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OBJECTIVES At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

 define pictograph
 read and interpret pictographs
 create a pictograph


A. References Creative Mathematics
1. Learner’s Page 189-191
Materials Pages
2. Textbook pages Page 189-191
B. Other Learning pictures, chart
A. Preliminary
1. Drill Good morning
How are you today?
Before we start everybody please stand up, close your
eyes, bow your head, fel the presence of our Lord, and
pray. our lesson let us pray.


Once again, good morning class :)

So first let me remind you of our health protocols.
Even though we already have face to face classes still we
are in the midst of pandemic so we need to ensure our
safety by following health protocols.
Those are the following.

1. Wear your face mask

2. Always sanitize your hands
3. Cover your sneezes and cough using handkerchief and
if it is not available you can use your elbow.
4. 1 meter social distancing
5. No sharing of food and school supplies to avoid
spreading virus.

Are we clear?

So everybody please stand up.

Now, what subject are you going to learn today?

Yes! Mathematics!
So everybody please stand up.
It’s mathematics time
It’s mathematics time
Let’s us all get ready now,
It’s mathematics time

M-A-T-H, M-A-T-H
I love MATH
I love MATH
It is so exciting
Very interesting
I love MATH
I love MATH
So now, are you excited to learn?
Are you ready?
Let’s see how excited and how ready you are,
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
“ Yes we are!”
“Yes we are!”
2. Reviewing previous ( show the slides of Part of Pictograph)
lesson Last time we talked about pictographs and it’s parts.
So again, what are the parts of pictograph?

Title: Tell what the graphs is all about.

Categories: Tell specific type of data
Symbols: Represent a certain amount of data.
Very good :)
Key: Tell the value of each symbol
So now let’s move on, in our next topic.
3. Motivation
Who among you here likes to eat fruits?
Very good, now we will going to have a survey about
fruits you like by voting.
Just choose one fruit you like the most.

Teacher will ask students what fruit they like among the
four choices.

"What I Like”
Teacher will show 4 different kinds of fruits.
(mango, apple, banana, and orange)

Who among you here likes mango?

How about apple?
Who likes orange?

Teacher will organize the votes using pictograph.

B. Developmental
1. Presenting the Introduce pictograph.
Pictograph: A picture graph or pictograph uses
symbols to represented data. It helps you to easily
compare information.
So now since already have data to be interpret, we are
going to create pictograph.
So again what are the parts?
So what is my question earlier?
Which fruit do you like? So we voted earlier.

So what is the possible title?

Favorite Fruit

Next, what is the category?

Fruits ( mango, apple, banana, and orange)

Next is the symbols:

How many pupil voted for each fruits

Next is key:
It represents the legend, the value of each symbols.

So, let’s say each fruits is equal to 2 persons vote.

Now we already created the pictograph.

Now let’s move in interpreting data.

Here are the questions that will guide us in interpreting

1. What is the title of pictograph?

2. What are the fruits in pictograph?
3. Which fruit got the most votes?
4. Which fruit has fewer vote?
5. How many students voted for apple?
6. How many students were surveyed?

In each pictograph there is a legend to easily interpret


Let’s say that each fruit is equal to 2 person.

So now we already create our pictograph
Another Example:
“Organize Things”

Teacher will show different objects on the table, such as

notebooks, pencils, ball pen and books)

Can you identify how many notebooks, pencils, ball pen
and books do I have here?

Demonstrate how to classify, organized, and create

pictograph that will help to interpret data easily.

Let’s create another pictograph.

So the title of this pictograph is School Supplies.

What is the category?

School Supplies

What are the school supplies that we need to count?

Notebook, pencil, ball pen, and books.

School Supplies Number of School Supplies


ball pen


Legends: Each school supplies is = 1

Let’s interpret the data.

Interpreting data:
1. How many notebooks does Teacher Yel have?
2. How many notebooks are there on the table?
3. How many school supplies are there?
4. What are the total number of school supplies
2. Processing the Interpret the graph below. Write your answer on your
Activity notebook.

3. Summarizing the What is pictograph?

Lesson Pictograph: A picture graph or pictograph uses
symbols to represented data. It helps you to easily
compare information.

What are the parts of pictograph?

Title, Categories, Key, Symbols

How to make pictographs?/

Classify, Organized the objects you want to interpret.
Make a table and write the parts of pictographs
Interpret the pictograph using the questions
C. Evaluation Create pictograph and answer the questions below.

D. Home Activity Think 3 desserts that you think your family wants. Let
them choose which one they really like.(survey at least 6
members of your family.
Create a pictograph and interprets each data by making 5
questions and answer it on your own.

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