin) will allow differentiation
male, CD-1 mouse exhibiting a cuboidal parietal epithe- of these pigments (Fig. 4.62a & b).
lium. ×400.

FIGURE 4.63  Perivascular accumulation of lymphocytes

in the kidney of a 20-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse.

More extensive interstitial inflammatory lesions

are commonly associated with obstructive uropa-
thy, and may represent an ascending pyelonephri-
tis. Interstitial inflammatory changes can also be
FIGURE 4.62a  Pigment accumulation in the cortical associated with glomerular, tubular and interstitial
FIGURE 4.60b  Sexual dimorphism in the structure of the tubules in the kidney of a two-year-old, male, CD-1 changes. It may be difficult to ascertain whether
Bowman’s capsule of the mouse kidney. The parietal mouse. H&E stain. ×200. the inflammation is a consequence of the tubular
layer of this 18-month-old, female, mouse is composed damage or not (Montgomery 1986b). Inflamma-
of a flattened squamous epithelium. ×400. tory infiltration may affect all areas of the kidney,
the nature of the inflammatory infiltration reflect-
Congenital lesions are relatively rare in mice, ing the acute or chronic nature of the lesion
although spontaneous hydronephrosis and poly- (Faccini et al 1990, Montgomery 1986c). Ascend-
cystic kidneys are common findings in certain ing pyelonephritis is usually associated with

inflammatory and proliferative changes in the bladder of the mouse (Frith & Ward 1988, Frith
lower urinary tract (Seely 1999). Necrosis of the et al 2007, Gaillard 1999, Krinke 2004). Their
papilla is often associated with this change, and incidence and severity increases with age (Fig.
cortical scarring can result following progression 4.65). Urothelial hyperplasia is an uncommon
to chronic inflammation and fibrosis, or as a spontaneous change, but it can be associated
consequence of infarction (Frith et al 2007, with calculi or inflammatory infiltration resulting
Montgomery 1986a, b & c). from obstructive uropathy or ascending infections
Renal degenerative diseases occur at a relatively (Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al
low incidence in CD-1 mice. The spectrum of 2007, Gaillard 1999) (Fig. 4.66). Calculi are
changes observed have similarities to those seen unusual spontaneous lesions in the bladder of the
in chronic progressive nephropathy (CPN) with mouse (Frith et al 2007, Gaillard 1999).
features as described in aging rats (Frith & Ward
1988, Frith et al 2007, Montgomery 1986b, Percy
& Barthold 2007, Seely 1999, Tucker & Baker
1967, Wolf & Hard 1996), although these changes
tend to occur with a lower incidence and severity FIGURE 4.64a  Glomerulosclerosis of the kidney of a ten-
than in rats. The reported incidence of these month-old, female, CD-1 mouse. Marked accumulation of
changes in individual studies can be variable, eosinophilic material within the glomeruli is associated
depending on the experience of the study patholo- with tubular degenerative changes, interstitial
gist and their tendency to group individual find- inflammatory-cell infiltration and the presence of pigment.
ings together as syndromes. The threshold applied The material within the glomeruli stains positively with
by the pathologist for recording CPN can depend PAS, but negatively with Congo Red. ×200.
on the background levels of the individual compo-
nents of this change (tubular basophilia, tubular Although these changes occur at a low inci-
casts, thickening of basement membrane etc.) and dence, kidney disease is considered to be one of
whether treatment has led to an exacerbation or the main non-neoplastic findings associated with
reduction of this common, age-related pathologi- the early death of mice in long-term studies (Ettlin
cal lesion. et al 1994, Maita et al 1988, Son 2003a, b). Spon- FIGURE 4.65  Submucosal lymphoid infiltrate in the
Glomerulonephritis (glomerulopathy, glomeru- taneous hyperplastic lesions in the kidney are rare, bladder of a 20-week-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×200.
losclerosis, hyaline glomerulopathy, hyaline but they can be seen in association with inflam-
glomerulonephropathy, hyalinization of glomeruli, matory changes in the urinary tract (Hard et al
membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis) is a 2001). Occasionally, intranuclear, eosinophilic
specific degenerative change, associated with the inclusion bodies are observed in the renal cortical
glomeruli, which occurs at a relatively low inci- epithelium of severe combined immunodeficiency
dence in aging mice. The incidence and severity (SCID) mice (Baze et al. 2006). The tubular
of the changes seen are strain-, sex- and age- epithelial cells demonstrates large, karyomegalic
dependent, occurring more commonly in females nuclei which contain intranuclear inclusions and
than in males. (Dunn 1967a, Eaton et al 1980, marginated chromatin. These cells are randomly
Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith present in the cortex and medulla but may be
et al 2007, Hoedemaeker et al 1986, Percy & more prominent near the corticomedullary junc-
Barthold 2007, Russell & Meier 1966, Sass 1986, tion (Baze et al. 2006) (Fig. 4.64b).
Seely 1999, Tucker & Baker 1967, Maita et al
1988, Wojcinski et al 1991, Wolf & Hard 1996).
This change is characterized in the initial stages
by mild endothelial and mesangial proliferation
and the deposition of an amorphous, eosinophilic FIGURE 4.66  Urothelial hyperplasia associated with sub-
material in the glomeruli. This material has the mucosal lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltration in the
appearance of amyloid on H&E sections, but urinary bladder of a 10-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse.
is positive with the periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) ×100.
stain, and stains negatively with Congo Red. This
material is initially deposited in the mesangium Refluxed seminal colloid plugs in the bladder
and basement membrane and progresses to affect and urethral plugs (copulatory plugs) occur occa-
the whole glomerular structure. As the disease sionally in mice and are considered to be an agonal
progresses it can be accompanied by tubular and change (Bendele & Carlton 1986, Gaillard 1999,
interstitial changes, with tubular basophilia and Percy & Barthold 2007). Colloid plugs have,
dilatation, cast formation and interstitial inflam- however, been considered to affect urine flow in
matory infiltration. The glomeruli become scle- FIGURE 4.64b  Large, karyomegalic, renal, cortical, sexually mature males (Taylor 1985) and have
rotic and dilatation of Bowman’s capsule can tubular, epithelial nuclei with intranuclear inclusions and been implicated in the pathogenesis of obstructive
occur. The etiology of this change is complex, marginated chromatin of severe combined immunodefi- uropathy (Bendele & Carlton 1986, Gaillard
but an immune-mediated mechanism has been ciency (SCID) mouse. ×400. 1999, Maita et al 1988, Ninomiya et al 1999,
suggested (Hoedemaeker et al 1986, Wojcinski Tucker & Baker 1967). The plug is composed of
et al 1991) (Fig. 4.64a). The ureter is a simple tubular organ lined by eosinophilic proteinaceous material within which
transitional epithelium (Frith et al 1986, Gaillard spermatozoa can be seen (Fig. 4.67).
1999). There are very few lesions which occur
spontaneously in the ureter of the mouse.
Hydroureter may be associated with congenital
hydronephrosis (Seely 1999). Transitional cell
hyperplasia and inflammatory cell infiltration may
be observed in association with similar lesions in
the kidneys or bladder.
Lymphoid follicles in the lamina propria are
a common background change in the urinary
Mouse 59

FIGURE 4.68a  Multiple developmental cysts in the pars

distalis of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×40.

FIGURE 4.67  Refluxed seminal colloid plug in the urinary FIGURE 4.69a  X zone of the adrenal of an eight-week-
bladder of a 20-week-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Amorphous old, female, CD-1 mouse. A distinctive layer of smaller,
eosinophilic material in the lumen of the bladder. ×40. basophilic cells between the zona fasciculata and the
medulla is apparent. ×40.
Obstructive uropathy (urologic syndrome) is
considered an important factor in the early deaths
of male mice on long-term studies (Bendele &
Carlton 1986, Maita et al 1988, Son 2003a,b).
This change is associated with gang housing of
male mice in long-term studies and is related to
fighting and genital wounds (Faccini et al 1990,
Gaillard 1999, Seely 1999, Tucker & Baker 1967),
although this change is also seen in singly housed
mice (Bendele & Carlton 1986). The incidence of
this change is also reported to vary with the source FIGURE 4.68b  High-power view of one of the cysts in Fig.
of animals in long-term studies (Engelhardt 1996). 4.68a showing ciliated lining epithelium and amorphous
Features of this change include the marked dis- eosinophilic material in the lumen. ×400.
tension of the urinary bladder, often with colloid
plugs in the neck of the bladder blocking the flow Focal hyperplasia may be present occasionally,
of urine (Gaillard 1999). Inflammatory, degenera- particularly in the pars distalis, but at a much
tive and proliferative changes of the urinary tract lower incidence than is reported in the rat. The
are associated with obstructive uropathy as is lesion is focal, but the periphery of the lesion is
hydronephrosis of the kidneys. poorly demarcated (Berdanier 2004, Capen et al FIGURE 4.69b  Pronounced vacuolation of the X zone of
2001, Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith a 20-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse. ×40.
Endocrine glands et al 2007, Mahler & Elwell 1999).
The embryology, anatomy, histology and physi- Accessory cortical tissue is frequently seen in
The embryology, anatomy, histology and physiol- ology of the adrenal glands have been reviewed by close association with the adrenal capsule and
ogy of the pituitary have been reviewed by Capen several authors (Dunn 1970, Frith 1983a, Nyska occurs more commonly in females than males. It
(1983a) and Mahler & Elwell (1999). The pitui- & Maronpot 1999, Rosol et al 2001, Sass 1983a, is composed of normal cortical tissue, in which the
tary gland of the female mouse is reported to be Tischler & Sheldon 1996, Waring 1935, Yarrington zona glomerulosa and fasciculata can often be dis-
consistently heavier than that of the male (Chai 1996). tinguished. Medullary tissue is not associated nor-
& Dickie 1966, Hummel et al 1966). Sexual dimorphism occurs in the structure of mally with accessory adrenal tissue and the
Cysts are noted commonly in the pars distalis the mouse adrenal gland. The adrenal glands of accessory cortical tissue can undergo the same
or at the cleft dividing the pars distalis and pars male mice contain less adipocytes, are smaller aging changes as the main body of the adrenal
intermedia. They occur frequently as an incidental than female glands, and there are sex differences (Dunn 1970, Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward
finding and develop from remnants of the crani- in the appearance and regression of the transient 1988, Frith et al 2007, Krinke 2004, Nyska &
opharyngeal pouch or Rathke’s cleft, and are X zone. There is no discernible zona reticularis in Maronpot 1999, Percy & Barthold 2007, Sass
usually lined by ciliated epithelium and contain the mouse adrenal, but in young mice there is an 1983b, Waring & Scott 1937) (Fig. 4.70).
eosinophilic material (Capen 1983a, Carlton & X zone. The X zone is composed of small cells
Gries 1983, Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward with distinctly basophilic cytoplasm which devel-
1988, Frith et al 2007, Hummel et al 1966, ops postnatally in the inner cortex of mouse
Mahler & Elwell 1999, Morton & Tekeli 1997, adrenals, being fully formed at weaning. After
Percy & Barthold 2007, Russfield 1967) (Fig. weaning it degenerates rapidly in males and disap-
4.68a & b). pears by puberty. In pregnant females, the X zone
undergoes vacuolar degeneration during the first
pregnancy. In virgin females, the X zone persists
much longer and increases in size. The X zone
undergoes slow regression and degeneration
during which it develops prominent vacuolation in
females. There are strain differences in the rate of
degeneration of the X zone (Brayton 2007, Chai
& Dickie 1966, Dunn 1970, Faccini et al 1990,
Frith 1983a, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007,
Jones 1950, Krinke 2004, Nyska & Maronpot
1999, Percy & Barthold 2007, Rosol et al 2001,
Sass 1983a, Tanaka & Matsuzawa 1995, Waring
1935) (Fig. 4.69a & b).

FIGURE 4.70  Accessory cortical tissue of the adrenal of FIGURE 4.71b  Periodic acid–Schiff staining of the FIGURE 4.72b  Subcapsular cell hyperplasia of the
a 20-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse. The accessory adrenal in Fig. 4.71a showing the material in the cells to adrenal of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Large,
tissue is clearly demarcated from the adrenal gland and be PAS-positive. ×200. round cells with abundant vacuolated cytoplasm (type B)
is exhibiting vacuolation of the X zone. No medullary predominate in this lesion. ×200.
tissue is apparent in the accessory tissue. ×100. Subcapsular cell hyperplasia (spindle cell hyper-
plasia) is a common, age-related finding in the There are strain differences in the occurrence
Lipogenic pigmentation (brown degeneration, cortex of mice of a number of stocks and strains, and severity of subcapsular cell hyperplasia, and
ceroid pigment, lipofuscin) is an age-related including the CD-1 mouse. It occurs rarely in also an association with the infiltration of mast
change which occurs spontaneously in several mice below three months of age. The number of cells. Some authors suggest that mast cells play a
stocks and strains of mice, including the CD-1 subcapsular cells increases with age, and occurs at role in the development of subcapsular cell hyper-
mouse, and takes the form of pigment deposition a greater incidence and severity in females. The plasia (Kim et al 1997a, b, 2000). Sex hormones
in adrenal cortical cells and macrophages at the proliferation of subcapsular cells may be focal or play a role in the development of this change, as
corticomedullary junction. This change is much diffuse, and can eventually replace large portions gonadectomy of males leads to an increased inci-
more common in females than in males. The cyto- of the cortex and may ultimately develop into dence of subcapsular cell hyperplasia (Bernichtein
plasm of the affected cells becomes distended, subcapsular cell tumors. Two types of subcapsular et al 2009). Focal hypertrophy/hyperplasia of the
brown and foamy and the cells resemble macro- cells may be identified. Oval to fusiform cells with cells of the zona fasciculata is seen occasionally.
phages. The pigment in the cells is PAS-positive scant basophilic cytoplasm (type A cells), and The affected cells are enlarged with eosinophilic
(Chai & Dickie 1966, Dunn 1970, Faccini et al large, round cells with abundant eosinophilic or cytoplasm (Capen et al 2001, Faccini et al 1990,
1990, Frith 1983c, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al vacuolated cytoplasm (type B cells). Type A cells Frith et al 2007, Nyska & Maronpot 1999) (Fig.
2007, Hummel et al 1966, Jones 1950, Nyska & predominate in the earlier lesions, but as the 4.73).
Maronpot 1999, Rosol et al 2001, Yarrington lesions grow larger more type B cells are involved.
1996). The appearance of lipogenic pigmentation The function of the spindle cells is unknown,
is linked to sex hormones (Bernichtein et al 2009) but they appear to represent a morphological
(Fig. 4.71a & b). variant of epithelial cells in the subcapsular region
(Berdanier 2004, Brayton 2007, Capen et al
2001, Chai & Dickie 1966, Dunn 1970, Faccini
et al 1990, Frith et al 2007, Goodman 1983,
Hummel et al 1966, Kim et al 1997a, 2000,
Krinke 2004, Nyska & Maronpot 1999, Percy &
Barthold 2007, Rosol et al 2001, Yarrington 1996)
(Fig. 4.72a & b).

FIGURE 4.73  Focal cortical hypertrophy of the adrenal of

a two-year-old, male, CD-1 mouse. A discrete focus of
enlarged cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm is contained
within the zona fasciculata. ×100.
FIGURE 4.71a  Lipogenic pigmentation in the adrenal of
an 18-month-old, female, CD-1 mouse. Distended cells Proliferative lesions of the adrenal medulla
containing brown, foamy cytoplasm accumulate in the occur at a much lower incidence than is seen in
corticomedullary region. H&E ×200. rats, but give rise to a continuous spectrum of
lesions from hyperplasia to malignant phaeochro-
mocytoma. Hyperplasia of medullary cells can
occur as focal or diffuse lesions. Focal hyperplasia
FIGURE 4.72a  Early subcapsular cell hyperplasia of the can be recognized by an increased basophilia of
adrenal of a 20-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse. The the cytoplasm and an increased size of the affected
basophilic, fusiform (type A) cells extend from the sub- cells. Diffuse changes involve an increase in the
capsular region towards the medulla. ×200. number and volume of all the medullary cells.
(Capen et al 2001, Faccini et al 1990, Frith
1983b, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007,
Nyska & Maronpot 1999, Tischler & Sheldon
The embryology, anatomy, histology and physi-
ology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands have
Mouse 61

been reviewed by several authors (Capen 1983b, Cystic dilatation of follicles can occasionally be Frith & Ward 1988, Hardisty & Boorman 1999,
Capen et al 1996, Hardisty & Boorman 1999, seen, with individual follicles becoming enlarged Capen et al 2001).
Pour et al 1983a, Thomas & Williams 1996). and distended with colloid (Frith et al 2007) (Fig. The embryology, anatomy, histology and physi-
Ectopic thyroid tissue can occasionally be found 4.76). Crystals are occasionally visualized in the ology of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas are
in the adipose tissue at the base of the heart (Frith lumen of thyroid follicles, which have been identi- reviewed by Boorman & Sills (1999), and the
1983d, Frith & Ward 1988), and ectopic parathy- fied as calcium oxalate in humans (Frith & Ward developmental biology of the exocrine and endo-
roid tissue can occasionally be found in the septa 1988) (Fig. 4.77a & b). Unlike rats, C-cells are crine pancreas are reviewed by Slack (1995). An
or surface connective tissue of the thymus (Capen not prominent in mice, and hyperplasia does not illustrated review of early pancreas development
et al 1996, Frith & Fetters 1983, Frith & Ward occur as a common aging change (DeLellis et al in the mouse using 3D imaging techniques has
1988). Embryonic thymic remnants can give rise 1996, Hardisty & Boorman 1999). been presented by Jørgensen (2007).
to ectopic thymic tissues in the thyroids or par- The most common spontaneous, non-neoplastic
athyroids (Capen et al 1996, Faccini et al 1990, change noted in the pancreatic islets of the mouse
Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 1985, 2007, Krinke is islet-cell hyperplasia. There are sex and strain
2004, Hardisty & Boorman 1999, Pearse 2006a, differences in the occurrence of this change, but
Percy & Barthold 2007, Pour et al 1983b, Ward it is seen as an age-related change in many differ-
et al 1999). This is a common finding in CD-1 ent strains and affects males more than females.
mice of all ages (Fig. 4.74). The change can involve single or multiple islets,
and the islets are usually rounded, but coalescence
with adjacent islets can result in an irregular
outline. Affected islets are much larger than
normal because of an increased number of cells,
but the cells are morphologically similar to normal
islets. It is not unusual to see a central cystic cavity
in affected islets (Berdanier 2004, Boorman &
Sills 1999, Capen et al 2001, Faccini et al 1990,
Frith & Sheldon 1983, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith
FIGURE 4.76  Cystic dilatation of the follicles of a two- et al 2007, Leiter & Herberg 1996, Percy &
year-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Individual follicles are  Barthold 2007) (Fig. 4.78a & b).
distended with colloid. ×100.

FIGURE 4.74  Ectopic thymic tissue associated with the

parathyroid gland of a 20-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse.

The most common, age-related, non-neoplastic

finding in the thyroid of the mouse is cystic dilata-
tion of ultimobranchial bodies (Frith & Ward
1988, Frith et al 2007). In some strains of mouse
this can occur in 90% of animals (Rehm et al
1985a). Cysts occur occasionally in or around the
thyroid and parathyroid. They can be lined by
ciliated, cuboidal epithelium, or squamous epithe- FIGURE 4.78a  Islet cell hyperplasia of the pancreas of an
lial cells, and are considered remnants of the FIGURE 4.77a  Crystals in the lumen of a thyroid follicle 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Multiple, enlarged,
craniopharyngeal duct or ultimobranchial duct of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. ×400. coalescing islets, morphologically similar to normal islets.
respectively (Capen 1983b, Capen et al 1996, ×40.
Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Hardisty
& Boorman 1999, Percy & Barthold 2007, Pour
et al 1983b) (Fig. 4.75).

FIGURE 4.77b  Polarized image of the follicle in Fig.

4.77a, showing the birefringence of the crystals. ×400. FIGURE 4.78b  A hyperplastic islet with a central cystic
cavity. ×100.
FIGURE 4.75  Ultimobranchial cyst of the parathyroid of a
eight-week-old, male, CD-1 mouse. The cyst contains Hyperplastic changes in the thyroid and par-
eosinophilic flocculent material and is lined by a simple athyroid of mice are uncommon (Hardisty &
Boorman 1999). Hyperplasia of the parathyroid
Skin and appendages
squamous and ciliated cuboidal epithelium. ×100.
can occur secondarily to chronic renal disease, but Various reviews of the embryology, anatomy, his-
this occurs in mice much less frequently than it is tology and physiology of the skin, sebaceous
observed in rats (Capen 1983b, Capen et al 1996, glands and the mammary gland are available

(Peckham & Heider 1999, Seely & Boorman

1999, Sundberg 2004, Sundberg et al 1996,
Thody & Shuster 1989).
The thickness of the skin of the mouse varies
with the area of the body, and also with the stage
of the hair growth cycle (Peckham & Heider 1999,
Sundberg 2004). In the mouse, following the
emergence of the first coat, hair growth occurs in
cycles, with waves of hair growth and follicular
activity occurring in a distinctive pattern along the
body of the animal (Hummel et al 1966, Stenn &
Paus 2001, Sundberg 2004, Sundberg et al 1996).
There are several reviews of hair structure and
growth patterns which allow the pathologist to
easily identify and classify the different stages of FIGURE 4.79  Focal epidermal ulceration of a 20-week-
the hair growth cycle (Hardy 1952, Müller-Röver old, male, CD-1 mouse. Epidermal hyperplasia, hyperk- FIGURE 4.81  Subcutaneous abscess of the submandibu-
et al 2001, Paus et al 1999, Stenn & Paus 2001). eratosis and parakeratosis of the adjacent skin, and a lar region in a 15-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Multiple
Loss of hair associated with excessive grooming prominent inflammatory cell infiltration of the ulcerated abscesses displaying Splendore–Hoeppli material are
activity can be seen occasionally. There are sex and area are visible. ×100. evident. ×20.
strain differences in the occurrence of this phe-
nomenon which is often associated with multiple Epidermal inclusion cysts occur occasionally in Congenital lesions are not commonly encoun-
housed animals (Faccini et al 1990, Militzer & mice, although not as commonly as in rats (Faccini tered in the mammary tissue of mice, and the
Wecker 1986). Whisker trimming and barbering et al 1990, Peckham & Heider 1999). These cysts most common age-related lesions in mouse
can also occur as a manifestation of social domi- are lined by squamous epithelium, with desqua- mammary tissues are mammary tumors (Rehm &
nance in some strains of mice (Strozik & Festing mated keratin in the lumen. (Fig. 4.80) They are Leibelt 1996, Seely & Boorman 1999). Other than
1981). considered to be the result of damage to the neoplasms, duct ectasia and hyperplasia of the
Spontaneous degenerative changes are uncom- pilosebaceous unit. Branchial cysts in the superfi- mammary tissue are frequently observed in aging
mon in the skin of mice, and the most common cial tissues of the ventral neck have also been mice (Bruner et al 2001, Faccini et al 1990)
changes observed are related to injuries associated described as an incidental finding in some strains although they occur at a lower frequency than in
with fighting in group-housed, male mice (Faccini of mice. These are lined by cuboidal to columnar, aged rats. Mammary hyperplasia may be focal or
et al 1990, Frith et al 2007, Peckham & Heider non-ciliated epithelium, and are considered to diffuse, and may be lobular or acinar. The change
1999, Tucker & Baker 1967). Similar lesions have develop from embryonic rests (France et al 2000). is characterized by an increased number of normal
also been related to stress, with different strains looking alveoli and ducts with little or no pleomor-
of mice showing different sensitivities (Koopman phism, compression or encapsulation (Fig. 4.82).
et al 1984).
The level of fighting injuries in some mice can
be severe enough to lead to increased mortality in
groups of gang-housed, male mice (Son 2003a, b,
Tucker & Baker 1967). There have been several
studies into the appropriate levels of group
housing and environmental enrichment necessary
to reduce stress and fighting among groups of male
mice, and strain differences in the levels of aggres-
sion shown by male mice have been demonstrated
(Kaliste et al 2006, Van Loo et al 2003, 2004).
Lesions associated with fighting generally occur in
a typical pattern, involving the head, ears, extrem-
ities and perigenital regions (Peckham & Heider FIGURE 4.80  Epidermal inclusion cyst of the skin of the
1999, Son 2003a,b, Tucker & Baker 1967). tail in a 20-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse. The cyst is
The pattern of changes seen histologically lined by a thin, squamous epithelium, and the lumen is FIGURE 4.82  Focal hyperplasia of the mammary glands
reflects the severity and duration of the damage filled with desquamated keratin. ×100. of an 18-month-old, female, CD-1 mouse. ×100.
to the skin and include epidermal erosions or
ulcerations associated with inflammatory cell infil- Occasional mice in long-term studies develop The Zymbal’s gland is a modified sebaceous
tration and squamous hyperplasia of adjacent skin swelling in the submandibular region of such a size gland associated with the auditory meatus. This
(Bruner et al 2001, Frith et al 2007) (Fig. 4.79). that it leads to the early sacrifice of the animal. On gland is rarely examined during routine gross
Inflammatory changes in the skin may also be histopathological examination these swellings are observations and is not commonly presented for
secondary to the presence of mites or immune identified as subcutaneous abscesses (Clarke et al histopathological examination. These glands are
complex-mediated vasculitis (Andrews et al 1978, Son 2003a, b). These can be the result of best examined in transverse sections of the head
1994, Frith & Ward 1988). Similar degenerative opportunistic infection of incisions on the skin, or through the level of the external ears (Ruehl-
and inflammatory changes in the ears have been through the oral mucosa by Staphylococcus aureus. Fehlert et al 2003, Seely & Boorman 1999).
associated with excessive grooming or the pres- The lesions typically contain multiple abscesses Degenerative lesions, other than ductal dilatation
ence of metal ear tags (Bell et al 1970, Kitagaki & demonstrating Splendore–Hoeppli material, with and cyst formation, are uncommon (Seely &
Hirota 2007). the formation of eosinophilic material surrounding Boorman 1999).
the microorganisms in the abscesses (Fig. 4.81).
Muscles, bones and joints
A general discussion on the embryology, anatomy,
histology and physiology of the bones and joints
can be found in Long & Leininger (1999b).
The femur, including the joint and the sternum,
are the two most commonly sampled sites in
Mouse 63

routine toxicity testing. The section of long bone ossification of the joint capsule in more severe
is routinely sectioned longitudinally to include the cases (Fig. 4.84).
femur, knee joint and tibia. This section will allow
evaluation of the bone, bone marrow, growth
plates and articular surfaces. The sternum is rou-
tinely sectioned longitudinally, allowing examina-
tion of two or three sternebrae and the associated
bone marrow (Morawietz et al 2004).
One of the more common degenerative changes
of the cartilage is chondromucinous degeneration
of the cartilage of the sternum (Fig. 4.83). This
has been described as a common finding in certain
strains of rat (Long et al 1996), but occurs at a
relatively high incidence in older mice (Long &
Leininger 1999b). This change is characterized by
increased eosinophilia, loss of chondrocytes and, FIGURE 4.85  Hyperostosis of the epiphyseal region of
ultimately, necrosis of the cartilage and the forma- bone from a two-year-old, female, CD-1 mouse. ×40.
tion of cystic cavities within the sternebral joints.
This change increases in incidence and severity FIGURE 4.84  Femur, knee joint and tibia. Degenerative Synovial hyperplasia of the joints also occurs
with age and occurs commonly in both sexes. joint disease in a two-year-old, female, CD-1 mouse. sporadically, usually accompanying inflammatory
Disruption of the normal joint structure, involving cartilage or degenerative joint changes (Long & Leininger
hyperplasia, remodelling of the articular surfaces, forma- 1999b) (Fig. 4.86a).
tion of bony bridges between the bones of the joint, and
formation of cyst-like structures at the surface of the
joints. A fibro-osseous lesion can also be seen in the
marrow space of the tibia, characterized by replacement
of the marrow space with eosinophilic material and
spindle-shaped cells. ×20.

Fibro-osseous lesion (myelofibrosis, osteofibro-

sis, osteosclerosis) occurs as a spontaneous and
induced change in the marrow cavity of sternebrae
and long bones (Albassam & Courtney 1996,
Berdanier 2004, Faccini 1990, Frith & Ward 1988,
Frith et al 2007, Percy & Barthold 2007, Travlos
2006b). There are strain and sex differences in the
occurrence of fibro-osseous lesion, with females
showing a higher incidence and severity (Albassam
et al 1991, Long & Leininger 1999b, Ritting- FIGURE 4.86a  Synovial hyperplasia of the knee joint of a
hausen et al 1997, Wancket et al 2008) suggesting two-year-old, female, CD-1 mouse. Proliferation of the
that sex hormones play a role in the etiology. synovium associated with inflammatory cell infiltration in
In certain strains this lesion is accompanied the joint and periosteum. ×100.
by reproductive tract lesions, including ovarian
atrophy and uterine cervical dysplasia (Wancket A review of the embryology, anatomy, histology
et al 2008). This change is characterized by the and physiology of skeletal muscle can be found in
FIGURE 4.83  Chondromucinous degeneration of the
replacement of the marrow by an eosinophilic Leininger (1999).
sternum of a 20-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Loss of
matrix, including fibroblast-like cells and osteo- Spontaneous changes in the skeletal muscle of
normal chondrocytes in sternebral joint with central area
clasts (Frith & Ward 1988, Long & Leininger mice are rare. There are certain inbred strains of
of necrosis. ×100.
1999b) (Fig. 4.84). mice which show spontaneous degenerative
This lesion should be distinguished from fibrous changes or calcification at an early age (Leininger
Degenerative joint disease, also described as osteodystrophy, a metabolic bone disease associ- 1999, Sokoloff 1967), but these are not routinely
osteoarthropathy, osteoarthritis, and osteoarthro- ated with disturbances of calcium homeostasis. used in toxicity testing. Congenital lesions of the
sis, is a non-inflammatory, progressive, degenera- Fibrous osteodystrophy involves extensive remod- muscle in CD-1 mice are rare, although in chronic
tive disorder affecting the joints which shows an elling of bones resulting from excessive secretion studies, small foci of inflammation, degeneration,
increase in incidence and severity with age (Faccini of parathyroid hormone. Commonly seen in end- necrosis and regeneration may occasionally occur
et al 1990, Long & Leininger 1999b, Russell & stage renal disease, this lesion is usually accompa- spontaneously (Novilla & Smith 1996) and dys-
Meier 1966, Sokoloff 1967, Wancket et al 2008, nied by hypertrophy of the parathyroids and trophic or metastatic mineralization may occa-
Yamamoto & Iwase 1998, Yamamoto et al 1999). metastatic mineralization in the soft tissues and sionally be seen (Leininger 1999).
There are strain differences in the occurrence of vasculature throughout the body. This change is Inflammatory processes in the skin or other
this disorder and also sex differences, with males more commonly seen in rats than mice (Long et al tissues may sometimes involve the adjacent
being more susceptible than females (Long & 1996, Long & Leininger 1999b, Travlos 2006b). muscle (Faccini et al 1990), and degenerative and
Leininger 1999b, Sokoloff 1967, Walton 1978, Hypertrophy of the bone (hyperostosis) is occa- inflammatory changes are a common response to
Wancket et al 2008, Yamamoto & Iwase 1998, sionally seen in bones and joints of mice, charac- the injection of saline or vehicle in studies involv-
Yamamoto et al 1999). The knee joint is most terized by increased bone mass affecting the ing intramuscular administration of test materials
commonly affected, indicating that mechanical periosteum, endosteum or trabecular bone (Long (Leininger 1999, Thuilliez et al 2009). Atrophic
trauma may be a factor in the etiology (Russell & & Leininger 1999b) (Fig. 4.85). changes may also occur secondary to denervation
Meier 1966), although an age-related loss of joint as a result of traumatic damage to the associated
innervation is also considered to play a role in the nerve fibers (Leininger 1999, Van Vleet & Ferrans
development of this disorder (Salo et al 2002). 1991b). The muscle spindle is a normal structure
Features of this lesion include destruction of the in skeletal muscle, responsible for proprioception
articular cartilage with cartilage regeneration and (Fig. 4.86b).
hyperplasia, formation of subchondral cysts and

brain and the spinal cord, usually occurring at the represented an extension of an extracranial growth
midline in the brain and peripherally located through the cranial sutures of the skull into the
beneath the pia of the spinal cord. They usually brain of affected mice and did not represent a
consist of cystic structures lined by stratified squa- disturbance in the embryological development of
mous epithelium and containing desquamated the brain.
keratin (Fig. 4.87). Occasional cysts in the brain
are lined by cuboidal, ciliated epithelium and
contain flocculent material, similar to develop-
mental cysts seen in the pituitary (Fig. 4.88).
Developmental cysts are considered to be embry-
ological remnants, are often seen in young mice,
may increase in size with age, and are not usually
associated with clinical signs.

FIGURE 4.86b  The nuclear bag fiber of the mouse

muscle spindle. ×200.

Brain and nervous system

A review of the embryology, anatomy, histology FIGURE 4.89  Lipomatous hamartoma of the brain of an
and physiology of the central and peripheral 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. A well demarcated
nervous system can be found in Radovsky & cluster of mature adipose cells is present in the midline
Mahler (1999). of the brain, occupying the third ventricle, and distorting
Due to the small size of the mouse brain, and the normal architecture of the hippocampus. ×40.
the relatively few sections examined in routine
toxicity studies, standardization of the trimming Cerebral mineralization consists of small depos-
and sectioning of the brain is important to ensure FIGURE 4.87  Epidermoid cyst in the cervical spinal cord its of basophilic concretions, often with concen-
that homologous sections are examined for all of an 18-week-old, male, CD-1 mouse. The cyst is lined tric laminations, occurring in the thalamic region
animals in a particular study. The mouse brain is by a stratified squamous epithelium and contains desq- of the brain in aging mice and is usually associated
also very susceptible to handling artifacts and uamated keratin. ×200. with blood vessels (Fig. 4.90). The mineralized
should be processed with care (Morawietz et al material occurs bilaterally, and they are common
2004, Radovsky & Mahler 1999). The brain is a in CD-1 and B6C3F1 mice. Their incidence can
highly complex structure and a relatively small be dependent on the level of brain sectioned
proportion of the tissue is examined in the three (Faccini et al 1990, Elwell & Mahler 1999, Frith
or four coronal sections prepared for routine his- & Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007, Percy & Barthold
topathological examination in pre-clinical studies. 2007, Radovsky & Mahler 1999).
If the reader is required to investigate potential
changes in particular structures within the central
nervous system, the use of a brain atlas is recom-
mended to identify the position and extent of the
different regions of the mouse brain. Such maps
are now available on-line and give the pathologist
the opportunity to compare the histological sec-
tions for individual animals with high-resolution
images of step-serial sections through the mouse
One such source of information is the High FIGURE 4.88  Developmental cyst in the brain of an
Resolution Mouse Brain Atlas (Sidman et al, 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. A multilocular cyst
available electronically at http://www.hms. lined by a squamous epithelium, occasionally cuboidal which and ciliated. The cyst contains faintly basophilic, floccu-
provides step-serial, coronal sections stained alter- lent material, and is located in the hypothalamus, adja-
natively with myelin and Nissl substance stains, cent to the third ventricle. ×100.
and labelled with all the major grey and white FIGURE 4.90  Cerebral mineralization of the brain of an
matter structures. Lipomatous hamartoma is the accumulation of 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. The foci of basophilic,
An alternative source of images is provided by normal adipocytes, predominantly located in the rounded, irregular bodies are associated with blood at: ( midline or ventricles of the brain (Fig. 4.89). vessels in the thalamus. ×200.
php?p=speciesdata&species=mus-musculus), a Lipomatous hamartoma have been reported as
site which presents images of the brains of various lipomas, but are considered to result from faulty Degenerative changes are occasionally seen in
species, including the mouse. Histochemical and development of the meninges or choroid plexus. the spinal cord and peripheral nerves of aging
immunohistochemically-stained coronal, sagittal They do not grow rapidly or progress to malignant mice, and are characterized by the swelling of
and horizontal sections of the mouse brain are tumors, and are not usually associated with axons and vacuolation of the associated myelin
available. clinical signs (Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al sheaths with cellular debris and the presence of
Developmental cysts are relatively common 2007, Krinke et al 2000, 2001a, Morgan & macrophages (Fig. 4.91). These changes may be
congenital lesions, variously identified as epider- Sheldon 1988, Percy & Barthold 2007). Adkison observed in the sciatic nerves and all levels of the
moid cysts, epithelial cysts, squamous epithelial & Sundberg (1991) reported lipomatous hamarto- spinal cord, but generally occur at a much lower
cysts or epithelial inclusion cysts (Faccini et al mas in the brain of inbred strains of mice associ- incidence than is seen in aging rats (Berdanier
1990, Frith et al 2007, Frith & Ward 1988, Garner ated with the growth of normal adipose tissue 2004, Engelhardt 1996, Faccini et al 1990, Krinke
et al 1967, Krinke et al 2000, Kulwich 1994, in the subcutis above the dorsal midline of the 1996).
Percy & Barthold 2007, Radovsky & Mahler 1999, cranium. These lesions were distinct from the
Satoh & Furuhama 2001). These occur in the lipomatous hamartomas reported here in that they
Mouse 65

keratinization, usually resulting from traumatic

damage to the cornea (Frame & Slone 1996,
Geiss & Yoshitomi 1999, Percy & Barthold 2007)
(Fig. 4.93). Spontaneous corneal degeneration and
dystrophic mineralization without an associated
inflammatory response, can occur in some stocks
and strains of mice, including the CD-1 strain
(Faccini et al 1990, Frame & Slone 1996, Percy &
Barthold 2007, Yamate et al 1987), with females
being more susceptible than males (Fig. 4.94).

