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3.5 Membedakan fungsi VOLLEYBALL MATCH 1 8

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
3. Memahami dan kebahasaan beberapa teks For all students of SMKN 1
menerapkan pengetahuan khusus dalam bentuk SIMPANG HULU, We will
faktual, konseptual, pemberitahuan have volleyball match with
prosedural, dan (announcement), dengan
metakognitif pada tingkat
memberi dan meminta
teknis dan spesifik informasi terkait kegiatan
Day : Saturday
sederhana berdasarkan rasa sekolah, sesuai dengan
ingin tahunya tentang ilmu konteks penggunaannya
Date :
pengetahuan, teknologi, September, 8 2022
seni, budaya dengan Time : 3.30 –
wawasan kemanusiaan, 5.00 pm
kebangsaan, dan Place : Volleyball
kenegaraan terkait
fenomena dan kejadian
tampak mata.

The participants will be

selected by the teachers.
For further information
please contact Mr. Irawan.


Robert GMT, S.Hut.

What is the announcement 2 5


What is the purpose of the 3 5

Who is the target of the 4 5

Where will the event be 5 5


3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, Change the sentences 6 10

struktur teks, dan unsur below become (-) and (?)
kebahasaan teks interaksi
with using Simple Past
transaksional lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta a. (+) I bought a new hat
informasi terkait two days ago
keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/ (-)
kejadian yang (?)
dilakukan/terjadi di waktu
b. (+) Peter drank a lot of
lampau yang merujuk waktu
terjadinya dan kesudahannya,
cola yesterday
sesuai dengan konteks (-)
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan (?)
unsur kebahasaan simple past
tense vs present perfect tense) Translate into Indonesia 7 8
a. Did you buy a new DVD?
b. John put the vase in my
room two weeks ago

Find the mistakes and

correct it! 8 8
Last week was a great day
for us Bhineka Senior High
School students. We
celebrate the 12th
anniversary of the school.
It is a great event. The
event starts at five with the
singing the National
Anthem. The principal than
give a speech about the
highlights and
achievements of the school
during the year. Then the
guest of honour give a
short speech.
This was followed by the
opening ceremony. The
Minister of Education hits a
gong three times. The
concert is the highlight of
the day. There are songs,
dances, and ect. The
celebrations ends at seven
in the evening. The guest
have a reception in the
school canteen. It is really a
memorable day for the
teachers and the students.
There are two kinds of
these are irregular and
regular verb.
9 8
Please write 5
irregular verb & 5 regular
verb with the meaning!

Fill in the blank with the

suitable verb! 10 8
a. The technicians
_________ (take) the
computer at school
b. I _________ (forgive)
them since last year
c. ____________ (you/buy)
a gift for him?

3.7 Membedakan fungsi Recount text is telling or 11 5

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur writing something about
kebahasaan beberapa teks
past event. It has some
recount lisan dan tulis dengan parts in recount text, these
memberi dan meminta are the aim, the generic
informasi terkait peristiwa
structure and language
bersejarah sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya
features. Please write

Find the word in bold in

paraghraph below and
change them to Verb 2! 12 10
(Question number 12-13)

I (1) visit my
Yogyakarta last year. I
missed her so much,
because we hadn’t (2)
for about two years. My
Grandmother (3) show me
around the city, taking me
to beautiful temples and
traditional markets, and
sharing knowledge of the
city’s culture. The
Borobudur Temple (4) is a
highlight of the trip. This
UNESCO World Heritage
Site, was breathtaking with
intricate carvings and
towering stupas. My
grandmother explained the
history and significance of
the temple, we (5) spend
hours exploring it.

My grandmother (6) take

me to a small family-run
eatery called warung,
where we had nasi gudeg.
was delicious and unlike
anything I had (7) taste
before. The trip (8) allow
me to spend quality time
with my grandmother. We
(9) talk about everything
from her childhood stories
and I learned a lot about
family and culture. Saying
goodbye was difficult, but I
(10) leave with cherished 13 5
memories and a newfound
appreciation for the city
and its culture.

Which paraghraphs are

included jn the “Series of

3.8 Membedakan fungsi Please writw a genre of the 14 5

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur narrative text!
kebahasaan beberapa teks
naratif lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait legenda
rakyat, sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks
3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial Please write the meaning 15 5
dan unsur kebahasaan lirik of the song “Count on
lagu terkait kehidupan remaja
Me” !

