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a. Have you heard of the hollywood actrees

Natalie Wood? What do you know about her?
b. Match the words and definitions.

detectives evidence murder murderer

prove solve suspects victim witnesses

1 ____________ noun police officers who investigate

2 ____________ noun people who see something that
has happened, and then tell others
(e.g., the police) about it
3 ____________ noun a person who is hurt or killed
by somebody in a crime

4 ____________ noun a person who plans and kills n the cold and rainy night of November 29, 1981, the
another person beautiful and talented actress Natalie Wood mysteriously
5 ____________ noun the crime of killing a person fell off her boat. The Splendour, and died. She was found
illegally and deliberately the next morning, nearly a mile away, floating in the water with
bruises and scratches on her body.
6 ____________ noun the facts, signs, etc., that tell More than thirty years later, officials still haven't been
you who committed a crime able to 2.__________________ the mystery of Natalie Wood's
7 ____________ noun people who are thought to be death. On the boat with Natalie that night were her husband—
guilty of a crime actor Robert Wagner, a friend—actor Christopher Walken, the
captain—Dennis Davern, and a few others. Police know that
8 ____________ (a mystery) verb to find the correct
Wagner and Walken had an argument early in the evening, but
answer to why something happened they made up and Walken went to bed. Police also know that
9 ____________ (something) verb to use the facts and Wood and Wagner had an argument. Wood then went to bed and
evidence to show something is true when Wagner went to look in on her later, she wasn't in her room.
No one heard or saw Natalie fall off the boat. Therefore there
c. Listen and check. Practice saying the words. were no 3.__________________ to say whether her death was a
.__________________ or an accident. In addition,
d. Read How did Hollywood actress Natalie Wood die? 5
.__________________ who were working on the case at the time
and fill in the blanks with words from b.
were not able to find any solid 6.__________________ to
e. Now listen to the first part of an interview with a 7
.__________________ whether Natalie Wood was pushed to her
retired police officer who has done a lot of research death from the boat. Therefore her death was officially ruled an
accident — meaning there was no 8.__________________ for
about Natalie Wood’s death. Complete the information
police to arrest and put in jail.
about the people who were on The Splendour the
In 2012, a TV news show investigating Natalie Wood's
night Natalie Wood died. death brought new information to Los Angeles County officials.
The TV news show claimed the bruises and scratches on her
body were proof that she was indeed the
victim of a murder. Officials have
reopened the case and are currently
conducting interviews; however none of
the people who were on the boat that
night have been officially named
as 9.______________ in Natalie's death.
Robert Wagner, Christopher Dennis Davern, Will LA police eventually discover
Natalie Wood's Walken, Natalie ____________ the truth about her death?
Only time will tell.
____________. Wood's ________ captain.
and actor.
f. Listen to the second part of the interview and 2 COMMUNICATIVE
mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Read the four mysteries. With your partner, try to
1 ____ It's possible that Ms. Wood was hit before she answer the questions. Give your reasons.
fell into the water.
2 ____ The LA County Coroner's Office recently
changed Natalie Wood's cause of death A crime happened in Freemont Street. The main
because of new evidence found on the boat. suspect is a man named Sean Baker.
3 ____ Ms. Wood was jealous of Mr. Wagner and Mr. A man had been walking along the street when
Walken's friendship. somebody shot him in the stomach. The suspect had
4 ____ Mr. Wagner wrote about his wife's death in a brown hair, blue eyes, and wore a baggy suit, just
book. like Sean Baker’s.
5 ____ Ms. Wood and Mr. Walken acted in a movie Sean was asked to tell the story right from the
together. beginning. ‘Well,’ said Sean, ‘I was just hanging
6 ____ Mr. Walken has spoken to many people about around the park when I saw this man walking along
the night of November 29, 1981. the street. Suddenly, a guy came up behind him and
7 ____ The boat captain and Mr. Walken had an shot him! I ran home as fast as I could.’
The policemen asked him to give a description of the
argument the night Ms. Wood died.
murderer. Sean said, ‘He had a red moustache and
8 ____ The boat captain says he didn't tell the truth
red hair, and he was wearing a baggy Armani suit.’
in 1981.
‘I think this man is telling a lie,’ said one of the
9 ____ The detective doesn't want to say how Ms.
Wood died.
policemen. How did he know?
10 ____ He doesn't think the mystery will ever be

g. Listen again. Say why the F sentences are false. A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His
wife immediately called the police.
h. Complete the text with the words from b. The police questioned the wife and staff and got
these answers:
The wife said she was sleeping. The cook said she
was preparing breakfast. The gardener said he was
Murder investigation after body gathering vegetables. The maid said she was getting
the post.
found next to country road The police instantly arrested the murderer. Who
Police appeal after murder of man in Birmingham did it and how did they know?

