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I'm sorry, but can't make it to your party this Saturday" "That's OK.

Michelle and Greg aren't together anymore. They ______ last

You don't need to _______ week.
opciones de respuesta opciones de respuesta
judge ran into
forgive broke up
apologize took after
Do you ever_____ with your sister?" " All the time. We can never I ______ with my parents once a week
agree" opciones de respuesta
opciones de respuesta break up
argue take after
criticize get together
forgive You can ________ my house anytime. You don't need to call first.
" I'll send you an email." "Uh, can't we _______ by phone?" opciones de respuesta
opciones de respuesta drop by
forgive get together
criticize count on
communicate I ______ Marjorie on vacation last week
" Gene wants to go to the movies, but I don't want to go out" opciones de respuesta
"Why don't you ______ and watch a movie at home?" ran into
gossip got along
compromise grew up
judge you should spend more time with your children. They ______
"Those shoes are ugly" "Why do you always have to _____me?" quickly.
opciones de respuesta opciones de respuesta
forgive pick on
lie grow up
criticize run into
" I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday" " It's OK. I ______you" Natalia is a very good friend I know I can ________ her when I
opciones de respuesta need help.
gossip opciones de respuesta
judge drop by
forgive get together
"Did you hear what happened to Mike and Amy?" " You shouldn't count on
_______ about your friends" . Let's ______ Ingrid's house around 9. Her party starts at 8
opciones de respuesta opciones de respuesta
gossip count on
lie drop by
apologize take after
" Is he an honest person?" "Not really. He ______ a lot"
opciones de respuesta
Is John going to ______ to his sister" "Yes. He is really sorry"
opciones de respuesta
Ben _____ his gradfather. The are very similar.
opciones de respuesta
breaks up
drops by
takes after
The older boys at my son's school _______ him all the time
opciones de respuesta
get along
pick on
grow up
" Jake has a new boss" "Oh. How do they ____?"
opciones de respuesta
count on
pick on
get along

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