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FMCG SAFCOL Canned Tuna BSBADV512A Develop an Advertising Strategy and Brief & BSBADV507B Develop a Media Plan

Advertising Brief: SAFCOL Canned Tuna

SAFCOL commenced operations as a co-operative formed by a group of South Australian fishermen in 1945, with initial capital of 33. In the ensuing 65 years SAFCOL has cemented its reputation in the production and supply of premium quality seafood including tuna, salmon and sardines throughout Australia and around the world. In 1955 SAFCOL took control of the Adelaide Fish Market, and continues to manage it today. SAFCOL has earned the reputation of The Seafood Experts. SAFCOL is the only seafood company in Australia controlling all aspects of its production from Ship to Shelf. For its Tuna product SAFCOL uses Yellow-fin, Northern Blue-fin and Skipjack. Its Salmon product is caught off the cost of Southern Chile, and is Medium Red, Pink, or Atlantic Salmon. SAFCOL are also pioneers in canned seafood, employing a revolutionary and unique cooking process known as single cook technology. A marked point of difference from competitors who still mainly cook their product twice. SAFCOLs innovative process allows for the fish to be cooked once under a steam-vacuumpressure process, with the finished product superior in taste and succulence, retaining the nutritional and wholesome properties of the fish. In 2000 SAFCOL brought innovation to the category by becoming the first and only canned Tuna product to be canned fresh and never frozen, giving the meat a lighter, tighter texture, providing a visible quality difference. Existing competition between tinned tuna brands has increased significantly in recent years with the introduction and growth in popularity of supermarket house brands. Brands compete on price and ability to produce innovative flavoured tuna products. Packaging design and size is very similar between brands, and consumers perceive there to be little quality difference between brands, making their purchase decision based on in-store promotion (ie buy 5 tins get the 6th free), spot-price reductions (ie daily specials), with consumers not identifying with specific tinned tuna brands, and not demonstrating consistent loyalty to a preferred brand.

Marketing Objectives
Increase sales of SAFCOL canned tuna products by 11% during campaign period. Increase SAFCOLs market share in canned tuna category by 4%.

Advertising Objectives
Increase perception of SAFCOL canned tuna as the healthiest choice for my family by 35% in the target audience. Increase perception that SAFCOL canned tuna is the best quality product in its category by 25% in the target audience.

Target Audience
Female grocery buyers, 25-45, in metropolitan Sydney.


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FMCG SAFCOL Canned Tuna BSBADV512A Develop an Advertising Strategy and Brief & BSBADV507B Develop a Media Plan

Brand History & Positioning

Based on the visible quality difference of the product and it being a premium product, with the USP you can see its better.


Greenseas, John West, Seakist.

Competitors Advertising Current Media Strategy

TVC & print ads (magazine).

Print ads (magazines), TVC, website, social media, radio

Key Message / USP Tone / Manner Mandatories

SAFCOL Tuna serves flavour straight from the sea. Informative, bright, contemporary, enticing. SAFCOL logo, online links (company website & social media), package shot, product shot.




Jan Mar 2011


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FMCG SAFCOL Canned Tuna BSBADV512A Develop an Advertising Strategy and Brief & BSBADV507B Develop a Media Plan


Heritage brand with long Australian history High brand awareness Controls vertically integrated supply chain Unique cooking technique Healthy choice product

High resourcing cost of packaging Brand has not diversified Has not kept up with product extensions of competitors

Product has global appeal (unencumbered by religious or ethnic restrictions) Market positively responsive to innovation / experimentation with flavour Long shelf life makes product less sensitive to glitches in supply Strong export demand for product

Highly competitive market with global brands competing in the local market Periodic negative publicity on global fishing practices tarnishes perceptions of locally sold tinned tuna products Industry as a whole very sensitive to environmental issues and to potential cost impact of future introduction of ETS / carbon trading scheme


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FMCG SAFCOL Canned Tuna BSBADV512A Develop an Advertising Strategy and Brief & BSBADV507B Develop a Media Plan