FIGURE 4.91  Focal degeneration in the thoracic spinal FIGURE 4.95  Mineralization of the iris of an 18-month-
cord of an 18-week-old, female, CD-1 mouse. Focal area old, female, CD-1 mouse. A focus of basophilic material
of degenerate fibers with vacuolation and accumulation is visible within the iris. These depositions can be rounded
of macrophages. ×200. or irregular in shape and usually elicit no inflammatory
response. ×200.

Eye and Ear Histologically, all degenerative changes in the

lens, capsule, lens epithelium or fibers which
A review of the embryology, anatomy, histology result in reduced permeability of the lens to light
and physiology of the eye and associated glands are termed cataracts (Frith et al 2007, Geiss &
can be found in Geiss & Yoshitomi (1999) and Yoshitomi 1999). Early lesions consisting of foci
Botts et al (1999). Payne (1994) presents an of swollen or degenerate lens fibers are relatively
extensive review of the structure and function of common in mice (Faccini et al 1990, Saunders
the Harderian gland. 1967). Multiple, globoid, circumscribed bodies,
The causes of retinal atrophy (retinal degenera- FIGURE 4.93  Corneal degeneration of the eye of an and the development of vacuoles within the lens,
tion, retinal dystrophy) are diverse. A genetic pre- 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Acute inflammatory are seen in the later stages of the disease (Frith
disposition to retinal degeneration is prevalent in infiltration of the cornea (keratitis) is apparent, with asso- & Ward 1988, Saunders 1967). Fibrosis and
several strains of mice and results in the degenera- ciated epithelial hyperplasia and keratinization of the mineralization are features of late-stage, lenticular
tion and loss of the outer nuclear layers of the surface epithelium. Anterior synechia (attachment of iris degeneration (Saunders 1967). There are strain
retina within the first month of life (Frame & to Descemet’s membrane) is also evident. ×40. differences in the occurrence and severity of these
Slone 1996, Frith et al 2007, Fuller & Wimer changes (Berdanier 2004, Frame & Slone 1996,
1966, Percy & Barthold 2007, Saunders 1967, Geiss & Yoshitomi 1999). Cataracts may occur
Serfilippi et al 2004, Stirling et al 1983). In those unilaterally or bilaterally and although early
mice without a genetic predisposition to degen- degenerative changes are relatively common,
eration in the first weeks of life, the incidence of severe changes are an unusual occurrence in mice
retinal atrophy varies with stock, strain, age and (Fig. 4.96).
housing conditions. Light-induced retinal atrophy
is more prevalent in albino than in pigmented
mice (Faccini et al 1990, Frame & Slone 1996,
Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al 2007, Geiss &
Yoshitomi 1999, Serfilippi et al 2004). Atrophy
may be unilateral or bilateral, and may be partial.
It is characterized by loss of the rods and the outer
plexiform and nuclear layers (Fig. 4.92).
FIGURE 4.94  Corneal mineralization in an 18-month-old,
male, CD-1 mouse. Basophilic accumulations are appar-
ent at the junction of the corneal epithelium and the
stroma. ×100.

Mineralization of the iris occurs at a low inci-

dence in CD-1 mice (Faccini et al 1990). The
etiology of this change is unknown, but it occurs FIGURE 4.96  Lenticular degeneration in a two-year-old,
occasionally as a unilateral or bilateral change in male, CD-1 mouse. Swollen and degenerate lens fibers
older CD-1 mice, usually with no apparent inflam- and globoid bodies are apparent and a large vacuole is
matory reaction (Fig. 4.95). present within the lens. ×200.

There is sexual dimorphism in the function of

the Harderian gland of mice, with females pro-
ducing more porphyrin than males (Krinke 2004,
FIGURE 4.92  Retinal atrophy in the eye of an 18-week- Krinke et al 1996, Payne 1994). The number of
old, male, CD-1 mouse showing loss of the outer nuclear spontaneous changes found in the Harderian gland
layer of the retina. ×200. are limited, and the most common finding is the
presence of lymphoid aggregates within the gland
Degenerative changes in the cornea (corneal of aging mice. Duct ectasia and focal hyperplasia
degeneration) can include mineralization, inflam- may occasionally be seen and the incidence of
mation, ulceration, epithelial hyperplasia and atrophy also increases with age (Botts et al 1999,

Faccini et al 1990, Frith & Ward 1988, Frith et al appearance in H&E stained sections. Amyloid
2007, Krinke et al 1996, 2001b). stains positively with Congo Red and under polar-
Focal or widespread necrosis of the Harderian ized light exhibits an apple-green birefringence
gland may also be observed occasionally as a result (HogenEsch et al 1996, Jakob 1971, Percy &
of damage to the gland during retro-orbital blood Barthold 2007, Sass 1983c).
sampling procedures. There is usually no risk of Primary amyloidosis is considered to be geneti-
mistaking these findings as being related to the cally determined, and the term secondary amy-
administration of a test material given the unilat- loidosis is used for amyloid associated with chronic
eral occurrence and association with the blood inflammation (Dunn 1967b). Amyloidosis is also
sampling procedure (Fig. 4.97). associated with skin lesions related to fighting
in male mice (Brayton 2007, Frith et al 2007,
HogenEsch et al 1996, Page & Glenner 1972,
Tucker & Baker 1967).
The kidney is a predilection site for the deposi-
tion of amyloid, where it accumulates in the
FIGURE 4.99  Mesenchymal proliferation of the lacrimal glomeruli (Chandra & Frith 1994, Dunn 1967b).
gland of an 18-month-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Prolifera- Amyloid deposits in the kidney are associated
tion of spindle-shaped cells within the gland, associated with degenerative kidney disease and papillary
with atrophic acini and inflammatory-cell infiltration. necrosis in susceptible strains of mice (Cornelius
×100. 1970, Dunn 1967b, Russell & Meier 1966), and
renal amyloidosis is often considered the main
factor contributing to the death of susceptible
Systemic disease strains of mice (Chai 1978, Frith et al 2007).
In systemic amyloidosis, amyloid deposition can
FIGURE 4.97  Focal necrosis of the Harderian gland of a There are frequent references to amyloidosis as a occur in various organs, and the pattern varies
20-week-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Loss of the normal epi- significant disease of the CD-1 mouse in the sci- with the strain, but particular sites of deposition
thelial structure of the acini with associated inflammatory- entific literature relating to mouse pathology include the gastrointestinal tract, with marked
cell infiltration. ×40. (Brayton 2007, Elmore 2006, Engelhardt 1996, deposition in the lamina propria of the small intes-
Frith & Chandra 1991, Frith et al 2007, Glaister tine, the adrenal cortex, salivary glands, the alveo-
Foci of lymphocytic infiltration are the most 1986, Gruys et al 1996, Maita et al 1988, Percy lar septa of the lungs, the spleen (where it can
commonly observed finding in the lacrimal glands & Barthold 2007, Suttie 2006, Thoolen et al involve the entire red pulp in extreme cases),
of mice (Botts et al 1999, Krinke et al 1996). 2010). Our current experience with CD-1 mice lymph nodes, and the liver (periportal deposits)
As mice age, the incidence of ectopic Harderian from Charles River UK, however, is that amyloid (Dunn 1967b, Elmore 2006, Jakob 1971, Percy &
gland within the lacrimal gland (Harderianization) occurs at a very low incidence in control animals Barthold 2007, Sass 1983c, Suttie 2006) (Figs
increases, although this change is more common in long-term studies, and usually manifests only as 4.100, 4.101a & b).
in females (Frith & Ward 1988, Krinke et al 1996) an incidental finding in a single tissue in an occa-
(Fig. 4.98). Atrophy of the gland also occurs with sional animal. The occurrence of systemic amy-
an increased incidence in older mice (Botts et al loidosis as a significant finding, and a cause of
1999). An unusual, apparently proliferative, lesion death in control animals from long-term studies,
of the mouse lacrimal gland occurs occasionally in has reduced to zero in the last 20 years in the
older CD-1 mice. Foci of degenerate acinar cells, author’s experience. This experience is reflected
with replacement by spindle-shaped cells (often in some reports in the literature. Significant dif-
resembling cholesterol clefts), and areas of calci- ferences in the incidence of amyloidosis in Charles
fication, occur at a low incidence in male mice River CD-1 mice from three different sources in
over 1 year old. This finding is usually termed the USA have been reported (Engelhardt 1996,
mesenchymal proliferation and the incidence Engelhardt et al 1993). In males, the incidence of
varies from 0 to 8% in control animals (Fig. 4.99). amyloidosis ranged from 2% to 45%, and in
The etiology of this change is unclear, although a females from 0.7% to 30.7%. A similar report on
hormonal influence may be involved given that it the causes of death in long-term studies using
does not appear to occur in females. CD-1 mice from Charles River Japan reported an
abrupt decrease in the incidence of systemic amy-
loidosis in Charles River CD-1 mice born after FIGURE 4.100  Amyloid accumulation in the lamina
1980 (Maita et al 1988). The factors contributing propria of the jejunum of a two-year-old, male, CD-1
to death in control CD-1 mice from 20 long-term mouse. ×100.
studies performed between 1990 and 2002 were
reviewed (Son 2003a, b). All of the animals in
these studies were supplied by Charles River UK,
and systemic amyloidosis did not feature as a
factor contributing to death in any of the decedent
animals in these studies.
Notwithstanding these changes in the occur-
rence of this finding in CD-1 mice, amyloidosis is
still reported as a significant finding in a number
of strains and stocks of mice (Brayton 2007, Percy
& Barthold 2007, Frith et al 2007), and the toxi-
cological pathologist should be aware of the fea-
FIGURE 4.98  Harderianization of the lacrimal gland of tures of this important systemic disease.
a two-year-old, male, CD-1 mouse. Harderian acini are The structure, distribution, incidence and
present within an area of atrophic, lacrimal acini. An pathogenesis of senile amyloidosis is reviewed by
island of normal lacrimal acini is present at the bottom HogenEsch et al (1996). The disease is character-
right of the image and a focus of lymphocytic cell infiltra- ized by the extracellular deposition of fibrillar
tion is present at the top right. ×100. protein, which has a characteristic eosinophilic
Mouse 67

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Staats, J., 1966. The laboratory mouse. In: Green, E.L. 12–19. 409–424.
(Ed.), Biology of the laboratory mouse. McGraw-
Hill, New York, pp. 1–9. van der Heijden, A., van Dijk, J.E., Lemmens, A.G., Wilson, J.W., Leduc, E.H., 1948. The occurrence and
et al., 1995. Spleen pigmentation in young C57BL formation of binucleate and multinucleate cells and

polyploid nuclei in the mouse liver. Am. J. Anat. 82, differences in the mouse nephron. J. Vet. Med. Sci. Yamate, J., Tajima, M., Maruyama, Y., et al., 1987.
353–391. 61, 891–896. Observations on soft tissue calcification in
Wojcinski, Z.W., Albassam, M.A., Smith, G.S., 1991. Yabuki, A., Matsumoto, M., Nishinakagawa, H., et al., DBA/2NCrj mice in comparison with CRJ:CD-1
Hyaline glomerulopathy in B6C3F1 mice. Toxicol. 2003. Age-related morphological changes in kidneys mice. Lab. Anim. 21, 289–298.
Pathol. 19, 224–229. of SPF C57BL/6Cr mice maintained under Yang, Y.H., Campbell, J.S., 1964. Crystalline
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kidneys. In: Mohr, U., Dungworth, D.L., Capen, 845–851. Am. J. Pathol. 45, 337–345.
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(Eds.), Pathobiology of the aging mouse, vol. 1. ILSI osteoarthritic lesions in a new mutant strain of the Dungworth, D.L., Capen, C.C., et al. (Eds.),
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Hamsters and guinea pigs 73
Elizabeth F McInnes

Hamsters and guinea pigs

an increase in hemosiderin-laden, alveolar macro-

HAMSTERS phages within the alveoli of the lung (Fig. 5.4).
Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia occurs in small
Introduction foci in the bronchioles and within the trachea
The total numbers of Syrian hamsters (Mesocrice- (Fig. 5.5). The presence of spontaneous C-cell
tus auratus) used in biomedical research is much or neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia or benign or
less than the numbers of rats and mice used, malignant tumors of these cells in the larynx
however, the Syrian hamster is an important (Pour et al 1985) or the trachea (Ernst et al 1995)
research subject. Hamsters are used in specialized may be unique to hamsters. The frequency varies
research situations where the use of their cheek considerably between colonies of hamsters (Mohr
pouch for tumor induction and transplantation has et al 1996). Pour and co-workers (1985) reported
contributed significantly to carcinogenesis research an incidence of 9% in the larynx of Syrian ham-
(Strandberg, 1987). Hamsters are also used in sters. Ernst and co-workers have confirmed the
contract research laboratories and pharmaceutical neuroendocrine origin of these cells and stated
companies for occasional studies. Information that they occur in the larynx and upper trachea.
about the incidence of spontaneously occurring FIGURE 5.1  Left atrial thrombosis and dilatation of left The proliferation of neuroendocrine cells in the
lesions is essential if the Syrian hamster is to be ventricle in hamster. ×40. larynx and upper trachea is first observed at 15
used in acute and chronic toxicity studies (Pour months of age in Syrian hamsters and it is dif-
et al 1976a). The interpretation of tumor inci- ficult to differentiate between hyperplasia, benign
dences in hamster carcinogenicity studies depends and malignant tumors involving these cells (Mohr
on a good knowledge of the background neoplastic et al 1996). The cytoplasm of the neuroendocrine
and non-neoplastic lesions of the species involved cells tends to be clear with large, central nuclei
(Pour et al 1976a). (Mohr et al 1996). Mitotic figures are rare (Mohr
Hamsters are occasionally chosen as the candi- et al 1996). Ernst and coworkers 1995 demon-
date species for carcinogenicity studies in preclini- strated that the neuroendocrine cells in these
cal studies. Reasons include the fact that hamsters laryngeal and tracheal locations are positive for
are less sensitive in developing olfactory mucosa calcitonin, calcitonin gene related peptide, neu-
toxicity (Toth et al 1961) and hamsters have a ron-specific enolase (NSE), and serotonin using
low incidence of spontaneous neoplastic lesions immunohistochemistry. Benign tumors of neu-
(Kamino et al 2001a). roendocrine cells do not display invasion while
malignant tumors of these cells demonstrate sub-
mucosal and lumenal invasion and metastasis to
Cardiovascular system the lung (Ernst et al 1995). The term C-cell
FIGURE 5.2  Aortic valve thrombosis of hamster heart. hyperplasia rather than neuroendocrine cell
Atrial thrombosis, secondary to heart failure, is
×100. hyperplasia is now favored since the origin of
seen commonly in older hamsters (Gad 2007a).
these cells is thought to be the C-cells from the
This lesion generally occurs in the left atrium and
thyroid. In addition, alveolar histiocytosis may be
auricle and may cause dilatation of the left ventri-
cle (Fig. 5.1). Female hamsters are more com- Hemolymphoreticular system observed in the lungs of older hamsters (Percy &
Barthold 2007).
monly affected than male hamsters and the In common with other laboratory animals, ham-
syndrome may be associated with amyloidosis sters display atrophy and involution of the thymus
(Percy & Barthold 2007). Atrial thrombosis may as they reach adulthood (Fig. 5.3).
be associated with myocardial degeneration and
fibrosis as well as medial degeneration and calcifi-
cation of the coronary arteries (Percy & Barthold
2007). In addition, vegetative endocarditis or
aortic valve thrombosis has also been observed in
older hamsters (Fig. 5.2). Vascular calcinosis has
been noted in the aorta and coronary and renal
arteries; however, this lesion is thought to be
related to diet (Pour et al 1976d). Fibrinoid
degeneration of arterioles may also be observed in
aging hamsters (Percy & Barthold 2007).

FIGURE 5.4  Severe alveolar histiocytosis and congestion

due to chronic passive congestion due to atrial thrombo-
sis. ×200.
FIGURE 5.3  Severe atrophy of the thymus in a hamster.

Respiratory system
The severe cardiac insufficiency caused by atrial
thromboses or aortic valve thromboses causes
chronic pulmonary congestion and this results in

Liver and biliary system

In the liver, intranuclear inclusions are a non-
specific background lesion and the cause is not
known; however, the inclusions are thought to
be formed by invagination of nuclear mem-
brane with incorporation of some cell cytoplasm.
The inclusions are weakly eosinophilic with
H&E, PAS-negative, 5–8 micrometers in diame-
ter, homogeneous or granular in appearance and
usually eccentrically located within the nucleus.
The nuclei containing the inclusions are frequently
FIGURE 5.5  Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia in the enlarged and have an irregular wrinkled profile
hamster trachea. ×100. Turusov, V.S., Mohr, U. (eds), (Fig. 5.11).
FIGURE 5.7  Mineralization in the tongue of a hamster.
1996. Pathology of Tumors in Laboratory Animals, Vol. III, ×100.
Tumors of the Hamster, 2nd edition. IARC Scientific Pub-
lications No. 126, 189–222, IARC (International Agency
for Research on Cancer), Oxford University Press.

Gastrointestinal system
The Syrian hamster has a long duodenum, long
jejunum, short ileum, large cecum and long colon.
The hamster cecum is divided into apical and basal
portions separated by a semi-lunar valve and a
series of four valves in the ileocaecocolic area. The
hamster is a pregastric fermenter. The hamster
stomach has a distinct constriction between the FIGURE 5.11  Intranuclear inclusions in hepatocytes in
forestomach and glandular stomach and there is the hamster liver. ×400.
almost no lesser curvature, resulting in two blind-
ending sacs. FIGURE 5.8  Mineralization in gastric mucosa of hamster Intracytoplasmic, non-glycogenic vacuolation is
Cyst formation and mineralization in the hard stomach. ×200. present in the liver under normal circumstances,
palate of a hamster is occasionally observed (Fig. but is more numerous if there is hepatic damage.
5.6). Mineralization in the tongue of a hamster The vacuolation is eosinophilic with H&E stain,
is also noted (Fig. 5.7). Mineralization of the strongly PAS-positive before and after diastase
gastric mucosa is observed commonly in hamsters digestion, thus indicating its non-glycogenic char-
(Fig. 5.8). Ulcers and erosions are observed com- acter, and it stains intensely with Sudan Black,
monly in the hamster forestomach as well as in suggesting the presence of bound lipids. The vacu-
the glandular region (Pour et al 1976a & b) (Fig. olation is also acid-fast with Ziehl–Neelsen stain
5.9). Herniation of gastric glands into the tunica and is usually 2–30 µm in diameter.
muscularis occurs in the hamster stomach (Fig. Liver cysts are common in the hamster and are
5.10). Tumors of granular cells and areas of pro- thought to derive from bile ducts (Gad 2007a)
liferation composed of granular cells in the intes- (Fig. 5.12). Polycystic liver disease may occur in
tinal walls of white hamsters have been described hamsters and is characterized by multiple hepatic
by Pour and co-workers (1973). This finding may cysts observed in older animals (Percy & Barthold
be observed in the serosa of the small and large 2007). Cysts are most common in the liver and
intestine. epididymis as well as in the seminal vesicles and
pancreas (Percy & Barthold 2007).
FIGURE 5.9  Focal erosion in hamster stomach. ×100.

FIGURE 5.6  Cyst formation and mineralization in the hard

palate of a hamster. ×100. FIGURE 5.12  Multiple biliary cysts in hamster liver. ×100.
FIGURE 5.10  Herniation of gastric glands into tunica
muscularis in hamster stomach. ×100.

Papillary proliferation of pancreatic common

duct epithelium with goblet cell metaplasia is an
age-related change in the hamster.
Hamsters and guinea pigs 75

Atrophy of the adjacent hepatocytes, hemosi-

derin deposition, bile duct hyperplasia and peri-
portal lymphocytes may be observed in conjunction
with the liver cysts (Percy & Barthold 2007).
Clear-cell foci are a normal background change in
the hamster liver (Kamino et al 2001b) (Fig.
5.13). In common with rats and mice, bile-duct
hyperplasia is observed in the hamster liver (Fig.
5.14) (Percy & Barthold 2001, 2007). Bile-duct
proliferation forms part of the hepatic cirrhosis
complex in hamsters, which includes periportal
fibrosis, bile duct proliferation, nodular hepato­
cellular proliferation, degeneration, necrosis and
a mixed inflammatory-cell infiltrate (Percy & FIGURE 5.17  Hyaline casts and tubular dilatation in the
Barthold 2007). hamster kidney forming part of the glomerulonephropathy
complex. ×200.
FIGURE 5.15  Severe diffuse amyloidosis of the hamster
liver. ×40. Arteriolar nephrosclerosis, with subsequent
glomerulosclerosis and interstitial nephritis, is a
disease which is seen commonly in hamsters (Gad
2007a). In addition, papillary mineralization is
also a common background change in the hamster
kidney (Gad 2007a).

Endocrine glands
Cortical cysts and cortical hyperplasia of the
adrenal are common background lesions in the
hamster adrenal (Pour et al 1976c). In addition,
the male hamster adrenal is very large due to the
FIGURE 5.13  Clear-cell focus in a hamster liver. ×100. presence of a large adrenal cortex (Fig. 5.18).

FIGURE 5.16  Hamster gall bladder cholelithiasis and

submucosal lymphocyte aggregates. ×100.

Urinary system
Amyloidosis is a disease that occurs in the kidneys
of aging hamsters. Although it is a disease and not
a spontaneous background change, it is mentioned FIGURE 5.18  Large adrenal cortex in male hamster.
FIGURE 5.14  Bile duct hyperplasia and dilatation in the
here due to the high incidence of this phenome- ×200.
hamster liver. ×100.
non, which can be as high as 88% (Gad 2007a).
Chronic glomerulonephropathy is also observed
Amyloidosis occurs frequently in hamsters, par- In the hamster pancreas, islet-cell hyperplasia,
in aging hamsters (Fig. 5.17). The disease is char-
ticularly in older animals and in female animals. similar to that seen in mice, is observed (Pour et al
acterized by glomerulosclerosis, interstitial inflam-
Testosterone administration will inhibit the occur- 1976c) (Fig. 5.19). Ductal mucus epithelial meta-
mation and fibrosis, hyaline casts, dilatation and
rence of amyloidosis in female hamsters (Percy & plasia may be observed in the pancreas of a
atrophy of tubules and amyloid deposition in the
Barthold 2007). The liver, kidneys, adrenals and hamster (Fig. 5.20).
glomeruli. This degenerative renal disease causes
gonads are the most commonly affected organs. significant mortality in older hamsters (Percy &
In the liver, amyloid deposition is observed around Barthold 2007). The disease occurs more com-
the portal areas, within blood vessel walls and monly in female animals and the cause is not
within the sinusoids (Fig. 5.15). Amyloidosis is known, although high protein diets are thought to
an important cause of renal failure in hamsters play a role (Percy & Barthold 2007).
(Percy & Barthold 2007). Gall bladder cholelithi-
asis and submucosal lymphocyte aggregates are
occasionally observed in the hamster gall bladder
(Fig. 5.16).

FIGURE 5.19  Minimal islet cell hyperplasia in a hamster

pancreas. ×100.

Reproductive system
Trophoblastic giant cells are derived from the fetal
placenta, specifically from the trophoblast, i.e. the
epithelial cell layer covering the blastocyst. The
blastocyst erodes the uterine mucosa to establish
the hemochorial placenta seen in hamsters, guinea
pigs, other rodents, and primates. The placenta in
the hamster is of the labyrinthine hemotrichorial
type (Percy & Barthold 2007).
Trophoblastic giant cells are in direct contact
with the maternal bloodstream. These cells
exhibit migratory activity and are frequently
found inside mesometrial uterine arteries and
FIGURE 5.20  Ductal mucus epithelial metaplasia in the ovarian arteries. Trophoblast giant cells apparently
pancreas of a hamster. ×200. only migrate toward arterial blood and can be seen FIGURE 5.24  Granular cell accumulation (hyperplasia) in
at three weeks postpartum. A decidual reaction the uterus of a hamster. ×100.
Hyperplasia of the parathyroid is observed may be noted in the uterus of hamster (Fig. 5.22).
occasionally in Syrian hamsters (Pour et al 1976c). Sparse copora lutea are noted in the hamster ovary
(Fig. 5.23).
Skin and appendages
Cheek pouches in the hamster are well developed
and are highly distensible evaginations of lateral
buccal walls. Cheek pouches are used to store
and transport food and can be easily evaginated
under anaesthesia to use as a common site for
experimental tumor implantation and vascular
physiology studies. The hamster cheek pouch is
an immunologically privileged site.
Hamsters have small pigmented spots and the
costovertebral spot or flank organ (Ghadially and
Ghadially 1996). The small pigmented spot is a
term used to describe pigmented spots in the FIGURE 5.25  Granular cell hyperplasia on the serosal
hamster skin which are made up of melanocytes surface of the large intestine. ×100.
and melanophages and which are surrounded by FIGURE 5.22  Decidual reaction in uterus of hamster.
pilosebaceous units. The costovertebral spot or ×100.
flank organ is a paired, black organ on the flank of
the hamster comprising large sebaceous glands
discharging into large hair follicles. Large numbers
of melanocytes are visible around the neck of
these hair follicles. Hip or flank glands in hamsters
secrete during sexual arousal in both sexes and are
used for olfactory marking of territory (Fig. 5.21).
Ulceration may occur over the site of the male
flank gland.

FIGURE 5.26  Granular cell hyperplasia adjacent to

hamster kidney. ×200.
FIGURE 5.23  Sparse copora lutea in hamster ovary.
×100. In male hamsters, tubular atrophy of the testis
is often noted as a background lesion (Kamino
Granular cell foci are visible in the female et al 2001b) (Fig. 5.27) as well as epithelial hyper-
hamster uterus (Kamino et al 2001b) (Fig. 5.24). plasia of the hamster epididymis (Fig. 5.28). Pre-
In addition, granular cell hyperplasia has been pucial abscesses are common in the hamster (Fig.
observed on the serosal surface of the large intes- 5.29). Epithelial atrophy and mineralization of a
tine (Fig. 5.25) and adjacent to the hamster hamster prostate are also observed in male ham-
kidney (Fig. 5.26). Cysts in the ovary are common sters (Fig. 5.30).
FIGURE 5.21  Male flank organ of the hamster with focal in female hamsters (Pour et al 1976c).
ulceration. ×100.

Hamsters can develop a bedding-associated der-

matitis (Percy & Barthold 2007). The lesion is
characterized by a granulomatous inflammatory
response in the dermis and subcutis of the digits.
A subcutaneous abscess in the skin of a Syrian
hamster has been reported (Kondo et al 2008).
Hamsters and guinea pigs 77

FIGURE 5.27  Atrophic seminiferous tubules in the

hamster testis. ×100. FIGURE 5.31  Dysplasia of the hamster sternum. ×100. FIGURE 5.34  Mineralization in the brain of a hamster.

FIGURE 5.28  Epithelial hyperplasia of the hamster epidi-

dymis. ×100. FIGURE 5.32  Cartilage degeneration in the sternum of a
hamster. ×200.
FIGURE 5.35  Chronic suppurative inflammation in the ear
of the hamster. ×40.
Eye and ear
Multifocal retinal dysplasia manifesting as rosette-
like structures making up of the photoreceptor
layer, the outer-membrane layer and the outer
nuclear layer are noted sometimes in the hamster
eye (Gad 2007a). Degeneration of lens fibres, i.e.
cataract, may be observed in the eye of the
hamster (Fig. 5.33).

FIGURE 5.29  Prepuce abscess in a hamster. ×100.

FIGURE 5.36  Middle ear fibrosis in the ear of the hamster.


The Hartley guinea pig strain is most commonly
used in research environments (Percy & Barthold
FIGURE 5.33  Degeneration of lens fibres in the eye of a 2007). Heterophils are the equivalent of the
hamster. ×200. neutrophil in guinea pigs. Guinea pigs (Cavia por-
cellus) originate in South America and are used in
research studies on immunology, audiology and
In common with other laboratory animals, infectious diseases (Gad et al 2007b). Guinea pigs
FIGURE 5.30  Epithelial atrophy and mineralization of a
mineralization in the brain of a hamster is encoun- are not used in great numbers as they are expen-
hamster prostate. ×100.
tered (Fig. 5.34). In addition, age-related vacuo­ sive and do not have readily accessible peripheral
lation of the brain is also reported (Gerhauser
Muscle, bones and joints et al 2012). Chronic suppurative inflammation in
veins for collection of blood. (Gad et al 2007b).
the ear of the hamster (Fig. 5.35) is occasionally
Cartilage dysplasia (Fig. 5.31) or chondromu­
observed and may lead to middle ear fibrosis of
cinous degeneration (Fig. 5.32) is often observed
the middle ear (Fig. 5.36).
in the sternum of the hamster (Kamino et al

pneumonitis (Percy & Barthold 2007). The lesion displacement of the nucleus (Percy & Barthold
Cardiovascular system is characterized by granulomas made up of gener- 2007). Kurloff cells are thought to be lymphoid
Rhabdomyomatosis (nodular glycogen infiltration) ally plant fibres, surrounded by an inflammatory cells, possibly large granular lymphocytes, and the
is an incidental finding in guinea pigs of various cell infiltrate made up predominantly of neu- intracytoplasmic material is PAS positive. Kurloff
ages (Hueper 1941, Rooney 1961, Takahashi et al trophils, lymphocytes and foreign-body giant cells may also play a role in tumor rejection (Percy
1985, Vink 1969). The condition is thought to be cells. Pseudo­gland formation associated with & Barthold 2007).
a congenital disease caused by a disorder of glyco- diffuse or nodular basal cell hyperplasia of the Multiple cystic areas may be noted in the
gen metabolism (Percy & Barthold 2007). The olfactory epithelium of nasal tract of young ovaries of female guinea pigs, particularly guinea
lesion is present in the heart muscle, usually in the hamster has been reported. pigs older than one year. (Percy & Barthold 2007).
left ventricle, but also in the atria, interventricular The cysts are lined with cuboidal to columnar
septum and papillary muscle. If the lesion is large, Gastrointestinal system epithelium and the cysts may cause atrophy of the
surrounding ovarian tissue (Percy & Barthold
it is generally visible at necropsy as pink to yellow
foci (Fig. 5.37) or streaks (Percy & Barthold Intestinal hemosiderin deposition in the lamina 2007). Large ovarian cysts are thought to derive
2007); however, the lesion may be too small to be propria of the large intestine is common in guinea from the rete ovarii (Percy & Barthold 2007).
visible macroscopically. pigs (Percy & Barthold 2007). The hemosiderin is Cystic endometrial hyperplasia, mucometra,
contained within macrophages within the lamina endometritis and endometrial polyps are lesions
propria. Adipocyte infiltration into the pancreas noted in conjunction with ovarian cysts (Percy &
is observed in the older guinea pigs (Percy & Barthold 2007).
Barthold 2007). The areas of adipose tissue may
become quite large and adipocytes may also be
noted within the islets of Langerhans (Percy &
Muscles, bones and joints
Barthold 2007). Myocardial and skeletal muscle degeneration
occurs in guinea-pig muscle. The lesions may also
Liver and biliary system demonstrate mineralization (Percy & Barthold
2007). The muscles of the hind limbs are particu-
Focal areas of hepatic necrosis with a minimal larly prone to this syndrome, although the affected
inflammatory response are observed in guinea pig animal may not demonstrate clinical signs. A
livers (Percy & Barthold 2007). In common with mononuclear cell infiltrate and later fibrosis,
other laboratory animals, guinea pigs also display accompanies the degenerative lesions in both
FIGURE 5.37  Rhabdomyomatosis in the heart of a guinea chronic, idiopathic cholangiohepatitis (Percy & skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle.
pig. Barthold 2007). The lesion is characterized by Metastatic mineralization occurs in guinea pigs
the presence of hepatocyte degeneration, bile- and results in mineral deposition in the soft tissues
Upon histopathological examination, the lesion duct hyperplasia and portal fibrosis (Percy & around the elbows and ribs (Percy & Barthold
is visible as a network of vacuolated myofibres Barthold 2007). The cause of the lesion is not 2007). Mineralization of other tissues such as
composed of finely fibrillar to granular, eosi- known. Occasionally, focal tears of the liver lung, trachea, heart, aorta, liver, kidney, stomach,
nophilic cytoplasm. The vacuoles contain large capsule with hemorrhage into the peritoneum uterus and eye are also observed. The syndrome
quantities of glycogen which will be washed out are observed at necropsy in guinea pigs (Percy & is thought to be caused by dietary mineral imbal-
during routine fixation and processing (Percy & Barthold 2007). The cause of this lesion is thought ances (Percy & Barthold 2007).
Barthold 2007). The glycogen may be demon- to be trauma.
strated in alcohol-fixed specimens stained with
Brain and nervous system
PAS (Percy & Barthold 2007).
There may be displacement and flattening of
Urinary system Otitis media may occur in guinea pigs. The disease
myocyte nuclei in some of the affected fibres Segmental nephrosclerosis is an aging change is caused by various bacteria (such as Streptococcus
(Percy & Barthold 2007). Myofibres with centrally- observed in guinea pigs older than one year (Percy pneumoniae, Streptococcus zooepidemicus, Borde-
located nuclei and radiating fibrillar processes are & Barthold 2007). The cause of the renal lesions tella and Pseudomonas sp.) (Percy & Barthold
called ‘spider cells’ (Percy & Barthold 2007). is not known, however a high protein diet has 2007), and may cause otosclerosis of the tympanic
Poorly differentiated cardiac myofibres may be been noted to exacerbate the renal lesions (Percy bullae. Bacterial conjunctivitis is also common in
present with identifiable cross-striations. The & Barthold 2007). Segmental nephrosclerosis is guinea pigs and may be caused by coliforms, Strep-
lesion does not appear to compromise cardiac characterized by the presence of pitted, granular, tococcus zooepidemicus, Staphylococcus aureus
function and is considered to be an incidental pale white kidneys at necropsy, and the and Pasteurella multocida (Percy & Barthold
finding. histopathological lesion consists of interstitial 2007).
fibrosis, tubular dilatation, hyaline casts, inter­
Hemolymphoreticular system stitial lymphocyte infiltrates, glomerular fibrosis
and medial hypertrophy of arterioles (Percy &
Degenerate lymphocytes are observed in associa- Barthold 2007). Osseous metaplasia has been Ernst, H., Heinrichs, M., Bargsten, G., et al., 1995.
tion with Hassall’s corpuscles (Percy & Barthold observed in the kidney of the guinea pig. Neuroendocrine hyperplasias and tumours of the
2007) in the guinea pig thymus. Thymic cysts in larynx and trachea in the Syrian hamster. In: Jones,
T.C., Mohr, U., Hunt, R.D., (Eds.), Respiratory
guinea pigs are common (Percy & Barthold 2007).
Reproductive system system, second ed. Monographs on Pathology
of Laboratory Animals. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Respiratory system Kurloff cells are unique mononuclear cells found
in certain sites in guinea pigs (Percy & Barthold
pp. 107–116.
Gad, S.C., Hess, F.G., Gad, S.C., 2007a. The
Moderate to marked pulmonary arterial hyperpla- 2007), particularly adult, female guinea pigs. Hamster. In: Gad, S.C., (Ed.), Animal models in
sia is observed in the guinea pig lung (Percy & Kurloff cells are encountered routinely in the toxicology, second ed. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton,
Barthold 2007). Perivascular lymphoid aggregates spleen, bone marrow and thymus. The cells pp. 277–312.
are often present in the guinea pig lung and this increase and decrease in number based on the Gad, S.C., Peckham, J.C., Gad, S.C., 2007b. The
lesion may be visible as white, subpleural foci at estrus cycle of the guinea pig. Increased numbers Guinea pig. In: Gad, S.C., (Ed.), Animal models in
necropsy (Percy & Barthold 2007). These lesions toxicology, second ed. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton,
of these cells are noted during pregnancy (Percy
pp. 333–400.
may be caused by antigenic stimuli, but no viral & Barthold 2007) and large numbers of them
cause has been isolated (Percy & Barthold 2007). Gerhauser, I., Wohlsein, P., Ernst, H., Germann, P.G.,
are present in the placenta where they are
Baumgartner, W., 2012. Vacuolation and mineralisa-
In common with other laboratory animals, osseous thought to play a role in preventing maternal tion as dominant age-related findings in hamster
metaplasia is occasionally noted in the guinea rejection of the fetus (Percy & Barthold 2007). brains. Exp. Toxicol. Pathol. (In press).
pig lung. Guinea pigs are prone to foreign-body The cells demonstrate granular cytoplasm with
Hamsters and guinea pigs 79