A man was eating at a restaurant. When his food

came, his waitress told him that they had run out of
their usual elegant dinner plates and had to serve his
meal on their only plain plate. The man didn’t mind,
but there was an insect in his food. The waitress took
it away and said she would bring him a new plate of
food. When she came back, the man knew she had
only thrown away the insect. How did he know?
_Detectives_ are investigating a 2.____________ in north
Millbrook. The 3 ._____________ was a 26-year-old man,
whose body was found last night next to a country road. A businesswoman went away on a long business trip.
No 4 _____________ was found at the scene, and police Before she left, she asked her assistant to forward all
are appealing to 5 _____________ who saw the man of her post. However, she forgot to give the assistant
yesterday to help them with their enquiries. They believe the key to her letterbox. When she realized her
that the 6_____________ was someone known to the man.
mistake, she posted the key to her office, so the
assistant could send her post to her. But the assistant
The main 7_____________ are the man's apartment, his
never did. The businesswoman got angry and phoned
girlfriend, and a neighbor. These people are currently her office, planning to fire her assistant. However, the
being interviewed by police in an attempt to 8.__________ assistant was able to explain why she hadn’t sent the
the crime. A police spokesman said that they had a post. The businesswoman quickly realized her mistake
theory, but as yet they had been unable to 9.___________ and apologized. What did the assistant say to
who had committed the crime. make the businesswoman apologize?
3 GRAMMAR tag questions 3. Be careful with these exceptions!
I’m on time, aren’t I? If the main clause verb is I
a. Look at four questions from the interview and
Sorry, I’m late again, aren’t I? am, the tag is aren’t I?
complete them with the missing words.
I am not invited, am I? If the main clause verb is
1 “You were a detective with the Los Angeles I am not on the list, am I? I’m not, the tag is am I?
Police Department, __________ __________ ?” Let’s go home now, shall we? If the main clause is Let’s,
2 “That's incredible, __________ __________?” Let’s have lunch now, shall we? the tag is Shall we?
3 “And you don't think they're suspects, Leave him alone, will you? If the main clause is an
__________ __________?” Don't tell anyone, will you? imperative, the tag is will:

4 “The boat captain changed his story about what

happened that night, __________ __________?” a. Circle the correct answers.
1. You live in Seattle, don’t you / aren’t you?
b. Listen and check. What's the difference 2. But you weren’t born in Seattle, weren’t you / were
between these questions and direct questions, you?
e.g., between 1 and Were you a detective…? 3. You moved to Seattle when you were ten, weren’t
you / didn’t you?
4. That means you’ve been living here for twenty
GRAMMAR BANK years, haven’t you / have you?
1. Tag questions are used to check something you 5. But you’re moving to Los Angeles next week,
already think is true. Your name’s Maria, isn’t it? won’t you / aren’t you?
6. Your brother lives in Berlin, doesn’t he / isn’t he?
affirmative verb negative verb 7. You’ve been in prison before, aren’t you / haven’t
negative tag affirmative tag you?
• It’s cold today, • She isn’t here, 8. I guess you’d like to call your lawyer now, don’t
isn’t it? is she? you / wouldn’t you?
• You’re Peruvian, • You aren’t angry, b. Complete the tag questions.
aren’t you? are you?
1. Adam’s living with his parents now, __isn’t he___?
• They live in Ankara, • They don’t like pizza,
2. You don’t like dogs, _______________?
don’t they? do they? 3. It isn’t difficult, _______________?
• The game ends at 8:00, • Lucy doesn’t eat meat, 4. Anthony works in London, _______________?
doesn’t it? does she? 5. They left yesterday, _______________?
• Your sister worked in • You didn’t like the 6. Kathy hasn’t been home yet, _______________?
the US, didn’t she? movie, did you? 7. I’m late, _______________?
• We’ve met before, • Mike hasn’t been to 8. You’ll see him tomorrow, _______________?
haven’t we? Beijing before, has he? 9. I wouldn’t like that movie, _______________?
• You’ll be OK, • You won’t tell anyone, 10. They haven’t had lunch yet, _______________?
won’t you? will you? 11. Let's not argue, _______________?
• You’d go on vacation • Sue wouldn’t quit her
c. Rewrite the sentences using question tags.
with me, wouldn’t you? job, would she?
1. I think your sister’s in my class.
__Your sister’s in my class, isn’t she___?
2. To form a tag question use: 2. I’m sure you’re younger than me.
• the correct auxiliary verb, e.g., do / __________________________________________?
does, be for the present, did for the 3. I have a feeling you don’t like cheese.
past, will / won’t for the future, etc. __________________________________________?
• a pronoun, e.g., he, it, they, etc. 4. I heard your brother lives abroad.
• a negative auxiliary verb if the __________________________________________?
sentence is affirmative and an 5. Is it right that you studied physics?
affirmative auxiliary verb if the __________________________________________?
sentence is negative. 6. I’m sure we’ve been here before.
7. I’m sure you wouldn’t do that.
It’s cold
today, isn’t it? 8. I’m hoping the flight won’t be cancelled.
4 GRAMMAR tag questions
Complete the dialogues with a tag question.

