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Biluan, Mark Angelo Ericko


In this subject, I thought at first it would be a useless subject that would not help
me much in my personal development or personal behavior, but I was wrong. In this
subject I learned a lot of things that I never expected would help my mental health and
also develop me as a future nurse. I admitted that I’m weak one when it comes to mental
health because I had many problems encountered in my life, however, Sir Harold taught
me that everyone will undergo to the process of dreaming a reposeful life to suffering and
striving a dream to become what I want to be and to become a successful one. Therefore,
even if it’s hard I need to continue and strive for my dreams. Dreaming is not a bad thing
but doing nothing to the dream is not a good thing.
Spiritual nursing is not just about being pious or being religious, but it is about us
which pertains to the development of caring relationships through nurturing connections
between the nurse and patient fostering comfort and well-being. I learned that spiritual
nursing helps me to enhance myself as a person or being who I am. Spiritual nursing gave
me an idea of defining what is right and wrong which reflects on our actions and depends
on decisions we made. Sometimes we thought that our decision was right but in people’s
eyes it’s not, therefore, we/I must be aware of the decisions we will make. I learned that
this subject was related to ethics and bioethics so that it is about our actions and
behaviors in one's place.
When it comes to discussion of our adviser, I learned about different ethical
principles and approaches which are important for a nurse. There is teleological approach
which was about the goal or end of the actions he or she will do, deontological approach
is about the duty of a nurse to be prepared, need improvement, duty of telling the truth or
veracity, duty of treating the patient fairly, beneficence and non-maleficence. Virtue
ethics is focused on the heart of person doing an act or doing good actions and there are
two types which are intellectual and moral virtue. Lastly, the Divine Command ethics is
about the set of rules are based on Supreme or Divine, in short, the rules is based in the
word of God. If I sum it up, this approaches are very important especially as a nursing
student I must apply all of these approaches because it will help me to become a better
person and molds me to become a better nurse that in the near future I will give the
service and the quality of care that the patients need the most.
Every time that Sir Harold teaches us about spiritual nursing, I am motivated,
why? Because of his journey. He tells us his story and I am amazed that all he did was
strive for his dream until he reached it with motivation and perseverance. Therefore, I
knew to myself that I am weak when it comes to emotion and mentality but all I need to
do is believe in myself that I can overcome all those struggles that I will meet, believe in
myself. I realized that it’s okay to cry when I am down, it doesn’t mean that I am weak I
just need a rest after that I continue and fight again. Mentality and emotion are my
weakness which affect my academic performance and to me physically because I don’t
have a perfect environment so that it affects me a lot. However, although sometimes I
feel depressed, I am giving time to myself to figure out what will be the solution to cope
with my problems. Fortunately, I am lucky that I am surrounded by my friends so that I
feel ease to myself when I’m with them.
I learned in this subject that in order to prevent depression I must prioritize my health.
Health has five components which are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social
health. Physical is about our own body or how we move or act in everyday lives, the
second is the mental which it is about how we think, sometimes environment is the
primary factor why a person is unstable mentally, emotional health is link to mental
which it’s about controlling emotions and feelings, spiritual is about belief or may be
faith to God and lastly the social health is all about socializing to other people like friends
and family.
To sum it up, spiritual nursing helps me a lot when it comes to my mental health because
of this subject I express what is inside of me or what feelings I have. In this subject
taught me that dreaming is not a bad thing to do because a dream is something that I can
carry on wherever I go. Additionally, I will strengthen my mental health to prevent
depression, anxiety, overthinking and so on.

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