Ghadially, F.N., Ghadially, R., 1996. Tumours of the Percy, D.H., Barthold, S.W., 2007. Pathology Pour, P., Mohr, U., Altoff, J., et al., 1976d.
skin. In: Turusov, V.S., Mohr, U., (Eds.), Pathology of laboratory rodents and rabbits. third ed. Spontaneous tumors and common diseases in two
of tumours in laboratory animals. Vol 3. Tumours of Blackwell Publishing, Ames, ch 1, pp. 168–196 colonies of Syrian hamsters. IV. Vascular and
the hamster. IARC Scientific Publications no 126, and 209–247. lymphatic systems and lesions of other sites. J. Natl.
Lyon IARC, pp. 1–44. Pour, P.M., 1985. Clear cell carcinoma in the larynx of Cancer Inst. 56 (5), 963–974.
Hueper, W.C., 1941. Rhabdomyomatosis of the the Syrian Hamster. In: Jones, T.C., Mohr, U., Rooney, J.R., 1961. Rhabdomyomatosis in the heart of
heart in a guinea pig. Am. J. Pathol. 17, Hunt, R.D., (Eds.), Respiratory system (monographs the guinea pig. Cornell Vet. 51, 388–394.
121–124. on pathology of laboratory animals). Springer-Verlag, Sandberg, J.D., 1987. Neoplastic diseases. In: Hoosier,
Kamino, K., Tillman, T., Mohr, U., 2001a. Spectrum Berlin, pp. 75–77. G.L., McPherson, C.W., (Eds.), Laboratory Hamsters.
and age-related incidence of spontaneous tumours Pour, P., Althoff, J., Cardesa, A., 1973. Granular cells Academic Press Inc, London, pp. 157–167.
in a colony of Han: AURA hamsters. Exp. Toxic. in tumours and in non-tumourous tissues. Arch. Takahashi, M., Iwata, S., Matsuzawa, H., Fujiwara, H.,
Pathol. 52, 539–544. Pathol. 95, 135–138. 1985. Pathological findings of cardiac
Kamino, K., Tillmann, T., Boschmann, E., Mohr, U., Pour, P., Kmoch, N., Greiser, E., et al., 1976a. rhabdomyomatosis in the guinea pig. Jikken
2001b. Age-related incidence of spontaneous Spontaneous tumors and common diseases in two Dobutsu. 34 (4), 417–424.
non-neoplastic lesions in a colony of Han: colonies of Syrian hamsters. I. Incidence and sites. Toth, B., Tomatis, L., Shubik, P., 1961. Multipotential
AURA hamsters. Exp. Toxicol. Pathol. 53, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 56, 931–935. carcinogenesis with urethan in the Syrian golden
157–164. Pour, P., Mohr, U., Cardesa, A., et al., 1976b. hamster. Cancer Res. 21, 1537–1541.
Kondo, H., Onuma, M., Shibuya, H., et al., 2008. Spontaneous tumors and common diseases in two Turusov, V.S., Mohr, U., (Eds.), 1996. Pathology of
Spontaneous tumors in domestic hamsters. Vet. colonies of Syrian hamsters. II. Respiratory tract Tumours in Laboratory Animals, Vol. III, Tumours of
Pathol. 45, 674–680. and digestive system. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 56, the Hamster, second edition. IARC Scientific
Mohr, U., Emura, M., Dungworth, D.L., Ernst, H., 937–948. Publications No. 126, IARC (International Agency
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Turusov, V.S., Mohr, U., (Eds.), Pathology of Spontaneous tumors and common diseases in two pp. 189–222.
tumours in laboratory animals. Vol 3. Tumours of colonies of Syrian hamsters. III. Urogenital system Vink, H.H., 1969. Rhabdomyomatosis (nodular
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Lyon IARC, pp. 189–222. 949–961. J. Pathol. 97 (2), 331–334.
Minipigs 81
Elizabeth F McInnes


cells are sometimes encountered within the

Introduction minipig aorta. Occasionally focal arteritis may be
Minipigs are now used in greater numbers in con- observed in the minipig kidney.
tract research organizations as well as in the phar-
maceutical industry. They provide significant
advantages over dogs due to their greater toler-
ance of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
antihypertensive agents and sympathicomimetic
drugs (Dincer 2007). In addition, minipigs are
advantageous models for human drugs since their
digestion is similar to that of humans, and their
smaller size makes them more manageable labora-
tory animals. The minipig offers many advantages
as a model in dermal toxicity because of the simi-
larity between porcine and human skin (Mortensen
et al 1998, Lavker et al 1991), including similari- FIGURE 6.3  Lymphoid infiltrate into the cerebrum. ×200.
ties in skin thickness, permeability, pigmentation,
allergic reaction and reaction to burning.
In addition, the gastrointestinal system, diges-
FIGURE 6.1  Arteritis and periarteritis of artery in the
tion and metabolism, as well as the renal and
coronary groove. ×100.
immune systems of minipigs are similar to those
in man. There are also similarities to humans in
reproductive tract histology, physiology, and
in cervical and vaginal secretions and vaginal Hemolymphoreticular system
pH (minipigs are used for intravaginal studies)
The most common histopathological background
(Jørgensen et al 1998). Finally, cardiovascular
lesion noted in minipigs is the focal accumulation
physiology and anatomy, ventricular performance,
of mononuclear inflammatory cells in various
electrophysiology and coronary artery distribution
organs. These cells are predominantly lym-
are similar to those in humans.
phocytes, macrophages and plasma cells (Madsen
Most contract research organizations or phar-
et al 1998), and are generally noted in perivascu-
maceutical companies use the Göttingen minipig
lar and interstitial locations (Madsen et al 1998).
which displays a number of important background
The foci may be observed in the adrenal glands
lesions. Minipigs are derived from the Eurasian FIGURE 6.4  Renal cortical interstitial lymphoid infiltrate.
(Fig. 6.2), cerebrum (Fig. 6.3), epididymis,
wild boar (Sus scrofa). In total, some 40 strains ×200.
oesophagus, kidneys (Fig. 6.4), liver, lung, man-
exist, and the Sinclair, Yucatan and Göttingen
dibular salivary gland, meninges, parotid gland,
strains are the most common. Maturity occurs at Ellipsoids are pale, eosinophilic structures
rectum, stomach, testes, tongue and vagina
four to six months of age. The estrous cycle is arranged concentrically around capillaries or small
(Madsen et al 1998).
approximately 20 days and gestation is approxi- arterioles in the spleen. The ellipsoids display vari-
mately 114 days. able prominence; they consist of phagocytic cells
Advantages to the use of minipigs include their and reticular fibres and have been referred to in
ready availability and their small size compared the literature as Schweigger–Seidel sheaths
with conventional pigs. Extensive data on anatomy, (Charles 1996) (Fig. 6.5).
reproductive physiology, clinical parameters and
histopathology are available for the Göttingen
minipig. Minipigs are also easier to house, handle,
dose and sample than non-human primates and
there are no zoonoses (in contrast to non-human
primates). There are fewer ethical or conservation
concerns, sexually mature animals are readily
available and global transportation of minipigs is
Disadvantages include the fact that the minipig
is larger than the Beagle dog or non-human
primate, a greater quantity of test material is FIGURE 6.2  Lymphoid infiltrate into the adrenal cortex.
required and minipigs are extremely vocal! ×200.

Cardiovascular system
Arteritis and periarteritis are commonly observed FIGURE 6.5  Schweiggel–Siedel sheaths in the minipig
in a variety of organs, including the epididymides, spleen. ×100.
heart, intestine, kidney, lung, spleen, stomach and
urinary bladder (Fig. 6.1). In the heart, small foci
of lymphocytes and occasional areas of myofibre
necrosis are observed. Mononuclear inflammatory

In common with other pig breeds, minipigs

display a reversed cortex and medulla in the Gastrointestinal system
lymph nodes, i.e. the medulla is present on the Interstitial and periductular lymphocytes and
outside of the node and the cortex with germinal foci of mineralization are commonly seen in the
centres is visible in the middle of the node. In the salivary glands of minipigs (Fig. 6.11), and perig-
mesenteric lymph node the presence of a perime- landular edema adjacent to the mandibular sali-
senteric plexus may sometimes be confusing to vary glands is common. In addition, foci of
pathologists (Fig. 6.6). The vascular supply to the squamous epithelial metaplasia may be noted in
lymph nodes differs from that of other mammals. the cuboidal epithelium of the salivary-gland
Major nodal arteries subdivide into branches ducts (Fig. 6.12). In the tongue, focal chondro-
which envelop the node as a capsular network cytes are occasionally observed, unassociated with
from which further branches penetrate the paren- inflammation (Fig. 6.13). The origin of the carti-
chyma (Charles 1996). lage cells is thought to be ectopic. Erosive and
ulcerative changes and inflammatory cell infiltra-
tion are occasionally evident in the glandular and
FIGURE 6.8  Eosinophils in the subcapsular sinus. ×100. non-glandular stomach (Dincer 2007) (Fig. 6.14).

Respiratory system
Multifocal aggregates of alveolar macrophages
may be observed in the minipig lung (Fig. 6.9).
Most lesions are focal and mild, and interstitial or
perivascular inflammatory cell infiltrates are often
seen, usually involving lymphocytes and macro-
phages. In addition, mineralized material within
the alveoli (Dincer 2007) (Fig. 6.10) as well as
focal areas of interstitial or purulent bronchopneu-
monia are commonly seen (Dincer 2007). The
FIGURE 6.6  Perimesenteric plexus adjacent to the pulmonary mineralization is often associated with
mesenteric lymph node in the minipig. ×100. macrophages. The pneumonic lesions may be due
to mycoplasma or other bacterial infections
Iron deposits are often visible within macro- (Dincer 2007). Foreign-body granulomata, often
FIGURE 6.11  Focal area of mineralization in the salivary
phages in the sinuses of local lymph nodes surrounding hair or food particles, are also com-
gland of the minipig. ×200.
(Madsen et al 1998). The widespread iron depos- monly observed in the minipig lung (Dincer
its visible in the minipig are thought to be due to 2007). Occasionally pleural thickening or pleuritis
the intramuscular injections of iron administered is observed (Dincer 2007).
to neonatal piglets to prevent anemia (Svendsen
et al 1998). In addition, iron deposits may also be
encountered in the kidney, liver and mandibular
lymph node.
Small lymph node abscesses are common in the
mandibular node (Dincer 2007) (Fig. 6.7) and are
thought to be secondary to local irritation or
inflammation. Sinus histiocytosis is also com-
monly observed in the minipig lymph node. An
increase in granulocytic cells such as eosinophils
can sometimes be observed in the sinuses of the
mesenteric lymph nodes (Dincer 2007) (Fig. 6.8).

FIGURE 6.12  Squamous metaplasia of duct epithelium in

sublingual salivary gland. ×10.
FIGURE 6.9  Alveolar macrophage aggregates in the
minipig lung. ×200.

FIGURE 6.7  Mandibular lymph node abscess with central

mineralization in the minipig. ×100.

FIGURE 6.13  Foci of cartilage present in minipig tongue.

FIGURE 6.10  Foci of mineralization in the lung of a
minipig. ×100.
Minipigs 83

(Svendsen et al 1998). The lesions are generally

Liver and biliary system small and focal, and the basophilic tubules are
Chronic necrotic cholecystitis is occasionally often related to areas of tubular degeneration and
observed in the minipig gall bladder (Svendsen regeneration. Foci of mineralization, particularly
1998) (Fig. 6.16). This lesion is generally observed in the papilla, as well as cortical cysts and occa-
at necropsy where the necrotic gall bladder sionally hyaline casts are also observed in the
appears thickened. Histopathologically the lesion minipig kidney (Dincer 2007) (Fig. 6.19).
is characterized by necrosis of the mucosa with
large numbers of inflammatory cells extending
into the submucosa and smooth muscle layers
(Dincer 2007). Cholecystitis is not associated
with clinical signs or changes in clinical pathology
parameters. Hypoplasia or aplasia of the gall
bladder are also observed as background findings.
FIGURE 6.14  Focal, minimal gastric erosion in minipig
stomach. ×100.

Minimal to moderate hemorrhage and inflam-

mation of the lamina propria and submucosa of
the small and large intestine is observed in mini-
pigs. Moderate numbers of eosinophils may be
noted in the lamina propria of the small intestine
(Fig. 6.15a). Occasional erosive changes are also FIGURE 6.18  Basophilic tubules and interstitial lym-
visible in the intestinal mucosa. Hyperkeratosis is phocytes in the minipig kidney. ×100.
occasionally noted in the stomach due to the
feeding of finely ground rations and pelleted food
(Madsen et al 1998). Herniated large intestinal
glands are often noted within the underlying sub-
mucosal lymphoid tissue in the large intestine of
the minipig (Fig. 6.15b). FIGURE 6.16  Necrotic cholecystitis in the minipig gall
bladder. ×200.

The minipig liver can often display small multi-

focal areas of inflammatory cells, and occasional
foci of single-cell necrosis or necrosis can be seen
throughout the liver (Dincer 2007) (Fig. 6.17). In
addition, fibrous tissue is noted in the interlobular
and subcapsular areas (Dincer 2007). Clear-cell
foci can occasionally be observed in the minipig
liver, and the clear hepatocyte cytoplasm is
thought to be due to glycogen accumulation FIGURE 6.19  Mineralization in papilla of minipig kidney.
(Dincer 2007). Iron deposits are often visible ×200.
within Kupffer cells in the liver.
Multifocal inflammatory-cell infiltration is occa-
sionally observed in the urinary bladder mucosa
FIGURE 6.15a  Moderate numbers of eosinophils in the and submucosa of minipigs (Dincer 2007). Inflam-
lamina propria of the jejunum of a minipig. ×200. mation, made up predominantly of eosinophilic
granulocytes, is occasionally observed in the
ureter of the minipig. Thromboses or areas of
mineralization may be noted in the umbilical
blood vessels within the serosa of the urinary
bladder (Fig. 6.20).

FIGURE 6.17  Focal hepatocyte necrosis in the minipig

liver. ×200.

FIGURE 6.15b  Herniated colonic glands in submucosal

Urinary system
lymphoid tissue. ×100. The minipig has a multipapillate kidney, similar
in structure to the human kidney, including the
presence of true calices. Multifocal interstitial
lymphoid infiltrates and fibrosis, as well as multi-
focal cortical basophilic tubules, are observed FIGURE 6.20  Thrombosed umbilical blood vessel in
commonly in the minipig kidney (Fig. 6.18) serosa of the urinary bladder of minipig. ×100.

Endocrine glands
Accessory adrenal cortical tissue is sometimes
observed. Ultimobranchial cysts lined by squa-
mous epithelium and filled with keratin may be
observed in minipigs in the thyroid. The pituitary
gland may sometimes display cysts lined by cili-
ated epithelium as well as mineralization of single
cells (Dincer 2007).
The parathyroid glands in the minipig are dif-
ficult to locate and are generally found within the
thymus. The thyroids are on the ventral surface
of the trachea at the thoracic inlet and are also
difficult to locate. The thyroids are often damaged
by venipuncture procedures (Fig. 6.21), and this
can affect thyroid hormone levels. The parathy- FIGURE 6.23  Severe focal epidermal ulceration and FIGURE 6.25  Serous atrophy of adipose tissue in the
roids are not attached to the thyroids in the dermal inflammatory-cell infiltration in the minipig skin. minipig bone marrow. ×200.
minipig, but are located close to the carotid artery ×100.
bifurcation, within the thymus (Fig. 6.22), adipose
or connective tissue. The thymus is located in the
Brain and nervous system
neck and cranial thorax, lying adjacent to the
trachea. Occasionally, parathyroid glands display
Reproductive system Mineralization is often observed in the meninges
of the minipig brain (Fig. 6.26), and occasional
cysts (Dincer 2007). In the testes, uni- or bilateral seminiferous tubular areas of perivascular lymphocyte infiltration are
hypoplasia or atrophy is commonly observed and noted in the brain. In addition, meningeal
is characterized by the presence of vacuolation in inflammatory cell infiltrates are sometimes seen.
Sertoli cells and multinucleate cells (Dincer
2007). In the epididymis reduced numbers of
spermatids can be observed, generally related to
tubular atrophy in the testes. Interstitial lymphoid
infiltration is commonly observed in the prostate
of the minipig (Dincer 2007).

Muscles, bones and joints

Multifocal areas of necrosis and inflammatory cell
infiltration are noted in the skeletal muscle of
minipigs. This can be confused with treatment-
related effects. The lesion is observed in skeletal
muscle at many sites, and there is generally
FIGURE 6.21  Peritracheal hemorrhage and inflammation minimal evidence of myofibre regeneration (Fig.
due to venipuncture procedures in the minipig. ×100. 6.24).
FIGURE 6.26  Focal mineralization of the meninges of the
minipig brain. ×200.

Eye and ear

Focal retinal dysplasia, lymphocytic keratitis, and
superficial keratitis have been observed occasion-
ally in the eyes of minipigs (Madsen et al 1998).
Periocular hyperkeratosis can be observed in
minipigs, and yeasts (Candida spp.) are occasion-
ally found within the debris. In addition, cupping
of the optic disk is often noted as a background
finding in the minipig eye (Fig. 6.27).

FIGURE 6.22  The minipig parathyroid within the thymus. FIGURE 6.24  Myodegeneration and inflammation of the
×20. skeletal muscle of the minipig. ×200.

Skin and appendages Serous atrophy of the adipose tissue within

bone marrow is observed in the minipig (Svendsen
The skin of the minipig demonstrates multifocal et al 1998). The lesion occurs in the epiphysis and
areas of dermal inflammatory cells and acanthosis metaphysis and may be related to nutritional
of the epidermis (Dincer 2007). Focal areas of imbalances (Bollen & Skydsgaard 2006) (Fig.
epidermal ulceration are also common (Fig. 6.23). 6.25). It occurs in both sexes at any age, possibly
more frequently in male animals, and it occurs
under normal physiological conditions. The lesion
is of no pathological significance and may be con-
sidered as a normal variation in the bone marrow FIGURE 6.27  Cupping of the optic disk in the minipig eye.
cell population. ×40.
Minipigs 85

References Jørgensen, K.D., Ellegaard, L., Klastrup, S., et al.,

1998. Haematological and clinical chemical values in
microbiologically defined Gottingen minipigs. Scand.
J. Lab. Anim. Sci. 25, 159–166.
pregnant and juvenile Göttingen minipigs. Scand. J. Mortensen, J.T., Brinck, P., Lichtenberg, J., 1998.
Bollen, P., Skydsgaard, M., 2006. Restricted feeding
Lab. Anim. Sci. 25, 181–190. The minipig in dermal toxicology. A literature
may induce serous fat atrophy in male Göttingen
minipigs. Exp. Toxicol. Pathol. 57, 347–349. Lavker, R.M., Dong, G., Zheng, P.S., et al., 1991. review. Scand. J. Lab. Anim. Sci. 35 (Suppl. 1),
Hairless micropig skin. A novel model for studies 77–83.
Charles, J.A., 1996. Lymph nodes and thymus. In:
of cutaneous biology. Am. J. Pathol. 138, Svendsen, O., Skydsgaard, M., Aarup, V., et al., 1998.
Sims, L.D., Glastonbury, J.R.W. (Eds.), Pathology of
687–697. Spontaneously occurring microscopic lesions in
the pig. Industry House, Australia, pp. 185–210.
Madsen, L.W., Jensen, A.L., Larsen, S., 1998. selected organs of the Gottingen minipig. Scand. J.
Dincer, Z., 2007. The minipig. In: Gad, S.C. (Ed.),
Spontaneous lesions in clinically healthy, Lab. Anim. Sci. 25 (Suppl. 1), 231–234.
Animal models in toxicology. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, pp. 739–759.
New Zealand White rabbit 87
Alys E Bradley

New Zealand White rabbit

or detomidine in Dutch Belted rabbits (Percy & findings recorded regularly at a low incidence in
Introduction Barthold 2007). the hematopoietic tissues of rabbits include:
Rabbits are classified in the order Lagomorpha. ectopic parathyroid in the thymus, increased
They differ from rodents in that they possess an extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen,
additional pair of incisor teeth directly behind the accessory spleen (Weisbroth et al 1976), eryth-
large incisors of the upper jaw. There are over 100 rophagocytosis, sinusoidal dilation, and pigmented
different breeds of rabbit that are descendants of macrophages in the lymph nodes. In addition,
the European wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus. lymphocyte infiltrations may be noted in the liver,
New Zealand White rabbits are used extensively heart and lungs.
in toxicological studies; however, the design of the
majority of study protocols are such that full his-
topathology of all organ systems seldom occurs.
The animals in toxicology studies are euthanized
at the end of the study period whilst still relatively
young and so pre-neoplastic and neoplastic dis-
eases are rarely seen. The range and extent of
neoplastic and hyperplastic lesions that occur in
older rabbits have been well described in the FIGURE 7.1  Rabbit heart with adipose tissue infiltration
standard veterinary medicine and pathology texts in the right ventricle (base). ×100.
on laboratory animals (Hrapkiewicz et al 1998,
Saunders & Rees-Davies 2005, Percy & Barthold
2007). This chapter will focus on lesions encoun-
tered as spontaneous background findings in young
rabbits which are between six and 24 months old.
Tissue reactions are generally conserved
between species, and very few spontaneous back- FIGURE 7.3  Macrophage aggregates, often containing
ground conditions occur in the rabbit that are debris, present in the rabbit GALT (gut associated lym­
species-specific. The majority of toxicological phoid tissue). ×100.
studies for which rabbits are used are immunologi-
cal, teratological (reproductive toxicity), dermal,
ocular, implant and vaccine safety assessments. Respiratory system
The latter often involve histopathological sam-
pling of eyes and injection sites only. The rabbit The mucosa lining the ventral surface of the nose
eye is particularly sensitive to the deposition of contains some hair follicles, and so the presence
immune complexes. of these should not be misdiagnosed as hamar-
FIGURE 7.2  Medial mineralization of the aorta of the toma. The submucosa of the nasal cavity contains
rabbit. ×100. individual or small aggregates of lymphocytes, but
Cardiovascular system no lymphoid follicles are present. There are no
The heart is relatively small compared with other The Watanabe rabbit is used extensively as an respiratory bronchioles in rabbits. Alveolar macro-
species of similar size. The chambers of the right animal model of natural endogenous atherosclero- phage accumulations are often seen in the lungs.
side of the rabbit heart are thin and the right sis (Garibaldi & Pecquet 1988). Atherosclerosis The alveolar macrophage aggregates have no par-
ventricle often contains clotted blood with no evi- may also be observed in the aorta of New Zealand ticular distribution pattern and can be peripher-
dence of contraction (Percy & Barthold 2007). White rabbits (Salamon et al 2007). ally placed just beneath the pleura, or at the
The rabbit right atrioventricular valve is bicuspid bronchoalveolar junction. The macrophages are
hypertrophic with pale pink cytoplasm, but
rather than tricuspid.
Occasionally evidence of the closure of the
Hemolymphoreticular system usually there is no associated inflammatory cell
ductus arteriosus may be seen as foci of mineraliza- In the rabbit polychromasia of the erythrocytes response. Other findings recorded regularly in the
tion in the media of major vessels of young rabbits is a normal finding. Heterophils are the counter- rabbit lung include: perivascular mononuclear or
in toxicology studies, depending on the plane of part of the neutrophil and have distinct acido- eosinophilic inflammatory cell infiltrations, ectopic
section. Mononuclear inflammatory-cell infiltrates philic granules. Hyposegmented neutrophils may bone and bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue
are recorded infrequently in the myocardium be observed in a rabbit blood smear. This is known (BALT) hyperplasia in older rabbits. Submucosal
(Lehr 1965). The foci are usually at the base of as the Pelger–Huet syndrome, and this anomaly is mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrations are
the interventricular septum. These are inert cel- inherited as a partial dominant trait in rabbits seen occasionally in the trachea and larynx. Bar-
lular infiltrates with no accompanying myocardial (Salamon et al 2007). Basophils in the rabbit may biturate euthanasia can result in petechiae on the
necrosis or fibrosis associated with the lesion. be relatively numerous and occasionally represent surface of the lung which disappear during
Other findings recorded regularly at a low inci- up to 30% of circulating leukocytes (Percy & processing (Salamon et al 2007). In addition, the
dence in the rabbit heart include mineralization of Barthold 2007). process of euthanasia may cause alveolar edema
the left atrial appendage, pericardial lipomatosis Large eosinophilic histiocytes are commonly and congestion in the rabbit lung (Fig. 7.4). Occa-
(Fig. 7.1) and pericardial fibrosis. Calcification seen within the thymus, lymph nodes and follicles sional thrombi with arteritis and periarteritis may
of the aorta and large veins (Fig. 7.2) (arterioscle- of the epithelium-associated lymphoid tissue be noted in the rabbit lung (Fig. 7.5).
rosis) may be seen at necropsy in older animals (e.g. bronchiolar and gut-associated lymphoid
(e.g. ex-breeding colonies). Foci of myofibre tissue) (Fig. 7.3). These histiocytes may have
degeneration and fibrosis with a mononuclear-cell particulate debris in the cytoplasmic vacuoles.
infiltrate in the heart may be associated with In the thymus they are usually situated in the
administration of ketamine/xylazine combinations medullary area of the peripheral lobules. Other

the ileocecal junction adjacent to the sacculus Other findings regularly recorded at low inci-
rotundus, the cecum has a large mass of lymphoid dences in the gastrointestinal tract of the rabbit
tissue called the cecal tonsil. This may be referred include dilated glands in the fundus of the
to as the ileocecal tonsil, or ampulla ilei in older stomach, mineralized foci in the fundus of the
anatomy texts. The walls of this area are thick- stomach, and micro-abscesses in the lamina
ened by aggregations of organized lymphoid tissue propria of the cecum.
and macrophages and this area should not to be Rabbits may occasionally be affected by enteric
mistaken for lymphoid hyperplasia or increased infectious diseases; however, breakdowns in test
cellularity. The grossly thickened walls of the sac- facility closed systems are rare and usually result
culus rotundus, caecal tonsil and vermiform in parasitic disease only. Other than coccidiosis,
appendix are due to aggregates of lymphoid tissue which may cause clinical disease that could
in the lamina propria and submucosa. At the junc- compromise a toxicology study, parasitic lesions
tion between the transverse and descending colon are generally only incidental interesting back-
is the fusus coli, which is unique to rabbits and is ground findings. Adult nematodes of Passalurus
FIGURE 7.4  Agonal alveolar edema present in rabbit made up of ganglion cells which regulate the flow ambiguus (pinworm) (Fig. 7.6), may occasionally
lung. ×100. of ingesta into the descending colon (Salamon be observed in the cecum and colon. Larval forms
et al 2007, Cruise and Brewer, 1994). The rectum may be seen in the mucosa of the small intestine
often contains submucosal lymphocytes rather or cecum. Evidence of parasitic transit through
than areas of gut-associated lymphoid tissue the intestine may manifest as mineralized parasitic
(GALT). Marked plasma-cell infiltrations into the granulomata. Cysticercus larvae of the tapeworm
intestinal tract have been described (Salamon et al Taenia pisiformis are occasionally seen hanging
2007). In the small intestine, mucosal erosions, from the mesentery or embedded in the liver
dilatation of lacteals and blunting of overlying parenchyma (Soulsby 1986), though this would
villi occur in conjunction with a severe plasma- be a rare finding in purpose-bred laboratory
cell infiltration into the lamina propria (Percy & rabbits.
Barthold 2007).
Peyer’s patches are normally very large in the
rabbit and should not be misdiagnosed as lym-
phoid hyperplasia. Lymphoid tissues are large and
prominent in the small and large intestines of the
rabbit. The gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
FIGURE 7.5  Rabbit lung with pulmonary thrombus, arteri­ of the rabbit represents more than 50% of the
tis and periarteritis. ×100. total mass of lymphoid tissue in the body and
accounts for the relatively small spleen size in the
Gastrointestinal system Rabbits are peculiar among laboratory species in
that their main reaction to external stressors of
Malocclusion of the teeth is reasonably common any type is an episode of diarrhea. This can some-
in rabbits due to congenital mandibular prognathia times occur days after a stressful event. Any
or secondary to inadequate wear. Ulcerations of change in gut microflora, pH or motility will lead
the tongue may be caused by lower molar maloc- to diarrhea. Rabbits react negatively to changes of FIGURE 7.6  Passalurus ambiguus ova in faecal flotation
clusion. Upper molar malocclusion causes buccal environment (moving to a research facility, new taken from a rabbit. ×400.
ulcerations of the cheek. Malocclusion of teeth is technicians, visitors to the animal rooms) and any
controlled in contract research organizations or such event may trigger an episode of diarrhea
pharmaceutical industries by the clipping of over- two to three days later. This is a behavioural trait Liver and biliary system
grown incisors. A large pair of circumvallate papil- of rabbits and has to be taken into account when
Rabbit livers are often pale yellow at necropsy due
lae on the dorsal surface of the tongue are assessing clinical signs. Rabbits are hindgut fer-
to the amount of stored glycogen in hepatocytes.
occasionally mistaken for papillomatous growths. menters adapted to digest a low-quality, high-fibre
This cytoplasmic vacuolation (Fig. 7.7), associated
Vomiting is not possible in the rabbit, and food diet. Stress events slow peristalsis and impede
with glycogen accumulation, varies between sexes
and cecal pellets are always present in the stomach. caecotrophy or coprophagia. In addition, caecal
and also varies diurnally. Vacuolation is also influ-
Hairballs or trichobezoars in the stomach or pH becomes more alkaline due to the slowed
enced by standard diets and fasting before eutha-
pylorus are encountered commonly, but are gener- passage of food material, and Escherichia coli can
nasia (Percy & Barthold 2007). Generally rabbits
ally incidental findings at necropsy (Haugh 1987). then dominate the caecal environment.
not starved before euthanasia show high levels of
The hairballs are masses of hair and ingesta that Mucoid enteropathy (epizootic rabbit entero­
glycogen accumulation. Therefore animals eutha-
result from excessive self-grooming and boredom pathy) is a disease of unknown etiology that
nized in the morning will have more glycogen in
(Percy & Barthold 2007). Predisposing factors to occurs in young rabbits. It is a common cause of
their livers than those euthanized in the after-
hairball formation may include low-fibre diets, death in commercial and laboratory rabbit colo-
noon. Pathologists should be aware of this diurnal
experimental manipulation and stress. Heter- nies, but is rare in pet hutch and housed rabbits.
change and interpret any changes in glycogen
ophils and lymphocytes are common in the sub- Affected animals may recover if switched to a
vacuolation with the knowledge of whether the
mucosal area of the stomach. In contrast to other high-fibre, low-energy diet. Upon histopatholo­
animal was starved prior to euthanasia, for how
laboratory animals, Brunner’s glands are present gical examination, there is marked goblet-cell
long, and at what time of day the necropsy
throughout the length of the rabbit duodenum hypertrophy and hyperplasia, mainly affecting the
occurred (Wells et al 1988; Weisbroth et al 1990).
(Percy & Barthold 2007). small intestine and colon, with only occasional
Vacuolation of hepatocytes is more common in
Rabbits are hindgut fermenters with a large and cecal changes. Small intestinal sections may show
female rabbits. Other findings regularly recorded
complex digestive system. They practise cecotro- atrophy and fusion of villi. There may be minimal
at a low incidence in the liver include extramedul-
phy, which is the ingestion of mucus-coated night lymphocytic/plasmacytic inflammatory cell infil-
lary hematopoiesis, periportal hepatocyte vacuola-
faeces. Cecotrophy is controlled by the adrenal trates in some animals, but in general an inflam-
tion, multifocal hepatic mineralization and tension
glands and may be altered during periods of stress. matory reaction is not usually associated with this
The large intestines consist of a spiral cecum, a condition. The proposed bacterial proliferation
sacculated colon and the rectum. The sacculus (E. coli and/or Clostridium spiroforme) is not
rotundus is a round, thick-walled enlargement at always evident on tissue sections.
the ileocecal junction (Percy & Barthold 2007). At
New Zealand White rabbit 89

infection is of great concern due to the difficulty

in eradication. The extent of the lesions and clini- Urinary system
cal signs associated with the disease may invali- The background data in the literature on non-
date a toxicity study. Developmental stages are infectious, spontaneous kidney lesions in labora-
usually seen in biliary epithelium, proximal to the tory rabbits are limited. Vacuolation of the
cell nucleus, five to six days after infection, but proximal convoluted tubule epithelium is a regular
may be seen after three days in heavy infections finding in young, non-pregnant does. These vacu-
(Fig. 7.10). Oocysts are shed around day 23 and oles stain positively with Oil red O stain for
patency lasts until day 37 post infection (Soulsby neutral lipids.
1986). Mineralized foci in the biliary epithelium Calcium absorption and metabolism in the
may be the only sign of previous infection in a rabbit is poorly understood. Rabbits normally have
clinically normal rabbit. In some cases oocysts a higher blood calcium range than other laboratory
may be present in calcified nodules, and have been animal species and are predisposed to cystic, ure-
misdiagnosed/misreported as the eggs of and thral, ureteral and renal calculi. Rabbits excrete
infection with the nematode Capillaria hepatica. excess calcium though the urine as calcium car-
FIGURE 7.7  Vacuolation of hepatocytes in the rabbit liver. Histologically, the liver shows well circumscribed bonate. Mineralized foci are commonly seen in the
×100. focal granulo­matous lesions surrounding the bile collecting ducts and medulla of rabbit kidneys.
ducts, with schizonts and zygotes of E. stiedae in The mineralized foci correlate with the normal
The most frequently recorded background the lumen. alkaline, cloudy to pigmented urine of rabbits
lesions in the livers of rabbits consist of lym-
caused by the presence of albumin, fine calcium
phocytic cell infiltration into the periportal area
carbonate and ammonium magnesium phosphate
of the liver. Lymphocytic infiltration increases
crystals. Rabbit urine varies in colour from creamy
with age and is more common in female rabbits.
yellow to dark red depending on the presence
Torsion of the caudate lobe occasionally occurs
of porphyrin pigments derived from the diet
and may result in fatal hepatic rupture (Salamon
(Percy & Barthold 2007), urobilin or xenobiotics
et al 2007, Weisbroth 1975). Duplication of the
(e.g. antibiotics). Care must be taken to differen-
gall bladder (Fig. 7.8) and cholecystitis (Fig. 7.9)
tiate normal rabbit urine from red urine caused by
have been reported in rabbits (Gupta 1975).
hematuria. Mineralized foci in the tubules or
Serosal hemorrhages have been reported at
interstitial areas of the cortex are present in large
necropsy in rabbit gall bladder (Salamon et al
numbers of rabbits (Fig. 7.12). The lesions are
distributed evenly between males and females,
and have been previously reported in the litera-
ture with similar incidences (Ritskes-Hoitinga
et al 2004). Focal mineralization is also occasion-
FIGURE 7.10  Coccidiosis in the gall bladder of the rabbit
ally recorded in the urothelium of the urinary
liver. ×100.

