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We have World Cup and Olympic events are two of the most famous and greatest Global
sporting event. In both of these Global events, the players and the sports fans from all around the
world gather in the venue or the country where the event is organized. The recent FIFA World
Cup 2002 had been held in the country, Qatar. Likewise, the recent Summer Olympic event,
which was 32nd Summer Olympics happened in Tokyo. FIFA World Cup is quadrennial world
championship of the different national football teams from different parts of the world organized
by FIFA. The FIFA World Cup 2022 held in Qatar is considered to be the first World Cup that is
held in an Arab country or Muslim country. The tournament of FIFA World Cup 2022 ran for 29
days and 64 matches were played in eight different venues in different cities.
This tournament created a new history, a new record with highest number of goals score in which
every team which participated scored at least one goal. However, this event had drawn a lot of
criticisms due to the treatment toward migrant workers, especially the death that had been
occurred in constructing the stadium in Qatar, lack of strong global football culture in the
country, allegations of bribery for providing hosting right to the country and so on.
The target market for the FIFA World Cup 2022 was the football fans from all around the world.
The football fans worldwide were interested in seeing their national team compete with other
national teams and win the matches. The primary target audience for the event were male
between 14 and 55 years old as this group is considered to be the most energetic and ardent fans
of football. The FIFA World Cup event can be considered a mega event because FIFA world cup
is one of the biggest global sporting event that is celebrated all over the world. People wait for
four years to watch the event. It brings people from different countries, backgrounds, cultures
and values together to celebrate the football festival of FIFA World Cup. It generates a significant
amount of revenue and is expected to have a positive impact on the country which hosts the
World Cup. It supports in the tourism industry as well.

Another global sporting event that will be discussed in this essay is Tokyo Olympics. The recent
Summer Olympics, that is Tokyo Olympics had been held in the year 2021. Summer Olympics is
also one of the greatest sporting events. It is also, it is a multi-sport event which is held in the
interval of every four years. The Tokyo Olympics which occurred in 2021, was scheduled to be
held in 2020, which was later postponed due to the covid-19 pandemic. While the FIFA World
Cup attracts, the football fans from all around the world Summer Olympics attracts the sports
lover and sports fans worldwide, not of a single sport but of the multiple sports. The target
market was also the global sports enthusiasts of different sports and sporting events that occurred
in the Summer Olympic event.
Summer Olympics is considered one of the well-established global sporting event with a rich
history, which goes back to the year 1986 in which the first Summer Olympic event had
happened. The Olympic events provide platform for the athletes from different countries to
showcase their talent and their culture in global level. The primary target audience of the event
were the sports enthusiasts and tourists around the world who were interested in watching the
Olympic events as well as exploring the culture of Japan.
Both of the events FIFA World Cup, and the Olympic event are major Global sporting events.
And theses events have huge social and cultural impact in the country in which the events are
held, and in other countries as well. FIFA World Cup 2022, which was held in Qatar and the
Tokyo Olympics also had a significant social cultural impact. The FIFA World Cup 2022 had
significant impact in the culture of Qatar. The FIFA World Cup 2022 brought a large number of
people from different countries, different cultures and backgrounds in Qatar. It was a great
opportunity for the people of Qatar and the people from other countries for interaction and
cultural exchange. In one hand, the tournament of World Cup helped Qatar in promoting its local
culture and showcasing its local culture to the tourists. And in other hand, the people of Qatar
also got an opportunity to interact with people from different parts of the world and spectate their
Qatar is a country with rich cultural heritage. So, it was a great opportunity for the visitors as
well to explore the culture of Qatar. There are several stereotypes regarding the people of Arab
countries, and Muslim countries. FIFA World Cup 2022 was one of the events that helped Qatar
break down some of the cultural barriers and stereotypes that people have regarding Muslims and
Muslim countries. This was an opportunity for intercultural interaction, intercultural dialogue,
which help people and which enabled people to learn about each other's culture. 

Likewise, the Tokyo Olympics also had a great social cultural impact in Japanese society and for
the visitors. It was also an opportunity for Japanese people as well as the visitors to interact with
each other to do cultural dialogue, cultural exchange and so on. This event brought people from
different cultures, background and countries in Japan who got to explore the Japanese culture,
Japanese traditions. Japanese culture is famous all around the world for being one of the richest
and oldest cultures around the world. Japan is rich in its history, its art and its architecture. The
people around the world got spectate and explore such rich art and architecture of the country
and learn more about Japanese culture. This event helped promote Japan its culture, its food it's
entertainment and so on. 

The event brought together athletes of different sports, from different countries and different
cultures in one place where they could interact, they could have cultural exchange and cultural
dialogue. In both of these events, significant investment had been made in the hospitality sector,
the tourism sector and specially the infrastructure. A large amount of money were invested in
upgrading the transportation system, building the stadiums for the matches. And in developing
other tourism-related infrastructures. These investments help create new jobs for people in that
country and the migrant workers as well.

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