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A. Match the words and numbers.

0 1 2 4 7 8

a) Seven ....7........
b) Four……4……..
c) Zero……0……..
d) Eight……8…….
e) Two……2……..
f) One……1…...

B. Write the telephone numbers

Five five five- six one one five __5556115_________________

Five five five—nine three oh four____5559304______________

Five five five-four seven three one___5554731_____________

Five five five-three eight oh two____5553802________________

Five five five-five six eight six____5555686__________________

Five five five-one seven seven nine___5551779______________

C. Complete the names of the months

1. M_ a_Y 7. F _ E_B _R A_ R_ Y_

2. M_A _R _C _ h 8. A_B_R_L

3. J_U _N _e 9. E_ P_ T_ E_ M_ B_ E_ r

4. J_U _L _ y 10. A_ U_G _ u _S _ T_

5. A_ P_R _ I_L _ 11. O_ C_T _ O_B _E r

6. N_O _ v_E _M _ e _R 12. D E_C _E _ M_B _E _R _ _

D. Write the ordinal numbers for the days of the months. Follow the example.

Example: 5/10 May tenth

1. 2/16 _______February__Sixteenth__________________________________________________
2. 8/23 _________August_____Twenty-third____________________________________________
3. 11/9 _________November______Nineth___________________________________________
4. 10/1 __________October_______First__________________________________________
5. 4/5 ____________April__________Fifth________________________________________
6. 7/4 _____________July__________Fourth______________________________________
7. 6/27 ____________June___________Twenty-seventh_______________________________________
8. 3/10____________March__________Tenth__________________________________________
E. Write down five important holidays in your country. Use numbers and then words.
Follow the example.

Example: New Year’s Day 1/1 January first

Important holidays:

1.___Friendship´s Day 2/14 February fourteenth.

2.___Mother`s Days 4/12 May twelfth.

3.___St. Joseph`s Day 3/ 19 March Nineteenth.

4.___Day of the Virgin of Fatima 4/13 May thirteenth.

5.___My Birthday 10/4 october fourth

F. Complete the crossword puzzle. Write the words for the numbers

H n
R E i g h t
e E

S e v e n n

x N
F I v e
Z e r o

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