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ill]ilililIilfl]lilililllllllllillllllllllllillllllllllllllll 0301 rc72112076

lll Semester 3 Year LL.B.A/ll Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B./B.B.A.LL.B./
Vl Semester 3 Year LL.B.D( Semester 5 Year B.B.A.LL.B./
X Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B' (Maior-Minor System)
Examination, March/APri I 2021
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

lnstructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 11 and five of the remaining questions.

2. Q. No. 11 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written in English or Kannada

Q. No. 1. What are the different provisions of the lndian Constitution

concerning the Protection of Environment ? Marks : 16
doid dodd$rl iouoQxrdod epod8eox> ioeqadd aafr
eruduodrisrd)d ?

Q. No. 2. Define the term 'pollution' and explain the different kinds of
pollution. Marks : 16
'drrOdd' aou ddd eldrddl udouro *Q aad uriol>
draoqdq ado&o.
Q. No. 3. What is meant by 'Global Warming' ? How does it affect
environment ? Marks : 16
qio oddDd dz,op&d aodde$ ? ercb doddd d>eeJ ciad
oegoJDR doraa* tledl$d t
Q. No. 4. Explain the provisions relating to Prevention and Control of
Water Pollution under the Water Act. Marks : 16
aso dD0dd dd d>Q ae.: dnod, da& at:ad>d)dQ*{4 ace
dDOdd dd aarto &od:o$ea mor:do$O;l:d g*riddl adono.

Q. No. 5. Explain the salient features of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. Marks : 16
erdea, (nod{eo-) aoobd, 1980d dr:$rod*eoddq ado:ro.
0301/0721t2076 -z- lllflil !flil ililt!ililtflt Iililtfifl tlllilffiililllliltfllllililil
Q. No. 6. Explain 'occupier','Hazardous substance' and 'Handling, as
defined under Environment protection Act, 1g96. Marks : 16
dodd dodffi eeeo$ab, 1996d eao$% aoda:Dd&&d
'ereqloedood', 'eaaod:dd d&, rfre ,odrdd,dd ado:,o. ,{
Q. No. 7. What are the remedies available under Tort taw to an individual
against pollution of environment ? Marks : 16
erd{d, uadnrodaoirO_ uzg dsri do*d dra0ddd e&q ozJred:d
doaadoems$rlq;b oSaddt f

Q. No. 8. Discuss the rule of 'Absolute Liability'with the help of decided

cases. Marks : 16
edrod $ddrcdd *tod 'doSorar (dree;r3:d) dodrrood, d{Cd:

Q. No.9. Discuss the 'Polluter pays' principle with the help of decided
cases. Marks : 16
'dro0drmddde drdd)' dd_#q &dnod idCeorld Bbd adoto.

Q. No. 10. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks:2x8=16
olndemdd,o adddn u$u usird udouo:
(a) Eco-tr4ark
etue dror"r (#Ddd {*b d"6)
(b) Noise Pollution
dzg dned,
(c) Environmental Audit.
ioddd dod,eed.

Q. No. 1"!. Solve any two problems of the foilowing : Marks :2x10=20
dE nd ohd;oaddo addl d*{d-Jq dodoxo:
(a) A person has built a brick grinding machine in front of the consulting
chamber of a doctor. The machine is generating dust and noise
causing inconvenience to doctoi"and patients. Doctor wants to file
a suit for this nuisance. Advice.
z"rg dscx dcndnerid &odaor actrd:rid er^lS erdcDd
oco$dd1 &turxrq$. o$09 wS dracd doqb *:e ua;bo*,r obe
doenrld epuod:doodrl e'"odroilaRd.
{,drs & wd$dd earDddnan
o'adoJ:d1 mtdw uoJ:t':;ryd. de"rd &eBo.
I lllril ilfl ililI u] iltil flil illt ililt lilt ilil illt illl til ilt 030110721t2076
(b) The Government of Karnataka proposed a scheme to deport the
pavement and slum dwellers from major cities in the State with the
idea to improve environment. what is the constitutional remedy
available to the slum dwellers ?
drardg oloezgdqlooddao$o_ dsdl daa $deddd doddde
ent$ubdaiod e$o_ aadzoo ddrrdo_ oarto srodzs
aaxrxbddd$* drldrleod dodao$d
$ryddd1 drdgd. €r edo$mh
dodaSaaxrrleri xrbd FaoaeD0d dooadrtsb omdldl f
(c) The emissions generated bythe hazardous industries in and around
the famous monument Taj Mahar are causing damage to the Taj
and people living around raj. one Mr. 'X,wants to file public interest
litigation. Advise.
a8aaxrd deqo$q dnoadrd sowcabdod t'rr*d]rEo&d erilao$roo
dpuddeod aer*dori oao eruooorb.Bd. o%d ro*d"Eod egdorto
doaa aa& eruoua.bgd. 'X'dou d$ a-adrwod aodg *^*q*ooq
aader: uod:iogd. erdori de.rd &eE.

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