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The development of young children largely depends on the early childhood education of the
children1. It serves as the foundation for Learning and Development of the children and provides
framework for understanding the world that they are growing around2. The biblical worldview
when provided to the children help them get understanding of the surrounding and the world they
are around and have their purpose in life. When we biblical worldview is integrated in early
childhood education, it can provide the children with interesting opportunities for exploration
and understanding. This essay explores the between the foundations of biblical worldview and
early childhood education. The issue focuses on the concept of childhood education, and
integration of biblical worldview. This essay will try to examine how integrating the principles of
biblical worldview can help early childhood development and childhood education. By
understanding the parallels between Foundation of biblical worldview and the Early Education of
the children, it can provide insights regarding cultivating, moral and Spiritual Development in
the children. It can have a deep impact in the lives of children and the communities.

Early childhood education and biblical worldview

Early childhood education refers to the education and developmental experiences which is
provided to the children specially up to the age of eight. It focuses on supporting in the
development of children in physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development areas3. The
early childhood education price to develop children in areas such as early literacy, language
development, numeracy and so on while focusing on fostering the love for learning. There are
many theories that focus on early childhood education, which have had impact in this area.

One of the influential approaches has been the Montessori approach. This method focuses on
self-directed learning and the usage of hands-On material in order to provide the children with
the opportunity of exploration and discovery. An important theory in childhood education is
Piaget’s theory of cognitive development4. This Theory focuses on the importance of exploration
and playing in the cognitive growth and development of children.

Another important theory in child development includes Behaviorism which focuses on
importance of reward and Punishment in the shaping of behavior of children. Constructivism is
another of those which focuses on actively constructing knowledge in children, through inquiry
and exploration.

Child centered learning approaches, and play learning approaches are essential in Learning and
Development of children. Various Studies have shown that play learning approaches, have been
highly effective in Learning and Development of children. Further, it has been shown that child
entered education have been very effective in fostering, love for learning in children.

Biblical worldview refers to having a world view or perspective, which is guided and set by the
teachings and principle of Bible. It is a perspective or understanding that focuses on sovereignty
of God, the importance of having faith in God and the pursuit of righteousness in life5. This
perspective recognizes that God is creator of this world and all human beings are made in the
image of God. The key principles of biblical worldview revolve around the importance of faith
and trust in God, the existence of Morality and the goal of redemption and reconciliation of
reconciliation with God at the end6.

The Bible provides Concepts regarding childhood and the value of children. It is stated in the
Bible that children are blessings from God and parents are responsible for raising the children in
the ways of the god7. Biblical teachings can help children learn indeed the individual worth and
their role in the society. The Biblical teaching emphasizes that the children are to be valued and
protected by the adults for their care and well-being.

Commonalities in early childhood education and biblical worldview.

It is clear that both have some commonalities in the understanding of the childhood. Both of
these approaches view children as precious. Both of the approaches acknowledges that Early
Childhood is the formation stage in life and it requires development of Key capabilities and
perspectives. Both of these understand and emphasize on the importance of guiding and
nurturing children during the crucial period in their life. The biblical world view provides focus
on the value of children and consider them as a blessing focusing on the responsibility of adults,

especially the parents to take care of them and education in the them in the ways of God.
Likewise, the early childhood education also recognizes the importance of providing support and
enriching environment to young children so that they can foster their curiosity, and creativity to
learn through play and exploration.

In several ways, biblical principles and teachings aligned with the child centered approaches in
early childhood education. Child centered approaches focus on holistic development of children,
considering the interest, strength and individuality of the children8. It aligns with the in intrinsic
worth of each individual and importance of nurturing unique gift and talents of individuals,
which is the focus on biblical principles and teachings. Biblical worldview focuses on the fact
that children are wonderfully made and education should be tailored in order to meet the
individual education need of the children. Both child centered approaches and biblical teachings,
focus on developing positive relationship between Educators, families and children in order to
create safe and supportive learning environment. Bible focuses on importance, of respect love
and nurturing relationship in raising the child and developing their spiritual, moral and emotional

Many of the theories of childhood education reflects the values, and teachings of the Bible. The
Montessori method aligns with the biblical principle and worldview of individual worth and
purpose. It focuses on Independence of children, self-direction and ability to learn in their own
speed. Bible presents children as Learners and Seekers of the truth, which aligns with the
Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, which identifies the active role of children in
understanding the world and constructing knowledge.


Assessing the possible application of biblical worldview in classroom, the biblical worldview
can inform classroom practices in ways such as focus on character development, social,
emotional learning, community building, and so on. The teachers can include biblical stories and
principles into their teaching which can help to develop morality, empathy and respect for others
in children9. Further, the Educators can focus on creating safe and supportive classroom
environment so that they can feel belongingness and the children are encouraged to explore their

interests, talent and strengths. Teachers can play a very significant role in cultivating, moral and
spiritual development in the children they can lead by example. They can instill positive values,
attitudes, behaviors and create positive influence in growth and development of the children. The
teachers can include self-learning projects, community Services, collaborative problem-solving
activities in their teaching. Integrating the biblical worldview in early childhood can have various
benefit in the development and well-being of the children. It can help develop moral and spiritual
aspect of the children, which help to encourage them in developing positive values, attitudes
beliefs, and behaviors which guide them in their life10. Further. It can help them developed sense
and purpose in life. It can help them develop sense of social responsibility. For the integrating
biblical worldview in early childhood education can help them develop social emotionally. It can
help them develop empathy, self-awareness and resilience. Further, it can Inspire them in
creativity imagination, critical thinking and exploration of new ideas.


Integrating the biblical teachings in early childhood education is not free from controversies and
criticisms. Incorporating biblical worldview in early childhood education may face the criticism
for imposing a particular religious belief on young children11. The schools May face allegations
that they are promoting a particular religion and its worldview to the children. The parents
following different religious beliefs may get offended by such teaching pattern. Schools may
face the criticism of promoting exclusive worldview rather than embracing the perspective of
diversity and multiculturalism. Further reconciling various belief systems in educational
environment can be challenging. Educators must be sensitive regarding the perspective of
students and families, and they need to be sensitive towards diverse backgrounds. It might
involve integrating different perspective and experiences in the childhood teaching and also
promoting children and providing them opportunities to explore their own beliefs in safe and
supportive environment12.


In conclusion, early childhood is a crucial period in life. This essay examines the relationship
between early childhood education and biblical worldview. It tried to examine various aspects in
integrating biblical worldview in the early childhood education. It attempted to the understand
the parallels between the foundation of early childhood education, various theories and the
biblical worldview. Through the integration, educators can help cultivate moral and spiritual
Development in the children. The Bible provides Concepts and understanding regarding value of
children; it emphasizes has on the fact that children are blessings of God. Adults specially
educators and parents should focus on caring, well-being and educating the children in such a
way that they walk in the ways of God. Early childhood education focuses on supporting the
physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of children through exploration and play.
The approaches of child or a childhood education, including child centered approach aligns with
principles of Bible which focus on the intrinsic worth of every individual and importance of
nurturing unique gift and talents of individuals through encouraging environment. Through
providing biblical worldview to the children, it can help in character development, social and
emotional learning, and community building in the children. Educators can include the various
stories on Bible and biblical principles in teaching which can help to develop morality, empathy
and respect for others in the children.

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