The most common finding in the exocrine pan-
creas is the presence of an accessory spleen (Fig.
7.11) (Weisbroth et al 1976). These nodules are
usually fairly large and may be described as raised,
dark foci or masses at necropsy. The architecture
of the splenic tissue resembles that of normal
spleen with clearly discernible follicles. Acinar cell
FIGURE 7.8  Duplication of rabbit gall bladder. ×100. degranulation is also occasionally recorded in
control rabbits. This lesion is usually associated
with fasting, and is generally associated with
animals euthanized mid afternoon and correlates
with decreased glycogen accumulation in the liver.
Individual acinar necrosis may also be reported in
FIGURE 7.12  Mineralization in the interstitium of the
rabbits subjected to prior fasting (Salamon et al
rabbit kidney. ×100.
2007). Small lymphocytic infiltrations into the
pancreas are common.
Aging glomerular changes are observed at about
one year of age in the rabbit kidney (Salamon
et al 2007). These changes consist of mesangial
proliferation with a multifocal distribution. Scars
on the surface of the kidneys are commonly seen
at the necropsy of clinically normal, apparently
healthy rabbits. These are the most common find-
ings in rabbit organs at slaughterhouses. The
FIGURE 7.9  Necrotic cholecystitis in the rabbit gall lesions are seen in animals from colonies free from
bladder. ×100. Encephalitozoon cuniculi and are the result of a
spontaneous nephropathy syndrome. There are no
Hepatic coccidiosis is a disease of young rabbits clinical signs accompanying these lesions and no
caused by Eimeria stiedae and is a common cause evidence of progression or greater severity of the
of condemnation of rabbit livers in slaughter- findings on longer term studies. The lesion is not
houses. Recently coccidiosis has increased in com- thought to be progressive, unlike the nephropathy
mercial rabbit establishments and caused a paucity FIGURE 7.11  Pancreas with accessory spleen in the of rats. The histological findings are generally
in the availability of rabbits for research. This rabbit. ×50. recorded separately as basophilic tubules (Fig.

7.13), dilated or cystic tubules, pigmented tubules adrenal cortex have been reported during spring
and interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration. (Greene 1965).
Spontaneous findings of mineralization, tubular Lymphocytic infiltration is commonly recorded
basophilia and dilatation have been reported pre- in the thyroid gland of the rabbit. There is usually
viously in young laboratory rabbits under one year no active inflammatory component to the lesion
of age (Burek et al 1988, Hinton 1981), but the and it has not been reported to be associated with
incidence of this lesion seems to be increasing in immune-mediated changes or the presence of
the New Zealand White rabbit population. The autoantibodies. In some animals lymphoid folli-
abundance of spontaneous renal findings may cles form in the thyroid and it is considered that
mask nephrotoxic effects. Nephrotoxins can these lymphocytic infiltrates reflect the high inci-
induce or exacerbate chronic progressive neph- dence of extra lymphoid tissue in the rabbit com-
ropathy in the rat after single or acute exposure pared with other species. Other findings regularly
(Khan & Alden 2002). Although the pathogenesis recorded at low incidences in the rabbit endocrine
of the lesion in rabbits is unclear and does not system include ectopic thymus, dilated or cystic
appear to be progressive, this masking effect may follicles and ultimobranchial cysts in the thyroid FIGURE 7.15  Focal squamous metaplasia with hyper­
occur and so renal evaluation should be approached and focal mineralization in the adenohypophysis keratosis in the rabbit prostate. ×100.
with care. It is always good practice to record of the pituitary. The rabbit pituitary often displays
and grade each finding separately. Any increased endothelium-lined spaces at the junction between The rabbit uterus has two horns and two sepa-
incidences will be apparent once the study is the pars distalis and intermedia. rate cervices, and the placentation is hemochorial.
complete and findings can be merged in incidence Does are induced ovulators. Although tumors of
tables as ‘nephropathy’ if appropriate.
Skin and appendages the uterus are common in older animals (i.e. adeno-
carcinomas, deciduomas), findings in the female
Lesions caused by fighting are common, particu- reproductive tract of young animals on routine
larly in aggressive males. Hair chewing and bar­ toxicology studies are uncommon. The most fre-
bering are occasionally observed among young quent findings recorded at low incidences include
group-housed rabbits. The lesion is characterized follicular cysts, hemorrhagic follicles and mineral-
by alopecia without dermatitis on the face and ized atretic follicles in the ovary and mesonephric
back. Boredom and low-roughage diets are consid- duct cysts in the oviduct. Pigmented macrophages,
ered to be predisposing factors (Percy & Barthold endometrial edema, dilated endometrial glands
2007). Ulcerative dermatitis or pododermatitis is and endometrial cysts in the uterus and subepi-
observed in older, heavier rabbits kept in wire thelial cysts and distended veins on the surface of
cages (Percy & Barthold 2007). the vagina are also recorded. Endometrial venous
Moist dermatitis occurs due to the contact aneurysms are considered to be congenital defects
wetting of the fur. Multifocal aggregates of lym- characterized by multiple, blood-filled endome-
phocytes can be observed surrounding hair folli- trial varices that are composed of dilated, thin-
cles or in the deep dermis. The cause is unknown. walled veins that rupture and bleed periodically in
Exfoliative dermatitis and sebaceous adenitis have the uterine lumen (Bray et al 1992).
FIGURE 7.13  Focal area of basophilic tubules in cortical been reported in older rabbits (Salamon et al Abundant interstitial tissue in the female rabbit
interstitium of rabbit. ×100. 2007). ovary is referred to as the ovarian interstitial gland
(Mori & Matsumoto 1973) (Fig. 7.16).
Other findings recorded regularly at low inci-
dences in the rabbit kidney include focal fibrosis, Reproductive system
cortical cyst and acute pyelitis in the kidney. Sub- The male rabbit has patent inguinal canals which
mucosal lymphoid hyperplasia (Fig. 7.14) and connect to the abdominal cavity and which often
papillary hyperplasia of the urothelium in the accumulate white to brown secretions produced
bladder are background changes associated with by scent glands in the inguinal canal wall (Salamon
the high crystalline content of normal rabbit urine. et al 2007). Tubular atrophy is an infrequent
finding in the male rabbit testis. This may be
unilateral or bilateral, but is generally localized,
affecting only a few tubules. Periarteritis and
perivascular lymphoid infiltration are common
lesions observed in the rabbit testis. There is an
accompanying oligospermia and sloughing of sem-
iniferous epithelium in the epididymes. Clinically
silent, focal, acute inflammation is occasionally
recorded in the bulbourethral gland and prostate
of the rabbit. Spontaneous, focal, keratinized FIGURE 7.16  The interstitial gland in the rabbit ovary.
squamous metaplasia of the prostate (Fig. 7.15) ×10.
and seminal vesicle epithelium is an infrequent
lesion peculiar to the rabbit. It is important to
recognize this as a spontaneous lesion when evalu-
Mammary gland
ating test articles with androgenic or oestrogenic Mammary gland dysplasia and cystic mammary
actions. This lesion is well described by Zwicker glands are associated with pituitary adenomas and
FIGURE 7.14  Submucosal lymphoid hyperplasia noted in and co-workers (1985). uterine adenocarcinoma in older rabbits. Cystic
the rabbit urinary bladder. ×100. mammary gland hyperplasia is associated with a
condition called cystic mastitis. This lesion occurs
in one or more glands of non-breeding does over the
Endocrine system age of three years and appears to be a preneoplastic
condition. The hyperplastic teats may contain a
The rabbit adrenal often contains vacuolated brown, serosanguinous fluid and masses or fluid-
cortical areas and extracapsular cortical tissue is filled cysts may be palpable in the mammary tissues
also a feature. Hyperplastic areas in the rabbit (Richardson 2000).
New Zealand White rabbit 91

Prolapse of the deep gland of the third eyelid Janssens, G., Simoens, P., Muylle, S., et al., 1999.
Muscle, bones and joints has been recently reported and appears histolo­ Bilateral prolapse of the deep gland of the third
eyelid in a rabbit: diagnosis and treatment. Lab.
The preferred location for intramuscular injec- gically as a mass composed of bilobed glands
Anim. Sci. 49, 105–109.
tions in the rabbit is the dorsal lumbar muscle arranged into an alveolar-like pattern without
Khan, K.N.M., Alden, C.L., 2002. Kidney. In:
group. Alum granulomas, indicative of previous inflammation. The cause is proposed to be abnor-
Hashek-Hock, WM, Rousseaux, C.G. (Eds.),
vaccination, or minimal focal myofibre degenera- mal laxity of the supporting connective tissue Handbook of toxicologic pathology, vol. 2, second
tion may be seen at this site. The skeleton of the (Janssens et al 1999). ed. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 255–336.
rabbit comprises only six to eight percentage of Lehr, D., 1965. Lesions of the cardiovascular system.
total body weight (Percy & Barthold 2007). The Metabolic diseases In: Ribelin, W.E., McCoy, J.R., (Eds.), The pathology
of laboratory animals. Thomas, pp. 124–159.
bones of rabbits are fragile and fractures occur
readily, especially with improper handling. Verte- Pregnancy toxaemia occurs in obese rabbits (Percy Mori, H., Matsumoto, K., 1973. Development of the
bral fracture is caused by improper handling & Barthold 2007). At necropsy, obesity is evident, secondary interstitial gland in the rabbit ovary.
and the liver and kidneys are pale yellow due to J. Anat. 116, 417–430.
leading to sudden, unsupported movement of the
forelimbs which causes fracture or vertebral luxa- mobilized fat stores. Pregnant does may have Percy, D.H., Barthold, S.W., 2007. Pathology of
uterine hemorrhages and dead fetuses in the laboratory rodents and rabbits, third ed. Blackwell,
tion. Most fractures occur in the lumbosacral Ames, IA, USA.
region and cause spinal cord damage and paralysis. uterine horns.
Richardson, V.C.G., 2000. Rabbits: health, husbandry
Vertebral spondylosis is common in rabbits and diseases. Blackwell Science, Malden MA.
(Richardson 2000). References Ritskes-Hoitinga, M., Skott, O., Uhrenholt, T.R., 2004.
Nephrocalcinosis in rabbits – a case study. Scand. J.
Bray, M.V., Weir, E.C., Brownstein, D.G., et al., 1992.
Brain and nervous system Endometrial venous aneurysms in three New
Lab. Anim. Sci. 31, 143–148.
Zealand white rabbits. Lab. Anim. Sci. 42, Salamon, C.M., Mackenzie, K.M., Peckham, J.C.,
Occasionally ventricular dilation of the rabbit cer- 360–362. et al., 2007. The rabbit. In: Gad, S.C., (Ed.),
ebrum is recorded at necropsy. There is no under- Animal Models in Toxicology, second ed. Taylor &
Burek, J.D., Duprat, P., Owen, R., et al., 1988.
lying pathology in the brain tissue and the lesion Francis, Boca Raton, pp. 421–492.
Spontaneous renal disease in laboratory animals. Int.
is presumed to be congenital and related to the Rev. Exp. Pathol. 30, 231–319. Saunders, R.A., Rees-Davies, R., 2005. Notes on rabbit
domed shape of the brachycephalic rabbit skull. internal medicine. Blackwell, Ames, IA, USA.
Burrows, A.M., Smith, T.D., Atkinson, C.S., et al.,
Focal meningeal aggregates of lymphocytes and 1995. Development of ocular hypertension in Soulsby, E.J.L., 1986. Helminths, arthropods and
minimal cortical focal gliosis, are often observed congenitally buphthalmic rabbits. Lab. Anim. Sci. protozoa of domesticated animals, seventh ed.
in the right brain and spinal cord of unhealthy 45, 443–444. Baillière Tindall, England.
rabbits. Similar aggregates have also been observed Cruise, L.J., Brewer, N.R., 1994. Anatomy. In: Weisbroth, S.H., 1975. Torsion of the caudate lobe of
in the optic nerve (Salamon et al 2007). Manning, P.J., Ringler, D.H., Newcomer, C.E., the liver in the domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus). Vet.
(Eds.), The biology of the laboratory rabbit, second Pathol. 12, 13–15.
ed. Academic Press, pp. 47–61. Weisbroth, S.H., Fox, R.R., Scher, S., et al., 1976.
Eye and ear Garibaldi, B.A., Pecquet Goad, M.E., 1988. Lipid Accessory spleens in domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus
keratopathy in the Watanabe rabbit. Vet. Path. 25, suniculus). II. Increased frequency in hematological
Inherited buphthalmia or congenital glaucoma 173–174. diseases and experimental induction with
occurs in New Zealand White rabbits as an auto- phenylhydrazine. Teratology 13, 253–262.
Greene, H.S.N., 1965. Lesions of the spontaneous
somal recessive trait. One or both eyes may be diseases of the rabbit. In: Ribelin, W.E., McCoy, J.R. Weisbroth, S.H., Mauer, J.K., Bennett, F.B., et al.,
affected (Burrows et al 1995). The globe is (Eds.) Pathology of laboratory animals. Springfield, 1990. Hepatocellular vacuolization in rabbits: Effects
enlarged due to increased intraocular pressure as IL, pp. 330–350. of feed restriction, orchidectomy and ovariectomy.
a result of the absence or underdevelopment of Toxicol. Pathol. 18, 56–60.
Gupta, B.N., 1975. Duplication of the gall bladder in a
the aqueous humour outflow channels with rabbit. Lab. Anim. Sci. 25, 646. Wells, M.Y., Weisbrode, S.H., Maurer, J.K., et al.,
incomplete lavage of the iridocorneal angles 1988. Variable hepatocellular vacuolization
Haugh, P.G., 1987. Hairballs in rabbits: alternative
associated with glycogen in rabbits. Toxicol. Pathol.
(Burrows et al 1995). This manifests in clinically treatment. Can. Vet. J. 28, 280.
16, 360–365.
normal rabbits as foci of inflammatory cells in the Hinton, M., 1981. Kidney disease in the rabbit: a
Zwicker, G.M., Killinger, J.M., McConnell, R.F., 1985.
cornea of the eye. Occasionally these lesions may histological survey. Lab. Anim. 15, 263–265.
Spontaneous vesicular and prostatic gland epithelial
progress to conjunctivitis and panophthalmitis, Hrapkiewicz, K., Medina, L., Holmes, D.D., 1998. squamous metaplasia, hyperplasia and keratinised
with involvement of the nictitating membrane and Clinical medicine of small mammals and primates, nodule formation in rabbits. Toxicol. Pathol. 13,
eyelids. second edn. Manson Publishing, London, UK. 222–228.
Artifacts in histopathology 93
Elizabeth F McInnes

Artifacts in histopathology

Introduction cardiac myocytes as well as separation of shrunken

eosinophilic fibres by a pink-staining amorphous
What one may see upon microscopic examination material. The changes are considered to be arti-
of sections of animal tissues is not always related factual and a result of barbiturate lysis (Darke
to the normal histology or pathology of the tissue et al 1996). This change may, however, be con-
in question. Defects or abnormalities in tissue sec- fused with severe degeneration or necrosis of the
tions may result from the faulty processing of the cardiac myocytes. The absence of concomitant
tissue specimens. These defects are referred to as inflammatory cells in the areas of eosinophilia
artifacts. Some artifacts are easily distinguished militate against this diagnosis (Fig. 8.2). A similar
from normal or pathological tissue components, lesion may be observed in the liver of monkeys
and some are difficult to distinguish from such euthanased with barbiturates. Here, the centri-
entities (McInnes 2005). This chapter will endeav- lobular hepatocytes demonstrate dilatation of the
our to illustrate some of the many hundreds of sinusoids and rarefaction of the hepatocytes (Fig.
artifacts that are most frequently encountered in 8.3). Bone marrow biopsy before death under ter-
the preparation of microscopic tissue sections. minal anesthesia can result in bone marrow emboli
Artifacts are defined as being any structure or lodging in the blood vessels of the lung (Fig. 8.4). FIGURE 8.3  Dilatation of centrilobular sinusoids and rar-
feature that has been produced by the processing efaction of hepatocytes in cynomolgus monkey liver after
of a tissue or has been introduced artificially. Since barbiturate injection. ×100.
artifacts are generally produced at the different
stages, this chapter will follow the chronological
sequence that is routinely employed in the collec-
tion, fixation and processing of tissue specimens.
Each artifact will be described as well as its cause
or causes and methods for its prevention and/or
correction, if these exist. Artifacts occur at each
of the following stages in the processing of tissue
sections: before death, at postmortem or necropsy,
during the fixation, dehydration, clearing, impreg-
nation and embedding with paraffin wax and
microtomy of tissues and during the mounting of
tissue sections onto glass slides, during staining
procedures and cover slipping.
FIGURE 8.1  Hemorrhage and gliosis in optic nerve
caused by retro-orbital bleeding in the rat. ×100.
Before death/ante mortem FIGURE 8.4  Bone marrow thrombus in dog lung caused
Several artifacts that are encountered in micro- by ante mortem bone marrow collection. ×100.
scopic tissue sections are not the fault of histology
technicians but have, in fact, been caused by clini-
cal procedures performed ante mortem or by ante Postmortem/necropsy
mortem environmental factors. Examples include Numerous artifacts that are observed in micro-
the inclusion of suture material and carbon parti- scopic tissue sections occur during the necropsy
cles into tissues (Thompson & Luna 1978) as well procedure. Examples of such artifacts include
as thermal and chemical dehydration. Thermal talcum powder inclusion, pressure effects, plant
dehydration results from tissues removed by material, hair contaminants, bone fragment con-
cautery, which causes coagulation of proteins and tamination and freezing artifacts (Thompson &
chemical dehydration results from the use of Luna 1978). Talcum powder may become incor-
caustic chemicals to sterilize the surgical instru- porated into the tissues at necropsy when powder
ments. Carbon particles result from the inhalation contamination of the carcass occurs with the use
of dust and are ingested by alveolar macrophages of powdered latex gloves (Thompson & Luna
within the lungs. The condition is called arthraco- 1978). Talcum powder is made up of starch and
sis and is common in dog, non-human primate and FIGURE 8.2  Barbiturate intracardiac injection causing
eosinophilia of cardiomyocytes. ×100. hydrous magnesium silicate. The powder appears
human lungs. as grey crystals in the processed tissues. Hair and
Although the hemorrhage and gliosis present grass may contaminate tissues at necropsy and
within the optic nerve, caused by retro-orbital may be observed in cross section in the processed
bleeding, represent a genuine pathological process, slide (Fig. 8.5). In addition, it is important to note
this lesion may still be considered to be an ante that autolysis (which is an artifact in itself) will
mortem artifact because it occurs regularly and start to occur within three minutes of death in the
can be confusing to an inexperienced pathologist small intestine, resulting in the swelling of the
(Fig. 8.1). In larger animals, euthanasia is generally villus tips and epithelial denudation of a few villi
achieved with intravenous barbiturate injection. (Pearson & Logan 1978).
Occasionally, the inability to find a suitable vein
results in intracardiac barbiturate injection in
order to cause rapid euthanasia. Barbiturate is
highly caustic and when injected into the cardiac
muscle it causes the intense eosinophilia of the

brain. Such fragments of non-decalcified bone are tissue and produce shattering of softer tissue
extremely hard in comparison with the surround- (Thompson & Luna 1978). Suture material may
ing soft brain tissue. In addition to nicking the also become embedded in tissues, and a similar
edge of the microtome knife, the bone fragments effect is caused when suture material is pushed
are moved by the microtome knife-edge during ahead of the microtome knife and causes shatter-
cutting and this causes shattering and distortion ing of the tissue adjacent to the site of localization
of the tissue section (Thompson & Luna 1978). (Thompson & Luna 1978).

FIGURE 8.5  Plant material in brain tissue due to contami-

nation at necropsy. ×100.

Tissues may be deliberately or accidentally

frozen after death. Freezing artifacts (Fig. 8.6) are
characterized by vacuolation and cracks caused by
formation of ice crystals intracellularly and extra-
cellularly due to freezing of the cadaver prior to
necropsy examination. The ice crystals melt when FIGURE 8.7  Perivascular expansion resembling edema FIGURE 8.10  A fragment of hair incorporated into brain
the tissue is placed in fixative and this causes in lung caused by perfusion of lung tissue with formalin. tissue. ×100.
cell rupture and the formation of spaces within ×100.
the interstitium (Thompson & Luna 1978). Softer
tissues containing greater amounts of fluid are Fixation
more vulnerable to freezing artifacts than are
Fixation of tissue will always prove to be a com-
harder tissues such as smooth muscle (Thompson
promise between the need to preserve the cellular
& Luna 1978). Freezing artifacts may also occur
detail of the cells and the technical constraints of
when tissues are frozen after placement into fixa-
tissue processing.
tive, usually when transported in freezing weather
Many of the artifacts observed in microscopic
with inadequate insulation (Thompson & Luna
tissue sections are the result of incorrect fixation
procedures. Examples of fixation artifacts include
the use of an incorrect fixative for a particular
tissue specimen and the formation of acid forma-
lin hematin pigment. In addition, autolytic changes
due to specimen adherence to the inner surface
of the fixative container or the use of inadequate
quantities of fixative may also occur. The practice
FIGURE 8.8  Pinch artifact caused by forceps handling of of placing tissues in a container and then adding
lung tissue at necropsy. ×100. the fixative often results in the adherence of the
tissue to the sides of the container, with conse-
quent autolysis of the adherent surface of the
tissue. Thick tissue specimens, or insufficient time
spent in fixative, may result in a similar artifact
with a focal area of autolysis visible in the middle
of the tissue, generally pink (Fig. 8.11). Cracking
in the centre of tissues may occur due to inade-
FIGURE 8.6  Cracks and open spaces produced in the
quate fixation in formalin. When the tissue is
liver due to freezing of the tissue. ×100.
processed, the central unfixed tissue is effectively
fixed with ethanol, and shrinks, and thus forms
Perfusion of the lungs with buffered formalin more cracks than the peripheral formalin-fixed
at necropsy is an accepted technique to improve tissue during subsequent processing (Fig. 8.12).
the histology of the pulmonary architecture
(Hausmann et al 2004, Braber et al 2010). This
may result in a lesion that resembles perivascular
edema (Fig. 8.7). Failure to perfuse lung tissue at
necropsy results in collapse of the interstitial,
alveolar tissue and the lung may appear to dem- FIGURE 8.9  Bone and skeletal muscle contamination of
onstrate pneumonia. Pressure exerted on tissues brain tissue during brain removal. ×100.
by forceps (Fig. 8.8) at necropsy may result in
‘pinch’ defects which do not resolve during Tissue may become contaminated with frag-
processing (Thompson & Luna 1978). Such arti- ments of the animal’s hair (Fig. 8.10) at the time
facts cannot be corrected during processing of the of necropsy and prior to fixation. Such surface
tissue specimen; however, they may be prevented contaminants are often not removed by washing
by solicitous handling of fresh tissue specimens the tissue specimens subsequent to fixation and
prior to fixation. Fragments of bone are inserted prior to further processing, although this is the FIGURE 8.11  Central areas of pink autolytic tissue in a
commonly deep into the brain tissue (Fig. 8.9), only method of removal. In some cases, depending liver specimen due to inadequate penetration of fixative.
due to carelessness on the part of the prosector, on the orientation of the shaft of the hair, the
during the opening of the cranium to remove the knife can push the hair or bone further into the
Artifacts in histopathology 95

FIGURE 8.14  Distortion of testicular tissue after fixation

in formalin. ×100.
FIGURE 8.12  Cracking in centre of liver caused by inad- FIGURE 8.13  Acid hematin, formalin pigment present in
equate fixation. ×100. a blood vessel in the lung. ×100.

Biopsy specimens are often not fixed for a suf- Contaminants may also be embedded in the
ficient length of time. Fixation requires at least 48 wax block such as bone adjacent to the tissue and
hours and a change of fixative at 24 hours is rec- may nick the knife during sectioning or cause the
ommended. Formalin penetrates tissues at a rate specimen to crumble and fall out of the paraffin
of 16 to 28 mm per 24 hours. If the tissues are wax block as it is cut (Thompson & Luna 1978).
thicker than 6 mm, then longer fixation is recom- Fixation in 10% buffered formalin for longer than
mended. The maximum thickness of a specimen 48 hours is not recommended if immunohisto-
should not exceed 6 mm, and for each volume of chemistry is to be performed on the tissues;
tissue, 20 volumes of fixative should be used however, the success of various antibodies depends
(Thompson & Luna 1978). Saprophytic bacteria largely on the ability of the histologist to retrieve
may occur in areas of autolysis. Slaoui & Fiette antigen using citrate buffer and microwave tech-
(2011) review the precautions that should be niques. Conventional fixing of liver in neutral
taken when fixing tissues in 10% neutral buffered buffered 10% formalin causes the glycogen in FIGURE 8.15  Loss of cellular detail in bone which has
formalin. The saprophytic bacteria are basophilic hepatocytes to migrate to one side of the cell been decalcified in formic acid for 14 days. ×100.
and are not accompanied by inflammatory cells (Thompson & Luna 1978). Alcoholic formalin
when the tissue is examined under the micro- fixatives give better and more consistent preserva-
scope. In addition, gas bubbles, due to the pres-
ence of clostridial bacteria, may also be observed
tion of the hepatic glycogen (Thompson & Luna
1978). Tissues fixed in Zenker’s fixative for
in autolysed tissues. greater than eight hours, demonstrate eosinophilia The ability to cut thin sections from a tissue block
Black, amorphous crystals may result from and a loss of basophilia with indistinct nuclei depends on the consistent hardness of the tissues.
fixing in mercuric chloride–formaldehyde (this (Thompson & Luna 1978). In addition, crystalliza- This is achieved by embedding the tissue in a
artifact is not very common today due to the toxic- tion of erythrocytes may also be encountered with paraffin wax block in the series of steps that
ity of mercuric chloride and its subsequent disuse). the use of Zenker’s fixative. involve dehydration, clearing, impregnation and
The mercuric chloride artifact may be removed Occasionally, tissues are fixed in a fixative embedding with paraffin wax. Some of the arti-
with iodine and sodium thiosulphate. Contamina- which is not recommended for that particular facts that result from the inefficient processing of
tion of the specimen with rust (formed as a result type of tissue. This may occur with testes, where tissues include the presence of crystals of fixative
of oxidation of the metal cap covering the formalin fixation in modified Davidson’s fixative is recom- within the tissue due to imperfect removal of
container) is another artifact which may occur mended over Bouin’s fixative (Lanning et al 2002; processing fluids and shrinkage of bone marrow
in histopathological tissues (Thompson & Luna Latendresse et al 2002) or over fixation in forma- during processing and paraffin infiltration. The net
1978). lin (Fig. 8.14). Modified Davidson’s fixative is effect of poor fixation and clearing in chloroform
Acid formalin hematin pigment is a dark recommended over Bouin’s fixative because the or xylene is excessive shrinkage of the tissue com-
brown, anisotropic, microcrystalline, iron-negative morphological detail is good and there is minimal ponents. Very little shrinkage will occur upon
pigment (Fig. 8.13). It is produced by the reaction shrinkage of central tubules. Over-decalcification clearing in chloroform and xylene if the tissue
of formic acid from unbuffered formalin with the may occur if bone tissue is placed in formic acid has been adequately fixed in formalin previously.
heme of hemoglobin at an acid pH, and it can be for a long period of time (Fig. 8.15). No nuclear Problems with paraffin wax sectioning include wax
removed with a saturated alcoholic picric acid or chromatin details are observed in the cells that is too hard, which causes vibration marks and
solution or by fixation in phenol–formalin (Thomp- because the decalcification in formic acid will wax that is too soft, which causes compression of
son & Luna 1978). This pigment results in a brown hydrolyse the nucleic acids in the cell. Slow freez- the tissue and sections of varying thickness.
formalin pigment in, on, or around erythrocytes ing of tissues (for immunohistochemistry) can Artifacts occur either during the trimming of
within tissue sections. Consequently the pigment result in shrinkage of tissue as well as unfrozen the gross tissue specimen for processing or within
may be encountered in a wide variety of sites areas, which appear as holes in the sections. the tissue processor (Figs 8.16, 8.17). During
within tissue specimens because these sites may macroscopic sectioning of the fixed, gross speci-
contain heme. In tissue sections, a black to brown, mens prior to processing, care should be taken to
amorphous to microcrystalline pigment is observed keep the surface of the cutting block free of tissue
particularly over blood vessels and it is often not debris. If contamination occurs at this stage, the
in the plane of section. In the kidney, formalin fragments of tissue debris should be in the same
pigment tends to accumulate in glomeruli. focal plane as the adjacent tissue. If the artifact is
not in the same focal plane as the surrounding
tissues, then it is logical to assume that the artifact
may have occurred during the flotation of the
tissue section in the water bath during the mount-
ing of the section (Thompson & Luna 1978).
Tissue specimens with detachable components
such as exposed, epithelium-lined surfaces should

be processed in separate biopsy bags and tissue

cassettes to avoid the problem of tissue detach-
ment. Tissue processors are used to carry fixed
tissue specimens automatically through the differ-
ent processing fluids. If an automatic processor is
improperly adjusted, or a power failure occurs,
the basket of cassettes may remain elevated, and
the tissue specimens may become dehydrated by
exposure to air. Inadequately-filled solution con-
tainers will pro­duce a similar artifact which will
result in the tissue gaining a dry, homogenous
appearance upon staining.

FIGURE 8.20  Empty spaces caused in tissue due to

FIGURE 8.18  Pale areas in the white matter of the spinal cramming of tissue into the cassette before processing.
cord due to inadequate dehydration during processing. ×100.

If a tissue is inadequately infiltrated with paraffin Cutting

wax during processing it will spread out rapidly
when floated on the water bath. This causes the The rotary microtome is now the most popular
tissues (particularly the sclera of the eye) to microtome used in histology today because it is
become pulled apart on the glass microscope slide. strong and can cut semi-thin and thin sections for
This is a common artifact in ophthalmic pathology. light microscopy. Histologists are advised to cut
Inadequate paraffin wax infiltration may occur as a tissues at a steady rate as cutting too fast can cause
result of inadequate fixation, dehydration, clearing loss of tissue in the block with resultant holes in
or insufficient time in molten wax. Inadequate the tissue section. The slow cutting of tissue sec-
FIGURE 8.16  Bone marrow tissue incorporated into the infiltration with paraffin wax can also result in tions results in tissue sections of varying thickness
brain during trimming resulting in an apparent inflamma- wrinkles that run in all directions of the tissue. as the tissue can warm up and expand between
tory focus. ×100. Utilization of a vacuum oven during paraffin infil- cutting strokes. Vibration of the tissue specimen
tration, for difficult tissues such as bone, will help within a wax block results in an artifact that resem-
to alleviate this problem (Thompson & Luna 1978). bles a venetian blind, with compressed zones of
Shrinkage of bone marrow in bone sections (Fig. tissue separated by open spaces (chatter) (Fig.
8.19) is also caused by inadequate infiltration of 8.21). This effect can also be produced by a loose
paraffin wax and cannot be prevented if paraffin- screw on the knife or chuck of the microtome.
embedding techniques are being used. Shrinkage
of bone marrow can be prevented by the use of
the time-consuming, colloidin-embedding tech-
nique. Boonstra and co-workers (1983) have dem-
onstrated that in, morphometric studies, a total
shrinkage of about 15% of the original dimensions
has to be taken into consideration. Examples of
faulty paraffin wax embedding procedures include
entrapped air around specimens and multiple
embedding of tissues of varied consistencies. Air
may be trapped around the specimen within the
FIGURE 8.17  Pieces of small intestinal tissues appear paraffin wax block. This allows the tissue to fall
adjacent to the brain due to incorporation during trimming out or to vibrate during the cutting procedure.
or processing. ×100. Cramming of tissue into a cassette before process-
ing results in empty spaces in the tissue section
Inadequate dehydration occurs during tissue (Fig. 8.20). FIGURE 8.21  Vibration artifact in lymphoma tissue
processing when the water is removed from the caused by vibration of the blade when sectioning. ×100.
specimen prior to paraffin wax infiltration. Water
will remain trapped within the tissue if the tissue Knife artifacts include chatter and compression
is inadequately dehydrated. The reasons for poor caused by a dull blade, nicks in the blade edge
dehydration include failure to cover the processing which cause splits and nicks in the tissue section
solutions and failure to change the processing (Fig. 8.22), incorrect clearance angle of the knife
solutions frequently. The alcohols used in pro­ which causes sections to stick to the block and
cessing lose their effectiveness as dehydrating to roll up and to be of varying thickness. A loose
agents as they become diluted by moisture from blade in a holder causes chatter marks in the tissue
the atmosphere and tissues. In the stained section, section and debris on the knife edge causes tissue
inadequately dehydrated tissue will be partially sections to stick to the block. Incorrect orienta-
unstained (Fig. 8.18). In this situation, the tissue tion of the tissue in the block causes incomplete
block may be melted down and the tissue may be sections with missing areas. Hard, calcified mate-
reprocessed in the case of a valuable specimen. rial in the paraffin wax causes slits and nicks in the
tissue section.

FIGURE 8.19  Shrinkage of bone marrow due to formalin

fixation. ×100.
Artifacts in histopathology 97

components, such as arteries, are pushed ahead as

they are cut and compress the adjacent paren-
chyma. A dull or blunt knife results in numerous
compression artifacts, streaks and cracks, which
are parallel to the blunt edge of the microtome
knife and which can render the tissue inadequate
for microscopic examination. Epithelial cells are
frequently rubbed off from the technician’s fingers
during microtomy or are shed on the knife surface
or unmounted slide as dandruff. These epithelial
cells are then stained and become part of the
microscope slide. The cells are highly eosinophilic
and have large nuclei and resemble skin epidermal
cells. Splitting and disruption of lens fibres in the
eye is a common artifact when sectioning eyes
FIGURE 8.22  Scoring of tissue due to nick in the knife’s (Fig. 8.24). The solution is to soften the lens in FIGURE 8.25  The presence of fungi on a kidney tissue
cutting surface. ×100. the wax block with a softening agent. section due to a contaminated water bath. Note the fact
that no inflammatory cells are present. ×100.
The causes of wrinkles in the tissue include a
dull knife or inadequate infiltration of the tissue
with embedding medium. In addition, wrinkles
may also be caused by different tissue compo-
nents within the paraffin wax block expanding at
different rates within the hot water bath. Traces
of processing or clearing fluids in the embedded
block of tissue may result in a variety of defects
in tissue sections. These residues are hydrophilic;
however, the tissue section, when placed in the
water bath, is confined by the presence of hydro-
phobic wax. The net result is that the tissue
section becomes wrinkled, and it retains these
wrinkles, even after being flattened in the water
bath or on the microscope slide. These wrinkles FIGURE 8.24  Cracks in lens fibre material in the eye
usually extend the length of the section and stain which occur during sectioning. ×100.
more intensely because the stain has access to FIGURE 8.26  Incorporation of liver tissue into lung due to
both tissue surfaces of the wrinkle. This problem a contaminated water bath. ×100.
cannot be corrected, and the discarding of the Mounting onto glass slides
poorly processed wax blocks is recommended
(Thompson & Luna 1978). Folds and wrinkles, Examples of artifacts which occur during mount- Staining
due to thin sections that become folded as ing of the paraffin wax ribbons of tissue onto the Unstained tissues are clear and transparent and
they are being cut, often cannot be completely glass slide, include failure to remove tissue debris no cellular detail is visible under the microscope.
smoothed out. In addition, wrinkles may occur if from the tissue flotation water bath, contamina- The commonly-used stain hematoxylin and eosin
the temperature of the water bath is too hot or tion of the water bath with fungi (Fig. 8.25), (H&E) allows nuclear and cytoplasmic detail to be
too cold: the tissue will not spread out adequately wrinkling of tissue sections, air bubbles beneath visualized under the microscope and most tissue
(cold) or will spread out excessively (hot) and will tissue sections and improper drying of mounted sections are thus stained with hematoxylin and
produce cracks (Fig. 8.23). Contamination of the tissue sections. Contaminants such as fungi may eosin. Residual paraffin wax will occur in a tissue
cutting edge of the microtome knife with pig- be present in the water bath or may have been on when the deparaffinization in xylene has not been
ments or bacteria taken from one block and placed the glass slide before mounting due to inadequate complete and the xylene has become saturated.
onto another tissue, may occur if the knife edge storage of the glass slides. Every effort should be Alcohol and water droplets may be retained
is not cleaned regularly. made to eliminate water bath contaminants such within the tissue section on the slide after rehy-
as bacteria and fungi because they may be con- dration through graded alcohols to water. These
fused with pathological bacteria or fungi within bubble artifacts obscure the morphological details
the tissue. In addition to the fungal and bacterial of the underlying tissue sections.
contaminants, a dirty water bath may also contain Examples of staining artifacts include faulty
remnants of previous tissues, which may become clearing techniques resulting in inadequate stain-
incorporated into the present tissue section such ing and stain deposits. Alum hematoxylin oxidizes
as the liver tissue present within the lung (Fig. during use and sections stained at the end of the
8.26). As the tissue sections are flattened in the week may be paler than those stained at the start
water bath, a bubble of air may become trapped of the week. When a staining dish containing
beneath them. If the bubble is not removed, it a working solution of hematoxylin is allowed to
breaks and the overlying tissue is shattered stand at room temperature for long periods of
(Thompson & Luna 1978). The tissue overlying time, a metallic-appearing scum accumulates on
the bubble will stain more intensely because the the surface of the solution. This scum consists of
stain has access to both surfaces of the tissue at oxidized mordant (used to increase the stability
the site of the bubble. of the stain) and hematein, and this may contami-
FIGURE 8.23  Cracks in lymphoma tissue due to exces- nate tissue sections that are stained in the old dye
sive heat of water bath. ×100. solution. Eosin flakes, seen above the focal plane
of the tissue section, are precipitated dye derived
If the microtome knife is set at too acute an from an unfiltered stock solution. Eosin stain
angle, the knife compresses the tissue specimen deposit and eggs from an unknown organism in
as it is being cut. The compression tends to the bronchiole of the lung may be seen in Fig.
occur at normal points of weakness. The firm 8.27. The use of either hard or soft water for

differentiation during the staining process will putative injury. This includes vascular endothelial
have a marked effect on the appearance of the swelling, the infiltration of neutrophils into areas
stained slides. Occasionally splashes of acid onto of degeneration and the presence of macrophages
stained tissues (without a cover slip), will result within myelin digestion chambers (Summers et al
in pale areas scattered throughout the tissue (Fig. 1995).
8.28). Postmortem myelin vacuolation is a common
artifact observed in the CNS. It generally produces
widespread, uniform, fine, vacuolation of the tissue
(Wells & Wells 1989). Prolonged holding of fixed
CNS tissue in 70% alcohol within an enclosed-
system automatic tissue processor (which may
happen over a weekend) may produce vacuolation
of the white matter (Fig. 8.32). The effect is con-
sistently reproduced in calf brains but not in pig
brains, suggesting a possible species difference in
FIGURE 8.29  Pollen deposited onto the surface of a tissue susceptibility (Wells & Wells 1989). In
tissue section before cover slipping. ×100. addition, the degree of vacuolation depends on
undetermined processor factors additional to pro-
longed immersion in 70% alcohol (Wells & Wells
1989). The artifact resembles forms of intra­
myelinic edema and can be avoided by holding
tissue in primary fixative (Wells & Wells 1989).
FIGURE 8.27  Deposition of an eosin flake during staining
and deposition of unidentified eggs and lint in bronchiole
of lung tissue. ×100.

