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How To Dropship On eBay 2023

Beginner’s Guide
Product Research:
● Product Research Dropshipping Spreadsheet
● The AutoDS All-In-One Product Research Tool
● AutoDS Blog - Product-finding Category
● AutoDS YouTube Channel - Sell These Now Playlist
● AliExpress Dropshipping Center
● Supplier/eBay Best Sellers
● eBay VeRo Guide

Listing Items For Sale:

● How To List An Item On eBay: The Normal And Fast Automatic Method
● eBay Business Policies: How To Opt-In And Create Policies For U.S And China
● How To Get, Create and Edit eBay Templates
● eBay Title Builder
● eBay Selling Limits – How To Check, Get Around and Increase Seller Limits

Payments, Fees, Subscriptions

● Payoneer Payments:
● How To Connect Payoneer To eBay Managed Payments
● How To Work With eBay's Managed Payments And Payoneer
● AutoDS Wallet - A New Feature To Streamline Your Finances!
● eBay Fees:
○ eBay Fees Calculator
○ eBay Insertion Fee Calculator
○ eBay Store Subscriptions & Fees
● Taxes:
○ Dropshipping Taxes: A Beginner’s Guide
● How To Increase eBay Sales – Top Strategies
● How To Run An eBay PPC Campaign With Advanced Promoted Listings

Order Fulfillment:
● Automatic Orders (semi-automation)
● Fulfilled By AutoDS (full automation)

Tracking solutions:
Upload eBay-supported tracking information on time to keep up with your seller metrics.
● QTrack
● Aquiline
● Bluecare Express

Customer Support:
● Ebay Customer Support Management System

Virtual Assistants:
● Virtual Assistants Full Guide & Marketplace

Bonus: eBay Storefront

● Create a Logo and Cover image (Vista/Canva/Stock sites)
● Write a store description with ChatGPT

In Summary/Recap:
● eBay is an online marketplace that allows you to list items for sale.
○ No marketing or starting budget is required.
● The dropshipping model allows us to list items from suppliers on our eBay stores and
sell them for a profit.
○ List of recommended dropshipping suppliers.
● New eBay accounts are limited to listing/selling up to 10 items/$500.
○ Upgrade your limits as much as possible before you start dropshipping (list
● Put constant hours of work into product research & testing.
● Add AutoDS automation to help with:
○ Monitoring stock & prices
○ Importing products quickly
○ Automating order fulfillment
○ Price automation
○ Customer service management
● eBay business Policies
● Importing products with AutoDS
○ eBay templates
○ eBay title builder
● Customizing eBay storefront
○ Vista/Canva
○ ChatGPT (AI)
○ Dall-e-2
● Marketing
○ Promoted Listings
○ Best Offers
○ Coupons
● Order Fulfillment
○ Manual
○ Automatic
● Customer Management
○ Reply to open cases on time
○ Send refunds on time
○ Ship your products on time
○ Remove products with high return rates
■ Example of good seller metrics:
● Virtual Assistants
○ Hire once you know how to run your business from A-Z.

Good luck with your eBay dropshipping business!

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