Climate Change Influences Brain Size in Humans: Original Paper

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Original Paper

Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 Received: May 26, 2022

Accepted: December 12, 2022
DOI: 10.1159/000528710 Published online: December 27, 2022

Climate Change Influences Brain Size in

Jeff Morgan Stibel  

Natural History Museum, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Keywords Introduction
Climate change · Brain size · Encephalization · Human
evolution Understanding evolutionary brain size changes within
a genus is critical to determining how different species
adapt to broader environmental and cultural changes.
Abstract This is particularly true for humans, given the reliance on
Brain size evolution in hominins constitutes a crucial evolu- increases in cognitive capacity over the past two million
tionary trend, yet the underlying mechanisms behind those years. Yet we know surprisingly little about what causes
changes are not well understood. Here, climate change is adaptive changes to the human brain [Dunbar and Shultz,
considered as an environmental factor using multiple paleo- 2017].
climate records testing temperature, humidity, and precipi- Increasing brain size has been one of the more consis-
tation against changes to brain size in 298 Homo specimens tent by-products of hominin evolution [Pilbeam and
over the past fifty thousand years. Across regional and glob- Gould, 1974; Beals et al., 1984; Ruff et al., 1997; McHenry
al paleoclimate records, brain size in Homo averaged signifi- and Coffing, 2000; Rightmire, 2004; Shultz et al., 2012;
cantly lower during periods of climate warming as compared Antón et al., 2014; Du et al., 2018; González-Forero and
to cooler periods. Geological epochs displayed similar pat- Gardner, 2018]. Early Homo benefited from large increas-
terns, with Holocene warming periods comprising signifi- es in relative and absolute brain size [Pilbeam and Gould,
cantly smaller brained individuals as compared to those liv- 1974; McHenry and Coffing, 2000; Antón et al., 2014;
ing during glacial periods at the end of the Late Pleistocene. Püschel et al., 2021; Gingerich, 2022]. This was followed
Testing spatiotemporal patterns, the adaptive response ap- by new species within the genus, including H. erectus, H.
pears to have started roughly fifteen thousand years ago and heidelbergensis, and H. neanderthalensis, all of whose spe-
may persist into modern times. To a smaller degree, humid- ciation events were marked in part by increased brain size
ity and precipitation levels were also predictive of brain size, and encephalization [Ruff et al., 1997; McHenry and
with arid periods associated with greater brain size in Homo. Coffing, 2000; Antón et al., 2014]. H. sapiens evolved even
The findings suggest an adaptive response to climate change greater brain size and encephalization around their spe-
in human brain size that is driven by natural selection in re- ciation event roughly 300,000 years ago [Rightmire, 2004;
sponse to environmental stress. © 2022 The Author(s). Antón et al., 2014; Hublin et al., 2015; Du et al., 2018].
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel © 2022 The Author(s) Correspondence to: Published by S. Karger AG, Basel Jeff Morgan Stibel, jeff @
This is an Open Access article licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0 International License (CC BY-NC)
(, applicable to
the online version of the article only. Usage and distribution for com-
mercial purposes requires written permission.
While the evolutionarily benefits of Homo brain deceleration in brain size, and modern evidence shows
growth are well known – increased cognitive capacity, a decrease in both brain size and encephalization [Stibel,
tool use, language acquisition, sociality [Jerison, 1973; 2021]. For humans, there is a clear adaptive advantage
Dunbar, 2003; Shultz et al., 2012; Antón et al., 2014; to larger brains, and speciation events have repeatedly
González-Forero and Gardner, 2018] – the reasons why yielded lineages with greater relative brain size; increas-
the human brain increased over time are not well under- es in cognitive ability have consistently outweighed the
stood [Dunbar and Shultz, 2017]. Numerous hypotheses costs of expensive brain tissue. As such, it is less clear
have been proposed to explain Homo brain size increases, why the brain would shrink during certain evolutionary
including environmental and ecological changes [Antón periods, leading to hypotheses that the cognitive advan-
et al., 2014; González-Forero and Gardner, 2018], diet tage that comes with larger brains has a breakpoint
and food availability [Aiello and Wheeler, 1995; Antón et where it may no longer be evolutionarily beneficial
al., 2014], competitive [Bailey and Geary, 2009] and co- [DeSilva et al., 2021]. There are exceptions, however, to
operative [Dunbar, 2003; Antón et al., 2014] dynamics the brain size advantage: brains are metabolically expen-
within the genus as well as with other animals [González- sive and produce high levels of heat relative to their mass
Forero and Gardner, 2018], and as a general response to [Martin, 1981; Aiello and Wheeler, 1995; Hublin et al.,
greater cognitive demands [Dunbar and Shultz, 2017]. It 2015; Dunbar and Shultz, 2017]. Environmental chang-
is likely that some combination of each of these factors, es, as a result, can be a key determinant of the net value
in addition to other variables, played a role in driving of greater brain size. This is particularly true with re-
brain size increases in Homo. gards to changing climates, as climate has been shown
With respect to environmental factors, variability in to directly impact metabolic and thermoregulatory sys-
precipitation levels [Will et al., 2021], net primary pro- tems in animals [Bergmann, 1847; Beals et al., 1984;
duction [Stewart, 2014; Will et al., 2021], climate pulses Sheridan and Bickford, 2011; Kasabova and Holliday,
[Shultz and Maslin, 2013], and climate variability [Ash 2015; Pomeroy et al., 2021; Will et al., 2021]. Given re-
and Gallup Jr, 2007; Antón et al., 2014] have all been pro- cent global warming trends, it is critical to understand
posed to impact brain size to some extent. However, rig- the impact of climate change, if any, on human brain
orous testing of these hypotheses has not been conducted, size and ultimately human behavior.
and as such, the mechanisms driving brain size changes
are not fully understood. Prior studies have relied on data
records that do not account for geochronological errors Materials and Methods
that are prevalent in older fossils and do not take into ac-
count the spatiotemporal lag associated with adaptive re- The challenge with testing Homo brain size changes is a lack of
sponses to environmental variables [Sabeti et al., 2006; comparable sample data. Few intact skeletons exist, and brain size
estimates are difficult to ascertain when derived from cranial ca-
Dehasque et al., 2020; Evershed et al., 2022]. More impor- pacity leveraging fragmentary skeletal remains. What measure-
tantly, no study to date has controlled for body size and ments are available tend to be sparse and come from small samples
encephalization, factors known to contribute to brain size without sufficient information about the specimen. In addition,
variability [Jerison, 1973]. As a result, studies testing evo- precise carbon-14 dating is not available beyond roughly 50,000
lutionary brain size changes [Ash and Gallup Jr, 2007; years which makes it difficult to ascertain precise geochronology
of older fossils. Prior studies [Ash and Gallup Jr, 2007; Bailey and
Bailey and Geary, 2009; Shultz and Maslin, 2013; Stewart, Geary, 2009; Shultz and Maslin, 2013; Stewart, 2014; Will et al.,
2014; Will et al., 2021] have either been inconclusive [Bai- 2021] suffered as a result of either insufficient sample breadth or
ley and Geary, 2009; Will et al., 2021] or contested [Shultz an inability to control for dating errors, body size, taxon, and en-
et al., 2012]. cephalization, all of which have been shown to impact brain size
At greater issue is that almost all prior studies have [Jerison, 1973]. The present study utilized a relatively large sample
(n = 298) which allowed for controls of each of the above con-
generally assumed brain size has persistently increased founds. Given that body size is highly correlated with brain size in
throughout time. However, despite general trends of in- Homo [Pilbeam and Gould, 1974; Beals et al., 1984; Ruff et al., 1997;
creasing brain size in Homo across time, Homo brain size McHenry and Coffing, 2000; Grabowski, 2016; Stibel, 2021], lati-
has not been on a persistent upward march. Periods dur- tude and sex – two strong correlates of body size – were used as
ing the early Middle Pleistocene (roughly 875,000 years proxies for body size and served to control for encephalization dif-
ferences [Jerison, 1973; Beals et al., 1984; Ruff et al., 1997; Ruff et
ago) [Ruff et al., 1997] and the Holocene (roughly 12,000 al., 2018]. Fossils were also limited to the past 50,000 years (50 kyr)
years ago to present) [Henneberg, 1988; Henneberg and to control for geochronology errors and because it is a period of
Steyn, 1993; DeSilva et al., 2021; Stibel, 2021] both reflected relative stasis in brain/body isometry [Ruff et al., 1997; McHenry

