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Campus SJM – Evaluación Continua N° 2

Apellidos y Nombres: Sección IV.O4. Nota:

: 2022.IIIE
Carrera: Business Management Fecha: 28/10/22
Nombre del Docente Susana Castillo Rojas

I) Write “That, This, These, Those” for the following nouns: (4 POINTS)

1._____This__ teeth. 5. _____Those__ children.

2. ____That__ knife. 6. ____This_____ cousin.

3. ____This___ fish. 7. _____Those_ wives.

4. ____These__ photos. 8. _____That__ tomato.

II) What are the rules to change nouns to plural form? Give an Example. for each one
Example: teacher – teachers Regular Plural “s”

1. Shoe – Shoes
2. Class – Classes

3. Bus - Buses

4. Box - Boxes

5. Dish – Dishes

6. Lunch – Lunches


What’s in __that___ bottle over here?

Let’s Watch TV now. __This__ is a good film.

Are__Those_ your glasses? There they are.

IV) Complete the sentences with the nouns in brackets. Use the plural.
(3 Points)
1. How many   are in the box? (mouse)
2. Those  aren’t empty. (box)
3. Are your   on our way to the beach? (deer)
4. They are two expensive   . (scarf)
5. These are funny  . (party)
6. How many   are in your classroom? (person)
Campus SJM – Evaluación Continua N° 2

Apellidos y Nombres: Sección IV.O4. Nota:

: 2022.IIIE
Carrera: Business Management Fecha: 28/10/22
Nombre del Docente Susana Castillo Rojas

V) Write the following prices. (3 POINTS)

$15. 12 Fifty dollar and twelve cents

S/. 40 Forty soles
33 p. Thirty-three p
$ 98.15 Ninety-eight dollars and fifty cents
€ 19 Nineteen euros
£ 77. 64 Seventy-seven pounds sixty-four

VI) Write a Dialog with How much ….? Use the picture, adjectives and prices.
(4 Points)

Good morning Sir, I need a new computer for the school. How much is that computer?

Hi, it’s three thousand dollars. It’s very good and big also I can say that it is a famous brand.

Oh great! I Iike it, but… It’s expensive

Ok. Well, how about this computer? It’s very popular

How much is it?

It’s two thousand dollars. Do you want to buy it?

Campus SJM – Evaluación Continua N° 2

Apellidos y Nombres: Sección IV.O4. Nota:

: 2022.IIIE
Carrera: Business Management Fecha: 28/10/22
Nombre del Docente Susana Castillo Rojas

No, thanks. I don’t like the color because It’s white. Oh I forgot I need another thing, How
much are those pencils? They’re great!

They are from Swiss. They’re twenty dollars.

Twenty dollars? No, thanks

Well, what about these pencils? They are fifteen dollars, but you can have them fifteen dollars.

I like them, but I can only pay ten dollars. Is that ok? Because It’s all I have.

All right, I guess you can have them for ten dollars.

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