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Hello! Today. I’m going to talk about “Respecting teachers”.

We must respect our teachers. Teachers play a vital role in our lives as
students. After our parents it’s our teachers who shape our lives by educating us
and inculcating good moral values in us.

Teachers are agents of change. They counsel their students and help them
to choose their careers that best suit their interest.

Teachers can make a good difference among successful students &

unsuccessful one; among those who loves to read & write & one who doesn’t.

Nowadays, students fail to understand the importance of a teacher.

Teachers are like parents and must be given the same respect as we give to our

Ways to show respect towards your teachers:

1. Pay attention towards what is taught in the class room.

2. Don’t talk in between while the teacher is talking to you or anybody
else in the class room.
3. Don’t sleep in the classroom.
4. Don’t talk bad things behind the back of your teacher.
5. Follow the teacher’s instructions carefully and attentively.
6. Perform well in exam and make your teachers proud because teachers
work hard to teach you.
7. Pass a smile and greet your teachers well while they enters the class
room as it can really make them feel good to see their student smiling
& not unhappy to see them inside the class room.

I hope we can change our attitude and always pay respect to all our
teachers. Thank you.

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