94 Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 Stibel

DOI: 10.1159/000528710
and Coffing, 2000; Stibel, 2021]. While limiting the study to the sheet as calculated from the glaciological model used to derive the
past 50 kyr presents some difficulties in analyzing longer term timescale” [Jouzel et al., 2007]. Average temperature change (mean
trends, there is a particular advantage in that the climatic period ∆T) across the EPICA Dome C records as compared to the last
can be broken down into two dramatic temperature periods before millennium was calculated at −5.30°C.
and after the last interglacial, roughly 17 kyr BP. The global climate records also offer insight into regional dif-
Ten studies that documented cranial capacity (cm3) in Homo ferences. The climate records produced from Dome C in Antarc-
over the past 50 kyr BP were used to compile cranial data (see Da- tica have been shown to correlate closely with stacked benthic δ18O
taset 1 for sources of measurements and dating). Cranial measure- climate data derived from oceanic sediment cores across 58 differ-
ments were obtained from meta-analyses, published sources, and ent regional sites, including sites located near the fossil remains
relevant updated data [Holloway, 1980; Holloway, 1981; Beals et used in this study [Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005; Jouzel et al., 2007].
al., 1984; Brown, 1992; Henneberg and Steyn, 1993; Ruff et al., The stacked regional data displayed strong correlations (average r2
1997; De Miguel and Henneberg, 2001; Hawks and Wolfpoff, 2001; of 0.88 after alignment) with the Antarctic average [Jouzel et al.,
Manjunath, 2002; Lordkipanidze et al., 2013]. Incomplete mea- 2007], suggesting relative consistency of the ice sheet record and
sures, unusable skull fragment data, and juvenile specimens were stacked regional averages. An additional measure using regional
discarded. Where multiple measurements were available for a par- surface temperatures derived from a sediment core from Lake Ma-
ticular skull, they were aggregated to provide an average cranial lawi in East Africa [Johnson et al., 2016] (see below for more de-
capacity estimate. In total, 373 independent cranial capacity mea- tails) was also compared to the EPICA Dome C record and was
surements were utilized across 298 skulls. Brain size estimates were found to be highly correlated during the periods used herein over
derived from cranial capacity measurements, as cranial volume has the past 50 kyr (LSR, r2 = 0.78, p < 0.0001, ANOVA).
been shown to highly correlate with brain size in both modern and Surface temperatures (°C) derived from sediment samples re-
prehistoric humans [Pilbeam and Gould, 1974; Beals et al., 1984; covered from Lake Malawi (10°–14° S in eastern Africa) over the
McHenry and Coffing, 2000]. Cranial capacity was converted to past 1.3 million years [Johnson et al., 2016] were used as proxies
brain size using a formula derived from a least-squares regression for regional temperatures in Africa (online suppl. Dataset S1). The
(r2 = 0.995, LSR) of 27 primate species (brain mass = 1.147 x cra- Lake Malawi record was shown to correlate with past changes in
nial capacity0.976) [Ruff et al., 1997]. Where precise dates or car- atmospheric carbon dioxide and, when compared to average rain-
bon-14 dating were available (n = 266), that source was used; oth- fall estimates, demonstrated a relationship between warmer, wet-
erwise, the average was taken across all date estimates (n = 32). ter periods and cooler, drier cycles [Johnson et al., 2016].
Specifics on the type of measure, chronometric date, sex, taxon, Grain-size analyses of siliciclastic marine sediments from the
geography, formula derivations, and all sources are available in coast of Mauritania (core GeoB7920; 2,278-meter water depth)
Dataset S1 and Stibel, 2022. were utilized to derive a humidity index (mm) for Northwest Af-
Brain size data were compared to four climate records. The pri- rica starting at 500 years ago and going through the entire 50 kyr
mary dataset utilized paleotemperatures derived from the Euro- BP period (online suppl. Dataset S1) [Tjallingii et al., 2008]. To
pean Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) at Dome C [Jou- derive relative changes in humidity, log ratios of three core end-
zel et al., 2007] (online suppl. Dataset S1; for all online suppl. ma- members from the marine sediment were utilized (log (hemi-pe-
terial, see Records lagic mud)/(coarse aeolian dust + fine aeolian dust)), whereas he-
from the ice core at EPICA Dome C provide precise 100-year sur- mi-pelagic mud provided a measure of river runoff and aeolian
face temperatures that have been found to correlate closely with dust records, which served as a proxy for subaerial erosion and
stacked climate data across 58 different regional sites, including continental vegetation cover [Tjallingii et al., 2008].
regions near the fossils used in this study [Lisiecki and Raymo, Pollen sequences (mm) were used to derive a time series of
2005; Jouzel et al., 2007]. Brain size estimates were compared to mean annual precipitation level estimates by calculating the differ-
coeval temperatures as well as to past temperatures at intervals dat- ence between the reconstructed absolute value of the pollen counts
ing back 5 kyr, 10 kyr, and 15 kyr from the fossil date to control for and modern precipitation values (online suppl. Dataset S1) [Bon-
the uncertainty surrounding the delayed adaptive response of the nefille and Chalie, 2000]. Four African pollen sequences were de-
spatiotemporal interaction between the two variables. To test for rived from two sources dating back to 40 kyr BP: three samples
evolutionary effects and control for the accuracy of carbon dating from the equatorial mountains in the Burundi highlands at 1,850–
which is not reliable within 100-year periods [Wright, 2017], the 2,240 m of elevation and a fourth sample from the South Tangan-
temperature data were also cataloged for the present study into yika basin at 770 m of elevation (the fourth sample was derived
increments of 5,000, 10,000, and 15,000 years (online suppl. Data- from a prior record provided by the same researcher and recon-
set S1). structed with a new synthesis in conformance with updated meth-
The ice core at EPICA Dome C provides precise surface tem- odology) [Bonnefille and Chalie, 2000]. Six additional sequences
perature measurements dating back 809,950 years [Jouzel et al., were available but not utilized as there were no records with match-
2007]. Temperature records at EPICA Dome C were measured as ing time periods to available fossil remains.
a function of differences in past temperatures (∆T) relative to the Paleoclimate records were provided over 100-year averages or
most recent 100-year temperature average. Temperature change greater, whereas fossil records were dated to the year, as best esti-
was calculated against a modern mean temperature as follows: mated by geochronologists without regard for variance. The tem-
“The surface temperature change, ∆Ts (estimated with respect to perature record was rounded down to match the estimated age of
the mean value calculated over the last millennium), (was) calcu- each skeletal remain. Given the considerable variability in fossil
lated using the present-day spatial slope of 6.04‰/°C after correc- dating, efforts were made to ensure that the results accounted for
tion for the change in the isotopic composition of the ocean (and) potential geochronological errors. Homo records in the sample
a slight correction linked with changes in the altitude of the ice were limited to the past 50,000 years, where precise records or