FIGURE 8.30  Lint fibre deposited on the surface of the

spleen before cover slipping. ×100.

FIGURE 8.32  Vacuolation of the white matter of the cer-

ebrum as a result of a suspected extended period in
FIGURE 8.28  Pale area within stained tissue caused by alcohol during processing. ×100.
acid splashing of the tissue before cover slipping. ×100.
Retraction spaces around capillaries and scat-
Artifacts may also occur during the immunohis- tered oligodendrocytes are artifacts associated
tochemistry process; these include bubbles, drying with CNS tissue which is not perfusion-fixed and
out of tissue at the edges and blunt-blade artifacts which may have been improperly handled at
caused by a dull knife during the cryostat section- necropsy (Garman 1990). Cerebellar, cortical,
ing of frozen tissues. Purkinje cells (Fig. 8.33) often appear ischemic
(i.e. deeply eosinophilic and shrunken); however,
in most cases this is an artifact. If the lesion were
Cover slipping FIGURE 8.31  A trapped mite deposited on the surface of
adipose tissue before cover slipping. ×200. genuine, the Purkinje cells would be condensed,
Cover slipping of slides with the use of a mount- elongated and deeply eosinophilic, and the nucleus
ant is recommended to prevent the tissue from would be pyknotic. Mucocytes (Buscaino bodies)
drying out, to prevent surface damage to the Artifacts in the central are a rare artifact in the white matter that resemble
tissue, to allow long-term storage of tissues and to pale, blue to grey, amorphous bodies. Mucocytes
improve the transparency of the tissue. Examples nervous system (CNS) and are PAS-positive and metachromatic and appear
of cover slipping artifacts include contamination special senses to arise from the solubilization and subsequent
precipitation by the fixative of some component
of the slides with pollen grains (Fig. 8.29), spores,
eggs, dust, dirt, cotton fibres, contamination of The central nervous system (CNS) is susceptible of myelin (Garman 1990, Summers et al 1995).
the mounting medium, use of cover slips that are to some artifacts that affect all tissues, but it also Excessive handling of the brain at necropsy pro-
too small, faulty positioning of the cover slip, has artifacts that affect only the CNS. Garman duces artifactual, dark-staining, basophilic neurons
insufficient mountant, which leads to drying back, (2003) and Fix & Garman (2000) have described (Fix & Garman 2000, Garman 2006, Summers
entrapment of air during the cover slipping and different techniques that may be used to produce et al 1995). These neurons may appear to be
the use of too much mounting medium. Lint fibres optimal sections of central nervous system tissue. ischemic, but they are found in most areas (whereas
and other debris can be deposited on stained sec- Artifactual alterations to the grey matter may look ischemic neurons generally occur at the base of the
tions at the time of cover slipping and the lint of similar to the effects of trauma and hypoxia and sulci). Autolysis of the rat lens produces artifactual
linen fibres may be mistaken for a nematode (Fig. the vacuolar changes seen in myelin may appear change similar to cataract formation in the eye (Fig.
8.30). A trapped mite, present on the surface of similar to myelin edema or Wallerian degenera- 8.34). Many of the above artifacts may be avoided
adipose tissue, is illustrated in Fig. 8.31. tion. The most useful action, when examining a by perfusion fixation (Summers et al 1995) fol-
CNS lesion under the microscope, to determine lowed by a delay of several hours before the brain
whether the change is an artifact or a genuine is removed from the cranial vault (Garman 2003).
lesion, is to look for evidence of response to
Artifacts in histopathology 99

Acknowledgments neurotoxicologic evaluation. Neurotoxicology 27 (6),

The figures and small excerpts of the text from Hausmann, R., Bock, H., Biermann, T., et al, 2004.
this chapter have been published with kind per- Influence of lung fixation technique on the state of
alveolar expansion—a histomorphometrical study.
mission from Springer Science+Business Media: Leg. Med. (Tokyo) 6, 61–65.
Comparative Clinical Pathology, Artefacts in
Lanning, L.L., Creasy, D.M., Chapin, R.E., et al., 2002.
histopathology, 13, 2005, 100–108, Elizabeth F Recommended approaches for the evaluation of
McInnes. testicular and epididymal toxicity. Toxicol. Pathol.
30, 507–520.
References Latendresse, J.R., Warbrittion, A.R., Janssen, H., et al.,
2002. Fixation of testes and eyes using a modified
Braber, S., Verheijden, K.A., Henricks, P.A., et al., Davidson’s fluid: comparison with Bouin’s fluid and
2010. A comparison of fixation methods on lung conventional Davidson’s fluid. Toxicol. Pathol. 30,
morphology in a murine model of emphysema. Am J 524–533.
Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 299, L843–851. McInnes, E.F., 2005. Artefacts in histopathology.
FIGURE 8.33  Eosinophilic Purkinje cells in the cerebel- Boonstra, H., Oosterhuis, J.W., Oosterhuis, A.M., Comp. Clin. Pathol. 13, 100–108.
lum. ×100. et al., 1983. Cervical tissue shrinkage by Pearson, G.R., Logan, E.F., 1978. The rate of
formaldehyde fixation, paraffin wax embedding, development of postmortem artefact in the small
section cutting and mounting. Virchows Arch. A. intestine of neonatal calves. Br. J. Exp. Pathol. 59,
Pathol. Anat. Histopathol. 402 (2), 195–201. 178–182.
Darke, P.G.G., Donagura, J.D., Kelly, D.F., 1996. Slaoui, M., Fiette, L., 2011. Histopathology
Color atlas of veterinary cardiology. Mosby, St Louis. procedures: from tissue sampling to histopathological
Fix, A.S., Garman, R.H., 2000. Practical aspects of evaluation. Methods Mol Bioi 691, 69–82.
neuropathology: a technical guide for working with Summers, B.A., Cummings, J.F., De Lahunta, A.,
the nervous system. Toxicol. Pathol. 28, 122–131. 1995. Veterinary neuropathology. Mosby Year Book,
Garman, R.H., 1990. Artifacts in routinely immersion pp. 34–35.
fixed nervous tissue. Toxicol. Pathol. 18 (1 pt 2), Thompson, S.W., Luna L.G., 1978. An atlas of artifacts
149–153. encountered in the preparation of microscopic tissue
Garman, R.H., 2003. Evaluation of large-sized brains sections. Charles Louis Davis DVM Foundation,
for neurotoxic endpoints. Toxicol. Pathol. 31, Springfield, IL.
32–43. Wells, G.A., Wells, M., 1989. Neuropil vacuolation in
Garman, R.H., 2006. The return of the dark neuron. brain: a reproducible histological processing artefact.
A histological artifact complicating contemporary J. Comp. Pathol. 101 (4), 355–362.

FIGURE 8.34  Autolysis of the rat lens appears similar to

cataract formation. ×200.
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 101
Dianne Creasy

Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig

detailed characteristics of the different cell types, another. This gives rise to the concept of stages
Introduction the kinetics of the process, and the regulatory of the spermatogenic cycle, where each stage
The reproductive system has been assigned a sepa- pathways vary slightly. can be identified by the precise morphological
rate chapter for a number of reasons. Most of these The different types of germ cell (spermatogo- characteristics of the individual germ cells from
reasons relate to the significant morphological vari- nia, spermatocytes and spermatids) are arranged the four synchronously developing generations.
ability that is seen in the reproductive organs of in a very regular, layered pattern within the sem- The detailed description of the cell associations
all species as a result of normal physiological altera- iniferous tubules (Figs 9.1, 9.2). They are sup- is beyond the scope of this chapter but is com­
tions: for example, changes associated with estrus ported both structurally and metabolically by the prehensively covered in a number of reviews
or menstrual cyclicity in the female reproductive somatic Sertoli cell, which entirely surrounds each (Creasy 1997, Creasy & Foster 2002, Russell et al
tissues, changes associated with sexual maturation germ cell with cytoplasmic processes not readily 1990). It is important that the toxicological
and reproductive senescence in both sexes, regres- visible by light microscopy. The true extent of the pathologist be familiar with the concept of the
sion and recrudescence of reproductive tissues in Sertoli cell becomes more apparent when germ spermatogenic cycle and the different appear-
seasonal breeding animals such as the hamster and cells are lost from the tubule, leaving only Sertoli ances of tubules, at least at the beginning, middle
the rhesus monkey. It is essential that the patholo- cells lining the tubules (Fig. 9.4). and end of the cycle (Figs 9.1, 9.2) (Foley 2001).
gist is familiar with these normal variations in
morphology so that these findings are not mistaken Rat and mouse
for pathological changes and so that the true range
of ‘normal’ is appreciated. Immaturity, peripuberty, maturity
In addition to physiological endocrine-mediated
changes, the reproductive tissues show a range of Rats start releasing sperm from the testis at about
background pathology which is sometimes species- Elongating spermatid Round spermatid six to seven weeks of age, but sperm output does
specific, but more often similar across species. The not reach its full potential until about 10–11 weeks
chapter is divided into separate sections on the of age (for review see Marty et al 2003). The first
male and female reproductive background changes, cycle of spermatogenesis is relatively inefficient,
and the most common species (rat, mouse, dog, with reduced numbers of maturation-phase sper-
non-human primate and minipig) are covered in Spermatogonium matids and numerous degenerating germ cells
each section. (multinucleate and apoptotic cells) in the seminif-
erous tubules. The cauda epididymis is only par-
tially expanded and contains variable numbers of
sperm as well as cell debris and degenerating
FIGURE 9.1  Rat seminiferous tubule stage V. Tubules in sloughed germ cells from the testes (Fig. 9.3a &
Male reproductive tract the first half of the cycle (stages I–VIII) contain four layers b). Not all rats will mature at the same rate, and
of germ cells. There are two generations of spermatids so the appearance can easily be mistaken for tes-
Recognizing normal (round and elongating spermatids) and only one genera- ticular toxicity, especially if the test-article-treated
spermatogenesis in the testis tion of spermatocytes (pachytene spermatocytes). There animals are slightly less sexually mature due to
is a basal layer of spermatogonia interspersed by Sertoli decreased food intake or decreased body weight.
In the male animal, recognizing the different cel- cell nuclei. ×200.
lular associations that make up the spermatogenic
cycle within seminiferous tubules is essential to
be able to identify when cell populations are
missing or, in the case of spermatid retention,
when they are inappropriately present. An addi- Pachytene Elongating
tional challenge in the male animal is the problem spermatocyte spermatid
of recognizing immaturity and distinguishing it
from degenerative conditions. This is a particular
problem in the dog and non-human primate. Prepachytene
Spermatogenesis staging is aided by the use spermatocyte
of the correct fixative to preserve the testes
(Latendresse et al 2002, Lanning et al 2002).
Spermatogenesis is essentially the same in all
mammalian species. It consists of continuous
division and maturation of precursor stem cells Sertoli cell
(spermatogonia), which then enter meiosis (sper- FIGURE 9.3a  Epididymis from a peripubertal eight-week-
matocytes) where they undergo DNA replication FIGURE 9.2  Rat seminiferous tubule stage XII. Tubules in old rat. The initial segment and caput epididymis are
and reduction division to form the haploid germ the second half of the cycle (stages IX–XIV) also contain expanded and filled with sperm. ×100.
cells (spermatids). These cells undergo a complex four layers of germ cells. There is only one generation of
morphogenesis, changing from normal appearing spermatids (elongating spermatids) but there are two
cells (round spermatids) to thin whip-like cells generations of spermatocytes (pachytene and prepach-
(elongating spermatids) that possess a head, body ytene). There is also a layer of spermatogonia inter-
and tail. The mature spermatid is released from spersed by Sertoli cell nuclei. ×200.
the seminiferous epithelium (spermiation) and
transported in seminiferous tubule fluid to the The germ cells proceed through spermatogen-
collecting reservoir of the rete testis and on into esis in a highly controlled manner, and in any given
the epididymis via the efferent ducts. The overall tubule there are always four generations of germ
process is the same between species, but the cells developing in complete synchrony with one

FIGURE 9.3b  Epididymis from a peripubertal eight-week- FIGURE 9.4  Occasional (1–5) atrophic tubules, lined only FIGURE 9.6a  Diffuse tubular atrophy in the rat. Seminif-
old rat. The ducts of the distal corpus and cauda epidi- by Sertoli cells, are commonly seen as a background erous tubules lined only by Sertoli cells with all germ cells
dymis are still contracted and contain few sperm and cell finding in rat testes. The finding probably represents a missing. This can often be seen as a unilateral or bilateral
debris. ×40. loss of germ cells from a short segment of one convoluted lesion and may be present in young rats and mice. The
seminiferous tubule. ×100. tubules may have a dilated tubular lumen and be sur-
Puberty occurs earlier in the mouse, with sperm rounded by interstitial edema. ×100.
being present in the epididymis at approximately
five weeks of age. As with the rat, degenerating
germ cells and low epididymal sperm numbers
accompanied by cell debris will be present until
spermatogenesis reaches full efficiency at around
eight to nine weeks of age.
Congenital or developmental lesions
Absence or incomplete development of the testis
(aplasia or hypoplasia) is occasionally seen but is
relatively uncommon. Hypoplasia is characterized
by a small testis containing reduced numbers of
seminiferous tubules. Cryptorchidism, caused by
delayed descent of the testis into the scrotal sac,
is occasionally seen and results in tubular degen- FIGURE 9.5  Rete testis (rat) lined by cuboidal epithelium
eration and atrophy. This is often difficult to iden- with a transitional tubule (tubulus rectus) emptying into FIGURE 9.6b  Diffuse tubular atrophy in the rat. The
tify at necropsy because rodents can readily it. It is common to see tubules lined only by Sertoli cells tubules may be contracted with luminal closure (b). This
retract the testes into the abdominal cavity. His- (*) close to the rete testis. These are normal profiles of can also be seen as an end-stage, chemically induced
tologically, the cryptorchid testis displays seminif- the tubuli recti and should not be mistaken for atrophic lesion (unilateral or bilateral) and so it is important to
erous tubular atrophy and the tubules are lined tubules. They can often be seen in a subcapsular position know the historical background incidence of this finding
solely by Sertoli cells with few spermatogonia. somewhat distant from the visible rete because the in the appropriate strain of mouse or rat. ×100.
finger-like projections of the rete testis radiate some dis-
Lesions seen in tance from the main sac. ×100. Other findings that can occasionally be seen
young animals: testes include tubular dilatation (unilateral or bilateral)
More extensive tubular atrophy, often involving (Fig. 9.7) which may be associated with a dilated
In general, the incidence of background degenera- complete loss of all germ cells from all tubules in
tive findings in rodent testes is low, making them rete. Tubular degeneration characterized by
one or both testes, can sometimes be seen as a varying numbers of degenerating germ cells,
a very sensitive species for detecting sperma- background finding in young adult rats (Fig. 9.6a).
togenic abnormalities. including multinucleate giant cells and/or disor-
If the atrophy has been present for more than a ganization of germ cell layers, is sometimes seen
few weeks the corresponding epididymis will as a bilateral background finding (Fig. 9.8).
Tubular degeneration/atrophy probably be depleted of sperm and/or germ cells.
Occasional tubules (five tubular profiles/testis) This can be a useful indication of whether the
with partial or complete depletion of germ cells is atrophy was pre-existing, prior to study start, and
a common finding in young adult rats (Fig. 9.4). therefore a background change. Moderate to
Tubuli recti, which are the transitional tubules severe tubular atrophy is often accompanied by
that connect the seminiferous tubules with the increased interstitial fluid (sometimes termed
rete testis, should not be mistaken for atrophic edema) (Fig. 9.6b). Care should be taken when
tubules. Tubuli recti are generally seen immedi- using this diagnosis because fluid accumulation
ately adjacent to the main rete testis lumen that can occur as a fixation artifact, particularly in
is situated at the cranial pole of the testis (Fig. Bouins-fixed testes (Fig. 9.6b).
9.5). The tubuli may also be present in a more
lateral subcapsular position, because fingerlike
extensions of the rete radiate out from the main
sac-like structure.
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 103

FIGURE 9.7  Unilateral or bilateral tubular luminal dilata- FIGURE 9.9  Mice testes occasionally contain abnormal- FIGURE 9.11  Epithelial cystic vacuolation (rat), some-
tion is occasionally seen in young adult rats. The affected appearing residual bodies (arrowed) as a background times referred to as cribriform change or pseudo-gland
testis or testes are enlarged and generally show increased lesion. They are larger than normal residual bodies and formation, is often seen at the junction between the distal
weight. The lesion may be associated with a dilated rete often occur in tubular stages not normally associated with corpus and cauda epididymis. ×100.
and likely reflects fluid build-up due to obstruction of the residual body formation. They may also be increased as
efferent ducts. The lesion generally progresses rapidly to a chemically-induced lesion. ×200.
complete tubular atrophy (as in FIGURE 9.6a) due to pres- Age-related lesions:
sure atrophy, but the tubular lumina often remain dilated. testes and epididymides
×100. Lesions seen in young
Increased germ cell degeneration or increased
animals: epididymides numbers of tubules with germ cell depletion
In the rat and mouse epididymis, sperm is nor- occur in the testis with increasing age, but gener-
mally present and abundant from the initial ally spermatogenesis remains relatively efficient
segment through to the cauda. In the adult rat, throughout the entire life of the rat and mouse.
there are generally negligible numbers of sloughed Minimal, diffuse hyperplasia may accompany the
germ cells mixed in with the sperm and so the decline in spermatogenesis as a secondary hormo-
presence of sloughed cells or debris in the epidi- nal response.
dymis (particularly in the head) is a very sensitive The most common age-related testicular find-
indicator of testicular injury. Sloughed germ cells ings include degenerative and inflammatory lesions
are slightly more frequent in the mouse. Sperma- of the vasculature, including fibrinoid necrosis,
togenic disturbances in the testes will generally be hypertrophy and inflammation of the vascular wall
reflected by decreased sperm and cell debris in as part of the more generalized condition of pol-
the epididymis. yarteritis nodosa (Fig. 9.12a). Lymphoid aggre-
Sperm granulomas are one of the most common gates within the interstitium of the rat epididymis
changes seen in young rat epididymides. They may are common (Fig. 9.12b). The testis is also a
be unilateral or bilateral and can occur anywhere common site for deposition of amyloid in systemic
FIGURE 9.8  Tubular degeneration (rat) can be seen as an in the epididymis, but are more commonly noted amyloidosis of the aging mouse (Fig. 9.13). Focal
incidental background finding in young rats and mice. It in the cauda (Fig. 9.10). Occasional lymphoid proliferative changes in the Leydig cell population
is generally bilateral, and varying numbers of germ cells aggregates in the interstitium of the epididymis are (hyperplasia and tumors) (Fig. 9.14) are very
may show degeneration. The germ cells may form multi- a common finding, but are generally few in number. common in the F344 rat, and are also present at
nucleate or syncytial bodies due to coalescence of germ a lower incidence in other strains of rats and mice.
cells that are normally joined by cytoplasmic bridges. Another common proliferative lesion in the mouse
Round spermatids often develop chromatin margination testis is hyperplasia of the rete epithelium (Fig.
of their nuclei as they degenerate. The degenerate cells 9.15). Lipofuscin pigmentation is associated with
are either sloughed into the lumen or phagocytozed by aging and is observed in the interstitial macro-
the Sertoli cells. As more cells die, the regular layering of phages and Leydig cells.
the germ cell layers is lost. ×200.

Abnormal residual bodies (Fig. 9.9) are most

commonly seen in the mouse and are character-
ized by the presence of abnormally large and
dense residual bodies that are usually located on
the luminal surface of the germinal epithelium in
tubules at various stages of the spermatogenic
cycle. In contrast, normal residual bodies are
much smaller and should only be present at the
luminal surface of stage VIII–IX tubules, follow- FIGURE 9.10  Epididymal sperm granuloma is a common
ing which they rapidly descend to the basal region background finding in young adult rats. The lesion repre-
of stage X–XI tubules where they are phagocy- sents a granulomatous response to sperm (which are
tosed. Abnormal residual bodies are often seen in antigenically foreign) that have ruptured through the
tubules in other stages of the cycle. epididymal epithelial lining. Sperm granulomas are more
common in the cauda than the caput epididymis. ×100.
FIGURE 9.12a  Fibrinoid necrosis of arteriolar walls and
Cribriform change, characterized by intra- periarteritis in the interstitial vasculature of the testis of
epithelial microcysts, is a common finding at the an aging rat. ×100.
junction of the corpus/cauda (Fig. 9.11).

FIGURE 9.12b  Lymphoid aggregates within in the inter- FIGURE 9.15  Hyperplasia of the rete epithelium in the FIGURE 9.17a  Purulent inflammation with regenerative
stitium of the rat epididymis are common. ×100. mouse. The normal low cuboidal epithelium has been epithelial hyperplasia of the ventral prostate in an aging
replaced by a tall columnar hyperplastic epithelium. rat with a urogenital infection. ×100.

In the aging rat, the segment of the epididymis

at the junction between the caput and corpus
commonly develops a foamy, basophilic vacuola-
tion within the epithelium (Fig. 9.16). This prob-
ably represents the normal glycoprotein secretory
product that has become modified in the aging
rat. If the cystic rete testis is filled with sperma-
tozoa, the lesion is referred to as a spermatocoele.
Spermatocoeles are also common at the junction
between the epididymis and vas deferens.

FIGURE 9.13  Amyloid deposition in the interstitial com-

partment of a mouse testis. The testis is a common site FIGURE 9.17b  Epithelial hyperplasia in the acinus of the
for amyloidosis. ×100. rat prostate. ×200.

FIGURE 9.16  Basophilic vacuolation is a common age-

related change in the epididymal epithelium of rats. It only
occurs in one region of the epididymis that is at the junc-
tion of the caput and corpus. ×200.

FIGURE 9.14  Focal Leydig cell hyperplasia and Leydig Age-related lesions: accessory sex FIGURE 9.18  Chronic inflammation of the rat preputial
gland. ×100.
cell tumors are very common in some strains of rat organs and penis
(F344), but are also seen at a low incidence in other
strains of rats and mice. ×100. Urogenital infections affecting the penis, prepu- In the accessory sex organs, common age-
tial glands, prostate, coagulating glands and related lesions include distension of the seminal
seminal vesicles are common in aging rodents, par- vesicles with degradation of the seminal fluid (Fig.
ticularly in mice (Suwa et al 2001). Acute or 9.19) or contraction of the vesicles with atrophy
chronic active inflammation with abscess forma- of the epithelium. The prostate also shows pro-
tion (Figs 9.17a, 9.18) may be present throughout gressive acinar atrophy and mineralized concre-
the genital tract (Fig. 9.17a). Focal epithelial tions in the acinar lumina (Fig. 9.20). Cystic
hyperplasia is observed in the aging rat prostate dilatation of the preputial gland ducts with secre-
(Fig. 9.17b). tion or cystic atrophy of the acini are common
findings in both rats and mice (Figs 9.21, 9.22).
Similar cystic dilation can also be seen in the
bulbourethral gland (Fig. 9.23).
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 105

FIGURE 9.19  Grossly distended seminal vesicle of a FIGURE 9.23  Cystic dilatation of the bulbourethral gland FIGURE 9.24  Totally quiescent testis from a dog,
mouse with degradation of the secretory product. ×100. of a rat, which is expanded with secretion. ×200. five to six months of age. Tubules are lined by Sertoli cells
interspersed with occasional gonocytes. There is no
lumen within the tubules because fluid is not yet being
Dog secreted. ×100.
Background changes in Beagle dog testes are
common and may obfuscate chemically-induced
toxicity. Spermatogenesis in the dog appears to
be much less efficient than that in the rodent or
non-human primate and seminiferous tubules fre-
quently show incomplete spermatogenesis (hypo-
spermatogenesis). One of the greatest problems
identifying chemically-induced toxicity is caused
by using dogs that are still sexually immature or
peripubertal at the time of examination. It is
therefore important that the pathologist under-
stands the characteristics of immature, peripuber-
FIGURE 9.20  Mineralized concretions and progressive tal and mature reproductive tissues so that the
acinar atrophy of the prostate are common age-related degenerative changes that characterize this period
findings in the rat. ×100. of morphological development are not mistaken
for toxicologically-induced disruption of sperma-
togenesis. The normal appearance of sperma- FIGURE 9.25  Testis from a dog, five to six months old,
togenesis in the dog testis and the cell associations where the Sertoli cells are just beginning to secrete fluid
of the stages of the spermatogenic cycle have which is forming vacuoles within the Sertoli cell lining and
been described in detail by Russell and coworkers producing a lumen in the gradually expanding tubules.
(1990). The gonocytes are proliferating to form spermatogonia,
some of which are apoptotic. ×100.
Immaturity, peripuberty, maturity
Dogs mature over a relatively wide age range
(seven to twelve months of age), with most reach-
ing sexual maturity by ten months of age. The age
of sexual maturity is also influenced by the sup-
plier. Dorso and coworkers (2008) reported that
90% of dogs 31–40 weeks of age supplied by
Harlan, France, were sexually mature compared
FIGURE 9.21  Rat preputial gland with cystic dilatation of with only 10% of dogs of the same age supplied
the duct with secretion. This often results in gross by Marshall Farms, USA. Dogs less than ten
enlargement of the gland. ×100. months of age usually show a range of degenera-
tive morphologies reflecting ongoing maturation.
Dogs on the borderline of maturity will have
varying numbers of degenerating, missing and
sloughed germ cells in the testis and the epididy-
mal lumina and some tubules may be vacuolated,
FIGURE 9.26  Testis from a dog, six to seven months old.
contracted or dilated. The appearance of the
The tubules are progressively expanding due to the fluid
testes and epididymal contents can be indistin-
secreted by the Sertoli cells and there are numerous
guishable from chemically-induced toxicity, and
fluid-filled vacuoles within the Sertoli cell lining. Sperma-
evaluating the relationship of such changes to
togonia and early spermatocytes can be seen in the
treatment is made more difficult by the small
tubules, many of which are undergoing apoptosis. ×100.
number of animals in each group. The confusion
can be avoided by ensuring that dogs are at least
ten months and preferably 12 months of age at
the end of the study. The morphological charac-
teristics of the developing dog testis and epidi-
dymis are illustrated in Figs 9.24–9.29 and Figs
FIGURE 9.22  Mouse preputial gland with cystic atrophy 9.30–9.34 respectively.
of the acini. ×100.

FIGURE 9.27  Testis from a dog, six to nine months old. FIGURE 9.30  Cauda epididymis from a dog, five to six FIGURE 9.33  Cauda epididymis from a dog, 10–12
The tubules are variously populated with germ cells months of age. The ductal diameter is small due to lack months of age. The ductal lumen is fully expanded with
extending up to round spermatids. Spermatogenesis is of any fluid secretion by the testis. There are no sloughed sperm and there are only occasional sloughed germ cells.
still patchy in most tubules, and many of the newly devel- cells or cell debris.
oped germ cells are degenerating or being sloughed into
the lumen. ×20.

FIGURE 9.34  Caput epididymis from a dog, six to eight

FIGURE 9.31  Cauda epididymis from a dog, six to eight months of age. The ducts are filled with sloughed, apop-
months of age. The ductal lumen is beginning to expand totic and degenerating germ cells from the developing
FIGURE 9.28  Testis from a dog, six to nine months and contains a small amount of fluid and sloughed germ testis but there are no sperm. Sloughed cells are more
of age. Most tubules have layers of germ cells up to cells from the testis. obvious in the head than the tail of the epididymis. ×200.
pachytene spermatocytes or round spermatids. There are
also occasional elongating spermatids. Degenerating and Unlike the rodent, the dog goes through a
sloughed germ cells are fewer but still quite frequent. developmentally quiescent period with respect to
×200. testicular development. During this period, the
seminiferous tubules are lined by Sertoli cells and
small numbers of gonocytes (pre-spermatogonia)
which do not begin development until around five
months of age (Fig. 9.24). At that time the gono-
cytes begin to proliferate and produce spermato-
gonia which will populate the basal layer of the
seminiferous tubule and initiate the process of
spermatogenesis. At the same time, the Sertoli
cell resumes its maturation and begins to secrete
seminiferous tubule fluid. This often takes the
form of fluid-filled vacuoles within the layer of
Sertoli cells and the gradual formation of a tubular
lumen and expansion of the overall tubular diam-
FIGURE 9.32  Cauda epididymis from a dog, six to eight
eter (Figs 9.25, 9.26). Spermatogonia begin to
months of age. The luminal diameter is gradually increas-
proliferate and produce spermatocytes, which in
ing and contains fluid and cells.
turn divide and produce round spermatids. The
round spermatids gradually elongate and mature
FIGURE 9.29  Testis from a 12-month-old dog. All tubules
into the final, whip-like mature spermatids, which
have complete spermatogenesis and have a full comple-
are released into the tubular lumina. From there
ment of elongating spermatids the tails of which fill the
they are transported on into the epididymis. Sper-
lumen. Occasional degenerate cells are still present but
matogenesis does not develop at the same rate in
they are infrequent. ×200.
all tubules, and so different tubules will be more
or less advanced than others and because the
Sertoli and germ cells are not yet up to full func-
tional efficiency, there will be considerable degen-
eration and sloughing of germ cells in this first
cycle of spermatogenesis (Fig. 9.27). The gradual
increase in seminiferous tubule fluid production
and the high rate of germ cell attrition is reflected
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 107

by the luminal contents of the epididymis (Figs

9.30–34). Small-diameter, empty ducts will grad-
ually expand with fluid and contain degenerate
sloughed germ cells through to puberty (Fig.
9.34), to be replaced by expanded ducts filled
with mature sperm and relatively few degenerate
cells in the fully mature adult (Fig. 9.33).
Identifying the status of sexual maturation in
the dog testis should be done on the basis of the
presence of sperm in the corpus and cauda epidi- *
dymis (the caput does not concentrate sperm suf-
ficiently to be able to visualize it) and the presence
and number of elongating spermatids in the testis.
The size and secretory activity of the prostate is
not very useful for identifying maturity because
the prostate matures at a different rate. FIGURE 9.36  Stage V tubule with hypospermatogenesis FIGURE 9.38  Tubules containing large, ‘swollen’, densely
(*). The tubule on the left is at the same stage. Although staining spermatocytes (arrowed). Most testes will have
Lesions seen in young the elongating spermatid population is normal in the a few tubules that contain these cells. They probably
mature animals: testes hypospermatogenic tubule, it is almost entirely missing represent secondary spermatocytes which have failed to
the underlying layers of round spermatids, pachytene complete their second meiotic division and have become
Changes that can easily be confused with imma- spermatocytes and spermatogonia that are present in the arrested in their development while the rest of the cells
turity, but which are background degenerative normal stage V tubule. ×200. in the tubule continue maturation. ×200.
changes of the sexually mature dog, are seen com-
monly in dogs that are more than 10 months Segmental hypoplasia is typically seen as a
of age. The changes have been described by discrete group of contracted tubules, often in a
Rehm and coworkers (2000) and by Goedken wedge shape and situated in a subcapsular loca-
and coworkers (2008). The most common find- tion, which are completely devoid of germ cells
ings are tubular hypospermatogenesis and tubular (Fig. 9.37). These tubules give the appearance of
hypoplasia/atrophy, both of which have an approx- never having been populated by germ cells, hence
imately 30% incidence in normal dogs. Hyposper- the term hypoplasia. The lobular distribution sug-
matogenesis is characterized by the absence of gests that the group of tubular profiles belong to
one or more generations of germ cells from the a single, coiled, seminiferous tubule.
seminiferous epithelium (Figs 9.35, 9.36). Hypo-
spermatogenesis may be distinguished from
immaturity by the fact that many of the tubules
will have a layer of mature, elongate spermatids
at the luminal surface, but with the underlying
layer of round spermatids and/or layer of pach-
ytene spermatocytes missing or partially depleted. FIGURE 9.39  A few multinucleate giant cells, which rep-
This is indicative of transient (cyclical) inhibition resent degenerating spermatids or spermatocytes, may
of spermatogonial division and is different from be found in most mature dog testes. ×200.
the pattern of germ cell degeneration and patchy
germ cell depletion typical of immaturity (com­
Orchitis, characterized by a lymphocytic or
pare with Fig. 9.27). Hypospermatogenesis can
mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate in the intersti-
range in severity from minimal (<10% tubules
tium of the testis, may occasionally be seen in
affected) to severe (>75% tubules affected). Most
the dog testes (Fig. 9.40) (Fritz et al 1976). The
testes will have a few tubules affected by
inflammation may also extend into the tubular
epithelium, resulting in destruction of the affected
FIGURE 9.37  Tubular hypoplasia typically presents as a
tubules. The lesion is generally accompanied by a
triangular wedge of contracted tubules lined only by
lymphocytic inflammation in the epididymis (Fig.
Sertoli cells. The surrounding tubules show normal sper-
9.41) and in some cases is genetically associated
matogenesis. The affected tubules have the appearance
with lymphocytic thyroiditis (Fritz et al 1976).
of never having been populated with germ cells. ×100.
The lesion is thought to have an autoimmune
Other common background findings in the
* adult dog testis include swollen spermatocytes.
These are probably secondary spermatocytes
which have failed to complete their second
meiotic division and remain sequestered in the
germinal epithelium, arrested in meiosis, while
the surrounding cells continue their development
into round spermatids (Fig. 9.38). Occasional
multinucleate germ cells, which represent degen-
erating spermatocytes or spermatids, are also a
FIGURE 9.35  Stage VI tubule with hypospermatogenesis common feature of dog testes (Fig. 9.39). Both
(*). This tubule is in the same stage of spermatogenesis findings can usually be seen in a few tubules from
as the other two tubules (identifiable by the shape of the most dog testes.
elongating spermatids). Although this tubule contains a
normal population of elongating spermatids, it lacks the
underlying layers of pachytene and prepachytene sper-
matocytes that are present in the other two tubules. ×200.

epididymis is a normal feature of the aged beagle

dog epididymis (James & Heywood 1979).

