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TEACHER: Osvaldo E. Montórfano

Assignment 2

Translate into Spanish:

10th August, 20XX

To: Jack Marshall

Subject: Representation in the United Kingdom

Dear Mr. Marshall:

We are a large motorcycle retail chain with outlets throughout the UK, and interested in the heavy touring
and state of the art bikes displayed on your stand at the New York Trade Fair recently.

There is an increasing demand here for this type of machine. Sales of larger machines have increased by
more than 70% in the last two years, especially to the group of 30-50 which wants more powerful bikes
and can afford them.

We are looking for a supplier who will offer us an exclusive commission agency to retail heavy machines.
At present we represent a number of manufacturers, but they only sell machines up to 600 cc. and 700 cc.

We operate on a 10% commission basis on net list prices, with an additional 3% del credere commission
if required, and estimate you could expect an annual turnover in excess of £2,000,000.00; and with an
advertising allowance we could probably double this figure, since we can prepare a Breakeven Analysis
and a Lean Canvas in order to achieve an optimum performance.

Our customers usually settle directly with us, and we pay our principals by bill of exchange on a quarterly
basis. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, we can negotiate payment conditions based on a TT upon arrival of
the shipment or by Letter of Credit or Bill of Exchange. We shall need to address this matter further.
Please let me know and my Solicitor will send you a draft of the pertinent Agreement for your revision
and approval.

You can be sure that our organization would offer you first-class representation and excellent sales, and
guarantee the success of your products in this country.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Brent Rogers
B. Rogers (Mr.)
Rogers & Mars Motorcycles LLC
Leeds NG1 4BB
United Kingdom

NOTICE: DEL CREDERE Agents guarantee a customer’s debt. If the customer does not pay the
exporter, the agent is responsible for the debt and then the agent pays the exporter. For this guarantee, the
agent is paid a DEL CREDERE COMMISSION by the exporter. (No es utilizado en el Paraguay)
TT= Telegraph Transfer (same as Bank transfer or Wire transfer, but in British English)
Principal = British English, en este caso es: Mandantes
Principal = También es el Capital entregado por un préstamo o a pagar, sin contar los intereses
Bill of Exchange = Letras de Cambio
TEACHER: Osvaldo E. Montórfano
Assignment 2

Translate into Spanish:

Dear Sir,

I am hereby reminding you that your account is past due as of January 2nd. Please be aware that all your
orders from now on will be ignored, unless you execute full payment in the amount of US$ 250,000.00 by
next January 15th.
We also regret to inform you that we reserve our right to file the proper legal action against you in order
to seek compensation for damages arising out from your delinquent account corresponding to the
merchandise that you have received on schedule from our company but did not pay on due date. Our legal
counsel will sue you as soon as the deadline provided above in this letter expires; the lawsuit will include
several items that will be very damaging to your credit history. You may consider this letter as a final
notice demanding the pertinent payment before a subpoena is served to you regarding the corresponding
legal action filed against you. We kindly ask you to comply with your obligation as soon as possible.


Jean Harris
Jean Harris (Ms.)
Delinquent Accounts
Legal Department

Dear Mr. Dobson,

I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 6. With respect to the Income Statement and Balance
Sheet, please send me a report by January 25, explaining the amounts entered in the accounts belonging to
the fourth quarter of the last financial year, and I remind you to hedge all international trade transactions
carried out by the company.

All write-offs must be properly justified and the headcount must be discriminated by departments.
Remember that the cited documents must be signed by the Head of the Accounting Department and then
they shall be certified by the Internal Auditor of the Company.

Also, follow up the disbursements made to repay all the subordinated loans and syndicated loans that the
company had borrowed, as there is some concern that if we fail to make any payment on due date, the
banks will consider us in default and the loans will be immediately called, jeopardizing the real and
financial assets of the company.

Please let me know if you need any further clarification.


Ron Bellcamp

NOTICE: To file legal action: Presentar una acción legal. Lawsuit: demanda judicial. Delinquent account:
Cuenta morosa.
write-offs: artículos dados de baja. Follow up: hacer seguimiento. Default: Cesación de pago

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