Climate Change and Human Brain Size Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 95
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radiometric carbon dating accounted for the majority of date esti- derived solely from the 298 periods where skeletal re-
mates (266 of 298 specimens). Where exact dates or radiometric mains were available (mean ∆T of −1.07°C). Across 100-
dating were not available, multiple estimates were used and aver-
aged. Additionally, the fossils were clustered into 100-year, 5,000- year mean average global temperatures over the past
year, 10,000-year, and 15,000-year groupings, the latter of which 50,000 years [Jouzel et al., 2007], brain size in Homo spec-
can account for dating errors up to 15,000 years. The full dataset is imens living during cooler than average climatic periods
available in the online supplementary Data and Stibel, 2022. was found to be significantly larger than that of those liv-
ing during warmer periods (p < 0.0001, t test). Homo
brain size during cooler periods averaged 1,426.31 g ±
Results 137.30 (mean ± standard deviation) (n = 65) as compared
to 1,280.89 g ± 141.67 (n = 233) for warmer periods, or a
A significant relationship was found between temper- roughly 10.74% difference (Fig. 2a; Table 1).
atures at EPICA Dome C and brain size estimates over the To control for evolutionary effects, the brain size data
past 50 kyr (Fig. 1a) (p < 0.0001, ANOVA), which held were also grouped using data aggregated into 10,000-year
constant after controlling for geography, sex, and taxon increments (while 10 kyr increments were chosen for rep-
(p < 0.0001, ANCOVA). Despite the correlation, it is im- resentation in the study, tests using temperatures aver-
portant to note that the climate and brain size records do aged over 5-kyr and 15-kyr periods yielded directionally
not appear to correspond temporally (Fig. 1b–c). Brain similar results). Similar to the 100-year data, Homo brain
size changes appear to take place thousands of years after size was found to be significantly larger during periods of
changes to climate, and this is particularly pronounced global cooling (1,421.69 g ± 136.56 [n = 70]) as compared
after the last glacial maximum, approximately 17 kyr. to warmer cycles (1,279.12 g ± 141.77 [n = 228]), or a
While acclamation unfolds within a single generation and roughly 10.57% difference (p < 0.0001, t test) (Fig. 2b;
natural selection can happen in as short as a few succes- Table 1).
sive generations, species level adaptation often takes Body size in both modern and prehistoric Homo tends
many successive generations [Sabeti et al., 2006; Evershed to be larger in high latitude (above 30° North) geogra-
et al., 2022]. The time series trends demonstrate what ap- phies [Beals et al., 1984; Ruff et al., 1997]. Given that body
pears to be a pronounced delay that may have been driv- size tends to correlate highly with brain size [Pilbeam and
en by evolutionary adaption (Fig. 1d–f, online suppl. S1). Gould, 1974; Beals et al., 1984; Ruff et al., 1997; McHenry
To test for evolutionary effects, brain size changes and Coffing, 2000; Grabowski, 2016; Stibel, 2021], the sig-
were compared to prior generational climate periods as nificant changes found in brain size over time could have
well as across temperatures averaged over extended peri- been a result of Homo dispersal across latitudinal clines.
ods of time. Brain size estimates were first modeled Despite a bias toward high-latitude Homo in the sample
against 100-year average temperatures dating back 5 kyr, (220 of 298), controlling for body size across clines above
10 kyr, and 15 kyr (online suppl. Fig. S2). A second set of and below 30ºN latitude did not materially change the
models was derived for brain size estimates as compared results, and significant differences persisted in brain size
to temperatures averaged across 5 kyr, 10 kyr, and 15 kyr across climatic periods (p < 0.0001, ANCOVA, across
(online suppl. Fig. S2). Across each model, brain size re- 100- and 10,000-year periods). During cooler average
mained significantly correlated with global average tem- temperatures, larger bodied Homo brain size was 8.14%
peratures (all tests, p < 0.0001, ANOVA, online suppl. larger (p < 0.0001, t test) and smaller bodied Homo brain
Table S1). Inclusion of sex and latitude as covariates in- size was 19.87% larger (p = 0.0001, t test) than during
creased the explanatory power of the models to approxi- warmer than average climatic cycles (Fig. 3a, b; Table 1).
mately 40% (all tests, p < 0.0001, ANCOVA, online suppl. Similar to the ecogeographic patterns, sexual dimor-
Table S2), with the 10 kyr spatiotemporal lag showing the phism is present in Homo, with males on average having
highest predictive power at roughly 42% (online suppl. larger body sizes than females [Ruff et al., 1997; Ruff et al.,
Fig. S2). 2018]. Despite a bias toward males in the sample (167 of
To control for geochronological errors and to increase 257 sexed specimens), controlling for body size through
statistical power, the Homo sample was next divided into sex did not change the relationship between climate
groups of individuals living during periods that were change and brain size (p < 0.0001, ANCOVA, across 100-
above and below average temperatures. To account for a and 10,000-year periods). Using sex as an intermediate
bias toward warmer climatic periods in the skeletal sam- control, larger bodied Homo averaged 8.40% larger brain
ple, the data were compared using the average temperatures size (p < 0.0001, t test) during cooler average temperatures

96 Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 Stibel

DOI: 10.1159/000528710
a b


e f

Fig. 1. Relationship between Homo brain size (g) and global aver- (online suppl. Fig. S1) and cubic trends. d–f As the climate record
age temperatures (changes in Antarctic surface temperature [°C] moves from present day back temporally, the time series (online
relative to the mean for the last millennium). a Across the past suppl. Fig. S1) and cubic trends more closely align with brain size
50,000 years, brain size demonstrated an inverse relationship with trends over time. Black lines represent linear trends; red lines rep-
climate change (LSR, rg = −0.362; p < 0.0001; Durbin-Watson, resent cubic trends; gray lines indicate 95% confidence intervals
1.224). b, c However, the linear relationship between brain size and around the observations; and dotted gray lines represent the con-
climate change is confounded by differences across time series fidence intervals for each model.

Climate Change and Human Brain Size Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 97
DOI: 10.1159/000528710
a b

Fig. 2. Scatter plot of Homo brain size (g) during periods of colder and warmer global average temperatures (changes
in Antarctic surface temperature [°C] relative to the mean for the last millennium) across 100-year and 10,000-year
periods. Homo brain size was significantly larger during cooler average temperatures as compared to warmer tempera-
tures across 100-year (a) and 10,000-year (b) periods. Diamonds represent the 298 brain mass estimates across cooler
(blue) and warmer (red) than average temperatures; black lines denote mean brain mass for each period.

