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An adventure template for the 2022 Hyperspeed Jam

corporations having legal status under

Contributors: Vicki Lalonde of RPG corpo trade agreements. Humans,
Alliance Con Augmented Humans, and Constructs,
which is a general term that includes any
Art Credits: Placeit Licensed. Ship map kind of constructed creature like
base design by macross112. cybernetic constructs, organic and
non-organic hybrids, drones, and
System: Mothership 1E WIP. Its Android robots/bots, all exist along with weird
Origins & Panic is a fun addition. alien lifeforms.
PC=Player Characters. GR=Game Runner. - Use the Mothership 1E classes in terms
IC=In-character. FTL=Faster Than Light. of FUNCTION as follows:
Marine=Sec-Unit (Security Unit),
Adventure Assumptions: This is free fan Teamster=Work-Bot,
made content that anyone can use, in no Android=Social /Comfort/ Unit,
way constituting a challenge to the Scientist=Tech-Unit.
copyright holders of our inspirations: the
Mothership RPG, Murderbot Diaries by Sensitive Content Warning: Violence,
Martha Wells, The Ship Who Sang by Loss of Agency, Horror, Body Harm,
Anne McCaffrey, “The Secret Life of Corpo Slavery.
Bots,” by Suzanne Palmer (Clarkesworld,
September 2017), & Scrap Rats
Kickstarter by BitsizedGaming.
- FTL travel is possible through
Wormholes (Escape Pods lack Wormhole
-Alien remnants exist and are illegal to
possess, but that doesn’t stop corrupt
Corporations looking for new tech to
-Corporate & Political Entities control
various sectors of known space with a
wide variety of worldviews.
-The Corporate Realms view everything
and everyone as property with only
ADVENTURE SUMMARY: DAXSHA, whose crew has no idea that
The PC’s are rogue constructs who were SHIP has been compromised, will arrive
hunted down by Corpo Enforcers and in the system ready to make the transfer.
deactivated, and maybe damaged in Covert Ops plan is to ambush and board
ways for the GR to decide, such as short the DAXSHA to gain intel and prisoners.
term memory glitch, missing limb, The PCs are activated by SHIP’s hidden
pretending to be a favorite media AI backup copy, but any further action by
personality, etc. They are scheduled to it will alert the Kill-Ware AI. BOT-7 is a
be memory wiped and dismantled . NPC there to assist the PC’s if they
Their components are valuable and a befriend it. If not, the PC’s will have to
scrap/salvage corp assumed their decide how to save themselves. They
ownership to process them for parts. have no knowledge of what SFM is or its
However, SFM secretly arranged for SHIP mandate of the emancipation of bots
to take delivery of the cargo container as everywhere.
part of the SFM’s plan to save the rogues
and get them out of the Corporate Realm
to a safe political entity that recognizes FACTIONS
construct autonomy rights.
1) PC Rogue-bots- They don’t know each
other or what the heck is going on. GR
But the Corpo Covert Ops suspected this
and laid a trap. They disabled SHIP with might consider having one of the PC’s be
a Kill-Ware AI attack , then boarded it, corrupted by the Kill-Ware AI if they fail a
wiping out SHIP’s small human crew FEAR save on a cyber attack. Evil minions
(bodies everywhere), and now wait to are fun!
ambush the SFMs next contact on the
path to freedom. SHIP has been
2) Sentient Freedom Movement aka
compromised and wiped apparently, but
it managed to hide a backup copy of SFM, who smuggle indentured human
itself in a redundant system (Waste and construct beings out of the
Recycler), but the PC’s are going to have corporate realm to jurisdictions that
to figure that out and decide to resurrect recognize their right of self autonomy.
it or not. They also don’t know who the SFM Operatives (SFM OP), are trained
good folks are from the bad folks.
clandestine agents.