By Bruno Mars

If you ever find

yourself stuck in the
middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find
If you ever find yourself
lost in the dark and you
can't see
I'll be the light to guide
We'll find out what
we're made of
When we are called to
help our friends in need

You can count on me

like one, two, three
I'll be there

And I know when I

need it, I can count on
you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
'Cause that's what
friends are supposed to
do, oh, yeah
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh,
yeah, yeah

You'll always have my

shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never
say goodbye
You know

Watansoppeng, 2023
Kepala Sekolah Guru Bidang Studi

Drs. Muhammad Hilmi, M.Pd. Surya Dita, S.Hum

1. Match the parts with the word in the box! (number 1-5)


For all students of SMKN 1 SIMPANG HULU, We will have

volleyball match with SMAN 1 SIMPANG HULU.

Day : Saturday
Date : September, 8th 2022
Time : 3.30 – 5.00 pm
Place : Volleyball court

The participants will be selected by the teachers. For further

information please contact Mr. Irawan.


Robert GMT, S.Hut.

Announcer Date Closing Contact person Time

Title Content Target Place Opening

2. What is the announcement about?

3. What is the purpose of the announcement?
4. Who is the target of the announcement?
5. Where will the event be held?

6. Change the sentences below become (-) and (?) with using Simple Past tense!
a. (+) I bought a new hat two days ago
b. (+) Peter drank a lot of cola yesterday
7. Translate into Indonesia
a. Did you buy a new DVD?
b. John put the vase in my room two weeks ago
8. Find the mistakes and correct it!
Last week was a great day for us Bhineka Senior High School students. We celebrate the 12 th
anniversary of the school. It is a great event. The event starts at five with the singing the National
Anthem. The principal than give a speech about the highlights and achievements of the school during the
year. Then the guest of honour give a short speech.
This was followed by the opening ceremony. The Minister of Education hits a gong three times.
The concert is the highlight of the day. There are songs, dances, and ect. The celebrations ends at seven in
the evening. The guest have a reception in the school canteen. It is really a memorable day for the
teachers and the students.
9. There are two kinds of verb. these are irregular and regular verb. Please write 5 irregular verb & 5 regular
verb with the meaning!
10. Fill in the blank with the suitable verb!
a. The technicians _________ (take) the computer at school
b. I _________ (forgive) them since last year
c. ____________ (you/buy) a gift for him?
11. Recount text is telling or writing something about past event. It has some parts in recount text, these are
the aim, the generic structure and language features. Please write them!
12. Find the word in bold in paraghraph below and change them to Verb 2! (Question number 12-13)
I (1) visit my grandmotherin Yogyakarta last year. I really missed her so much, because we
hadn’t (2) meet for about two years. My frandmother (3) show me around the city, taking me to beautiful
temples and traditional markets, and sharing knowledge of the city’s culture. The Borobudur Temple (4) is
a highlight of the trip. This UNESCO World Heritage Site, was breathtaking with intricate carvings and
towering stupas. My grandmother explained the history and significance of the temple, we (5) spend
hours exploring it.
My grandmother (6) take me to a small family-run eatery called warung, where we had nasi
gudeg. It was delicious and unlike anything I had (7) taste before. The trip (8) allow me to spend quality
time with my grandmother. We (9) talk about everything from her childhood stories and I learned a lot
about my family and culture. Saying goodbye was difficult, but I (10) leave with cherished memories and a
newfound appreciation for the city and its culture.
13. Which paraghraphs are included jn the “Series of Event”
14. Please writw a genre of the narrative text!
15. Please write the meaning of the song “Count on Me” !

COUNT ON ME You can count on me like one,

By Bruno Mars two, three
I'll be there
If you ever find yourself
stuck in the middle of the sea And I know when I need it, I can
I'll sail the world to find you count on you like four, three, two
If you ever find yourself lost in And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are
the dark and you can't see
supposed to do, oh, yeah
I'll be the light to guide you
We'll find out what we're made Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah,
of yeah
When we are called to help our
friends in need You'll always have my shoulder
when you cry
I'll never let go, never say
You know

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