Lesions seen in young

mature animals: prostate
The features of the maturing dog prostate and
some of the more common background lesions
have been reviewed by Dorso and coworkers
(2008). The prostatic acini of the dog gradually
expand as secretory activity increases in the epi-
thelium. The prostate of the immature dog is
small, the acini are contracted and lined by a low,
basophilic, cuboidal or squamous epithelium. As
the gland becomes functionally active under the
FIGURE 9.40  Lymphocytic orchitis is an uncommon FIGURE 9.42  The efferent ducts are embedded in the regulation of testosterone and dihydrotestoster-
background finding in the dog. The infiltrating lym- head of the dog epididymis and some are blind-ending. one, the epithelium becomes tall and columnar
phocytes and macrophages often penetrate and destroy This may result in sperm stasis and dilation. ×100. and filled with intensely eosinophilic secretion. In
seminiferous tubules in the affected areas. ×100. contrast to the rat, in the dog the secretory fluid
Cribriform change, characterized by infolding produced by the prostate is stored in the acinar
of the ductal epithelium with the formation of epithelium and not in the acinar lumen. Although
pseudoglandular cysts (Fig. 9.43), is often observed there is generally good correlation between the
at the corpus/caudal junction. This is similar to timing of testis and prostate maturity, they are not
the lesion in rodents. Intranuclear eosinophilic always in synchrony, and one can be mature while
inclusion bodies are a feature of the canine epidi- the other is immature.
dymis (Fig. 9.44), particularly in the caput, The most common background lesions of the
although their significance is unknown. dog prostate include focal or lobular cystic acini
(Figs 9.45, 9.46). The acini may be lined by low
cuboidal ‘atrophic’ appearing epithelium or by
columnar secretory epithelium. Minor inflamma-
tory infiltrates are also often noted in the prostate,
ranging from focal or periurethral interstitial lym-
phoid infiltrates to subacute or chronic inflamma-
tion affecting the prostatic acini (Fig 9.47). The
inflammatory response is generally accompanied
FIGURE 9.41  Lymphocytic epididymitis often accompa- by atrophy of the affected acinar epithelium.
nies lymphocytic orchitis. ×100. There are age-related variations in the testes and
prostate of beagle dogs (James & Heywood 1979)
and benign prostate enlargement is a normal
Lesions observed in young feature of the aged male Beagle.
mature animals: testes
The sperm content of the dog epididymis varies
depending on location. Sperm is generally not seen FIGURE 9.43  Cribriform change or ‘pseudoglandular’
in the efferent ducts or the head of the epididymis cysts are frequently present at the junction between the
because it is very dilute. Sperm becomes visible distal corpus and cauda epididymis of the dog. ×100.
in the distal cauda and appears dense throughout
the corpus. Sperm content within the large-
diameter ducts of the cauda can be variable and
may often be missing due to loss during processing.
The sperm content of the corpus and proximal
cauda should be used to evaluate normal sperm
content and maturity status.
Sperm stasis, sometimes accompanied by
inflammation, is a common finding in the efferent
ducts situated in the head of the epididymis, and
probably represents impaction of sperm in blind- FIGURE 9.45  Focal, cystic dilation of prostatic acini is a
ending efferent ducts (Fig. 9.42) (Foley et al 1995). common finding in dogs. ×100.
True sperm granulomas, similar to those seen in
rodents, also occur throughout the epididymis.

FIGURE 9.44  Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions are

commonly seen in the epithelial cells of the caput epidi-
dymis of the dog. Their significance is unknown. ×200.

Interstitial lymphocytic infiltrates are common

and may also be accompanied by arteritis or
periarteritis either in the interstitium or in the
surrounding adipose tissue of the dog epididymis.
This is a common site for arteritis associated with
the more generalized condition of ‘beagle pain
syndrome’. Epithelial hyperplasia of the ductus
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 109

FIGURE 9.46  Focal, fluid-filled, cystic acini and an area FIGURE 9.48  The cynomolgus monkey testis undergoes FIGURE 9.51  Occasionally a focal area of tubules in an
of acinar atrophy in the dog prostate. ×100. a quiescent period until around three and three-and-a-half otherwise immature testis will develop complete sperma-
years of age. Prior to this, the seminiferous tubules are togenesis ahead of all the other tubules. ×100.
contracted with no tubular lumen and lined by Sertoli cells
and gonocytes. ×100.
Seasonal changes
Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) are seasonal
breeders and spermatogenesis will undergo cycli-
cal regression and recrudescence depending on the
time of year. The changes occur in response to
decreased levels of testosterone, so the entire
reproductive tract will show varying degrees of
degeneration and atrophy in a cyclical manner.
The appearance of the testes and epididymides
are identical to those of prepubertal and peripu-
bertal cynomolgus monkeys (as seen in Fig. 9.49)

Incidental findings
FIGURE 9.47  Area of prostatic acinar atrophy with inter-
stitial chronic inflammatory infiltrate in the dog. ×100. In the sexually mature testis, focal tubular dilation
with thinning of the epithelium, sperm stasis and/
or decreased numbers of germ cells occurs quite
Non-human primate FIGURE 9.49  Testis from a prepubertal monkey. Sperma-
frequently (Fig. 9.52). Germ cell degeneration
togenesis has only proceeded to the level of pachytene
Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) are and germ cell depletion (tubular degeneration/
spermatocytes and a few round spermatids, many of
the most common non-human primates used in atrophy) are rarely seen as diffuse changes in the
which are degenerating and being sloughed into the
preclinical studies. The geographical origin of the mature non-human primate, but one or several
tubular lumen and will end up in the epididymis. ×100.
animal influences the background pathology that tubular profiles within a lobule (probably repre-
is observed. Many non-human primates are cur- senting a single tubule) may show degenerative
rently imported from Indo-China and are in most changes including vacuolation, and partial germ
cases captive-bred. Cynomolgus males become cell degeneration and depletion (Fig. 9.53).
sexually mature at around four to five years of age,
but it is common for studies to be conducted with
animals that range from totally immature, through
pubertal maturation, to totally mature. This
makes evaluation of any testicular toxicity almost
impossible. It is important for the pathologist to
be aware of the characteristics of the maturing
reproductive system so that degenerative changes
associated with puberty are not confused with
chemically induced degenerative changes.
Characteristics of the prepubertal, peripubertal
and adult cynomolgus testis are illustrated in Figs
9.48–9.50. A detailed description of the normal FIGURE 9.50  Testis from a young adult monkey. The
cynomolgus testis and the cell associations of the tubules are expanded with a patent tubular lumen and all
spermatogenic cycle have been described by germ cell types are present, including a small number of
Dreef and coworkers (2007). As with other mature sperm at the luminal surface. ×100.
species, degenerating and sloughed germ cells are FIGURE 9.52  Focal tubular dilation, which is often
present in significant numbers in the testis and in accompanied by sperm stasis within the dilated lumen (as
the epididymal lumina of pre- and peripubertal here), is a relatively common finding. It may be associated
monkeys (Fig. 9.49). Sometimes, a discrete focus with partial depletion of germ cells as well as thinning of
of tubules may develop complete spermatogenesis the germinal epithelium. ×100.
in an otherwise immature testis (Fig. 9.51). The
immature or pubertal testis will also be associated
with absence or low numbers of sperm in the
epididymis. The secretory activity and size of the
seminal vesicles and prostate are also dependent
on the maturational status of the monkey.

Immaturity, peripuberty and maturity
A characteristic of the mature pig testis is a large
number of interstitial (Leydig) cells. This should
not be mistaken for Leydig cell hyperplasia. The
interstitial cells begin increasing in number around
three to four months of age as the animals reach
puberty, but carry on increasing in number over
the next few months. This may mean that there
is significant variation in Leydig cell numbers in
animals that are three to six months of age. As
with other species, increased numbers of degen-
erating germ cells, reduced numbers of sperm in
FIGURE 9.53  Focal tubular degeneration and atrophy is the epididymis, and incomplete spermatogenesis FIGURE 9.57  Severe tubular hypoplasia or atrophy with
sometimes present as an incidental background lesion. may be present in animals that are prepubertal or contracted tubules lined only by Sertoli cells. There is also
Tubules may be totally or partially depleted of germ cells, peripubertal. moderate Leydig cell hyperplasia. ×100.
with some tubules lined only by Sertoli cells. The change The normal cell associations of the pig sperma-
is often focal or lobular in distribution. ×100. togenic cycle have been described by Jorgensen
et al (1998). The overall pattern of spermatogen-
Fibrous hypoplasia is a lesion that has become esis is similar to that in other species.
more prevalent in recent years and appears to be
associated with the importation of cynomolgus Incidental findings in mature animals
monkeys from Indo-China. The change, which is
assumed to be a congenital condition, is character- Congenital aplasia and cryptorchidism of one or
ized by large tracts of mature collagen connective both testes have been described in minipigs, with
tissue replacing the normal lobular distribution of a 1.5% incidence of the latter (Jorgensen et al
seminiferous tubules (Fig. 9.54). Sperm granulo- 1998).
mas are rarely seen in the epididymis of cynomol- Tubular hypoplasia or tubular atrophy is a rela-
gus monkeys. The prostate of the cynomolgus tively common finding in mature pig testes
monkey frequently contains mineralized concre- (Dincer & Svendsen 2006, Jorgensen et al 1998).
tions (Fig. 9.55). The affected tubules are often contracted and the
interstitial space is generally packed with Leydig
cells, which may be increased in number. The
severity of the finding can range from a few to the FIGURE 9.58  Reduced or absent sperm may be present
majority of tubules affected (Figs 9.56, 9.57). in the epididymides associated with testes that have sig-
When the finding is more severe, the epididymis nificant tubular hypoplasia/atrophy. ×100.
shows reduced or absent sperm (Fig. 9.58). In
some cases the hypoplasia and atrophy may be In the epididymides, aggregates of lymphocytes
associated with cryptorchidism. may be present in the interstitial tissue. In the
ductal contents, a few sloughed testicular germ
cells may be admixed with the spermatozoa, but
these are generally few in number. Sperm granu-
lomas are only rarely seen in the pig epididymis.
Chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate and inter-
stitial mineralized concretions may occasionally
be observed in the prostate (Dincer & Svendsen
FIGURE 9.54  Fibrous hypoplasia of the monkey testis.
This is a relatively common finding in cynomolgus
monkeys originating from Indo-China. It is presumed  REPRODUCTION: FEMALE
to be a congenital condition and is generally present
bilaterally. ×20. Female reproductive tract
The morphological appearance of the female
reproductive tissues is dependent on hormonal
balance. This includes the hormonal interactions
FIGURE 9.56  Minimal tubular hypoplasia or tubular of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonad axis as well
atrophy in a mature pig. Note the large number of Leydig as the balance of hormones secreted by the ovary
cells in the interstitial space, which is a normal feature of that regulate uterine and vaginal morphology.
the pig testis. ×100. Hormonal balance and therefore morphology
will change in response to cyclicity (estrus or
menstrual), maturational status and reproductive
senescence. It is on the background of this con-
stantly changing profile of morphological charac-
teristics that the toxicological pathologist must
evaluate tissues for evidence of toxicity.
With the exception of rabbits, which are
induced ovulators, all other species used for toxic-
ity testing undergo an estrus cycle, or in the
FIGURE 9.55  Mineralized concretions in the prostate of case of non-human primates, a menstrual cycle.
a cynomolgus monkey. ×100. Both cycles are driven by a complex interplay of
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 111

hormones which produce cyclical morphological continues over the subsequent four or five cycles.
changes in the ovary, uterus, cervix, vagina, and in The continued presence of corpora lutea over
some species the mammary gland. In the female several cycles can make detection of failed ovula-
rodent, the ovaries, uterus and vagina all change tion difficult in shorter-term studies unless the
their morphology in rapid succession during the detailed morphology of the corpora lutea and fol-
constantly repeating four to five-day estrus cycle. licles is examined.
In contrast, the Beagle bitch comes into estrus
only once or twice a year and spends most of
the intervening time in the resting, anestrus
phase. In addition to the morphological changes
in the reproductive tract, the appearance of the
mammary gland shows dramatic cyclical altera-
tions in the dog, whereas there are negligible
changes in the mammary gland of most other
species. The mammary gland of the male rat
differs histologically from that of the female rat. FIGURE 9.61  During estrus (rat) the vagina is lined by a
In addition to the physiological changes in thick keratinized squamous epithelium. The cornified
hormone status due to maturation, cyclicity and layer is progressively shed as the cycle moves into 
senescence, the reproductive tissues show a metestrus. ×100.
variety of background lesions. The following
species-specific sections are organized to summa-
rize the main morphological features associated
with these categories of change. FIGURE 9.59  Ovary of a young adult rat contains primary,
secondary and tertiary follicles as well as corpora lutea
from the most recent ovulation and regressing corpora
Rat and mouse lutea from previous cycles. ×40.
With some exceptions (which are noted in the
text), the response of the female reproductive The cyclical changes in the vaginal epithelium
tract to hormonal changes and the range of back- are the easiest and most obvious morphological
ground findings are broadly similar between rat changes for the pathologist to use when staging
and mouse. the estrus cycle. However, these must be used in
conjunction with the changing morphology of the
Immaturity and peripuberty uterus and, to a lesser extent, that of the ovary to
identify the stage of estrus and to ensure that the
Rats and mice reach puberty and begin cycling at
various parts of the reproductive tract are in syn-
the same time. This occurs at such a young age
chrony with one another. The most obvious cycli- FIGURE 9.62  During metestrus (rat), the non-keratinized
(approximately four to five weeks of age) that
cal changes in vaginal morphology are illustrated squamous epithelium of the vagina becomes progres-
morphological changes associated with immatu-
in Figs 9.60–9.63, but the full spectrum of changes sively thinner and infiltrated with leucocytes. The epithe-
rity or peripuberty are not seen in general toxicity
and their correlation with uterine and ovarian lium is thinnest as the cycle enters diestrus. ×100.
studies and do not present a problem for inter-
morphology are best illustrated in the excellent
preting test-article-related changes.
reviews by Li & Davis (2007) and Westwood
Changes associated with estrus
cyclicity in young rodents
The average duration of the rodent estrus cycle is
four to five days. The cycle comprises pro-estrus
(12–14 hours), estrus (25–27 hours), metestrus
(six to eight hours) and diestrus (55–57 hours),
based on vaginal smears. There are a number of
comprehensive reviews and illustrations of the
morphological changes in the ovary, uterus and
vagina in the different stages of the estrus cycle
of the rat (Westwood 2008, Yuan & Foley 2002).
A brief summary is provided here.
The short duration of the estrus cycle in the
FIGURE 9.63  At the beginning of diestrus (rat), the vagina
rodent means that most stages of follicular and
has a thin squamous epithelium, which is only a few cells
corpora luteal development and regression are
thick. As diestrus continues towards pro-estrus the epi-
present in the ovary, regardless of the stage of
FIGURE 9.60  Vagina of a rat during proestrus with a thelium becomes progressively thicker. ×100.
the cycle (Fig. 9.59). The corpus luteum is the
main structure that can be used to recognize prominent layer of mucified cells above a layer of corni-
fication. This will be shed as the cycle moves into estrus. Cyclical changes in the uterine endometrial epi-
cyclical changes. Immediately following ovulation
×100. thelium and stroma are less obvious than those in
(estrus), the corpus luteum is composed of small
the vagina, but they can sometimes be mistaken
basophilic cells and contains small amounts of
by the inexperienced pathologist as abnormal find-
hemorrhage and may sometimes also contain a
ings. These include dilation of the uterine lumen
central cyst. As it matures, the luteal cells enlarge
in pro-estrus and estrus (Glaister 1986) (Fig.
and become filled with lipid vacuoles (containing
9.64), pro­minent apoptosis of the epithelium and
steroid and cholesterol) and are intensely eosi-
glands during metestrus (Fig. 9.65), mitotic activ-
nophilic (metestrus). The structure is highly vas-
ity in the epithelium and glands during diestrus,
cularized in the early stages and then begins to
edema of the stroma during pro-estrus, and
regress as leucocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts
varying degrees of leucocytic infiltration of the
infiltrate the corpus luteum (diestrus). Regression
endometrium and cervical mucosa throughout the

cycle (Fig. 9.66). These characteristics should be occasional cysts (bursal, follicular, luteal or rete
viewed in conjunction with the vaginal and ovarian ovarii) in the ovary (Figs 9.67, 9.68), and cysts in
morphology to determine normality of the repro- the cervix and vagina, which may sometimes be
ductive tract. filled with keratin (Figs 9.69, 9.70a). Dilated
endometrial glands begin to develop in the young
rat as it approaches reproductive senescence;
these are the early stages of cystic endometrial
hyperplasia which is a very common end-stage
lesion in the aged rodent uterus and is described
in more detail below. Foci of prostatic tissue can
be encountered in female rats adjacent to the
urethra and vagina (Fig. 9.70b). Wollfian duct
remnants are made up of small foci of tubular
structures in the cervix of the uterus, generally
below the serosa or in the outer wall.
FIGURE 9.70a  Epithelium-lined cyst in the vagina of a
mouse. ×100.

FIGURE 9.64  During late pro-estrus and early estrus (rat),

the uterine lumen becomes dilated with fluid. The horns
are often noted to be grossly dilated at necropsy. ×40.

FIGURE 9.67  Follicular cysts in a young adult mouse

ovary. ×40. FIGURE 9.70b  Prostatic tissue adjacent to the vagina.

Reproductive senescence
in aging rodents
FIGURE 9.65  There is prominent apoptosis of the surface Reproductive senescence can be a confounding
epithelium and glandular epithelium during metestrus factor for interpreting toxicity studies in rodents.
(rat). ×200. Disturbances in hormone balance related to early
senescence are commonly seen in rats and mice
at the end of a 13-week toxicity study. Over 10%
of Sprague–Dawley rats show persistent estrus
by 20–21 weeks of age (Eldridge et al 1999).
The morphological profile of changes is dependent
on the nature of the hormone imbalance and
whether there is unopposed estrogen or unop-
FIGURE 9.68  Rete ovarii cyst in a mouse. ×100. posed progesterone at the time of examination.
Increased prolactin secretion from pituitary
hyperplasia or pituitary tumors can also be a major
In the early stages of reproductive senescence,
the estrus cycle loses its normal four to five-day
cyclicity and becomes longer, generally due to
longer periods spent in estrus (persistent estrus),
which is due to an excess of estrogen compared
FIGURE 9.66  Leucocytic infiltration, particularly by eosi- with progesterone. This is usually accompanied by
nophils, is a common feature of the estrus cycle (rat). the presence of cystic follicles in the ovary (Fig.
×100. 9.71) due to failed ovulation but an otherwise rela-
tively normal (estrus) morphology of the vagina
Background pathology and uterus. However, prolonged estrogen stimula-
tion will result in hyperplasia and/or squamous
in young rodents metaplasia of the uterine epithelium (Fig. 9.72).
Apart from the hormone-mediated cyclical Periods of persistent estrus are generally inter-
changes of the estrus cycle (described above) FIGURE 9.69  Keratin cyst in the cervix of a rat. Hyper- spersed with periods of pseudopregnancy, where
and the early changes of reproductive senescence plasia of the cervical epithelium and stromal thickening progesterone is secreted in excess of estrogen. The
(described below), relatively few background are also present. ×40. morphological characteristics of this hormonal
changes occur in the reproductive tract of the profile are persistent corpora lutea (maintained
young female rodent. The most common are by a concomitant increase in prolactin secretion)
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 113

(Fig. 9.73), an atrophic uterus with a folded epi-

thelium (Fig. 9.74), and most strikingly a vagina
lined by a mucified epithelium, which may appear
atrophic or hyperplastic (Fig. 9.75). Persistent
anestrus is the end stage of reproductive senes-
cence in rodents and is characterized by an ovary Int
that is devoid of follicles and corpora lutea. These
are generally replaced by an excess of interstitial
cells (Figs 9.76a, 9.77), which are formed by
thecal cells from atretic follicles and which secrete
androgens. The remains of the oocytes from the
atretic follicles can also be recognized (Fig. 9.77).
The uterus and vagina show an atrophic morphol-
ogy, similar to that seen in diestrus. These changes
(inactive ovary, uterus and vagina) are often also
associated with non-specific stress, which results FIGURE 9.73  Ovary of a rat in pseudopregnancy. FIGURE 9.76a  The end stage of ovarian atrophy in the
in decreased secretion of gonadotropin releasing Increased numbers of large eosinophilic corpora lutea and rat is characterized by interstitial gland and follicular
hormone. absence of tertiary follicles. ×40. cysts. Profiles of tubular structures lined by Sertoli-like
cells (arrowed) are often present. ×100.

FIGURE 9.71  Cystic follicles increase and corpora lutea

decrease as reproductive senescence progresses. This FIGURE 9.76b  Rat ovotestis with seminiferous tubules
reflects failed ovulation and is generally accompanied by and ovarian tissue. ×10.
features of persistent estrus in the uterus and vagina (rat).
FIGURE 9.74  Uterus of a rat in pseudopregnancy. The
uterus is atrophic and typically has a lumen lined by
folded endometrium. ×40.

FIGURE 9.77  Atrophic ovary from an aging mouse. The
tissue contains large amounts of interstitial gland, atretic
FIGURE 9.72  Squamous metaplasia of the endometrial follicles (arrow) and the remains of degenerating oocytes
glands in the uterus is a feature of prolonged estrogen (*). ×100.
stimulation (rat). ×100.
FIGURE 9.75  Vagina of a rat in pseudopregnancy. Here
the epithelium is atrophic and mucified, but it can also be Background pathology
hypertrophic and mucified. ×100. in aging rodents
Most of the background changes seen in the female
reproductive tissues of old mice and rats are a
mixture of degenerative and proliferative lesions
and are the result of chronic hormone imbalance
between estradiol and progestogens. The high
incidence of prolactin-secreting pituitary tumors,
particularly in the Sprague–Dawley rat, has a
major influence on the pathology of the gonadal
tissues and the mammary gland. Although the
overall changes in the various tissues are broadly

similar between rat and mouse, there are species- tissue in the ovarian stroma. In the mouse, the difficult to distinguish from, diffuse epithelial
and strain-specific differences in the incidence and ovary is also a common site for polyarteritis (tubular) hyperplasia, and Sertoli cell tumors,
severity of the changes. This is partly a reflection nodosa, and many small arterioles may be noted which progress from Sertoliform hyperplasia.
of the differing species and strain-specific profiles with fibrinoid necrosis and perivascular inflamma- Hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas commonly
of hormonal imbalance. The general changes are tion. The ovary is also a common site for systemic occur in the mouse ovary and may be tissue-
illustrated here, but the detailed characteristics of amyloidosis in the mouse (Fig. 9.79). specific or part of a multicentric distribution.
the changes can be found in the literature (Alison They can be difficult to distinguish from vascular
et al 1990, Davis et al 1999, Leininger et al 1990). ectasia and hematocysts. Tumors of the granulosa,
thecal and luteal cells occur, but are less common.
Ovaries Germ cell tumors (dysgerminoma, teratoma, cho-
riocarcinomas and yolk sac tumors) are considered
End-stage ‘atrophy’ of the ovary generally involves
rare in both rat and mouse.
the presence of numerous cysts and proliferation
of interstitial glands. The ovary may be partially
or entirely replaced by cysts (Figs 9.71, 9.78)
Uterus and cervix
or by interstitial gland proliferation and fibrous Ovarian follicular cysts that develop in the aging
stroma (Figs 9.76a, 9.77). The atrophic rodent ovary commonly secrete an abundance of estro-
ovary is generally smaller in size. gen, which maintain the animal in persistent
estrus and are also associated with endometrial
epithelial hyperplasia, cystic endometrial glands
and inflammatory lesions in the uterus. Cystic
endometrial hyperplasia is the most common, age-
FIGURE 9.79  Mouse ovary partially replaced by eosi- related change in the uterus of rats and mice (Fig.
nophilic amyloid. Remaining tissue shows tubulostromal 9.81). The change is characterized by increased
hyperplasia. ×100. numbers of dilated or cystic endometrial glands,
which often contain proteinaceous fluid and
In addition to the hyperplasia of interstitial cells inflammatory cells. The irregular, cystic glands can
in the atrophic ovary, other common hyperplastic grossly distort the anatomy of the endometrium
lesions in the ovary include epithelial (or tubulos- and replace much of the endometrial stroma and
tromal) hyperplasia, characterized by cords of the normal lumen (Fig. 9.81). Hyperplasia of the
epithelial cells forming tubular structures which endometrial epithelium can be extensive and
appear to originate from the layer of germinal polypoid in nature, with vascular ectasia and squa-
epithelium surrounding the ovary (Figs 9.79, mous metaplasia often present in areas of the
9.80). This change is often diffuse and extensive endometrium (Figs 9.82, 9.83).
FIGURE 9.78  In the aged mouse, the ovary is often in the mouse. Sertoli cell or Sertoliform hyperpla-
replaced entirely by cysts that are filled with proteina- sia is also common in some strains of rat and
ceous fluid and erythrocytes. ×100. mouse and takes the form of tubular structures
lined by cells with the characteristics of testicular
Ovarian cysts come in many forms. The most
Sertoli cells (Fig. 9.76a), with large, pale white
common are derived from follicles that fail to
cytoplasm, and large, pale basal nuclei. Less fre-
ovulate. These may be empty, fluid-filled, or
quently, granulosa cell and luteal cell hyperplasia
blood-filled (hematocysts) (Fig. 9.78). In the
can occur. Ovotestis or hermaphroditism are con-
mouse, hematocysts are often associated with vas-
genital syndromes characterized by the combina-
cular ectasia, which may be difficult to distinguish
tion of male and female reproductive organs. The
from hemangioma. Rupture of large hematocysts
ovotestis is made up of seminiferous tubules and
can be a cause of death in aging mice. Other cysts
ovarian tissue (Fig. 9.76b).
include luteal cysts lined by multiple layers of
luteinized cells, bursal cysts, which are commonly
detected at necropsy but which may rupture
during processing, rete cysts arising from the rete
ovarii (Fig. 9.68), paraovarian cysts in the meso-
FIGURE 9.81  Cystic endometrial hyperplasia in the rat.
varium lined by ciliated epithelium and containing
This is the most common age-related change in the
smooth muscle in their walls, epidermoid cysts
uterus of rats and mice. ×100.
lined by squamous epithelium and filled with
keratin and epithelial inclusion cysts. Epithelial
inclusion cysts are lined by columnar epithelium
which may form papillary projections into the
lumen of the cyst. It has been suggested that in
the mouse many of the cysts, including rete,
paraovarian, and epithelial inclusion cysts, arise
from mesonephric duct remnants (Long 2002).
Brown pigment reflecting hemosiderin and/or
hematoidin from breakdown of hematocysts, vas- FIGURE 9.80  Mouse ovary with tubulostromal hyperpla-
cular thrombi and hemorrhage, lipofuschin or sia. Tubular structures appear to arise as down growths
ceroid pigment from lipid degradation, dystrophic from the surface germinal epithelium. The change is often
mineralization, fibrosis and chronic inflammatory diffuse and particularly prominent at the periphery of the
infiltrates are all common sequelae of the degen- ovary. ×100.
erative processes involved in age-related ovarian
atrophy. These lesions are commonly seen, par- The most common neoplasms of the ovary
ticularly in mouse ovaries. Adipose tissue degen- include cyst adenoma, which is a neoplastic pro-
eration or adipose tissue metaplasia can often be gression of the hyperplastic epithelial inclusion FIGURE 9.82  Mouse uterus with extensive cystic
seen in the stromal tissue of atrophic ovaries. It is cyst, tubulostromal adenomas and adenocarcino- endometrial hyperplasia forming a polypoid structure that
characterized by areas of unremarkable adipose mas, which appear to arise from, and may be extends into the cervical lumen. ×40.
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 115

Decidual alteration is an unusual lesion that is leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma, shwannoma,

occasionally seen in the aging rat. It generally hemangioma and hemangiosarcoma. The uterus
appears as a poorly defined nodule within the and cervix are also common sites for granular cell
uterine wall or a polypoid mass projecting into the tumors, which comprise sheets or nests of large
uterine lumen. The ‘mass’ is made up of cells with cells with abundant pale cytoplasm containing
varying morphology, including large epithelioid fine, PAS-positive granules and small hyperchro-
(histiocytic-like) cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm matic nuclei (Markovits et al 2000, Veit et al
intermixed with spindle- or fibroblastic-like cells 2008). The possibility that this ‘tumor’ represents
with wide intercellular spaces and, characteristi- a non-neoplastic proliferation of the metrial gland,
cally, small cells with intensely eosinophilic gran- as seen in decidual alteration, has been suggested
ules, which are also PAS-positive. A lesion with by Picut et al (2009). Less common tumors
similar cellular characteristics, but forming a more include squamous cell carcinoma, fibroma and
discrete and organized nodule, may be observed fibrosarcoma.
more rarely in the young adult rat, where it is
termed a deciduoma. For additional details on this Vagina
FIGURE 9.83  Cystic endometrial hyperplasia in a mouse lesion see Leininger and coworkers (1990) and
Squamous cell hyperplasia and inflammation of the
associated with prominent vascular ectasia. ×100. Karbe and coworkers (1998). The characteristics
vagina may be seen with prolonged periods of per-
of the change resemble those of the decidual
sistent estrus (high estrogen, low progestogen).
Atrophy of the uterus due to age-related, response of the pregnant, implanted uterus, which
Conversely, mucinous atrophy is also commonly
decreased gonadotropin release is also a common involves development of the metrial gland (Picut
seen in response to high progestogen : estrogen
change and reveals itself as persistent anestrus. et al 2009) (Fig. 9.84b).
The uterus is contracted and lined by a low cuboi-
Solitary cysts are common in the vaginal mucosa
dal epithelium with few endometrial glands and a
(Fig. 9.69). They may occasionally contain keratin.
collagenous stroma.
Tumors of the vagina are relatively uncommon.
Vascular lesions, including vascular thrombi,
The most common tumors include granular cell
hemorrhage, ectasia (of the endometrium or myo-
tumor, schwannoma, and occasionally squamous
metrium), commonly accompany cystic endome-
cell papilloma or carcinoma.
trial hyperplasia (Fig. 9.83). Acute or purulent
inflammation of the uterus (pyometra) may also
be seen in animals with cystic endometrial hyper-
Mammary gland
plasia. High estradiol and progesterone levels con- In most strains of rats and mice, reproductive
tribute to inflammatory lesions and infection in senescence is accompanied by increased secretion
the reproductive tract. of prolactin, which is generally the result if hyper-
Squamous epithelial hyperplasia of the cervix plasia and neoplasia occur in the pituitary gland.
(Fig. 9.69) accompanies prolonged periods of per- Raised prolactin results in ductal and alveolar
sistent estrus. Stromal hyperplasia or hypertrophy hyperplasia of the mammary gland and increased
is occasionally noted, particularly in the cervix of secretory product (Fig. 9.86). An increase in
FIGURE 9.84b  Deciduoma in the uterus of a female rat.
rats at the junction with the vagina. This is the brown-pigmented cells within the acini is noted in
region containing the portio vaginalis uteri, which older rat mammary tissue. Prolonged stimulation
project down from the cervix into the vaginal The most common neoplasm in the rat and of the mammary gland by prolactin also results in
opening and become hypertrophic in the aging mouse uterus is the endometrial stromal polyp, a high incidence of mammary gland tumors, the
rat uterus (Leininger et al 1990). Cysts lined by which is composed of loosely organized stromal most common being fibroadenoma (Fig. 9.87).
squamous epithelium and sometimes containing cells interspersed by blood vessels and occasional Adenomas and adenocarcinomas of the mammary
keratin may be seen in the cervix (Fig. 9.69). trapped endometrial glands (Fig. 9.85). The polyp gland are also common.
In the mouse and occasionally in the rat, adeno- can be edematous, congested, and sometimes
myosis may be seen as a background change in the infarcted, especially when it extends down into
uterus. This is characterized by the downgrowths the cervix or vagina. Polyps may be solitary or
of endometrial glands into the myometrium multifocal.
(Fig. 9.84a). Sometimes these may extend onto
the serosal surface, so it is important that they
are not mistaken for invasive endometrial

FIGURE 9.86  Alveolar and ductal hyperplasia with

increased secretory product (rat) is generally associated
with age-related increased prolactin secretion and pitui-
tary gland hyperplasia or neoplasia. ×100.
FIGURE 9.85  Benign stromal polyp in the uterine horn of
a rat. This is the most common tumor of the reproductive
tract in rats and mice. The polyp is composed of loose
fibrous tissue with few endometrial glands. ×40.
FIGURE 9.84a  Adenomyosis in the mouse characterized
by down growths of endometrial glands deep into the Other tumors that are relatively common in
myometrium. This should not be mistaken for adenocar- the uterus and cervix of some strains are endome-
cinoma. ×100. trial adenoma and carcinoma, stromal sarcoma,

Immaturity and peripuberty

In the beagle dog, the first estrus occurs between
10 and 14 months of age, and therefore a high
proportion of dogs that are routinely used in toxic-
ity studies will be immature or peripubertal.
Chandra and Adler (2008) examined a cohort of
young adult dogs more than 11 months of age and
recorded the percentage of dogs in the different
stages of the estrus cycle, or that were immature.
They reported five dogs that were immature, with
ages in the range 12.5–15.5 months.
The main characteristic of the prepubertal
ovary is the lack of current or regressing corpora
lutea (Fig. 9.90). This contrasts with the ovary of
FIGURE 9.87  Fibroadenoma is the most common neo- a mature female that has entered anestrus, which FIGURE 9.91  Mammary gland from a prepubertal dog.
plasm of the mammary gland in rats. The ratio of fibrous always contains remnants of corpora lutea (Fig. The absence of glandular development identifies that the
and glandular components can vary significantly between 9.92). In very young females, the ovary will only animal has not reached puberty. ×40.
tumors and within areas of the same tumor. ×100. contain small primary and primordial follicles. As
the dog approaches puberty, antral follicles will
begin to develop, but all will undergo atresia until Changes associated with
Clitoral gland the onset of the first cycle. At that point, a sub- estrus cyclicity in dogs
Cystic atrophy (Fig. 9.88) or ductal ectasia filled population of antral follicles will develop into ter-
with secretion (Fig. 9.89) occur in the clitoral tiary and Graafian follicles and continue through The detailed morphology of the cycle-dependent
gland of aging rats and mice. These lesions are to ovulation and become luteinized to form changes in the ovary, uterus, vagina and mammary
often sampled as gross inguinal ‘masses’ at corpora lutea. gland are beyond the scope of this chapter, and
necropsy. the reader is referred to the excellent reviews by
Rehm et al (2007) and Chandra & Adler (2008).
The major changes are briefly summarized and
illustrated in this section.
Following first estrus, subsequent cycles begin
approximately every seven to eight months. The
cycle comprises pro-estrus and estrus, each of
which lasts one to two weeks followed by a long
but variable period of diestrus lasting approxi-
mately two to three months, followed by an inac-
tive anestrus phase of variable duration (three to
five months) (Rehm et al 2007). The latter part
of the estrus phase is sometimes termed met­
estrus, but it is very short and generally consid-
ered as part of estrus (Rehm et al 2007). As would
be expected from the durations of these phases,
FIGURE 9.90  Ovary from a prepubertal dog. The ovary the majority of sexually mature dogs will be in
FIGURE 9.88  Clitoral glands of a mouse with cystic anestrus or diestrus. Chandra & Adler (2008) con-
ectasia of the ducts and atrophy of the acinar glands. ×40. only contains primary and secondary follicles with large
amounts of stroma. There are no remnants of previous ducted a retrospective analysis of stage of estrus
corpora lutea. Also note follicles containing multiple in dogs, 11–22.5 months old, used in previous
oocytes (arrowed). ×100. toxicity studies and found 54% of dogs in anestrus
and 27% of dogs in diestrus.
In the case of the dog, the mammary gland as
The immature uterus is small, with a narrow
well as the ovary, uterus and vagina show marked
lumen, a dense basophilic stroma containing few,
cyclical changes depending on the stage of the
contracted and inactive glands lined by a thin epi-
thelial layer. The myometrium is made up of
small, basophilic, smooth muscle cells. The vaginal
mucosa is thin and lined with a non-keratinizing,
stratified squamous epithelium. During anestrus all the tissues are in a resting
One of the easiest features that can be used to phase. The ovary is largely populated with small
identify a prepubertal animal is the glandular primary follicles and a few atretic antral follicles,
development of the mammary gland. This only and there will be remnants of regressing corpora
occurs once the animal has undergone its first lutea with highly vacuolated cells from previous
estrus but is maintained throughout the rest of cycles (Fig. 9.92).
FIGURE 9.89  Rat clitoral gland with cystic ducts dis- the cycle, including anestrus. Thus the lack of
tended with secretory product. ×40. mammary gland tissue (Fig. 9.91) and absence
of corpora luteal remnants (Fig. 9.90) indicates
Dog immaturity. A direct comparison of the morpho-
logical features of the reproductive tissues in an
The morphological appearance of the female dog immature female and a female in anestrus is pro-
reproductive tract varies significantly with matu- vided by Chandra & Adler (2008).
rational status and the stage of the estrus cycle.
Relatively few background changes occur in the
age of dogs routinely used in toxicity studies and
reproductive senescence is not an issue in the
young dogs used in routine studies.
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 117

The squamous epithelium of the vagina increases

in thickness, but is not yet keratinized (Fig. 9.98).

FIGURE 9.92  Ovary from a dog in anestrus containing FIGURE 9.95  Mammary gland from a dog in anestrus.
primary and secondary follicles as well as the vacuolated The alveoli are contracted and atrophic in appearance but
and shrunken remnants of a previous corpus luteum. there is still occasional residual secretion in the ducts. FIGURE 9.98  Pro-estrus vagina with thickened non-
×100. ×100. keratinized epithelium. ×100.

