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The study of language modality is one of the most difficult issues in the

theory and practice of language teaching, as well as one of the most important and
urgent problems of modern linguistics. The category of modality belongs to the
range of phenomena characterized by complexity and variety of interpretations.
There are various opinions on the question of the category of modality in
modern linguistics. This is explained by the diversity of this category, which
permeates all levels of the language. The research results show that at the moment
there is an urgent need to expand the research of various languages on this
The question of the content of the category of modality as a fundamental
linguistic category, the means of its formal expression in modern linguistic science
has not been fully resolved.
The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the lack of uniform criteria
for determining the duty and obligation requires a more detailed study of this type
of modality as an element of a complex system of modal meanings, actualized with
the help of natural language units, in this case, modern English and Russian.
Modality is a conceptual category that characterizes the speaker's attitude to
the content of the utterance or the correlation of the utterance with reality. It can be
expressed by various grammatical and lexical means.
In this paper, we consider such means of expressing modality in the English
language as modal verbs expressing ought and necessity.
The object of this study is the category of the modality of the ought and
necessity in English and Russian.
The subject of the study is modal verbs as a means of expressing the need
and necessity in modern English and Russian.
The purpose of this work is to study the pragmatic potential and features of
the expression of the category of modality of duty and necessity in modern English
and Russian.
The consistent solution of the following tasks contributes to the
achievement of the goal:
*to determine the essence, main features and features of the category of
modality of the duty and necessity in English and Russian;
*to analyze the semantic structure of modal verbs expressing ought and
*to select contexts containing modal verbs of ought and necessity from
contemporary works of art;
*to compare this category of English modal verbs with their equivalents in
*to identify the communicative effect produced by these verbs.
The material for this study was the original text of the dilogy of the modern
English writer Jojo Moyes: novels
"Me Before You" (2012) and "After You" (2015), as well as the translation
of these works into Russian – "Before I Meet You" (2013) and "After You" (2015).
912 pages of English text and 1022 pages of Russian text were analyzed, 139
contexts containing the studied modal verbs were selected by the continuous
sampling method. The analysis of these prose texts, which are world bestsellers,
allows us to identify the main trends occurring at the present stage of the
development of the English language.
As a unit of analysis, text fragments of novels were considered, in which
there are modal verbs expressing the meanings of ought and necessity.
Research methodology. When processing theoretical and practical material,
we used the following research methods: contextual and component analysis
methods, continuous sampling method and comparative research method, which
helps clarify the specificity of the language, as well as the method of quantitative
calculations, which allowed us to establish the frequency of use of a verb. Based
on these methods, the task of distinguishing the shades of meanings of English
modal verbs expressing the ought and necessity, as well as their comparison with
equivalents in the Russian language, was implemented.
The theoretical significance of the work is that its results can be used for
further theoretical studies of various means of expressing the modality of the must
and necessity in modern English and Russian.
The practical value of this work is determined by the possibility to consider
the results of the study as a fragmentary part of a comprehensive study of the
functional-semantic category of modality, namely, the means of expressing the
duty and necessity. This largely determines the scope of practical application of
this research work, the materials of which can be used in training courses on
theoretical and practical grammar of modern English and in special courses on
modality problems.
The structure of the work. This research paper consists of an introduction,
three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, and four appendices that contain
research material (139 contexts selected from works of fiction).