1 A Hi. Your name's Angela, 1 ___isn't it___?

B Yes, it is. Do we know each other?
A You really don't remember me, 2 ________________.
B I'm afraid I don't.
A It's Jeff. Jeff Dawson.
B Oh, my goodness! We were in school together, 3 ________________?
A That's right!
2 A Guess who called me this morning?
B It wasn't your ex, 4 ____________?
A Uh huh.
B He isn't still calling you, 5 ____________? What did he want?
A Just to talk, I think.
B But ex-boyfriends don't just call to talk, 6 ____________?
3 A We're still going to the music festival, 7 ____________?
B Well, it depends.
A On what exactly? You don't have enough money, 8 ____________?
B Well, not really.
A Your mom will lend you some, 9 ____________? She always does.
4 A It’s cold today, 10 ____________?
B Well, it’s January, 11 ____________?
A It was much colder this time last year, 12 ____________?
B I suppose so. Oh look, here’s my bus!
5 A What’s wrong, honey?
B Nothing.
A You’re not having problems with other children at school, 13 ____________?
B No, I’m not. Everything’s fine.
A And you haven’t had an argument with one of your friends, 14 ____________?
B Of course not.
A You’d tell me if there was a problem, 15 ____________?
B Yes, mom. Now will you please leave me alone?

Practice the dialogue with a with a partner.


Ask B the questions below and remember his/her answers. Don't write anything down.

❉ When’s your birthday?

❉ Do you like watching anime?
❉ What is your favorite time of day? Why?
❉ Have you ever ridden a horse?
❉ Did you go out last night?
❉ Where were you born?
❉ Can you play checkers or chess well?
❉ What are you going to do tonight?
❉ What did you have for dinner last night?
❉ Are you an impulsive buyer?

Answer B's questions.

Check if you remember your partner’s answers using tag questions.
4 GRAMMAR tag questions
Complete the dialogues with a tag question.

1 A Hi. Your name's Angela, 1 ___isn't it___?

B Yes, it is. Do we know each other?
A You really don't remember me, 2 ________________.
B I'm afraid I don't.
A It's Jeff. Jeff Dawson.
B Oh, my goodness! We were in school together, 3 ________________?
A That's right!
2 A Guess who called me this morning?
B It wasn't your ex, 4 ____________?
A Uh huh.
B He isn't still calling you, 5 ____________? What did he want?
A Just to talk, I think.
B But ex-boyfriends don't just call to talk, 6 ____________?
3 A We're still going to the music festival, 7 ____________?
B Well, it depends.
A On what exactly? You don't have enough money, 8 ____________?
B Well, not really.
A Your mom will lend you some, 9 ____________? She always does.
4 A It’s cold today, 10 ____________?
B Well, it’s January, 11 ____________?
A It was much colder this time last year, 12 ____________?
B I suppose so. Oh look, here’s my bus!
5 A What’s wrong, honey?
B Nothing.
A You’re not having problems with other children at school, 13 ____________?
B No, I’m not. Everything’s fine.
A And you haven’t had an argument with one of your friends, 14 ____________?
B Of course not.
A You’d tell me if there was a problem, 15 ____________?
B Yes, mom. Now will you please leave me alone?

Practice the dialogue with a with a partner.


Ask B the questions below and remember his/her answers. Don't write anything down.

❉ Do you take sugar in coffee?

❉ Are you going anywhere next weekend?
❉ What’s your favorite color?
❉ Can you play a musical instrument?
❉ Did you have breakfast this morning?
❉ How long have you been living in your current house?
❉ Were you afraid of the dark as a child?
❉ Where would you like to go on vacation this year?
❉ Have you been to a concert?
❉ Which sign are you in the zodiac?

Answer B's questions.

Check if you remember your partner’s answers using tag questions.

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