The uterus is small with an atrophic endo­ Pro-estrus The mammary gland of a dog in the pro-estrus
metrium containing small endometrial glands During pro-estrus, a number of tertiary follicles of its first cycle will have no glandular develop-
surrounded by a compact ‘atrophic’ stroma (Fig. with antral spaces develop (Fig. 9.96). They are ment, but if the animal has been through at least
9.93) and a basophilic myometrium made up of lined by multiple layers of basophilic granulosa one previous cycle, it will have the same morphol-
small, spindled, smooth muscle cells. cells without folds. ogy as that associated with anestrus, including
atrophic alveoli and ducts containing secretion
(Fig. 9.95). Some alveolar proliferation may be
identified at the end of pro-estrus.

The developing follicles in the ovary become large
tertiary follicles lined by a thin layer of granulosa
cells that form projections or folds into the antral
lumen. Following ovulation, the granulosa cells
rapidly luteinize (Fig. 9.99), and although this is
technically metestrus, it lasts a relatively short
time and may be referred to as the ‘metestrus
phase of estrus’ (Rehm et al 2007).

FIGURE 9.93  Uterus from a dog in anestrus with low FIGURE 9.96  Ovary in pro-estrus containing tertiary fol-
cuboidal epithelium, few and small endometrial glands licles with large antral space lined by a flattened layer of
and prominent dense stroma. ×100. granulosa cells. ×100.

The uterus becomes slightly edematous and the

The vaginal epithelium is cuboidal and only one
endometrial surface epithelium proliferates and
or two cell layers thick (Fig. 9.94).
forms crypts into the underlying stroma while the
basal endometrial glands also increase in number
and start to dilate (Fig. 9.97). The myometrial
smooth muscle cells also enlarge and become
more eosinophilic.

FIGURE 9.99  Recently ovulated follicle in the ‘metestrus’

phase of estrus. The granulosa cells surround a large
central cavity that has just expelled the oocyte. These
cells undergo rapid luteinization. ×40.

The uterus in early estrus resembles that in

pro-estrus, but during late estrus the stroma
becomes more collagen-rich and contains an
FIGURE 9.94  Vagina from a dog in anestrus with low increasing number of hypertrophic glands through-
cuboidal epithelium only one or two cells thick. ×100. out the endometrium. The myometrium contin-
ues to expand with hypertrophy of the smooth
The mammary gland is made up of relatively muscle cells.
few, atrophic-appearing alveoli and ducts, which FIGURE 9.97  Uterus in pro-estrus showing slight edema During estrus the vaginal epithelium reaches its
may contain secretory fluid. This is similar to the of the endometrial stroma and crypt formation of the maximum thickness and develops a cornified layer
appearance of the gland in pro-estrus (Fig. 9.95). surface endometrial epithelium along with proliferation, of keratin (Fig. 9.100) which is sloughed towards
dilation and branching of the basal endometrial glands. the end of estrus. The epithelium is thrown into
×100. ridges and folds and the underlying connective

tissue is increased in thickness with dense collagen During diestrus the alveoli and ducts of the
fibres. mammary gland proliferate and gradually become
filled with eosinophilic secretion (Fig. 9.105).
Regressive changes, including apoptosis, macro-
phage infiltration and alveolar contraction, occur
in the gland during late diestrus.

FIGURE 9.102  Ovary in diestrus containing large eosi-

FIGURE 9.100  Vagina in estrus is lined by a keratinized nophilic corpora lutea. The luteinized cells are gradually
epithelium which starts to shed its superficial layers into filling the cavity left following ovulation. ×100.
the lumen. ×100.
The uterus demonstrates a striking morphology
The mammary gland shows alveolar and ductal during diestrus. The endometrium and myo-
proliferation with prominent edema surrounding metrium are at their greatest thickness, but the FIGURE 9.105  Mammary gland in diestrus displaying
the islands of glandular tissue and stromal connec- endometrium is divided into two different zones, marked proliferation of the alveoli which are filled with
tive tissue proliferation (Fig. 9.101). The edema with the basophilic, basal endometrial glands secretory fluid. ×100.
is accompanied by increased vascularisation, hem- forming one layer and the surface epithelium with
orrhage and inflammatory infiltrate. its crypts lined by a pale-staining, secretory and
vacuolated tall columnar epithelium, forming the Background changes
other layer (Fig. 9.103). in the young adult dog
There are relatively few changes in the reproduc-
tive tissues of young female dogs.
Pseudopregnancy or segmental cystic endo­
metrial hyperplasia (Schulman & Bolton 1997)
(Fig. 9.106) occurs occasionally, and the uterine
changes can be quite dramatic and mistaken for
real pregnancy. The ovary contains prominent and
persistent corpora lutea. The uterine surface
endometrium is replaced by cavernous spaces
lined by hyperplastic, columnar epithelium with
pale pink, secretory cytoplasm, similar to that
seen in the diestrus uterus, and the lower
endometrium contains dilated basal glands.
FIGURE 9.101  Estrus mammary gland shows edema Necrotic tissue derived from the endometrial
around the proliferating alveoli and stromal proliferation. surface is generally present in the uterine lumen.
There may also be hemorrhage and an inflammatory cell FIGURE 9.103  Uterus in diestrus with two different zones
infiltrate. ×100. in the endometrium. The surface epithelium and crypts
are lined by pale pink, columnar secretory cells, whereas
the basal glands are more basophilic and coiled. ×100.
This is a long stage of the cycle and the morphol- The vaginal epithelium decreases in thickness
ogy varies from early to late diestrus. The main during diestrus and contains mucus-secreting cells
change in the ovary is the formation, maturation and variable numbers of inflammatory cells (Fig.
and regression of the corpora lutea. At the start 9.104).
of diestrus the luteal cells proliferate around
a fluid and hemorrhagic central cavity. This is
replaced by a homogenous structure made up of
plump eosinophilic cells, and the corpora lutea
take up most of the ovary (Fig. 9.102). As the
corpora lutea regress, the cells become apoptotic
and increasingly vacuolated and begin to shrink.
FIGURE 9.106  Uterus from dog with segmental, cystic
endometrial hyperplasia. The superficial glands are
expanded into cavernous spaces filled with mucinous
secretion and lined by pale pink, secretory cells. The basal
glands form a totally distinct zone and are also dilated.
The lumen is filled by necrotic debris from the surface
endometrium. ×100.

The canine ovary often contains bi- or multinu-

FIGURE 9.104  The vagina in diestrus becomes reduced
cleate oocytes as a normal feature (Fig. 9.59).
in thickness and infiltrated by leucocytes. ×100.
Follicular or luteal cysts are occasionally present
in the ovary.
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 119

Non-human primates Changes associated

In non-human primates, puberty occurs at approx-
with female cyclicity
imately two-and-a-half to four years of age which The non-human primate undergoes a menstrual
leads to significant variation in the pubertal status cycle that is approximately 30 days in duration,
of monkeys that are nominally the same age. Sea- but this is often very irregular, particularly in
sonality varies with species; rhesus are highly sea- the period adjacent to menarche, and intervals
sonal, with sexual activity occurring primarily of three months between the start of consecutive
between October and March, whereas cynomolo- cycles are not uncommon. The features of the
gus monkeys show very few seasonal changes at menstrual cycle and the changing morphology of
different times of the year. the reproductive tissues have been comprehen-
The normal physiology, morphology and pathol- sively reviewed by Weinbauer and coworkers
ogy of the female reproductive system of the (2008) and Van Esch and coworkers (2008). A
macaque have been comprehensively described in brief summary is provided here.
a monograph by Buse and co-authors (2008). The The cycle can be divided into three phases on
following section provides a summary of the major the basis of the ovarian changes; these are the FIGURE 9.110  Ovary in late luteal phase with a corpus
morphological features associated with matura- follicular phase, the luteal phase and the men- luteum undergoing regression. Also note mineralized
tion and cyclicity, as well as some common back- strual phase. The follicular phase of 12–14 days is deposits in the cortex; these probably represent mineral-
ground findings. characterized by growth and maturation of the ized atretic oocytes or primordial follicles. ×40.
ovarian follicles (Fig. 9.108) and ovulation, where
Immaturity and puberty the oocyte is released from a single ovulating fol- The uterus undergoes cyclic morphological
licle. The luteal phase lasts 14–16 days and changes which coincide with and are regulated by
The reproductive tissues of the immature non- the ovarian phases. These are the proliferative
includes establishment of the corpus luteum (Fig.
human primate are similar to those of the dog. If (follicular) phase (Figs 9.111, 9.112), the secre-
9.109), and then gradual regression of the corpus
the animal is very young, the ovary is small with tory (luteal) phase (Figs 9.113, 9.114) and the
luteum during the subsequent menstrual period
only primordial or primary follicles and stroma. If menstrual phase (Figs 9.115, 9.116). Van Esch
(Fig. 9.110). Remnants of regressing corpora lutea
the non-human primate is approaching puberty, and coworkers (2008) also describe a fourth,
will remain through multiple, successive cycles.
follicles may begin to develop antral cavities, but regenerative phase which follows the menstrual
most will show evidence of atresia. The uterus is phase and has different characteristics from the
contracted with a basophilic, inactive-appearing proliferative phase.
endometrium and myometrium. The vagina is also
small in diameter and lined by a thin, cuboidal
epithelium. The immature non-human primate
mammary gland has a rudimentary ductal tree
which begins to develop just prior to the first
menstrual cycle. There is elongation and branch-
ing of the major ducts accompanied by develop-
ment of terminal end buds surrounded by loose,
myxoid, periglandular stroma (Cline & Wood
2008). There is extensive lobular development in
the peripubertal non-human primate connective
tissue (Fig. 9.107). There is also significant inter-
animal variation in the rate of this growth. It is
important for the pathologist to be aware of this FIGURE 9.108  Ovary in follicular phase with a number of
when comparing individuals and pathologists tertiary antral follicles developing. Also present are the
should not mistake normal pubertal glandular remnants of a regressing corpus luteum. ×100.
development for hyperplasia or neoplasia (Cline FIGURE 9.111  Uterus in proliferative phase. The endome-
& Wood 2008). trial glands are relatively sparse and have a straight
profile. ×100.

FIGURE 9.109  Ovary in the luteal phase with a newly

FIGURE 9.107  This is the normal appearance of the formed single corpus luteum. ×100.
mammary gland from a cycling cynomolgus monkey. FIGURE 9.112  Uterus in proliferative phase showing
There are abundant alveoli with secretion, but there is mitotic activity (arrowed) in the glandular epithelium and
significant inter-animal variation in the volume of glandu- straight profile of the glands. ×200.
lar tissue. ×100.

Background changes in
the non-human primate
reproductive tract
Common and uncommon background changes
in the female reproductive tissues of non-human
primates have been reviewed by Cooper &
Gabrielson (2007) and Cline and coworkers
(2008). The more common changes that are seen
in young macaques used in toxicity studies are
mentioned and illustrated here. In general, back-
ground pathology is uncommon in the pubertal
and young adult non-human primates used in tox-
icity studies. The main changes that can be recog-
FIGURE 9.113  Uterus in secretory phase with densely FIGURE 9.116  Menstrual uterus with hemorrhage and nized are the result of minor hormonal disturbances
packed, tortuous-appearing glands. Note prominent spiral sloughing of surface layers. ×100. that are associated with social or environmental
arteries surrounded by connective tissue (circled). ×100. stress and hormonal imbalances associated with
puberty. These are recognized by inactivity of the
The proliferative phase is characterized by pro- endometrium and inappropriate shedding of the
gressive increases in mitotic activity of the surface epithelium (irregular bleeding) due to
endometrial glandular epithelium and stromal early regression of the corpus luteum.
fibroblasts (Fig. 9.112). During this phase, the Ovarian cysts are quite common and include
endometrial glands are relatively sparse, straight cysts that arise from structures in the paraovarian
glands, lined by pseudostratified epithelium with tissue, e.g., embryonic mesonephric remnants,
a narrow lumen. The endometrial blood vessels dilated rete ovarii and cystic follicles or corpora
are not very prominent (Fig. 9.111). lutea (Fig. 9.117).
Following ovulation, the uterus enters the
secretory phase, which corresponds with the
ovarian luteal phase. Mitotic activity in the
endometrium decreases, and the endometrial
glands are lined by medium to tall columnar epi-
thelium with sub- and supra-nuclear, glycogen-
filled vacuoles (Fig. 9.114). The glands are more
prominent than in the proliferative phase and
FIGURE 9.114  Endometrial glands from secretory phase become more tortuous, with a saccular profile and
with saccular profile. The epithelium is tall and secretory  a wider lumen, particularly in the basal zone of
and contains sub- and supra-nuclear, glycogen-filled the endometrium, as the phase progresses (Fig.
vacuoles. ×100. 9.113). During the luteal phase, the endometrium
becomes infiltrated by large numbers of lym-
phocytes, many of which contain granules. In
addition, the spiral arteries of the vasculature
become very prominent in the endometrium, with
areas containing cross sections of spiral arteries FIGURE 9.117  Follicular cyst compressing surrounding
surrounded by prominent connective tissue (Fig. tissue. These are quite common in the cynomolgus ovary.
9.113). ×40.
During the menstrual phase, the spiral arteries
in the upper parts of the endometrium constrict Cortical mineral deposits are commonly seen in
and cause ischemia and sloughing of the surface the young adult non-human primate ovary and
layers. Tissue necrosis, hemorrhage, vascular probably represent dystrophic mineralization of
thrombi and leucocytic infiltration are the hall- atretic follicles (Fig. 9.110). Follicles containing
marks of menstruation. During this phase, blood multiple oocytes are also commonly seen as a back-
and necrotic tissue can be found in the cervix and ground change, as is hyperplasia of the ovarian
vagina (Figs 9.115, 9.116). surface epithelium.
As the menstrual phase comes to an end, the Hemorrhage of the uterine surface epithelium
remaining glands in the lower endometrium that is a characteristic of the menstrual phase of the
FIGURE 9.115  Uterus during menstruation with hemor- uterine endometrium, but it often occurs in the
have escaped necrosis begin to show proliferative
rhage, necrosis and sloughing of the surface endometrium peripubertal female that is not yet ovulating or
activity and the epithelium grows out to form a
into the lumen. ×100. cycling in a regular manner and represents irregu-
confluent layer over the denuded stroma. This
signals the start of the regenerative phase. During lar bleeding. Irregular endometrial hemorrhage
this stage, the underlying stroma of the surface can be distinguished from true menstruation by
endometrium is composed of small, compact, the fact that it occurs in an endometrium that is
basophilic cells. The spiral arteries remain promi- in the proliferative phase, whereas normal men-
nent in the basal region but are not visible in the struation occurs in an endometrium that is in the
newly forming surface endometrium while the secretory phase of the cycle. In addition, men-
basal endometrial glands become quiescent in struation involves full endometrial shedding,
appearance. whereas irregular endometrial hemorrhage is char-
Although there are minor changes in the prolif- acterized by superficial hemorrhage and very little
erative activity of the ductal and alveolar tissue of endometrial shedding or necrosis. Examination of
the mammary gland during the menstrual cycle, the ovary should also provide clues on the basis of
the changes are not of sufficient magnitude to be presence or absence of regressing corpora lutea
readily visible (Cline & Wood 2008). (present in the menstruating female and absent in
the prepubertal female). Inactive (non-cycling)
Reproduction of the rat, mouse, dog, non-human primate and minipig 121

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Page numbers followed by “f ” indicate figures. Alveolar macrophages Auricular chondritis, rats, 35, 36f
minipig, 82, 82f Autolysis artifact
mouse, 50, 50f fixative, 94, 94f
A rats, 21, 21f
Alveolar osseous metaplasia, mouse, 50, 50f
kidney, rats, 29, 30f
lens, artifact, 98, 99f
Abscesses Alveolitis, dogs, 39, 39f
mandibular lymph node, minipig, 82, 82f Amyloidosis
prepuce, hamster, 76, 77f
Accessory sex organs, rat male reproductive system,
lamina propria, mouse, 66, 66f
liver, mouse, 66, 67f
104 ovary, rodents, 114, 114f Background changes, non-human primate female
Accessory spleen see Pancreas severe diffuse, hamster, 75, 75f reproductive system, 120–121, 120f
Acid haematin, fixative artifact, 95, 95f testes, rodents, 103, 104f Balantidium coli infection, non-human primates, 6,
Acinar atrophy Angiectasis 6f
lacrimal gland, rats, 35, 35f adrenal glands, rats, 31, 31f Barbiturate intracardiac injection, cardiomyocyte
pancreas see Pancreas liver, rats, 26, 26f artifact, 93, 93f
salivary gland, rats, 24, 24f pituitary gland, rats, 30, 30f Basophilic hypertrophic focus, rat parotid salivary
Acinar hypertrophy, rat lacrimal gland, 35, 35f Anestrus, dogs, 116–117, 117f gland, 24, 24f
Acinar vacuolation, rat pancreas, 25, 25f Ante mortem artifacts, 93 Basophilic tinctorial change, rat pancreas, 25,
Adenohypophysis, rat pituitary gland, 30, 30f Anthracosis, non-human primates, 4 25f
Adenomatous hyperplasia, mouse stomach, 52, 52f Aorta Basophilic tubules see Kidney
Adenomyosis, rodents, 115, 115f cartilage, rats, 17, 17f Basophilic vacuolation, rodent epididymis, 104,
Adipocytes inflammation, mouse, 46, 46f 104f
dog atrial infiltration, 37, 38f intimal degeneration, cynomolgus macaque, 3, Beagle dogs, 37–44
dog salivary glands, 39, 40f 3f brain, 43–44
Adipose tissue mineralization cardiovascular system, 37
degeneration, minipig, 84, 84f dogs, 37, 37f endocrine glands, 41–42
right ventricle, rabbit, 87, 87f rabbit, 87, 87f female reproductive system, 116–118
Adrenal gland(s) Aortic valve thrombosis, hamster, 73, 73f anestrus, 116–117, 117f
angiectasis, rats, 31, 31f Apoptosis, rat thymus, 20, 20f diestrus, 118, 118f
ectopic see Ectopic adrenal gland Arterial mineralization, rats, 20, 20f immaturity, 116, 116f–117f
extramedullary hemopoiesis Arterial plaque, mouse lungs, 50, 50f estrus, 117–118, 117f–118f
marmoset, 11, 11f Atrial thrombosis estrus cyclicity, 116–118
rats, 31, 31f mouse, 45–46, 46f peripuberty, 116
lipogenic pigmentation, mouse, 60, 60f rats, 18 pro-estrus, 117, 117f
medullary hyperplasia, rats, 31, 31f Arteritis young adults, 118, 118f
subcapsular cell hyperplasia, mouse, 60, 60f dogs, 37, 37f gastrointestinal system, 39–40
vacuolation, rabbit, 90 lung, rabbit, 87, 88f hepatobiliary system, 40
X zone, mouse, 59, 59f minipig, 81, 81f hemolymphoreticular system, 38
zona glomerulosa focal hypertrophy, rats, 31, mouse, 46, 46f male reproductive system, 105–108, 105f–106f
32f pancreatic vessel, mouse, 56, 56f immaturity, 105–107
zona glomerulosa vacuolation, dogs, 42, 42f Artifacts, 93–99 lesions in young animals, 107–108
zona reticularis vacuolation, dogs, 42, 42f ante mortem, 93 maturity, 105–107
Adrenal gland cortex CNS, 98–99 peripuberty, 105–107
accessory tissue, mouse, 59, 60f cover slipping, 98, 98f prostate gland, 108
cystic degeneration, rats, 30, 30f cutting, 96–97 testes, 107–108
cysts, rats, 30, 30f environmental factors, 93 musculoskeletal system, 43
ectopic tissue, mouse, 59, 60f fixation, 94–95 nervous system, 43–44
extracapsular tissue, rats, 31, 31f mounting, 97 respiratory system, 38–39
focal hypertrophy, mouse, 60, 60f postmortem/necropsy, 93–94 skin and appendages, 43
hyperplasia processing, 95–96 urinary system, 41
hamster, 75, 75f stains, 97–98, 98f Bedding-associated dermatitis, hamster, 76
rats, 31f Atherosclerosis, non-human primates, Benign stromal polyp, rodent uterus, 115, 115f
lymphoid infiltrate, minipig, 81, 81f 2, 3f Bile ducts
mineralization, non-human primates, 10–11, 11f Atria ectopic, non-human primates, 11, 11f
ossification, rats, 31, 31f adipocyte infiltration, dogs, 37, 38f hyperplasia
pigments, rats, 31, 31f mucinous degeneration, non-human primates, 3, hamster, 73, 75f
vacuolation, rats, 30, 30f–31f 3f rats, 26, 26f
Adreno-hepatic fusion (AHF), non-human primates, thrombosis, hamster, 73, 73f Biliary cysts, hamster, 74, 74f
11, 11f villous mesothelial projections, dogs, 37, 38f Bladder, urinary see Urinary bladder
Age-related lesions Atrophy Blind-ending efferent ducts, dogs, 108, 108f
rat female reproductive system, 112–114, 114f acinar see Acinar atrophy Blood collection trauma, rat tongue, 24, 25f
rat male reproductive system, 103–104 lymph nodes, rats, 18 Bone marrow
Agonal alveolar edema, rabbit, 87, 88f myofibers, rats, 33, 33f serous atrophy, minipig, 84, 84f
Alveolar hemorrhage, rat erythrophagocytosis, ovary, rodents, 112–113, 113f fixative artifact, 96, 96f
20–21, 21f retina germinal centres, non-human primates, 3–4,
Alveolar histiocytes, rats, 21, 21f mouse, 65, 65f 4f
Alveolar histiocytosis, hamster, 73, 73f rats, 35, 35f granulopoiesis, mouse, 48–49, 49f
Alveolar hyperplasia, rodent mammary gland, 115, seminiferous tubules, hamster, 76, 77f thrombus, artifact, 93, 93f
115f thymus see Thymus Bones see Musculoskeletal system
124 Subject Index

Bowman’s capsule
cuboidal metaplasia, non-human primates, 9, 9f
Choroid plexus, rat extramedullary hemopoiesis,
34, 34f
metaplasia, rats, 28 Chronic gastritis, non-human primates, 5, 5f Decalcification, fixative artifact, 95, 95f
sexual dimorphism, mouse, 57, 57f Chronic suppurative inflammation, hamster ear, 77, Decidual reaction, hamster uterus, 76,
Brain 77f 76f
beagle dogs, 43–44 Clara cell, rat eosinophilic inclusion, 21, 21f Deciduoma, rodent uterus, 115, 115f
guinea pigs, 78 Clear-cell focus, hamster liver, 73, 75f Degeneration
lipomatous hamartoma, mouse, 64, 64f Clitoral glands cornea, mouse, 65, 65f
mineralization rat female reproductive system, 116, 116f Degenerative joint disease, mouse, 63, 63f
cynomolgus macaque, 12–13, 13f rodents, 116f Dehydration artifacts, 96, 96f
hamster, 77, 77f Coagulative necrosis, mouse liver, 55, 55f Demodex mite infestation, dogs, 43, 43f
minipig, 84, 84f Coccidiosis, rabbit gall bladder, 89, 89f Demyelination, rat sciatic nerve, 33, 33f
mouse, 64, 64f Colitis Dendritic reticular cells, mouse hyperplasia, 47,
rats, 34, 34f marmoset, 6–7, 7f 48f
minipigs, 84 non-human primates, 6, 6f Dental dysplasia, rats, 23, 23f
mouse, 64 Shigella infection, non-human primates, 6, 6f Dermatitis
New Zealand White rabbit, 91 Collagenofibrotic glomerulonephropathy (CFGN), bedding-associated, hamster, 76
non-human primates, 12–13 9–10 ear margin, dogs, 43, 43f
rats, 33–34 Colloidal plugs, rat urinary bladder, 29, 29f moist, rabbit, 90
Branchial cysts, dog thymus, 38, 38f Colonic glands rats, 32f, 33
Bronchioles diverticulum, mouse, 52 Developmental cysts, mouse pars distalis, 59,
mucus mineralization, rats, 22, 22f glandular herniation, marmoset, 6, 7f 59f
neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia, rats, 20–21, herniation, minipig, 83, 83f Diffuse glomerulonephritis, marmoset, 10, 10f
21f Congenital/developmental lesions, rat male Dilated submucosal glands, rat larynx, 22, 22f
Brown pigment, non-human primate lungs, 4, 4f reproductive system, 102 Diestrus, beagle dogs, 118, 118f
Brunner’s gland, marmoset duodenum, 7, 7f Congenital glaucoma, rabbit, 91 Diverticulum
Bulbourethral gland, rodent cystic dilatation, 105f Cornea colonic glands, mouse, 52
Buphthalmia, rabbit, 91 degeneration, mouse, 65, 65f duodenum, rats, 24, 24f
mineralization, mouse, 65, 65f Ductal hyperplasia, rodent mammary gland, 115,
Cornificiation, non-human primate vagina, 121, 121f 115f
C Corpora lutea, hamster ovary, 76, 76f
Ductal mucus epithelial hyperplasia, hamster
pancreas, 75, 76f
Campylobacter infection, non-human primates, 6 adrenal glands see Adrenal gland cortex Duodenum
Capsular cyst, rat spleen, 19, 19f kidney see Kidney Brunner’s gland, marmoset, 7, 7f
Caput epididymis, dog intranuclear eosinophilic Cover slipping, artifacts, 98, 98f diverticulum, rats, 24, 24f
inclusions, 108, 108f Cracks/fractures ectopic pancreatic tissue, mouse, 52, 52f
Cardiomyocytes, barbiturate intracardiac injection cutting artifact, 97, 97f hyperplasia, mouse, 53, 53f
artifacts, 93, 93f fixative artifact, 94, 95f Dysplasia, hamster sternum, 77, 77f
Cardiomyopathy freezing artifact, 94, 94f
mouse, 45, 45f Cryptorchidism, rodents, 102
rats, 17, 17f
Cardiovascular system
Cuboidal metaplasia, non-human primate Bowman’s
capsule, 9, 9f
beagle dogs, 37 Cupping, minipig optic disk, 84, 84f Ear
guinea pigs, 78 Cutting artifact, 96–97, 97f hamsters, 77
hamsters, 73 Cyclicity-related changes, non-human primate minipigs, 84
minipigs, 81 female reproductive system, 119–120, New Zealand White rabbit, 91
mouse see Mouse 119f–120f rats, 35–36
New Zealand White rabbit, 87 Cyst(s) Ear margin dermatitis, dogs, 43, 43f
non-human primates, 1–3 biliary, hamster, 74, 74f Ectopic adrenal gland
rats, 17–18 brain epididymis, non-human primates, 8, 9f
Cartilage mouse, 64, 64f kidney, non-human primates, 8, 9f
aorta, rats, 17, 17f rats, 34, 34f liver, non-human primates, 9, 9f
sternum degeneration, hamster, 77, 77f branchial, dog thymus, 38, 38f Ectopic granule cells, rat brain, 34, 34f
tongue, minipig, 82, 82f capsular, rat spleen, 19f Ectopic intestinal tissue, rat stomach, 24, 24f
trachea mineralization, rats, 21, 21f follicular, ovary see Ovaries Ectopic liver, non-human primates, 11, 11f
C-cells hard palate, hamster, 74, 74f Ectopic pancreatic tissue
hyperplasia heart, non-human primates, 2, 2f duodenum, mouse, 52, 52f
marmoset thyroid gland, 11, 11f heart valve, rats, 17, 17f small intestine, rats, 25, 25f
rat thyroid, 32, 32f non-glandular stomach, rats, 23, 23f Ectopic parathyroid glands, rats, 20
infiltrates, dog thyroid, 42, 42f parathyroid gland, dogs, 41–42, 42f Ectopic renal tissue, mouse liver, 53, 53f
Cell ploidy, rat liver, 27, 28f pars distalis, dogs, 41–42, 42f Ectopic sebaceous glands, rats, 23
Cell rest of Hortega, dogs, 43, 44f pars nervosa, dogs, 41–42, 42f Ectopic thymic tissue
Central nervous system (CNS), artifacts, 98–99 pituitary gland, rats, 30, 30f parathyroid gland see Parathyroid glands
Cerebellum, rat hypoplasia, 34, 34f thymus, mouse, 48, 48f rats, 19
Cerebrum thyroid, rats, 32 Ectopic tissue, dog thyroid, 41–42
lymphoid infiltrate, minipig, 81, 81f vagina, rodents, 112f Efferent ducts, blind-ending, 108, 108f
nucleus circularis, rats, 34, 34f Cystic atrophy, rodent preputial gland, 104, 105f Endocardium, mesenchymal proliferation, 17,
Cervix Cystic degeneration, rat liver, 26, 26f 17f
keratin cysts, rodents, 112f Cystic dilatation Endocrine system
lymphocytic infiltration, non-human primates, bulbourethral gland, rodents, 105f beagle dogs, 41–42
121, 121f gastric glands, rats, 23, 23f hamsters, 75–76
rat female reproductive system, 114–115 mucosal glands, mouse, 52, 52f minipigs, 84
Cholangiofibrosis, rats, 26–27, 27f preputial gland, rodents, 104, 105f mouse see Mouse
Cholecystitis Cystic follicles, rodents, 112–113, 113f New Zealand White rabbit, 90
minipig, 83, 83f Cystic hyperplasia non-human primates, 10–12
necrotic, rabbit, 89, 89f endometrium, rodents, 114–115, 114f–115f rats, 30–32
Cholelithiasis, hamster, 75, 75f uterus, rodents, 114, 114f see also specific endocrine glands
Cholesterol clefts, rat lung, 21, 21f endometrium, dog, 118 Endometrial glands
Chondromucinous degeneration, sternum see Cystic replacement, rodent ovary, 114, 114f estrus cycle, non-human primate, 120f
Sternum Cystitis, dogs, 41, 41f squamous metaplasia, rodents, 112–113, 113f
Subject Index 125

Endometrium, cystic hyperplasia, 114–115, Fibrous hypoplasia, non-human primate testes, Gastrointestinal system
114f–115f 110f beagle dogs, 39–40
Environmental factors, artifacts, 93 Fibrous osteodystrophy (FOD), marmoset, 12, guinea pigs, 78
Eosinophilic crystals 12f hamsters, 74
rat lung, 22, 22f Fighting, rabbit skin damage, 90 minipigs, 82–83
rat thymus, 20, 20f Filaroides infection, dogs, 39, 39f mouse see Mouse
Eosinophilic granules, mouse, 51, 51f Fixation artifacts, 94–95 New Zealand White rabbit, 88
Eosinophilic inclusions Flank glands, ulceration, 76, 76f non-human primates, 5–7
Clara cell, rats, 21, 21f Focal alveolar epithelial hyperplasia, mouse, 50, rats, 23–25
gall bladder, mouse, 56, 56f 50f Germinal centres
intracytoplasmic, liver, 26, 26f Focal angiectasis, mouse liver, 46, 46f bone marrow, non-human primates, 3–4, 4f
myocardium, non-human primates, 2, 2f Focal atrophy, mouse submandibular salivary glands, lymphofollicular structure, mouse, 48, 48f
nasal turbinate, rats, 20, 20f 51, 51f Glandular herniation, marmoset colonic glands, 6, 7f
tracheal glands, mouse, 49–50, 49f Focal biliary cysts, rats, 26–27, 27f Glaucoma, congenital, 91
urothelium, non-human primates, 10, 10f Focal cortical hypertrophy, mouse adrenal glands, Glial scars, non-human primate brain, 13, 13f
Eosinophilic perivascular infiltration, rat lung, 21, 60, 60f Gliosis
21f Focal cystic dilatation, dog prostate gland, 108, non-human primates, 13, 13f
Eosinophilic Purkinje cells, artifact, 98, 99f 108f–109f optic nerve artifacts, 93, 93f
Eosinophils Focal degeneration, mouse spinal cord, 64, 65f rats, 34
jejunum lamina propria, minipig, 83, 83f Focal epithelial hyperplasia, mouse gall bladder, 56, Glomerular lipid accumulation, dog kidney, 41, 41f
subcapsular sinus, minipig, 82, 82f 56f Glomerulonephritis, mouse, 58
Epicardium, mouse mineralization, 46, 46f Focal erosion Glomerulonephropathy, hamster, 75, 75f
Epidermis forestomach, mouse, 51–52, 52f Glomerulosclerosis
cysts, rats, 33, 33f stomach, hamster, 74, 74f cynomolgus macaque, 9–10, 10f
focal ulceration, mouse, 62, 62f Focal hyperplasia, mouse mammary gland, 62, 62f mouse, 58, 58f
inclusion cyst, mouse, 62, 62f Focal hypertrophy, rat parathyroid gland, 32, 32f rats, 28, 28f
Epidermoid cyst, mouse spinal cord, 64, 64f Focal myocarditis, cynomolgus macaque, 1, 1f Glycogen accumulation, marmoset liver, 8, 8f
Epididymis Focal necrosis Granular cell hyperplasia
basophilic vacuolation, rodents, 104, 104f liver see Liver kidney, hamster, 76, 76f
ectopic adrenal gland, non-human primates, 8, mouse Harderian glands, 66, 66f large intestine, hamster, 76, 76f
9f Focal squamous metaplasia, rabbit prostate gland, uterus, hamster, 76, 76f
epithelial cystic vacuolation, rodents, 103f 90, 90f Granule cells, ectopic, 34, 34f
hyperplasia, hamster, 76, 77f Focal tubular basophilia, dog kidney, 41, 41f Granulomas
lymphoid aggregates, rodents, 103, 104f Focal tubular degeneration, non-human primate lungs, dogs, 39, 39f
pseudoglandular cysts, dogs, 108, 108f testes, 110f non-human primates, 7, 7f
rats, 103–104 Focal tubular dilatation, non-human primate testes, Granulopoiesis, mouse bone marrow, 48–49, 49f
sperm granulomas, rodents, 103, 103f 109f Growth plate dysplasia, marmoset, 12f, 13
Epiphyses, mouse hyperostosis, 63, 63f Focal ulceration Guinea pigs, 77–78
Epithelial atrophy, hamster prostate gland, 76, 77f epidermis, mouse, 62, 62f brain, 78
Epithelial cell hyperplasia non-glandular stomach, rats, 23, 23f cardiovascular system, 78
gall bladder, dogs, 40, 41f Focal villous intimal proliferation, dog myocardial gastrointestinal system, 78
prostate gland, rodents, 104f artery, 37, 37f hepatobiliary system, 78
Epithelial cell vacuolation, dog gall bladder, 40, 40f Follicle dilatation, mouse thyroid, 61, 61f hemolymphoreticular system, 78
Epithelial cysts Follicular cysts musculoskeletal system, 78
heart, cynomolgus macaque, 2, 2f ovary see Ovaries nervous system, 78
vacuolation, epididymis, rodents, 103f skin, rats, 33, 33f reproductive system, 78
Erythrophagocytosis, rat alveolar hemorrhage, Follicular epithelial hypertrophy, rat thyroid, 32, respiratory system, 78
20–21, 21f 32f urinary system, 78
Extracapsular cortical tissue, rat adrenal glands, 31, Folliculitis, dogs, 43, 43f Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
31f Food accumulation, rat molars, 23, 23f macrophage aggregates, rabbit, 87, 87f
Extramedullary hemopoiesis Fordyce’s granules, rats, 23 non-human primates, 6
adrenal glands Foreign body, mouse larynx, 49, 49f Warthin–Finkeldey bodies, non-human primates,
marmoset, 11, 11f Foreign body pneumonia, non-human primates, 4, 3, 3f
rats, 31, 31f 4f
choroid plexus, rats, 34, 34f Forestomach, focal erosion, 51–52, 52f
liver, mouse, 53–54, 54f Formalin, perivascular expansion, 94, 94f H
spleen Fungal contamination, 97, 97f
mouse, 48, 48f Hematocysts, dog heart valve, 37, 37f
rats, 19, 19f Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) artifacts, 97
Eye G Hemopoiesis
extramedullary see Extramedullary hemopoiesis
hamsters, 77
minipigs, 84 Gall bladder liver see Liver
New Zealand White rabbit, 91 coccidiosis, rabbit, 89, 89f Hemorrhage
rats, 35–36 duplication, rabbit, 89, 89f optic nerve, artifacts, 93, 93f
eosinophilic inclusions, mouse, 56, 56f thymus, rats, 20, 20f
epithelial cell hyperplasia, dogs, 40, 41f Hemosiderin
F epithelial cell vacuolation, dogs, 40, 40f
focal epithelial hyperplasia, mouse, 56, 56f
liver, marmoset, 8, 8f
spleen, rats, 19, 19f
Fatty vacuolation, mouse liver, 54, 54f Gastric erosion see Stomach Hair contamination, 94, 94f
Female reproductive system, 110–111 Gastric glands Hair embolus, rats, 22, 22f
beagle dogs see Beagle dogs cystic dilatation, rats, 23, 23f Hamsters, 73–79
non-human primates see Non-human primates Helicobacter, dogs, 40, 40f cardiovascular system, 73
rats see Rats herniation, hamster, 74, 74f ear, 77
Fibroadenoma, rodent mammary gland, 116f Gastric heteropia, dogs, 40, 40f endocrine glands, 75–76
Fibrosing alveolitis, dogs, 39, 39f Gastric infarction, non-human primates, 5–6 eye, 77
Fibrosis Gastric mucosa gastrointestinal system, 74
herniated liver lobe, rats, 27, 27f hypertrophy, mouse, 52, 52f hepatobiliary system, 74–75
liver, marmoset, 8, 8f mineralization hemolymphoreticular system, 73
middle ear, hamster, 77, 77f dogs, 40, 40f musculoskeletal system, 77
myocardium, marmoset, 2, 2f hamster, 74, 74f reproductive system, 76
126 Subject Index