The Covert Ops team have assumed the

role of SHIP’s human crew (wearing their 3) Corpo Covert Ops Team: Tasked with
uniforms), and the Kill-Ware AI is running finding and destroying any and all SFM
the ship itself. They have a Combat-Unit operatives. Individual members are
with them and have enslaved all of known by ranks: Cpt, Lt, Sgt, Spc
SHIP’s Bot-crew but for BOT-7. After the (Specialist), CU (Combat-Unit), Kill-Ware
PC’s are activated and have a chance to
AI, etc. Its gunship lays further in the
explore. The SFM’s contact vessel, the
system behind the nearest moon and out SHIP as soon as it emerged from the
of scanner range. Wormhole into the Nagata Sector.
7) Mining Hauler DAXSHA: Is crewed by
4) SHIP: A sophisticated and self-aware SFM Operatives. The DAXSHA is
AI Bot-Pilot. It works with SFM but make scheduled to rendezvous with SHIP
no mistake it seeks to survive. anytime now to exchange raw material
for the cargo containers. The GR can
upgrade the DAXSHA Crew by adding a
rogue Sec-Unit or two.

8) Scrap Rat Infestation: Cargo 2 has

been sealed and has a RESTRICTED Alert
flashing above the Hatchway. Inside is an
infestation of Scrap Rats, an alien
organism that eats organics and
synthetics alike. If the Scrap Rats are
released to run wild, they may cause
random havoc for any faction. For
example, the scanners of the Kill-Ware AI
rolls with DISADVANTAGE, due to
multiple readings and interference of the
5) SHIP-Bots: Bots that serve SHIP. The
Scrap Rat biological signatures
eldest of which is BOT-7, a deeply
spiritual bot that has a mantra for every
9) Ship Combat: SHIP has no weapons
occasion (when BOT-7 recites any
system, but could “throw” cargo
Mantra→service, repair, action,
containers. DAXSHA and the Corpo
critter-wrangling, awakening, etc., the
Gunship would both likely be armed, so
task is rolled with ADVANTAGE). BOT-7’s
look to Mothership 0E for ship combat
outdated operating system saved it from
rules and stats.
being corrupted when the Kill-Ware AI
attacked and destroyed SHIP. The rest of
SHIP’s Bots are newer, easier to corrupt
PCs receive a code-burst from an
their code and are now under the control unknown source (SHIP’s back-up AI
of the Kill-Ware AI, which has infested copy), which ACTIVATES them. They find
the entire mainframe. themselves in a cargo container. They do
not know one another but they do have
6) SHIP’s Human Crew: All dead from their individual memories intact. Each
PC may recite how it was
the Covert Ops successful Boarding of
“decommissioned” to start rp off and to uniforms and trinkets (Roll on the
introduce themselves IC to one another. Mothership 1E Trinket & Loadout Tables
Pronouns are usually IT/They. It is for what they loot).
suggested that the GR assign/roll a
Mothership Patch to each PC to give -Cargo 1 (BOT-7): PC start here in their
them some flavor of their past selves red cargo container (see ship map
before being decommissioned. Also below). They can make noise or ping
Mothership Loadouts are restricted to BOT-7 and ally with it. Or upon their
nothing (e.g. A built-In energy weapon escape from the container, they can
has its power pack removed making it encounter BOT-7 being attacked by the
useless until PC finds a new power pack), other SHIP-Bots under the control of the
but they can salvage items from corpses, Kill-Ware AI. If they save it, BOT-7 will
workshop, crew quarters, other cargo assist them.
containers, or whatever the PC’s think of,
like raiding Engineering for tools and a - Cargo 2(Scrap Rats): see above in the
Laser cutter. See Mothership 1E WIP for Factions section.
-Reactor: Compromised SHIP-Bots will
Escape Cargo Container: attack any unauthorized intruders.
PC’s can try to force their way out, hack
the electronic locking mechanism on the - Workshop (Waste Recycler Station &
hatch, or receive a ping from BOT-7 over SHIP’s backup hiding spot): BOT-7 may
the ship’s Bot-Net (BOT-7 is sending a inquire how the PC’s were activated,
systems recognition protocol ping trying opening that line of investigation that
to find other SHIP-Bots not under the may lead to SHIP’s backup AI and then
control of the Kill-Ware AI), sending a trigger SHIP’s aid in retaking control over
ping may alter the Kill-Ware AI and its the ship itself. Alternatively, the GR can
Covert Ops masters to the PC’s presence, have BOT-7 activate the PC’s using the
who would then send the Combat-Unit Mantra of Awakening, to gain aid in
to investigate. recovering SHIP. It may try to convince
the PC’s that helping it will give them
purpose, and recite the Mantra of
Exploration & Gearing Up:
-LOOT: If the PC’s ally with BOT-7, it will -Galley & Bridge (Covert Op Units): If
give them SHIP’s deck plan (below), or PC’s don’t discover SHIP or its
they can hack an access terminal. information, they can still plot to take
- If BOT-7 has not been engaged, then the control of the ship through violence or
PC’s explore and equip themselves. guile. If they defeat the Covert Ops units,
There are signs of battle in every they must still neutralize the Kill-Ware AI,
compartment and bodies for weapons which may self-destruct the ship if the
and equipment to be had. Even crew odds look impossible. But the PC’s can
attempt to override the self destruct
command! - BOT-7 can be used to FREE the other
SHIP-Bots using the Bot-Net. Or use
-Hacking Ship’s Systems (Kill-Ware AI): them to gain access to the ship’s cameras
Any attempts to hack the ship’s feed, its and spy on the Covert Ops.
Hub-System- Security-System, airlocks,
or main-france, may alert the Kill-Ware AI
who will retaliate with its own cyber PROXIMITY ALERT!
attacks and/or deploy Covert Ops units aka 3’s A Crowd!
against the PCs. The Proximity Alert sounds when the
DAXSHA enters the system through the
-EVA Suits and several airlocks: make Wormhole. If the Covert Ops are still in
access to the exterior of the ship control, the “Cpt” announces all hands
possible. Even a ship to ship jumps. They to prepare for docking and take their
are also perfect locations for ambushing positions to ambush the DAXSHA crew in
docking crews. the airlock.