The Media Brief

SAFCOL Canned Tuna

Media Objectives The Media Plan is designed to reach the majority of the target audience with a frequency of at least four times during the campaign period. Utilising the selected media the campaign flight pattern is continuous with bursts of activity at key points during the campaign; familiarising the target with the campaign message and inspiring a call to action as key events during the campaign promotion approach. Varying the media utilised and shaping the communication around the targets media and lifestyle habits, acting on the targets creative instincts and interest in finding out more, reducing wastage and acting to ensure the target is exposed to the campaign message many times over the campaign period is best achieved through the media selected, avoiding heavily pushing the campaign message in traditional media only, which may negatively impact the targets perception of the advertisements focus. Geographic areas to be covered The draw area is metropolitan Sydney. Target audience lives and conducts their life in the greater suburban area of Sydney, with a specific focus on the areas of more notable population density, and areas where there is a greater propensity for households with two or more children, i.e. Western Sydney. When do we talk to them As a FMCG, this has a very short purchase cycle, and may even be purchased several times a week. The target needs to be reminded several times leading into a purchase to encourage brand shifting, to aide recall and help differentiate from competitor brands at the supermarket shelf. Creative requirements The product packaging and contents will need to be shown to visibly highlight the quality difference. To invoke desire for the product and develop consumer interest, colour and movement would be used.


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FMCG SAFCOL Canned Tuna BSBADV512A Develop an Advertising Strategy and Brief & BSBADV507B Develop a Media Plan

Media Plan Budget January to March 2011 SAFCOL Tuna JAN 2-8 Radio 2Day FM (mon-fri x 4 breakfast) Magazine Woman's Day - Full Page Colour (NSW only) 307 x 230 Aust Women's Weekly Full Page Colour (NSW only) 285x230 6,000. 00 JAN 9-15 6,000. 00 JAN 16-22 6,000. 00 JAN 23-29 6,000. 00 FEB 30-5 6,000. 00 FEB 6-12 6,000. 00 FEB 13-19 6,000. 00 FEB 20-26 6,000. 00 MAR 27-5 6,000. 00 MAR 6-12 6,000. 00 MAR 13-19 6,000. 00 MAR 20-26 6,000. 00 MAR 27-31 6,000. 00 TOTAL


28,775 24,495




28,775 24,495





28,775 24,495




$374,075 $73,485

Online Leaderboard (728x90pixels) - weekly Woman's Day eDM (weekly newsletter) Sub Total



























2,000 cost per tarp

$26,000 $697,810 TOTAL

Television Sydney Channel 7 Channel 9 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 2,500.00 2,000.00

1,000,000. 00 400,000.00 $1,400,00 0.00 $2,097,81 0.00

Sub Total



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FMCG SAFCOL Canned Tuna BSBADV512A Develop an Advertising Strategy and Brief & BSBADV507B Develop a Media Plan

The Creative Brief

Client: SAFCOL Brand: SAFCOL Canned Tuna Date: 29/09/2010 Account Director: Jaddan Bruhn Creative Team: Jaddan Bruhn
Role for Advertising Increase sales of SAFCOL canned tuna products by 11% whilst growing market share of canned tuna category by 4% during campaign period. Improve perception of SAFCOL canned tuna as the healthiest choice for my family by 35% in the target audience, and increase their perception that SAFCOL canned tuna is the best quality product in its category by 25%. Target Audience Demographics Females, 25-45, married with children, employed and stay at home mothers, residing in greater suburban Sydney. Psychographics Conventional Family Life, grocery buyers, managing competing constraints of balancing family budget, keeping up with mortgage payments, providing for needs of growing family, whilst making affordable healthful choices to support familys nutritional requirements. Weekend time is spent entertaining at home and on outdoor activities with the children. Behaviour and usage Canned tuna is more likely to be consumed on a weekday, and is perceived to be a healthy choice. Large size cans of tuna are used as a main ingredient in family dinners & the target buys several in advance of use to keep on hand in-case due to long shelf-life, medium size cans are used for salad lunches at home, or consumption straight from the can at work, and the small size cans are used for snack or lunchtime consumption straight from the can at school or work, and purchase volume reflects volume of consumers in the home times the days of the week. Key consumer insight Eating tuna straight from the tin at lunch means I dont need to take a sandwich, so I can reduce my carbohydrate intake with SAFCOL it looks and tastes as though I am eating something real. Key Thought or USP SAFCOL Tuna serves flavour straight from the sea. Support SAFCOL is the only tuna canned fresh and never frozen. It also employs a unique single-cooking process it pioneered that produces a healthier, better quality canned tuna product. Tone and Manner - Informative, bright, contemporary, enticing. Desired Mediums TVC, Print (magazine), radio, online banner, electronic direct mail. Budget - $2,000,000 Timing - Jan Mar 2011 Mandatories - SAFCOL logo, online links (company website & social media), package shot, product shot.


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