as compared to warmer periods (smaller bodied Homo 0.0001, t test). During colder average periods (∆Ts below
was directionally consistent – 4.89% greater brain size −0.86°C), brain size across AM Homo averaged roughly
during cooler than average periods – but not significant, 11.02% larger than during warmer than average periods,
possibly due to limited sample size, with only 11 cooler or roughly 1,422.03 g ± 142.52 (n = 56) as compared to
than average specimens) (Fig. 3a, b; Table 1). 1,280.89 g ± 141.67 (n = 233). The results held direction-
Because the sample consisted of modern and archaic ally within 10,000-year periods and after controlling for
Homo, robusticity differences across species could also body size (all results significant [p < 0.01, t test], except
have influenced the results. Anatomically modern H. sa- for small bodied sexed specimens, which were direction-
piens (AM Homo) in particular tend to be significantly ally similar but not significant) (Fig. 3a, b; Table 1).
more gracile with less skeletal and body mass than both The results present a general pattern of changing
earlier hominins (Middle Pleistocene and archaic Homo) brain size in Homo that is correlated with climate change
and more recent archaic H. sapiens (i.e., Neanderthals) as temperatures increase and decrease. On closer in-
[Hawks and Wolfpoff, 2001; Harvati et al., 2006; Hublin, spection, the effects of climate change on brain size ap-
2009], which could account for some of the effect of cli- pear more pronounced nearest the mean and do not ac-
mate on brain size given the estimates rely on skeletal celerate as temperatures grow more extreme. While sig-
measurements. As compared to the archaic fossils in the nificant differences were found for moderate temperature
sample, brain size was 9.96% smaller for AM Homo on ranges (interquartile range, p < 0.0001, t test), there were
average (p < 0.005, t test). To control for robusticity dif- no significant differences found in brain size as temper-
ferences, the impact of climate change was tested exclud- atures became more extreme (all tests, p > 0.50, t tests).
ing the archaic Homo fossils, which eliminated 9 of the As with the broader Homo sample, AM Homo brain
298 specimens. Across AM Homo, the differences in brain size also appeared more sensitive to moderate tempera-
size during colder and warmer periods persisted (p < ture changes with an adaptive response that occurred in

98 Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 Stibel

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Climate Change and Human Brain Size
Table 1. Homo brain mass during above and below average climatic periods

Homo sample Temporal range Climate record Brain mass (g)

(kyr BP) (region [mean climate*])
colder/arid climatic warmer/wetter climatic differencea
periods (mean ± SD [n]) periods (mean ± SD [n])

All Homo 50–present 100-year Antarctic surface temperatures (−1.07°C) 1,426.31 g±137.30 (65) 1,280.89 g±141.67 (233) 10.74%
All Homo 50–present 10,000-year Antarctic surface temperatures (−1.90°C) 1,421.69 g±136.56 (70) 1,279.12 g±141.77 (228) 10.57%
All Homo, Holocene versus Pleistocene 50–present 100-year Antarctic surface temperatures (−0.50°C) 1,426.96 g±139.28 (63) 1,281.95 g±141.58 (235) 10.71%
All Homo, latitude, large bodied 50–present 100-year Antarctic surface temperatures (−1.39°C) 1,426.85±136.14 (53) 1,319.49±127.89 (167) 7.82%
All Homo, latitude, small bodied 45–present 100-year Antarctic surface temperatures (−0.19°C) 1,388.45±145.36 (21) 1,158.28±108.43 (57) 18.08%
All Homo, sex, large bodied 50–present 100-year Antarctic surface temperatures (−0.23°C) 1,427.65±124.73 (42) 1,316.99±143.76 (125) 8.06%

DOI: 10.1159/000528710
All Homo, sex, small bodied 31–present 100-year Antarctic surface temperatures (−0.44°C) 1,258.54±121.75 (11) 1,199.76±113.10 (79) 4.78%a
All Homo 50–present E. African lake temperatures (25.75°C) 1,366.86 g±151.09 (94) 1,287.61 g±147.40 (204) 5.97%

Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106

All Homo 50–0.55 African marine sediment humidity levels (−0.30 mm) 1,409.84 g±148.79 (45) 1,337.32 g±137.84 (72) 5.28%
All Homo 40–present African pollen sequence precipitation levels (−94.74 mm) 1,319.79±164.58 (190) 1,284.57±121.18 (99) 2.70%a
AM Homo 45–present 100-year Antarctic surface temperatures (−0.86°C) 1,422.03 g±142.52 (56) 1,280.89 g±141.67 (233) 10.44%
AM Homo 45–present 10,000-year Antarctic surface temperatures (−1.73°C) 1,417.98±141.11 (61) 1,279.12±141.77 (228) 10.23%
AM Homo 45–present E. African lake temperatures (23.19°C) 1,413.36 g±156.34 (40) 1,325.27±131.75 (68) 6.43%
AM Homo 45–0.55 African marine sediment humidity levels (−0.30 mm) 1,413.36±156.34 (40) 1,325.27±131.75 (68) 6.43%
AM Homo 38–present African pollen sequence precipitation levels (−95.20 mm) 1,319.79±164.58 (190) 1,283.91±121.62 (98) 2.76%a

period); E. African lake temperatures (ºC) measured using sedimentary core records from Lake Malawi GLAD7-MAL05-1 (43°N, 31°W, 378 m depth); African humidity index (mm) was derived from
* Antarctic surface temperatures (ºC) measured as change in temperature at EPICA Dome C (−75.10ºN, 123.35ºW, 3,189.45 m depth) relative to current millennium (most recent 100-year

grain-size analyses of siliciclastic marine sediments and hemi-pelagic mud from the coast of Mauritania (core GeoB7920; 2,278-m water depth); Annual mean precipitation level estimates (mm)
were calculated from the difference between the reconstructed absolute value of four African pollen sequences between 2°28′ to 3°42′ S, at 1,850–2,240 m of elevation and modern precipitation
values. Mean climates were derived from each of the four climate records by averaging the paleoclimates associated with a given specimen across each sample (see Methods). a All differences
significant p < 0.01 (t test), except sex, small bodied (p = 0.11) and precipitation (p = 0.061, All Homo; p = 0.058, AM Homo).

a b

Fig. 3. Differences in Homo brain size (g) during periods of cooler both sexes when used as controls for body size, as well as when lim-
and warmer global average temperatures (changes in Antarctic sur- ited to AM Homo over the past 50,000 years (b). All comparisons
face temperature [°C] relative to the mean for the last millennium) were significant (p < 0.001, t tests) except for the smaller bodied
across 100-year periods. a Homo brain size is significantly higher sexed sample (p ≥ 0.11, t test). Blue represents cooler than average
during periods of cooler average temperatures across the past 50,000 temperatures; red represents warmer than average temperatures; er-
years. Differences persist across high and low latitudes and across ror bars represent the standard error of each mean estimate.