-If the PC’s have not figured out who is

TAKE CONTROL! who, they may let the two factions fight
-SHIP’s backup AI is a compressed file, it out, or get caught in the middle, or
which could be downloaded to any of ping the DAXSHA and try and make a
the PC’s or BOT-7 but has a limited deal, aid either party if they are losing
capacity to interact as it is a huge the fight and negotiate a way out, maybe
program. If downloaded to BOT-7, use as the PC’s sneak onto the DAXSHA and
comic-relief for the humiliation SHIP steal it during the fight? … whatever the
feels of having to speak thru one of its PC’s come up with should be fun but will
minion bots and the obsolete one at they survive and gain their freedom?
that! SHIP will disclose the SFM mission
and rendezvous with DAXSHA.
- SHIP has an idea of spamming the 1) Kill-Ware AI can and will launch cyber
Kill-Ware AI with a self-replicating, attacks. Consider these Sanity Saves for
mutating virus. One of the PC’s will have PC’s.
to write the Code for this virus and do a
hard upload at the mainframe station on 2) Combat-Unit-If PC’s are not stealthy,
the Bridge. Then RUN SHIP’s backup AI Covert Ops Capt or Kill-Ware AI will
file to retake control of all ship functions deploy it. If engaged in combat, Covert
and bots. Ops units will reinforce in 2 rounds.

-Sneak to the Bridge to trick or fight it 3) Covert Ops Units: Patrol Crew
out with the Covert OPs to gain access to Quarters. Sgt and a Specialist guard the
the Main Frame. Bridge Deck.
4) Covert Ops Capt and Lt are on the THREATS
Bridge Deck. They are dressed in Rank Combat Instinc Hits Weapon
SHIP-Crew uniforms and ready to t
deceive the SFM contact ship.
Kill-W Cyber 60 2(20) Mal-ware
are AI Combat 3d10
5) SMF Ops may board the ship and be
70 Fries your
hostile if PC’s don’t make contact with Operating
them beforehand. They may also System
become captives of the Covert Ops that
need rescue by the PC’s, GR’s choice on CU 60 50 4(20) Built-In
this. 5d10

6) SHIP-Bots 1d10 are hostile unless the Cpt 45 40 3(18) Betsy

Kill-Ware AI’s control over them has been Smg
broken. If not done in a stealthy way, the
Kill-Ware AI will be alerted and dispatch Lt 40 30 3(17) SMG 2d10
Sgt 35 25 3(16) SMG 2d10
7) Scrap Rats swarm ATTACK 2d10!! Nuff
said! Spc 30 20 3(15) SMG 2d10

SHIP- 20 10 1(10) MULTI-


SFM 35 35 2(20) Vibechete

OP 3d10

SFM 50 50 3(20) Built-In

Sec- Energy
Unit 5d10

Scrap 25 20 1/16 Acid Spit

Rat 1d10
or armor

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