The modality of due and necessity occupies an important place in the system
of the general functional and semantic category of modality. The modality serves
to convey the relation of the reported to reality or the speaker's relation to the
reported. Considering the category of modality, it is important to understand its
essence and understand the ways of its expression in a sentence.
In this paper, an attempt was made to analyze modal verbs with the meaning
of ought and necessity in context, as well as to consider their equivalents in
Russian using translation. The material for the analysis was the dilogy of the
English writer Jojo Moyes: the novels "Before I met you" and "After you". 139
contexts were analyzed in which there are modal values of ought and necessity.
In this paper, modal verbs have been considered as means of expressing
ought and necessity, since they are the most frequently used means of expressing
this category of modality, rather than other lexical, grammatical and syntactic
The achievement of this goal was facilitated by the consistent solution of
tasks: the theoretical material presented in the first chapter, including the
conceptual and terminological apparatus, allowed us to determine the essence of
the category of modality, to find out the features of the modal meaning of the
ought and necessity, as well as modal verbs as means of expressing this category
of modality, to compare the means of expressing the debitive modality in English
and Russian. The information obtained in the theoretical chapter was the basis for
the analysis of selected contexts in which it is possible to trace the differences
between the shades of the meaning of the duty and necessity, as well as the means
of their expression in English and Russian.
Modal verbs expressing ought and necessity have a different semantic
structure. In the practical part of the research work, six modal verbs were analyzed
– must, ought to, need, have to, should, be to. These verbs convey the meaning of
duty and necessity, but the shades of these verbs are different.
In order to determine the features of the expression of these modal verbs, as
well as to show their functioning in a sentence, materials from modern English
fiction novels by the writer Jojo Moyes were used in the work. These literary texts
help to trace the lexical and semantic structure of the modern English language,
and the translation of these works into Russian makes it possible to trace and
calculate which means of expression of duty and necessity are used by translators
for the accurate and complete transmission of a particular meaning or shade of a
modal verb.
One of the most commonly used modal verbs is the verb must, which has the
meaning of duty in the broadest sense. It means that an action must be performed
because it is important or necessary or because it is required by law or order. Also,
this verb means a necessity that comes from within. The modal verb must is used
when you advise someone to do something because you are sure that the other will
like it, you think it's a good idea.
The modal verb have to is used when someone forces or obliges you to do
something, or if the action needs to be performed due to the circumstances, that is,
you are forced to do it.
If the verb have to is used in a negative form, it means that you don't have to
do anything, but you can if you want to.
Necessity is also expressed using the modal verb need to, which has the
meaning "need", "required". Often this verb can be found in negative sentences,
where it expresses the lack of necessity, inexpediency.
The modal verb should is used to express a recommendation or advice and
translates as "should". The meaning of the ought in this verb is expressed weaker
than in the verbs must and have to.
The modal verb ought to has a similar meaning. Its peculiarity lies in the fact
that it expresses the necessity of action due to the fact that this action is reasonable
or correct from the point of view of morality. In the verb ought to, the meaning of
necessity is expressed more strongly than in the verb should.
In the works analyzed by us, it was found that modal verbs are translated
into Russian by means more typical of our language – short adjectives and adverbs,
predicatives, nouns and verbs that have the meaning of a must. To emphasize an
order or urgent advice that needs to be fulfilled, the author uses the imperative
mood when translating.
The above-mentioned lexemes are considered as the most frequently used
markers of the values of necessity and obligation. As the results of the study show,
the content of the utterance, and, accordingly, the meaning of the category of
modality, directly depends on the context. In addition, important factors
influencing the meaning of the category and creating a communicative effect can
be called: the emotional mood inherent in the addressee and addressee; the author's
choice of certain syntactic and lexical means necessary for the correct expression
of thoughts; the purpose of the statement.
These studies of English modal verbs expressing ought and necessity can
contribute to the further study of the phenomenon of modality, as well as be used
as material for conducting training courses on theoretical and practical grammar of
modern English and special courses on modality problems.
The analysis of sentences and the functioning of these verbs in them, which
have the meaning of ought and necessity, makes it possible to say that this modal
category can have different shades. In different contexts, necessity can be
expressed using different modal verbs. When translating, it is important to take
into account the specific meaning that the author wanted to convey so that the
utterance would have the right communicative effect on the receptors.
Further research may consist in considering other categories of modality,
such as the modality of possibility, incentive, presumptive, desirable and other
types of modality, as well as in analyzing the means of expressing these categories
in modern English and Russian and their pragmatic potential.

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