Fig. 4. Relationship between brain size (g) and global climate change compared against one another. Significant differences were found
(changes in Antarctic surface temperature [°C] relative to the mean between the sample average (“All Homo”) and all other groups with-
for the last millennium) across 100-year increments during extreme in the chart (all tests, p < 0.02, t tests), as well as across all warmer
temperature periods. “All Homo” (n = 298) represents the average and colder groups (all tests, p < 0.0001, t tests), except the warmest
estimated brain size across the entire 50 kyr BP period using the data quartile with respect to the sample average, which was directionally
from Fig. 2a. To either side of “All Homo” is the mean across colder similar but not significant (p = 0.08, t test); no significant differences
(n = 65) and warmer (n = 233) average temperatures, respectively (as were found within warmer or colder average periods (all tests, p >
reported in Table 1). The sample was then broken down into quar- 0.50, t tests). Error bars represent the standard error of each mean
tiles and colder and warmer than average temperature periods were estimate.

100 Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 Stibel

DOI: 10.1159/000528710
Fig. 5. Changes to estimated brain size (g) across global climate temperature periods within each epoch and compared against one
change (changes in Antarctic surface temperature [°C] relative to the another. Significant differences were found between the sample aver-
mean for the last millennium) across 100-year increments during the age (“All Homo”) and all other groups within the chart (all tests, p <
Holocene and late Late Pleistocene. “All Homo” (n = 298) represents 0.04, t tests), as well as between all Pleistocene and Holocene groups
the average estimated brain size across the entire 50 kyr BP period (all tests, p < 0.0001, t tests) except the warmer Holocene quartile
using the data from Fig. 2a. To either side of “All Homo” is the mean with respect to the sample average, which was directionally similar
estimated brain size across the late Late Pleistocene (50‒12 kyr BP, but not significant (p = 0.08, t test); no significant differences were
n = 63) and Holocene (12 kyr BP–present, n = 235), respectively. The found within the Pleistocene or Holocene (all tests, p > 0.50, t tests).
sample was then broken down into colder and warmer than average Error bars represent the standard error of each mean estimate.

advance of extreme temperatures (interquartile range, BP-present) (p < 0.0001, t test), there were no signifi-
p < 0.001, t test; extreme temperatures, all tests p > 0.50, cant differences between colder and warmer periods
t test) (Fig. 4). within each epoch (all results p > 0.50, t test), suggest-
Temporal periods produced similar patterns of chang- ing that most of the changes in brain size in Homo hap-
es to brain size. Testing temporal periods within the past pened as a result of the deglaciation period. This was
50,000 years presents a unique opportunity, as the time further represented by the temporal trends in brain
period includes the last interglacial that produced consis- size and climate change (Fig. 1, online suppl. S1). Pleis-
tently colder average temperatures up until the end of the tocene brain size averaged 1,426.96 g ± 139.28 (n = 63)
Late Pleistocene (mean ∆T of −6.96°C) and the Holocene as compared to 1,281.95 g ± 141.58 (n = 235) during
(mean ∆T of 0.51°C), which has produced significantly the Holocene, a roughly 10.71% difference (Fig. 5).
warmer temperatures on average throughout present day Because Homo dispersal originated out of Africa, three
(p < 0.0001, t test). The Holocene is a period noted for regional African climate records were also tested against
declining brain size generally, and numerous hypotheses the brain size sample: sedimentary records, marine sedi-
have been proposed to explain the temporal decline [Hen- ment layers, and pollen sequences (online suppl. Dataset
neberg, 1988; Henneberg and Steyn, 1993; DeSilva et al., S1). Sedimentary records have been shown to be predic-
2021; Stibel, 2021], but global warming has not been di- tive of regional temperatures [Johnson et al., 2016], and
rectly tested against Homo brain size declines. Testing the the sample utilized was highly correlated with the EPICA
two epochs independently produced effects consistent Dome C climate record (LSR, r2 = 0.78, p < 0.0001, ANO-
with the interquartile results. Whereas brain size in Homo VA); marine sediment layers have been shown to be pre-
during the late Late Pleistocene (50–12 kyr BP) was dictive of humidity levels and vegetation cover [Tjallingii
significantly larger than during the Holocene (12 kyr et al., 2008]; and pollen sequences have been shown to be