Hamsters (continued)
respiratory system, 73
I glomerular lipid accumulation, dogs, 41, 41f
granular cell hyperplasia, hamster, 76, 76f
skin and appendages, 76 Immaturity histiocytic sarcoma, rats, 28, 28f
urinary system, 75 dog female reproductive system, 116, 116f–117f hyaline casts, hamster, 75, 75f
Harderian glands dog male reproductive system, 105–107 hyaline droplets, rats, 28, 28f
focal necrosis, mouse, 66, 66f minipig male reproductive system, 110 inflammation, mouse, 57–58
squamous hyperplasia, rats, 35, 35f non-human primate female reproductive system, interstitial lymphocytes, minipig, 83, 83f
Harderianization, lacrimal gland 119 juvenile glomerulus, dogs, 41, 41f
mouse, 66, 66f rat female reproductive system, 111 lymphocytic infiltration, mouse, 57, 57f
rats, 35, 35f rat spermatogenesis, 101–102 mineralization
Hard palate Inclusion cyst, mouse epidermis, 62, 62f dogs, 41, 41f
cyst formation, hamster, 74, 74f Inflammation marmoset, 4–5, 5f
mineralization, hamster, 74, 74f aorta, mouse, 46, 46f minipig, 83, 83f
Hassall’s corpuscles, dog thymus, 38, 38f chronic suppurative, hamster ear, 77, 77f mouse, 57
Heart artery, mural hypertrophy, 17–18, 18f kidney, mouse, 57–58 rabbit, 89, 89f
Heart valve lacrimal gland, rats, 35, 35f rats, 28, 29f
cyst, rats, 17, 17f liver, non-human primates, 8, 9f multinucleate cells, cynomolgus macaque, 10, 10f
hematocysts, dogs, 37, 37f multifocal subpleural, rats, 22, 22f tubular dilatation, hamster, 75, 75f
Helicobacter infections muscle tubular epithelial cells, nuclear brick inclusions,
gastric glands, dogs, 40, 40f minipig, 84, 84f dogs, 40, 40f
non-human primates, 5 rats, 33, 33f tubular hypertrophy, rats, 29, 29f
Hemosiderotic plaque, dog spleen, 38, 38f myocardium, cynomolgus macaque, 1, 1f Kidney cortex
Hepatobiliary system preputial gland, rodents, 104, 104f cysts, mouse, 57, 57f
beagle dogs, 40 prostate gland, rodents, 104, 104f interstitial lymphoplasmacytic infiltration,
guinea pigs, 78 Information sources, mouse, 45 non-human primates, 9, 9f
hamsters, 74–75 Inherited buphthalmia, rabbit, 91 lipomatous transformation, rats, 29, 29f
minipigs, 83 Interstitial glands, rabbit ovary, 90, 90f lymphoid infiltrate, minipig, 81, 81f
New Zealand White rabbit, 88–89 Interstitial lymphocytes, minipig kidney, 83, 83f pigment accumulation, mouse, 57, 57f
non-human primates, 8–9 Interstitial lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, tubular epithelium, lipofuscin pigments, 28, 28f
rats, 25–27 non-human primate kidney cortex, 9, 9f tubular epithelium vacuolation, dogs, 41, 41f
Hepatocytes Interstitial nephritis, non-human primates, 9 Kidney pelvis, rat transitional epithelium
intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions, mouse, Interstitial pneumonia, non-human primates, 4, 4f hyperplasia, 29, 29f
54, 54f Intestinal tissue, rat stomach, 24, 24f Knee joints, synovial hyperplasia, 63, 63f
intracytoplasmic erythrocytes, mouse, 54, 54f Intimal degeneration, cynomolgus macaque aorta, 3,
intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions, mouse, 54, 3f
intranuclear inclusions, hamster, 74, 74f
Intracytoplasmic colloid, rat thyroid, 32, 32f
Intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions, mouse
lipofuscin pigment, rats, 27, 27f hepatocytes, 54, 54f Lacrimal glands
multinucleate Intracytoplasmic erythrocytes, mouse hepatocytes, acinar atrophy, rats, 35, 35f
mouse, 54f 54, 54f acinar hypertrophy, rats, 35, 35f
rats, 27, 27f Intracytoplasmic hyaline inclusions, mouse olfactory Harderianization
necrosis epithelium, 49, 49f mouse, 66, 66f
minipig, 83, 83f Intrahepatic bile duct, hypertrophy, 55, 56f rats, 35, 35f
rats, 26–27, 27f Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions inflammation, rats, 35, 35f
non-glandular stomach, rats, 26, 26f caput epididymis, dogs, 108, 108f mesenchymal proliferation, mouse, 66, 66f
nuclear brick inclusions, dogs, 40, 40f hepatocytes, mouse, 54, 54f Lamina propria
rarefaction, barbiturate injection artifact, 93, 93f Intranuclear inclusions, hamster hepatocytes, 74, amyloidosis, mouse, 66, 66f
vacuolation 74f macrophages, non-human primates, 6, 6f
mouse, 54, 55f Iris, mineralization, 65, 65f Large intestine, granular cell hyperplasia, 76, 76f
rabbit, 88, 89f Ischemic adipose tissue, mineralization, 23, 24f Laryngeal cartilage, ossification, 22, 22f
Herniated liver lobe, rat fibrosis, 27, 27f Islet cell hyperplasia see Pancreas Larynx
Herniation dilated submucosal glands, rats, 22, 22f
colonic glands, minipig, 83, 83f foreign body, mouse, 49, 49f
gastric glands, hamster, 74, 74f
Histiocytic sarcoma, rat kidney, 28, 28f
J Left ventricle, dilatation, 73, 73f
Histiocytosis, alveolar, 73, 73f Jejunum lamina propria, minipig eosinophils, 83, autolysis
Hyaline casts, hamster kidney, 75, 75f 83f artifacts, 98, 99f
Hyaline deposits Joint mice, rats, 33, 33f rats, 35, 35f
kidney, rats, 28, 28f Joints see Musculoskeletal system degeneration see Lenticular degeneration
lymphoid follicles, dogs, 38, 38f Juvenile glomerulus, dog kidney, 41, 41f Lenticular degeneration
nasal septum, mouse, 49, 49f hamster, 77, 77f
Hydronephrosis, rats, 28, 28f mouse, 65, 65f
Hyperostosis, epiphyses, 63, 63f
K rats, 35, 35f
Leydig cell hyperplasia, rodents, 103, 104f
adrenal cortex, hamster, 75, 75f Karyomegaly Lipid vacuolation, liver see Liver
bile duct see Bile ducts cynomolgus macaque, 1, 2f Lipofuscin pigments
dendritic reticular cells, mouse, 47, 48f mouse liver, 54, 54f hepatocytes, rats, 27, 27f
ductal mammary gland, rodents, 115f Keratin cysts kidney cortical tubular epithelium, rats, 28, 28f
duodenum, mouse, 53, 53f cervix, rodents, 112f Lipogenic pigmentation, mouse adrenal glands, 60,
lymphoid, rabbit bladder, 90, 90f muscle, rats, 33, 33f 60f
neuroendocrine cell, hamster, 73, 74f spinal cord, rats, 34, 34f Lipomatosis, mouse, 47, 47f
pelvic urothelium, rats, 29, 29f Kidney Lipomatous hamartomas, mouse brain, 64, 64f
rete epithelium, rodents, 103, 104f autolysis artefact, rats, 29, 30f Lipomatous transformation, rat renal cortex, 29,
Hypertrophy basophilic tubules 29f
gastric mucosa, mouse, 52, 52f minipig, 83, 83f Liver
intrahepatic bile duct, mouse, 55, 56f rabbit, 89–90, 90f amyloidosis, mouse, 66, 67f
Hypoplasia corticomedullary mineralization, rats, 28, 29f angiectasis, rats, 26, 26f
cerebellum, rats, 34, 34f ectopic adrenal gland, non-human primates, 8, 9f cell ploidy, rats, 27, 28f
testes, rodents, 102 ectopic tissue, mouse liver, 53, 53f clear-cell focus, hamster, 73, 75f
Hypospermatogenesis, dogs, 107, 107f focal tubular basophilia, dogs, 41, 41f coagulative necrosis, mouse, 55, 55f
Subject Index 127

cystic degeneration, rats, 26, 26f

ectopic, non-human primates, 11, 11f
M ear, 84
endocrine system, 84
ectopic adrenal gland, non-human primates, 9, 9f Macrophages eye, 84
ectopic renal tissue, mouse, 53, 53f aggregates, gut-associated lymphoid tissue gastrointestinal system, 82–83
extramedullary hemopoiesis, mouse, 53–54, 54f (GALT), 87, 87f hepatobiliary system, 83
fatty vacuolation, mouse, 54, 54f alveolar see Alveolar macrophages hemolymphoreticular system, 81–82
fibrosis, marmoset, 8, 8f lamina propria, non-human primates, 6, 6f male reproductive system, 110
focal angiectasis, mouse, 46, 46f mesenteric lymph node, rats, 18, 18f immaturity, 110
focal necrosis Male reproductive system, 101–110 maturity, 110
mouse, 55, 55f dogs see Beagle dogs peripuberty, 110
non-human primates, 8, 9f minipigs see Minipigs musculoskeletal system, 84
glycogen accumulation, marmoset, 8, 8f non-human primates see Non-human primates nervous system, 84
hemopoiesis rats see Rats reproductive system, 84
marmoset, 8, 8f Mammary glands female reproductive system, 121
rats, 26–27, 27f alveolar hyperplasia, rodents, 115, 115f respiratory system, 82
hemosiderin, marmoset, 8, 8f ductal hyperplasia, rodents, 115, 115f skin and appendages, 84
inflammation, non-human primates, 8, 9f fibroadenoma, rodents, 116f urinary system, 83
intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions, rats, 26, focal hyperplasia, mouse, 62, 62f Moist dermatitis, rabbit, 90
26f New Zealand White rabbit, 90 Molars, food accumulation, 23, 23f
karyomegaly, mouse, 54, 54f estrus cycle, non-human primate, 119f Mounting, artifacts, 97
lipid vacuolation rats, 115 Mouse, 45–72
marmoset, 8, 8f Vater Pacinian corpuscle, cynomolgus macaque, brain, 64
non-human primates, 8, 8f 13, 13f cardiovascular system, 45–46
lobe torsion, rats, 27, 27f Mandibular lymph node endocrine glands, 59–61
marmoset, 8 abscess, minipig, 82, 82f gastrointestinal system, 50–53
microgranuloma, mouse, 55, 55f mast cells, rats, 18, 18f information sources, 45
necrosis, marmoset, 8f plasmacytosis, rats, 18, 19f hemolymphoreticular system, 46–49
periportal fat vacuolation, rats, 26, 26f Mast cells, rat mandibular lymph node, 18, 18f musculoskeletal system, 62–63
tension lipidosis Maturity nervous systems, 64
non-human primates, 8, 8f dog male reproductive system, 105–107 pancreas, 56
rats, 25, 26f minipig male reproductive system, 110 reproductive system see Rats
Luminal crystals, mouse thyroid, 61, 61f rat spermatogenesis, 101–102 respiratory system, 49–50
Lungs Medullary hyperplasia, rat adrenal glands, 31, 31f stock/strain differences, 45
mineralization Mercuric chloride–formaldehyde fixation, artifacts, systemic disease, 66
marmoset, 4–5, 5f 95 urinary system, 57–59
minipig, 82, 82f Mesenchymal proliferation Mucinous degeneration, non-human primate atria,
smooth muscle mineralization, dogs, 38, 38f endocardium, rats, 17, 17f 3, 3f
Lymph follicles, non-human primates, 3–4, 4f lacrimal gland, mouse, 66, 66f Mucosal glands, cystic dilatation, 52,
Lymph nodes Mesenteric adipose tissue necrosis, rats, 23, 24f 52f
atrophy, rats, 18 Mesenteric lymph node Mucus cell hyperplasia, dogs, 40, 40f
hyalinisation, non-human primates, 3–4, 4f macrophages, rats, 18, 18f Multifocal subpleural inflammation, rats, 22,
Russell bodies, rats, 18, 19f sinus ectasia, mouse, 47, 47f 22f
sinus dilatation, rats, 18, 18f sinus erythrocytosis, mouse, 47, 47f Multilocular biliary cyst, mouse, 55, 55f
tattoo pigment, rats, 19, 19f Metabolic disease, New Zealand White rabbit, 91 Multinucleate cells, cynomolgus macaque kidney,
Lymphocytic epididymitis, dogs, 107, 108f Metaplasia 10, 10f
Lymphocytic infiltration Bowman’s capsule, rats, 28 Multinucleate giant cells, dog testes, 107,
cervix, non-human primates, 121, 121f cuboidal, Bowman’s capsule, 9, 9f 107f
eye, non-human primates, 13, 13f osseous see Osseous metaplasia Multinucleate hepatocytes see Hepatocytes
kidney, mouse, 57, 57f Microgranuloma, mouse liver, 55, 55f Mural hypertrophy, rat heart artery, 17–18,
thyroid gland, rabbit, 90 Middle ear fibrosis, hamster, 77, 77f 18f
urinary bladder, rats, 29, 29f Mineralization Muscles
Lymphocytic orchitis, dogs, 107, 108f adrenal cortex, non-human primates, 10–11, inflammation, rats, 33, 33f
Lymphocytic thyroiditis, dog thyroid, 42, 42f 11f keratin cysts, rats, 33, 33f
Lymphofollicular structure, mouse germinal centres, aorta Muscle spindle, nuclear bag fiber, 63, 64f
48, 48f dogs, 37, 37f Musculoskeletal system
Lymphoid aggregates, rodent epididymis, 103, rabbit, 87, 87f beagle dogs, 43
104f artery, rats, 20, 20f guinea pigs, 78
Lymphoid follicles brain see Brain hamsters, 77
bladder, dogs, 41, 41f bronchiole mucus, rats, 22, 22f minipigs, 84
hyaline deposits, dogs, 38, 38f cornea, mouse, 65, 65f mouse, 62–63
vagina, non-human primates, 121, 121f epicardium, mouse, 46, 46f New Zealand White rabbit, 91
Lymphoid hyperplasia gastric mucosa, hamster, 74, 74f non-human primates, 12
bladder, rabbit, 90, 90f hard palate, hamster, 74, 74f rats, 33
Peyer’s patch, rats, 25, 25f iris, mouse, 65, 65f see also specific features
thymus, mouse, 48, 48f kidney see Kidney Mycotic oesophagitis, marmoset, 5, 5f
Lymphoid infiltrates lungs see Lungs Myocardial artery, focal villous intimal proliferation,
adrenal cortex, minipig, 81, 81f nasal turbinate, rats, 20, 20f 37, 37f
cerebrum, minipig, 81, 81f nasal turbinate mucus, rats, 22, 22f Myocardial degeneration, cynomolgus macaque, 1,
renal cortex, minipig, 81, 81f pelvic transitional epithelium, rats, 29, 29f 2f
urinary bladder, mouse, 58, 58f Peyer’s patches, rats, 19, 19f Myocardial lymphoid cells, rats, 17, 17f
Lymphoma tissue, cutting artifact, 96, 96f prostate gland see Prostate gland Myocarditis, focal, 1, 1f
Hemolymphoreticular system salivary gland, minipig, 82, 82f Myocardium
beagle dogs, 38 spinal cord meninges, dogs, 43, 43f degeneration, cynomolgus macaque, 2, 2f
guinea pigs, 78 strangulated/ischemic adipose tissue, rats, 23, eosinophilic inclusions, non-human primates, 2,
hamsters, 73 24f 2f
minipigs, 81–82 tongue see Tongue fibrosis, marmoset, 2, 2f
mouse see Mouse urinary bladder, non-human primates, 10, 10f inflammatory cells, cynomolgus macaque, 1,
New Zealand White rabbit, 87 Minipigs, 81–85 1f
non-human primates, 3–4 brain, 84 Myodegeneration, minipig, 84, 84f
rats, 18–20 cardiovascular system, 81 Myofibers, atrophy, 33, 33f
128 Subject Index

N O focal hypertrophy, rats, 32, 32f

minipig, 84, 84f
Nasal septum, hyaline material, 49, 49f Oesophagostomum infection, non-human primates, ultimobranchial cyst, mouse, 61, 61f
Nasal turbinates 7, 7f Parotid salivary gland, basophilic hypertrophic
eosinophilic inclusions, rats, 20, 20f Estrus, dog female reproductive system, 117–118, focus, 24, 24f
mineralization, rats, 20, 20f 117f–118f Pars distalis
mucus mineralization, rats, 22, 22f Estrus cycle cysts, dogs, 41–42, 42f
Necrosis dog female reproductive system, 116–118 developmental cysts, mouse, 59, 59f
focal, liver, 8, 9f mammary gland, non-human primate, 119f focal hyperplasia, pituitary gland, 30, 30f
hepatocytes ovary, non-human primate, 119f Pars nervosa, cysts, 41–42, 42f
minipig, 83, 83f rats, 111–112, 111f–112f Passalurus ambiguus ova, rabbit, 88, 88f
rats, 26–27, 27f uterus, non-human primate, 119f–120f Pelger–Huet syndrome, rabbit, 87
liver, marmoset, 8, 8f vagina, rats, 111f Pelvic transitional epithelium, mineralization, 29,
submucosal, stomach, 5–6, 6f Olfactory epithelium, intracytoplasmic hyaline 29f
Necrotic cholecystitis, rabbit, 89, 89f inclusions, 49, 49f Pelvic urothelium, hyperplasia, 29, 29f
Neonates, rat brain, 34, 34f Optic disk, cupping, 84, 84f Penile lesions, rats, 104
Nephropathy, rats, 28, 28f Optic nerve Periarteritis
Nervous system atrophy, rats, 35, 35f dogs, 37, 37f
beagle dogs, 43–44 gliosis, artifacts, 93, 93f minipig, 81, 81f
guinea pigs, 78 hemorrhage, artifacts, 93, 93f mouse, 46, 46f
minipigs, 84 neuritis, cynomolgus macaque, 13, 13f Perimesenteric plexus, minipig, 82, 82f
mouse, 64 Osseous metaplasia Periodontal gingivitis, mouse, 50, 51f
New Zealand White rabbit, 91 lung parenchyma Periportal fat vacuolation, rat liver, 26, 26f
non-human primates, 12–13 dogs, 38, 38f Peripuberty
rats, 33–34 rats, 22, 22f dog female reproductive system, 116
Nesidioblastosis, dog pancreas, 42, 42f rats, 28 dog male reproductive system, 105–107
Neuroblasts, rats, 34, 34f Ossification minipig male reproductive system, 110
Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia adrenal cortex, rats, 31, 31f rat female reproductive system, 111
bronchiole, rats, 20–21, 21f laryngeal cartilage, rats, 22, 22f rat spermatogenesis, 101–102
hamster, 73, 74f Osteomyelitis, marmoset, 12, 12f Perivascular cuffing
New Zealand White rabbit, 87–91 Osteophytes, dog lung parenchyma, 38, 38f brain, non-human primates, 13, 13f
brain, 91 Ovaries CNS, dogs, 43, 43f
cardiovascular system, 87 amyloid replacement, rodents, 114, 114f Perivascular melanin, non-human primate brain, 13,
ear, 91 atrophy, rodents, 112–113, 113f 13f
endocrine system, 90 corpora lutea, hamster, 76, 76f Perivasculitis, non-human primates, 3, 3f
eye, 91 cystic replacement, rodents, 114, 114f Peyer’s patches
gastrointestinal system, 88 follicular cysts lymphoid hyperplasia, rats, 25, 25f
hepatobiliary system, 88–89 non-human primates, 121, 121f mineralization, rats, 19, 19f
hemolymphoreticular system, 87 rodents, 112f Pigments
mammary glands, 90 interstitial gland, rabbit, 90, 90f adrenal cortex, rats, 31, 31f
metabolic disease, 91 estrus cycle, non-human primate, 119f renal cortical tubules, mouse, 57, 57f
musculoskeletal system, 91 pseudopregnancy, rodents, 112–113, 113f Pinch artifact, 94, 94f
nervous system, 91 rats, 114 Pituitary gland
pancreas, 89 tubulostromal hyperplasia, rodents, 114, adenohypophysis, rats, 30, 30f
reproductive system, 90 114f angiectasis, rats, 30, 30f
respiratory system, 87 Ovotestis, rodents, 112–113, 113f cyst, rats, 30, 30f
skin and appendages, 90 pars distalis focal hyperplasia, rats, 30, 30f
urinary system, 89–90 Rathke’s pouch remnant, rats, 30, 30f
Non-glandular stomach
focal ulceration, 23, 23f
P Plant material contamination, 93, 94f
Plasmacytic infiltrates, rat salivary gland, 24, 24f
hepatocytes, 26, 26f Pancreas Plasmacytosis
Non-glandular stomach, rats, cyst, 23, 23f accessory spleen mandibular lymph node, rats, 18, 19f
Non-human primates, 1–15 non-human primates, 7, 8f mouse, 47, 47f
brain, 12–13 rabbit, 89, 89f Pleural lung tag, rats, 21, 21f
cardiovascular system, 1–3 acinar atrophy Pneumoconiosis, non-human primates, 4
ectopic liver, 11, 11f mouse, 56, 56f Polyarteritis, rabbit lung, 87, 88f
endocrine system, 10–12 rats, 25, 25f Polycystic kidney, rats, 28, 28f
female reproductive system, 119–121 acinar vacuolation, rats, 25, 25f Postmortem/necropsy, artifacts, 93–94
background changes, 120–121, 120f atrophy, dogs, 42, 42f Pregnancy toxemia, rabbit, 91
cyclicity-related changes, 119–120, 119f–120f basophilic tinctorial change, rats, 25, 25f Prepuce abscess, hamster, 76, 77f
immaturity, 119 ductal mucus epithelial hyperplasia, hamster, 75, Preputial gland
puberty, 119 76f cystic atrophy, rodents, 104, 105f
gastrointestinal system, 5–7 ectopic see Ectopic pancreatic tissue cystic distension, rodents, 104, 105f
hepatobiliary system, 8–9 islet cell hyperplasia inflammation, rodents, 104, 104f
hemolymphoreticular system, 3–4 hamster, 75, 75f Processing artifacts, 95–96
male reproductive system, 109–110, 109f mouse, 61, 61f Pro-estrus, dog female reproductive system, 117,
incidental findings, 109–110, 109f–110f rats, 32, 32f 117f
seasonal changes, 109, 109f mouse, 56 Prolapse, mouse rectum, 53, 53f
musculoskeletal system, 12 nesidioblastosis, dogs, 42, 42f Prostate gland
nervous system, 12–13 New Zealand White rabbit, 89 dogs, 108
respiratory system, 4–5 zymogen degranulation focus, rats, 25, 25f epithelial atrophy/mineralization, hamster, 76,
urinary bladder, 10 zymogen granules, rats, 32, 32f 77f
urinary system, 9–10 Pancreatic vessel, arteritis, 56, 56f epithelial hyperplasia, rodents, 104f
Basophilic hypertrophic focus, mouse salivary Paneth cells, zymogen granules, 52–53, 53f focal cystic dilatation, dogs, 108, 108f–109f
glands, 51, 51f Parathyroid glands focal squamous metaplasia, rabbit, 90, 90f
Nuclear bag fiber, muscle spindle, 63, 64f cysts, dogs, 41–42, 42f inflammation, rodents, 104, 104f
Nuclear brick inclusions ectopic, rats, 20 mineralization
hepatocytes, dogs, 40, 40f ectopic thymic tissue hamster, 76, 77f
renal tubular epithelial cells, dogs, 40, 40f marmoset, 11–12, 12f non-human primates, 110f
Nucleus circularis, rat cerebrum, 34, 34f mouse, 60–61, 61f rodents, 104, 105f
Subject Index 129

Pseudoglandular cysts, dog epididymis, 108, 108f Rete epithelium, hyperplasia, rodents, 103, 104f chondromucinous degeneration
Pseudopregnancy Rete ovary cyst, rodents, 112f dogs, 43, 43f
dogs, 118, 118f Retina mouse, 63, 63f
ovary, rodents, 112–113, 113f atrophy rats, 33, 33f
uterus, rodents, 112–113, 113f mouse, 65, 65f dysplasia, hamster, 77, 77f
vagina, rodents, 112–113, 113f rats, 35, 35f Stock/strain differences, mouse, 45
Puberty, non-human primate female reproductive rosettes, rats, 35, 35f Stomach
system, 119 Rhabdomyomatosis, guinea pig, 78, 78f adenomatous hyperplasia, mouse, 52, 52f
Pulmonary acinar ectasia, rats, 22, 22f Right ventricle, adipose tissue infiltration, 87, 87f focal erosion, hamster, 74, 74f
Pulmonary thrombi, non-human primates, 4, 4f Russell bodies, rat lymph node, 18, 19f gastric erosion
Purkinje cells, eosinophilic, 98, 99f minipig, 82, 83f
non-human primates, 5, 5f
S squamous cyst, rats, 23, 23f
R Salivary glands
submucosal eosinophils, rats, 23, 23f
submucosal necrosis, non-human primates, 5–6,
Rathke’s pouch remnant, rat pituitary gland, 30, acinar atrophy, rats, 24, 24f 6f
30f adipocytes, dogs, 39, 40f Strangulated adipose tissue, mineralization, 23,
Rats, 17–36 mineralization, minipig, 82, 82f 24f
brain, 33–34 basophilic hypertrophic focus, mouse, 51, 51f Striated (cardiac) muscle, mouse lungs, 50, 50f
cardiovascular system, 17–18 plasmacytic infiltrates, rats, 24, 24f Subarticular bone cyst, rats, 33, 33f
ear, 35–36 serous focus, rats, 24, 24f Subcapsular cell hyperplasia, mouse adrenal glands,
endocrine glands, 30–32 squamous metaplasia, minipig, 82, 82f 60, 60f
eye, 35–36 see also specific salivary glands Subcapsular sinus, eosinophils, 82, 82f
female reproductive system, 111–116 Salmonella infection, non-human primates, 6 Subcutaneous abscess, mouse, 62, 62f
aging animals, 112–114, 114f Sarcocystis cysts, non-human primates, 12, 12f Subepithelial arteriovenous anastomosis, dog
cervix, 114–115 Schweiggel–Seidel sheaths, minipig spleen, 81, 81f tongue, 39, 39f
clitoral gland, 116, 116f Sciatic nerve Subepithelial inflammation, dog tongue, 39, 39f
immaturity, 111 demyelination, rats, 33, 33f Submandibular salivary glands
mammary gland, 115 Renault bodies, dogs, 43, 43f focal atrophy, mouse, 51, 51f
estrus cyclicity, 111–112, 111f–112f Seasonal changes, non-human primate male sexual dimorphism, mouse, 51, 51f
ovaries, 114 reproductive system, 109, 109f Submucosal eosinophils, rat stomach, 23, 23f
peripuberty, 111 Sebaceous glands Submucosal necrosis, non-human primates stomach,
uterus, 114–115 ectopic, rats, 23 5–6, 6f
vagina, 115 Seminal vesicle, distension, 104, 105f Subpleural lymphatics, dogs, 39, 39f
young animals, 112, 112f Serous focus, rat salivary gland, 24, 24f Synovial hyperplasia, mouse knee joint, 63, 63f
gastrointestinal system, 23–25 Sperm granulomas, rodent epididymis, 103, 103f Syphacia obvelata infection, mouse, 53, 53f
hepatobiliary system, 25–27 Severe diffuse amyloidosis, hamster, 75, 75f Systemic disease, mouse, 66
hemolymphoreticular system, 18–20 Sexual dimorphism
male reproductive system, 101–104 Bowman’s capsule, mouse, 57, 57f
accessory sex organs, 104
age-related lesions, 103–104
submandibular salivary glands, mouse, 51, 51f
Shigella infection, colitis, 6, 6f
congenital/developmental lesions, 102 Sinus dilatation, rat lymph nodes, 18, 18f Talcum powder, artifact, 93
epididymides, 103–104 Sinus ectasia, mouse mesenteric lymph node, 47, Tattoo pigment, rat lymph node, 19, 19f
penile lesions, 104 47f Tension lipidosis, liver see Liver
residual bodies, 103f Sinus erythrocytosis, mouse mesenteric lymph Testes
tubular degeneration/atrophy, 102–103, node, 47, 47f amyloid deposition, rodents, 103, 104f
102f–103f Skin atrophic seminiferous tubules, hamster, 76, 77f
musculoskeletal system, 33 beagle dogs, 43 dogs, 107–108
nervous system, 33–34 hamsters, 76 epididymis hyperplasia, hamster, 76, 77f
respiratory system, 20–22 minipigs, 84 fibrous hypoplasia, non-human primates, 110f
skin and appendages, 33 New Zealand White rabbit, 90 focal tubular degeneration, non-human primates,
spermatogenesis, 101–104, 101f–102f rats, 33 110f
immaturity, 101–102 Small intestine, ectopic pancreas, 25, 25f focal tubular dilatation, non-human primates,
maturity, 101–102 Spermatogenesis, 101, 101f–102f 109f
peripuberty, 101–102 rats see Rats hypoplasia, rodents, 102
urinary system, 28–29 Spinal cord multinucleate giant cells, dogs, 107, 107f
Rectum, prolapse, 53, 53f epidermoid cyst, mouse, 64, 64f tissue distortion, fixative artifact, 95, 95f
Refluxed seminal colloid plug, mouse urinary focal degeneration, mouse, 64, 65f tubular hypoplasia
bladder, 58, 59f keratin cysts, rats, 34, 34f dogs, 107, 107f
Renal cortex see Kidney cortex meninges mineralization, dogs, 43, 43f minipig, 110f
Renault bodies, dog sciatic nerve, 43, 43f Spleen Thrombosis
Reproductive system accessory see Pancreas aortic valve, hamster, 73, 73f
female see Female reproductive system capsular cyst, rats, 19, 19f atrial, hamster, 73, 73f
guinea pigs, 78 extramedullary hemopoiesis see Extramedullary umbilical blood vessel, minipig, 83, 83f
hamsters, 76 hemopoiesis Thrombus
male see Male reproductive system hemosiderin, rats, 19, 19f bone marrow, artifact, 93, 93f
minipigs, 84 hemosiderotic plaque, dogs, 38, 38f lung, rabbit, 87, 88f
New Zealand White rabbit, 90 Schweiggel–Seidel sheaths, minipig, 81, 81f Thymus
Residual bodies, rat male reproductive system, Squamous cyst, rat stomach, 23, 23f apoptosis, rats, 20, 20f
103f Squamous epithelium atrophy
Respiratory system thymus, rats, 19, 20f hamster, 73, 73f
beagle dogs, 38–39 trachea, dogs, 38, 38f rats, 20, 20f
guinea pigs, 78 Squamous hyperplasia, rat Harderian glands, 35, branchial cysts, dogs, 38, 38f
hamsters, 73 35f cyst, mouse, 48, 48f
minipigs, 82 Squamous metaplasia ectopic, parathyroid gland see Parathyroid glands
mouse see Mouse endometrial glands, rodents, 112–113, 113f eosinophilic crystals, rats, 20, 20f
New Zealand White rabbit, 87 salivary gland, minipig, 82, 82f hemorrhage, rats, 20, 20f
non-human primates, 4–5 Stains, artifacts, 97–98, 98f Hassall’s corpuscles, dogs, 38, 38f
rats, 20–22 Sternum lymphoid hyperplasia, mouse, 48, 48f
see also specific components cartilage degeneration, hamster, 77, 77f squamous epithelium, rats, 19, 20f
130 Subject Index

Thyroid gland Umbilical blood vessel, thrombosis, 83, 83f Vagina

C-cell hyperplasia Urachal artery thrombosis, dog bladder, 41, 41f cornificiation, non-human primates, 121,
marmoset, 11, 11f Urinary bladder 121f
rats, 32, 32f colloidal plug, rats, 29, 29f cysts, rodents, 112f
C-cell infiltrates, dogs, 42, 42f lymphocytic infiltration, rats, 29, 29f lymphoid follicles, non-human primates, 121,
cysts, rats, 32 lymphoid infiltrates, mouse, 58, 58f 121f
ectopic tissue, dogs, 41–42 non-human primates, 10 estrus cyclicity, rats, 111f
follicle dilatation, mouse, 61, 61f refluxed seminal colloid plug, mouse, 58, 59f pseudopregnancy, rodents, 112–113, 113f
follicular epithelial hypertrophy, rats, 32, 32f urothelial hyperplasia, mouse, 58, 58f rats, 115
intracytoplasmic colloid, rats, 32, 32f Urinary system Vaso vasorum, rats, 18, 18f
luminal crystals, mouse, 61, 61f beagle dogs, 41 Vater Pacinian corpuscle, cynomolgus macaque
lymphocytic infiltration, rabbit, 90 guinea pigs, 78 mammary gland, 13, 13f
lymphocytic thyroiditis, dogs, 42, 42f hamsters, 75 Venipuncture damage, minipig thyroid, 84, 84f
venipuncture damage, minipig, 84, 84f minipigs, 83 Ventricle, adipose tissue infiltration, 87, 87f
Tissue contamination, 94–97, 94f, 96f–97f mouse see Mouse Ventricular dilatation, rabbit brain, 91
Tissue distortion artifact, testicles, 95, 95f New Zealand White rabbit, 89–90 Villous mesothelial projections, dog atria, 37,
Tongue non-human primates, 9–10 38f
blood collection trauma, rats, 24, 25f rats, 28–29
cartilage, minipig, 82, 82f see also Kidney; Urinary bladder
mineralization Urothelial hyperplasia, mouse urinary bladder, 58, W
hamster, 74, 74f 58f
rats, 18, 18f Urothelium Warthin–Finkeldey bodies, non-human primate
subepithelial arteriovenous anastomosis, dogs, 39, eosinophilic inclusions, non-human primates, 10, gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), 3,
39f 10f 3f
subepithelial inflammation, dogs, 39, 39f vacuolation, non-human primates, 10, 10f Wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS), 6–7
Trachea Uterus
cartilage mineralization, rats, 21, 21f benign stromal polyp, rodents, 115, 115f
squamous epithelium, dogs, 38, 38f cystic hyperplasia, rodents, 114, 114f X
Tracheal glands, eosinophilic materials, 49–50, decidual reaction, hamster, 76, 76f X zone, mouse adrenal glands, 59, 59f
49f deciduoma, rodents, 115, 115f
Transitional epithelium hyperplasia, rat kidney granular cell hyperplasia, hamster, 76, 76f
pelvis, 29, 29f
Tubular degeneration/atrophy, rat male reproductive
estrus cycle, non-human primate,
system, 102–103, 102f–103f pseudopregnancy, rodents, 112–113, 113f Yersinia infection, non-human primates, 6
Tubular dilatation, hamster kidney, 75, 75f rats, 114–115
Tubular hypoplasia see Testes
Tubulostromal hyperplasia, rodent ovary, 114, Z
114f V Zona glomerulosa
Vaccine granuloma, non-human primate muscle, 12, focal hypertrophy, 31, 32f
U 12f
vacuolation, 42, 42f
Zona reticularis vacuolation, dog adrenal glands, 42,
Ulceration adrenal cortex, rats, 30, 30f–31f 42f
flank glands, hamster, 76, 76f adrenal glands, rabbit, 90 Zymogen degranulation focus, rat pancreas, 25,
rats, 32f, 33 fixation artifact, 98, 98f 25f
skin, minipig, 84, 84f hepatocytes see Hepatocytes Zymogen granules
Ultimobranchial cyst, mouse parathyroid gland, 61, processing artifacts, 96, 96f pancreas, rats, 32, 32f
61f urothelium, non-human primates, 10, 10f Paneth cells, mouse, 52–53, 53f

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