CFR 2011 Title33 Vol2 Sec156 170

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Coast Guard, DHS § 156.


both ready to begin transferring prod- nal surface of the hose must be acces-
uct; and sible.
(6) The date and time the transfer op- (c) For the purpose of paragraph (a)
eration is completed. of this section:
(d) The form for the declaration of in- (1) Each nonmetallic transfer hose
spection may incorporate the declara- must:
tion-of-inspection requirements under (i) Have no unrepaired loose covers,
46 CFR 35.35–30. kinks, bulges, soft spots or any other
(e) The vessel and facility persons in defect which would permit the dis-
charge shall each have a signed copy of charge of oil or hazardous material
the declaration of inspection available through the hose material, and no
for inspection by the COTP during the gouges, cuts or slashes that penetrate
transfer operation. the first layer of hose reinforcement as
(f) The operators of each vessel and defined in § 156.120(i).
facility engaged in the transfer oper- (ii) Have no external deterioration
ation shall retain a signed copy of the and, to the extent internal inspection
declaration of inspection on board the is possible with both ends of the hose
vessel or at the facility for at least 1 open, no internal deterioration;
month from the date of signature. (iii) Not burst, bulge, leak, or abnor-
[CGD 75–124, 45 FR 7177, Jan. 31, 1980, as mally distort under static liquid pres-
amended by CGD 86–034, 55 FR 36256, Sept. 4, sure at least 11⁄2 times the maximum
1990; CGD 93–056, 61 FR 41461, Aug. 8, 1996] allowable working pressure; and
(iv) Hoses not meeting the require-
§ 156.160 Supervision by person in ments of paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this sec-
charge. tion may be acceptable after a static
(a) No person may connect or dis- liquid pressure test is successfully
connect a hose, top off a tank, or en- completed in the presence of the COTP.
gage in any other critical procedures The test medium is not required to be
during the transfer operation unless water.
the person in charge, required by (2) Each transfer system relief valve
§ 156.120(s), supervises that procedure. must open at or below the pressure at
(b) No person may start the flow of which it is set to open;
oil or hazardous material to or from a (3) Each pressure gauge must show
vessel unless instructed to do so by ei- pressure within 10 percent of the actual
ther person in charge. pressure;
(c) No person may transfer oil or haz- (4) Each loading arm and each trans-
ardous material to or from a vessel un- fer pipe system, including each metal-
less each person in charge is in the im- lic hose, must not leak under static liq-
mediate vicinity and immediately uid pressure at least 11⁄2 times the max-
available to the transfer personnel. imum allowable working pressure; and
[CGD 75–124, 45 FR 7177, Jan. 31, 1980, as (5) Each item of remote operating or
amended by CGD 86–034, 55 FR 36256, Sept. 4, indicating equipment, such as a re-
1990] motely operated valve, tank level
alarm, or emergency shutdown device,
§ 156.170 Equipment tests and inspec- must perform its intended function.
tions. (d) No person may use any hose in
(a) Except as provided in paragraph underwater service for transfer oper-
(d) of this section, no person may use ations unless the operator of the vessel
any equipment listed in paragraph (c) or facility has tested and inspected it
of this section for transfer operations in accordance with paragraph (c)(1) or
unless the vessel or facility operator, (c)(4) of this section, as applicable.
as appropriate, tests and inspects the (e) The test fluid used for the testing
equipment in accordance with para- required by this section is limited to
graphs (b), (c) and (f) of this section liquids that are compatible with the
and the equipment is in the condition hose tube as recommended by the hose
specified in paragraph (c) of this sec- manufacturer.
rfrederick on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

tion. (f) The frequency of the tests and in-

(b) During any test or inspection re- spections required by this section must
quired by this section, the entire exter- be:


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§ 156.200 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–11 Edition)

(1) For facilities, annually or not less Subpart B—Special Requirements

than 30 days prior to the first transfer for Lightering of Oil and Haz-
conducted past one year from the date ardous Material Cargoes
of the last tests and inspections;
(2) For a facility in caretaker status,
not less than 30 days prior to the first SOURCE: CGD 78–180, 49 FR 11172, Mar. 26,
1984, unless otherwise noted.
transfer after the facility is removed
from caretaker status; and § 156.200 Applicability.
(3) For vessels, annually or as part of
the biennial and mid-period inspec- This subpart applies to each vessel to
tions. be lightered and each service vessel en-
(g) If a facility or vessel collects gaged in a lightering operation in the
vapor emitted from a vessel cargo tank marine environment beyond the base-
with a vapor control system, the sys- line from which the territorial sea is
tem must not be used unless the fol- measured when the oil or hazardous
lowing tests and inspections are satis- material lightered is destined for a
factorily completed: port or place subject to the jurisdiction
(1) Each vapor hose, vapor collection of the U.S. This subpart does not apply
arm, pressure or vacuum relief valve, to lightering operations involving pub-
and pressure sensor is tested and in- lic vessels, or to the dedicated response
spected in accordance with paragraphs vessels and vessels of opportunity in
(b), (c), and (f) of this section; accordance with the National Contin-
gency Plan (40 CFR parts 9 and 300)
(2) Each remote operating or indi-
when conducting response activities.
cating device is tested for proper oper-
These rules are in addition to the rules
ation in accordance with paragraph (f)
of subpart A of this part, as well as the
of this section;
rules in the applicable sections of parts
(3) Each detonation arrester required
151, 153, 155, 156, and 157 of this chapter.
by § 154.820, § 154.826(a), and § 154.828(a)
of this chapter or 46 CFR 39.40–3(d), and [CGD 93–081, 60 FR 45017, Aug. 29, 1995]
each flame arrester required by
§ 154.826(a), § 154.828 (a) and (c) of this § 156.205 Definitions.
chapter has been inspected internally (a) In addition to the terms defined
within the last year, or sooner if oper- in this section, the definitions in
ational experience has shown that fre- § 154.105 of this chapter apply to this
quent clogging or rapid deterioration is subpart and to subpart C.
likely; and (b) As used in this subpart and sub-
(4) Each hydrocarbon and oxygen an- part C:
alyzer required by § 154.820(a) and Lightering or Lightering operation
§ 154.824 (d) and (e) of this chapter or 46 means the transfer of a cargo of oil or
CFR 39.40–3(a) is calibrated: a hazardous material in bulk from one
(i) Within the previous two weeks, or vessel to another, including all phases
(ii) Within 24 hours prior to operation of the operation from the beginning of
when the vapor control system is oper- the mooring operation to the departure
ated less frequently than once a week. of the service vessel from the vessel to
(h) Upon the request of the owner or be lightered, except when that cargo is
operator, the COTP may approve alter- intended only for use as fuel or lubri-
native methods of compliance to the cant aboard the receiving vessel.
testing requirements of paragraph (c) Marine environment means—
of this section if the COTP determines (1) The navigable waters of the
that the alternative methods provide United States;
an equal level of protection. (2) The waters of an area over which
(Approved by the Office of Management and the United States asserts exclusive
Budget under control number 1625–0095) fishery management authority; and
(3) The waters superadjacent to the
[CGD 75–124, 45 FR 7177, Jan. 31, 1980, as
amended by CGD 88–102, 55 FR 25445, June 21,
Outer Continental Shelf of the United
rfrederick on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFR

1990; CGD 86–034, 55 FR 36256, Sept. 4, 1990; States.

CGD 93–056, 61 FR 41461, Aug. 8, 1996; USCG– Service vessel means the vessel which
2006–25150, 71 FR 39210, July 12, 2006] receives a cargo of oil or a hazardous


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