Climate Change and Human Brain Size Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 101
DOI: 10.1159/000528710
predictive of precipitation levels as well as estimated rain- et al., 2020; Dehasque et al., 2020; Evershed et al., 2022].
fall and water availability [Bonnefille and Chalie, 2000] While macroevolutionary adaptations can take millions
(See Methods for details). Similar to the global tempera- of years, some modern adaptive responses in Homo,
ture results, colder regional temperatures were predictive such as lactose tolerance, have evolved more quickly
of larger brain size in humans; in addition, more arid con- [Gerbault et al., 2011; Burger et al., 2020; Evershed et
ditions (lower average rainfall and humidity) were found al., 2022]. Given the data within this study can only pro-
to be predictive of larger brain size in humans (all tests, p vide correlational support for spatiotemporal relation-
< 0.05, ANCOVA controlling for sex and latitude across ships, future studies will be needed to confirm any as-
Homo and AM Homo). Differences in Homo brain size sumptions regarding the responsiveness of brain size to
were roughly 6.15% for regional temperature (p < 0.0001, climate change. However, the results of the current
t test), 5.28% for humidity (p < 0.002, t test), and 2.74% study demonstrate what may be an evolutionary adap-
for precipitation levels (nonsignificant, p = 0.061, t test) tation to environmental stress in human brain size be-
(Table 1). ginning roughly 15,000 years ago and persisting through
For each of the above regional climate records, the present day.
tests were also performed limiting the Homo sample to The primary variable tested herein was global tem-
the continent of Africa (n = 26) and sub-Saharan Africa perature change. There is a strong basis for temperature
(n = 23) (there were no archaic specimens, so the entire differences impacting brain size but that has not previ-
sample consisted of AM Homo). In all cases, the patterns ously been demonstrated evolutionarily. To maintain
were directionally consistent with the overall findings, thermoregulatory balance in response to different tem-
but no significant results were produced through group peratures, physical size is believed to be adapted to re-
testing (all results, ≥0.06, t test), possibly as a result of gional geographies given that smaller sizes dissipate
the low sample size after limiting to a single geography. heat better than larger volumes with less relative surface
Modeling the African temperature record, humidity es- area [Bergmann, 1847; Beals et al., 1984; Sheridan and
timates, and precipitation levels against African Homo Bickford, 2011; Kasabova and Holliday, 2015]. This is
and sub-Saharan African Homo accounted for roughly true for human body size overall and brain size [Beals et
42% (LSR, r2 = 0.421, p < 0.01, ANOVA) and 44% (LSR, al., 1984]. Temperature-driven climate change has also
r2 = 0.439, p < 0.01, ANOVA) of the variability in brain been shown to impact body size evolutionarily [Will et
size, respectively. al., 2021; Pomeroy et al., 2021; Stibel, 2021]; however,
the effect has not previously been demonstrated for
brain size. The present study demonstrates broad brain
Discussion size changes in response to changing temperatures using
both a global paleoclimate record, as well as a regional
The reasons for hominin brain size adaptions are com- climate record from Africa. The impact of climate
plex and not well understood. Climate has frequently change on human brain size appears to be similar to how
been proposed as a driver of brain size evolution [Potts, geographic temperature differences affect body size in
1996; Ash and Gallup Jr, 2007; Shultz and Maslin, 2013; response to thermal stress: global warming tends to fa-
Antón et al., 2014; Stewart, 2014; Will et al., 2021], but vor smaller brain size, whereas global cooling favors
testing has not produced conclusive results [Ash and Gal- larger size.
lup Jr, 2007; Bailey and Geary, 2009; Shultz et al., 2012; In addition to temperature changes, humidity and
Shultz and Maslin, 2013; Stewart, 2014; Will et al., 2021]. precipitation were also associated with brain size adapta-
By systematically controlling for encephalization, body tions, although this effect was less pronounced. In both
size, and taxon, the present study was able to isolate evo- cases, aridity was predictive of greater brain size and
lutionary changes to the brain and systematically test the wetter periods were predictive of smaller size. As with
impact of climate change. The results suggest that climate thermal stress producing larger brains in cooler cli-
change is predictive of Homo brain size, and certain evo- mates, it appears as if environmental stress related to de-
lutionary changes to the brain may be a response to envi- creased water availability may produce larger brain size
ronmental stress. in Homo. Some caution should be considered in inter-
Adaptive responses to natural selection are difficult preting these results in at least two respects: first, climate
to unpack given the spatiotemporal delay between the records that measure water production tend to be high-
underlying cause and effect [Sabeti et al., 2006; Burger ly localized, and the data used herein were limited to

102 Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 Stibel

DOI: 10.1159/000528710
regions in Africa; and second, at least with respect to addition to broader evolutionary causes and should be
certain African climates, arid conditions tend to corre- considered when interpreting observed morphological
late with cooler climates [Johnson et al., 2016], such that variation. Speciation events have often been marked in
the impact of aridity may be mediated by the larger effect part by changes to brain size in hominins, and those deci-
of temperature on brain size. sions may be worth reconsidering in the context of the
Environmental hypotheses that have been proposed present results. Cranial morphology, brain mass, and en-
for brain size increases can broadly be summarized into cephalization in particular have been considered as fac-
two groups: those that assume hospitable environmental tors for classification within the genus Homo or as criteria
conditions (wetter, fertile, and more consistent climates) for demarcating a new species [Wood and Collard, 1999;
increase food availability which allows for larger brain Harvati et al., 2006; Hublin, 2009; Hublin et al., 2015], but
size [Stewart, 2014; Will et al., 2021] and those that as- these variables may be affected by climate change. By way
sume climate stressors (cold or variable temperatures and of example, there has been considerable debate as to
arid environments) produce brain size increases as a cop- whether H. neanderthalensis should be considered a sub-
ing response to more extreme conditions [Potts, 1996; species of H. sapiens, in part because of their large brain
Ash and Gallup Jr, 2007; Antón et al., 2014; Will et al., and body mass [Hawks and Wolfpoff, 2001; Harvati et al.,
2021]. With respect to increasing brain size, the results 2006; Hublin, 2009; Hublin et al., 2015; VanSickle et al.,
herein generally support the latter hypothesis and are in- 2020]. Neanderthal remains have almost exclusively been
congruent with the first. There was no relationship found found in high-latitude regions and from cooler climatic
between hospitable environments and greater brain size. periods, both of which are consistent with bigger body
Rather, there was evidence that colder, more arid periods and brain sizes [Hawks and Wolfpoff, 2001; Harvati et al.,
correspond to larger brain size. 2006; Hublin, 2009]. The differences in brain and body
In its response to temperature changes and water avail- size may be more a function of climate than taxon, and
ability, the human brain appears to be reacting to envi- the present results may offer some additional guidance on
ronmental stress as opposed to another adaptive mecha- whether H. neanderthalensis should remain independent
nism. However, when taking into account brain size de- of the H. sapiens clade. At a minimum, it may be worth
clines, climate stability appears to be the more critical considering whether climatic periods should act as a con-
environmental variable underlying brain size changes. trol when considering morphological differences within
While past hypotheses have focused on brain size increas- the genus.
es, the present data demonstrate a more general response The effects of climate change on brain size may have
to climatic factors wherein brain size modulates depend- been intermediated by body size adaptations, as similar
ing on the environmental conditions. Brain size was larg- trends have been found for Homo body size changes in
er during periods of colder and more arid environments response to climate change [Will et al., 2021; Pomeroy et
and was smaller when temperatures were warmer and al., 2021; Stibel, 2021]. Fossil records have shown that in-
wet. This was found irrespective of time period, and the vertebrates, burrowing insects, and mammals all shrunk
latest Holocene warming cycle was predictive of brain siz- during past periods of global warming [Sheridan and
es in Homo that were smaller than prior periods. The Bickford, 2011; Peralta-Maraver and Rezende, 2021] and
changes in brain size were proximate to the mean average periods of global cooling have been shown to drive body
temperatures, and the general trend toward larger or size increases in many organisms [Millien et al., 2006].
smaller brain size did not accelerate as climates grew These results are consistent with studies that have shown
more extreme, suggesting a pattern of changing brain size body size changes in response to climate change in Homo
limited to transitionary periods as climates become more [Will et al., 2021; Pomeroy et al., 2021; Stibel, 2021]. It is
extreme. However, some caution should be taken when not clear from the present study whether brain size was
considering more granular trends given fossil dating con- specifically selected for or against during periods of
straints and spatiotemporal delays, so it is best to inter- changing climate or whether phenotypic changes to the
pret the data as demonstrative of a broader effect across brain were a result of selective pressures acting on body
warming and cooling cycles until more precise methods size that caused brain size to drift alongside the body. Re-
are available. gression models have shown that selection on the brain
These findings have other taxonomic and phylogenic or the body independently in organisms can impact both
implications. Specifically, some variation in brain size variables and produce a correlated response [e.g., Lande,
within the genus Homo may be attributable to climate in 1979; Atchley, 1984; Riska and Atchley, 1985]. For hominins,

Climate Change and Human Brain Size Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 103
DOI: 10.1159/000528710
at least one study has demonstrated a phenotypic link to Deary, 2015; Sniekers et al., 2017; Okbay et al., 2016; Sti-
brain size acting as the underlying variable under selec- bel, 2021]. Even a slight reduction in brain size across
tion in both body and brain size changes during prehis- extant humans could materially impact our physiology
toric periods [Grabowski, 2016]. In that case, brain size in a manner that is not fully understood.
increases were determined to be the primary phenotype
under selection, driving both brain and body size chang-
es. However, the study did not contemplate decreases in Acknowledgements
size or climate as an intermediating variable. It is not clear
as a result, whether the body, the brain, or a combination The author would like to thank Chris Ruff, Tim White, Robin
Dunbar, and Jeremy DeSilva for a critical review of the manuscript;
of the two are directly under selection in response to cli- Dan Dennett and Phil Lieberman for helpful commentary on spe-
mate change as opposed to one trait drifting through plei- cific areas; Chris Ruff, Jean Jouzel, and Peter Brown for providing
otropy as a result of the other. Given the human brain’s expanded datasets; Lindsey Long and Caitlin Mason for assistance
high thermal output and sensitivity to extreme heat [Falk, with data collection, tabulation, and standardization; and Zack
1990], it may be that climate disproportionately effects Stokes for assistance with mathematical equations and statistical
brain size, but more data and analyses will be required to
determine the interrelationship between brain and body
The underlying drivers of brain size changes are not Statement of Ethics
fully clear. While the results demonstrate a relationship An ethics statement was not required for this study type; no
between climate change and Homo brain size, climate human or animal subjects or materials were used.
appears to account for only a small amount of the varia-
tion in brain size evolutionarily. Brain size adaptations
are complex and are likely driven by other factors that Conflict of Interest Statement
affect the ecosystem (such as predation or other com-
petitive dynamics), by an indirect consequence of a The author was employed by Bryant Stibel at the time of the
changing climate (such as vegetation levels and net pri- publication and Bryant Stibel had no role in the study design; col-
lection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report;
mary production), or by means unrelated to climate or decision to publish.
(such as culture and technology). Environmental hospi-
tability is a complex formula that includes many vari-
ables influencing physiological adaptation. While there
Funding Sources
is some evidence to support temperature as the primary
climatic influence on Homo brain size, more work will No funding was acquired for this work.
be needed to determine whether the impact of climate
change on Homo physiology is a result specifically of
temperature changes or an indirect effect from other el- Author Contributions
ements of a changing environment.
To the extent that temperature changes directly influ- Jeff Stibel was responsible for the results and write-up of the
ence brain size, the present period of accelerated warm- manuscript.
ing could lead to increased evolutionary pressure on the
human brain. The earth is currently warmer than it has
been at any time in the past 125,000 years, with temper- Data Availability Statement
ature increases of more than 1.1°C during the past cen-
The data supporting the findings of this study are available in
tury and projections of an increase of at least 1.5°C by the study by Stibel [2022] and within the manuscript and its sup-
the end of the current century [Tollefson, 2021]. While plementary information files (online suppl. Data 1). Further inqui-
this may be a sampling or dating error, there is some ge- ries can be directed to the corresponding author.
netic evidence to suggest that brain size, general cogni-
tive ability, and educational attainment are all being se-
lected against in modern human populations [Reynolds
et al., 1984; Bouchard Jr et al., 1990; Deary et al., 2007;
Rietveld et al., 2013; Rietveld et al., 2014; Plomin and

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106 Brain Behav Evol 2023;98:93–106 Stibel

DOI: 10.1159/000528710

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